Tina's Story, Chapter 94 Passages, Part Two -A Gray Muzzle Story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina's Story- Passages, Part Two. A Gray Muzzle story

All of my life

I have been waiting for

All you give to me

You've opened my eyes

And showed me how to love unselfishly

I've dreamed of this a thousand times before

In my dreams I couldn't love you more

I will give you my heart

Until the end of time

You're all I need

My love, my valentine.

Martina McBride 'My Valentine'

Tina squirmed uncomfortably on the toilet. Moments earlier, Ray had caught her for some spontaneous tail sex, and she had not prepared for it. That combined with the aftermath of last night's six layer Burrito salad, and she knew that pain was ahead. She heard Ray get dressed and go downstairs, while the pain continued. She couldn't even read anything. After about twenty minutes she rose, sweating and exhausted. She grabbed a quick shower, and got dressed. Tina rummaged quickly through her closet, settling on a short blue dress. She put on a bra, and the first pair of panties she found in the drawer. She slipped another pair in her purse, in case her digestive trouble came back.

By the time she got downstairs, Ray had already fed the babies. He was back upstairs to change and dress them for the ride to her mother's house. Tina was grateful, as this allowed her a few minutes to herself. She poured a cup of coffee, and took a piece of toast, and put a single smear of 'I Can't Believe it's not Butter' on it. Ray had left the newspaper on the table. She looked passively through the headlines, taking a minute to look at the horoscopes; she wanted to see what "if today is your birthday" said. It promised a pleasant surprise, from an unexpected source. She laughed silently, wondering just what the day might hold in store. Then she scanned the headlines

"Damn!" Tina thought "Mayor Mack is having his house foreclosed! What will happen next?"

Too soon, Ray was back with the babies. He took them out and started strapping all three in their car seats. Tina took the babies bag, checked it's contents, and followed. They were all in place when she got in the car. The ride to work was almost silent. Tina didn't feel like talking, and Ray concentrated on driving.

Traffic was light, and they made the trip to the Russel house in a few minutes. Ray pulled in the driveway, but not all the way in. There was the Russel's old Taurus there, but parked in front of that was a shiny red convertible. Ray stopped the Scion, and started to unbuckle the kids, Tina lingered over the paper, as the Russels came out to receive the babies. It was only when she exited the car that Tina noticed the convertible.

What's that, Daddy? She asked.

It was then that Ray took a ribboned key out of his pocket.

"Happy Birthday, dear."

Tina ran to the car without making a sound. She looked it over carefully.

"Do you like it?" Ray asked 'I thought you might like a little car you could take out with the babies. "

In the back seat were three new Recaro child seats. They were a snug fit, but he made sure that all three seats would fit. At last, Tina spoke.

"This....isn't just a Mustang, it's a Shelby GT 500!" she stated with reverence.

'This costs more than this house!"

Ray shuffled his feet.

"I got a dividend from my Apple stock" he said, modestly. "I don't know much about cars, I just told him that I wanted the nicest one they had."

Indeed it was. It was a red convertible, with twin white stripes. It had a white leather interior, and a six speed. Opening the hood , she stared in amazement.

"This is the KR! It has the supercharger!"

"Yeah, he said it had a lot of horsepower"

"About 600...or so. " she deadpanned "Ray, it's too much! "

Ray smiled modestly.

"In the last year, we made another five hundred thousand dollars. At some point, what do you do but have a little fun? Besides, I got a really good deal....'

Tina looked her new car over.

"What about Binky? I'll never get rid of him...."

"Binky could stay here, in the shop" Stan offered "Maybe I could take him out once in a while"

It was then that Tina gave Ray a big hug.

"You are such a doll!" Tina said, through her happy tears " I was kind of down today, feeling sorry for myself. I guess this is the unexpected surprise that my horoscope promised."

"Well, do you want to drive it?" he offered.

He needn't have bothered. Tina was already in the driver's seat, making engine noises. Dropping it in first, she swung the big red beast into the street. When she dropped the clutch, the Shelby fishtailed wildly before it hooked up, rocketing them down the street , right into the hands of a Newark police officer, sitting behind a stop sign.

"License and registration" he requested.

Looking up, he saw the big bow still on the hood.

"Present?" he inquired

"Uh huh." she replied sheepishly. It's my birthday. "

"Well, take it easy. At twenty six, you have a lot of birthdays to go."

With that the officer smiled, handed her paperwork back, and returned to his cruiser.

"Maybe not such a bad day after all, she thought.

Felicia and Kendo dozed on the long Pacific flight. After no sleep last night, falling asleep on the jet was no problem. A little after 11:00 and both of them were out like a light. Somewhere over the Pacific, about three or four a.m., and Kendo awakens. He looks up to see Felicia looking back at him.


"Hey, yourself. Sleep OK?"

:Uh huh. I just woke up."

