Parting The Pack: Prologue (NSFW)

Story by VixenSkunkDoe99 on SoFurry

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#2 of Parting The Pack

A dirty doe and an equally dirty dog make the most out of their first Sam Hain night together, but the mood dampens when they remember their planned family meetings. Will the enthusiastically dorky doe become part of his pack?

Happy Valentines Day!

Thumbnail was done by the amazing WastedTimeEE! And thanks to him for inspiring writing like this with his own great Zoot AU!

(Links to the prequel fic for this couple: )

The autumn gust rushed against her chest, and flapped up her skirt.

The full moon served as her only source of illumination.

The only sounds were the melodies of crickets, her Mary-Jane shoes on the solid dirt, and her mild frantic gasps.

Despite the lack of a clear vision, and the increasing musk of her own sweat, Cindy Doeson refused to halt, except for when her bottom needed a scratching.

From within the closest shrub, the deer was carefully observed, from her formal footwear to her twin ginger braids to her fiery red cape to her fluttering skirt that revealed an odd pair of frumpy vanilla underpants.

The young doe descended down the slope, oblivious to her secret spectator, only to strike a stable root.

"Oh!" She subsequently collapsed to the earth, plummeted further down the hill, and finally ceased by the concealing shrub, with her legs promoted, and her skirt slumped.

Cindy's ears shot up at the shame of fully exposing her silly undergarments, however, a new noise distracted her.

Her ears leveled back at a modest, intimidating growl with no definite origin, and now she feared that whoever this creature was, they might detect the perspiration within her baggy underwear.

Her eyes darted left, right, up, down, and every other direction to locate the source of a second guttural voice.

Her heart then halted as she now heard the leaves stirring just 4 inches behind her, and she refused to even peek back until the sound had ended.

The doe fiddled her hooves as she gradually turned, and her sweat increased greatly as she discovered a tall, lanky form nearly 6 feet above her huddled position.

"Eep..." Was all she could muster as he unveiled a pair of gleaming auburn pupils, and an equally luminous pair of fangs that would put the most effective butcher knife to shame.

Cindy couldn't even obey her instinct to shroud her rear in modesty as this beast drooled at the sight of it and emitted another threatening growl.

"Uh, Red?"

The doe's ears slowly ascended at the sudden casual voice, and she stared back at the tall, nude figure, as he clasped his own paws.

"You sure no-one's gonna see us?"

She formed a tender grin at his humble question, and giggled, before rising to the canine.

"Fluff-Cake, this is where Applepine Acres used to be, and I still remember bawling my eyes out as a fawn when I heard they were moving to the plains of BunnyBurrow. Trust me, not a single mammal can see us..."

The timberwolf attempted to hide his swaying tail at Cindy's hooves fixing onto her sultry thighs, and especially her half-hidden eyes accompanying her pleasant smile.

"OK. If you insist." He responded, to which she released a more vocal perky twitter.

After a period of silence, the doe cleared her throat, and darted her pupils from Stephan's top to his bare bottom.

"Hmm? Oh, right!"

After his realization, Stephan shut his eyes, and carefully emanated another menacing growl, as his claws and jaws were once again on display for his cervine lady.

Desperately trying to avoid gawking at his firm meaty knot, Cindy cautiously stepped away from her tempting mate.

Finally, she hastily turned, and began to leap away further into the forest, with Stephan accelerating toward her.

Taking advantage of the situation, Cindy clutched the edge of her red skirt and silky petticoat, and promoted them up from her bottom as she pranced about.

From his feral position, Stephan regarded his mate's poofy, yet inviting frilly undergarments.

This sight took him back to the first week of October, when she sported an assortment of Dismurinea Princess gowns, plus a Prench Maid dress, just so she could twirl about, flaunting each of her decorative panties. If only December could come sooner so she can show off her "Sugarplum Fairy" outfit.

As Cindy continued flashing her behind, her tongue still stuck out, she noticed a rather hefty root bulging from the soil.

With a shrewd giggle, the deer paused at the root, and allowed herself to topple over, making sure that her skirt was once again flipped down.

"Oh deer! Somebody help me! Save me from this wolf!"

Stephan smirked at the familiar pair of brunette legs clad in formal footwear, accompanying those bloomers and that sharp faux-distressed voice.

