Flying High

Story by Alice Clawford on SoFurry

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Patreon story for August 2020

Synopsis: Princess Natalia Ryder is set to be sent off to a party, with her pilot at hand: Unathi Kayode. However, halfway through the journey, an error comes up on the plane and Unathi is forced to land the plane early and stay the night. Princess Natalia seemed ready and willing, as if this was all planned.

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Flying High

"Oh please be reasonable, Natalia. It's coming close to your twenty-first birthday and you still haven't accepted a suitable prince." Her father plead with her once again. Though she was still working, Pilot Unathi Kayode couldn't help but overhear the same argument again. She couldn't help but watch the princess flare in annoyance, her fur lifting and her ears twitching, her tail swishing back and forth in aggravation, it was all very her. Unathi had been working with the Ryder family for years, first driving for King Ryder himself, and now that his daughter was old enough to travel on her own, Unathi found herself to be the most trusted to fly her wherever her father desired. It was a duty she took very seriously, she'd been trained in martial arts and self-defence, and carried a firearm on her at all times. Natalia did have her own bodyguard as well, but there were times Unathi would have to step in when it came to travelling to foreign countries.

Now, Princess Natalia Ryder was a strong willed woman. Very strong willed. She had a sharp tongue and still hadn't learnt her limits nor where the boundaries were. Perhaps that's why they pushed for Unathi to be her personal pilot? She herself was still young at twenty-seven, but had flown for the King as soon as she was able to. She was calm, collective and calculating. The complete opposite of the fiery impulsive princess. It was surprising then that the two would get along: quite well in fact.

The princess ocelot growled in irritation at her father, crossing her arms. She wore a suit, white and black trousers. She looked incredibly smart, her fur trimmed and brushed immaculately. Her attitude, of course, ruined the classy look she wore.

"I'm never going to find someone I care about at some high class party that's just a bunch of snobs coming together to talk about stocks or politics." She sulked, Unathi could only imagine the face she was putting on for her parents.

"Come now, you're not a child any more, Natalia. It's good manners to turn up to these things to keep good relations with neighbouring nations."

It was the same every time, and Unathi couldn't help but chuckle a little. They had a long way to go to teaching the princess how to run the country still. She moved away to continue her checks on her plane, the Ryder's Wings. It was a small plane, one that if it were a commercial aircraft, could carry about twenty people. However, this was a private jet owned by the family, and Unathi was paid by the royal family themselves to pilot for them. Though assassinations were very rare, it was never a bad idea to be careful.

This flight was to be a short one, a four hour flight to a nearby nation to keep a treaty and keep them happy. It was royal nonsense that Unathi wasn't paid to understand, and she in turn tried her best not to get involved. Her only worry was keeping the princess safe and getting her to her destination. Many times, Natalia dragged her through the party, so she wouldn't have to endure them alone and 'just in case there's like an assassin or something'. Despite the fact the castle was normally guarded by more advanced and highly trained mercenaries and if the nation suddenly turned on her, there was shit all Unathi could do about it. Not that they would do such a thing if they didn't want to risk declaring war with the Ryder family and their country, of course.

The serval was quick to get everything ready, keeping the doors open and waiting for her marshaller to give her the signals to prepare the engines. The aircraft itself was spacious inside, a sofa in the middle and a bed right towards the back for the princess when there were long flights. She had her own bar to serve drinks, a bathroom as well right at the back and everything she could need for luxury. Today, however, it would just be the two of them. A flight as short as this, Unathi wouldn't need a co-pilot and the princess uttered distaste in having a waitress coming along the flight. She felt bad when the person would not be able to do much coming with them and having to stay in the plane, and she intended to not be at the party for longer than necessary. Well, Unathi had her orders, and she was to follow them, whatever King Ryder set out for her.

The plane was all clear and optimal, she spoke over the coms to let the princess know to strap in, and they were soon departing. After strapping in and putting on her headset, she readied the engines and following the marshaller's signalling, took flight, and they were soon up in the air. It was nothing special for Unathi, but the taking off was always the harder part. Once they were in the air, they would be all clear and she could take it easier on herself. She'd flown plenty of times, hundreds of them, but there was always room for something to go wrong. If something went wrong whilst in the air, it was normally very dangerous.

The flight itself for a while went smoothly, readings were remaining stable and everything was as it should be.

Then, a warning light blared to the side. Taken by surprise, Unathi looked and noticed her fuel gage was very low, lower than she was comfortable with. Realising she would not make it to the destination, she put in a call to the nearest airport.

