TSALF: Blog 3#- Serving Mister Che

Story by ThePerfeclyEvil2000 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Scandalous Adventures of a Lusty Fox

Finnally finding a rich manager to help him with his career, the litte fox has to bend over to all of the horny Elephant's whims...In every sense of the word hehe

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The character of Che belongs to my Elephant friend (and daddy ;). You can find him as @ur_irrelephant_ on twitter


The Scandalous Adventures of A Lusty Fox:

Blog 3#: Serving Mister Che

Sorry for the lack of stories my furry friends! But I finally had the time to post this new blog of mine. Hope you all like it!


This story takes place many years ago. I was living on the couches of the "friends" I met on the road, and I admit that I let them have their way with me so I was able to get some extra days in their apartments.

My career as a musician was....Well as good as dead. Nobody was hiring me, not even was able to sing at weddings. So my funds were, admittedly, quite low. So imagine my surprise when I received the email.


from: D'oroparfumIndustries@gmail.com

to: ThePerfeclyEvilFox@outlook.com

subject: Looking for a talented "performer"

Good Evening Mr. Raposo.

I work for Mister Che, CEO of D'oro Parfum Industries, as his secretary. I was informed directly by him to contact you. Mister Che has discovered you through your youtube channel, and has immediately fallen in love with your music. He is quite well known for being a patron of small artists and creators, and is interested in an interview with you. In case you are interested please contact.... (blah blah blah you get the picture) "

I am not gonna lie, I was a bit suspicious. CEOs don't suddenly appear to you and offer you a job. So I checked the email by visiting the official D'oro Parfum Industries just to be sure, and it was legit. Same email and all. Hey, maybe it wasn't a scam, I thought. And if it was,, the worst that could happen was the scammers realizing I was broken and leaving me alone...or try to steal my kidney and get some profit out of it.. Eh, it's why I got two of them, so I replied to the email confirming the meeting.

I wish I could say that I was confident and ready for the interview...But in reality, the closer the limousine got to the building the more I started to shake with anxiety. Reaching my destination, I gazed in awe as I entered the tall building that had a giant logo of his company on top of it, a large golden spade. The main hall had tall glass walls with golden lines drawn on it, in an art deco style (it would be a safe bet that it was real gold), with a large crystal chandelier that hung on the high ceiling.

The doorman guided me to the fancy elevator. It took me a second too long to gain the courage to step inside. I gasped as the large golden doors closed in front of me. I could feel my body getting sweatier and sweatier the higher the elevator went. I had been jobless for almost 6 months. This could be my last shot at reviving my dead career, I definitely couldn't blow this one up.

Once again, my eyes widened as I admired the appearance of the place. A couple of tall golden statues of elephants sat close to the doors of the office. The place was immense, probably larger than four apartments together, a white carpet covered the entire floor, the place had no walls, only windows that showed the beautiful view of the city on the 50th floor. But my attention went straight to him.

The tall elephant was casually leaning on top of his desk, made of pure gold. Instantly I felt some shivers going through my spine. He had a cocky smile that could definitely be a sign of his true intentions. His yellow eyes even from afar were borderline hypnotic, with his entire demeanor showing off the confidence of a lifetime of experiences. He was, admittedly, a bit intimidating.

"You must be Red, I assume" he said, giving me that smile that made me immediately blush. He lifted his paw towards me, It took me a second to realise I was supposed to shake his hand.

"Oh, yeah, I am!" I couldn't ignore the fact that he didn't call me Mister Raposo, but chose to use my first name, and...Well, I couldn't also ignore how large his hand was, and how hard he shook my much smaller, and much more sensitive paw.

"I-It's an honor to be here! I-I genuinely feel f-flattered that y-you want to meet me h-here..."

God dammit, I thought to myself. I was stuttering! I haven't stuttered in ages! It only happened a few times before. Maybe it was the fact the tall elephant was so much bigger than my petite figure, or maybe it was the fact that he was so utterly handsome. Either way, I was acting like a shy school girl talking to a crush. Yup. I was infatuated with the man after sharing less than a sentence with him. It's the curse of the foxes, I guess.

