Sincerely Yours [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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A commission for adamnemo42

Troy was sitting on the edge of his bed, still bleary-eyed as he waited for thoughts to coalesce in his mind after the beep of his alarm tore him from deep sleep and an intense dream. He really wasn't a morning person, and after a whole summer of getting up more-or-less whenever he wanted it was time to once again become a (reluctant) early riser on this, the first day of his last year in high-school.

"C'mon bro, rise and... aww seriously!? You'd think you'd have put some clothes on by now!" His sister said, averting her eyes from the sight of the boxer-clad lynx.

"You'd think you'd_knock!" he replied, reaching out and pulling on his pants in an attempt to placate his sister's supposedly offended sensibilities. "You know, I was sure you were joking when you said you were going to school like _that..." he said, gesturing with his eyes at his twin's new hairstyle.

Like a lot of males, Troy just kept his hair short enough to blend with his fur, but females generally wore it long. And up until yesterday Amy had worn hers in a long, thick chestnut braid. But unlike him she seemed to want to reinvent herself for her senior year, and figured that a new school and a new town were the perfect opportunity to do just that.

"Don't be mean! C'mon, say something nice about your sister..." she said, pouting for effect.

"Okay... uh, you're going to stand out more?" he ventured, eyeing the spikey mess of coppery hair on his twins head. He wondered at what point a hair-style became a mane, although he did think that the handful of slim braids capped with bright-green beads looked cute and were a good match for Amy's eyes. But that part he kept to himself. Compliments could turn into flattery, and that was a dangerously slippery slope...

"That's the idea! Get noticed, catch some eyes... It's senior year after all, and I think I'm ready for a proper boyfriend." Amy almost purred out, running her hands through the bushy mess on the top of her head.

"Yeah, and I think that's a good stopping point for this conversation. You know, while I still have an appetite..." Troy said, making a sour face.

"Prude! And speaking of appetites, I'm going to sate mine. Well, the one that can be filled with waffles at least. For now..." she said, and with one shake of a club-like tail she was gone.

When he heard her chirping a good-morning to their parents, Troy buried his face in his paws, trying to compose himself. It was going to be a big day today, and it was off to a frustrating start. Out of curiosity, he tried to remember what Amy's hair had looked like in his dream, but the whole thing was evaporating the more awake he became. And either way, in his dream he hadn't been all that focused on her hair. He had to admit it did look cute - the wild tresses went really well with both the whiskers growing from either side of her face and the pointy black tufts of her ears.

He couldn't tell her how good she looked, but there was a whole school full of guys who could and would. The worst they had to look forward to was disinterest, or gentle rejection. Amy would never think they were sick for being attracted to her, whereas he risked forever alienating the person who meant everything to him. He'd kept telling himself that it's just a crush and that he'd outgrow it, but he'd been trying to swallow that bull since puberty and he wasn't sure how long he could keep fooling himself. Maybe after she finally finds a guy she really likes. Marries him. Has a kitten or two. Maybe then I'll finally realize it wasn't meant to be and get over her. Troy shook himself out of his funk and finished getting dressed. These were important questions and life-changing decisions, but right now he didn't have the time for them...


Fuck! Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Amy screamed internally, biting her lip as she made her way towards the kitchen. What the hell was that? Are we trying to creep him out now? Well, it was his fault too. In a way. Who just sits around on their bed in nothing but their underpants? Troy had filled out in the past year or so, and he should be more mindful of how that could affect the psyche of a healthy young woman like herself.

But you aren't healthy, are you? You're a perv who's got the hots for her own brother...

It was an unwelcome reminder, albeit an honest one. And if Troy hadn't been so bleary-eyed he might have noticed where her own eyes had wondered. Since first realizing she loved her twin as a little more than a brother she'd set a firm rule for herself, one she felt would keep her from making a huge mistake - she wouldn't act_on her impulses. She would never go further than dropping _subtle little hints that she might be interested in her twin as something more than just a beloved sibling.

Asking him how she looked fell into that category. Innocent, casual. Not betraying the fact that he was the reason she'd went in for a new look. She hoped that if she changed her appearance enough her brother would be forced to notice her as a gorgeous young woman rather than the admittedly adorable girl he'd grown up with. Maybe even forget they were related for a moment. And that had been the plan - knock-knock, how do I look? Except she'd forgotten to knock and wound up ogling her half-naked twin. She was sure she'd managed to cover for herself by pretending to be put off by the sight, but then she had to put her foot in her mouth.

Ready for a boyfriend? What was that about? And then I had to do the hair thing... Amy thought, blushing as she remembered _that_little detail. Her hair had looked perfect, and she'd known that since she'd spent a good long while preening in front of a mirror before going to Troy's room. She knew she hadn't run her fingers through it to fix her new mane. She'd stumbled on that pose by accident when she was still a girl. She'd been in her undies and her very first non-training bra, gathering her hair up in a pony-tail when she'd noticed that with her hands above her head her budding A-cups had looked a lot more impressive than a pair of fluffy mosquito bites had any right to look. As the years went by and her figure filled out she'd practiced that sort of pose in the mirror, pairing it with pouty expressions until it was a secret weapon in her seduction arsenal.

Well it could have been worse. I could have started grinding myself against his bedpost. she mused, wondering if she should just take the risk. Her plan to drop tiny subtle hints hadn't worked, and she wondered how long she could risk being subtle. What if Troy meets and falls in love for someone who isn't subtle? Some slutty cheerleader who's all boobs and no brain, one who'd have no qualms about throwing herself at the hunky new guy. Maybe even one of those teachers who gets a kick out of seducing her students. As she said good morning to her parents the feline put those thoughts out of her mind and put on a cheerful face. Another week. Maybe two. I'll try being less subtle and if that doesn't work... God, I hope it works!


"Excuse me, is this calculus?" Amy asked, tapping the lupine on the shoulder to get her attention.

"Yeah. Can't you tell by the eager faces of the crowd pushing and shoving to get in?" the wolfess quipped, and Amy couldn't help but grin at the line of students shuffling forlornly into the classroom. "You new to the school?"

"Yeah. To the whole town, really."

"Ouch. That's gotta be tough - transferring for your last year of highschool. Hope you didn't have to leave too much behind..." the lupine girl asked, sounding genuinely sympathetic.

"Well my friends I guess. I suppose I was lucky I wasn't in a serious relationship, otherwise that would have sucked the big one."

"I guess. Well, you can't really start anything serious just for one year, but it's plenty of time to break a few hearts." She said with a stereotypically wolfish grin.

"I'll keep that in mind..." Amy replied, hoping that the she-wolf would buy the act and not guess that she already had her eye on someone. "I'm Amy, by the way."

"Samantha, but Sam's just fine. Look, we gotta find out sets now or Mrs. Hutchins' gonna get on our case, but if you want we can meet up for the lunch break and I'll show you around?"

"Sounds good." Amy replied, grateful for the friendly wolfess offer to make an awkward day a little easier.


"Troy, over here!"

"There you are! I've been trying to find you but I still can't even find my bearings here." Her brother said, obviously relieved at the sight of his twin.

"Troy, this is Samantha, she's in my calculus class. Sam, this is my brother Troy..."

"Pleased to meet you." The wolfess said, shaking the lynx by the paw.

She got a thoughtful look on her face and for a moment Amy wondered if she'd just made the blunder of introducing a potential romantic rival to her twin. She was confident in her good looks but the friendly bitch was a looker too. A nice figure, a mess of long hair and to Amy's dismay a little leggier than she was, which meant she was standing at eye-level with Troy. The affectionate lupine suddenly looked like trouble, and Amy wasn't surprised to notice that she'd subconsciously moved a few steps until she was standing beside her brother.

"Wait... are you two...?" the wolfess said, cocking her head to one side as she trailed off.

She couldn't have hesitated for more than a few seconds, but it was enough for the feline femme's life to flash before her eyes. She's gonna ask if we're a couple! She thought to herself, trying to think of a proper way of responding. Should she laugh it off? Should she look disgusted at the notion? How would a normal person respond to something like that? And if she did, then her patient (if not pathetic) attempts to make her brother notice her as a woman would be all four naught.

"Yeah, you're twins, aren't you?"

"Y...yes! How... you can tell, huh?" Amy stammered out, so relieved that her nightmare wasn't about to play out that she would have been willing to have the wolfess' babies if it wasn't biologically impossible.

"Well I got one of those around here somewhere..." she said, scanning the crowd until she caught sight of her quarry. "Vic, over here!" she cried out, waving until she caught the attention of a tall wolf who did look remarkably like her. "Took you long enough! These are Amy and Troy, they just transferred in. Guys, this is my baby brother Victor!" she said, hugging one of the wolf's arms as he rolled his eyes.

"Less than fifteen minutes older and she won't let me forget it. Nice to meet you two." He said, shaking hands with each of the felines. For her part, Amy couldn't help but notice the way Samantha was still clinging to her twin, but quickly dismissed the notion that it was in any way weird. That's probably how a sister behaves when she's not a pervert always worried about coming on too strong...

The four of them had to split up once the break was over, but the two wolves seemed to like the newcomers enough that they sought them out as the days went by. Both Troy and Amy were glad to have made new friends so fast considering the rest of the school was still a sea of strangers to them, a fact Troy brought up on their third day at the school as the four of them were eating lunch.

"Yeah, I guess we have been monopolizing you. Tell you what, we are in a sort of after-school club that you two might want to check out..." Samantha said, and even though she had her attention on the wolfess Amy couldn't help but notice the way her twin's ears perked up at her words, even though the wolf maintained a perfect poker-face.

"What kind of club?" Troy asked.

"It's... mostly just a place to hang out. I know I seem kinda sketchy, but you'd need to come to see what it's about. We're meeting today, as a matter of fact..." she finished, letting the invitation hang in the air.

"Well I'm curious, and when has that ever ended bad for a cat?" Troy said, and with a shrug Amy decided she might as well go with it.

"Okay then, I guess we're in. Where do we meet?"

"It's on school grounds, but let's meet at the gate since it's kind of hard to find your first time. Don't worry, I'm sure you won't regret this!"


"Well you were right, we definitely wouldn't have found this place..." Amy mused as the lupine twins led them all around the school building to what looked like some sort of service entrance.

"Yeah, this used to be a storage area for the school cafeteria, back in the day when they still made meals here. But a while ago they decided it was easier and/or cheaper to have everything cooked off-site so now the staff just serve the grub up and do the dishes." Victor explained while his sibling fished around in her pocket for a key.

"And some years back a few students managed to talk the principal into letting them use the place for a club." The wolfess said.

"And they just gave it to them?" Amy asked, still wondering what the whole business was about.

"Yeah, cause the students never asked them for an actual club budget. That way we got a place to hang out, and the school could boast about their thriving after-school programs without spending a penny on this particular one." Sam said, unlocking the door and to the surprise of the lynxes locking it behind them once all four were inside. And judging by the sounds of conversation coming from behind the rows of shelves acting as a sort of wall, they weren't the only ones here.

"Heya guys! We've got some newbies coming in so I hope you're all decent in there..." the wolfess called out, and at the time Troy and Amy had been sure she was just kidding.

As it happened everyone _was_decent and seated in pairs on a variety of folding chairs arranged in a circle. The first thing Amy thought when she saw it was that it looked kind of like a support group, but everyone seemed quite cheerful and friendly. The she-wolf introduced them to the little crowd before putting names to the faces pointed at the pair of felines. Well, the pair of _new_felines.

