The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 8

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#222 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 8

"This feels so weird" Cynder exhaled a dumbfounded breath as she stared at her paws

Spyro observed her closely during their walk through the hospital halls, while seeing her awake and healthy was definitely healthy was good his overprotective spirit couldn't rest easy knowing that her senses are unnaturally sensitive, especially that of touch.

At first she walked normally, but the longer they were together and the longer he kept observing her like some lab rat the intensity of their reunion was slowly fading away, letting blunt reality of the surrounding world to have its way with them.

This is where Cynder's steps changed from being fluent and normal to that of a cripple recovering from a serious accident, learning to newly walk again. Each click of paws was heavy, the thud her draconic feet made overpowered even the noise of clicking claws. If this building was sentient it would praise the Ancestors for its luck, thanking them that they made sure that Cynder is slender and fit instead of being a fat, big dragon threatening to collapse the walls.

"Are you sure it does not hurt?" he asked, in his opinion rhetorically, the strain in her legs was visible even to him as if each of her bones would grit their teeth to muffle the agony "You can tell me Cyn. I promise I won't freak out"

"More you mean?" she chuckled, making a cheerful shake of the head as she watched him burying his eyes into her legs, like they were matches ready to snap at any moment now

"You know, I think I need to start feeling flattered, you weren't ogling me like that when we still weren't a pair"

"I did. You just weren't seeing me do it" he gave her a playful wink

"Creep" she giggled

"Jokes aside Cynder, this is serious, are you sure you're alright?"

"Probably not" she shrugged "This whole sensitivity isn't normal, but I think it's only temporary, I just need to get used to feeling stuff again I guess after all this, you know, spooky experience of being a bodiless spirit. These guys though" she nodded at her legs "They don't hurt, it's just... I dunno, each step feels like this healer examination when they test the reflex of your knees and stuff, poking or hammering you. Each step feels like this test to me, intensified tenfold that I feel a numbing pulse traveling all the way up to my shoulder and thighs. Very weird sensation I tell you"

"This doesn't sound good"

"Yeah, but it's not bad either. I'm not in any pain so no worries there, it's just discomforting, I'll get used to it"

Spyro tilted his head, he believed her when she said that this wasn't really problematic and that she will finally adapt until her special condition fades away completely. Still he would be a terrible mate if he would let her bare through it while he is here and he still has some opportunity to make her life a bit easier.

He glanced around quickly, checking each corridor and corner to make sure they are really alone. Luckily it was empty, guess Fate wanted to make up for the troubling experience it put them through.

He licked her across the nose.

Cynder's eyes widened, she stiffened immediately, tongue rolling out of the mouth when a gasp escaped her mouth that vented the sudden peak of heat that built up within her. She shivered all over, but the flailing from side to side tail clearly indicated that the quake was one of the best kinds.

She glanced at him with her bliss filled eyes.

"You cheat" she squelched, numb, red tongue slapping against the lips like a worm on a fishing rod

Spyro grinned, being extremely proud of himself.

"Better now?" he felt himself melting in her dorky, sweet expression

She averted her gaze, blushing, her teasing, playful spirit fighting desperately against the idea of giving him satisfaction so easily. Her loudly pounding her heart however ruined efficiently all her efforts.

The purple head cocked at the sound, amethyst eyes traveled to the heaving, alluring shape of the magenta chest, the thudding sound growing stronger when both of his senses united at the same spot.

Her heart was racing rapidly.

The level of completion and satisfaction he felt was indescribable, to make her happy, even by such a tiny bit, was all he ever dreamed of achieving.

How little it takes to make a guy smile in self satisfaction, he already knew that he will relive this moment his entire life.

"I can hear your heart beating" he mumbled, pleased, soul locked in a wonderful struggle, trying to decide what sound was better, that of her speeding heart or her soft panting

"If you can hear it, Amela with her feline ears will too" she started to tap with her paws, trying to trick her emotions, yet no matter how many times her legs touched the ground the sweet burn along her nose didn't want to give up "You better hope I won't land in a hospital bed because I swear I will ground you on one too"

He chuckled, nodding for her to follow him.

"Come on, just a little more, I know what can distract you"

"Swear that there will be no more kissing or licking"

He laughed.

"I swear"

She followed him, feeling somewhat depressed, as it turned out the answer he gave her wasn't exactly the one she was looking for.

"You know, I kinda wish you wouldn't say that"

The smile that already stretched his mouth grew even wider. Girls and their resoluteness are legendary.

With this humor they continued forward, reaching eventually a branching in the hospital corridors, pressing forwards meant reaching Amela's office, the room wasn't far from their position now. It could wait a bit longer however, it was surprising though that they didn't meet the head of the hospital on their way, it's been a while since the healer saw Cynder awake, he should inform Amela about it already.

She was busy probably, whatever the case for the delay might be it was not important right now, it was all about distracting Cynder and the way to do that was located in the corridor that was perpendicular to the one they were in actually.

He nudged her to look in that direction.

The delicate, pitiful whine he heard whizzing from her closed lips was all that he needed to understand that the distraction worked as intended.

Flare was sitting in the distance, his flaming body barely lit, giving off a delicate, pulsing hue like a nearly burned out oil lamp. His tail was folded in front of his legs, wings pressed tightly against the back, looking extremely small from this distance. The image empowered by his lowered head, nose aimed at his other risen, opened paw, from the palm of which dangled a blinking gold chain.

This crunched pose shrunk his size, making him almost as petite as Coriza.

"He looks so sad" Cynder whispered painfully, paw scratching the aching heart

"He's very nervous. We worked really hard to put Iris' medallion back together know. Flare is a very good smelter if you can believe it, he just needed some assistance, mostly to calm him down. Don't know if you noticed but Iris is very important to him and he really doesn't want to screw this up. We kinda expect Iris to scream at us, that's her style, it's just that Flare knows how important this necklace is to Iris and he wants to do it right. I never seen him so focused before that's why I want to come with him, Iris will have troubles to get on top of both our heads at the same time"

"Poor Flare, I told him that this chick is not a friend material and he should take it easy"

"I don't think it's about friend material really" Spyro rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully

Cynder's mouth parted open as she leaned in closer, eyes glistening with barely held back excitement.

