My Slave Family- Chapter 8

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#8 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Chapter Eight

"No Good Deed..."


Furry Sith Lord

Lou pulled Leggo into their bedroom leading him by his muzzle. When they neared their bed he turned and spoke to him while still holding his muzzle.

"What are you wearing?" Lou asked.

"Clobes." Leggo replied trying to talk but had difficulty with his muzzle gripped in the deer's hoof.

"No, slaves are not allowed to wear clothes. Strip down to your fur immediately." Lou ordered and he immediately obeyed as Lou released him and sat on the bed to watch. He stood there nude and saw Lou observing his exposed balls and sheath with a smile on his face.

"May I make you comfortable, Master?" Leggo asked and pointed to the clothes Lou had on. The deer rose and stretched out his hooves to his sides and Leggo approached and began to undress him. Lou let himself be stripped to his boxers then he sat back on the bed. His erection was transparent as he sat there and Leggo felt his penis begin to extend from his sheath.

"Now slave, you will paw off and not stop until you cum. That is the only pleasure you will get tonight after I have my way with you." Lou ordered and Leggo frowned.

"Paw off? But I haven't done that since I was a cub." Leggo protested and the smile on Lou's face got bigger.

"I know," Lou replied and rose and took out a box from under their bed. Leggo knew it contained some of their bdsm toys that they used to play with during their sex sessions. He reached inside the box and took out a cock cage that was fitted to fit Leggo's penis size in his sheath.

"You'll be caged whether you cum or not but if you want to, then I suggest you start pawing off." Lou smirked and Leggo began to obey despite the embarrassment he felt. He rubbed his cock to try and make it get hard because it was semi flaccid but the thought that he had to paw off was not exciting him. He tried staring at Lou's boner hidden behind the boxers he wore and that helped a little. He moaned despite feeling nothing knowing that Lou would be excited by that. Sure enough his own erection seemed to swell up more as he watched like a voyeur.

Leggo was getting more frustrated as it seemed to be taking an eternity for him to have an orgasm. To make matters worse Lou kept instructing him to move faster and threatened to lock him up in the chastity cage without any release if he did not orgasm soon. The more frustrated he got the weaker his erection became.

"Almost time," Lou replied and Leggo frantically stroked his penis. He could feel the feeling coming as he was on the verge of release. Finally he felt a pleasurable surge in his penis and he made a face as semen came dribbling out of it.

"Come." Lou ordered and he found it ironic considering what just happened. He stood in front of his lover and felt the chastity device being applied and it was fully locked in place as he became flaccid. Lou put the key on a night stand near the bed.

"Now slave you will only please me but get none in return for being a bad slave." Lou smuggly quoted and Leggo lowered his head in submission. Lou grabbed the wolf's boxers he had tossed on the floor with the rest of his clothes and stuffed them in the wolf's mouth and used a rolled bandana to make a gag keeping the underwear trapped in the slave's maw. The boxers had a sour taste in his mouth from a combination of sweat and tiny amounts of urine from when he finished peeing and pulled his cock back inside his underwear.

He was made to hold the doggystyle position on the bed as Lou mounted him. His muffled grunts encouraged the deer to thrust his penis deeper and faster as the cage between his legs flopped back and forth with each thrust. His cock was trying to break free from his sheath again but the cage prevented it and it was starting to feel tight on him. It was not much of a discomfort at the moment because he was still spent but the thrusting was definitely arousing him again.

Lou moaned loudly as he reached climax then he pushed Leggo down and Leggo allowed himself to be flipped onto his back as the deer climbed on top of him. Lou began to lick his nipples and the cage got suddenly more uncomfortable. Lou grabbed a rope from the box and began to tie Leggo's wrists together then held them above his head as he began to thrust his penis against the wolf's stomach. Leggo remained helpless as the deer continued to hump his belly as he worked his deer cock back into an erection. He was trying to force his spent member to get ready to go another round. Leggo's cock fought desperately to be freed from the chastity cage but no matter how much it throbbed he was helpless to release it.

Lou reached into the box and removed a rope coil and had Leggo flip over on his stomach. He tightly bound his wrists then bound his ankles in an 'X' pattern then gave his butt a playful slap. Lou snuggled up close and started to spoon him.