There were two black cats named Violet and Rosie, more or less the same age which Amy guessed was about thirteen, making them the youngest people in the room. Bethany and Chris were a pair of white and brown rabbits about three or four years apart. She'd seen Bethany in a few of her classes but wasn't really sure how old Chris was. The goats - Cole and Sandra- seemed closer in age, Cole being the elder. It occurred to the wolfess that every pair (and it was obvious from the seating that they were paired up) was the same species, and had what might just be a family resemblance.

"Hey so... is everyone here siblings?" Troy asked, his mind obviously running along the same track as hers.

"Uh... yeah?" Bethany replied as Victor showed them to an empty pair of seats, in the same tone one might have used to reply to someone asking if the sky was blue.

"It's kind of the deal with this little group. Or half of it, at least..." Amy said.

"So what's the other half?" Troy asked, just before Amy could do the same.

"What do you mean?" asked Sandra, and looking at her Amy realized she was sitting quite close to her brother. They all were, and this was a roomy place...

"Well Sam told us that you made a sort of deal with the administration and got a place to hang out, but we still don't really have an idea what the deal is with this place..." Amy said, and trailed off when everyone started looking at her as if she was waving a live grenade around.

"Samantha! You... you brought them here and... are they even...?" Violet stammered out, her tail puffed up and showing the girl's distress.

"What gives Sam? This is supposed to be a safe place..." said Chris, and Amy didn't fail to notice the way his big sister took his hand in hers, or just how much that seemed to calm the buck.

"All right, everyone settle down! I know it seems reckless but I trust my instincts and by now so should you. I know Troy and Amy belong here, even though I doubt they do." Sam said, and that seemed to help the tensions of the assembled pairs, but Amy was still drawing a blank. Sam turned to look at her and Troy and for once her eyes didn't glitter with an impish twinkle. The lupine face seemed genuinely and gently honest as she began to speak.

"All of us here are siblings. Close ones. The kind that probably never bickered as much as they should have. The kind that spent their early childhood playing nice and getting along. The sort of siblings who never had a problem until they started puberty, and the old games didn't seem enough anymore." She said, and something about her tone and the absolute silence of the room made Amy's mouth go dry. "You were supposed to start a new chapter in your life, start noticing boys or girls. And you like the idea of learning new ways to play, but you didn't want someone new to play with it..."

"All of a sudden everyone expected you to grow a little apart from the person who means everything to you, and the very idea was enough to tear you up inside..." Sandra spoke up her voice as tight as her grip on her brother's hand.

"And you realize the one person who was always there for you, the one person who could make everything better was the last person you could talk to about this." Chris added, his ears drooping and prompting his sister to scratch behind them until she got them up again. Things were starting to click in Amy's head, but she hoped it wouldn't show on her face. She tried to look like she had no idea what these people were talking about even as she fought to keep her breath from racing.

"So now I guess you two realize what we all are, besides being siblings. Why we need a safe place to be what we are. And why I dragged you here..." Sam said, and the sympathy in her face made Amy doubt her bluff was fooling anyone. "I know you're both scared, because we've all felt like that. And I know it seems like a dick move to make you do something like this in front of strangers, but everyone here's been where you are right now, and we're all glad we've managed to move past the hurdle you two are now facing. This is the one place in the world I know of where you can find people who'll support you in this, and that's what this group is all about..."

"W-what makes you think..." Amy began, trying to keep her voice steady, and to avoid asking the real question. How did you know?

"Back in the hallway you both looked like deer in headlights when you thought I was going to ask if you were a couple. It isn't obvious to anyone but a person who's had that same fear."

Amy looked at Sam, and at Victor as he sat by her, one arm around the she-wolf's waist. She allowed her eyes to roam over everyone, every other couple who had what she desperately wanted. She looked at everyone but was too afraid to glance at the twin sitting next to her. She was sure that if she did, she'd know, And so would he. She'd know if he felt the same way, and her heart would break if he didn't. Damn you Sam, why did you have to interfere! My plan would have... eventually... she thought, but the lie fell apart before she could finish it. She only now saw how cowardly her little scheme had been - trying to goad her brother into taking all the risk and coaxing him into doing what she didn't dare.


The sound of Troy's voice spun her head around before she could even think about it, and a split second later she was looking her twin face to face. Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes teared up, a bit of pain and distress as something that she'd kept inside and that had been slowly hurting her was about to leave her. Swallowing past a lump in her throat she gave a little nod, and when her brother opened his arms to hug her she almost fell into his embrace. She could feel tears soak into the fur around her eyes as her shoulders shook and quivered, even though she wasn't sobbing. She always thought that 'a weight off my shoulders' was just an expression, but now it felt like something literal, like her muscles were quivering as an actual tension left them.

When she finally felt like she was partially in control of herself again she lifted her head, forgetting the fact that she was surrounded by people she'd only just met as she pressed her lips to her twins. As kisses went it wasn't really a wild one, but was deep, natural and long awaited, and as Troy brushed his fingers against the tuft of hair growing behind her cheek the idea that he might be repulsed by the prospect of the two of them together seemed ridiculous. Their lips parted before they really had their fill, but as he took her hand in his they both knew that this was just a beginning. Their indecision and worry had caused them to lose a few years, but they still had all the time in the world to spend together.

The rest congratulated what was now obviously a new couple and the conversation soon picked up. Amy and Troy learned a little about the other brother/sister pairs (as well as their sole sister/sister one), and it did serve as a bit of a reality check for the lynxes. It reminded them that once they were outside this room they would have to live a lie, but after keeping the way they felt from the one person who they loved the most, keeping a secret from the rest of the world didn't seem like such a big deal. And as the life stories drifted into small-talk, the lynxette realized why this club meant so much to them.

They could be couples here - siblings holding hands, hugging or kissing each other on the lips in front of other people who'd view it as something natural. After having to pretend you were nothing but siblings all day, it was no wonder they would flock to some dingy old storage room just to be themselves - both siblings and lovers, in a tiny place where it was normal. But as the hours went by people started leaving and when it was just her, Troy and the two wolves, they learned that there was a little more to the club.

"So, what do you think of our little club?" Sam asked, smiling at the new couple.

"I... I think I'm lucky to have met you..." Amy said, feeling profoundly grateful to the wonderful bitch who'd helped her and Troy do what they didn't have the guts to do themselves.

"Before you go mushy on me, let me just clue you in on some other fun amenities our little club offers to irresponsible but consenting young adults..." she said, pointing the confused felines to two stacks of thick gym mats the judging by the duct-tape patches had seen better days. "Ta-da! And you also get this..." she said, dropping a key into Amy's hand as the feline tried to puzzle out what the deal was with the mats.

"Just be sure you put them back after you're done, and to wipe them down before you put them back..." Victor said, and a second or so later two sets of black ear-tufts pointed at the ceiling as the lynxes realized what the two meant.

"Getting caught by your parents while getting frisky is bad for most people, but a disaster in our situation. As well as getting caught by anyone who knows you. But as long as you lock the door behind you and don't make a ridiculous amount of noise, this place will serve you as a cozy little love-nest, as it has those who -if you'll pardon the expression- came before you. Not that I'm pressuring you into anything..."


"God, I'm so nervous my hand's shaking..." Amy whispered, although the smile she wore as she tried to push the key into the lock made it clear it was a good kind of nervous. And a glance at her brother's crotch was enough to make it clear her soon-to-be lover was also quite eager.

They slipped in and Amy had just enough time (and just enough presence of mind!) to lock the door behind them before Troy spun her around and kissed her deeply and desperately. The lynxette's ears twitched as she kissed him back, moaning softly into his muzzle as she savored the closeness and the feel of his arms around her. With their bodies pressed together she could also feel the bulge in his pants, as well as a desperate need to get her hands on the things that was tenting Troy's denim.

Last night she'd crept into his room sometime after midnight and in complete silence and pitch-black darkness the two of them had held each other, kissed and explored each other's bodies. Then the sound of someone walking down the hall had nearly given them a heart attack, but whichever of their parents had gotten up to use the bathroom didn't hear anything that might have prompted them to open Troy's bedroom door and discover the two of them, naked under the sheets and scared witless. After the danger had passed they'd bid each other a reluctant good-night and promised to make use of the 'clubhouse' the next day.

After a restless night spent with what Amy hoped were prophetic dreams she had to endure what felt like the longest day of school in her life. They learned the other couples hung out most days right after class, so in order to have some private time they went back home after school, getting what work they could done before going back to the storeroom a few hours later. And after all that waiting they could have been excused not noticing the light was on, but what they saw when they walked behind the old row of shelves was hard to miss even in their besotted state.

"Oh, hey! Didn't think you guys would make use of the facilities quite so soon..." Samantha said, sounding very pleasant and casual for someone who was on her back without a stitch of clothing on, her nipples as hard as the red length dangling between the legs of her twin crouched on all fours on top of her.

"Oh fuck! Look we'll give you some time... I mean we can walk around the block a few times or something..." Troy said, averting his eyes which, in hindsight Amy guessed she should have done as well. But in the state she was in the sight of the two lupine siblings about to engage in some forbidden nookie proved literally captivating. Especially since neither of the two seemed to mind either the fact that they were naked, the fact that they'd been interrupted, or the fact she was staring.

"Troy honey, if you walk out with that you're gonna get arrested for indecent exposure..." the wolfess teased, pointing her eyes quite shamelessly at the young cat's crotch. "Look, there's plenty of mats to go around, and if you don't mind some company I know we don't..."

"You mean... like you're over there and we're kind over here?" Amy asked. She'd never considered having sex in front of other people, and definitely didn't imagine her first time would be in front of an audience, but the idea of waiting even a minute longer was enough to make her tail puff up.

"If you like." Sam said, the lilt in her voice suggesting that was but one option.

"And if we don't?" Troy prompted, getting a wolfish grin as a reply.

"Well Vic and I are pretty playful and the two of you are pretty cute. I don't want to pressure you and if this is your first time I'm totally gonna understand if you want to keep it between the two of you, but 'the more, the merrier' isn't just an expression, you know..."

"So have the two of you ever...?" Amy asked, her tufts sticking out like antennae as she blushed under her fur. She hadn't really thought about it, but now that the idea was in her head...

She was sure she loved Troy, both emotionally and physically. Just the thought of her brother naked and holding her as she pressed herself against him was enough to leave a damp patch on her panties. But Vic was also quite a looker, and to her surprise she found her eyes resting on Samantha's willowy form. She'd never really thought about anyone but her brother, and so hadn't really considered what sex with a woman would be like. And even though she hadn't known the wolfess for very long, she was profoundly grateful to her for bringing her and Troy together. She felt like she could trust that grinning bitch, and given her playful and vivacious nature, she couldn't help but wonder what sort of lover she's like...

"Yup, with Stan and Gloria." The wolfess said. "A pair of drafters. Not twins but born one right after the other. They graduated last year so we've kind of been short on playmates."

"Drafters? Like, draft horses? You mean that you...?" Amy began but trailed off, unsure how to phrase the question.