Felicia feels under the blanket covering the two of them.

"Looks like someone else is up, too."

Kendo blushes.

"Well, uh, yeah."

"I can help that....."

Kendo goes to protest, but Felicia has already gone to work. Felicia opens his zipper and works his cock out. Silently under the blanket, she goes to work. She uses his precum for lubrication. Swiftly, Felicia rubs his shaft with her soft paw.

"shhhhh!" she cautions as she pumps his erect organ, up and down.

If you weren't really watching, you wouldn't have a clue. But Felicia has practiced her covert art so long, she can have sex right under your nose without a clue. Kendo lays back, a little smile on his muzzle, until.....

Felicia looks down.

"Mmmmmmm. You've been saving up haven't you? "

"Er, uh sorry....."

"That's OK, lover, I just want out first.....lovemaking....to be memorable. Can't be too anxious, now."

Sneaking under the blanket, Felicia licks his tongue clean.

"Better?" she asks

Kendo just smiles, before drifting back to sleep.

The newlyweds get a few more precious hours of sleep before their plane touches down on the big island. They just finish breakfast in time to get their tray tables up for touchdown.

"Well, we're here." Kendo announces, taking Felicia's paw

Felicia smiles, stretches and purrs....

The next forty five minutes are a blur of activity. Exiting the plane. Picking up luggage. Finding their ground transportation. Within the hour, they are on their way to Hilton's Hawaiin Village, where they will stay.

"We're really here!" Felicia giggled as they headed into city traffic.

"Yes, dear, we are." he replies.

"Have you been here before?"

"Once. A conference a few years ago. I suspect I'll enjoy this a good deal more!"

He gives Felicia a peck on the cheek. She giggles. He laughs. He takes her in his arms. She succumbs to his embrace. Suddenly, they are just two people in love, oblivious to their surroundings. Much to the amusement of their fellow travelers, the two honeymooners demonstrate their passion.

"Newlyweds!" an old woman smiles

"Remember? A husband asks his wife.

She smiles, remembering when it was them on their honeymoon.

Indeed, all the world loves a lover.

Kendo and Felicia check into the hotel. Felicia looks around

"Holy SHIT! I've never seen anything like this....."

Kendo smiles.

"Get used to it, dear, this is the way you'll be living from now on"

Felicia scanned the place with big cat eyes. She could see Diamond Head. The Pacific Ocean. Luxury everywhere she looked. The clerk at the desk handed Kendo the keys to the honeymoon suite high atop the Rainbow Tower.

"Kendo? Can we go upstairs now?" She looked at him with a question mark in her eyes.

"Yes, dear, we can."

With that, Kendo swept Felicia into his arms and carried her upstairs. It wasn't much, really. Kendo was a large wolf; Felicia a mere Siamese cat. Still, people smiled at the gesture. He held her secure in his arms, all the way to their suite on the top floor. He was still carrying his bride when he opened the door, and took her into the suite.

"It's AMAZING!" Felicia observed, her eyes as wide as saucers.

Indeed it was. A corner suite, on the top floor, it offered panoramic views of the best scenery that Hawaii had to offer. Felicia attempted to take it all in, when she was overcome.

"Oh....Kendo!" she buried her face in her husband's furry chest.

Kendo smiled, and held his new wife affectionately. After a time, he lay her on the bed.

"Do you want to go downstairs, get something to eat, walk the beach?" he asked

Felicia shook her head.

"We have some 'business' to take care of, that's been a long time in coming." She smiled, leading him to the bathroom.

In the bath, Felicia ran water in the tub. Then, she took her husband and kissed him in a new and sensual way. While they kissed, Felicia began to remove her husband's clothes. Once she had, Kendo took the cue, and removed Felicia's. First, he unzipped her skirt. Then he lifted her top over her head. Finally he helped her wiggle out of her panties. By now, Kendo had a huge erection, which touched Felicia's sex.

"Not so fast, big boy!" she purred "I want you to remember this a LONG time...." Felicia smiled "I want to remember this....FOREVER!"

With that, Felicia lead him to the tub. Slowly, sensuously, she bathed him. By hand, with a washcloth, Felicia cleaned every inch of her new husband. They'd stop often to kiss, to laugh. Felicia lingered over Kendo's penis, showing ir special care. When she finally finished, Kendo did the same for her. Kissing and caressing his bride, he cleaned her thoroughly, while they hugged and kissed in the warm soapy water. When Felicia felt his penis touch her sex, she knew that it was time.

"Come, love." Was all she said.

Felicia helped him out, and they toweled each other off, slowly and sensuously. Kendo made sure that every inch of his bride was dry. Well, maybe not EVERY inch......

It was then that Felicia grabbed something from her suitcase.

"Don't look!" she warned.

