Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Four

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#5 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Four

"The Spider and The Deer"


Furry Sith Lord

"Wow, I'm so angry right now!" Lou yelled as they returned home to their mansion. Leggo was silent and let his husband vent over his actions and he had been trying to work out what to say to smooth things over but the thing about Lou was that he simply had to have the upper hoof or you couldn't get anywhere with him.

His company, which his father left him when he passed away, was doing extremely well under Lou's leadership. The Antler's Conglomerate dealt with electronics and made parts from everything to cell phones to personal computers and televisions.

His father initially built the company to provide electronics to military weapons. It had made a very lucrative profit but when Lou took over he decided to expand the reach of the company to the public sector. The rise of more and more species becoming addicted to cell phones and computers opened a new market that he jumped on. This boosted his company and he became one of the 10 wealthiest furs in the nation.

"You have no idea, I want to hurt you so bad and I'm so angry that I can't decide what to do with you. Are you happy? You broke me! I am broken and as soon as I get my head on straight I'm gonna..." Lou said more to himself than to Leggo in particular. He was rapidly pacing around their bedroom and he began to undress as he continued to talk to himself about how angry he was over Leggo tickling the hedgehog.

When Lou stripped down to his striped boxers Leggo felt himself getting turned on and he stripped down as well and tried to sit in a sexy position to try and get the deer's attention off what he did and back on him. He hoped some make up sex would get him back in Lou's good graces.

As if an answer to his wish Lou's phone beeped then Leggo heard his beep as well. Lou looked at the message and laughed a few seconds later and Leggo crept up close and looked at Lou's phone over his shoulder. There was a message from Jon and a picture showing that they were teaching Lyon how to dance in front of others because he'd been shy. The picture showed their boys dancing and Dash was nearby cheering them on.

Leggo worked up his courage and spoke for the first time in hours since Lou went on his rampage.

"Excuse me sir, have you ever done it with a white fox before?" Leggo asked softly and this snapped Lou out of his thoughts and it took him a second to register what was asked.

"Pardon?" Lou asked incredulously.

"Well, it's just that I'm a virgin and wondering if you've ever been with anyone before." Leggo played and Lou rolled his eyes and crossed his hooves across his chest being not in the mood for Leggo wanting to role play.

"Stop." Lou replied trying to clearly voice he was in no mood for games tonight.

"I have a twin brother named Largo and if you want I'll go grab him and tie him up and make him watch us as we do it." Leggo smirked.

"I'm not in the mood." Lou responded more firmly.

"You're not saying 'no' to your master are you? A naughty slave must be punished." Leggo replied as he stepped up to Lou and used a claw on his finger to lightly caress the deer's chest. One of their favorite kinks is when Leggo becomes a dom and Lou becomes his sub and since Lou is an alpha male of his company he enjoys being a sub where he doesn't have to be in charge for once.

"Look, stop! I'm angry and don't want to play." Lou said firmly. Leggo sat on the bed and rested his right ankle on top of his left thigh in the typical fashion of how males cross their legs.

"I'm sorry,"

"Sorry?! Months of planning Leggo, months and months of planning to get the White Citadel to even consider meeting with us and you nearly ruin all the work I did." Lou argued.

"Not true," Leggo replied.

"That hedgehog was our only contact with them and as soon as you meet him, what do you do? Do you greet him cordially? No, you insult his species. Do you listen and answer his questions by following the script I wrote just in case he asked certain questions? No, you ignore everything he says. As he's sizing you guys up do you put your best face forward to make a good impression? No, you trap him so that he is helpless and you bully him mercilessly." Lou shouted and Leggo folded his ears back.

"That's not quite true."

"Oh?" Lou asked skeptically.

"I know it seems strange but the hedgehog hated me for some reason,"

"Some reason, huh." Lou replied under his breath.

"Yeah and I tried making friends the best way I could. In the end it worked out perfectly!" Leggo said smiling and Lou used his hoof to cover his face.

"Leggo, listen to me. The leader of The White Citadel is a former C.I.Z.A. agent. You know how devious and crafty they are. I mean you know how Tyger is a genius with strategies like playing chess?"

"Yeah he whoops my tail so fast. That's why I don't play him anymore."

"I'm skilled at negotiations and planning. So I want you to think of the leader of The White Citadel as being a fur made up of the smarts of myself and Tyger! He is not someone who you can just make friends with because he'll make friends and slap you on the back and you'll find a knife there before you even realized he'd stab you. I mean it Leggo, this fur is definitely worse than Merrik. I can't have you playing games because it will get you killed." Lou cautioned.

"You're focusing on the leader too much but not realizing that his followers are just species that have white fur and want to fit in in a world that hates them. I think The White Citadel is a good thing because it gives them a place where they belong and can make friends with species just like themselves. If you destroy it, where will they have a home? We don't even know how many there are living there and you want to destroy their home?!" Leggo countered.

