A Simple Request

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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For most, summoning a demon from the underworld would be a terrifying experience but for someone like Ru... It's the first step to a match made in heaven.

This was Ru's tenth attempt but he was still hopeful that he would be able to do it. He double checked the instructions in the old, musty book and looked at all the things he had set up in the center of his bedroom. He had the candles, a goblet of his own blood and for good measure the zebra drew the best summoning circle he could, copying the lines and small circles. Now he was going to try using the strange words that he could hardly pronounce. All the other methods had failed but he had a good feeling about this one.

Holding on hand out to the circle and the other keeping the book steady, Ru awkwardly read the words. They came out clumsily and in fragments. But he continued to read as he saw the red circle start to glow faintly and the candle's lit flame stir from an unseen breeze. More choppy and hard to pronounce words spilled from Ru's muzzle, making the circle glow brighter. One by one the ten candles he lit when out. The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and all that was left was the tenth. Coincidentally, there was a final tenth line of ancient words left on the page. Slowly and carefully the zebra read them to his best ability and once the final word was spoken the tenth candle went out.

For a moment all was quiet. The room went dark from lack of light, save for the glowing summoning circle. Then in a burst of orange and red, flames erupted from the circle. Ru jumped to his feet and took a few steps back, watching in awe as he managed to do it. From behind the wall of flames came a series of deep laughs. Out from the fire stepped with the zebra had been waiting for. Ru stood there stunned as he laid eyes on the demon.

"Who has summoned me? The wicked demon, Osho!" A booming voice spoke. There stood the fabled creature. Osho the Demon of Infernos. He took the form of a black furred fox. On his back were a pair of bat-like wings that flexed with each move of his back. Yellow stripes ran across the fox, glowing bright orange as if they were lit ablaze. His eyes also had that burning effect, piercing into the zebra. The foul creature wore nothing, standing proudly with his legs open. Between his thighs sported a thick pair of fur covered balls and a crimson tip of his cock was casually poking free.

"That would be me. I'm the one who summoned you," Ru said, raising his hand at the infernal creature.

The flaming fox looked down at the zebra and raised an eyebrow. He didn't look like the type to indulge in dark magics. Indeed Ru didn't look anything like the devil worshipers he often read about. He was of average height, wore a pink crop top and jean short shorts. His black and white hair was coiffed and his eyes sparkled blue above his wide smile.

"It's been 14,947 years since I've been to the surface of this world and you are the one responsible for that?" Osho asked, still hardly believing it. Quick nods came from the beaming zebra, making the demon sigh. "Very well. What it is that you desire? Fame, fortune, eternal youth? All of these boon come at a terrible-"

"I want you to fuck me!" Ru interrupted.

"I... What did you say?" the demon asked, sure that his ears must have been burned, affecting his hearing.

"I want you to fuck me!" Ru repeated, turning around and bending over. "That's why I summoned you. I want you to give me all you got and load me up with your demon cum!"

"W- Well why didn't you say so?" Osho asked, a wide grin spreading across his muzzle, revealing a mouth full of razor sharp teeth.

The demon laid eyes on the fat ass barley contained by the thin shorts. Slowly, Ru wiggled his hips back and forth, his tail swishing to the side. Drawing a tongue across his muzzle, Osho stepped towards his summoner. His footsteps were heavy and heavy breaths slipped from his muzzle. Ru was practically shuddering at the demon stepped behind him. To the zebra's surprise, he was lifted up and forced to stand up straight. The demon turned Ru around and chuckled, his voice echoing off the walls.

"Let's not be too hasty..." Osho purred, tilting his head and he caressed the mortal. "You may have summoned me but I am the one in control!" With just a snap of his fingers, Ru's clothes disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving the zebra naked and a bit dazed. He looked down at his body, on his broad chest poked his already hardening nipples. Further down was his semi hard cock and his egg sized balls. But what really caught the zebra's eyes was the demon fox's swelling sheath.

"Rub it," Osho demanded in a harsh voice. Before Ru even knew it, his hand was already stroking and rubbing the fur between the infernal creature's legs. The sheath was hot to the touch, nearly enough to burn. The heat spread through his fingers to his palm and up his arm. Another deep purr came from the touch, coming from deep within his chest. Ru's eyes were glued to the sheath as it began to swell and pulse. The crimson tip that poked free twitched and the first few inches slid free into the open air. But there was more waiting for the zebra. A gasp escaped Ru's lips as a second cock slid from the stretching skin of the sheath. The twin cocks pulsed and hardened until they reached a full mast of 10 inches each. At the end of each member was a fat knot, and from their tips came drips of pre that looked a lot like lava.