When Felicia returned from the bath, Kendo lay on the sheets in royal purple satin boxers. Felicia appeared in a white, floor length gown. Underneath, you could see that all she wore were a pair of red lizard print bikini panties, with tie sides. Kendo lay there with his mouth open. He had never seen Felicia naked, or almost so, before.

"I......" he stuttered

"Don't....speak" She responded, placing a feline finger to her husband's lips.

Felicia positioned herself over Kendo's hips. She lowered her sex, so that it touched his. Then she gave Kendo the slowest, most loving kiss of his life. In moments, he could feel the moisture of her sex seeping through her panties. He rubbed greedily at it, longing for the heat and friction. They played at that for some time, neither wanting to let the moment go, until the time came when both knew what was in store.

"Should I .....?" Kendo asked, leaving the question hanging in the air.

Felicia again touched his lips, then shook her head.

"Tonight.....I give myself to you.....completely. Nothing between us tonight...or ever! What will happen, will happen. I accept it. I am yours...totally, from this day forward. If it leads to something, I want it, love it, cherish it......"

When she finished speaking, Felicia slipped off her panties. She pulled the lovely gown over her head. She then pulled Kendo's shorts off. Deliberately, she settled down, as Kendo's penis burrowed deep inside her. Then she kissed him, slowly and carefully, luxuriating in the warmth of his sex deep within. She lay on her husband's chest, the warm strokes of his penis leaving her more content than she had ever been. Kendo ran his penis slowly at first, savouring the feeling of being inside his wife for the first time. In fact, having sex for the first time. A patient teacher, Felicia guided him along this trip od self discovery. She did the things a man would enjoy. She showed Kendo the secrets of pleasuring a woman. Where her clit was. How to play with her tail hole. At some point though, even the most memorable events must end.


She could se the look on Kendo's face. The tension, the grimace. By this she knew that his time was near.

"Cum,baby..let it go......"

As she said it, she felt the spasms of his penis. She felt the hot ejaculation burn deep within her womb. She held Kendo close, as he filled her with more cum than she had ever experienced. As he took his pleasure, so did she. Rubbing urgently at her sex, Felicia felt the first wave of orgasm wash over her like the Hawaiin surf, followed by crashing wave after wave. Spent and exhausted, she fell to her husband's chest, his hot love running over them both, and onto the sheets.

When they woke the next morning, Felicia was different, changed. Life somehow would never be the same again. No doubt this was true for Kendo as well, but it was so dramatic for her. Felicia woke with a smile. They cuddled in bed, and Kendo made love to her again. When he came inside her, Felicia felt a happiness, a wholeness, that she had never known before. They decided to take a walk before breakfast. She showered, and pulled on a sexy one piece halter swimsuit, a see through skirt covering her lower half. Going downstairs, walking the grounds, the entire world seemed....different. The sky was bluer, the grass greener. Walking arm and arm in the surf, She felt Kendo's seed deep within her She smiled, and held him close. She was still smiling, and holding him Close when they turned back toward the hotel, and breakfast. It was then that Kendo saw a tear cross his wife's cheek.

"What's the matter, dear?" he asked, concerned

Felicia held her husband close.

"I'm just so happy!" she declared, fighting back more tears "I'm just afraid I'll never be as happy as I am right now. "

"Well, I'll take that as a challenge, then. Let's get some breakfast- I'm starving!"

Felicia smiled, and she, too though of breakfast.

Violet lay flat on her back, completely naked , staring up at the ceiling of their stateroom. She was smiling.

"I have never been so totally, utterly, completely.....fucked...in my life!

She lay there, thinking about what she had just experienced. Violet did not lack for sexual experience, in either quantity nor variety. Still, she had never known this precise feeling. There was this spiritual bond, a link between them that was quite unlike anything before.

"So, you liked it?" Koji inquired, his smiling Wolfamute face looking down on his new bride.

"I don't know exactly how to put it, but, yeah...like never before. It was almost spiritual; you know, like I was one with you...."

Koji nodded.

"I felt it, too. Like ours souls finally made their life connection."

Violet lay her head on Koji's furry chest, until she looked at the clock.

"SHIT! We're gonna miss the big dinner!"

It was, of course, a big deal. The welcome dinner was one of the grandest events on the ship. And Violet would not miss one minute, if she could help it. She bolted from their berth, and into the shower, finishing in record time. Koji followed, then they dressed. Violet chose a strapless mermaid gown, in purple, of course. It had sequins and rhinestones, and the purple spandex gown showed her athletic figure to perfection. Koji, for his part, looked elegant, his black fur contrasting a pearl grey tuxedo. .As soon as they were dressed, they left the room. Moments later, they realized they had no idea how to get where they were going. It was then that Violet noticed a black panther, in a white ship's uniform.

"Excuse me" Violet inquired "We're trying to get to the main dining room, and I'm afraid we're lost."

The panther smiled. It was then that they both realized that it was in fact a leopardess.

