Mechwarrior: Wolfin Arrival, Chapter 2

Story by forsakenwerewolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Mechwarrior: Wolfin Arrival

Chapter #2

Anastasia finished slipping on her usual leather garments, before she worked on putting her long dark red hair into a pony-tail. Underneath the her leather jacket she wore a black sleeveless V-neck shirt, that contrasted her cream complexion. She had accepted Pup's invite to dinner, though she had been surprised as to where he wanted to take her. She found out quickly it would be at his residence in the complex, and more surprising was that he was going to be cooking their dinner. After a quick check of herself she put on a light layer of crimson lipstick, before heading out of her quarters towards Pup's. Her mind started to re-run the entire day's events as she walked, especially on the thoughts brought on by Alexia Wolf's apparent new relationship. "I wonder if our two species can interbreed...." She thought as she absent mindedly rubbed the scar on her stomach, where an opponents knife had destroyed her contraceptive implant during a trail. She shrugged off those thoughts, having had no use for contraceptives since her last debacle of a relationship.

Dark moved around his quarters straightening some things, while setting the table that at best may have been able to fit three people. He had cooked steaks some of the vegetables that had been deemed "Digestible" by Wolfin doctors, though he had grown to like potatoes somewhat over the past year and a half. He checked the clock on his wall and moved quickly to turn the temperature control back up to sixty five degrees, thankful that his coat had thinned some since coming to Skye. He wore thin black khaki pants and a thin black T-shirt, though he opted to keep his paw-like feet bare against the cool linoleum flooring. He made a quick check of his recently brushed black fur and smiled some, having grown very good at brushing out the "puff ball" look that the air blast fur dryers tend to give. He moved back to the kitchen area and checked the food, before hearing a loud knock on the door that made him sigh in relief. He quickly wiped his paws, before moving over to the door and flipping up the heavy bar he had installed himself. He opened the door and made a light bow as he saw Anastasia Kerensky holding the piece of paper that he had taped to his door. "Please come in and make yourself comfortable Anastasia, dinner will be ready in just a moment." He said as he watched her enter, before having to dodge the wadded piece of paper the hurled at his head.

Anastasia turned and watched as he shut the door, before smiling as she saw he had installed an arm bar lock that even she couldn't break. "Well I see you've improved on your locks Pup, makes me glad that you left that note taped to the door." She watched his wolfin maw slowly turn into a grin, before taking in a deep sniff of the air and smiling to herself. "Well I can smell that dinner is done, and is the steak I smell?" She looked back at him and got a rather happy smile to show on his wolfin face, before watching him move to the small kitchen. She sat herself at the smaller of the tables two chairs, before taking a good look at the rest of the furniture again. She noted that his quarters were very spartan like clan quarters, except for the fact that an Elemental would fit comfortably in any of the furniture. After a moment she watched him walk up to the table with their plates, though is was easily noticeable that their portion sizes were different. "Thanks Pup, smells wonderful." She said as she quickly grabbed her fork and knife, before cutting herself a good junk of steak.

Dark took his time eating, having had to deal with flash frozen meats until a few weeks ago. He smiled as he watched her eat, guessing she hadn't had much aside from those blasted human MRE's he'd heard about. "How do you like the upgrades to your machine Anastasia?"

She looked up at him and wiped her mouth with a cloth quickly, mostly since she had just realized she was acting as if she had been starved. "It will take a little more time to get used to them, but so far I love them."

Dark smiled at that and nodded. "Well I must say you created one heck of a ruckus in the main barracks during our practice." He chuckled as he saw her eyebrow raise, though his laughter was more about the junk of steak sticking half out of her mouth. "Only three people have ever set Feral on it's back...Me when I earned that machine, my instructor two days later, and now you." He watched her eyebrows raise for a moment, before watching the piece of meat finally disappear into her mouth.

"Ya know how to flatter a girl Pup...invite her to a fine meal, and then tell her she's one of only three people to have knocked your machine on it's ass." Anastasia smiled and slipped her coat from her shoulders, finding the room temperature comfortably cool as she hooked it onto the back of her chair. "You know...I heard a rumor a few times since I've been almost used orbital bombardment on this planet after the Falcons ambushed your fleet...." She trailed off as she watched his ears fold back against his head as he stared down at his lap. "I didn't mean to offend..." Dark held up a large paw to silence her, before looking up to let her see the tear that was sliding into his fur. She never thought she would see any day that the hulking Fleet Commander before her would cry, making her wonder what nerve she had hit to cause that.