"What do you mean?"

"It's more like beginning of you and me type of relationship to me"

She whimpered, leaping at the purple drake, snatching his snout and smacking her forehead against his so their eyelashes practically touched each other.

"You've noticed it toooooo?" she squealed, legs pumping in excitement

Spyro's eyes widened.

"He's got such a heavy crush on her doesn't he?" she pushed out her teeth that fervently crunched the lips, rubbing back and forth against them that he practically heard them grinding the soft surface to dust

"I guess"

"I knew it!" she squealed quietly, jumping back away from him with such a force that she shoved him almost at the wall

Burning emerald eyes gazed at the fiery drake, black body straightened up and leaning on back legs only while the two front paws rubbed the burning, black cheeks.

"It's so sweet! Even though it's Iris and she's a bitch and everything, but still! It's so damn cute!" she fanned herself with her paw, blood slowly starting to boil "I'm getting so warm, if your plan was to distract me from the cutesy stuff this was the wrong way to do it"

"Nope, this was not my idea" he smiled "I had no clue though that this talk would make you so giddy though"

"You kidding?!" she rubbed her cheeks more vigorously, it was hard to decide now if their growing in strength red hue was a result of boiling excitement or friction created by her paws "I already imagine how wonderful they would look together and how their children would look like! Would Flare tame Iris? Or would she dominate him? Would their relationship be focused on respect and sweet talking or rough struggle between two lovers?" she gasped loudly, throwing her head back as she exhaled a prolonged steam of dreamy breath in the air "So many questions!"

He chuckled, seeing her so enthusiastic just kept stretching his smile wider and wider to the point that the corners of his lips began to sting from the strain. He did not mind however, seeing her so full of life was simply too addicting, each of her squeaks and twitches making him fall deeper into the pit of appreciation, to the point that he could notice and cherish every tiny grimace and sound she made.

The unending joy of observation trapping him in a loop where he fell in love with her over and over again.

He thanked the people that they were so blind to not notice that gates to paradise were so close.

"You better stop or you're going to erupt like a volcano soon"

"I'm burning up" she gasped, throwing her head down, trail of her breath drew a line across the air, falling over her like fog, trails of green energy cracked inside the cloud, remnants of her accidently released element

"Speaking of burning up, let's make someone else thrilled while you stay just happy for the time being" with a triumphant smile he gazed towards the fiery dragon

"Flare!" his shout immediately caught the attention of the fire dragon, red head swiftly springing in the correct direction

Even from here Spyro could see the black pupils in the form of slits rounding almost in the shape of small balls. Red tail instantly started to swing wildly.

Flare's body exploded with fierce flames as he sprung on all fours, the blaze stretching far and wide, tips of which reached even the ceiling. It was almost like standing at the top of a volcano and pushing a huge boulder into the neck with bubbling magma, watching it rise and splatter when the rock crashed into the scorching pool.

Cynder gasped, covering her mouth with both paws as she watched the dancing flames stretch out throughout the corridor.

Even Spyro who expected Flare to overreact like he always does jerked his head back surprised, by the blunt display of joy literally wafting from the dragon.

After a moment the flames finally settled, sucked back by their host, Flare's posture changed immediately, when he before he looked like a beaten, depressed boy who finally stood in front of the chance to face his dreams but deep down knowing that he wasn't ready for it, now he was full of confidence dragon that was ready to challenge the world headlong with a cheerful, youthful smile on the lips.

The inhaled flames stretched out each burning part of Flame's body, his opened wings grew so big that they pressed against both sides of the corridor, top flailing tongues grazing over the lamps on the ceiling. His mane also thickened, the part waving from his forehead extended forward, dropping on the nose.

The blazing feathers on the tail and legs also followed the same notion, stretching and thinning like enhanced by magic sharp tips of swords.

As breathtaking as the blazing display was, the thing that widened even further Cynder's and Spyro's eyes was not the final size of Flare, but the sight of a tapestry burning behind him.

Flare started to run in their direction.

"Behind you!" Spyro shouted, pushing out his claw to signal what direction he meant precisely

The fire dragon stopped, looking behind his shoulder, the moment he spotted the flames he sprang up and turned around like a startled cheetah. His hind paws stretching backwards and body lowering itself, the entire intimidating structure of his burning silhouette shrinking to its normal size. The tail stopping in its tracks as well, bewildered by the surprising sight.

"I didn't mean to!" he squealed pitifully, leaping at the wall, striking the flames devouring the material with his paws, trying desperately to extinguish it

"Shit" Spyro hissed, speeding forward "Go to Amela Cynder! Meet us here if we won't catch you by the office before!" each shouted word was followed by an increasing in intensity blue mist, a chilly steam that was squeezing through his mouth

At first she wanted to help them out, but the moment Spyro joined Flare with his ice magic to fight the fire she was certain that they could handle it, their prancing shapes drew all her attention anyway, looking extremely silly as they spat and tapped at the walls.

Seeing them cooperating made her happy just as Spyro promised even though the plan somehow went sideways after's Flare explosion. The warmth of happiness was quickly morphed however, combined with the gaining in power mirth it formed a whirlwind of emotions that she had no control over and simply had to vent it all out in the form of sincere laughter.

More necessary joyous reserve for meeting with Amela she had a feeling she might need.

She left the boys alone, laughing all the way as she made her way to the office, hearing Flare's cheer when she stopped by the room. Her friends clearly triumphed against the flames.

Now it was her turn to win her own battle.

"Come in!" a muffled voice she recognized all too well rumbled from within the office after she knocked

She pushed the door open, tenderly slipping inside, her nose sniffing deeply the moment a new scent tingled her nostrils.

Fresh flowers.

Her tail twitched fervently as if being electrocuted.

Nothing changed in the room, it was exactly as she remembered it from the first time she was here, only the colorful petals of many different flowers dotting the windows were new, everything else was precisely the same. A room of someone who doesn't much care about fashion or simply does not spend enough time here to worry about things like that.

