A Night With A Super Dog

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#28 of Commissions

Krypto spots something tasty while on a late night flight.

In the quiet hours of night, Krypto finally had some time to himself. It had been slow the entire day, leaving the canine bored out of his mind. As it tended to, in order to entertain himself, the white dog's thoughts turned deviant and exciting, getting the canine rather horned up. Not only that, the chubby superhero was feeling rather peckish, his stomach starting to rumble. Biting his lip, the canine dragged his paws over the coat of fur covering his doughy stomach. Rubbing his gut, Krypto smirked, letting his devious thoughts take him over. It was decided; he needed to find something, someone to satisfy him for the night, in more ways than one.

With a heavy grunt, Krypto jumped and took to the skies, lifting higher and higher until he was lazily soaring through the open air. Looking down at the lit up city, the canine kept an eye out for anything that looked good to him. Some guys walking along the sidewalk did pique his interests but there was something off about them, he continued to search, hoping that he would finally find what he was after. Following his instincts, Krypto drifted towards the park, looking down at the open space, lit up by scattered light poles. Green grass and maintained trees provided an attractive aesthetic. But, it being so late, there was hardly anyone for the canine to find.

Taking a night stroll to clear his head, Volpan tread down the main path curving through the public park. He liked coming there at the dead of night when no one else was around. It gave him a chance to clear his head and take in the small things. The rustling of the tree's leaves and the fresh smells of grass and flowers growing nearby. It was the small things that he enjoyed... But his ears flicked, picking up something else. Something that wasn't part of the park. He looked above to see none other than the hero-dog Krypto, hovering right above him.

Seeing such a sight, left Volpan stuck in place. He had heard and seen many of the canine's feats on TV. But now here the dog was above him in the flesh. Being aware that eyes were on him, Krypto slowly lowered himself, soon touching the ground. His big belly bounced, making more grumbles. The canine gave it a scratch, scoring his paw across the soft paw, letting out a small sigh. Something about that made Volpan blush. It was something so simple and nonchalant but for some reason it was a bit exciting. But standing in front of the legendary hero, Volpan didn't want his fluster to show. True he was attracted to the dog before him but the electric creature didn't want the hero to think of him as some kind of heathen.

"Hey. Couldn't help but notice you all alone out here," Krypto chuckled, stepping towards Volpan. "Parks can be quite dangerous at night."

"Hehe. I think I can handle myself," Volpan responded, crossing his arms. He hoped the canine could see through his aloof attitude. Looking back he could see that the hero wasn't put off at all, instead he continued to approach the other male, the smile on his muzzle still there.

"I don't doubt it," Krypto smirked, placing his paw on Volpan's shoulder. "That means I get a night off."

"Hmm, how does a hero spend the night? When there's no one to save?" Volpan asked, placing his own hand over Krypto's paw.

The chubby canine smirked and looked as if he was in thought, thinking of what to say next. "Hmm, would you like to find out?"

As much as Volpan wanted to say 'yes,' his pride wouldn't allow him to act in such away in front of such a powerful figure. He stuck to his guts, now instead of aloof, the creature acted with a bit of aggression. It wasn't intended but he slid the fat paw off his shoulder and looked the hero in the eyes.

"Easy, hero... I'm not that type of guy."

A blatant lie.

"Oh, I see. I get it. But then again, everyone's gotta loosen up sometime, in more ways than one. What do you do when you wanna loosen up?"

The hero's question caught the creature off guard but he didn't need to think very long before the answer was on the tip of his tongue, "Fighting."

"Fighting, huh?" Kryto mused.

"Never fought a super dog before," Volpan eluded, now winking at the canine. Krypto picked up on this and smirked again, now seeing where this was going.

"How about you show me what you got?" the white canine scratched his belly again and tapped a foot to the ground.

Volpan smirked and wasted no time running at the other male. Cocking back his fist and launching it forwards with all his might, Volpan made contact but it was with Kyrpto's paw, which closed around the balled up hand. With hardly any effort, the super-dog stopped Volpan's quick punch in its tracks. Though he should have expected such, Volpan was still shocked to see the dog's strength on display before him.