"I'm glad to help" she replied "In fact, I'm going there myself. " It was then that she introduced herself.

"I'm Nikki Mikombo; I'm your ship's Captain."

She must have noticed the surprise on both of their faces, for she went on to explain.

"Surprised? Lots of people are. There aren't a lot of us...hybrids OR women piloting ships."

Violet and Koji found themselves immediately drawn to this intriguing stranger. It was then that they received a unique invitation.

"Would you like to be guests at my table tonight? I think I might just have some influence around here...."

The couple and Nikka walked down to the ship's main dining room. How grand it was! And, at the front of it all was the Captain's table. Once they were there and seated, Koji and Violet got to meet some of their fellow passengers. One was a noted explorer. Another was CEO of a major computer company. Still another was an Olympic medalist. Violet was left feeling a little...inadequate.

"Everyone here is so....accomplished" she sighed.

Koji smiled.

"But dear, YOU are accomplished, too! Look what you've survived. And you ran the Iditerod......"

Of course he was right. It was a fascinating dinner. Each guest had such an interesting story. Violet was surprised that the guests were interested in her story, too. She told of her trip from Japan, and her introduction to Alaska, and the world of sled dogging. But of everyone, Violet was most fascinated by Captain Mikombo.

"Tell me" Violet asked "How did you come to be a Captain?"

Nikki smiled.

"I've always loved the sea. My father was in the Merchant Marine. So, when I picked a career, it seemed natural to follow in his tracks. I got accepted to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point. Once I graduated, I got a position on a merchant ship."

"Merchant ship?"

"Yes. Cargo. Fascinating stuff in it's own right. I piloted large oil tankers ."

"But, you left..."

"Quite right. It was a very interesting life, but, for a female and a hybrid, it was lonely. I never really felt close to my crews, and with as long as we are at sea, that's a big deal.. So, I left. I got certified for passenger ships. Started piloting a ferry, then worked my way up. I always loved being on open water. So, when I got the chance to work a cruise ship, I jumped at it."

'Do you have a husband? Violet asked.

She shook her head.

"Sadly, no. It's not much of a life having a spouse....or a parent.....at sea. I'm afraid I've more or less given up on that sort of thing."

Violet was so enjoying herself, she was sad to see dinner end. As everyone said their good byes, the Captain extended an intriguing offer.

"Would you care to join me in my cabin for a nightcap?"

Violet and Koji looked at each other and smiled. They knew that this was an offer that they couldn't pass up.

"Thanks." Koji replied "We'd love to."

So, they followed Captain Mikombo back to her cabin. She was surprised at how relatively modest it was.

"I don't spend a lot of time here" the Captain offered "My job is pretty much a 24/7 thing, certainly once we're underway. What can I get you?"

"Scotch. Neat."

Violet went over to the small bar to receive her drink.

"Newlyweds, eh? Must be...different; one man for a lifetime......"

Violet smiled at Koji."

"We....don't have that kind of relationship." He said, in a matter of fact way. "We......we have an 'open' relationship. I know that Violet...my love....has a desire for the company of women. It would be wrong to deny that to her"

"Fascinating! Do you....participate as well?"

" Sometimes" Violet smiled "Sometimes he likes to watch"

Violet turned back toward the Captain, to find that they were face to face. Almost muzzle to muzzle, there was an awkward silence before Violet ran a finger down the exposed part of the Captain's chest.

"And what do YOU like, Captain?"

There was a slight hesitation, before their muzzles met. Mikombo kissed her hungrily, as if she hadn't enjoyed the company in some time. Her tail twitched nervously, as she cradled Violet's head in her hands. Violet could hear her quick, nervous breathing, as if the big cat were about to attack.

"Do you like kitties?" Nikki purred "Not all doggies do...."

Nikki had now cradled Violet's backside. They were so close that Violet felt the warmth of her sex.

"Heat" Violet asked

"Uh huh" Nikki mumbled between deep urgent kisses.

Violet felt the Captain unzip the back of her slinky gown. Pushing it down, Violet stood there, completely nude. Not wasting time, Mikombo began to strip herself, undoing her uniform shirt, then dropping her trousers. Violet smiled when she saw that under her uniform, that the captain wore a leopard tail thing.

"Not regulation, is it?"

It was now the Captain's turn to smile.

"Fuck them. I'm a girl. If anyone gets this close we're outside of regs anyway. Besides, a Captain can't have panty lines."

Violet pushed the Captain down on the sofa, where she separated her strong black thighs. She went straight for her sex, clefting her lips with one lick of her tongue. The Captain was deep into her heat. Violet enjoyed her warmth, the musky smell of her sex. Mikombo leaned back, inhaling deeply. She tilted her hips, and using two fingers, opened her sex further. She then took Violet's head, and held it deep in her crotch. She then gave a deep, guttural moan.

To be continued........