Claude and Viktor

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#48 of Claude gay stories

Claude is a Polar Bear twin, him and Rory have a Lion father. Rory gets bonded, and Claude meets Viktor who was hot for him but avoids him. Claude is upset but just goes on trying to cope

My twin brother and I have a bit of an unusual problem. We're Polar Bear twins born to a pair of African Lion parents. Dad's philosophical about it. We're his, and he has proof. We've had our DNA tested.. Still Dad is proud of his big Bear sons. We were over six feet by age 10. Dad's proud of us both being Doctors too. We're said to be geniuses. We were out of High School by age 13, Pre Med in College by age 16, Med School and residency by age 20. (We're 24 now) Both with 4.0 averages.

Rory and I just happened to take after our Maternal Grandfather (I have his name as my middle name, I'm Dr Claude Walter Kitman.). Dr. Walter C. Russell . Our Grandpa Russell is a genius PhD Physicist. The classic absent minded professor type. Grandpa loves us all. But when his mind goes to thinking about Physics he forgets all else. When Grandma died he moved out to California to live with us. He moved his research to Sacramento State University. Where Rory and I went to Medical School. We love having Grandpa here. Mom had died already, and he seemed lost without Grandma. Dad talked him into coming out and living with us. He settled in, and he's happy to have his loving family around him again.

Two years later, he met his Al Washburn. Al's a young Fox who'd been chasing Grandpa without Grandpa's noticing it.(Grandpa's easily distractable especially when he gets to working out a Physics problem in his head) He's one of Grandpa's research assistants. We went to see Grandpa at work one day when one of our classes was canceled. Rory laughingly pointed out how hard Al was trying to flirt with Grandpa. Grandpa being the genius he is, once it was pointed out to him, wasted no time taking Al as his mate. And they're a very happy couple. Al accepts that he has to go through life remembering things for Grandpa and keeping him on track with life outside of Physics. We all love him, we just accept how he is. His love is more than worth it.

Dad was very lonely after Mom died. He busied himself running CMK Industries. The family owned conglomerate he runs. He's the CEO. One day, on a visit to his accounting department to solve a problem he met a young Canadian Lynx auditor. Micah Whalen. Micah was intimidated by the CEO chasing him. Dad finally wore him down. And they've been together now for almost five years. Micah's 2 years older than us. He's a short, stocky Lynx, he's a versatile and he's hot after his step son's ass. Dad won't get fucked. Micah's fine with that. He wants to fuck and he just comes and finds me and wears my ass out. He's a good top. Fucking a bigger bottom makes Micah hot. Not going to complain cause it usually means I'm getting his best efforts.

Rory and I may look identical, but inside we're two very different Bears. Rory is calm natured, easy going, though he's just as smart as I am. He's a top. Easy going he may be, but he's worse than me if you manage to make him angry. Takes a lot to make him lose it but he has a bad temper. I'm a bottom, way more emotional, intuitive, and unfortunately more prone to get upset. Though I rarely stay mad long. I'll calm down quickly and try to calm things down. I'll get mad and rage and holler, and calm down in minutes, and wonder why everybody's still mad at me. Never fought with Rory though, since we understand each other so well.

Rory and I are 7' tall. About 320 pounds. We've got big paws, and huge foot paws. Our White fur is sleek and thick. We've got Dad's Sapphire Blue eyes that are striking against our White fur. Our hair and chinstrap beards are Black. Our dicks are big, 21" and Jet Black, which is also striking against the White fur. Life is different when you're as big and bulky as we are. Standing together, we look like a solid wall of White fur. We both have Mercedes S560 4matic sedans. We'll hardly fit into anything else.

I love my brother a lot. As he loves me. We're really close. We went to Medical School together, and there was the usual confusion as to which Dr Kitman was which. We're both Internists and run our practice together. Along with our Medical School mentor. Dr Horst Grumer. Horst is a Grizzly Bear. He's big but not as big as we are. 6'4", 250 pounds at the most. Shining Brown eyes. Horst is a beautiful Grizzly though he doesn't think so. He's a top too. He has a much smaller White Bengal Tiger mate. Jimmy Morgan. He loves Horst so much. I tried to get them to move in with us. But they wouldn't. Horst already has a house. They spend a lot of time at our house though.