Dark wiped the tear from his furred face and sighed as he fought back buried grief and emotions, that had been piling up since the death of his mate. "My...mate..." He started to loose against the onslaught of memories. "She was the Captain of the Battleship that the Admiral was on...." He felt her hand gently touch his shoulder, making him slowly look up to meet her gaze.

Anastasia's mind churned a mile a minute as her clan ways and her morality clashed against one another like two speeding aerospace fighters at top speed. She had never known that he had had a mate, nor the fact that she had been one of the many Wolfin murdered in the Falcon's surprise attack. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as her more moral side won the battle, feeling his arms wrap well around her waist as his tears quickly soaked the shoulder of her shirt. She quickly found herself holding a sobbing Wolfin Fleet Commander, or rather he was holding her as she rubbed the back of his large neck trying to comfort him some.

Dark's ears twitched as he heard the light creak of his bedroom door, before feeling the still much cooler air grace his fur. He quickly shot out of his chair while spinning Anastasia into it, eyes still blurry from tears as he heard the faint clicks of claws. He heard Anastasia's startled gasp as a spine frosting growl rumbled from the throat of what Dark knew had to be the largest feral wolf she had ever seen. He quickly barred any path to her as his vision cleared, having prayed that the Great Wolf would have slept longer. "She is a friend and you will not harm her...." He said slowly in German as what could only be called his room mate looked up at him, which honestly didn't require too much effort on the wolf's part.

Anastasia's eyes stayed locked to the wolf as she for once in her life felt like crapping herself, her mouth still hung open as it looked up at Pup. After a moment though it clicked in her head which language he had just spoken, making it that much more of a surprise to see the black bear sized wolf nod lightly to Pup. She looked over it's jet black fur, marveling at the beast that she could probably ride like a horse.

"Zeus old friend, be good to her." Dark said in German as he stepped aside, to watch the Great Wolf nod to him before easing towards Anastasia. "No worries Anastasia...he's just not that used to humans yet. You are the first to come into our quarters." Dark smiled as he watched his room mate nod again, knowing that Zeus wouldn't harm her. He like Dark had somewhat of a soft spot for women, and Dark had appreciated that since he met the wolf.


Anastasia woke early the next morning to loud snoring, quickly opening her eyes to see Zeus laying passed out beside her in Pup's bed. She groaned softly as she pulled the heavy comforter up to her ears, feeling the room's almost frigid air nipping at them. She remembered talking late into the night with Pup about Zeus and his previous mate, finding out that Zeus had been with him for the past fifteen years. She could think of no one better qualified as a bodyguard, than the snoring Great Wolf that laid beside her. One thing she was truly grateful for now, was the fact that she had fallen asleep almost fully dressed.

Outside the room Dark moved through the small kitchen, looking over a few reports on his PDA as he sipped at a large mug of coffee. He was only wearing a very light pair of shorts, having no idea that Anastasia was awake yet. As he skimmed over the various reports he found a medical file, stopping as he noticed it had a red marker on it. "Funny those are normally only put on files for now non-combat pilots, I don't remember authorizing any training yesterday. How the hell could someone get injured?" He sighed as he opened the file, quickly seeing that it was one of his Werewolf pilots. He smiled as he saw the reason for her new Non-combat status, she was now pregnant. "That's wonderful, I wonder who she chose as her mate..." He nearly dropped his mug as he saw the father's identity. He quickly guzzled the last half of his coffee and refilled the mug as he re-read the report, not noticing his tail was now wagging happily. He never heard the soft footsteps approach him, until he heard a light chuckle behind him. His head shot to the side to see Anastasia standing a few feet from him with the heavy comforter wrapped tightly around her, making him smile as he held out the large mug for her to take. "I'll go adjust the temperature, have some." He said as she took the mug, quickly moving to nudge the temperature control for the main area back up to sixty degrees. He felt the air vents pump warmer air into the room, before turning to see Anastasia shrug off the comforter and lean back against the counter sipping at the hot coffee. "I have something you need to read Anastasia..."