"Oh God no!" the wolfess almost squealed out, smiling and slipping a paw over her bare mound at the mere thought. "Are you crazy? That thing was scary big! Really fun to play around with, but only Gloria could really handle it. Half the time though, I was playing with her. She had the most amazing boobs..." the wolfess sighed wistfully. The twins looked at Victor for confirmation, and the wolf merely held out his hands about a foot from his chest and nodded.

"I mostly got tagged in when Stan had wrestling practice and couldn't make it. They were great though, and they were the ones who found us out." Vic said.

"Yeah. Unlike you two we've kind of been together since puberty really hit, but doing anything at home is as relaxing as taking a stroll through a minefield. Stan and Gloria were also the ones who swiped these old matts from the gym, all by themselves, so that might give you some sort of idea how big they were. Real sweethearts though."

"When they gave us the key to this place we kinda went nuts. For the first few weeks we were here _every_day, doing everything we'd wished we could do for the past few years. And we could hardly ask them to leave and give us privacy. We were each having fun with our own sibling at first, but we sort of drifted closer..." Sam finished wistfully. "Look, all pervyness aside, you two are about to make love for the first time, so if you think you'd be more comfortable..."

"No." Amy interrupted, surprising even herself with the eagerness of her tone. "I mean, we don't really know what we're doing... You okay with it?" she asked her brother.

"Yeah..." Troy replied. If he was being completely honest he was desperate to get started, no matter how many eyes were on them. And besides, Victor seemed to be looking his own sister over rather than Amy, obviously eager to pick up where the felines had interrupted them. So if the girls wanted to play around a little while getting some attention from the boys, he doubted either he or Vic would mind.

With that out of the way, the lynxes found themselves pawing at each other's clothes, fingers shaking and fumbling as their breathing grew rapid. Their eyes were on each other as more and more soft fur was revealed, but their ears caught the sound of the wolves making out beside them. Amy surprised herself by almost jumping at her brother, one arm wrapping around his chest while the other wound up behind his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

Her lips parted and she could feel her club-like tail quiver when Troy's tongue slipped into her muzzle to play with hers. His hands settled on her slim waist and she could feel muscles twitching under his touch. This was about as far as she'd ever gotten with a guy, but even previous make-out sessions hadn't prepared her for this. She needed him so bad it was almost scary, her nerves going nuts over every little touch, no matter where it landed as their tongues wrestled with each other. Her nipples were so hard she could feel them, stiff little nubs buried in the soft fur of her brother's chest as her perky bosom was pressed against it. She felt him brush a hand against her whiskered cheek, his fingers stroking one of her little braids. I knew he liked my hair this way!

By the time their lips parted Amy felt almost light-headed. She reluctantly left her brother's embrace, laying herself down and looking up at her twin and soon-to-be lover, his muzzle still parted as he drank in the sight of her. She bit her lip as he lowered himself, plating one kiss on her lips before his muzzle began to wander lower, kissing along her creamy neck, nuzzling the fluff just under it before he buried it between her breasts.

The feel of Troy's breath in her cleavage made Amy sink her fang into her lip so hard it was a wonder she didn't draw blood. Out of the corner of one slitted eye she spotted Sam getting on all fours and crawling closer, even as one of her paws settled on the back of Troy's head, guiding his muzzle to her perky mound. A shaky moan was torn from her own lips as her twins' wrapped around her nipple, the tip of his tongue flicking across the hard little nub as he gently kissed it.

A hand gently cupped her chin and turned her to the side until she was looking up into the softly smiling face of the she-wolf responsible for all this. As the lupine mouth slowly descended Amy just pursed her lips, letting out a muted whimper as Sam's brushed against hers, a fluttery feeling rising in her stomach as she kissed a girl for the first time. It didn't have the same impact as her first kiss with Troy, but she had to admit that on technique alone Sam was probably better. She started by planting a few smooches on the feline muzzle, audible enough for the boys to hear, sucking on Amy's lower lip and giving it the gentlest of nibbles before she kissed her deeply and with a surprising passion.

She let the lupine tongue slip into her mouth, moaning along with Sam until the wolfess let out a little squeak. Amy couldn't see what was going on, but she guessed that Victor was probably fed up with watching and had decided to pick up where the two had left off when she and Troy came along. The same impatience took root in her mind, and with some reluctance she released her twin's head. Troy took the cue and after giving a parting peck to the now glistening pink nipple he began to kiss lower. Little quakes rippled along Amy's trim belly with each brush of her brother's lips, her nostrils flaring as breath became in short supply. The lower they got, the more electric Troy's kisses became and by the time his muzzle touched on the little mound just above her clit she was moaning into Sam's mouth.

"Aww! How come you didn't do that to me our first time?" the wolfess cooed, addressing her brother who seemed to have been busy holding up Sam's bushy tail while the other paw got busy between her legs. The wolf just rolled his eyes and got on all fours behind his twin as Sam grinned victoriously, arching her back and flagging her tail up. She ogled the breast Troy had just been nursing, and to Amy's surprise gave a little giggle.

"Wha-aah!-sho funny?" the lynxette asked, with what little breath she could catch. Sam just continued to smile as she gave to soft mound a little poke.

"Kitty-titty!" she chirped, Amy's muzzle breaking out in a grin that matched hers just before she grabbed her head and pushed her face down against said titty.

The she-wolf took the hint and began kissing and sucking the feline nipple with every indication of enjoyment, and as thrilling as her lips and tongue on her breast were, Amy barely felt it. Her legs opened wide the moment she felt her brother's warm breath against her moist sex, and soon she felt his hands resting on the insides of her thighs, keeping her open as he pressed his lips to hers. Actual sparks danced in front of Amy's eyes as her back arched, the muscles in her legs trembling under her twin's hands and giving him a clear signal that she needed him, badly!

She heard the noise of slurping before she felt her brother's tongue swipe across her sex, and it was only when Samantha started to softly moan into her breast that she realized that the chastised Victor was busy behind her. With one hand still on the wolfess head, she pushed the other one down her belly, her fingers shaking as they slid over her folds before she parted them, exposing her glistening pink petals to her sibling.

The first stroke of his tongue against the tender flesh made her hiss softly, the raspy surface of a feline tongue feeling shockingly intense. But so turned on was she that she would have kept her cunny open wide even if her brother kept up the fervent licking. Luckily for her he read her response right, and the next time he licked he didn't press against the glistening pink petals, and instead of rasping across her honeypot each little bump on his tongue seemed to tickle one of her nerve endings, making her breath catch in her lungs.

She made the most bizarre noises while lying flat on her back, a bitch suckling on her tit while her own brother diligently ate her out, his tufted ears swiveling at every little gasp, moan and squeak. Amy was glad she was lying down because the muscles of her limbs seemed to be twitching randomly and she doubted they were up to the job of holding her weight. She wasn't sure of she'd had several tiny climaxes while Troy ate her out, or if she'd just been teetering on the edge of a really big one. She hadn't even noticed that Sam had released her nipple until the wolfess gasped and she felt the puff of air on the wet little nub.

Looking behind the she-wolf's raised tail she could see Victor getting up, shuffling forward on his knees as one hand settled on Sam's left hip. She imagined the other hand cradling that thick red length, guiding it to the she-wolf's dripping sex even as the lupine female kept her eyes on Amy's. A strange sense of intense anticipation gripped the feline femme as she watched her friend and at the same time felt like it was her who was counting the long seconds separating her from what she needed. She saw the wolfess muzzle part, the girl almost panting as the nipples on her chest stiffened, the breasts they were sticking out from swaying a little with every swell of Sam's chest. She saw the moment the pupils in those lupine eyes shrank to pinpricks when the tip of her brother's cock found her sex, and watched those eyes roll back gently as the wolf slid himself in with one smooth stroke.

Even her brother stopped and looked up in time to see the happy bitch speared on her brother's shaft, which seemed to be all the prompting he needed. Amy pulled him close as he climbed on top of her, thrilled at the weight of male covering her and gasping as a squirt of his pre landed on her still quivering cunny. It was bliss having Troy's muzzle nuzzling her crotch, but as she reached down to grasp his shaft she realized she needed him, more desperately than she'd ever needed anyone or anything. Her hand was shaking but she finally managed to guide his tip to her lips, her breath catching in her throat as her folds just barely parted around her sibling.

"I love you Amy..." she heard him husk.

"Aahhhh... love you..." was the best she could manage. She felt like she'd ran up four flights of stairs and even forming that tiny sentence seemed more work than her brain could manage at this point.

It got the point across and soon her brother's lips were on hers, kissing her gently yet deeply as she opened up for him, her toes curling as his head slipped in and began to press into her. He'd only gotten about two inches deep when a twinge of pain cut through the haze and made Amy wince. Her brother paused and she took the chance to get a few much needed lungfuls of air. On one hand it felt profoundly right that she'd give her virginity to the only boy she'd ever loved, but part of her wished she'd popped her own cherry at some point in the past and removed any barrier keeping Troy from sliding as deep in her as he could go.

"One quick -ngh!- thrust..." same a voice to their right, the sage advice of the she-wolf even now enjoying a vigorous rutting from her own twin. "It stings for a bit and then it's all over..."

Amy didn't need a lot of time to think about the wolfess' words. She gave Troy a little nod and braced herself, feeling his tip press at the barrier inside her before his hips bucked. She felt him plunge deeper, and as she opened her mouth to cry out Samantha's lips descended. Her eyes teared up a little but as her sex pulsed around her brother's shaft and the she-wolf kissed her passionately the feline soon forgot about the pain.

The she-wolf broke their kiss, leaving Amy with a little peck on her lips as she settled back to enjoy her own lover's efforts. Amy's eyes lingered briefly on the she-wolf's nubile body, the breasts shaking under her chest as Victor began to hump against her in earnest, rocking the smaller lupine's body with every buck of his hips. Doggy-style would definitely be something to consider, but for now Amy was deliriously happy just to lie on her back as her brother filled her.

Sam had been right and even though she could feel her body ebbing stretched by her sibling's barbed cock, any pain she'd felt was now a distant memory. Troy was now getting deeper inside her than any finger or tongue had ever reached, a hard, pulsing heat filling her as her brother took her as his lover. She found her legs lifting as if she was a puppet and someone was pulling her strings, her hands roaming her twin's back as she hugged him close, pressing his chest to her breasts until she was sure she could feel his heart beating right next to hers. When he felt him finally sink all the way into her he paused, gazing into her as she felt him throbbing away, her dripping tunnel molded around every inch of his shaft.

It was tempting just to stay like that, to feel his heartbeat against her breast and between her legs at the same time, kissing and grinding away against each other until the inevitable happened. But Amy needed more, and wanted more whether or not she could handle it. She gave her brother a little nod and soon felt him sliding his length out of her. The hard shaft had felt intense when going in, but as the barbs rubbed the already sensitized walls of her sex, the lynxette felt her whole body go stiff as a strange, shaky cry slipped past her lips.

She'd been worried the barbs would hurt, but she knew pain and this wasn't it. This was something electric, something she'd never felt in her whole life but that a part of her recognized and welcomed. Before she could focus on the sensation Troy was pushing back in, a smooth stroke that gave her that wonderfully full feeling, the feline cock gliding perfectly as her sex stretched around it. When he pulled out the feeling was no less intense, and as he caught a rhythm the two sensations began to blur.