"My comfy wolfie pillow." Lou said and gave a brief hug before falling asleep. Leggo remained still as his lover clung to him as he pretended to lay helpless. The truth was Lou was terrible at knot tying and he could slip out whenever he wished but did not want to ruin the fantasy for the deer. The feel of wet boxer shorts in his mouth was annoying, but not as annoying as his penis feeling constricted in the chastity cage he had on. It took some time for him to relax before he finally fell asleep.

"What are you doing?" Lyon asked me as we stood outside and I took the flashlight I asked him to hold.

"Shhh or someone will hear us. I need to do this." I replied.

"But you're gonna get in trouble." he whined.

"It's worth it to get a spank! You remember what Leggo said. Whenever he feels sick, the Master goes into his special garden and gets grass to make his tummy better. Since Master is the one sick I want to get him the grass to make him feel better."

"But Master said we're to never go in there!"

"I know but he can't punish me until he feels better and once he does it will be all worth it. Besides, no one will know you helped. I'll keep it a secret so they don't punish you either." I told him but he still looked uncertain.

I turned on the flashlight and carefully entered and made sure to not step on any grass as I did. Leggo had said that clovers, which are Master Lou's favorite, are in the center of his garden. I tried being as careful as I could to not ruin the grass or leave any paw prints.

I thought I heard a noise and turned off the flashlight as I froze, then I heard one of the evening maids talking to Lyon. I closed my eyes and tried to heighten my sense of hearing.

"What are you doing out here this late?" a female stalk asked him as I heard her rummaging through her purse.

"The Master thought he lost somethin' so I'm tryin' to help him find it." Lyon lied and I felt guilty because he was trying to cover for me.

"Did that damn fool of a wolf lose his keys again?" she said and she must have pulled a dried fish out of her purse and gave it to him as a treat because I could smell it. "Well you go inside and tell him that if he lost his keys he should be out here finding them himself. It's too late for a cub your age to be mucking about out here. Slave or no slave he needs to have some respect" she said I opened my eyes and I saw her petting Lyon on his head and she walked off towards her car. Lyon was busy eating the fish and it looked like the size of a large sardine.

When I was sure we were alone again I turned on the flashlight and continued my search. I collected a small bundle of clovers and carefully made my way out. Lyon was sitting next to the fence with a big smile on his face as he was almost completely asleep. I pulled him onto his feet and brought him to our room. I laid him on the bed and he was too tired to protest.

When Leggo told us my bed would take a week to arrive Lyon argued that he didn't want to be the only one sleeping in a bed. He thought we were treating him like a baby so Leggo set out the rule that each of us would take a turn in the bed and the other on the floor until the new one arrived. Tonight it was supposed to be my turn in the bed but by the time Lyon realized it; it would be too late. .

I was starting to fall asleep myself and I carefully stored the clovers before I dropped on the futon and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning when we arrived in the dining room for breakfast I noticed that Leggo was missing. The Master saw my looks and explained his absence.

"Leggo will not be joining us this morning, he's a little tied up and not to be disturbed." he said sternly as he looked at a newspaper. I saw that his head was wrapped up and it was strange to see him without his antlers.

"Master," I replied softly and he folded his paper and looked at me. I saw he had a pair of reading glasses on and they were pulled down to the end of his nose. "I got you a present." I finished and handed him the clovers. His eyes bulged as he looked at them.

"Where did you get those?" He replied harshly as he swiped them from my paw. I flinched as if he were about to strike me. His gaze turned towards Lyon briefly, who was beginning to cry, then back on me.

"I was careful I... went into your garden." I said but he was already on his hooves and screaming as he rushed towards the garden. The servants heard the shouts and looked inside to see what the commotion was but just as quickly they vanished and I saw tears rolling down Lyon's face. I looked and saw the clovers I had given him laying on the table and I picked them up and made my way towards the garden where I was sure the Master would be.

He was on his hooves and knees examining his garden and I stood nearby outside the boundaries holding the clovers I picked. The Master was shouting as he spoke to himself and he seemed unaware of my presents there. I was sobbing when I saw that Leggo approached us wearing nothing but his fur and he held Lyon's paw. Lyon was sobbing as much as I was.

"What's happened?" he asked me and I tried to explain what I had done between sobbing.

"Master is gonna sell Tyger." Lyon cried and Leggo picked him up and held him against his chest and tried to reassure him. and he placed a free paw on my head and pulled me close to stand beside him.