He swiftly sprung onto the doe, and snared her flapping legs, prompting a giggle from her.

"Pleeeease! Heeeeelp!"

As she feebly rapped the ground like a fawn who got coal for Yule, the wolf licked his lips at her twitching hooves.

Without a second thought, Stephan knocked off her Mary-Jane shoes, and began to jerk off her pearly socks.

Initially pausing her performance, Cindy smirked at the sudden breeze that rushed between her hooves, anticipating what they would endure next.

Her adrenaline began to decline as she heard frantic sniffing, and her mind shifted to how much she regretted leaving her used socks with her dirty underwear that Tuesday night.

She turned to find the silver canine, still seizing her legs with one paw, and inhaling the abnormal scent of her now-sweaty socks with the other.

Despite giggling as he fit one on his nose and the other on his bulging shaft, she grew annoyed with his distraction.

"Stephan, I thought we agreed you we- HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!"

She collapsed back to the ground as his claws wildly danced about her bare soles.

The odor of her socks combined with the outrageous laughter she made was enough to put a smirk on Stephan's snout.

Finally, after one last whiff of her delightfully moist socks, the wolf gave a perverted glance at her equally sweaty bloomers, still distracting the wearer with his tickling paws.

Cindy's laughter immediately turned to a gasp once her mate snatched her by the undies, and raised them up, dragging her rump with them.

"No, please don't!" Cindy resumed her clumsy attempt at dread and grabbed what little she could of the gigantic root as he yanked at her garments.

"Let go of me, you brute!" She playfully warned as he tugged harder and harder, revealing a little more of her freckled buttcrack.

"These are my most expensive undies, and you will pay for this if you do anyth-!"


Cindy froze as she detected another breeze, this time against her bare bottom.

Stephan rose with what little of the bloomers he had left in his fangs, and observed the fluttering tail that accompanied the doe's exposed bottom cheeks.

"Oh! Get off me you barbarian!" Cindy chuckled once her ravenous mate pounced onto her rump.

The wolf was well aware by now that whenever Cindy referred to him as a "barbarian", a "ruthless monster", or a "chauvinistic beast" she desperately wanted him to go further.

So he immediately inhaled the scents of the sweat from her delicate bottom hole, his mind melting into pure depravity as her hoof fondled his head, and gently nudged it further into her backside.

Once he detected his tense meaty shaft touching the ground, his tongue intuitively crawled out from his muzzle, and pressed against her moist, gaping, delicious butthole.

Cindy gnawed at her lips at this provocation, next to the balmy breaths he exhaled onto her private parts.

"Stick it in... Lick every inch of my wet tushie..." She grinned at his tail wagging from the excitement of his snout being forced further inside her.

"Hehe, is this why you wear those baggy underpants?" Stephan spoke with his mouth full of fresh deer meat.

"One- Ah!- reason." Was all she could reply with before resorting to her distraught tone.

"Please, somebody do something! Anybody! Heeeelp! I'm being viciously pounded by a twisted creature! I dunno if my bottom can take it anymore!"

As he continued with his rowdy behavior, Stephan snickered at the times Cindy complained about her "bottom being sore", and then asked him to "make it feel better with a good hard pounding".

Once he decided he had enough of the smell of her sweaty bum, and pulled his nose away from her freckled peaches, Cindy wrapped her legs around his own mounds of dough with a wicked smirk.

"Rut me. Rip this dress into oblivion and give me your best butt rut."

Stephan's blood dampened as he ogled at her modest red skirt, accompanied by her delicate bodice and the pleasant tips of her chestnut braids.

"You really wanna get rid of this, Red? I think you look beautiful in it already, and we could save it for next year."

Cindy's face flushed at his remark.

"Gus has, like, 7 more of these at his store, you know, and they're only 25 bucks. I won't miss this."

The silver canine eyed the garment one final time, before carefully tracing a claw to the first string on her bodice.

He initially shuddered at the startled gasp she responded with, only to seize the entire hem once she emitted another twitter.





The doe's pleas were dimmed by the sounds of his claws shredding her clothes into bite-sized rags, and she couldn't be happier.

Once she was left with nothing but her velvet cape, her hooves were restrained by his massive paw, and then by a thick string forcing them above her hair.

She barely had time to react as Stephan linked her heels to the nearest tree branches, leaving her powerless to protect her slippery gaping flower from his sight.

