The Pandaren Hunt - Chapter 1

Story by LibraryOfDebauchery on SoFurry

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#1 of The Pandaren Hunt (WoW)


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

The worgen male extracted himself from the pile of rubble that had previously been a section of wall. He staggered to his feel, a little dazed, as the towering silhouette standing in the broken section of the wall moved closer to him, almost as if it were gliding. Syn gathered himself enough to jump backwards and raise his axe defensively. It was then he noticed other shadows moving around him in the mist, the dust around him settling to reveal the largest Pandaren warrior he had ever seen. There was no doubt he was the monk of this temple.

"I see you have killed a great many of my warriors." The Pandaren monk spoke plainly in a commanding, self-assured baritone voice. "I do not know to which purpose you fight, but I am your next target, so face me."

The large, athletic worgen's head bobbled up and down slightly as he grumbled out a laugh low laugh, an insane grin spreading on his face.

"I've come for your cub-flesh. I am hardly interested in you or your warriors, although I'll admit slaughtering the bunch of ya is a fun bit of sport too!"

A brief twitch of anger crosses the stoic face of the monk, lip curling for only a moment as his own anger surprised him. The most vile of creatures stood between him and his students, and he could not help but show emotion as the worgen only laughed louder, eyes glaring as his insane laugh terrified the rest of the panda warriors hiding in the mist. The panda monk struck out like a flash, but all Syn had to do was see him coming, releasing a crafty-bomb and jumping even further back. The blast stunned the monk, enough for him to break his charge and stagger. That's when Syn moved in, the panda trying to improvise some sort of attack but to no effect as the worgen spun away to the side, spinning his axe and bringing it down onto the monk's neck, decapitating the large warrior as a fountain of blood exploded from the body as it fell lifeless to the ground. Syn picked up the still-twitching head and tossed it to one of the shadowy figures standing a ways off.

"Inform the next temple I'll be on my way. I'd like a bit more sport next time."

The Pandaren warriors knew the battle would not be won here, and disappeared into the shadows to follow Syn's command. He laughed at them as they ran off, shouting out to them in mockery.

"See you soon!"

A few minutes later Syn was finishing off the temple guard, knowing quite well that they wouldn't give up without giving their lives first. Together they gave him more of a fight than their master had, surprise attacking him from the shadows, but they didn't realize that the worgen's true talent for slaying wasn't in his combat technique, but laid in his finely tuned senses that allowed him to smell, hear, and feel threats. When the Pandarens pounced from the shadows, their feet made very subtle scraping noises on the ground, and he caught them in mid air while the only had one vector of attack, Syn remaining lithe and quick on his feet. Those that charged him were stunned with a variety of range weapons he had at his arsenal, and quickly beheaded just as their master had been. These charging attacks had no effect on Syn, and he was soon sheathing his axe in its harness on his back, using one of his lock-picking charges to blow the secured temple doors open.

Syn used a couple edged weapons to pin the two swinging doors shut to keep the cubs he figured were secured inside there, trapped inside the gardens to do as he pleased with. It was silent inside for a few moments before he was attacked again, but this time the panda warriors were largely unarmored and younger. He almost felt sorry for them as he slowly tore them to pieces with his claws, hearing them shriek in terror as pieces of their bodies were torn off, ribs being pulled from chests and jaws torn from faces. A pile of them laid gurgling and slowly bleeding, Syn uninterested in these young fighters. He desired cub-flesh, and these were not young enough to sate his hunger.

He opened the door into the temple gardens, a large courtyard within the sanctuary where he found what he was looking for. There were temple students ranging from about ten years of age down to four, crying and huddling together as they watched the worgen approach them as he smiled sinisterly.

"All females? Where are the other young males?"

About five children rushed him, all male, and he backhanded and kicked each one so hard it knocked them out. He wasn't interested in the males in any case. "PLEASE!" One of the younger girls cried out. "Don't eat us!"