"I don't see any damage." the Master spoke to himself then his focus turned towards the naked wolf standing outside in the yard with two sobbing cubs.

"How in the tail did you get free? I thought you were tied up?" Lou spoke then blushed realizing we were present.

"I heard the shouts and the crying and I popped out my gag using my knees then bit the ropes and used the key you left on the bureau to... <ahem>... uncaged myself before rushing out here... I'm not wearing anything am I?" He asked, then looked down at himself and blushed.

"Please go get dressed before the servants and neighbors get the wrong idea." Master asked and reached out to take Lyon in his hooves but this made Lyon sob more and he gripped Leggo's fur tighter than before.

"It's OK Lyon, nothing to worry about." Leggo said soothingly.

"But... but... but... he's gonna sell... Tyger." he sobbed and this brought a chuckle from both of the adults. I stood frozen in fear because had my brother heard something that I didn't?

"What makes you think that?" Master asked tenderly and he used his hooves to wipe the tears from Lyon's eyes.

"One of the servants said you sold the last guy that stepped in your garden." Lyon replied and this brought a chuckle from them again.

"Not true, I merely fired him." Master said and this made Lyon scream out crying.

"You set him on fire!!!" Lyon wailed and the Master sighed then stretched out his hooves.

"Give me him." Master commanded.

"No!" Leggo responded.

"Come on,"

"He doesn't want to."

"If you will just let me," Lou tried to forcibly take Lyon into his hooves.

"He doesn't want to." Leggo said firmly, making the Master sigh again.

"Lyon, come to me. I want to explain what I meant. He wasn't set on fire I just... got him a job in another house where he would be happier. None of that is going to happen to Tyger, he's gonna stay with us, I promise." Master said as he gently tried to take Lyon into his arms and after he promised Lyon let the Master take him.

The stalk from last night that came stomping her feet as she approached us. She stopped suddenly as she looked at Leggo and shook her head.

"What in the tail is going on out here? And this fool standing here in the raw, In front of cubs no less. You both should be ashamed." she scolded and Leggo covered his sheath and balls with his hands.

"I'll go get dressed then." he replied and excused himself returning inside.

"Thank you for your concern Mrs..." Master tried but she quickly interrupted them.

"My own husband walks around the house in only his feathers. It's completely normal especially for males, but you gotta teach these cubs that if you do that in public you might as well tell everyone that you have no social standing. Being nude in public is the same as being homeless. I know you know better sir, but slaves or no slaves you got to bring these boys up right. Do you want them to end up like that wolf?" she remarked.

"If they could be so lucky." Master said under his breath but I don't think she heard or was listening.

"Children come, it's time for your breakfast." she replied and took Lyon from the Master's arms and set him on the ground then grabbed both our paws and led us inside.

"You finish up in your garden or whatever and get your head straight then you can come inside." She yelled back to him without looking. I gazed back and saw the Master blushing.

I paced in my room as I waited because the Master had come back inside as we were eating our breakfast and he told me that after I was done to go to my room and wait. I wasn't sure how long I had been waiting, but finally I heard a soft knock on the door and the Master entered. I stood upright as he solemnly walked over to Lyon's bed and sat on it.

"Tyger," he said and I jumped as my heart began to beat faster. "What are rules?" he asked.

"Orders that must be obeyed." I replied remembering a little of what One Eye had told me when he was teaching me how to be a slave.

"Yes... in a manner of speaking. Rules help keep order to keep us from getting hurt or hurting others. My garden is very precious to me and when I make it a rule that no one is to go in there. When you break that rule and go in there it hurts me. Do you understand?" he asked.

"I never meant to hurt you, Master. Leggo said you go in there to get grass to make him feel better and since you were sick I wanted to get you the clovers to make you feel better." I said sheepishly.

"I understand that and I appreciate it. However, you broke my most important rule. For that you must be punished." he told me and I began to cry fearing what was coming next.

"Can.. I give my stuff to Lyon for him to use?" I asked, wiping my nose on the back of my paw.

"Why?" he asked as his eyes narrowed in confusion.

"You're gonna sell me right?" I said and he sighed deeply and used his hoof to rub his eyes.

"I don't know where you guys got that idea in your heads. No you're not getting sold. This is your home and you're here to stay. You are gonna be punished in order to teach you to obey the rules." he said and he rose and took off his belt then sat back down and folded it in his hoof.