The other thing different from before was the owner's pose, as she entered the room she managed to catch a glance of Amela sitting at her desk, leaned back in the chair she was reading a book with a pink cover with some white letters and images, impossible to discern from where she was standing.

The cheetah rose her gaze, on her nose rested a similar pair of glasses Brill was wearing, the moment she spotted her the pink book landed on the floor while the ears flattened, pushing the single earring into a violent twitching motion.

"Sweetheart?!" the cheetah yelped, yanking her body forward, slamming both hands into the desk

Cynder's tail sunk in between her hind legs, wings shrinking into the black back.

"What are you doing here darling?!" the healer sprang away from the desk, shoving the chair back across the floor almost to the end of the room


"You should be in bed!" the cheetah strode towards the dragoness

"I'm sorry" she automatically began retreating, hacking as fear took over her senses

"Where are you going?" Amela held the door, nodding at the bed in her office "Get up on it, I need to examine you"

Green, startled eyes glanced up at the feline.

Amela gasped at the sight of those eyes, the palpable dread in them, the realization that she was the one causing it crushed her heart, almost giving her an heart attack.. She squeezed her chest, some strands of her old fur snapped, breaking under the pressure they were no longer prepared to counter.

"Please" the cheetah whined, blinking pleadingly

Cynder slipped into the office, immediately making her way to the bed, breathing shallowly all the time as she climbed on it. Her head lowered, avoiding the disappointed gaze of the cheetah.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted this way" Amela apologized, unable to bare the sight of her beaten daughter "It's been a long time since I felt motherly love, it causes me to overreact. Please forgive me Sweetheart" she kneeled in front of the bed

"I...I thought we'll meet you on the way" Cynder whimpered an explanation

"You were still sleeping, I did not know when you would wake"

"But the healer" she looked up at the cheetah, the pain of disappointing her mother wrinkled her snout deeply, making her draconic face look several years older "I thought he informed you"

"What healer Sweetheart?"

"The mole, he told me to wait for you, but I didn't, I feel good so I wanted to surprise you"

Amela gulped, the bulge of saliva traveling down her throat was clearly visible.

"I see, now I begun to understand" she shook her head "If they only knew where this blindness leads"

"Our hunch was right, it started already correct? People are beginning their blaming game"

Amela reached forward, touching the black cheek, tenderly petting it with her thumb.

"I'm sorry, you don't deserve this Sweetheart"

"I-It's fine" a powerful tremor shook her whole frame, warmth of motherly affection embraced her tightly

The cheetah moved her hand back stopping it in midair as her focused eyes noticed the unusual reaction caused by her touch.

"You better tell me everything Sweetheart" the voice coming from the mouth was soft, but there were tones in there riddled with rigidness, reminding her of a growl

"I'm fine Amela, really. It's just that after I woke up I'm extremely oversensitive, not physically, but mentally. Like I would be learning emotions again and the sensation is really intense, not to mention that it kinda sways like a mood whenever a new one appears. I can be happy and smiling just to be grumpy and sad a moment later, I'm not pregnant though, I'm sure of that part"

"Lie on your back" Amela lifted herself up, warming up her wrists "Let me examine you"

Cynder rolled over, keeping all of her paws close as she smiled sweetly at the cheetah.

"No tickling please"

"Cynder" the cheetah replied with the same smile, a pleasant scold vibrating in the warm tone

Furry hands reached for one of the hind legs, gently grabbing it by the knee and thigh, stretching it up slowly just to return to the starting point a moment later. Seeing that there was no reaction, she repeated the movement several more times, pumping with the leg steadily.

"Tell me if you feel any discomfort, even the tiniest one"

Hands reached for the other leg, repeating the movement, like before there was no reaction.

"Didn't you say that you were sensitive?"

"I am, it's just that when you examine me all healer like I feel nothing. Seems being all professional is completely natural to me" she shrugged "Good to know. Beats melting or freezing every day of the week"

"And besides the discomfort" Amela moved to the front paw, applying the same amount of treatment to it "You find nothing else worrying about your condition?"

"Not really, I doubt it will last for long, until then I can get used to it"

"Sweetheart" Amela locked the black paw in between her hands

Cynder stiffened, shocked by the strong pulse of care radiating from her foreleg, green eyes glistened with devotion as they buried themselves into the concerned face of the healer

"You are a special dragoness, whatever Fate has in store for you is beyond the comprehension of a simple healer like me, you faced and will face things that probably only Spyro will be able to help you with, mundane folk like me are with no recognition to this equation. But there is one advice I can give you" one of her hands released the paw, claw straightening up and touching the patch of magenta scales underneath which the heart hid "There is place only for one soul in there"

Cynder gulped loudly, watching the claw with palpable nervousness in her eyes as if it would be a blade of an opponent who defeated her and is preparing to run her through with it.

"You must remain true to yourself, otherwise whatever reflection inhabits you will devour your true self. Believe me when I tell you that it is a very hard fight to win when it starts and even if you triumph the devastation will be already there and it will be you that will have to live with it. I do not wish for my daughter to follow in the steps of her idiotic mother"

Again this argument.

Iris, Flare, Spyro and now Amela, everyone of them, in one way or the other, was warning her about her specific relation with Creep. Of course she was aware that Creep was not a mortal being, his concept of what is natural is twisted, yet even in his otherworldly nature he did it all to protect her.

Still, being sensitive as she was now, that explanation didn't have enough value right now. She was becoming really terrified, after all she was corrupted once, letting Creep taking control was almost like corruption, the differences didn't matter, her body was not her own in both cases.

She started to breathe quicker, emotions taking the reins from logic.

All these people, they had to be right didn't they?

"Cynder?" Amela's ears flattening, her claw started to jump on the scaly chest, irritated by the pounding quicker and quicker heart "I need you to calm down Sweetheart"

"I-I can't" the dragoness hacked, squeezing the furry hand tight, her back arching, the beating heart basically dragging her up with each pound

Special dragoness or not, daughter or not, she was still a healer and could recognize a panic attack when she saw one. It was the medical experience that allowed her to catch the signs, the same experience allowed her to quickly retrace all sorts of information from interviewing her patients and pick up the valuable pieces that could assist her.