"Eat you!? You mistake which hunger I'm trying to sate." Syn began removing his armor and clothing. "I want your flesh, but I want it wrapped around mine!"

The girls screamed and ran off as Syn just laughed menacingly, knowing they couldn't escape and actually wishing to scare them further to get the desired reaction. He kind of herded a group of the girls towards the main entrance where the pile of dead or nearly-dead bodies laid, the girls screaming at the horror as on jawless panda reached out to them from the pile, begging for help, or perhaps a quicker death. As the girls turned to run away Syn was there and grabbed one of the pandas, a younger one about four years old. He drags her over to a gazebo and binds her arms with a rope before tying it to one of the rafters, not enough to lift her off her feet but enough that her frantic struggling cannot free her. She is quickly stripped of her white gi, sobbing now as Syn rubs his throbbing penis all over her face, wetting his shaft with her tears. Syn presses his testicles against her muzzle.

"Lick them. Bite and you die."

She begins lapping at the bottom of his testicles as she continues to cry with most of her face covered by his hot dick. When he barks out for her go faster, she complies as her soft tongue crazily slaps around between this thighs, painting his testicles in saliva. When precum starts dripping onto her face, he quickly takes his shaft and forces in into the panda cubs mouth as she gags and struggles for breath, holding her there until his cock is completely soaked, then pulling out and picking the cub up. She starts squealing when she feels the tip of his thick penis poke at her tail hole, rubbing a mix of saliva and pre around her sphincter. He doesnft even let her warm up to him before suddenly sliding his entire length into her as she trembled and shook. Other cubs nearby watch as he begins pumping his penis in and out as the four year old quakes in shock, Syn tossing his into her supple vaginal mound. So excited to get his cub-flesh, he didn't last long before his left leg twitched and a flood of semen began gushing from her asshole, the young girl crying out as she looked around slowly with tears pouring down her face, not understanding why nobody was helping her. The worgen wasnft done, and she could only close her eyes and scream as she felt his penis pull out of her tail hole and immediately push into her pussy, stripping her of her virginity with ease. She slowly lost strength as he pistoned his hips into hers, starting to let the rope take up the slack as she started mumbling, finally passing out as her attacker came inside her a second time, pulling out to let his sticky, snotty mess fall out of her widened vulva.

The cubs hadn't stayed scattered, deciding to reside in the comfort of each others company even if there was no escape, watching fearfully as the wolf turned to them. He strode over to his discarded clothing and removed a vial of virility and drank the contents, his sinister smile growing again as his lust became insatiable, descending on the crying cubs once again.

Defeated, one of the older cubs simply got up, undressed, and walked to Syn, dropping to her knees in front of him, head bowed and making no eye contact. He obliged her, simply pushing her onto her back as he leaned over her on all fours. She looked off to the side, into the distance, as he bottom lip trembled while he licked the side of her face tenderly in an almost mocking fashion as he lined his canine cock up with her thick vagina and plowed inside. She wanted to push against him, beat him back as he very slowly and methodically pushed and pulled every inch of his semen-slicked shaft through her vaginal tunnel, painfully toying with her, but she forced her arms to her side as her claws tore into the ground. She could not help but to yip and sob as he increased his pace, nibbling on her neck, the girl finally crying out at the hot pressure building inside her as his shaft throbbed, shooting his sperm deep into her as his penis pressed against her cervix, filling her womb with his sticky mess.

Another of the female cubs scowled and lunged at Syn, his orgasm not yet finished and the cub wishing to catch him off his guard. He was happy to oblige her, tearing her clothes off with a swipe mid-air, throwing her to the ground on her belly and slamming his penis into her pussy as it still squirted from his last orgasm, the worgen laughing maniacally as she gasped in sudden shock of being taken so aggressively. Still he planned on getting a fresh orgasm out of this brave one.

No, he wasn't done with these cubs, not by a long shot.