Cindy twittered once she perceived his snout on her thighs.

Every sniff he took only made her mound wetter and her butt even sweatier.

From her tender spotted legs, to her slender belly, to her moderate breasts, to her moist armpits, and finally to her delicate neck, no dainty princess costume could atone for this doe's impure notions.

Now she sensed his glorious tuft of fur between her breasts as he took his last sniffs, which was no different from the nights where she'd cuddled with her favorite wolf plushie since fawnhood.

Only Stephan did more than just snuggle, he'd pounded, fingered, spanked, nipped, and was even found rummaging through her used underwear from time to time.

Meanwhile, the great canine regarded her amused expression, and formed a sly smirk under the urge to break her virginal ruse.

He faced her velvety bosom, topped with her petite, silk pink nipples, and firmly cupped one of the teats with his free paw.

Cindy's teeth clamped onto her lips as his sharpened claws twirled over her bud, which gradually rose as they were stroked.

The wolf then dipped to her chest and unveiled his pearly fangs, before snapping at the tiny pink mountain atop her brunette mound.

The pleasure of his canine features interacting with her private parts propelled her mind into raw lust.

"Give me a butt-rut..."

Stephan paused at her blunt request.


"You heard me. Give me the hardest butt-rut you can perform."

Stephan's ears leveled at her request.

"You sure? I mean, we're still outside, and I don't wanna risk anyone hearing us get all savage."

"Stephan, I told you there's no one here, now rut my butt, please."

"Alrighty, whatever you say..."

His right paw, which had been confined to the ground this whole time, combed the grass until he found their favorite brand of lube.

Without question, he wrung the oily content out of the bottle onto his twitching member, and into the lower tunnel of his "dear deer".

After a few secure squeezes and a plethora of giggles from the rowdy doe, Stephan spread over her entire form and shoved his entire knot inside her bottom.

The startled, yet tempting gasp she emitted made his length swell, causing Cindy's voice to melt into a pleasant moan.

He rocked his massive hips away from hers, only to force them back within a heartbeat.

Her breasts began to sway up and sink back down as Stephan's thrusts accelerated, and she began to delight in the perverse aches of his broad bulge stretching the inside of her bum.

The doe admired how his coarse grunts and cruder humps complemented her wet bottom, her uncivilized pubes, and her frequently sticky garments.

She interrupted her own amorous sighs to snicker at her mate sticking one of her socks onto his muzzle.

He thrusted harder and faster once he started to snort her footwear, impressed that such a graceful doe could produce such an obscene odor.

Their rutting persisted for another half-hour, with Stephan's grunts and Cindy's ecstatic bleats echoing throughout the thicket, until he inevitably filled the inside of her behind with his essence.

With his knot still sealed in her, however, they were forced to remain in this area for roughly an hour, before they were interrupted by the beam of a flashlight.

For the following minutes, Stephan was overwhelmed with adrenaline. The fear of being accused of indecent exposure and the responsibility of retrieving the keys to his Vulpswagon added to the greater responsibility of carrying his still lust-drunken mate back.

His dread eased slightly when he detected his shaft twitching, then slipping out of Cindy's tunnel 3 quarters down their path back, yet he retained his grip on her buttocks until he spotted his crimson red vehicle.

While they still were never caught, the wolf's fear resumed somewhat when he had to interrupt the giddy doe from emptying his "love potion" onto the soil, but he managed to properly conceal her with the remains of her dress, and their spare towel in the car.

Stephan tore the October page from the calendar with the same ease as shredding Cindy's clothes, and observed the autumn backdrop accompanying the November page.

The secluded woods portrayed here looked like the perfect environment to settle in after marriage.

In spite of what he'd heard, the wolf admired the straightforward, if slightly rigid weather provided in the wooded division of the Meadowlands, and the massive shade that the oaks provided in the summer.

On top of that, they would still have a plethora of convenient stores and eateries, essential or otherwise, nearby. Not quite as abundant as in the city of Zootopia, but perfect for a humble semi-rural couple.

Stephan's mood diminished, however, once he peeked at the boxes from the 11th to the 19th that were highlighted with red markers, coupled with the bold text "Family Meetings!".