Pushing back with tremendous force, Krypto made the other male turn around. With a chuckle, the hero was treated to the sight of the electric creature's rather plump backside. Hidden under his thick, plug-shaped tail, they bounced slightly as Volpan found his footing yet again. Drawing his tongue over his muzzle, Krypto was more than sure that this was the type of guy he was looking for.

Charging his body with electricity, Volpan was not prepared to retaliate but as he swung his hand, spreading sparks in his wake, he made contact with nothing. The canine that was previously behind him was gone in the blink of an eye. Gasping and searching around frantically, Volpan failed to locate his target. Turning around yet again, a sudden bolt of pain struck the electric creature in the chest, knocking him down to the soft ground.

Still reeling from the sudden hit, there was a sudden weight pressed down on the creature. Sitting down on his chest and stomach was Krypto, looking down at his pinned opponent. His belly was pressed against Volpan's face, letting the creature hear for himself the many growls and gurgles the empty pit was making. Not only was he getting hungrier, that canine was starting to get rather horny seeing Volpan struggling underneath him.

Volpan was in a state of his own, pinned underneath the heavy canine. Not only were his ears filled with aggressive gurgles and groans but he could feel something rigid poking against his chest, making him blush. He could no longer act aloof against the hero-dog, his own lusts were starting to take hold of him. Forgetting that they were even fighting, Volpan's large hands reached up to stroke at the soft fur and the even softer belly underneath, forcing more rumbles. The blush on his muzzle grew even hotter as he heard the tubby hero making pleasured sighs.

"You wanna take this somewhere else?" Krypto asked, looking down at the male rubbing his belly. Those words snapped the rubbing creature out of his trance. With wide eyes he nodded and cleared his throat, feeling embarrassed about his behavior. But Krypto just chuckled and shook his head, with a deep huff, the heavy canine lifting himself off the other male. Leaning down, Krypto grabbed hold of Volpan and pulled the other male close. Against the soft, warm, churning gut, Volpan couldn't help but blush again. He didn't know what it was exactly, but something about the superpowered canine's girth excited him. Another heft grunt came from Krypto as he jumped into the air, getting higher and higher.

The flying dog had just the place he wanted to take the other male. As he flew towards the location, he only grew all the more excited, a tent forming to the shorts that hugged his lower half tight. Closer and closer they got, soaring over buildings and closed shops until they made it to the city's outskirts. They were soon flying above a clearing, the flat plot of grass was surrounded by trees, making sure they wouldn't be seen and it was far enough from the city that no one would hear them either. Fluttering down to the ground, Krypto came to a landing with another deep grunt.

"Here we are," the white canine took a moment to catch his breath while Volpan took in the sights of the new location. Just like the park, there were the fresh scents of nature but they were much more rich in this area. From the small flowers to the grass and even the thick trees that shielded them from view. Earthy scents and light perfumes consumed Volpan's senses, making him instantly relax. "Nice place, isn't it?"

Looking up towards the sky, Volpan was exposed to a sky full of silver stars, countless and breathtaking. A bit stunned for a moment, a distinct sound caught the creature's attention. He looked over at the super dog to see him grunting as he peeled his tight fitting shorts down, revealing a lack of underwear. In an instant, his thick crimson length was on full display underneath his wide gut. Again, the canine rubbed his gut, wincing against another deep rumble. Volpan heard it and a light shudder traveled through his body.

With eyes on him, Krypto leaned against a tree and beckoned the other male before him to come closer. Gulping and feeling his body heat up with excitement, Volpan's legs worked, bringing closer and closer to the smirking canine. Between his own legs was a bout of growing, his own maleness starting to harden. Extending from his sheath, the tip of his cock was now on display for the hero to see, making him murr in curiosity. Licking his lips as he drew closer, Krypto started to hunger for a cute male that could snuff out the burning within him.

Now upon the larger male, Volpan was staring down the canine's massive belly, once again growing flustered at the sight, another gurgle made him tremble and more inches slid from his swelling sheath. Long, pink, and tapered, Volpan's cock bobbed between his legs, growing harder every time that plump gut made noise. Krypto just looked down at the shorter creature and placed his paw on top of his head, pressing downwards. Getting down on his knees, Volpan's muzzle dragged against the soft belly, once exposing him to the unfiltered sounds of a growling gut, starving for something to fill it. On his knees, Volpan was presented with the canine cock, bright red and dribbling a line of pre, it was insanely thick and girthy, ending a knot that had the thickness of a baseball. The sight made Vulpan gulp again, now upon the hero's length that was as big as the rest of him.