Sways like a mood.

This was the precious piece she learned from the short conversation with her daughter.

"Hush" she whispered, massaging the beating heart with loving care

Cynder's body dropped flat on the bed, every toe on each paw curled tightly, the hacking breath returning to normal with a whimpering moan. Coat of care embracing her once more in its joyful embrace.

Amela smiled weakly, seeing her daughter relaxing was a relief, yet the way she achieved that was far from her range of acceptance.

"Better now?"

"Much" the black dragoness purred, sinking into the wonderful touch of the caring hand massaging her, the feeling was so great that it forced her tongue to dangle from the corner of the black mouth

"I didn't mean to startle you, it was irresponsible of me to mention my worries in your condition. Don't take it too seriously, I am not aware of your relationship with the creature that inhabits you, it might not have vile intentions. I only ask that you remember the worries of your old mother, she does everything she can to protect her daughter. Remember Cynder that even if a situation looks dire, you always have a choice, you are the one deciding about your soul and as long as you stay loyal to it nobody else can touch you"

She leaned down, placing a soft kiss on the chest.

Cynder giggled, tail making a happy bounce.

"I will. I promise" she whined through clenched teeth

Amela smiled, withdrawing all touch from the dragoness.

"Your motor functions look normal. There is nothing ailing you that I can assist with, for better or worse"

"There is one thing actually" Cynder rolled on her belly, paw scratching at the throat thoughtfully, eyes darting around nervously

Amela observed the dragoness without a word, her specific state allowed her to read the girl like a book, it was obvious to her already that Cynder was preparing to ask her about something personal and is trying hard to decide if she should do it.

"You can ask me anything Sweetheart" it was probably better to wait for Cynder to come around and let her gather up enough courage, yet she didn't feel love like this for many years to not encourage it

She no longer had enough years left to wait.

"The casket. Can I umm...." The dragoness averted her gaze, blushing "...see it?"

"The casket?" Amela's ears straightened up, followed by her entire frame, her blue eyes traveled to the forgotten spot where laid the mentioned object

Her heart started to beat a little faster, hand blindly tapping at her clothes, instinctively looking for something that wasn't there for many years. The impulse however was a short lived one, the monster held inside was no longer strong enough to affect her, or maybe her advanced age no longer cared about the beast's screaming.

Despite the fact that Iris managed to make the old scars to bleed.

No, the jaws of memory locked inside might have the shape of her teeth, but it was not her flesh that was susceptible to the bite.

"I know it's important to you, but if I can I must...I mean, no, not must, would like to...ummm...find out...if I'm doing the right thing" Cynder bit her lip


Cynder balked.


"Yes" the cheetah talked, yet her eyes remained locked on the casket as if expecting it to eat them any second now "Whatever led you here decided that it is the time for you to stand your ground. I would prefer personally to keep it buried, but since you asked I will let you open it, I think that it might help you in fact, open your eyes. The new perspective however will be hurtful"

"Whoa, that was...ummm" the claws intensified the scratching against the neck

Amela winked.


Cynder sighed deeply.


"I trust you Sweetheart. Just remember what I told you about your soul" the healer lifted herself up, dusting off her clothes she made her way towards the object, her step filled with peculiar reverence

Cynder gripped the sheets tightly, instinct telling her that something very unpleasant is coming.

Amela returned with the casket, it was a very basic small chest, no one would ever guess that it held something valuable inside. The cheetah sat on the bed, right next to the dragoness that was already having her haunches resting on the sheets. Her green eyes following the box as if it was a blade of an opponent she was dueling with.

The cheetah's fingers drummed against the container tenderly, chest stretched out by a deep breath.

"I really hope that you will find nothing inside"

"You talk like there would be something magical in there" Cynder whispered, pupils dilating as they closely examined the box

"No Sweetheart, there is no magic in it and that is what's bad about it. It's all real" Amela caressed the black cheek, warmly looking at her daughter "You remember what is pretty about dreams?"

Of course she remembered, she would never break a promise to her own mother.

"They come true" she whispered back obediently, eyes trailing the furry fingers that adjusted themselves to the lid of the casket

The crunched sheets of the bed choked in between the tight clench of her toes.

Amela smiled, feeling proud.

She remembered.

This might not be so bad after all.

The lid clicked, the casket flung open.

Cynder jerked her head back instinctively, wincing, ready for some sort of startling yell or explosion.

There was no such thing, no explosion, no toy or monster jumping out of the box, no magical portal ready to suck her in, no other creepy and otherwise stuff that she could imagine.

There was only the smell of hay.

Expecting no danger curiosity took hold of her senses, she immediately looked into the box, snapping her head so fast that she heard a crack somewhere in the neck.

On a small lump of hay lay a claw, old and mundane, clearly feral, some parts of it already rotten while others cracked completely. At the base of it there was a tiny hole that ran through to the other side, big enough to fit a small chain. The claw clearly served as a medallion in some part of its existence.

It was a obviously a memento, one that Amela locked here a long time ago, the claw lacked any sort of polish and the cracks and rot indicated that it was not conserved in any way for quite some time now.

Besides the superstitious meaning there was nothing special about the claw, a normal claw like any other, judging from the shape and size it belonged to a feral animal once.

A big one.

It was a bear's claw.

She felt a sudden pinch in her skull, the ache was so sharp that it instantly put her head into a shaking motion, when she opened her eyes the surface of the claw seemed more liquidated, swirling and floating, reflective even to the point that she no longer could tell if it was the shape of the claw shifting shape or was it reflecting her own eyes.

What she was sure of was that she smelled the scent of burned fur all of a sudden.


With a single powerful yank she ripped off the symbolic board from above the gate, her gaunt paw clutching the claw attached to the silver plate there. Another sharp tug was enough to dislodge the object of her desire, she flicked the ruined board away, the wood crashed into a nearby blazing pyre with a metallic clang of silver.