Anastasia set down the heavy mug and took the PDA from an oddly smiling Pup, wondering just what could make him smile that much. She toggled the file he pointed to and started to skim over the first part, knowing well that almost any military instantly changed the status of their pilots and warriors to Non-combat when pregnant. "So you have one less pilot now...odd, I thought that most warriors were normally give contraceptives to.....WHAT?" she almost dropped the pad as she read the fathers name, a name she knew was one of HER people. She flipped over to the next page of the file, finding that it was one of her strongest Elementals that had come with her. "How did Klaus get her pregnant? We're two totally different species...." She rambled out loud, her surprise letting her control of her body slip from her grasp without her knowing. She started to re-read the files, going over how such a thing could happen, not that the aspect didn't appeal to her. She nearly yelled in surprise as she felt Pup's large paw-like hand gently touch her shoulder, quickly looking up to him to see him still smiling. "This is amazing..."

Dark cut her off with a deep sniff at the air as he smelled something that was somewhat familiar, though he couldn't quite place it. "Are you wearing a perfume Anastasia? It smells lovely..." He trailed off as she gave him a very odd look, quickly remembering that she had never worn any in his presence before.

Anastasia looked at him quizzically as he asked her about perfume, her mind taking a moment to process his question. "No, I know you Wolfin have a very powerful nose, so I've never worn any since landing here. Why do you....Oh..." She trailed off as she realized what he had smelled, her eyes automatically locking onto his crotch. Her jaw almost dropped as she saw the outline of his hardware as it slowly started to spring to life. "Tell me Pup...did your people study the effect of human pheromones on Wolfin people? Or are you that happy about this news?" She asked as her gaze traveled quickly back up to meet his, swearing that she could see a blush under his fur.

Realization shot across all of Dark's features as he looked down at Anastasia, knowing now that the scent was her arousal. He took in another deep sniff of the air and smiled down at her, trying to place the exact time he had smelled her scent. "No they didn't..." He smiled as he felt his hardening shaft start to poke free from it's sheathe, letting out a light whimper as he felt her small hand gently run along his sheath through his light shorts. "Are you sure about this?" He asked her, and somewhat himself. He felt her movements stop for a moment, before he felt her hand pull away slightly.

Anastasia shifted her hand and then used much of her strength to rip open his shorts, giving her the first glimpse of his hardening shaft. She wrapped her hands around it as best she could and smiled up at him. "Yes I'm sure...but for once in my life...I must ask you to be gentle." She watched as a smile crossed his face while he nodded, quickly finding his large hands on her sides. She raised her arms as he pulled her shirt over her head, her cream colored flesh breaking out with goose bumps from the cool air. Her hands quickly moved to her leather pants to remove them, tossing them beside her shirt on the counter top. As she turned back to face him she noticed that he had shucked the rest of his shorts, giving her an exceedingly good view of what she had gotten herself into. "Wow..." She leaned up and pulled his head down to kiss him, quickly finding his hands grasping her hips.

Dark lifted her up and kissed her as best he could, quickly finding their tongues waging a war of their own. They moth gasped for air before groaning as their bodies came against one another, feeling her soft fur less folds run against his shaft. He moved over as sat in one of the sturdy chairs with her on his lap, both of their bodies shuddering as her soaked folds ran along his shaft. "I must ask again...are you sure about this?" He saw her smile, and then watched as she leaped off of his lap to run over to her clothes.

Anastasia dug down into her pants pocket and pulled out a small cylinder, cracking it open to drop two pills into her palm. She quickly downed the pills and touched the scar on her stomach as she moved back towards Pup. "I lost my contraceptive implant in a trail, and I want to know you a little longer than three months before I bare you a child Pup..." Anastasia's hand trailed down to Pup's shaft as she talked, guiding it towards her folds as she straddled him. "And yes I'm sure...." She trailed off as her almost dripping folds were spread by the tapered tip of his canine shaft, quickly finding his strong hands holding her hips to support her. She moaned and shuddered as he slowly let her own weight press down on his shaft, holding off a preemptive orgasm as she felt him finally enter her depths. "I...I...can do...this..." She muttered as she forced her legs to obey her, before rocking her hips as she started to work his shaft deeper into her own body.