"Sure you can handle something like this?" Krypto asked, shifting his hips back and forth. The motions swayed his girth back and forth and Volpan kept his eyes on the motions, it was enough to put him into another trance. Licking his lips, the electric creature wound up some courage within him and dared to lean forwards, pressing his lips against the wet tip, smearing warm precum against them. Flicking his tongue against his lips, Volpan collected the warm substance on his tongue, humming in pleasure at the sensation.

Getting more and more into his actions, that niggling embarrassment soon melted away, allowing the electric creature to start enjoying what he was doing. He looked at the cock before him, able to admire it for it's sheer girth, guaranteed to stretch someone out despite the actual length. Just the idea of taking that knot caused a pang in his backside. This was the most excitement he ever felt towards another male before. Even though they had hardly started Volpan's cock was harder than it ever had been, bobbing almost painfully. Despite that, the creature had an urge to get a feel for the thick tool before him. Reaching up with both of his large hands, the red and black creature gripped at the girth from both sides. Slowly, he tapped and traced his fingers against the wide shaft, his heart skipping a beat as he could feel the strong, pulsing veins against the rigid skin, the simple touches of his nimble fingers was enough to make more precum ooze from the tip. A thin line of clear goodness, Volpan leaned lower and opened his mouth, letting the string fall onto his tongue. While he lapped up the fluids his fingers continued to feel and tease at the hot thickness.

On the receiving end of the treatment, the chubby canine was already panting heavily. His tongue lolled and bounced from his muzzle, a display of the comfort and pleasure he felt. The many fingers tracing against his shaft sent their own sensation up his cock, all of them attacked his senses at once, striking as pure pleasure that rocketed up his spine. They were only getting started but the simple touches of the electric creature's touches were making the tubby dog even more pent up. The veins along his shaft bulged as more pre soared up his shaft towards his tip. It was clear that his body was growing desperate to act out their functions. Beneath that thick shaft dangled and pair of heavy balls that were churning and even aching with a seed to eject the load that was left to build over the last few days. But the touches were so nice that Krypto wasn't going to tell him to stop.

Luckily, the pawing creature's urges were growing even stronger, compelling him to do more than just touch. His tongue, covered in a thin layer of precum, flicked upwards, bumping against the pulsing thing's underside. Krypto actually hissed in surprise, the dragging of the soft, hot tongue catching him off guard. It sent shocks up his cock, making the canine ball his paws. Before he could prepare himself, there were a pair of lips that pressed and slid against his pointed tip. They stepped there but started to move gently as Volpan suckled at the tip, coaxing more precum from its source. While his lips were teasing around the tip, Volpan used his tongue to press and lick at the flexing slit that the substance of his desires dribbled out of. His mouth was working the canine's tip, forcing a deep rumble from Krypto's chest. Just like he wanted, the creature was soon tasting the salty stuff on his tongue yet again. Purring in pleasure and satisfaction, Volpan made small gulps, flicking his tail in delight.

"I thought you said you weren't that type of guy?" Krypto chuckled, looking down at the suckling creature.

Volpan looked up at the superhero. A smile forming around the length in his mouth, he couldn't help but chuckle. Popping the tip from his lips and leaving a thin line of pre connecting them to Krypto's maleness, Volpan thought of an answer but all that came out was, "I lied."

Now emboldened, Volpan leaned forwards again, looking as if he was going to finish what he started but the creature wanted more this time. His lips once again made contact with the crimson tip but they trailed further, almost immediately forced to part against the substantial girth. That certainly caught Krypto off guard. Those soft lips possessed by Volpan continued to glide further across his shaft, much more than the canine imagined. But he was taking those thick inches well, stretching his muzzle around to the girth and swishing his tongue against the underside. Nearly halfway there, the girth was too much for Volpan. Though he wanted more, he wasn't willing to risk breaking his jaw. Making do with what he had, Volpan breathed through his nose and started, first leaning back before he pushed his soft and warm mouth against the shaft. The tip and a few inches after were engulfed in those sensations, a constant heat and wet, soft surfaces that pressed and teased at his many nerves, sending all kinds of pleasures through the canine.

