Love Is... Chapter 23

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#23 of Love Is...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I love it. :3 To show that, this series of short, single-scene stories has been all about the many aspects of love! :3

Love Is.

From their first kiss, standing before the Minister and all their family and friends, right the way through to the last dance of the night, Martin and Emma had not spent a single moment alone together. In fact the last time they'd shared a single private moment had been two days before the wedding, when in the midst of the rehearsal dinner they'd taken an entire minute out to share a quick kiss, a brief cuddle, and a promise that they'd see one another in their hotel room that night.

Of course, they hadn't. Weddings were complicated affairs, and no element more so than the placating of families. An aunt and uncle on Emma's side of the family had been the cause of the trouble, one of them getting drunk and the other refusing to let them into their hotel room! Thus Emma and Martin had barely closed their bedroom door, and not even managed to peel a single item of clothing off one another before Uncle Sebastian had come hammering at their door, asking if perhaps he could sleep on their couch for an hour or two until Aunt Julia had calmed down a little.

The next morning, Aunt Julia had arrived to find him snoring in the centre of the lovers' double bed, whilst they put on a matching pair of His and Hers fake smiles and pretended not to be both pent up and infuriated at their final chance at some extended alone time being spoiled.

Now though the wedding was over. The reception was over. The drive back to the hotel was over. The need to be nice to the friends and courteous to the families was over. The time for patience and restraint was finally over!

"Oh god..."

Martin slammed the door shut behind them, twisting the lock, double-checking the handle just to make sure the lock was working, and then checking it again just to be sure. It didn't budge, and in a split-second he was bolting across the room towards where Emma was standing beside the bed, staring at it like it was the most astonishingly wondrous piece of technology she had ever set eyes upon. The moment his paws made contact with her body though, Emma forgot all about the bed. The vixen whimpered in giddy euphoria, and as Martin threw her lightly down onto the bed she let loose a feverish cry of anticipation.

Neither one of them were under any illusion about what tonight meant for them. It was the wedding night. The night which all furs from puberty onwards knew was supposed to be about one thing and one thing only. The night where you shared a bed with your new husband or wife. The night where you consummated the marriage. The night where sex was law, and love, and everything!

Emma groaned loudly as Martin's paws darted between her legs, clutching at her underwear and dragging it down from within the female's long but less formal white dress that she had worn to the reception. She felt his fingers trembling as her panties were pulled free from her thighs and began the long descent down her legs, dodging the traps of both knee and ankle before being pulled free and sent flying across the room with a flick of the collie's left paw.

"Emmy... I can't wait! I... I want you so badly! Ohh god, oh fuck, my wife! My beautiful wife!"

The vixen felt her heart flutter and her loins clench with desire as Martin began to feverishly fumble with his belt, casting it aside along with his suit's jacket before beginning to battle with the buttons and zipper of his trousers. She could already see the outline of his cock pressing out against the black fabric, tenting it in a manner Emma swore was more noticeable than usual! The words he uttered as he tried to ready himself to mate with her didn't help the female's neediness one bit, in fact had she not known better Emma might have accused Martin of deliberately trying to get her worked up. The simple truth however was that right then they were both thinking the same thing, and they both wanted the very same things from one another too!

Lying back on the bed, Emma tugged at the base of her dress as she watched her new husband snarl fiercely as he yanked at the final button of his trousers. It seemed that his arousal made it impossible for him to loosen the fabric enough to get the button through the hole, and thus there was only one way either of them could see for Martin to free himself. He pulled hard on the piece of fabric holding the button in place once again, and both Martin and Emma alike let loose a whimper of joy as the button popped loose, ricocheting off one of the lamp's by the bedside as Martin tugged his trousers down.

By the time the collie's trousers and boxer-briefs were being kicked off from where they'd pooled at his ankles, Emma had hiked up her dress enough that it was bunched around her waist, exposing every last inch of the vixen's intimate regions to her husband's raging erection. She whimpered joyously as he freed his footpaws from the clutches of his own lower garments, pressing a finger to her clitoris and groaning in desire as pleasure surged through her body. The vixen hadn't cum since her last time with Martin, having felt as though it would be somehow wrong to masturbate when she was about to be married, at which time she would be able to indulge her body's desires all too readily!

"Oh god Emma... y-you look so... oh god! I love you so fucking much, c'mere!"

Martin threw himself at the vixen as he cried out to her passionately, but upon seizing her in his arms his motions were far from the wild, crazed frenzy which both of them could feel raging within their bodies. Emma was pregnant, and while she was still in the safe period for them to be doing things like this Martin had been taking greater care with their love-making ever since she began to show. The vixen didn't mind, in fact some of the best sex they'd ever had was the kind that Martin had lavished upon her over the last month or so! It may not have been the unbound, feverish fucking that many would have expected a wedding night to contain at least in part, but if anyone had said what they shared was any less passionate than normal, Emma would have laughed in their face.