"Calling in, this is Unathi Kayode on the Ryder's Wings, requesting emergency landing. Fuel gage is showing up faulty."

"Command Centre copy that. What is your ETA, over?"

"I'm flying at 250 knots, about 90 miles from your airport, over."

There was silence for a while, and Unathi hoped to Christ they would give her the affirmative. She wasn't sure how much longer she could stay in the air with a fuel gage as low as that.

"Copy that. Affirmative, your request to land is granted. The runway remains clear for an hour." Unathi breathed a sigh of relief, as she changed her direction to head to the closest runway that answered her call.

She turned her headset and set the speakers to tell the princess the news. "Princess Ryder, it appears the plane is having a small malfunction and I've requested emergency landing at the nearest airport. It may be a glitch but I'm not going to chance it. I'll have a look and see what's the cause of it once we land, but until then stay inside the vehicle and I'll handle it."

It was but a couple of minutes, before the door opened and there she was, princess Ryder strolled in. She could just be heard over the headset Unathi was wearing.

"What's happened? I thought you did a full check when we left and last night?"

"I did, but it's telling me we're running low on fuel. It's probably a glitch as I fuelled up last night, but I'm not taking any chances." The serval didn't look away from the controls as she slowly let the jet descend downward.

"Huh. I guess even the world knows I shouldn't be at this stupid party. This is definitely more exciting!" She spoke excitedly, shifting and taking a seat besides Unathi.

The serval rolled her eyes. "Princess, please, you should get back to your seat and out of the cockpit. There's nothing exciting and it's probably a glitch."

The ocelot stuck her tongue out with a smile on her face. "Come on, Thi! Lighten up! I'm fucking bored back there."

"I'm afraid I'm not in a good position to entertain you at the moment, princess." Unathi spoke calmly, she was plenty used to Natalia's behaviour. Still, she allowed the princess to remain watching in the cockpit, telling her sternly if she was going to stay she should put her seatbelt on. She did so, and within half an hour, Unathi managed to land the plane and drove it into one of the garages.

She left the plane as activity happened all around her. She explained to one of the staff working the problem she had, but that she was plenty capable of seeing what was wrong with her own plane. She politely declined their help for the time, but promised she would call when she figured out what happened and if she needed their help, but that she hoped they would be on their way again within the hour. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be possible.

"What the-!?" She soon discovered the problem. There was indeed a leak, but someone had managed to drill a small hole to allow the petrol to leak out harmlessly and trickle out slowly so it wasn't very noticeable, using twice the petrol to boot. Clearly, the plane had been sabotaged, though she had no idea who had done it. This was an expensive fix, something she couldn't do on her own. So, she called the manager to see what they could do about it.

As it turned out... nothing until the next day. They had a plane they were already fixing that needed to leave late in the night, and then they would let the workers go home to rest. So, nobody would be free to fix their plane until the next day, leaving a full day of nothing for Unathi to do. With a princess who was prone to becoming bored.

This didn't seem to bode well for her. Protecting the princess in a castle of high class individuals was one thing, protecting her in an area she knew almost nothing about with nobody else to help her was quite another!

She made a call to King Ryder, explaining everything that happened and remaining unsure of what the next step is.

"Well, I would find a hotel where you can stay safe and perhaps get food delivered? A B&B would do nicely! Surely there must be something nearby, perhaps the airport has their own? Money won't be an issue, I'll have it sorted. I'll launch a full investigation on the matter and inform the region's advisor what has happened. Keep me informed on when you know you'll soon be back in the air!"

That was all the advice she was given. Well, it was the best she could do given the circumstances. So, Unathi headed back into the plane with the grave news. When she returned, the princess was lying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with her paw raised to the air. The serval tilted her head, a little confused but cleared her throat. The ocelot didn't seem surprised, but she turned her head to acknowledge her pilot.

"What's the verdict, Thi?"

Unathi cringed a little at the nickname again, she felt that was too personal, but she wasn't going to tell the princess off for it. She didn't mind it, per se, she didn't want the princess to get into trouble for being too comfortable and informal. "We're going to have to stay in this region for the night. There's nothing they can do to repair the plane until tomorrow, so we're going to have to find a hotel for the night."