We have a few others living with us. My best friend, Dr Nigel Davenport, an English Honey Badger. We met in pre med. And only Rory is closer to me. He's an Endocrinologist. He and his mate live with us. Dr Sergei Rachalov, a Sports Medicine specialist. He's a big Siberian Donkey. He's a smart Donkey and an amazing lover, with what can only be described as a massive Donkey dick. Sergei is 6'8", and about 290 pounds. His bright Blue eyes are so sexy. Nigel's a lot smaller. Nige's 5'9", 165 pounds. Nigel's got beautiful Green eyes. Black fur, a wide Honey Tan stripe down his back. He's brilliant. Though Rory and I got Grandpa's genius, I think Nigel's smarter than we are. He was bright enough to snap up Sergei quickly. I've never met anyone who thinks faster on his foot paws than Nigel does.

Sergei is one of the few animals who understands how we feel about being Polar Bear sons of a Lion couple. His mom is a Polar Bear, his Dad is a Siberian Donkey, and so is he. He's got an older Polar Bear brother. Sergei is 28 and his brother is 32. He hasn't seen his brother since way before he left Moscow. All he knows is his Polar Bear brother went into some kind of Government Service. He's only seen him once since. And they were close as children, and he misses him.

Our PA, Nate Porter, and his Russian Bull mate live with us too. Nate's a Snow Leopard. Young, and brilliant and fun and playful. He has the coat of the average Snow Leopard. And sexy Dark Amber eyes. Nate's the same size as Nigel and a confirmed bottom also like Nigel. Those two are the only ones who turn me on enough to fuck. By that I mean shove my big Polar Bear dick up them. And it is big. Rory and I are massively hung. Only Sergei is bigger at 24". Rory's always teasing me about being a bottom with a really big dick. How it's such a waste.

But Rory knows how I am sexually. He ought to, he took my cherry and he set my tastes as a bottom. He's gently dominant and he taught me to be submissive in bed, do smoke sex, and rim. He turned me into a damned good bottom. We still fuck at times. Though between two Bears, sex is more like wrestle fucking. Some think it's odd that two brothers fuck like we do, but I just can't seem to say no if Rory wants a piece of Polar Bear ass from me. We tend to make a lot of noise when we fuck, so it's not like we can hide it. And until I get a Polar Bear of my own, Rory's the best lover I've ever experienced.

We were 18. Just having discovered Internet porn. We sat and watched a lot of it. Rory was hot, fully erect and dripping precum. He asked me what part of the porn I liked. I said watching the hot tops pound a bottom. He asked some more questions I thought were rather innocuous. I could see he was getting hotter. But his next move took me by surprise. He pushed me up against the bed. Shoved his huge Black dick up me. I won't say it didn't hurt. It hurt like Hell. He held me tightly and whispered encouragement for me to keep taking him.

(He told me how much he loved me and how hot I made him. Made me decide to keep taking him and give him my all.) In a few moments the pain stopped and it felt more than good. It felt great and I cussed and moaned and came on him.. He was pretty good for it being his first time too. Panting hard, he flooded my ass with his Polar Bear cum. For the first time I realized that I loved being filled with a male's seed. It still thrills me. I have no words for how I feel to hear a male making a loud, orgasmic noise, and gush his cum up me.

We spent the next few weeks sexually experimenting with each other. We watched porn and then acted it out. Within a month, Rory turned me into the great bottom I am. He's proud of how good at bottoming I got and that he basically trained me. Rory got my cherry and I got his. I was the first male he fucked. He told me when he'd cum the first time that he knew I took him because I loved him. We talked, and we agreed that we'd of taken each other if we weren't brothers. I'd of happily been Rory's mate. Dad was a little less than thrilled a few months later when he caught us fucking. We all sat down and had a long talk. He's OK with it now. Still not really happy but kind of proud his sons are as horny as he is.