Amy's muzzle hung open but barely any noise was leaving it, her senses overwhelmed to the point that she felt the reasoning part of her brain recede, leaving nothing but passion and instinct to guide her through this. And both passion and instinct urged her to embrace this, to feel as much as she could for as long as she could, knowing that it would be over all too soon no matter how long it lasted. She gripped her brother tight, her legs wrapping around him as her ankles locked together, her desperate hold seeming to spur him on.

She imagined the same sort of need rising in him, the same desperate instinct that had her in its grip. Not that she needed to imagine it. She could feel it as his loving strokes became the stabs of a rutting male, his jack-hammer thrusts churning out their combined mess as the mad tempo built. Amy felt her toes curling and her claws flexing, her body wracked by pleasure more intense than any orgasm she'd ever had. And the scary part was that she knew she wasn't cumming yet. It was still mounting, a heat spreading outward from just below her belly as unintelligible noises poured from her parted lips.

She knew that she could just let go. Her body was crying out for it, for the release that she was holding in check, hoping to last as long as Troy did. He was close too, she knew it. She could feel her body being pushed up along the smooth surface of the old gym mat, the force with which he was driving himself into her. Her ears caught a yelp to her side, followed by a howl-like moan. If she turned her head she knew she'd see Samantha's blissful expression as she came around her brother's knotted cock, but she couldn't take her eyes off Troy's as he panted above her.

"Amy... I'm... I can't..." he grunted, and as his shaft began to throb she knew what he meant.

"It's okay...I'm safe... I want it... want you..." Amy said, or rather babbled as she struggled to form a coherent thought.

With one last thrust Troy pushed as deep as he could inside her, and as she felt him twitching Amy pulled his muzzle down for a kiss before she finally allowed herself to let go. Their kiss served to muffle a yowl as she came like never before, her walls squeezing rhythmically around her twin even though he was cumming hard enough that she could feel the streams of his seed surging against her cervix, a glorious warmth penetrating her as he claimed her as his lover. It was the longest and most intense orgasm the feline femme ever had, and it wasn't until the ropes of lynx-spunk surging into her ebbed that she felt reason slowly return to her mind. She became aware the she was almost crushing Troy to her, and it was with some reluctance that she loosed her grip on him, the two breaking their kiss as they caught their breath. She was honestly still enjoying her brother's weight on top of her, but some gentlemanly impulse made Troy start to get off, and it was only her hiss that stopped him.

"B-bah-barbs!" she squeaked out, prompting her twin to settle back on top of her until the flared bumps went down and he could slip out without issue.

"Stuck, huh?" Samantha asked from beside them, her tone husky as she luxuriated in the afterglow, arms folded in front of her and her head resting on them while her rear remained in the air, being lovingly massaged by the male still buried between her legs. "Take my advice - settle down and enjoy. It really doesn't get better than this..."


"Mmh, this is nice..." Sam cooed, before pressing her muzzle back against Amy's.

"Mmhmm..." came the feline reply between kissy noises.

"Might be nicer if some boys wanted to play with us..." the wolfess mused out loud, giving her tail a little wag and just hamming it up for the two boys who were in attendance and about to join in.

Victor had to admit, it was a hell of a display. The girls were kneeling with their backs arched and their behinds thrust out, both tails hiked high as they leaned on one another. Their hands were clasped, their breasts touching but not really pressed flat, so that the boys could get a good eyeful of the perky young mounds. And the kisses, although genuinely affectionate, were way over the top. The girls seemed intent on smooching as nosily as possible, and they didn't bother pressing their lips together when they used tongue, making a show of flicking the nimble appendages against each other and letting the boys imagine what it would feel like to be caught in the middle.

"Ooh, I think I feel something!" Amy chirped as her brother took position behind her while Vic knelt behind Samantha.

"Me to! Mpffh, maybe we're about to get lucky..." the grinning bitch cooed, and the moment their eyes closed for another showy kiss, Victor caught Troy's gaze, flinging his muzzle up sharply in a signal the feline seemed to understand. So as the two girls tongue-wrestled, they each aimed themselves at a dripping young slit and at a nod the both bucked hard, sheathing themselves in the two very surprised females.

"Aaahh! You meanies! Why did you do that for?" Sam whined, but Vic could tell that it was only his grip on her tail that kept it from wagging. Amy said nothing, but the feline seemed to be having trouble un-crossing her eyes...

"I seem to remember someone saying how they wanted to get us riled up?" the wolf spoke into his sibling's ear, pushing his still slim knot in and pulling it from her drenched sex for emphasis.

"Oh no Sam, we've created a pair of monsters!" Amy bemoaned, her voice shaking a little as Troy began to hump against her out-thrust rear. "I guess we have it coming..."

"But will they have us cummi-Ouch!" Sam cried out, stopped in mid-pun as Victor gave another sharp thrust into her snug slit.

"No more wise-cracks if you want the knot, sis..." he threatened, and rather than trusting her tongue to stay still the wolfess pressed her muzzle to Amy's, giving it something better to do.

All jokes aside, the girls had done their best to get them riled up, and it had worked. The feminine foreplay also had them dripping and as he and Troy filled their cunnies the sounds of squelching filled their ears. His threat about the knot had been an empty one, since there was nothing he loved more than being tied with his sister, and he knew that she loved nothing better than the feeling of the two of them joined in the most intimate way as his seed drained into her.

What would swell into a huge bulge was now a little more than a bump at the base of his shaft and he could push it in and out of Sam without causing either of them any discomfort. Far from it in fact. His sister was staying absolutely still which was always a sure sign that she as loving what he was doing to her, exactly the way he was doing it. He could see the lupine slit dimple a little very time the slowly growing knot pushed in, as well as the mouth-watering sight as her folds clung to it as it popped out, his shaft glistening with their combined juices as the excess ran down and dripped from his swinging sack.

They had started fast but as desire mounted both he and Troy were now really railing the two and the girls had given up on kissing and had thrown their heads over each other's shoulders, either hugging or just holding on to something as two very riled up males were giving them just what they'd hoped to get. He caught sight of his sister whispering something in Amy's ear that made the feline's face light up, and before he could make out what it was he saw Sam raising her muzzle towards Troy's. As his sister moaned into her kiss with the lynx, his twin was flashing him her best bedroom eyes and her poutiest lips until Victor really didn't have any other choice but to kiss her.

And as great as kissing Amy felt, and as novel as a raspy feline tongue was, the wolf's focus was a little lower. Without being able to see what he was doing he had to time things carefully. His knot was growing with every beat of his heart, and even though it was still slipping past the moaning wolfess' dripping folds, it would soon be too big to do so without causing her pain. The bigger his knot became the more intense the sensation of the lupine femininity clinging to it when he pulled back, releasing it with some reluctance only to have it forced back in.

The next time pushed against her he could hear her whine into Troy's mouth until he finally sank into her and he knew that was it. He kept kissing May as he went from jack-hammer humping to just grinding and tugging on what was now a firm tie. Troy seemed to be upping his pace since Amy now found that she needed breath more than she needed kisses. With the purring feline no longer interested in his lips he decided to take advantage of this position. Samantha proved predictable, and the moment his teeth closed on the nape of her neck he felt her tighten around him, his knot swelling in response and pushing her over the edge.

His vision dimmed as the feeling of Sam's steamy honeypot convulsing around him caused his own body to respond. He felt his sack pull up, his knot throbbing and his teeth biting just a little harder as he released the first of many jets of warm lupine spunk into his twin. Even though she could get him off without a tie, Victor never came as hard or as long as when he was firmly embedded in her pulsing sex, and he was still flooding the panting wolfess' womb when the felines reached their peak.

"Here... feel this..." he heard Sam mumble and saw her pull one of Amy's paws down. He knew what he meant because her folds were stretched taut around his knot, enough that he could feel her press the lynx's fingers against it.

"Oh wow..." the cat gasped as she cupped the lupine vulva.

"Wow is right. That's my little bro down there!" she bragged as the feline fingers gingerly felt up the bulging labia.

"You -mpfh!- boys were amazing. Keep that in mind later if we send you out for icepacks..." Amy said.

"Yeah, but since you've got nothing better to do until things shrink down, could we trouble you for some back rubs?" the she wolf asked in a plaintive tone.

"Yeah, this pose was really hot, but super uncomfortable..." Amy said, and seconds later the girls were cooing and kissing both each other and each other's twin as strong fingers dug into knotted muscles.


"So, how do we do this?" asked Victor. An uncomplicated thinker at the best of times, and definitely now that the idea of a foursome entered his mind, leaving little room for anything else.

"Well I had an idea... okay, first off - you boys pile all the mats on top of each other" Samantha said, the gears spinning in her head almost audible as she considered the logistics of her plan.

"Wait, we're all gonna try doing it together, so we're making the pile of mats tall and narrow?" Troy asked, but still helped Victor out with the old much-used mats.

"The pile-o-mats is for us girls. You two will remain standing..." said Amy. Sam had cleared her plan with her beforehand, and now that it was a reality the lynx found herself biting her lip.

"Okay, that's all of them. Now are you two gonna clue us in?" Victor asked, still trying to puzzle out the grand plan.

"First, lemme check. I need you two to stand on either end of the mats..." Samantha said, both males obeying her orders. "Okay, it works out great! The one who's on her back is level with Troy's junk, and since Victor's a little taller he gets to boink top-girl!"

"Ohh, so you two are gonna sixty nine?" Troy asked, his black-tipped ears perking at the thought of getting to watch his sister with the amorous wolfess.

"U-huh. And since we'll be muff to muzzle, that means you two get our tails..." the she-wolf added, the canine biting her lower lip showing that despite being the architect of this little scheme she was anxious at the thought of getting rutted in the rear.

"Wait, seriously?" Victor asked with an almost comical look of surprise on his face.

"Well it's not like we have a lot of choice. And it will be the first time for both of us, so I know the two of you will be perfect gentlemen, the emphasis being on gentle..." Sam added, her tail twitching as she stressed the last word. "That being said... we'd also like to switch up..."

"You mean...?" Troy trailed off.

"Cats and dogs, yeah." Amy piped in. "As long as you guys are okay with it because Sam's a bit... anxious about her first time."

"What Amy is so tactfully trying to say is that we have two cats in our group but it turns out that I'm the pussy..." Samantha joked, although it was obvious by the way her ears were folded back that she was really nervous about losing this particular virginity. "You see, we've both been kind of... practicing the past few days, and I really think that I should... uhh, work my way up, so to speak?" she finished, her pitch rising as she looked at Troy, almost pleading with him to forgive her for the implied slight against his masculinity.

"Fair enough. So Amy, you're fine starting off with the big dog?" the cat asked.

"Yeah. I gotta be honest, I tried out some of my toys back there... doesn't seem like such a big deal." the feline replied.

Her main concern had been whether her brother would be comfortable watching her have sex with someone else, but she could tell his mind was working much like hers was. They both liked Sam and Victor. Maybe they even loved the two wolves. But they both knew that they were ultimately in love with each other. And since they both knew that there was no real room for jealousy or paranoia to creep in.

"That being said, I'm still gonna have to veto any knotting, at least for the first time." she told Victor as her mind returned to more practical concerns.

"Yeah, I kinda saw that one coming..." the wolf replied, but his wagging tail made it clear it wasn't a major disappointment.