Princess Ryder suddenly sat up, a wide grin on her face. "Seriously!? That's excellent! Come on, what are we waiting for!?" She was quick to get up and grab Unathi's paw and drag her outside. The serval spluttered words, being dragged by the slightly smaller but faster ocelot outside and down the stairs. "Yes! Something different for a change! Let's grab a cab to the airport and find a nice hotel room! I hope dad will let us choose."

Unathi followed with her, getting into the transport that was given to them to take them to the airport and they were guided towards the further end of the airport where their hotel room would be waiting for them.

They reach had their own room, right next to each other so the serval could act quickly if there was any danger to Natalia. It was fancier than she'd been in before, a large king-sized bed took the middle of the room, with a fridge, large flat screen TV and an ensuite. It was fancier than Unathi liked, but she couldn't fault King Ryder. She wasn't one for fancy things, she was happy enough to remain a commoner who had a really good job. She placed her case to the side, before she heard someone knock on her door. She hadn't ordered any food yet, she'd barely had time to relax yet, and she put a paw to her back pocket, her gun ready and waiting to be used.

"Hey, Thi! I was feeling lonely, so I came to bother you." It was Princess Ryder on the other side, giving wide eyes that shone like glass and pulling her ears back.

Unathi sighed, dropping her paw and opening the door to allow the princess inside. She couldn't refuse (didn't want to either). She was very curious about the way she was reacting to the whole situation. She wasn't panicking, in fact she was very much enjoying this, which she shouldn't have been.

"Aaah, this sure beats having to see Prince Donovan, he's always so stuck up his own tail." She begins to complain already, taking seat on Unathi's bed and spreading herself out. She had changed from her suit and trousers and was now in her pyjamas, a baggy top and bottom, galaxy black with swirls of purple and white dots of stars splattered over. Unathi hadn't even changed out of her pilot uniform yet, with only the hat having been taken off and her white uniform still on.

"You might be right, but I suppose that is the price to pay for being royalty." In truth, Unathi did feel sorry for the princess. She was being dragged around and having to fulfil the King's wishes and the kingdom's without any say whatsoever. Without signing up for the job she was born with.

The ocelot rolled her eyes. "Come on, it's not that at all. They want me to get married to Donovan. What a waste of time. I've absolutely no interest in hearing him speak, let alone his appearance."

The serval approached the princess, stopping near the end of the bed and looking down at her. "I wish I could be of more help, princess, but that's simply something I can't do. I can lend an ear, perhaps advice, but I can't go against the King's wishes, if that is what he wishes."

The princess pouted, lifting herself up slightly. Then, there was a glint in her eye, one Unathi spotted too late, until the feline grabbed Unathi's arms and dragged her down.

"A-ah! Princess!" The serval gasped as she fell right on top of the princess, the ocelot's legs had parted, and she'd fallen between them. Her face had fallen and landed between the princess' breasts which were pronounced beneath her thin pyjamas. The princess merely giggled, wrapping her legs around the serval and rubbed her face against the side of Unathi's.

"Come on, Unathi. Play with me." She purred in her ear, bringing out her tongue and giving the ear a long lick.

Startled and surprised, the serval pushed herself up on the bed, her paws right by Natalia's head, but their crotch's still pressed against one another. She felt her face burning, as well as her abdomen as lust swirled inside. She could already feel her body reacting to the closeness, and more than once she had had dreams of this happening. Corrupted dreams she'd pushed out the way hundreds of times she knew would never become reality, should never become reality. Because a commoner would never be with royalty, and royalty could not ever love a commoner. It was taboo. An unwritten law. The princess would be dishonoured from her family, perhaps even disowned! She couldn't let that happen.

She tried to pull away, knowing this was a bad idea, no matter what her body told her, but the princess refused to let go.

"Unathi. Stop." It was an order, one the serval found deep inside she couldn't ignore, even if she should've done.

"Princess, we cannot. You know as well as I do, we have to stop this nonsense."

"It's not nonsense!" The feline spat back, grasping at Unathi's uniform and pulling her forward. Their mouths met ferociously, and it took but a second for her to break Unathi's resistance. She moaned, closing her eyes and opening her mouth to let their tongues battle it out. Natalia smirked, pressing her tongue in, but she was soon outmatched by the older feline's more talented tongue. She brushed and played, touching every surface she could and then dove deeper into her mouth. She brushed against the walls, exploring every inch inside her mouth and battled against Natalia's. Then, she pulled away, breathing heavily with a string of saliva connecting their mouths.

"Unathi, you're gorgeous. You're the one who understands me the most, and you're so strong willed and built and sexy... you're so much better than any man." Natalia purred again, brushing a paw to her front and was slowly undoing her shirt.