The fire that devoured the nearby house burst with new heated strength, spitting tongues of flames all around. The flash of light illuminating the claw she turned around in her palm.

An ideally preserved bear's claw.

Very sharp.

She grinned, with one swift motion turning around, flinging the claw ahead, tip first.

Blood gushed from the mouth of a kneeling cheetah, bloodshot eyes widening in terror, the claw sinking deep right into his chest.

"NOOOOO!" a thunder of screams, both male and female rumbled all around her

It was like music to her ears.

"Look at that" the arrogant smirk only grew wider "You were not kidding when you said that this symbol is in your heart"

With a choking gurgle the kneeling cheetah toppled backwards, his tarnished purple robe spreading all over the grisly, ash ridden ground. His hacked roughly, each dying hiccup bursting red bubbles in the stream of blood flowing from his mouth. His weakening hands blindly tapping at the chest, in last futile attempt wanting to pull the claw out from his pierced heart.

His fingers though only locked themselves weakly around the standing out piece and then with one final, ugly choke the cheetah's body dropped flat on the ground, head tilting to the side, wide eyes turning milky, one final burst of blood forcing the right arm to slide from the torso.

This is how fell the Chief of the Bear Clan.

And they said that these guys are quite the fighters and yet this guy couldn't even pull a claw out of his chest.


They all die so fast.

She approached the fresh corpse, thrusting her bloodied and dirty claws into the chest of the body, screams of the nearby crying people followed her move as she yanked the senseless body off the ground.

The insensible head tilting lifelessly back, the flowing blood creating a grisly, crimson waterfall as stream after stream of blood flew down upon the ground like fat from the chin of some glutton.

The screams turning into whimpers and cries when her long jaw bit into the neck, razor sharp teeth crushing the bone in a single bite. One yank of the draconic neck was enough to tear off the head from the rest of the body in a shower of spit.

She pushed her claws back, letting the corpse flop back onto the ground, blood still gushing in steady blows as the damaged neck released the pressure from the uncovered flesh and cut veins.

She lifted herself on her hind legs, straightening high until she leveled herself with the wooden pole that pointed upwards after she broke the banner. She impaled the head there, sliding it forcefully down so the spike pierced the skull right between the ears.

Thick blood momentarily painted the pole red.

"There" she huffed, making an appreciative nod "That boosts the value of the neighborhood don't you think?"

"Crazy bitch. Good thing the job pays well" an ape mercenary whispered to her companion who stood right next to her, contracted face disturbed by the recent, bloody sights

Cynder grinned widely, displaying her bloodied fangs, green eyes blazing fiercely. She liked hearing compliments, being called crazy was very popular among her troops, what she didn't like though was waste of time. Compliments can be given even during work.

"No dilly dallying mercenaries" both apes balked as she aimed her macabre attention at them "Gems don't earn themselves by standing around. You can gossip actively"

The apes saluted and immediately scattered away, the male giving the girl a scolding punch to the shoulder.

"This is called obedience my dear friends!" she bounced up, announcing loudly, tongue making a swipe across the bloodied fangs

The village was in flames all around her, bodies littered the ground, both that of ape and cheetah, the cats put up a fierce fight but in the end they fell like all the rest, this world had no match for the Terror of the Skies after all.

Groups of cheetahs were rounded up, put into several rows, prisoners, many of them will be turned into examples, many of them prepared to be released to spread the word. All of them toys to be played with as she wishes. Genocide was boring and it was not part of her Master's wish anyway, besides she liked to have a little fun and they were the lucky ones to enjoy her playful spirit.

All of them were battered, carrying serious and lighter wounds, some standing, others kneeling, several with their heads hanging low, perhaps already dead. All of them tied together, each hand bound with another in the line, the weight of the weaker ones dragging the rest down.

Toys might survive, but that doesn't mean they don't have to work for it.

Pain and dismemberment was an effective torture, but she personally preferred simpler methods of abuse, there was no point of dirtying your claws, even bloodbath can get mundane and she really liked her reputation and would prefer for it not to becoming boring.

Being a crazy bitch demanded to be unpredictable.

With a laugh she made a lively spin, taking in the scenery around her, whiffing deeply, intoxicating herself on the smell of burnt wood, fur and flesh. Fire surrounded her from all sides, each nearby building blackened or currently devoured by flames. Windows broken, scorched, blackened corpses hanging from some of them, many of them being pierced by all sorts of weapons or arrows.

The murky streets from yesterday's rain housing the spilled blood like kettles soup, mud splattered all around from the many boots trampling the roads. Some of those boots remained stuck in the mud, some of those boots had cut off foot still in them.

Carnage had a specific charm to it, brutality, this animalistic ferociousness, all of it so primal and feral. So natural.

With her on the top of the food chain.

It felt great to find some enjoyment in your work.

In those moments all this pressure about satisfying her Master was pushed in the background, brief sparks of some of her own thoughts where she believed that a world ruled by simple rules without all this planning, obedience and sociality would be a better place.

Eat, sleep and fuck.

Like Nature commanded, all would be so much more simpler.

Of course the lesser races might now really enjoy it, the rows of prisoners a clear sign of that.

And it was quite a haul they got today.

She was in the middle of a circle of cheetahs tied together, rows forming at least two arches of huddled together people. Many dirty, many crying, many simple defeated, all struggling one way or the other, with failure and loss, or simple physical taxation of being pulled down by the dead weight of their weaker friends that had no more strength to keep on standing.

Each row guarded by four mercenaries, two at each side, end of the rope tying each line of people tightly held in the gauntleted grasps. While she liked having fun and enjoyed a little provocation she was aware that defeat might trigger desperate measures. It would be a great risk leaving all these people undefended, a single dumb impulse would be motivating enough for the rest of the population to throw themselves at her and as a fighting clan these people might cause much harm if she wouldn't be careful.

"So" she giggled, sitting down on her haunches, her covered in mud legs and belly matching perfectly with the dirty, trampled roads "Everyone's having fun?" she grinned, looking around the rows of people

Growls and snarls responded her, despite the grime the flashing fangs pushing forth from the trembling lips were still intimidating.