"Good that's settled then. Ok boys, these are for you..." Samantha said, handing each of the two males a tube of lubricant. "Well, it's for us really, but we'll be expecting you two to do the honors. So Amy, ready to start the show?" she asked and in reply the lynx took her hand in hers and brought her muzzle to the anxious wolfess'. The kiss was brief but deep and left the girls more breathless than it had any right to once their lips finally parted.

It also seemed to drive at least some of the anxiety from the she-wolf's mind, but then again when Sam stretched out on the stack of mats and Amy caught sight of the wet cleft between her thighs, she wondered if her lupine lover was just too horned-up to care. With feline grace the lynx jumped up and settled down on top of her friend, thrilled at both the sensation of the soft-yet-firm body under her own and the realization that they were actually doing this!

She could feel Samantha's breath on her lips, and acting on an impish desire to take the initiative with the frisky bitch, she pushed her muzzle between the limber lupine legs and dipped her raspy tongue into the other girl's waiting sex. She could both hear Sam gasp and feel it against her bared folds, the wolfess taking a moment to recover before returning the favor. Amy felt blunt claws very carefully press against her labia before the lusty lupine pulled them apart, exposing the glistening pink petals of the feline's femininity. She wondered if Sam was teasing her or giving the boys a good look, but wonder left her mind when Sam's tongue entered her.

Several times the lupine tongue dipped into her sex, curling up as the she-wolf tasted her juices. The Samantha eased up a little and the next few strokes of the slippery appendage swiped across the delicate pink petals exposed to the eager bitch. The wolfess then began to alternate, paying equal attention to the feline love-tunnel and the glistening folds spread out before her (and no doubt at least one of the boys. Amy had to admit it was an impressive technique, one that kept her on her toes as the she-wolf did everything to her that her kinky mind could conceive.

But the lynxette had a trick of her own, one that she felt was slowly revving up under Sam's loving attentions. A smile spread across her muzzle even as she pressed it tight against the lupine sex, giving in to rising instinct and letting out a steady and remarkably loud purr. With her tongue working busily inside the lupine cunny she knew the vibrations would be traveling where they could do the most damage, so to speak, and the gasp half-muffled by her own sex was everything she could have hoped for.

The show was apparently working its unsubtle magic on their respective brothers, since it didn't take long for Amy to feel a hand gently take hold of her tail just before something gooey and cool was pushed up under it. She didn't take her muzzle away from Sam's steamy sex, but she did point her eyes up in time to see her twin and lover as he squeezed out some clear goo on his fingers. Even though she'd planed this out with Samantha, it just now struck her just how strange and how... _involved_this whole thing would be - she would be able to watch her brother as he had sex with the same girl she was having sex with, while another male altogether took her anal virginity.

It was a lot more intimate than what they'd done so far, and she felt like something like this should be awkward, if nothing else due to the number of people involved. But as a finger slathered lube over her winking pucker and she watched her brother do the exact same thing to Samantha, she felt nothing but eagerness and the need to experience what had up till now just been a really kinky idea. She felt no trace of jealousy at the fact that her twin and lover would soon be rutting another girl just inches from her face, nor did she get the impression that Troy will mind watching Victor to the same to her. She realized that this was an incredible level of intimacy to have with someone you weren't romantically involved with, and realized that the wolf twins would be more than just close friends to her and her brother by the time this was done.

"Sam, could you lift your legs a little?" Troy asked, pushing his fingers between the she-wolf's pert cheeks.

"I think I can do you one better. Lemme just..." the wolfess said, lifting her legs up and folding them, her rear now aimed a little higher and her tail-hole exposed entirely to the wide-eyed feline. "There we go. Amy, can you grab 'em?"

The feline stopped in mid-lick but soon worked out what the she-wolf had in mind. She grabbed the lupine legs under each knee, pushing her muzzle back into Sam's slit as she kept the kinky bitch served up for her brother. From this vantage point she could see Sam's pucker, now glistening as her twin smeared a generous amount of lube, massaging the goo in since the wolfess was obviously still too anxious about what was to come to relax her tail-hole.

For her part, Amy could feel her little pink ring dimple and then stretch as Victor pushed a finger in, stopping with just the tip stuffed under the lynx gal's stubby tail. It twitched once on reflex before Amy relaxed and let the wolf slip deeper into her soon to be deflowered rump. She'd practiced with one of her toys and found that having something up her butt didn't feel painful or scary, although stuffing a toy under her tail hadn't really been enough to get her engine running. But then again this was a different situation, and she didn't know if it was just the kinkiness of being in an honest-to-goodness foursome or the fact that Sam was giving her a magnificent tongue-lashing, but she found herself eager for her first rump rutting, so much that she was arching her back and fighting an urge to wiggle her spotted behind. It encouraged Victor to pump his finger in and out a few times, spreading the slippery goo around and ensuring she was ready.

Amy had to admit that when Vic finally took his digit out she did feel empty back there, but she guessed that wouldn't be a problem much longer. A strong hand settled on her left cheek, the fingers digging little furrows in the dense fluff covering her behind as a thumb spread her apart. She felt the kiss of something pointy, hot and tantalizingly hard, her slippery pucker giving the briefest of winks before relaxing, an irresistible invitation for the lupine male aiming himself at her exposed tail-hole. The tip slipped in easily, but as her pink ring spread wider so did Amy's eyes.

She'd seen Victor's cock before, but as the canine rod began to slide under her tail she realized it was thicker than either the wolf's finger or her toy. Much thicker! But more to the point it was warm, throbbing and thrillingly alive as it leaked the wolf-boy's natural lubricant into her no longer virgin ass. With his other hand free Vic began to massage and knead her rump, the strong fingers digging into both fur and flesh as he pushed inch after inch into the still purring feline.

"Wow, that's... that's a tight fit..." came a voice from behind the Lynxette, the tone suggesting that Sam was both intrigued and scared by the image of a girl's little pink button being speared by a horny young male. "You doin okay Amy?" she asked, and instead of a reply the feline femme pushed her rear out, taking another inch or so of Victor's shaft and pushing her dripping folds against the inquisitive muzzle.

"Looks like she doesn't have a problem with what I'm doing..." the lupine male gloated, finishing with a groan as his still slender knot kissed against Amy's straining pucker.

Samantha was nuzzling the feline muff in front of her even as her brain worked on a suitable response to her siblings' taunt, but the thoughts were derailed when she felt Troy's fingertip suddenly slip inside her, the moist cunny her muzzle was almost buried in thankfully muffling what would have been an embarrassing squeak. Troy could obviously tell she was tensing up and soon she felt more cool slime against her speared pucker as the lynx worked some extra lube into the tight lupine rump.

The wolfess considered herself quite adventurous when it came to sex, at least after she and her twin started having it, but she had to admit that if Amy had been wincing and yowling as her fluffy tush adjusted to having a wolf buried in it, she'd have wimped out. But despite the doggy buried between her buns, that kitty was still purring as she lovingly licked away at the she-wolf's folds. And the gasp she let out when Vic started sliding out was enough to stir Sam's curiosity. Her eyes rolled back as her pupils remained fixed on her brother's knot while he pulled out of the kitty's rump, stopping only when the tip was just barely stuck inside that slippery pucker. And when he began to slide himself back in that pink ring gave only a few little twitches, never once tightening up and giving any indication that Amy didn't want it back in there.

Her ears perked when Troy's finger slipped from her ass, the dribble of lube from her slightly loosened ring telling her that even if her mind wasn't exactly ready for this, the other end of her was. She took a few deep breaths when she felt the tip of a feline shaft press against her virginal pucker, and wound up breathless when the lynx pushed himself in. She'd done a better job of relaxing than she'd thought, and with all the lube Troy had worked into her rump she'd taken several inches of the cat before he could stop.

"Sorry... should I...?" the Lynx began but Sam cut him off once she managed to catch her breath.

"No, just... just give me a sec." she husked.

The sensation of a male filling her back there was novel enough that Samantha felt like she really was losing her virginity all over again, and that she was being just as awkward as the first time. She felt a little jealous of Amy who was purring steadily as Vic began to breed her butt, gliding back and forth in smooth, loving strokes. But to her surprise the less she clenched around the cock invading her tush, the more she enjoyed it. A lot more than her finger while she'd been working out whether she was willing to go through with this. It might have had something to do with the fact that she had an eager kitty eating her out this time, so her pussy didn't feel empty and neglected. Or maybe it was the fact that this was actual sex - a male was inside her and was about to ride her rear until he came and flooded her ass with his warm gooey seed. With that in mind the wolfess manage to relax, getting back to eating Amy out while her brother hilted himself in her butt.

A shaky gasp war torn from her and more or less swallowed up by the feline femininity her muzzle was dipped in, her toes curling at the sensation of Troy's barbs rubbing along her pucker on the way out. It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, and was kind of like the rasps on the tongue even now plunging into her steamy muff. It felt intense when Tory slid out, and left a sort of pleasant heat behind, one that seemed to build as the cat slowly began thrusting into her.

"You can -mpffh!- go a little faster..." Amy cooed, interrupting both her purring and her licking long enough to get the sentence out. It only then occurred to her that she should have been a little more specific, since both of the lupine twins did as she asked.

The lynxette found herself gasping as Samantha switched up from those long, deep licks to just flicking her tongue over her dripping pink folds and the little nub peeking out from its hood. That alone would have been enough to send tingles and sparks running up and down her spine, but when Victor sped up it felt more like high voltage. He shortened his thrust by half so that most of the throbbing red length remained in her pliant butt, but this was no longer sensuous (if kinky) love-making. He was humping against her, rutting her rump with the same energy a stray dog would have used on a bitch in heat.

Amy forced herself to relax, knowing that clenching up now would be a really bad idea. Fortunately Vic had been leaking and squirting inside her all the time he'd been breeding her behind so at least she was as slick as she could be for this. She could hear squelches from back there, as well as the softer sound of the wolf's hips smacking into her fluffy rump, his knot battering away at her ring on every thrust and making her simultaneously glad it wouldn't be going in today, but also curious about what it would feel like to be tied to the lupine male.

"Ow, ow, ow!" went the wolf girl with her muzzle drenched in feline femcum.

"Sorry, am I being too rough?" Troy asked, holding himself in mid-thrust.

"No, it's Victor's sack smacking my muzzle..." the wolfess teased, knowing that somewhere above her Vic's eyes would be rolling.

As the smart-mouthed bitch watched her brother's canine cock piston in and out of the bouncy feline rump she wondered briefly what sort of view the lynx-girl had. Probably not as impressive, since the feline shaft railing her was a lot less showy, but definitely enough to make her toes curl and her nipples stiffen. Her nerve-endings had become inured to the barbs covering the kitty-cock and now all she felt as Troy lovingly pounded her was heat. Not a burning sensation, but rather the pleasant, muscle-melting heat that washed over her when she slid into a hot bath.

Tearing her eyes away from Amy's sex she could see her brother was getting closer, since the knot that had threatened to slip into the feline's bouncy butt was now obviously too big to fit, at least not without a lot of effort and pain. She knew that to some extent Amy would be missing out. A good throbbing tie was her favorite part of every encounter with her twin, even though her first one had been accidental and quite painful (although mostly the next day). Still, the idea of taking the thing between her cheeks rather than between her thighs was enough to make her wince.