"Princess." Unathi moaned, finding it hard to fight back. This was a fantasy she hadn't expected to ever come to life, and now that it was... she knew it was a very bad idea to keep following through. But it was so hard, so very hard to fight back when her heart wanted this.

"I had to fight hard to have you as my personal pilot. My dad didn't understand at first, but I refused to give up. Then, I didn't know if you liked me. If you didn't, I realised I'd still keep you as my pilot." The princess whispered possessively, having undone all the buttons and letting the shirt hang loosely. A paw ran down Unathi's chest, brushing past her bra and down her abdomen, stopping shy just above her trousers. The serval shuddered in want, but still she tried to hold back from giving in. A fight she was clearly losing. "But I see it in your eyes. You want me. You're only stopping because of the rules. Unathi, you've always been so good following every protocol and every written rule you know off by heart. For once, I ask you as your princess..." She grinned, leaning forward to whisper right into the serval's ear. "Fuck the rules."

Unathi groaned and snarled, grabbing the princess' wrists off of her and pinning them down on the bed. For a brief second, there was a look of surprise on Natalia's face, but there was no denying she found this hot. There was the slight tinge of fear, worrying she might've pushed too hard or maybe she had been wrong the entire time. Those fears were laid to rest, as Unathi spoke.

"You've always been such a determined girl, fighting to get what you want. We both have much to lose if this goes south. Are you sure?"

"Positive. These rules are archaic and when I become Queen, I'll be changing them. I'll never have a King, because I'm destined to be a Queen, with a Queen by my side." Princess Natalia smirked as she laid back, bearing her neck in invitation. "Now, as your princess, I demand you take me."

Unathi couldn't help but snort in amusement, but her blood burned with passion, who definitely wasn't going to ignore a direct order like this one. "As you wish, Princess." She growled, before leaning forward and taking Natalia's neck in her mouth. She ran her rough tongue along the furred neck, then moved up to behind the princess' ears, a sensitive spot for most felines and gave them long licks as her paws got busy. One paw was shimmying the princess' pyjama bottoms down, revealing lovely white underbelly and spots decorating her entire body. Natalia moaned and shifted herself to make the serval's job easier, her tail swishing and purring becoming louder, vibrating against the serval who continued her duties.

She soon moved away to dominate the princess' mouth, their tongues now carefully brushing against one another, the blades of hairs on their tongues crossing together. Colourful moans and groans filled the air, along with the rumbling of purrs from both cats as their tails tangled together in their embrace. Unathi held the princess' hands caged in one of her paws, leaving her one paw free to lift her top and reveal her bare breasts plump and nipples hardened and yearning for attention. A call she didn't ignore, as she pulled away, leaving Natalia breathless, then gasping as she suckled on her breast. She paid careful attention to both, giving each equal affection and gave each a pinch of her sharp fangs.

"Ooooh God, Unathi, you destroy me." The princess moaned, crossing her legs as her thighs began to glisten. She was so excited she desperately wanted to be touched below, but she hadn't been broken down to begging just yet.

"Slowly but surely, isn't this what you wanted? You seem to be enjoying yourself." The pilot grinned as she slid down, running her tongue down the woman's belly and watching as her abdomen shuddered in lust. She was almost completely naked, with the top of her pyjamas covering her shoulders and nothing more. On the contrast, Unathi had her shirt open and that was it. It felt very unfair to the princess.

"Yessss... but what the fuck, you're not nearly as undressed. Those trousers have to come off."

Unathi bowed her head with a smirk. "Of course, as the princess wishes." She moved herself off the bed, the princess was about ready to mewl in complaint, but her cheeks flushed as she watched the pilot swing her hips, her tail bouncing with her, and slowly lowered the trousers off of her. Then her knickers, and Natalia got a good eyeful of a dark patch on them, knowing that she was the one who did this to her otherwise unmoving pilot. Who had suddenly come out of her shell so much, and took control, knowing what Natalia needed. She was quick to come back to her princess, pinning her down to the bed and shifting her so she was comfortable.

"Have you ever been pleasured by a woman before?" Unathi suddenly asked, startling Natalia to realise that... no, she hadn't. Her silence was the serval's answer, who smiled. "Follow my lead. I'll make you feel good, princess. I'll take good care of you." She promised and instructed for the ocelot to lie slightly on her side with her leg up. She was confused, until the serval came up and sat between her risen leg and her other, pressing their centres together. More importantly, their clits rubbed against one another. Unathi brought her fingers into her mouth, and pressed her paw pads against each clit, rubbing carefully and sensually, driving a moan out of the mouth of the princess.