He hadn't visited his family since his birthday in April, just within the space between his first two visits to the Sahara Public Library and his "dear deer", and their conversations since then were limited to phone calls. They usually detailed either his dates with his bubbly new girlfriend, or some other kind of update going on back in the Alpine Ridges, like mom stationing the "Alpha Burger" stand in the stadium for the newest baseball game, or his sister kicking off a new friendship that wasn't limited to her Discord server.

However, the lack of a response from his father on any of the matters always left the canine in depression, which only deepened since Cindy marked the dates on this calendar.

Dumbfounded at just how few leftovers there were, Cindy took the vast plastic bowl that was left outside their room during their night out, and rummaged to find anything that wasn't chocolate.

While a movie night was a tradition for her on Sam Hain night, the doe had often pinned for the days when she'd either join or attend to the trick-or-treating fawns and cubs in her old neighborhood, and especially the times when her family would host an extensive costume party.

However, the unadulterated thrill she'd just experienced would be enough to fill that Autumn vibe, at least until she had children.

As she packaged the Herdshy's bars and Fleece's Pieces for "Library Donations'', Cindy noticed a medium frame nailed to the wall 3 feet away.

It portrayed her partner giving a humble grin, accompanied by two female canines. One with a pale coat, an immense belly and her right paw affectionately gripping Stephan's shoulder, and the other slightly less round, with a charcoal pelt, and a disgruntled frown.

The doe took special notice of the lack of a distinguishable "Alpha" in this portrait. Stephan had never mentioned any father, which she'd chalked up to as either a death in the family, or more optimistically, just a "workaholic" type.

As happy she was with her own family, Cindy had been fiercely waiting for the chance at becoming a part of her mate's "pack".

Since they started dating, she couldn't prevent herself from rereading her favorite chapters of the wolf history books at the Sahara Public Library: The Ethics of The Pack.

According to the Norwulf texts of the far past, once the mates were bound for marriage, the "outside individual" would be promised special security from the pack. If they were under enemy attack, it would be the Alpha's sworn duty to prevent any harm. If they bore puppies of their own, the Alpha would be obliged to celebrate. If any member of the pack dared to humiliate the "outside Omega", they would be under intense scorn.

Every night she rested with her Fluff-Cake, Cindy yearned for a true "pack hug" from his family. She could practically perceive the refreshing flurry from the combined wagging of their tails, with their rich howls ringing in her ears.

While inserting his disc of "The Nightmare Before Yule" into the Hamsung player, Stephan uttered a melancholy whimper, contemplating the worst-case scenario with his father's involvement, if any, with his new affair.

He reclined onto his bed, with only the awkward shuffling of his doe-decorated sheets and the sputtering of his DVD console echoing through the room.

It still felt like yesterday that he was facing the dark Alpha male 2 feet away at the dinner table, his fiery pupils shriveling and every hair on his pelt erecting with fury as he growled about the "damn grazers".

Cindy had never stated, let alone indicated that she had any role in the Night Howler Scandal years earlier, or any sort of discrimination against predators in general. Even if she had, the silver canine would have known with his snout alone. Yet he dreaded the notion of his dad blaming her breed for laying him off his role as the Alpine High coach amid the tensions of the "savage attacks".

"Hey Fluff-Cake! Watch out!"

Stephan's heartbeat surged once he caught sight of the ginger-haired doe pouncing toward him.

The wolf's ears shot up and the silver hue in his cheeks turned crimson as he gazed from Cindy's gleaming sapphire eyes, to her playful smile, to the dangling end of her red mane, to whatever he could make out of her fur patterns beneath her luxurious silk nightgown, and finally to the short tail fluttering just above her behind, rivaling his own swaying tail.

He failed to withhold a chuckle as her hooves danced through his chest tuft.

"Alright, Red Honey. Don't wanna waste all our speed tonight, do we?"

The doe rolled her eyes and squirmed her grin with a low "hmmm..."

"Say, Cindy? After our movie, can we watch some of the bonus features?"

She scoffed in response to yet another request on "Dismurinea Night".

"I take it you'll wanna see the previews too?"

"Yes, please?" Stephan briskly nodded.

Cindy emitted another light giggle as she twirled into the beams reflected from the moon on the bed.

"Alright, sure." She gripped his delicate biceps as she spoke.

"Thanks, my dear deer."

He planted a peck on her fluffy cheek while tapping the buttons on his remote, hardly spotting the calendar page that drifted from his paw to the carpet.