"Heheh, you look adorable when you are nervous, Cutie, " the elephant chuckled, "People often have this reaction when they meet me."

I blushed even more as he called me 'cutie'. Even if it was a bit inappropriate, I can't deny I was kind of flattered.

It was then that I noticed more of his appearance. What grabbed my attention was the fact he was quite keen on piercings. His ears, and even his large grey trunk had small golden rings pierced through it. It made sense, sporting a bunch of 18 quilates golden piercings certainly fit his style. And honestly made him look even more attractive to me.

"Let's start our 'reunion' already, shall we?" he said, guiding me to the large red couch he had in his office "I am impressed at your singing skills, cutie. at least by what I saw on the videos..."

"R-really? I mean, thanks!" I said, sitting a bit far away from the elephant, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"Yeah, and I see a cutie with a lot of potential right here" he sat down on the other side of the couch, spreading his arms and legs, acting in a relaxed way, almost as if he was at home, and I was already a close friend. I couldn't help but eye his crotch area, only for a split second, but by that glance alone I could see his large package slightly bulging from inside of his trousers. I quickly had to look away, as I felt my tight shorts tightening around my genitals.. Fuck, I couldn't have a boner in the middle of my interview! I crossed my legs, in an attempt to hide it.

"Would you like to drink something?" he pointed at the bar area on the far end of the office

"N-no I'm fine, sir..."

"Heh, I'm mostly offering cause you seem a little tense..." he stared up and down at me

"I'm s-sorry sir, I hope I am not..."

"You don't need to worry, heh" he said in a surprisingly comforting tone "I have already made up my mind."

"Wait, you did?!"

"Yes. I will be glad to support your career from now on"

"For real? I mean, y-you don't want m-me to sing for you live, do an audition or something?"

"Oh, I have seen enough from you singing online. I can say you are talented at it...But I still want you to show your 'other talents'."

The way he spoke those last words for some reason made me feel chills run down my spine, and made my already hardening cock get thicker. 'Is he going where I think he's going?'

I cleared my throat, trying to keep my cool. "Erm...'other talents'?"

The Elephant looked me straight in the eyes, and released a short devious chuckle

"Why don't you get a little closer to me, cutie..."

I had some idea of where this was going, I wasn't exactly what you could call a virgin, but still, my naivety (and lack of self confidence) made me blind to Mister Che's intentions.

I stepped closer to the elephant, as he kept sitting on his comfortable red couch, his yellow eyes shined as his devilish grin grew bigger and bigger.

"Oh no, Cutie" He whispered "I want you to get even...Closer..."

I could only gasp as his large hands gripped my hips firmly and pulled me up, my legs dangled in the air for a second. I was in a state of shock from this, not only because it was out of nowhere, but also cause I was surprised at how easily he lifted my chubby body. That man was surely strong, and his thick muscles that bulged from inside of his dress shirt could have been a sign of that.

My heart pounded harder as he sat me on his lap, letting my chubby rump touch his thick thighs. I was frightened, but I couldn't deny the fact that my cock hardened from inside of my pants, and throbbed even harder as his manly large hands caressed my small frame, touching the back of my neck, moving down to my lower back, then finally reaching my ass cheeks.

"S-Sir...W-Wait..." it was all I could say, while his thick fingers playfully teased me, caressing my ass crack as he chuckled wickedly. I softly moaned as the elephant invaded my rear, and slightly poked my fox hole. The sudden invasion of his digits was a pleasant surprise, but I was still reluctant at giving to the elephant's advances. But he was too strong to resist, and no doubt, was in control of the whole situation. It was clear he had this all planned from the start.

"M-Mister Che I..." I tried to speak, but felt his grey trunk covering my mouth.

"Shhhhh....No need to say a word, cutie. From the moment you stepped in the office, I knew you wanted this so...Oh SO badly", he said, moving his other hand through my small fat thighs, reaching my crotch and groping my penis through my pants. His firm grip on my small cock made me grunt and moan louder and louder.