Satisfied after several times putting her digits in her mouth and wetting their skin, she began to rock her hips, allowing their clits to rub against one another. Mewls escaped the ocelot, who had never felt anything like this before. She'd played with herself numerous times and especially her clit, but never anything like this. Added with being dominated by her pilot when she usually ordered everyone else about only did more for her excitement. Already, sparks of ecstasy and fiery desire flooded through her, burning her body up as she moaned out loud and slowly moved with the rhythm Unathi set up.

"That's it... just like that, good girl." The pilot praised, watching as the princess brought her paws up to rub at her breasts. Their tails curled around one another as they continued to gyrate, that heat growing higher and higher as she felt something inside of her becoming more tense and taut.

"You're so close. Let me help you. Lie back and feel." The serval purred and pulled away slightly, letting go of Natalia's leg. She was about to complain, when she felt a paw pad rub against her clit in circles. Then, that same pad pushed against her folds, begging entrance that her body soon gave.

"Aah... yesss. More, I'm so close, Unathi." She breathed as the serval's paw pads thrust inside slowly, brushing against her walls carefully. She was quick to add a second as she grew more comfortable and less tense, thrusting them in and out and scissoring them on occasion.

That was what did it, brushing against her walls and thrusting deeper, right to her knuckle, Natalia tensed and her walls clenched down as she moaned and gasped in pleasure. Her thighs shuddered and her tail broke with the serval's own shorter one, thrashing in her pleasure. Unathi thrust slowly, helping her along and licking at her clit as she rode her orgasm out.

Soon, Natalia was breathing heavily, the serval's paws out of her and dripping with juices as she fought to regain her breath.

"How was that, princess?" Her pilot asked, reaching for a tissue they thankfully kept regardless and wiped her paw pads off.

"Fucking fantastic, oh my god." She breathed, and Unathi couldn't help but laugh. It was after a minute or two, that Natalia realised something. "Oh you didn't finish though."

Her pilot blinked, then looked away a little embarrassed. "I can help myself, don't worry. The focus was on you today."

"Don't give me that crap. I want to help you. What do I do?"

Unathi blinked again, then she smiled. "Well, okay. Wet your paw pads and play with me like you would yourself. You've done that before, right?" Normally, Natalia would be so embarrassed having been figured out, but this is the woman she intended to keep forever. She nodded her head, doing as instructed and watching as Unathi lay on her back, smiling patiently. So unlike how the princess was. Still, she was determined, and so she copied the movements Unathi did earlier.

The pilot giggled. "Learn fast, don't we?" She spoke like it didn't bother her. Like she didn't have two paw pads inside of her, scissoring and brushing along her walls. Still, Natalia didn't give up. For her first time, Unathi had to admit the girl was talented. She managed to memorise some of the tricks she'd pulled, brushing along the walls and searching for that soft spot to press against that rung stars into your vision, of which she managed after a few attempts. Once or twice, she pressed too hard or scraped dangerously, but she soon got the hang of it and Unathi was moaning praises for her.

It took a few minutes longer, but soon the serval's eyes rolled into the back of her head and her thighs tightened as her orgasm was reached. Her muscles contracted and she breathed a sigh of relief. After her intense orgasm, she fell back onto the bed, smiling towards the princess, who looked pleased with herself.

"Thank you, that felt great, princess."

Natalia herself grinned wide, pressing herself right up against Unathi and sliding down under the covers. "I told you, you're mine and I love you. Every other man is a loser I'll never accept. You're the only one for me."

Intense words that burned into her heart, Unathi felt moved. She pushed her head against the princess', getting down in the covers as well and pulling her closer.

"It's a dangerous path you've chosen, are you sure I'm worth all that?"

"Yes. I won't let anything happen to you, Unathi. I've decided you're mine, and I don't go down without a fight. You know me."

Unathi laughed. "Indeed, I do, Princess Ryder. I will do as you instruct and follow your lead."

Natalia grinned, licking her cheek, before nuzzling her head against Unathi's shoulders. "Let's get some sleep and worry about the future later. I promise, I'll make you legally mine soon once I'm Queen." Unathi didn't argue, though she fretted for the princess' rash behaviour, she trusted her to make the right decisions. With that, they both fell asleep together, wrapped in each other's arms.