Though he was already panting before, Krypto found himself all but melting under the touches and licks of Volpan's mouth. The other male was more skilled than he thought, making do with the inches he had, Volpan focused on it, using his lips and tongue to spread his warm spit anywhere he could. Most others that Krypto brought to the clearing soon became focused on taking all of his inches at once. Though it would be nice to be taken all the way, the sole focus on it resulted in a lackluster blowjob. Consumed with reaching his knot, they neglected what they could already take, but not Volpan. He knew his limits and played to his advantages. Though he only licked and slurped at about half the thick shaft, the pleasures traveled the rest of the way, giving Krypto an experience he hadn't had in a long time. His legs started to tremble and the tree he was standing around him made small splintering sounds, struggling to hold the heavy superdog's weight. But Krypto couldn't help it, that hot tongue swirling around his head and dragging against his shaft was nearly too much for him to take.

Already pent up from his rumbling gut and Volpan's strokes, Krypto could feel himself getting closer and closer to his limit. In time with the intensified pulsing of his cock was the throbbing of his heavy balls. His body was ready to release what had been building for so long. Pleasure was steadily building and the huffs coming from Krypto were growing heavier. Gritting his fangs, the chubby canine reached down and gripped Volpan's head, holding the other male in place. Easing off the creaking tree a bit, Krypto took matters into his own hands, bucking his hips and pressing his cock into the wet, hot mouth. With his sheer strength he was able to shove more of himself inside, shuddering against the lips that stretched around his shaft and the soft tongue that pressed against his underside. Over and over again, the tubby canine thrust his cock against that hot tongue, getting even closer.

"Y-you got some talent, I'll admit that..." Krypto admitted, lifting his head. Hissing and clenching his jaw, the superdog could feel it coming... "H-here it comes!"

A burly growl sounded the moment Krypto came, his cock pulsed hard, erupting cum from the tip. Each of those pulses sprayed seed against the sucking creature's tongue and sent bolts of lightning through the superdog's body. Lines of thick seed oozed from the corners of the creature's muzzle. As much as he tried, Volpan couldn't swallow down the load fast enough. Still pulsing and spurting, more of the hot, thick stuff filled the kneeling male's mouth and the rest spilled over, dripping onto his chest and belly, marking his fur with the superdog's spunk.

Coming down from his blissful high, Krypto sighed and released the other male from his grip. It was the strongest orgasm he had in a long time, leaving the canine feeling rather light on his feet. But his stomach still grumbled, reminding the super powered mammal that there was more he wanted. Looking down at Volpan, Krypto admired the sight of his seed coating his new friend's muzzle. Streaks of his essence also littered the electric creature's body, making him lick his lips.

Faster than he expected, Krypto's libido returned to him. Something about watching the kneeling male panting, his lolling tongue still stained with gooey ropes, it brought renewed hardness to his cock and a race to his heart. If this guy was so good at giving blowjobs, what else was he talented at. The very ideas made the hero eager to find out.

Still breathing heavily, Volpan looked up at the male that just came in his mouth. Said orifice was filled with earthy flavors, clinging to his tongue to thick ropes. A small blush spread as he enjoyed the taste a lot more than he thought he would. It made him want more of it but that bout of mouthfucking left his jaw a bit sore. Lost in his own thoughts, Volpan didn't take note of the hero-dog's look at first. But once it did register, his eyes grew wide. A paw reached down and lifted him up by the scuff, leaving the rest of Volpan's body dangling feebly against the canine's super-strength. The look the hero-dog gave him before was only intensified. An expression of pure lust, the canine looked at the other male like nothing more than a toy to satisfy his urges.

Before a single word could leave Volpan's mouth, his body was pressed against Krypto's soft gut. In an instant, the electric creature's cock was hugged by soft fur and the warm fur underneath. As the superdog dragged his fuckbuddy lower down his body, Volpan couldn't help but moan. His untouched cock slid against a velvety pelt and a doughty gut, sending a unique mix of pleasure through the creature's body. Arching his back and letting out another moan, Volpan's rod spurt a thick line of precum against the super-dog's belly, marking that area of pelt with his own fluids.