"When I was a fawn and I broke the rules, my father would take off his belt and fold it like this then use it to give me a spanking." he threw the belt against the door and it hit with a loud thud then fell to the floor. "I don't believe in using that because it used to make me bleed when he used it." He motioned for me to come to him and I obeyed.

He undid my jeans and lowered them and my underwear before he bent me over on his lap. He used one hand to keep my tail out of the way and his other hand administered the spanking. At first it was a shock when he gave a spank but the more he gave the more painful it became and I started to cry with each slap.

"Done. Now you can get dressed and I want you to remain in your room to think about what you've done until Uncle Jon arrives to teach you, understand?"

"Yes Master." I replied as I pulled up my jeans and wiped my eyes. He reached into his pocket and took out two clovers then handed me one.

"I already ate the others but these two I decided to save for us. One for you and one for me." We each ate a clover and it was not bad but I preferred meat rather than grass. He kissed my cheek and went over to collect his belt and put it back on.

Lou exited the cubs room and Leggo was leaning with his head down against a wall. He quickly glanced at Lou but said nothing.

"You heard?" Lou asked and Leggo forced himself to stand upright.


"Do you think I was wrong?"

"Honestly, no, I don't. I think you did the right thing but I still don't like it anymore than he did."

"I have to leave for work in an hour but I need you to help me, or rather to punish me."

"Huh?" Leggo asked, surprised.

"I don't want to get off scot free. If he needs to be punished and feel the pain of his misdeed then I want to suffer along with him because I should be punished for failing to teach him right.

"How much?" Leggo asked.

"Enough to make it difficult to sit. Fair is fair." Lou replied and Leggo took his hand and led him to their bedroom to administer the punishment. Leggo wished he could be as good a father as Lou was. He was tough but fair and just and no matter what, his sons would never suffer alone because he would always suffer with them.

A couple of tables and chairs had been set up in the living room to act as desks for the cubs while an eraser board was placed for Jon to use as a blackboard to teach them. It was to begin to give them the feel for how school would look. Jon brought a large attaché case in with him with supplies the cubs would need as well as books and other materials.

Uncle Jon had a special desk set up for him and he sat waiting for the cubs to enter the room. When he first arrived he announced to them the time they must enter the living room and explained the rules of how school worked.

Lyon eagerly entered and immediately sat down but Jon noticed that Tyger was walking a little stiffly and he made a soft moan of pain when he sat.

"You alright?" Jon asked and Tyger nodded his head. Uncle Jon was no fool and had seen this with other cubs he had taught and he knew when one had been punished for being bad. He let the matter go because he did not want to embarrass Tyger by bringing it up. The look Lyon gave his brother confirmed what he suspected. He merely made a mental note to keep an eye on him because it was one thing to punish for bad behavior but it was another thing entirely if the slave were to be abused, though he doubted that was what happened. He planned to speak to him alone after class to see what he could find out.

"OK guys, welcome to your first day of class. I am your teacher and while in class you will refer to me as Mr. Jon. Now there are a few rules we need to go over and the rules you are taught here, are the same rules you will learn in school. First You need to learn that you need permission for everything. If you want to ask a question you need to raise your paw. If you want to answer a question I ask then you need to raise your paw and if you need to go to the bathroom you..." Jon paused waiting to see if the cubs caught on yet. Lyon raised his paw and Jon smiled and pointed to him.

"Raise your paw." Lyon replied.

"Correct!" Jon replied and gave him a pat on the head. He gave a brief glance at Tyger to see his reaction but he seemed unphased. He wondered if the cub had not caught on or was he merely being lazy and knew the answer but decided not to give it.

"Are there any questions?" he asked but neither cubs spoke or raised their paws.

"Excellent, now remember if you break the rules you will be put in timeout." Jon mentioned and Tyger raised his paw and he was called on.

"Mr. Jon, what is time out?" he asked and Lyon nodded his head as if asking the same question.

"Good question, it means you have to stand in the corner and you can't look or talk to anyone or play until the allotted time is up. It's a punishment and not a very fun one." Tyger and Lyon looked at each other in confusion but Jon snapped his fingers and they both turned their focus back on him.

"Now your first lesson will be to learn the alphabet because once you learn this it will open new worlds for you and it is the most important foundation...." Jon started writing letters on the board and neither cub had any idea what they were...

To Be Continued...