When the lynx-girl's purrs degenerated into mewls she knew her time was almost up, and decided to give her friend-turned-lover a little extra push. Taking a deep breath she pushed her muzzle between the feline labia and into the girl's sex, sticking her tongue out and pressing it up hard enough that she could actually feel the movement of her brother's shaft through the now squealing feline's body. The lynx lost her composure before Samantha lost her breath, the feline sex gushing around her tongue as Victor's groans joined Amy's ecstatic cry.

Samantha's sapphic assault caught Amy of guard, plunging her into the ecstasy of climax and away from what little reason she had. For a brief moment it was all a jumble and she couldn't tell anything apart. There was a tongue buried deep within her spasming sex, but her own muzzle was also pressed against a dripping honeypot that some last shred of thought rattling in her skull insisted wasn't her own. And just below the pussy she was moaning into was a pink pucker stretched taught around a hard length sawing steadily in and out. For a moment she wondered if that was her behind she was watching get bred when she realized it couldn't be. Whoever was railing her butt was really going at it, and the fact that her pucker was clenching as she came only made the hard, hot rod feel more intense as it pushed in and out of her speared rump.

Samantha watched with glee as the kitty's pink ring went nuts around her brother, clenching so hard that it put the grunting wolf off his stroke. The swinging sack she'd jokingly complained about was no longer slapping her muzzle, the swollen orbs now pulled up tight against her brother's crotch as he prepared to flood the feline rump. She eased off and out of Amy, pulling her tongue out and gently licking the still quivering sex clean even as she reached out with one paw and prepared to make a mess.

Vic was barely pulling out now, his hips just mashing and grinding against the lynx's bubbly behind as the muscles in the wolf's legs tensed. It made Sam's job easy and her paw quickly closed around the now fat knot, the wolfess grinning as she gave it a good hard squeeze. It was what she always did when she blew her brother, and it always thrilled her how the bulb seemed to fight her - swelling and throbbing every time she tightened her grip on it, as if it was trying to flex its way free. Not that it wanted to. There were a lot of nerve endings in that bulge, all of them telling Victor's body that he was tied in a nice tight bitch, and that she was now ready for what he had to give her.

"Ohhh God! He's... he's..." she heard Amy moan, wondering if it was for her benefit or Troy's.

From where the wolfess was standing (so to speak) it was quite obvious that her brother was cumming, the bulging sack twitching and the swollen knot throbbing in her hand with each pulse of puppy-milk that surged along the red length buried in the feline ass. The kitty's pink ring proved a tight seal for longer than the wolfess would have guessed, but without that big red lump inside Amy's bubbly butt it was only a matter of time until the copious canine load came squirting out. And since it was her face it was squirting all over, the wolfess brought her muzzle to the spot where her brother's cock sank into the quivering feline tush and began to lick along the faint pink rim, figuring she'd rather catch the mess in her mouth than in her eyes.

As she cleaned up her twin's mess, the she-wolf couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have her own rump creamed, and just how long it would take for her to find out. Not that she was in any hurry. She'd either finally relaxed enough or had just taken enough kitty-pre for the pistoning of Troy's shaft to feel deliciously smooth. The sensation of the little barbs was now just an intensely intimate heat as the lynx really leaned into her his hips practically spanking her as his twin kept Sam's legs raised and her lupine rump served up.

She wasn't sure if Amy had been inspired by her plan, or if she just wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine, but she soon felt the feline's whiskers on her labia as she pushed her muzzle as far as she could. It was stubbier than Samantha's, but she soon realized that getting deep wasn't what was on Amy's mind when the kitty let it rip. The wolfess gasped in shock, never realizing felines could purr that deep, nor that their purring could travel so far into her. Amy started licking again and this time round it was like her tongue was a living, wriggling vibrator, a sensory assault that was more than any girl could be expected to withstand, especially whit a slick kitty-cock railing her freshly deflowered tush.

Yips mixed into the she-wolf's moans as she gave in to the purring cat and let her climax mount, her entire lower half feeling like it was on fire and/or hooked up to a live current as she panted against Amy's pretty little slit. Her grip on her brother's knot remained secure, both so that he could enjoy a simulated tie, but also to keep the mess he'd left in the lusty lynx from splashing all over her. And despite her efforts she could see a line of milky goo trickle down from the straining ring, running along the sparse fuzz covering the skin between Amy's pucker and her honeypot. It was strange how just before she hit her peak her eyes managed to focus on the little pearly rivulet, her mind just blanking out for a few tense seconds before she lost it entirely.

But as much as she would have liked to, Samantha couldn't focus the sensation of her quivering cunny gushing into that pretty purring muzzle. As her sex clenched around the raspy tongue playing around in her, her well-stuffed ass was also flexing, which made the sensation of having her rear rutted suddenly a lot more intense. For a second she wondered if one of the kitties was being naughty and decided to push a finger in along with the feline phallus already pistoning away down there.

The first time her pucker flexed around Troy's shaft had been just a brief pulse, but it had made the cat's cock seem twice as big and the barbs a lot more intense. For some reason that caused her to really clamp down, and all of a sudden it felt like she had a bull riding her ass. If Troy's shaft had felt this big when he'd first put it in she was pretty sure she would have wussed out, but her mind was still somewhere on cloud nine and the idea of having a bull under her tail wasn't the least bit unappealing.

She buried her face in Amy's quim, tasting both the lynx and her brother's leaking seed as she used the cat's slit to muffle the sort of noises she'd never live down. Her toes were curling and her eyes were rolling back, the now savage rutting of her exposed behind making her wonder just how much Troy had left and how much more she could take. When he finally drove himself as deep as he could and a wet warmth began to spread through her Sam wondered if she'd climaxed again so soon, or if she'd just been riding her initial orgasm like some sort of roller-coaster. As the thrusting stopped her pucker's death-grip on the feline shaft relaxed, and now she could feel her ring happily winking around the feline rod as it milked the throbbing length.

"Mpffhhh Troy, if you move, so help me God..." she panted, remembering how Amy had squeaked her first time when her twin tried to pull out before his barbs had gone down. She could feel them now, all bristled up inside her rump but not unpleasant as long as the male they belonged to stayed perfectly still. Fortunately Troy remained stock still, allowing the thoroughly spent bitch to savor the sensation of the heat his rutting had caused giving way to the gentler warmth as he spent himself inside her snug behind.

Once his barbs had gone down the four began the process of untangling themselves from the steamy pile they'd formed. To her credit, Amy did a good job tightening her freshly-bred tail-hole, saving Samantha from catching her brother's punk in the face. Not that she minded a facial, but there was no sink here, so it would have meant a very stealthy dash towards the nearest restroom, all the while avoiding getting caught by either the security guard, or the cameras. The pile-o-matts was dismantled and Sam and Amy were even now lying face to face on two of them, their chests pressed against the patched surface while their behinds were presented to their respective twins as the boys diligently cleaned up their mess the best they could with tissue paper and wet wipes.

"You know, I have an idea..." Sam said, her voice thoughtful.

"Please don't! I'm gonna need some time to recover from your last idea..." Amy replied, the two giggling at the very notion of another round after what they'd just all been through.

"No, not that. I was thinking, how about we cover for each other?"

"I'm not sure I follow yo -aah! Troy, don't mind cleaning out inside me, especially while I'm still sensitive. Just make sure you get the fluffy parts clean." Amy instructed.

"Yeah, 'cause getting dry spunk out of fur would be the real pain in the ass..." the lynx said, but still gave Amy's up-turned rump a few reassuring pats. "So Sam, you were saying?"

"Well I take it neither of you two ever had a serious relationship before?"

"What makes you say that?" Amy asked, even though she didn't bother denying it.

"Well you're decent people. Too decent to string some poor soul along and raise their hopes when you knew you were already in love with someone else."

"She's got us there..." Troy said, never stopping his diligent and gentle work.

"And if you haven't done it so far you sure as hell aren't going to do it now. But everyone from friends to family will expect you to."

"Yeah, our folks keep dropping hints that we should get serious and start thinking about who we'd like to settle down with..." Victor said, preening the base of his sister's tail.

"And since they would have kittens -which would be quite a feat for canines- if we told them the truth, we could just sort of switch around in public. I mean, we're pretty close with you two, so we wouldn't have problems playing couples. You know - holding hands in public, smooching, hugging, that sort of thing. Hell, I'd even be willing to grab Troy's crotch every now and again, if I felt the scene called for it." she finished, getting a laugh from everyone but the Lynx who was pretending to be too busy with his sister's rump to notice the remark.

But despite the she-wolf's joke, Amy felt like this was a really good idea. This was a relationship she'd never imagined herself being in but she knew for a fact that she wouldn't feel the slightest bit of jealousy if she saw Troy holding hands and hugging the mischievous wolfess even now waiting for her input. And she certainly wouldn't mind walking hand-in-hand with the hunky lupine even now busy under the clever bitch's tail. The only thing that rankled was that they had to do it.

"So this idea just popped into your brain, just now?" she asked.

"Well to be honest it's not a brand new notion. Remember the draft horses I told you about? Stan and Gloria? I first had the notion of trying it with them, since me and Vic were fairly comfortable with them, but there were a few tiny snags..."

"Such as?"

"Look, I'm not exaggerating how huge those two were. Especially Stan. If I'd wanted to fake that I was in a relationship with him, I would have had to walk bow-legged!"

"Well, that's because you're a prude deep down..." Victor remarked from behind the wolfess, causing her ears to swivel. "I would have had no problem playing my part with Gloria, even if it went against my masculine sensibilities."

"Oh yeah, it would have been a real hardship for you! The whole school would look at you two and wonder what you have between your legs that can make a mare like her pick you over the stags, bulls and stallions. Besides, your face only came up to her chest. Every time she hugged you, you would have been in boob-heaven."

"You know, it does sound like a good idea." Troy said as he regarded what was now a fairly tidy feline rump. "Our parents haven't been giving us a hard time, now or ever come to think of it, but I'd rather they don't start wondering why we aren't trying to date..."

"Okay, than we've got a deal. And now that that's settled, Troy..." Sam said, addressing the young cat.


"Where are you taking me on our first date?" the she-wolf asked with a grin, wagging her tail as her twin gave up on getting it clean...


It was never exactly like the first time, but it was always amazing. She'd had Troy and had been had by him dozens of times by now in various different ways, but every time she felt his tip poke and prod between her waiting folds before gently sinking in took her breath away. And like so many times before, they weren't alone during their illicit love-making. But Sam and Victor had arrived some time before they had and had been happily tied when the felines 'caught' them. And even if they had been planning on calling it a day, the prospect of watching the lynxes mate was too good to pass up, and as Victor's cum-drenched shaft failed to recede all the way into his sheath, it became obvious that he'd soon be up for round two. And Samantha always seemed to have enough energy for one more romp, even when everyone else was nearly passed out.

It did give her a little thrill to know the wolves were watching the two of them but she'd be lying if having spectators really made much of a difference at this point. She gasped softly as she felt Troy push in all the way, her nipples hardening against his chest as she brought his muzzle down for a kiss. He wasn't as big as Victor but the feline femme honestly didn't mind. She was always just a little anxious when taking the wolf, especially when he was the one on top, unlike with troy. Her twin seemed to be literally made to fit inside her - big enough to hit all the right spots in the right way, but not so big that it hurt when he got a little rough with her. Well, not counting a few awkward aches the day after...