"Looks like I'm not the only eager one," Krypto chuckled. His grip on the other male remained tight, his claws threatened to pierce the skin underneath Volpan's pelt but he held himself back, now about to have what he wanted. But he felt it would be right to warn the elemental beast before he got started. "Hope you're ready to see what makes me a super-dog!"

With a surge of strength that he didn't expect, Volpan's body was dragged downwards. His jaws parted to let out a scream but no sound left his mouth. Against his tight, sensitive ass was a thick, blunt cock that steadily pressed itself inwards, forcing the clenching muscles aside. Deep grunts came from the penetrating canine while Volpan's heart was racing. Alongside sudden bursts of pleasure were intense pangs of pain. Sucking on suck a thick, heavy cock was one thing but now it was jamming itself under his tail, forcing his soft rim thin. With no lube other than the spit and cum that remained to coat the shaft, Volpan was left to ball his fists and take shallow breaths against the steady presses of Krypto's massive shaft. Steadily, more and more of the crimson barrel was shoved inside of him, making Volpan see stars that weren't the same as those twinkling above.

"Mmm, nice and tight already," Krypto mumbled to himself, his eyes drifting in pleasure. He heard the other males pained noises but they paled in comparison to the pleasure that was slowly engulfing his maleness. Hot and tight, squeezing his girth in hot softness, the chubby canine could only shudder as he pressed Volpan down, grunting as more of his dick speared it's way inside. More than halfway inside, the superhero was already starting to sweat and his legs were shaking yet again. The beast's ass was even softer than his mouth, hotter too. The cum that coated cock acted as a lube that the hero took advantage of. He took a deep breath and balled his paws, summoning another burst of strength.

"Aauugh!" Finally finding his voice, Volpan flailed and whimpered. With a simple press of his large arms, Krypto shoved Volpan's body down, forcing the creature to the take the remaining inches and girth. How he wasn't spit in half, the electric beast had no idea himself. All he knew was that he felt extremely full. The pointed tip of the hero's flexing dick was wedged deep in his guts, making a bulge that he only needed to look down to see. It was a both frightening and thrilling. Volpan himself had no idea his body was capable of taking so much let alone being stretchy. But there wasn't much time to think about it. Another growl came, holding Volpan tight, Krypto bucked himself back, tugging his cock from the beast's depths. It an audible squelch was heard, joined by a long winded groan from the creature who had his guts squished around.

Desiring more pleasure, Krypto was quick to ram himself back inside with a squishy hiss. His eyes fluttered while his shaft slid against the soft, wet tunnel that hugged his girth in a tight bind. Just as much effort as it took Volpan to take his cock, Krypto actually had to put in quite the effort to ram himself deep within such a tight space. Volpan's ass clenched down hard on the entity plunging itself inside. Every time the canine pressed his cock against the puffy smoothness, the sensitive nerves within nerves within sent shocks of pleasure through Volpan as well. He couldn't fight back the moans that rose from his chest. They echoed throughout the empty space before getting lost past the treetops.

The sounds coming from his new friend only spurred Krypto on further. Fueled by his lusts, the canine held Volpan steady as his hips rocked back and forth. Grunting in pleasure and effort, the chubby dog shoved himself inside deep, bashing his knot against the now thinned out pink rim. He was quick to tug his cock from the tight hold, only to shove himself back in. With each thrust and reel back of his thickness, the hole he was pounded slowly grew accustomed to the size, stretching out to allow even more of a pounding. Krypto was quick to take what he could get, increasing his pace. Soon a bout of muffled claps and sloppy pops were heard as Krypto ground his cock back and forth within the stretched anal tunnel. Above his bucking hips, the canine's face was screwed up in pure pleasure. He had no words to express how he felt, so he let his body do the talking for him.