"Hehehe, that is more like it...No need to resist...I saw you eying me when you got in here..., and boy..." he whispered, shoving his index finger deeply into my hole, stretching it slightly "I definitely want it too....So you be a good obedient cutie, and I will help out with your career...." I moaned once again as I felt another thick elephant finger going into my hole, from the way he was able to make me submit so easily it was clear he knew what he was doing. The more he teased my tight ass the harder he gripped my bulge, making my pre cum leak and dirt my shorts.

"Oh my...Making a mess already, aren't we?" He said, making circular movements with his fingers inside of my anus, going deeper and deeper, almost reaching my prostate "I'll take that as a yes..." he whispered in my ear, letting his trunk lovingly caress my cheek, suddenly, that same grey-ish trunk wrapped in the back of my head, and pushed me closer to his face. I felt his lips pressing tightly against mine, silencing my whimpers of pleasure.

I wanted to say no, to have the will power to push him off and keep some level of dignity...But he was right. I wanted him, I wanted to be HIS so much...I wanted to belong to him and please the manly elephant, and to be his cutie.

Any level of reluctance soon dissipated as his sweet lips met with mine.

His large tongue penetrated my mouth, dominating it as he prevented any sounds from coming out. That showed to me how much level of control he had over every aspect of my body. I clenched my already tight asshole harder around his large two fingers as he began pushing them in and out repeatedly, the feeling of being manhandled by the large horny elephant as if I was nothing but a toy to him was too good to resist.

Almost like it was instinct, I swiftly moved my paws towards his chest, getting inside of his unbuttoned shirt, and feeling his soft grey chest in my digits. It was soft and very well built, it was clear he was into working out a lot, based on his well defined torso. My hands soon caressed his belly, I could feel my erection throbbing harder as I groped his plump-ish tummy. I fucking love elephants due to their round "dad bod" figure, he was deffinetly that, but with muscular thick arms.

Soon enough, my paws finally reached his crotch region and...Man, I couldn't hold back my gasp of shock. What first surprised me was that his member was 7 inches thick, I groped it through his pants and felt that his length went down to his knee, easily surpassing the 40 centimeters mark. It was, at the time, my first real experience with an elephant, and I was aware of the species dick sizes...But this caught me completely off guard. I needed to pull it out of his trousers so badly, but I patiently waited for my new daddy to allow me to release that monstrosity of a cock.

I could still feel his large fingers playing with my foxhole making it stretch even more than I thought it was capable of. But then he stopped for a moment, and noticed me caressing his penis, longing for his approval. He chuckled devilishly, and said:

"Heh, such an obedient cutie... Waiting for me to give you the "go ahead", huh?...Well, what are you waiting for, shortie? Show daddy's cock some love..."

As soon as I had his permission, I got into action. I swiftly pulled his trouser's zipper down, and almost immediately, his large elephant member popped out, almost as if his pants were about to burst from the amount of shaft he had. His full 50 centimeters hard on sprung into life right in front of me, making my jaw drap in awe, and a little bit of fear. I wondered if I was going to handle that behemoth elephant dick. I heard the mocking chuckle of Mister Che, it was clear that my reaction was not new.

I started stroking his elephant member as my much smaller penis throbbed in anticipation. I felt his length with my paws, feeling how fat and heavy it was. Suddenly my anus was roughly spread, as he shoved four of fingers deeply into my hole. I gasped and whimpered in pleasure and pain, he was making sure I was prepared enough for the main event.

I opened my mouth, and began licking his dick head, tasting his salty leaking pre cum, savoring it's flavour with a loud moan. My tongue swiftly moved up and down, feeling his length throbbing with pleasure.

As I made my tongue back to his head, I felt him thrusting against my lips, pressing it hard and roughly, making my mouth open abruptly.

"Yeah...That's it, nice and wide for daddy, like the good boy you are!" he said, slowly sliding more of his length into my warm wet mouth "You're not gonna let daddy down, right cutie?"