Moaning with absolute joy as she felt Martin's shaft pressing up against her slit, his tip already wet with pre-cum, Emma threw her legs up around her husband's waist and wrapped her arms tightly around his back. She gazed up into Martin's beaming, blushing, panting face, and whimpered as the male's hot breath washed over her own reddened cheeks.

"D-don't wait, Marty. Do it. F-fuck your wife... o-ohhh god, please! L-love your lil' lady just like she likes it!"

A heated snarl escaped the collie's muzzle as Emma whispered in his ear, her words so dirty and yet spoken in a tone so sincere and desperate that he felt guilty for making her wait even this long! She always knew how to drive him nuts, and on this, their wedding night, he should have expected nothing less than her absolute best.

Emma yelped in uncontrollable bliss as Martin's hips delivered their first thrust, her toes curling in pleasure atop the collie's back as the male's shaft began to sink into her sensitive treasure. She whimpered heatedly as he slowly and carefully began to sink into her, not driving his cock home with the same force he might once have but still intending to fill her up with every last inch at his disposal. His stiff erection spread her open inch by inch, plucking and rubbing at her velvet walls more and more as each new inch of flesh filled her, probing steadily deeper into her needy passage.

"Yess... ohh yes M-Marty..."

The collie covered her face in kisses as he penetrated her, listening to his wife's feverish whimpers and responding with moans and gasps of his own amid each flurry of little touches between his lips and her face. He couldn't help himself, staring down at her pleasure stricken face and knowing that this was the sight which would greet him for the rest of their lives! Martin didn't care if they couldn't sleep together in the true sense of the word when they were old and grey; it would take a dozen broken hips and a heavenly intervention to stop him from lying atop the woman of his dreams, the woman he'd married, and gazing down at her beautiful face.

Inch by inch Martin pressed into Emma's treasure, hearing her whimpers growing in intensity as more of his erection pleasured her sensitive innards and feeling his own body responding in kind as she squeezed and trembled around him with her hot, damp depths. At one point his shaft twitched and the female's entire body seemed to convulse for a single moment, a strangled cry escaping her lips and a sudden rush of fluids escaping from around their interlocking organs. He didn't know precisely what his erection had hit within her, certainly not her g-spot given the angle of his entry and the depth his tip was reaching at that point, but the collie made a note of it nonetheless. Even now, after close to four years of love and passion between them, he never stopped looking for new ways to make Emma feel good, both inside and out of the bedroom.

After almost three minutes of slow, gentle progress, Emma felt her lover's hips bumping against her own, and with a long, lustful groan from Martin came to the conclusion that he was finally buried within her to the hilt. She blushed as his sharp blue eyes gazed down at her, and giggled as he planted another one of his cute little kisses on the very tip of her nose.

"We're married, Emma."

Martin caressed the vixen's left cheek with the fingers of one paw, then kissed her fondly upon the muzzle. She moaned happily.


Another kiss, another moan.

"You're my wife now. My beautiful pregnant, sexy wife. How does that make you feel, Emmy? Good?"

Emma whined, squirming with delight beneath Martin and clawing at his shirt-covered back.

"Y-you bastard... you know how it makes me feel. You know what that sort of talk does to me!"

The male chuckled, nodding pointedly.

"Yeah, just like when you start talking about me wanting to love my little lady... I know just how that makes me feel. I love it. I love it like I love you, Emma. Too much to bear!"

His hips slid backwards, Emma whimpering and tightening the grip of her legs around his back. He only slid a few inches back though, not even half way out, before pressing himself forward once again and delivering his first potent thrust.

"A-ahh!! Ohh g-god, Martin!"

The vixen's eyes rolled back in her head as her husband's shaft drove back into her, its pace not hard or fast by any means but still more than sufficient to send her pleasure-hungry body sinking into the throes of carnal desire which until now Emma had only just been managing to hold back.

From that point onward neither one of them tried to tease or taunt the other, both parties becoming far too invested in the act of love itself as that first thrust gave rise to a second, then a third, and a whole host to follow. Martin's hips rose and fell with the same steady pace, sometimes pulling back as little as an inch or on other occasions leaving only an inch remaining within Emma, only to sink the remaining six all the way back into her amid a series of fevered whimpers and moans. The collie panted and groaned happily as Emma's body squeezed around him in return, feeling the same wonderful sensations of her inner muscles rippling tightly around his shaft that he had known on countless occasions, and yet experiencing each excruciatingly glorious burst of pleasure for the very first time. Never before after all had he been pleasured in this way by his wife. By his girlfriend, yes, and by his fiancof course! But his wife? No... this was a new and wonderful source of pleasure from her heavenly form!