Hardly able to withstand the pleasures, Volpan's moans were unfiltered, loud and long. His face was flush from his burning blush and the heavy sweating he was doing, His body was rocked against the flurry of hard humps and deep stretches within. Every surge of Krypto's hips expanded his ass to it's limit and formed a pointed shape in his abdomen. The pleasure hit him like a truck each time, making feel like he was on the verge of cumming each and every time. His mind was struggling to endure such treatment; the beast's heart was racing, sweat was dripping from his pelt, and his limbs just flailed uselessly against the hard pounds. All that came forth was a weak moan as cock finally did spurt it's load against the thrusting hero-dog's belly. But the pleasure of his orgasm was hardly felt against the blaze of feelings that burned hotter with every thrust.

Even as he felt a sudden warm wetness scoring across his gut, Krypto didn't stop, feeling himself getting closer and closer. Volpan was indeed exactly what he was looking for. All he needed was to seal the deal... Ramming himself as hard and as fast as he could, the overweight dog was huffing and sweating from the effort but he could feel his pleasure building even faster and stronger, in time with the wet 'plaps' underneath Volpan's tail. This was it. Letting out a deep bark and baring his fangs, Krypto rammed himself inside deep. But he was careful not to knot the other male, having something else in store when this was all over. Feeling himself finally at that edge, Krypto pulled himself free of the hot, tight space. That quick slipping of his cock against those hot walls was enough to bring the lightning flash of pleasure. Howling, Krypto's body was soon overrun with his bliss. It was nearly too much for him to take. Holding the other male tight, the tubby dog struggled to keep him upright. His legs shook fiercely as he came. Against Volpan's pelt came volleys of thick, slimy canine spunk. Not only was the substance itself thick but so was the scent that came from it. Painting his fur coat and making it heavy, Krypto's cum soaked through making Volpan feel wet and weighted. Warmth and stickiness seeped through his fur and made him shudder against the sensation. There was so much of it, leaving Volpan smelling more of the hero-dog than even himself.

Finally, with a sigh, Krypto's orgasm died down. His whole body felt weightless and his mind was clear. It was always great to release after so much time of building up. Slowly, he lowered Volpan, leaving the creature on shaky feet. The intense rutting he took reduced his legs and feet to nothing more than jelly, stumbling a bit, he clung to the super-dog. His face pressed against the canine's vast belly, A blush returned to Volpan's muzzle as he was exposed to those deep gurgles. They were much more intense than before, sounding almost angry. The rumbles and groans were deep, forcing Volpan's ears to flick against them. He couldn't help but melt against the noise, making small sounds of excitement.

Krypto felt that it was time to sate his other needs. His balls were drained and his cock had gone soft, leaving only one thing the canine desired. Looking down at Volpan, it seemed the electric creature wanted it as well. Licking his lips, Krypto took hold of Volpan once again and lifted the creature up. His face lining up with the cum-covered creature's chest, Krypto drew his tongue against the thick pelt, lapping up his own seed, very much enjoying the flavor the large canine opened his maw wide. Volpan didn't resist as he was lifted higher, up to the hero's mouth. Slowly, he was pressed inside of the hot mouth, his face soon becoming coated in thick lines of spit.

Against the creature being stuffed in his mouth, Krypto murred in pleasure, taking in the mixed flavors of Volpan's earthy pelt and the bitter streaks of his own cum. Another push shoved the electric beast's shoulders past the white dog's lips. Slowly, more and more of Volpan was being consumed, a hot tongue combed through his fur, slurping up the seed that seasoned his fur. Taking heavy breaths of the damp, hot air Volpan squirmed at the wet tongue pressing between his legs. Suddenly the voring canine took a hard gulp, the strong muscles of his throat pulled Volpan downwards. Sliding down the hero's throat, Volpan's arms were pinned to his side, layers of thick spit clung to his body, aiding him in sliding further down.

With a final gulp, the creature was dropped into the pit of Krypto's stomach. Surrounded by soft, puffy walls and warmth, all that Volpan had been through finally caught up to him. Feeling rather tired, the beast curled up against the soft, wet flesh. Before he even knew it, he was drifting off to sleep. On the outside, Krypto sighed and slumped down against the tree, sitting down on the soft grass beneath him. With another deep noise of pleasure and comfort, Krypto rubbed his belly, tracing his paws over the large bulge in his gut. Doing so sent tingles through his body, bringing comfort to him as well. Giving a small pat on his belly as thanks, Krypto leaned back against the tree, finally fully sated and satisfied, both inside and out.