"I understand what you're saying but the name inspires fear. When regular species hear the name White Citadel they think of an army ready to invade. This will cause that stupid kids book to continue and prevent rare white fur species from fitting in. We need to destroy The White Citadel but you do bring up a good point and maybe we can get the rare white fur species there to come together and form a peaceful community that way they can both provide a safe haven for others like them as well as show that they are not dangerous. In time we can get rid of the community altogether." Lou preached.

"Could that even be possible?"

"Good question." Lou replied.

Lou sat at a large conference table as his top executives went over the monthly financial reports and updates on projects currently being worked on. He made notes but found his mind wandering over last night's conversation with his husband. He tried not letting his words affect him but what he had said did trouble him for some reason.

When Leggo implied that he was spending too much time on Bear of The White Citadel this made him question his tactics so far. He was still trying to get C.I.Z.A. to lower their guard by pretending he was a strong ally for them when he was making careful notes of their strengths and weaknesses.

He had decided he didn't want to go it alone and once he had enough information he was going to show it to Tyger to get his opinion to guarantee their destruction. He figured between the two of them they had a better chance of taking down such a powerful organization than merely giving them another black eye.

He was sure they could easily get rid of Merrik because it seemed as if he trusted them completely. One thing he had learned about him was that he was only really interested in his own self interest. Merrik was like a spider spinning a beautiful web to lure curious onlookers in and then once trapped he would get his feelers to tie them up in inescapable bonds and lie there waiting to be eaten alive.

Leggo's words had reminded him that he can't afford to become complacent even if it's only for appearances because their enemies were surrounding them and waiting for the right moment of weakness to strike. He was reminded that he needs to be vigilant and keep moving forward if he wants to end C.I.Z.A. and The White Tower. This job was bigger than the plans he had previously laid which meant they were more dangerous and more likely to fail if he was not careful.

When the last executive finished their report Lou then thanked the group and sent them to continue their tasks. His intercom beeped and he answered it.

"Sorry sir, but you have an Agent Merrik holding on line two. He says he needs to speak to you immediately." His stenographer replied and he quickly thanked her then answered the call.

"How can I help you agent?"

"The hedgehog called Leggo's cell and said Bear wants to meet with us at The White Tower. So I want to get everything ready for this meeting. How soon can you be here?" Merrik demanded and Lou tried to hide his frustration.

"I'll be there this afternoon after I tie up a few loose ends."

"What I mean is that there is a car waiting for you outside to bring you here immediately." Merrik implied that he had no choice in the matter. He was getting the feeling that Leggo had been right and he should have kept a closer eye on Merrik because he thinks he has the upper paw.

"When is the meeting scheduled?" Lou asked coolly.

"Tomorrow," Merrik replied and Lou swore loudly because he always hated these last minute engagements. They left little time to get things set up properly but he supposed that was the point of the sudden meeting was to prevent them from scheming. It was clear they were not trusted, which was to be expected, but he had hoped at least a few more days before the meet up.

"I'm on my way." Lou replied and ended the call to gather the items he needed. At the main entrance a large red Ferrari was parked and Merrik sat waiting. He carefully loaded his gear in the back behind the passenger seat then climbed in. Merrik wore a pair of sunglasses with the lenses being a metallic silver color. He wore a Hawaiian shirt and blue jean shorts and a silver necklace around his neck. There was a silver pendant in the shape of a small tiger on the necklace and Lou cringed to look at it.

"Hey buddy," Merrik replied and he smiled but Lou had long since learned how insincere the smile was. He saw Lou stare at the chain he wore and his smile got bigger.

"In honor of your son. I must say I am really impressed with him and I hope in time he'll become a full time agent when he grows up. I'm still amazed at how quick he was able to capture me and he was sick at the time." Merrik shifted and they sped off to their base.

"You know it'll never happen, right? The whole 'we're gonna kill you' tends to leave too many bad feelings behind." Lou retorted.

"Old news buddy, old news. Just look at how well we get along now, the three of us working together. I think it'll be the same with Tyger. He just needs to know what great guys we are now that the doberman is gone." Merrik replied.

"Uh huh," Lou replied absently. They arrived at the base and Leggo was sitting on a curb waiting.

"Finally," he said as Lou walked over to him.

"How long did he keep you waiting?"

"For a bit, if these filthy canines," Leggo started to rant.

"Hey you're a canine too, buddy boy." Merrik interrupted.

"Hadn't wolf-napped me and brought me here, then I wouldn't be waiting an eternity for you guys to show up." Leggo continued ignoring Merrik. Lou stepped over and began to scratch Leggo under his chin. He began to rapidly wag his tail and he closed his eyes as the hooves started first on his neck then gradually got lower going from his neck to his chest.