His mouth watering, Ru gripped each cock in his hands, slowly running his palms against the lengths. He could hardly wrap his hands around them but the zebra still did his best to pump at the burning cocks. From the tip of the left cock came a drip of precum that slid down the underside. The glowing fluid touched the skin of Ru's hand. It hissed against his palm but it didn't burn, rather it spread heat to his palms that traveled up his arms. The precum was very slippery, the same consistency of high quality lube. The right cock followed suit soon after, a thick line of pre running down and bubbling against Ru's hand.

Smearing the fluid against the thick member, Ru lubed his palms and fingers. Now it was much easier to for him to grip the cock as much as he could and pump them up and down. A deep moan filled the air as Ru stroked the maleness, rubbing his clenched hands up and down the twin cocks. They were thick, hard and smooth with throbbing veins providing texture. The tips of the cocks were pointed, ending in an engorged urethra that freely dripped glowing pre. Slamming his hands down, Ru's fingers teased at the tennis ball sized knots.

"That's it..." Osho encouraged, placing a warm paw on the zebra's shoulder. "Keep that up and you'll be rewarded handsomely..."

Doing as he was told, Ru slipped his fingers up and down the demon's maleness, listening to the creature moan as he did so. The picked up the pace, his hands coated in glowing slippery fluid. The pace of his pumping filled the room with the sound of wet slapping, paired with Osho's moans. It was clear that it had been a while since the flaming creature had any real fun, maybe a few hundred years or so?

"Keep going! Augh! Faster!" Osho demanded, squeezing the paw that clung to Ru's shoulder. The zebra felt thorn-sharp claws poking into his skin, just shy of drawing of blood but he wasn't worried. A little pain was something he expected from a demon. Instead Ru focused on stroking as fast as he could. His arms burned and his fingers were straining to keep a grip on the girthy cocks. But Ru persevered through the discomfort and slight pain, determined to bring the demon over the edge.

Thick pre cascaded down the twin cocks, soaking the zebra's hands and wrists. The veins decorating them were bulging and the fat knots were visibly throbbing in tune with the infernal beast's heartbeat.

"F-fuck! I'm almost it! Don't stop now! Aaahh!!"

The meaty members swelled and pulsed in Ru's grip as the demon was panting and drooling. He was expecting a blast of cum to his chest and stomach right away but that was not the case. Instead he could see the demon's balls churning and swelling even larger than they were before. The plump pair of nuts convulsed and drew up. Ru watched as the cocks began to glow bright orange like the very fires he came from. There was something traveling up the shaft, making the sheath bulge as it did so. Starting at the knot, to the base and towards the tip.

A sharp hiss came from Osho as his tip swelled and out came a gush of steaming, illuminated cum. The seed blasted against the zebra's chest with the force of fire hose. Ru moaned as he felt the searing seed coating his chest and drip down his fur, soaking into it and warming his entire body. Osho's cocks continued to swell and throb, spraying his jizz on his summoner. With a heavy sigh and a grunt the final spurt came from the left cock. But the lengths were still rock solid but the pair of nuts swinging below them had deflated back to their usual size.

"Perfect..." Osho purred as he gazed at the zebra whimpering under the gallons of cum layering his chest and stomach. Ru was panting heavily and sweating from the searing heat that soaked into his skin. If felt as if someone had shoved him into a furnace, planning to burn him alive. But the heat didn't burn, rather it continued to spread. To his chest, stomach, legs, arms, toes, fingers and his head. It made his mind hazy and his loins tingle.

Osho stood back and watched as his heat overtook his summoner. He figured that since Ru went through the trouble of summoning him it would be rude of him not provide the full demonic experience. With a snap of his fingers, Osho summoned a spiked collar and leash. While the zebra was moaning and whimpering, the fox wrapped and clicked the accessory around his neck. With a toothy grin, Osho shoved a finger to the zebra's pecs and drew a symbol using his seed. He spoke something in ancient tongue and snapped his fingers.

"Aaaahhh!" Ru yelled as he fell to the ground. His entire body felt as it had burst into flames. The cum on his chest sizzled and evaporated. The vapor flew up the zebras nostrils, making him groan. With a chuckle, Osho stepped back and watched the fun part happen. Ru howled as the black stripes marking his body started to lighten and change into glowing orange. His already broad chest expanded, sooner joined by his the rest of his body. From his head grew two orange horns, curved and sharp at the ends. His back seized and spasmed as two bat-like wings pierced through his skin.

Osho licked his lips in pride as his summoner was reborn in fire as his new pet. Surely this was a proper price to pay for demonic pleasure. Now he could experience it over and over and over again for all eternity.