Emma clung to her lover as he made love to her, rocking her body back up against his thrusts as best she could and making sure that every whimper and moan of pleasure that slipped from her lips did so close enough to Martin's ear for him to hear it clearly. She knew how much Martin loved to know she was feeling good, and... gods, she had never felt this good before! It didn't matter if this was to be just the first orgasm of the night, or whether or not there had been times in the past where Martin had kept her cumming until she'd passed out from the pleasure. This was it. This was the one night of every fur's life that, if shared with the right partner, they would never forget! That alone made every thrust and every new eruption of pleasure within her nether-regions that much more incredible. The fact that Martin was a wonderful lover anyway, and that he had long since learned every trick in the book to make her feel good, that was just a lucky bonus.

"I... I love you..."

The vixen blushed as she uttered those words. She didn't know why, since she said them to her husband every day and showed it in her actions far more frequently than even that, but she blushed nonetheless. Stranger still though was the way Martin reacted to those three simple words though; the three words that had defined their relationship in so many important ways! He cried out in pleasure; not just from the pleasure of his latest thrust, but in part at least as a result of hearing his wife address him with that tender sentiment.

"Oh god Emma! Ohh god... I..."

His words trailed off into a heated whimper, and Emma's eyes widened as she felt her lover's pacing kick up a gear. His cock plunged into her trembling passage with a speed unequalled by any thrust to have come before it, and it left the female a breathless, whimpering wreck, helpless to resist as he did it again and again!

"I love you too, Emma."

Martin said it this time, and suddenly the vixen realised what had set him off so violently. Before she could truly vocalise this realisation though she found herself stricken by a new and devastating rush of pleasure as Martin slipped deep into her once again, and her thoughts were lost to the world in a giddy, incoherent wail of delight!

Something had changed, both Martin and Emma knew it as they hung on to one another for dear life and made love like their lives depended on it, each motion of their interlinked bodies gentle and yet both fast and passionate to the extreme. Saying I love you... it wasn't the same as it had been before they were married! It wasn't anything close to the same thing anymore. It was everything it had been then, of course it was, but... now? Now it was so much more than that!

A fevered bark escaped the collie as he sank his throbbing erection back into his wife's treasure, and rather than pulling back in readiness for another thrust he felt compelled to hold himself in. He was dangling on the knife's edge, and he knew that if he moved even an inch he would be granted the release his body craved. At the same time though he didn't want to move; he didn't want to cum into Emma mid-way through a thrust, or to lose himself and pound her in that final instant before he erupted in a way that might just cause a bit too much turbulence within her womb! He just wanted the perfect orgasm for the both of them, and for that... for that he could bear a few more seconds hanging over the edge!

Emma however could not wait, and even if she could have she wouldn't have wanted to. Upon feeling Martin hilt within her and continue to press his hips down, showing no signs of drawing back for another thrust, Emma's instinct told her that now was the time. She had been barely holding on for an innumerable length of time; maybe seconds, maybe minutes, who knew! But all her body knew in that moment was that she was ready to climax, and that if Martin was ready to do so as well then there was nothing in this world that could stop her.

The fox and collie peaked as one, their howls and shrieks of pleasure echoing off the hotel room walls and bringing a scarlet blush to the cheeks of the maid cleaning out the room next door. Martin's seed flooded into the vixen's body, and her gorgeous, swollen, pregnant body responded with its own gush of fluids, soaking their loins and the sheets beneath them with their combined ejaculate!

In that instant, cumming, touching the heavens with their pleasure, wrapped up in each others arms and gazing deep into one another's eyes, both husband and wife knew what it was about their latest 'I love you's that had made them so suddenly wild with pleasure and happiness. Emma knew it clear as day as she felt Martin's cock throbbing and twitching within her, and Martin read it like a book from within her eyes as he felt his wife milking him and surrounding his member with her hot, sticky juices.

They had spent every day of their relationship slowly building up a picture of what love meant to them; learning, discovering and sharing what it was to be in love. And now, on their wedding night, they had come to an undeniable realisation.

If this was a new chapter in their lives, and if this night was but the first of the rest of their lives together, then surely from now on love would have a whole new meaning. What they knew before would help get them started, but from now onward their quest was as important as it had ever been. Love wasn't something they could ever claim to know in its entirety. Even if they had known it as lovers, they would have to redefine it as husband and wife. If they ever came to believe that they knew it as husband and wife, then surely they would have to explore what it meant as a father and mother too.

Love is indescribable, so much so that there are a hundred thousand ways to say it without words. A look, a gesture, a feeling, an act, all can fit the definition of love, and yet none of them are true definitions of it in themselves. This was what Emma and Martin were coming to realise. And yet would they ever give up trying to explore it, or to define it?



They would never stop trying, because in a strange sort of way... that was the very definition of love that they were seeking.

Love is caring for someone enough to never stop trying to show how and why you love them.

In short, love simply is.

By Jeeves