"Come on now, behave" she gestured at the impaled head, the bloodied pike glistening with fresh blood from inside the gaping mouth "Your Chief is watching"

There were some quiet sobs only, besides the screams when she murdered the guy these cats did not let themselves be provoked by her taunts. Usually when she slaughtered some worthless fool that for some reason was cherished by the population, people cursed and yelled at her for what seemed like forever.

This specific clan of cheetahs though seemed to be true warriors in more ways than just body.

Opposition even after a defeat, that was a new one.

"You're boring" she whined sadly, craning her neck forward, examining the nearby row of felines from up close, there was no one standing among this specific group, many of them laid on the ground while the others who had any strength left buried their knees deep into the mud

"Entertain me" her green eyes jumped between each cheetah, every feline eye, even the ones filled with tears challenged her directly, she could see the desire to attack her flashing in the orbs. She smirked at the sight.

"Anyone?" she nudged her nose a little bit closer, wondering out of boredom if there will be anyone among this group ready to attack her in their current situation. As always however no strike came her way, seemed the weaklings were cleaned out of all the courage

True warriors after all would find a way to get back at her despite having their hands tied.

"Maybe here?" her black nose moved to the side, among this row of cheetahs there were several who stood proud, their arms shaking from the effort to maintain standing with their weaker companions pulling them down

"Nothing? Darn it" her snout made another turn, this time landing on a line of villagers that seemed to be the most unlucky, or pitiful, practically the entire row was either on their knees or already flat on the ground, all besides a single female cheetah

Black lips spread into an enthusiastic smile as the snout stopped in front of the young girl, her arms steady even though the weight of two males tried to drag her down.

"What about here?" her green eyes burying themselves straight into the pair of the feline brown ones

Brown eyes full of disgust and hate, typical and challenging like the rest.

Boring like the rest.

"Next then" she turned lazily, snout moving towards the next group "Hopefu-"

There was a sudden snap and a peculiar clang, the combination of sounds cutting off her breath.

The noise of a breaking rope and tang of an exposed blade.

The young girl dashed forward the moment the reptilian eye lost its interest in her, with a ferocious roar she struck the exposed black cheek, running the blade through it, making the tip cling against the teeth inside. Without losing momentum of her jump the girl placed both her foot against the black scales and with all her might tugged at the handle of the blade upwards.

The blade split the cheek cleanly, making a piece of it flap, it broke when it finally crashed into the bones of the jaw, before the force threw her back the girl managed to manipulate her body in such a way that she was capable of thrusting the ruined stump of the blade right below the eyeball, giving it another tug as it shallowly cut upwards, towards the vile, green eye.

The bold attack wakening up the rest of the group that pushed and roared, trying to desperately reach the dragoness, their efforts stopped by the grunting mercenaries that held the ropes, keeping the rabid citizens at bay.

Leaving their general to fend for herself.

Cynder wasn't born yesterday, did not have all this power to allow herself to be crippled by some brash fleabag. Darkness embraced her momentarily, turning her flesh into living shadow just when the cracked blade was about to reach her eye.

Without any solid surface the weapon dislodged itself, falling numbly down together with the girl wielding it, flicking away from her gasp when the cheetah fell into the mud.

Shadowy shape of a paw rose above her.

The girl rolled to the side, avoiding by mere centimeters the manifesting black leg that would crush her lungs with ease. She quickly got up, adopting a fighting posture, low on her legs, another blade sliding from underneath the sleeve.

Cynder's burning eyes followed the girl, giving her finally a look of examination she clearly deserved. A young female warrior, covered from top to bottom in mud, wearing a freely floating tribal top with long sleeves that exposed the neck where even despite the dirt glistened a medallion in the shape of a bear claw. The tribal clothing torn apart at the chest, exposing the deeply breathing midriff, each sharp breath emphasizing the firm belly muscles that pushed and took solid shape even through all the mud.

Strands of yellow hair glistened from underneath the dirt and muck, long, blond hair neatly tied in a ponytail. Pair of brown eyes burning, almost with feral ferocity.

"Idiots!" she ran a toes across her damaged eyelid, eye perfectly fine, the cut not reaching the sensitive place "You didn't disarm them?!" she gazed upon her bloodied toes, the blood squeezed through her tightly pressed toes, there was a lot of it, the blade remaining threatening even when cracked

"We checked each of them!" one of the mercenaries grunted loudly, at the same time yanking at the rope strongly together with his companions, sending all the thrashing people onto the ground

Cynder snarled, blood gushing through her sliced cheek, piece of it flapping like flag on a wind. The dragoness turned swiftly towards the girl, swiping with her paw, dark magic embracing the claws. She ran them over the nearby line of people that dared trying to attack her, her infused with magic blades cut through flesh without troubles, beheading some of the more unfortunate ones on the spot.

The girl's eyes widened, horrified gasp bursting through her throat.

"This is only the beginning you worthless brat" growl rumbled inside the black throat, eyes landing on the peculiar weapon, it was a small scythe, the metal thin as a sheet of paper, the edges glistening, a glance was enough to tell that the weapon was extremely sharp

No wonder the idiots couldn't feel the blade under the material, it was easy to miss it or take it for something else if you weren't careful. The fools she surrounds herself with did not know naturally what thoroughness meant, the sound of clicking gems filling their empty skulls.

"An attempt to crush a power beyond your comprehension demands sacrifices little girl. Revolution requires victims and you as the head will see your friends being gutted before you finally fall. You cannot change the world's order alone stupid child"

She swiped with her tail, her deadly blade tip cutting down two cheetahs behind her.

"Their deaths are your responsibility. I wish you sweet dreams next time you fall asleep"

The girl roared, her fierce eyes being filled with tears of doubt and guilt. With a squealing cry she charged, rising the blade high.

A desperate move of defeat.

Cynder puffed from her mouth a soft cloud of poison, it embraced the charging girl who immediately started to cough, slowing down as her free hand gripped the throat.