Leggo pulled his t-shirt up so Lou had access to his belly but Merrik loudly cleared his throat. Lou stepped away leaving a startled Leggo to wonder why the affection had stopped.

"Jerk," Leggo said to Merrik under his breath and stuck his tongue out at him while he wasn't looking. Merrik opened the door for them and at the end of the elevator ride, they entered the screening area where a small Arabian Wolf sat at a desk while his bodyguard was a Tundra Wolf about double the little wolf's size. They had met them before and these two were a couple with the larger wolf never really saying more than a word or two and the little wolf would talk up a storm.

They had been dating for a while yet neither wanted to get their paws tied for some reason. Lou found it odd since they seemed to love each other and Leggo figured it would make them as happy as he and Lou were. The two wolves just found that they didn't need the whole tying their paws to make them a married couple. They were just happy the way they were and they felt they didn't need to change or do anything for anyone else as long as they were happy together.

"Leggo." The tundra wolf said as Leggo approached him and licked his face. He made no effort to wipe the slobber away but smiled at him.

"Hi Bryan," Leggo said and then they both fist bumped. Leggo turned to talk to the other one but Bryan returned the favor and licked Leggo slobbering all over him. Bryan smirked as Leggo used his paw to get rid of the drool.

"Oh my paws, get a room, you two." Ajmal, the Arabian Wolf, jested with the other two.

"You're in a good mood today." Lou remarked.

"Well watching those two hunks of wolf flesh get physical its always a turn on." Ajmal replied.

"Well I have to agree with you there." Lou said after he finished laughing in agreement with Ajmal. The little wolf was wagging his tail and he really did look like a baby version of Leggo. Lou was tempted to give him scratches to see if he behaves the same way Leggo does but then he didn't want to make Leggo jealous.

"Hey, listen up girls. We're short on time so can you gossip with each other later?" Merrik shouted at them and the group stared at him with blank expressions.

"Oh my paws, someone needs to get laid big time, I'm just saying." Ajmal replied to Lou and Leggo tried to stifle a laugh.

Lou and Leggo followed Merrik into the conference room where they sat facing each other. Gele brought in some notepads and pencils then Merrik ordered her to leave the room. Gele rolled her eyes as she passed by Lou but he pretended as if he saw nothing. Leggo caught a whiff of her perfume and quietly complimented her and she rubbed his head briefly as his tail struck the back of the chair he was in. Lou was surprised at how happy he was today because he expected him to be brooding after their conversation last night. Not that they disagreed initially but because he wouldn't role play with his husband and the wolf was looking forward to acting out their kink since they hadn't done it in a while.

"OK, Lou, what have you come up with?" Merrik asked as he started the meeting.

"Based on what you told me it's gonna be a somewhat simple operation. Merrik and Leggo will be at McAlphas and you're supposed to meet up with Sanic and drive to The White Citadel. However, that's not what is going to happen, instead Sanic and his accomplices will cubnap you two and drive you blindfolded to their base."

"If I get a Tail Waggin Meal, do you think they'll let me eat it?" Leggo interrupted and Lou covered his face and sighed.

"A cub's meal? You'd buy a cub's meal?" Merrik asked in disbelief.

"Well yeah it has a toy inside." Both Lou and Leggo replied together and Lou rolled his eyes as he crossed his hooves across his chest.

"Wow, just wow. The more I work with you Leggo, the more I hate you." Merrik replied.

"Can we get back to the matter at paw?" Lou asked but not really expecting a response because he was moving forward whether they listened to him or not.

"We need to be in makeup early to give the artists time to make us look like separated conjoined twins." Merrik replied.

"Do we have to dress up for this?" Leggo asked, his ears folded back.

"Maybe dress casually to put on a good appearance." Merrik replied.

"No, definitely not. Jeans and t-shirts but nothing fancy at all." Lou replied and he quickly ignored the shocked response from Merrik. "If you dress up it seems like you're after something and that could make Bear suspicious, but go dressed down and it looks like you have no ulterior motives and will make it easier to blend in on the inside. We want you guys to be as non threatening as possible."

"Won't that make them think we're not interested in them at all?" Merrik asked.

"Exactly! They want you two, otherwise they wouldn't have arranged this meeting. By not being too eager then they need to dazzle you guys to get you interested. That is what I want!"

"And blow the whole case while you're at it." Merrik grumbled.

"Trust me, If I were in Bear's position I'd be suspicious of anyone trying to impress me. He didn't get to be a leader by being a fool. We need to set him off balance as much as possible and Leggo iks the perfect wolf... I mean fox to do it. Actually now that I think about it, Leggo I want you to buy a Tail Waggin Meal and go there with it. It will fit his cover perfectly and make you guys more believable."