As soon as he said those words, any fear of hurting myself with his huge cock dissipated. I couldn't let my daddy down. I am a fox after all, and our species are pretty much born to please horny larger men like him. I would wrap my lips tightly around his dick's head, moving my tongue swiftly inside of my mouth, I give it a few licks, so I know it would be slicker enough for me to swallow it.

Suddenly his large hands pushed my head down, feeling more of his dick going deep into my throat. The taste of his manly large tool was almost as good as the feeling of his four fingers, that he continued to push in and out of my already stretched and abused asshole.

I gagged once he shoved more of him in, it felt like his dick never ended, feeling it bulging and throbbing from inside of my neck. Tears rolled down my cheeks as my jaw nearly cracked as I bobbed my head back and forth, choking some more as inch by inch his elephant penis disappeared into my mouth. I pushed my gagging relax to the limit, until I finally felt my snout touching the base of his cock, having finally deepthroated my daddy's dick completely.

"That's a good boy!" he yelled, moaning with lust "Take all of it! Give Daddy Elephant the time of his life!" he then slid his fingers out of my burning hole, and gave my chubby ass a hard smack. If my mouth wasn't busy, I would have surely screamed in pleasure, I could feel it instantly burning red. He then tightly squeezed my plumb bums, feeling how soft I was. "You are doing a good job, cutie....Fuck! Just like that...You'll be rewarded for being such an obedient boy..." he said in between moans.

Hearing his loud grunts of satisfaction, I felt his hands taking hold of my head once more, and slowly pushed it up, feeling his musky dick being taken out of my mouth, which made me feel confused. But suddenly, as I was almost with his cock head being pulled out, he violently shoved his meat beck inside of me, his 50 centimeter cock rammed deeply into my throat once again, making me choke on his large meat as he buried my nose on his crotch.

"Hell yeah, cutie! Take it all!" he yelled loudly as he continued to bob my head back and forth, roughly using my throat as his personal cock sleeve. My mouth could only emit the sounds of my moans of pleasure, showing him I loved every second of this. While I deepthroated his dick for the 25th time, I moved my paws to his large grey balls, squeezing them and feeling how heavy they were.

"God damn, you are a good cock sucker..." he said as he slid my head up "Enough foreplay, time to get to the real fun..." he chuckled as he saw his large rigid member coated in my saliva "Damn...You were really hungry for some elephant cock, huh?" my throat ached a lot from taking his large meat, but he was right. I was incredibly satisfied for having taken such a delicious dick.

I gasped as his large hands picked me up from his lap, and laid me on my stomach on the carpeted floor of his office, he roughly grabbed my tail, and lifted my round ass up. The feeling of his heavy wet cock grinding in between my cheeks sent shivers down my spine.

"This is what Daddy's cute lil' fox wants?"

The warm feeling of my cheeks blushing was inevitable. He was teasing me with his huge member, making me beg like a little horny slut for having it finally into my hole, and, honestly, it was all that I was at that moment.

"Yes daddy elephant" I whispered in a hoarse voice, due to my aching throat.

"Oh...I'm sorry..." he pressed his thick dick head against my pink hole "I didn't hear you well..."

"Yes daddy!" I said a bit louder "I want to have you deeply into me...Please, turn me into your fox fleshlight..." My voice sounded incredibly husky, and incredibly submissive. He chuckled devilishly, seeing he had turned me into his obedient little toy

"Heh, as you wish, cutie..."

He suddenly yanked my tail back towards him, slowly plunging his thick dick into my ass.

"Oh Fuck!" I whimpered, feeling the sharp pain of having that behemoth cock invade my rear, even after having him stretching me out with his fingers, I still felt incredibly tight and unfit for such a large tool.

"Don't worry, cutie...I'll MAKE it fit!" he said, pushing my tail even harder, and making my ass nearly break from taking more of him. I felt my warm velvety insides wrapping around his thick member as he began to trust in me.

I couldn't help but release more of my slutty side, as my moans echoed through his office. Part of me wanted to beg him to stop, that I couldn't handle, but the sensation of my once tight asshole being completely stuffed by my new found master was too good to let it end.