The dragoness slapped the stupid child away, making her collapse like a doll. She immediately leaped after the thrown body, pinning the girl to the ground while the other paw scooped the scythe from the mud as it was lost from the furry grip after the young feline crashed into the earth.

Cynder pressed the tip of the blade to the girl's chin, propping it up and immediately silencing her coughs. Her entire body stiffening when the dragoness basically pressed her nose to hers, blood dripping all over her from the destroyed draconic cheek.

The black dragoness growled, running her eyes over the girl almost with ravenous hunger. She noticed an etching on the peculiar medallion, the bear claw carrying an engraving.

She lifted the memento with the scythe.

"Part of the family" was written on one side

"Amela" on the other

"Amela is it?" green eyes turned on the young girl

The feline thrashed and growled, fingers trying to pry off the big paw from her chest. Besides the grunts there was nothing else coming from the furry throat.

The cat didn't have to confirm, she could feel that it was her name.

"What should I do with you Amela?" Cynder tilted her head, pressing the tip of the scythe against the neck

The girl stiffened instantly, a bulge of saliva traveling down the throat.

"I need to punish you for attacking me you know. I have a reputation to keep" she rotated the blade over the sensitive throat "Should I take out your eye as you tried doing with mine hmmm?" she pressed the blade above the eyebrow, cutting the young face slowly as she slid the blade down, the girl gritting her teeth, muffling her screams

The blade jumped down from the eyebrow, landing below the eyeball, drawing a clean cut that for the time being skipped the eye.

"Or maybe I should gut and make you eat the hearts of the rest parts of your family. I'm sure I'll find someone still alive with a medallion like yours" she pressed the tip of the scythe against the teeth, this time pressing her snout to the furry face as she looked the cheetah right into the eyes

"What do you say Amela? Maybe you have a better idea?"

"Fuck you!" the girl grunted, spitting in between the green eyes

Cynder pushed back with a growl, the paw gripping the girl began emitting dark smoke from underneath, choking shadow ready to burn away this one single life away in total agony of being eaten from inside.

Until it felt a tiny movement of a second one.

The flames vanished, black lips spreading into a smirk.

"Speaking of fucking" the paw jumped up, grabbing the cheetah by the throat while the blade jumped onto the exposed belly, rubbing against the thin fur there from one side and the other as if it would be sharpening against it

"Did you know that Dark magic is capable of sensing life, even through walls? When you want to choke something you need to know that it lives right? You want to know the funny part?" she giggled, the cut cheek spitting blood, the flapping piece of flesh jumping like a poking tongue "Nobody said that walls need to be made of stone, flesh is just as fine"

The tip of the blade twirled inside the belly button.

"You're pregnant my insufferable brat"

The brown eyes narrowed, glaring at the dragoness as if she would be more insane than usual.

Cynder laughed heartily, blood pouring from the hole in her cheek.

"You didn't know"

The gaze of shock quickly turned to that of disbelief, as if the cheetah would find out a secret she tried to hide.

"You don't believe me do you?"

Burning shadow once more filled the bottom of the black paw, it stretched out towards the scythe sinking into the belly button, momentarily sprouting a second branch that stretched out towards the girl's face, the trail of smoke entering one of the ears.

The dragoness observed the cheetah with great amusement.

At first the girl struggled, pushing her head away from the smoke, her limited range of movement though rendered the defense practically worthless. She still didn't stop thrashing though, fighting desperately to break free from the clench, ignoring the magical tendril in her ear.

That lasted until she finally heard and felt a tiny graze, like fingers of a lover petting your fur delicately.

Cynder smiled at the sight of the widening eyes, motherly instinct triggering in the girl, she could basically taste her terror.

"Oh, so adorable, new life is flourishing, beauty of creation and all that crap" she leaned in forward with snarl, choking the girl as she pressed the blunt side of the scythe to the cheek

"I think I already know how to punish you little brat" the tip of the blade touched the heavy breathing stomach

"No!" the cheetah grunted roughly, despite the strong pressure of the paw strangling the breath out of her she got infused with enough strength to beat at the paw pinning her, legs kicking wildly

More dark fog pushed from underneath the draconic paw, the misty tongue that was already in the ear thickened, another such tendril invaded the second pointy ear.

"I'm a good friend see? I will make you feel every tiny shuffle of life, you will feel each part of your child dying as I pluck it from your insides. And then my little brat, we will eat it together" the dragoness grinned, thrusting the blade into the stomach right above the belly button

The young cheetah let out a moan of pain as her entire body arched, hands gripping the silver claws that pressed against her throat tightly.

"Recklessness kills life, today you will learn to appreciate it Amela" she grinned, licking her lips as she gazed up from the wound in the belly that was already filling with blood to the terrified eyes of the struggling girl "I will make sure that you always have a reminder close by"

Cynder giggled.

And then the scythe made a cut, slicing the stomach open.

Amela screamed at the top of her lungs.


Cynder locked the casket.

Her distant eyes kept gazing at the locked lid, far more recent memories rattling inside her head.

She was breathing heavily.

She raised her head and arched an eyebrow as she looked at the female cheetah "There is something I need to tell you I... " her voice trailed off as she was lost for words, she began scratching her choker nervously "I don't know how to explain this but something directed me to this room, I feel strangely umm attracted to you" she bit her lower lip

Amela's ears flinched, she seemed startled "How so?"

"I...I can't really explain this, somehow I know you or, or maybe I don't and only think that you understand me or maybe I know that you are the only one who can help me. Something deep, deep inside tells me that maybe..." she sighed "I don't know, forget that I said anything. It has to be kinda creepy anyway to know that a murderer is interested in you" she emitted a stifled giggle

"Firstly, you are no murderer, secondly, your interest isn't troubling me at all, in fact I'm quite flattered, in my age it's really difficult to experience any kind of attraction"

Both females began to laugh heartily, it was something new for her, it was a very pleasant feeling to laugh with someone outside of her limited group of friends. She was filled with that awkward feeling, just like she just found something she has been looking for a very long time.

She coughed and calmed herself "Tell me Amela, have we met?"