As she released the back of his head Amy raised her legs a little, giving her brother better access to her as well as a signal that she was ready. A purr was drawn from her throat as the feline shaft slid out, the little barbs setting her nerves afire the way they always did when he got started. Later, she knew, everything would merge into a volatile cocktail of heat and friction, and she would have no idea when the hard length was leaving her and when it was pushing back in. There would be nothing but the delirious feeling of joy as her brother gave her everything he had, which as it turns out was everything she'd always wanted.

Troy made sure to keep his thrusts soft and gentle, knowing that the slow pace would tease his sister. Right now she was the image of serene sensuality - purring happily and steadily as his hips rose and fell, sliding his shaft in and out of her increasingly wet slit. But as her patience slowly ran out he knew that she would begin to writhe under him, trying to coax him into picking up the pace. And as long as he kept his cool and didn't give in, the slow and steady tempo would drive her just a little bit crazy. By the time he was ready to really give it to her she would be clinging to him, claws poking and scratching his back as the pussy-cat purrs turned into wild yowls.

It was a good system, but he wasn't sure how long it would last. Amy had been trying to get creative, if not outright sneaky and put him off his beat, even though she loved the inevitable finale. When she started sucking on her middle finger he was sure she was just putting on a little show, reminding him of how cute that muzzle always looked wrapped around him as the tongue hidden in it did its little miracles.

He realized what his sister had in mind when she slid the other hand down his back until she was palming his left cheek, pulling it apart and exposing his pucker just before the wet finger slid against it. So this is what I get for opening up to my sister... he thought to himself, although he kept his tail up and let the girl he was still steadily humping against have her fun. The first time she'd touched him back there had been a sort of accident - she'd been groping his ass while on her knees and with her nose-pad pressed up against his belly fur when a finger suddenly slipped between them and brushed against his pucker. And considering where his cock was at the time it wasn't hard for her to realize that the mere touch against his tail-hole had made him twitch. So she wound up just playing around with it a little and after he'd spent himself in that talented muzzle they got to talking.

It was quite obvious at this point that Amy was bisexual. After all, they'd had quite a few 'double dates' with Victor and Sam and nobody watching the two girls could fail to notice how much they enjoyed playing with each other. And while he and Victor hadn't done anything with each other all four of them were comfortable enough that nobody felt awkward being stared at. And Troy had to admit, a few times while he watched the wolf breed either his own sister or Amy, he was a little curious about what it would feel to be in their place. And when he felt Amy push her finger into him, he wondered if she'd also spent some time thinking about such a pairing.

As his sister slowly fingered his tail-hole he was aware of the two sets of lupine eyes watching them, and of the fact that one pair of eyes was connected to quite a devious mind. He wasn't surprised to see Sam stretch out and take hold of Amy's chin, angling her face to the side so that she could kiss the feline softly moaning as her brother mated her. And even though both Amy's silken tunnel and the curious finger probing around him were considerable distractions, he didn't fail to notice the way Samantha's muzzle moved to his sister's ear once their lips parted, or the little nod Amy gave her once the sneaky bitch was done whispering.

The two were planning something, or more likely had a plan they'd decided to put into motion. Considering his rather vulnerable position Troy knew he should be worried, but their last little idea had resulted in a pretty mind-blowing foursome so he figured he might as well play dumb and let the girls have their fun. He felt a hand gently lift his stubby tail and a moment later something cool drizzled around his pucker and the digit embedded in it. His sister felt it too and was now moving her finger in and out, lubing him up even as he thrust himself against her.

Troy groaned a little when she slipped a second finger in, his cock twitching between those feline folds as Amy began to pump. He did his best to relax, and once he did his sister picked up her pace, finger-banging him in front of the two wolves. And when he spotted Sam whispering something in Victor's pointed ear, he wasn't surprised when her brother stepped out of view.

He felt a little giddy at the thought that this was about to happen, and he might have been anxious about it if he wasn't so horny. His ears swiveled as they caught distinctly wet noises from behind him, and his mind painted him a picture - a thick, red lupine shaft being slathered in the same lube his sister had so diligently worked into his ass. He stopped moving on top of her when he felt her fingers slip out, soon to be replaced by something hard and tapered.

Victor was hesitating, obviously not sure if Troy would really be up for this, despite the fact that the leaky tip now resting against his lubed pucker told the lynx that the other male was very eager. He got as comfortable as he could on top of his sister, arching his back a little and pushing his tail-hole against the canine cock. It was enough of a signal for Victor and the next thing Troy felt was the wolf's hand on his hips as the other presumably guided the lupine length under his tail.

He groaned as his body adjusted to the lupine shaft, the length stretching him but sliding in easily as the excess lube squelched with each inch he took. A few inches in he felt it slide against a spot inside him that made his cock twitch inside Amy's sex, his twin pulling him down on top of her and pressing her lips against his. It was definitely different taking Victor back there instead of his sister's curious fingers, and not just because of the sheer size of the wolf's throbbing length.

There was the heat of it, the way the slick red rod twitched inside him the same way his own barbed cock was doing in Amy's slit. And apart from stretching him it was going deeper, inch after hard inch sliding past his stretched ring until he finally felt the knot grind against his lube-slicked tail-hole. Vic stopped at that point and the cat speared on his shaft took the opportunity to catch his breath. And to no one's surprise, Samantha took the opportunity to get a peek.

"Whoah..." she gasped, apparently awed by the sight of her brother's length stuffed into the boy who'd taken her own anal cherry. "Can't believe you took the whole thing that easy. Does it hurt?"

"Nah... felt kind of uncomfortable at first, but I'm fine now..." Troy said. It actually felt a little better than fine - every time he clenched up back there the canine length would rub up against that spot inside him. Every time it did that would make his own shaft twitch inside Amy's snug little honeypot, and that in turn would cause her velvety walls to clamp down on him.

"See, both of _them_took it just fine, but you still squeak like a mouse if I so much as accidently poke you under your tail..." Vic said.

"Hey, felines are flexible! They're famous for it!" Sam protested, her bushy tail clamping down at the thought of letting her twin and lover mount her perky behind. "Anyway, I guess you can start moving around now, or Amy might get bored and leave. Just be careful not to tie with him!"

Figuring the wolfess had a point, Vic pulled back out until only about half of his shaft was still buried under Troy's tail. This gave the lynx some room to move so he went back to thrusting in and out of the purring feline under him, with the difference being that every time he pulled out of her he was sliding back along Victor's length.

Even though she couldn't really see what they boys were doing, Amy's cheeks were burning at the sheer kinkiness of the situation. She remembered what it felt like to have Victor slide that red shaft under her own tail and wondered what it felt like for Troy to have the same happen to him. The only thing she was sure of was that her twin was enjoying being trapped between her and her 'boyfriend', judging by the way he was gently fucking into her, the feline cock held within her quivering folds leaking so much that she could feel the juices getting pushed from her every time he thrust in.

She was sure Sam was happy just watching the spectacle from the sidelines, but the she-wolf didn't seem to want to be left out. A moment later she had her knees on either side of Amy's flushed face, her sex still dripping the load Victor had left in there.

"Mind helping me with the cleanup?" the wolfess asked sweetly, looking down past her perky breasts to gaze into the lynxette's slitted eyes. And before Amy could answer, she'd lowered the messy muff and spread her folds open. "Good girl..."

Amy rolled her eyes, but she didn't want for Sam to feel left out, and she certainly didn't mind cleaning the puppy-spunk from her quim. Her raspy tongue darted from her muzzle and dove between the lupine lips, catching the cocky bitch off guard as Amy gave the delicate inner petals a good long lick. She couldn't see what was going on behind Sam anymore, but she figured that her brother was enjoying watching her eat out the she-wolf, judging by the fact he was humping a little faster against her.

"Oooh! Mpffh Troy, you naughty kitty..." the she-wolf cooed, leaning over Amy a little as she thrust her ass out and hiked her tail. "If you think I'm gonna let you mount my ass just because you -ngh!- well okay, keep going and we'll see..."

Troy smiled at the wolfess reaction as he kept her cheeks pried open, swiping his muzzle across the delicate pink rosebud between them. Ha hadn't really considered it but if the she-wolf really did raise her tail for him he doubted he'd turn her down. But that would have to wait until he was finished with Amy, and until Victor was finished with him.

He'd relaxed enough that the lupine cock was gliding easily between he cheeks as he slid back and forth, sandwiched between his sister and her pretend boyfriend. He'd heard about prostates and how sensitive they could be, and he figured that was the spot inside him the canine cock was pressed up against. It was definitely making things more intense, and as his hips began to move faster and faster seemingly on their own.

The sensation of being filled by the hard canine length was intense, especially since his own shaft was being caressed by his sister's dripping slit, and as he fooled around with Samantha's winking pucker he wondered what his must look like from her brother's point of view. He'd felt like the wolf was stretching him to the limit at first, but he relaxed just a little every time he thrust his ass back and took the rosy rod. It helped that Sam had been generous with the lube, but by now the male behind him had leaked so much he wondered if there was any lube left in him. He felt a mess tricking from his pucker as he polished the canine manhood, amazed at just how much Vic was leaking inside him. It occurred to the lynx that it was next to nothing compared to the mess he'd make once he was done.

He hadn't really considered that detail, but with his ass polishing the wolf's cock as he humped into Amy with mounting speed he realized he wanted to feel it. The idea that a male would not only wind up fucking him but also finish up inside him was a kinky one, and soon the cat found his hips picking up speed on their own accord. Amy did her best to vocalize her approval, busy as she was cleaning the wolf's last load from the bitch eagerly keeping her tail up and her back thrust out, enjoying the attention he was paying her. It almost hurt him that he had to disappoint her, but he felt his climax approaching and he had just about enough attention left to satisfy two lovers.

The increased tempo had been what Amy was waiting for, and he knew that she was close by the way the walls of her sex were twitching around his pistoning length. He wouldn't last much longer and to his surprise he found his pucker doing the same sort of thing Amy's sex was doing - pulsing around Victor's shaft as the wolf groaned behind him.

In retrospect they both kind of made a mistake. Vic had figured that the lynx was about to drive deep and just grind away at his sister's sex, since it was what he usually did - shortening his strokes to avoid raking Amy's insides when his barbs flared. With that in mind the wolf had inched his hips a little closer to keep himself inside the rutting feline. But the sensation of fucking someone and being fucked at the same time was a little too much for Troy and he wound up making long, wild thrusts into the lynxette under him who was making some quite happy noises as she sloppily lapped at Samantha's slit. He was pushing back with more and more force as he felt Amy cum around him, driven to blissful madness and ignorant of the way Victor's knot was battering away at his pucker, right up to the moment the bulb dimpled his straining ring and to the surprise of both males sank in.

"Ahh shit..." he heard the wolf groan as he tried to yank the knot out. Not that he had a chance, since the sudden intrusion had caused Troy's pucker to clench up holding him firmly buried under the lynx's tail.

"What the... Vic! You knew you weren't supposed to tie! Pull out before it's too late!" Samantha scolded, unstraddling the lynxette who was still riding her high and too dazed to realize what was going on.

"I'm trying... Troy, you gotta relax, you're gripping me."

"Ahhhm... trying..." the cat replied, but he doubted he stood a chance. His body wasn't his to command at this point and as the bulb stuck inside him grew he could feel it pressing harder and harder on the spot inside him that had been sensitive enough just having the lupine length slide against it.