Dark nearly howled as at first one inch and then two were engulfed in her heated depths, forcing himself not to slam his hips up to meet hers. He whimpered lightly as her rocking hips slowly worked up and down his shaft, slowly feeling more and more of his shaft be swallowed by her tight clenching depths. He tilted his head down and started to lick and lightly nibble at her hardened nipples, getting a mouthful of breast as she arched her back. He held to his control, even as he felt her now quaking body take just over half of his shaft within her. He felt her body go into her first quaking orgasm of the day, keeping his attention on her breasts as she nearly shrieked out in pleasure.

Anastasia's vision exploded with stars as her body was wracked with the most violent orgasm of her life, feeling every beat of Pup's pulse as it ran along the engorged shaft that was trapped within her depths. Her hips had a mind of their own as they rocked and bucked down, trying to meet with Pup's hips as his shaft stretched her to her limits. She refused to give up and let him take over, at least that was until her sensitive clit smashed down against his knot. Yet another orgasm ripped through her body, barely able to realize that she was being laid back on the table. She suddenly felt his shaft pull back, making her look up at him as he rocked his hips forward. She screamed out his name as he started to use the entire length of his massive shaft to piston in and out of her orgasming and writhing body. She started to wildly buck her hips to meet his thrusts, feeling the tapered tip of his shaft hitting her deepest barrier as his knot slammed against her clit. "" She stammered out between his quickening thrusts, feeling him start to grind his knot against her opening.

Dark smiled at her words as he picked up his effort, gripping her sweat soaked hips as he ground his against them. He grunted and whimpered lightly as he knew he had to tie her soon, feeling a shot of pre fire from his shaft. He watched as her back arched as his pre slashed against her cervix, causing it to open some. He felt himself almost sink his knot, pulling his shaft almost totally free from her depths before lunging forward with his hips. His knot entered her with a wet pop before swelling and locking their hips against each other. He leaned down and took both of her nipples into his large maw as his hips bucked violently into hers. He felt his heavy sack tighten up against his body as his orgasm hit him like a toppling Daishi, causing him to sink his K-9's through her nipples.

Anastasia's eyes bulged some as he pierced her nipples, before arching her back as his shaft seemed to swell even more within her. She cried out in surprise as the first shot of his thick pent up seed sprayed against the back of her womb, triggering another mind blowing orgasm. She felt her womb quickly fill with the torrent of seed pouring into her body, bucking her hips against him as she was filled to the brim and beyond. It felt like an eternity to her, until Pup gently pulled her with him to sit back in the chair. She felt him lick ever so gently at her nipples and winced some as he cleaned the small wounds. "Thank you..." She said after catching her breath, earning herself an odd look from Pup. "You marked me in a much gentler area...or at least one I won't have to have bandages with. "She quickly found herself being given one of the most loving kisses of her life. "How long do we have until I make a mess of your quarters?" She said as she rubbed he lightly swollen stomach, started to really like the feeling of being so filled.

"If memory serves....about fifteen minutes." He said before he looked over at the wall mounted clock. "We've got a couple of hours before we need to be down at the maintenance bay, would you care for a shower?" He quickly found his answer as she nodded and wrapped her arms and legs around him. He got up as gently as he could and moved for the bedroom, holding her up with his arm under her rear. As he moved through the bedroom he could swear Zeus gave him a wink, before he moved them into the bathroom and shut the door. He quickly adjusted the temperature control and started the shower, before gently resting her rear on the cool counter top. His hand moved to the cabinet, before pulling out a small metal box. He got out a pair of gold studs and quickly put them into her nipples, getting a light shudder from her.

Anastasia quickly checked over the small studs that now marked her as his. "Thank you my mate..." She trailed off as she kissed him passionately, finding herself somewhat amazed that he was still rock hard within her. As she felt his knot start to loosen within her, she nodded towards the shower.

Dark got them into the shower before he found it easy to pull his knot free, giving her a very Wolfin smile before putting her back against the wall. He gently pulled his knot free from her, feeling a wave of their mixed juices flow from her to coat his knot. He quickly bucked his hips back into her, his knot popping back into her stretched sex. He was rewarded with a loud moan from her, before he started to slowly pull himself free. With only the tip left inside, be thrust forward again and sank his knot within her again. "How do you like it my mate?"

Anastasia's body rocked and shuddered as he thrust his entire length in and out of her body, tieing her and pulling free with each gentle stroke. She didn't dare try to answer him until he stopped with only the tip still inside her and held himself there. "I think it's a good think we got a while before we need to be anywhere. Cause this is going to be a long and fun shower...."