"Heh, you'll get used to this feeling, little slut!" He shouted, as his pounding grew harder and heavier. Each time his rock hard dick violently thrusted I could feel his large balls smack against my butt cheeks. It felt like the large elephant's pace only grew faster with each second.

I cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, feeling my insides being turned inside out. He then pressed my head on the floor with one of his large hands, to give him more leverage to just plow away my abused hole, but to also show me a sign of his complete control over me, feeling with each thrust all of his weight. The loud noise of his hips crashing against my ass was muffled by his booming voice.

"You are Daddy's personal cock sleeve, aren't you, fat fox?! Your ass belongs to me now!!!"

I was in a drunken-horny stupor as he continued to pound away me ass, feeling my belly bulging slightly each time he shoved all of his meat in,

"Yes...FUCK...I belong to you..I am your little slut, your fuck toy...You can play with me as much as you like!!" It was too good to handle, I felt my small penis erupt as I came on the carpeted floor of his office.

"That's a good boy!!!" He shouted once again, thrusting his throbbing member violently one last time into me, going balls deep and nearly tearing me in half, I felt something warm filling my insides, I knew exactly what it was. I could feel my daddy emptying his large balls, unloading his delicious elephant seed into me, making my stomach bulge slightly from the amount of cum that was shot.

With his cock deeply into my hole, I could still feel it twitching and spewing every last drop of his elephant spunk in me, making sure I was well bred. Suddenly, he gave my butt cheeks another hard smack, making me moan exactly like a cheap whore. I could feel it burning red where he left his "love mark" on me, but I loved that aching sensation so much.

"D-did I do a good job, dad?" I whispered, with no strength in my body to move my head from the floor.

"That's my boy...You did very good"

I smiled, knowing that if I made my daddy happy, it was all worth it.

"Oh Fuck!" I said as he slowly pulled his dick out. I was afraid my anus would prolapse after so much hustle I endured. I could feel every last inch of his cock being taken out. And with a wet "Plop" his large penis was out of my ass, and immediately a torrent of cum began to drip from my hole. It was like someone had turned a sink, the white seed leaving me in a quick way out of my now loose ass, dirtying even more his once clean carpet.

He marveled at my gaping hole leaking his still warm spunk.I moaned quietly as my ass was burning in a way I haven't felt before. It was my first elephant, and was proud of having taken on such a big challenge. Looking incredibly drunk fuck after such a wild experience, sweating and breathing heavily, and still feeling more of his cum dripping from my hole. I noticed that he had got up from the couch, and walked in front of me

"Uh, uh, daddy's boy ain't done yet" he said with a dominant smile on his face, dropping his large elephant dick on my muzzle, It was sticky, completely covered in his jizz. "Daddy's boy gotta clean me up".

I happily nodded, and even with my ass aching after so much abuse, I got on my knees, like the good boy I was, and began licking his cum soaked cock head. My tongue moved rapidly once I tasted his delicious seed. It had such a unique flavour, so masculine and strong. I licked up and down his length, trying to cover every inch of that large tool, so he could be proud of me. I even moved my tongue down, and tasted his deliciously musky balls, only for good measure.

"Such a good fox, pleasing his daddy and even cleaning up my mess" he patted me on the head, with a big smile on his face. I think only other subs can explain the sensation of making your master proud, like you've done a good job, and was deserving of the praise. I can safely say I am addicted to it. "Come here, my new found good boy..." He said, picking me up, and kissing me deeply, slipping his long tongue inside of my mouth, feeling his soft grey trunk caressing my cheek. He carried me in his arms back to his couch, and laid there, with me laying on his chest. His trunk continued to caress my small frame, as he kissed me some more.

"S-so...You will sponsor my career?" I said shyly.

He looked at me, smiling "Heh, of course, cutie."

I got silent, afraid of asking the next question

"Can I keep being your horny cutie?"

He chuckled, nodding ""Of course, my little cutie."

The End

*AUTHOR'S NOTE: I would like to thank my elephant friend (and daddy heheh) Che, for letting me write such a horny lovelly tale with his sona! Thank you a lot, my friend :) *

(Che's twitter: @ur_irrelephant_ )