As suddenly as the searing pain came it was gone. Ru opened his eyes and grunted in confusion. His eyes widened as he heard his voice, sounding nothing like it did before. In fact, everything about the now demonic zebra felt off. He stood up and looked into his wall mirror and gasped. There Ru stood, two feet taller, much wider in his chest and hips and all of his stripes had a constant glow to them just like Osho's. Even his blue eyes had changed to a blazing orange. From the top of his head sported two curved golden horns and from his back were two black gothic wings. Any concern the zebra would have had once he took a look at his cock. It had nearly doubled in size and below it dangled a fat pair of nuts. He could feel boiling hot seed churning within them, desperate to released.

Ru was yanked from the mirror by Osho pulling the leash. The spiked collar was firm around his pet's neck and the demon was certainly strong, pulling the heavy zebra towards his easily. No words were exchanged. Osho simply pressed a clawed finger into Ru's chest and then pointed to the bed resting in the corner of the room. A look of glee spread on Ru's face as the fox dropped the least. He raced for the bed, the floorboards creaking and splintering under his weight.

Osho chuckled and followed behind his pet. He licked his muzzle as he neared the bed. Ru was already bent over the end, hiking his ass in the air. The zebra looked back at his master with pleading eyes making the demon chuckle. "Alright, alright," Osho assured as he approached Ru. Standing behind his new pet, the fox gave firm slap to the expanded pair of asscheeks, making the zebra moan in a heavy voice. It was music to the demon's ears. He gripped his cocks, pulling them close to each other. Taking a step forward he poked the leaking tips against the puckering hole. Ru bit into his blanket at the twin lengths were harshly shoved into him. Inside they were thick and burning hot. Ru's legs were trembling and he spread his legs wider, allowing his master to shove as deep as he wanted.

Osho grinned and gripped the swishing tail, using it as an anchor. Shoving his hips forward, Osho buried his cocks into the zebra's ass. Not a second later he was rutting into his pet, shoving his members into the tight tunnel. They were hugged close together, stretching Ru more than anything he had ever taken before. Leaking into the slick tunnel was steaming pre. It sizzled inside of Ru, making him bite down hard on his blanket. Osho was panting and cursing to himself as he finally had a sexy piece of infernal ass that was capable of servicing him.

"They're big aren't they? Bigger than anything you've had, huh?" Osho sneered as he humped into the zebra.

"M-much... B-bigger..." Ru groaned. The pleasure of his ass being filled and heated with pre made it hard for him to even say basic words. His eyes rolled in his head and his broad tongue hung lazily from his muzzle, dripping a thin string of saliva.

"That's what I like to hear..." Osho smirked, plugging his cocks in and out of the tight ass. Each thrust came with the loud slap of his thighs clapping against Ru's ass and the sound of his cocks sloppily slipping into the now dripping tunnel. Between the zebra's legs his cock was dripping searing pre onto his blanket and sheets. Each rut into his ass brought another surge of thin fluid that leaked from his flaring tip.

Osho's breathing had become labored and the pair of nuts between his thighs began to swell, preparing to expel it's load. Thick spurts of pre coated the trembling anal walls, each hump sent trembles through Ru's body. The winged fox's humps increased until his hips were nothing more than a blur, drilling his members into the clenching tunnel.

"You want my knots, don't you? You wanna be filled with my burning seed?" Osho hissed against his approaching orgasm, jabbing his cocks as hard and deep as he could.

"D-do iiitt...!" Ru hollered. Osho bit his lip and drew a heavy breath before surging his hips forward. Ru raised his head to the ceiling and cried out in bliss the fat knots forced their way past his rim and were locked into his stretched ass. The overwhelming pressure against his prostate brought the zebra's orgasm. Howling in pleasure, Ru's cock spewed bucketfuls of jizz that jet from his tip. The burning spunk splashed against the bedroom wall and dripped onto the bed, covering the blankets, sheets and pillows.

With Ru's orgasm came the powerful clenching and squeezing on his anal muscles, constricting the cocks nestled deep inside the slick passage. Osho's breath caught in his throat and a breathless moan came from him as he came. The torrent of seed forced his shafts made the cocks swell and deflate as the burning seed reached the tip. Ribbons of molten cum glazed Ru's insides, heating the zebra up from the inside out. Straining and drooling, Osho's head was swimming as his swollen balls drained and deflated, pumping load after load into his pet.

Both demonic were soon reveling in their afterglow. It had been a long time since Osho got to spill his seed like that and there was no way he was just going to let someone worthy of his loin just slip from his fingers. No, he figured that it wouldn't hurt to spend some time on the surface world with his new summoner and pet. Who knows maybe his pet had some friends that could join his coven.