"No" the cheetah responded quickly with a raspy voice before she cleared her throat "No Sweetheart, when you visited me with Spyro some days ago it was the first time I laid eyes on you"

"Never met you say?" Cynder mumbled in disbelief

Amela sighed, she was expecting this conversation to come sooner or later and she was prepared for it. Her furry hand warmly touched the paw on the casket.

"I stand by my words" the motherly whisper was more warmer than any heated oven

Green eyes traveled onto the touched paw, the same paw that held the scythe.

She pushed back, shuffling her butt against the bed as she withdrew away, shaking her head, the touched paw frozen in the air as if it would be rotten.

"How can you even look at me?" by some unknown impulse her eyes located a small mirror that she never knew was there the reflection of her snout in it emptied her absolutely of everything

She felt like she was in the Void again.

"How can you?" she repeated the same question to her reflection, never before she felt so callous

"Sweetheart" Amela slid on the mattress closer to the dragoness, watching her with plea in her eyes "I did not lie to you back then and I don't lie to you now. You were my new patient when Spyro brought you to me with that bleeding head and now you are my daughter. There is nothing in between"

"I don't deserve any of this"

"Yes you do" she reached for the chin, making the glistening with tears green eyes to look at her "What you saw was a nightmare. The dragoness there is not you, she is dead, together with that cheetah you saw. Both are merely demonic echoes"

"Merely echoes?" she squeezed her eyelids tightly, streams of tears wetting her black cheeks, the emptiness eating at her soul silenced any oversensitivity "If you would lift your shirt now, I won't see a scar on your stomach?"

"You will, but that doesn't change anything, Nightmare's place is in a cemetery and the wound I carry is the gate that seals it. We all have our gates that shield us from the past Sweetheart, you don't want to open them. Let them rest where they belong"

"You have no babies Amela, I ripped apart the only one you had and prevented you from having any more. Why did you not poison me when we first met? I ruined your life, I've made you sterile"

"Hurting innocents is a crime"

"But I am not innocent!" Cynder cried out, eyes spilling tears "Never was and never will be after everything I just saw! I can't hurt people that I love!"

"Exactly, and you did not hurt me, I am right here with you am I not?" Amela wiped the draconic tears away with a warm smile

"Want to hear an advice from an old cheetah? Stop reliving your nightmare. Spyro never believed you were evil, I also don't believe that. Those are two solid anchors and you need to hold on to them. You are my daughter and this is what is real now, no horror can change that now I won't allow it and I plead you to do the same"

"How can you do it?"Cynder rubbed her cheek into the supporting hands cupping her "Not flinch at my sight? You had many chances to make me pay for all that I have done to you"

Amela shook her head "You don't listen Sweetheart" with the motherly smile still plastered on the face she knocked tenderly at the heart hidden behind magenta scales "This is you now, whatever happened, happened, accept it and move on. Even after the most terrible period good times finally come, there is always day after night, you just need to uncover your windows to the light"

She patted the casket.

"I buried my family there, including the owner of the very claw you just saw and after that the night was never so dark anymore. I sealed away the echoes, made them wither away and it was worth it" Amela grinned "Look at me now, not only having my own daughter but also surrounded by many adopted ones. This hospital is my nursery, these patients are my children and all I had to do was to look through the window"

Her mother's energy was intoxicating, pets and smiles didn't do nothing to push the void back, it took motherly honesty to crack it, force of which made her black lips tingle into a weak smile.

"You make it sound so easy"

"Draw power from your wounds, scars tell a story, they are not directions. When you finally spot that, life becomes so much more beautiful"

Amela leaned back, rubbing her stomach through her clothes.

"I was like you once, always clinging to the nightmares, always trapped in an unending spiral of disaster. After I lost my child I became feral, vicious, thinking of nothing else than revenge, it would be tolerable even if my desire for destruction would devour only me, but sadly it had other plans, something I was warned about, but ignored"

"My family joined me, each wearing the bear claw medallion, unaware that they were sinking into my despair, we stalked the Terror of the Skies, ready to make her pay for what she did to me. To me, we chased after the most terrible beast because of me and it was because of me that we failed. My family died one by one, my blind revenge leading them to their deaths while they in their blind affection for me tried to support me. My selfishness killing them, this toxic desire making me forget that the will to shatter the world's order demands sacrifices. I was too young, too foolish to ignore the burn of the scar, too ignorant to see that fighting aggression with aggressions only invites Death to your doorstep. If not for that blindfold perhaps I would have discovered my true calling earlier and would understand that nurturing life was more attaching than seeking to destroy it"

Furry lips spread into a dreamy smile.

"And then when I thought it was over, I was reborn, realizing something that eluded me for so long" she reached for the black snout, cupping it with a smile "Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live"

"I'm so sorry" Cynder whined, bursting in tears

"Hush" Amela pulled the girl into a hug, pressing her snout against her chest, black paws gripping the clothes tightly

She rubbed the wavering scaly neck as Cynder cried her regrets away.

She let her do it, in the meantime tenderly assuring her that everything is alright.

Because it was.

In her guilt, Cynder did not notice that the tears she cries are a blessing, they alone showed that the ugly past between them was only a nightmarish history, painful memories washed away by droplets spilled from the green eyes.

Amela could feel the gratefulness and relief touching her through the material of her wet clothes.

As troubling as it was to remember the disgusting past Cynder needed to know it, their history is a milestone for her. This is the sign that the world will eventually turn for the better.

The first step to heal from trauma is to accept the past, otherwise it is a leash by which you can be tugged.

Hate can't last forever, it will take years, but eventually the world will learn one simple truth, truth that it took years for her to find.

Empathy nurtures wisdom. Apathy cultivates ignorance.

She hugged Cynder tighter, a drop of tear glistening in the corner of her own eye.

There weren't many years left in her lifespan pool, but she glad that when finally her time comes her daughter will have memories which she can cherish and nurture. Good memories she could nurture.

This is what every mother strived for.

If she would look under her shirt now she was certain that there would be no scar there anymore.

She finally felt completed.