"Holy fuck..." he heard Sam breathe out and wondered what she was seeing that left the talkative bitch speechless.

Troy really couldn't care at his point. He'd been on the edge before Victor had knotted him and the swelling knot had pushed him over. He pushed as deep as he could against his sister, laying his body against hers as he released what felt like a torrent inside the snug feline slit. For every pulse of his seed that he shot into his softly-moaning twin his ass clenched up, molding itself to the lupine cock now wedged in him. The thing was huge now, and every time his rear clenched down around the swollen knot he could feel the thing pulse back as Victor groaned.

"Ungghh, fuck... Troy. There's only one way this thing's coming out now..." the wolf said, and Troy just nodded, knwing that it was now definitely too late to choose. He'd be taking every drop the wolf didn't leave in his sister. The knot now buried under his tail would make sure of it.

He could feel the wolf leaning over him a little, the hot, hard length shifting inside him as he began to move. Vic couldn't really thrust since he was stuck firm in his ass, but the cat could feel the swollen length shift around inside him, and judging by the noises the wolf was making it would be enough.

It was strange, but the lupine cock felt even more intense now that when he was sliding back and forth on it, polishing the shaft as inches of the lupine cock fucked his ass. It was barely moving, but every movement put maddening pressure on that one spot, so much that the lynx wasn't even growing soft. He was short of breath as he let the other male grind against his tail-hole, his pucker occasionally clenching around the knot and making both of them groan.

After a while he felt Vic pick up the pace, barely moving as he rapidly mashed his hips against the feline rump. To his shock Troy felt his body tense and realized that he was on the verge of another orgasm. He didn't have a good grasp of time right now, but he figured it was only about one or two minutes since he'd spent himself inside Amy, but he could feel his shaft rock hard in his twin's messy slit, twitching and already set to add to the pool of feline spunk he'd already left in her.

But it became obvious Victor was going to beat him to it when the red beast stuck under his tail began to twitch. He heard the wolf groan and felt the tip begin to spray inside him, the streams of lupine cum surging with enough force that he could feel them. But every time the throbbing length squirted the knot pulsed and it felt like someone was tapping at the sweet spot inside him.

"Wha... are you... again?" Amy gasped under him, stirred from her post-coital daze by the sensation of her brother spraying her womb once more, pumping enough fresh kitty-milk in her that his previous load was starting to gush and leak around the length buried between her freshly bred folds. And for every rope of seed leaving his tip he could feel himself clenching down around Victor, milking his cock even though the lupine length showed no sign of stopping. By the time the flow of canine cum finally slowed, he felt slightly bloated and wondered just how much the other male had left in him.

"I can't believe you knotted him. Bad Victor!" Samantha scolded her brother, going so far as to flick one of his ears.

"This one's on me Sam... I kinda pushed back too hard and when it was in I couldn't unclench..." Troy said, trying to take the heat off the wolf who'd just left his up the his tail.

"Hear that? Besides, people tie anally all the time without any trouble. Don't take it out on me just because it's your pet-peeve..."

"Yeah, well I don't like precedents. They have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass..." the wolfess insisted.

"Honestly, it felt pretty amazing..." Troy said, as Amy muzzled his neck.

"Well I'm glad to hear it. Hear that Vic? Any time you feel the need to push that thing between someone's cheeks, you just steer clear of us girls and give Troy a..."

"... booty call?" Amy asked, grinning from ear to ear in an altogether different satisfaction.

"You know Vic, you really should make it up to Troy for knotting him like that. You could at least take him out to dinner..." the she-wolf teased.

"Are you kidding?" her brother asked, making sour face.

"Yeah, that would be kinda gay..." Troy added.


Amy didn't put a lot of stock into premonitions, but when her phone rang and she saw that it was Samantha calling her she got a strange feeling that something was wrong. Bad-news calls are something you were supposed to get in the middle of the night, and seven-thirty on a Friday night didn't quite fit the bill. She still answered it in her normal, cheerful tone, but she realized her vibe had been right when Sam replied.

"H-hey... can you guys come down to the clubhouse? We... some shit went down and..." the wolfess said, although if it hadn't been for the caller ID Amy wasn't sure if she would have recognized it. She'd never heard Sam's voice sound quite so... broken.

"Yeah, I'll... we'll get right down there. Is Victor... are you both..." she wanted to ask fine but her own throat felt like someone was squeezing it as worst case scenarios flashed through her brain.

"We're... well, I guess we're not really fine but... we got caught."

"You mean...?"

"Yeah, our parents. It was bad..." Sam said, and the next thing she knew she was almost pushing Troy out the door as they rushed to the school.


"We got stupid, but we were supposed to have the house to ourselves till Saturday afternoon." Victor said as the four of them sat in the room that while dingy had always been the happiest place on earth for their kind. Now with the lupine twins' hastily packed travel bags lying on the ground, it looked like an altogether different kind of refuge. "Our folks were going to meet up with some friends from college, but the host had to be rushed to the hospital while they were still on the road, so they just turned back..."

"How bad was it?" Amy asked, but the way the canine ears folded back made it clear even before Sam spoke up.

"Bad. We... we'd tied so when we heard the car pulling up there was nothing we could do. Mom and dad caught us and lost their fucking minds. And when they finally ran out of every name they could call us they laid the cards down." Samantha said, grabbing on to Troy's paw for support.

"They basically disowned us. Told us to pack up, gave us some cash and sent us on our way. They said they'd do us the favor of keeping our secret. They'd tell everyone they wanted us to learn how to be independent before going off to college, and that we'd agreed it was a good idea and moved out."

"Yeah, they really did _us_a favor. God forbid the world found out the sort of perverts those two model parents raised. What would the neighbors think?" Sam said, folding her ears back as she did.

"So what are you gonna do?" asked Troy.

"I dunno. We can crash here for a night or two. Call up some aunts and uncles, see if they'd take us in. Problem is even if they did they all live out of town. It would mean switching schools and breaking up our little gang. At least until college..." the wolfess said, her throat tightening at the thought of the four of them forced to part this way, possibly forever.

"You could stay at our place." Troy said, while his sister just remained silent and stared at the floor. "We have a guestroom we barely ever use. Or since mom and dad think we're couples, maybe you could move into our rooms. If we asked..."

"I think... I think we should tell them." Amy said, her silence broken and a hard decision showing on her face. "Mom and dad. I think we should just... come clean about everything." she added, and Samantha just sighed forlornly.

"Amy, I'm sorry for unloading something like this on you two but think about what you're saying. You knew what this kind of relationship was gonna be. That it would have to be a secret from pretty much everyone..." she said, laying a hand on the feline's shoulder.

"I know. I know we're gonna have to lie to most of the world our whole lives. And I can live with that. But I can't live in a house of cards, always worried when it will come crashing down. If mom and dad can't love us the way we are than I'd rather know now. Tonight." She finished, her words followed by a tense silence. Nobody could think of anything to say.

"I think you're right." Troy said, his tone calm if not actually grave. "We go back and we sit them down. If they can deal with it, we plead the case for Sam and Victor. If not, we're in the same boat..."

"What do you think your odds are?" Victor asked, stopping Sam from trying to talk them out. His sister had a way with people, but one look at these two made it clear she would be wasting her breath.

"I dunno. They love us, that I'm sure. And they've always taught us to put family first." Amy said, the tears pooling in the corners of her eyes making it clear she wasn't exactly sure. "I guess we're gonna put that to the test."


It had been, without a doubt, the hardest thing either of them ever had to do, and by the time they'd said their piece both Amy and Troy felt like they were in the dock, awaiting a verdict. Their mom and dad had always been easy-going parents so the two had never really been afraid of them in the way most kids feared their parents - when something got broken, when unpleasant report cards had to be signed. It wasn't easy on the two older felines either. As the twins sat holding each other's hand, their parents were quite literally left speechless.

"Well... it is a surprise. Not a shock though..." their mother said, and the look she gave them kindled a little flame of hope in the twins' eyes.

"How... what do you mean?" Amy asked, her voice shaking after she was prepared to hear the worst.

"Well, let me ask you..." their father began, his children turning into ears as his tone also failed to carry any indignant condemnation. "What's the biggest fight you two had that you can remember?" he asked, calmly as his children looked at him as if he'd suddenly given them a math problem.

"I... my mind's a blank..." Troy said finally, failing to come up with anything between him and Amy that he could call a fight.

"As well it should be..." continued their mother, wearing the sort of smile mothers wore when reminiscing about their children. "You never fought. Neither of you ever put up a 'KEEP OUT!' sign on your bedroom doors. When you messed something up, neither of you told on the other..."

"...even when offered bribes..." their father interjected.

" never screamed 'I hate you!' at one another..."

"Well we don't. Obviously, we never did..." Amy said.

"Of course you didn't, but that doesn't really matter. Siblings say stuff like that to each other all the time. Look at me and your uncle Jerry - as close as two brothers can be. Never hated each other a day in our lives, but we said it to each other plenty of times. Siblings always have spats, fights and quarrels, it's part of growing up. And the ones that love each other forget about it the next morning, sometimes even a few hours later, just carry on like nothing ever happened." Their father said.

"It was obvious to us for a long time that you two didn't just love each other. You were _in love_with each other. It was only a question of whether it would last as you got older, and whether either of you would act on it." the motherly feline said, her tufted ears dropping a little as she continued. "Of course you're not gonna have it easy, you know..."

"Your mom's right. You kids would have to do something truly horrific for us to stop loving you. That's just how our brains are wired. And the fact that you have friends who you can be honest with is quite frankly a jackpot. But you know you'll always have to be careful, to pick and choose who you think you can tell something that every other couple can let the world know about..." their father finished.

"We know. We..." Amy started but the voice she'd been fighting to keep steady finally broke. She launched herself from her chair and almost lunged for her father, wrapping her arms around him as she began to sob into his neck even though she could feel a grin splitting her muzzle.

"Aww, this takes me back..." the old lynx said, patting his little girl's head.

"Troy sweetie, you better go and tell your friends while I get the guestroom ready."

"Oh, and try letting them know that 'clubhouse' of yours would still be the preferred place for hanky-panky..." their dad added.

"That's right. You've got loving parents, not cool ones..."


"Fuck, I'm not gonna miss calculus or Mrs. Hutchins!" Amy groaned, as she and Sam left the classroom, but froze when the wolfess seemed to be looking over her shoulder. "Oh God, she's behind me?" she hissed, earning a bark-like laugh from the wolfess.

"Ha! Sadly no, but I did spot those two I'd been telling you about. C'mon, let's go say hi!" she said, her tail wagging as she dragged the lynx along behind her, every bit the prowling wolf.

"Hey there! Are you two guys new?" she asked the pair of young white mice.

"Yeah, we just transferred in. I'm Nate and this is Jesse." One of the two mouse-boys said.

"Ouch, transferring at the end of your freshman year's gotta bite - you have all these new names and faces to learn, and by the time summer break's over you'll forget most of them and have to start all over again." Amy said, looking the two over carefully before sharing a little smile with Sam that the boys had no hope of interpreting correctly. "Hey, are you two..." she trailed off, wondering how Samantha had kept a straight face if she and Troy had looked half as flustered as the two rodential brothers in front of her. "...twins?"