"See," Leggo jeered at Merrik and then Merrik began to strum his fingers on the table.

Leggo and Merrik sat outside at McAlphas at an outdoor patio table for guests to eat their meals at. They were surprised they were still open with how cold the weather was, especially since the sky looked ready to begin snowing. Leggo kept himself busy as his face was buried in the Tail Waggin Meal box as he rummaged through it. Merrik sat drinking a hot drink and trying to not look in disgust at his supposed twin brother. Leggo finally sat up straight and ate a couple of french fries.

Leggo suddenly looked down as a curled spiked ball was crawling by him.

"Hey what's a sea urc... hey Sanic, good to see you." Leggo replied and Sanic uncurled himself.

"Hi Leggo, whatcha got there?" He asked, looking at the box decorated with cartoons and puzzles for cubs.

"A Tail Waggin Meal, I got the chicken nuggets one and there's a toy inside." Leggo said and he removed a small rubber figurine that looked like a cub version of a red panda and when Leggo squeezed it it made a squeaking sound. "There's a card that tells you all about red pandas like what they eat and where they live. Hey, want a french fry?" Leggo asked.

"No thank you but could I have a chicken nugget?" Sanic asked.

"Sure, I didn't know hedgehogs liked chicken." Leggo replied and took out a small carton and Sanic took one of the four nuggets it held.

"I like chicken but I don't eat it often. I mostly eat fruits and other roughage but occasionally chicken." Sanic said after he swallowed a small bite he took.

"So are we ready to go?" Merrik asked, smiling.

"Weell a couple of things before that. I need you both to put these on as a safety precaution for us." Two other white fur animals approached that were much larger than Sanic. One was an alligator and the other was a zebra. They held out black hoods for them to take and put on. Neither said anything but only held out the hoods.

"Trust me guys no harm will come to you but you have to wear them until we arrive. It's a rule." Sanic instructed.

"A rule, huh." Merrik muttered. Sanic gave him a look that showed that his feelings were hurt because he did not trust him. Leggo bent down and handed the squeak toy to Sanic.

"Keep it safe so I don't lose it, OK?" he asked the hedgehog then put the hood on and waited. He wasn't sure how long it took but eventually Merrik put on his hood and they both felt themselves guided to a vehicle and made to sit inside it. They heard two doors open on the opposite side from them and Leggo figured that's where the front of the car was.

He could see nothing but pure blackness and the hood blocked out any traces of light. He felt the car moving and a tiny paw gave his knee a squeeze probably to give him comfort. He smiled but realized too late that Sanic couldn't see it.

He wasn't sure how long he had been sleeping but he woke as he was dragged out of the car. He felt a strong set of hands holding him and guiding him then he was made to kneel as the hood was yanked off his head. It took him a minute for his eyes to adjust to the light again. He suddenly realized he left his meal in the car but was relieved as Sanic was holding the box.

Merrik started to say something but the white alligator whispered something to him and he became immediately quiet. Even Lou was not trying to talk them through what to do as a large white polar bear walked up to them with his feet stomping on the ground. There were other species around them and each one had white fur and as the polar bear approached then they turned and bowed in reverence to him. Leggo could understand why because he was double if not triple his size. Sanic looked to be the size of a toy compared to him.

"Welcome back my sons," Bear said as he watched the two kneeling newcomers. His expression was of interest but it was clear that due to his size he did not fear them at all even though Leggo had smelled the oil of a knife's blade that Merrik must have hidden in his ankle. He had smelled it in the car and was relieved that they were not searched before being put inside.

He couldn't believe that Merrik had brought a weapon because for all his talk about Lou jeopardizing the mission, he had just nearly ruined everything by bringing the weapon and if it was found then Bear would kill them for it.

"Ah look! The baby has a cub's meal. Did you get a nice toy too little guy?" A White wolf walked over and Sanic blushed. Leggo could smell the fear Sanic had and the wolf stuck his paws in the box and took out some fries to eat as Sanic watched him helplessly. The fur on Leggo's neck stuck out straight and he bared his fangs as he looked at the wolf.

"What's your problem? We are all brothers here and brothers share what they have with each other." he asked Leggo as he saw the look the fox was given. He was definitely not bothered a bit by Leggo's reaction but rather he smelled like he was enjoying it.

"Actually this is his meal, I was just holding it for him." Sanic replied bashfully. The wolf grabbed the box and then pushed Sanic to the ground as Leggo looked on in horror. He glanced at Bear, who watched the whole thing with indifference, and the look sparked him into action as he threw off the paws holding him and he charged at the wolf and was growling and snarling that he had picked on his little friend.

To Be Continued...