Last couple in our house is our retainer, Edward and his mate. Edward has been with us as long as I can remember. The perfect English Butler. He practically raised us. He's a Red Fox and big for a Fox. Edward's 6'5" and 245 pounds. He's caring and wise and just a little bit psychic. His Billy is a Red Fox too. 5' 10" and 165 pounds soaking wet. He loves his Edward so much. Edward a great Canine top. First time he knotted me, I came hard all over both of us. He was so proud. I still cum hard when he knots me. And I get as much out of it when he turns me as he does. (Yes, I've had him a few times, I've had Grandpa too, he's a magnificent lover. Absent minded he may be. But Grandpa gives you his all when he's inside you. He makes you feel like there's nothing else in his world but you when he fucks you. I actually wept from the way he made me feel. Al's a lucky Fox.)

There's one more animal you need to know about before we get this story started. Even though he doesn't live with us. Dad's long time best friend. Dr Takeru Suzakawa. He's been like a father to Rory and I since we were born. And he's proud as Hell of his big Bear sons. How smart we are. He lives in Tokyo and he runs his own company. Funari Corp. It's about the same size as CMK, and he's got as much money as we do. (In case I didn't mention it, our Grandpa Kitman gave us money of our own when we were 12. Rory and I are worth approximately $550 Million apiece currently) Papa San visits as often as he can, and he's not missed a single Graduation of ours. He has no kids of his own. Dad's happy he thinks of us as his Bear sons. Dad loves Takeru as a brother. And he spends a lot of time with him when he's here. Papa San is even more of a genius than we are. He thinks on a level Rory and I can understand only part of the time. Only Grandpa Walt always understands how Takeru is, and how he thinks. Grandpa calls him a futurist. Takeru loves us as Rory and I love him. He sees our home as a place to relax among family and be happy.

Rory and I go out and have a lot of fun at times. We've found a nice bar. The Bear Den. Run by a pair of Grizzlies. Bob and Teddy Mitchell. Bob's been on top of me a lot. But we didn't bond. He'll still tear my ass up given a chance. Teddy's seemingly interested in Rory but won't follow up if we try to get them together. Bob's very frustrated over his brother's reticence. Anyway I rarely go home alone. I can usually find a hot big guy, who wants a big Bear bottom. I've helped Teddy and Bob throw parties at the Bear Den. They'll lock the doors and I'll lay on my back on a table and take on all comers. Rory thinks it's funny when I do. He's been hit on before by guys who think he's me and want some Polar Bear ass. He doesn't get fucked, but he gets his share of guys wanting his big Polar Bear dick.

A lot of guys get turned on fucking a bigger bottom. I really prefer guys bigger than me, but there are not too many guys bigger than me in fact. So I do the best I can. And I take the guys that appeal to me no matter what their size.

I'm pretty happy. Our practice is busy and successful. I have friends, and I have plenty of dates. We're a very happy family. I'm not mated, but I'm not even looking .I'm young and so is Rory. I have to admit there are two guys I regret not bonding. Bob. And Ed Kolinsky. A big Palomino. Bigger than me, He's 7'2" and built bigger than me. Hung bigger than me too. Rory's said a time or two he wonders if we should be thinking of our future. I'm going to settle down one day. But I'm a romantic Bear. I know I'll run across my predestined life mate one day. He'll sweep me off my foot paws and I'll be helpless to resist him. I know my 'Prince Charming ' is out there. I just have no idea of what I'll go through before he can safely admit his love for me. It's not cold feet on his part. He's scared I'd be killed or injured if some parties tried to use me to get at him.

Anyway, We're approaching our 24th birthday. We may be Bears but we're Leos. (Aug 8th is our birthday.) It's a nice Summer night and we've both been hanging out at the Bear Den. Bob and Rory are huddled together talking and Teddy's talking to me. "Claude, has Rory ever talked to you about settling down?" Teddy asks me. "He mentioned we're getting to the age we should think about it." I answer. "How would you feel about it?" he asks. "Well, I think we're young yet, and well, we have time, besides, I'm an old fashioned, romantic Bear, when my mate comes along he'll sweep me off my feet and take me to him" I say dreamily. Teddy laughs. "Mine already has" he says shyly. I look intently at him. "Rory came here while we were getting ready to open, he just grabbed me and he kissed me and I fainted. " Teddy says shyly. "He said he was tired of me waiting to tell him if I wanted him or not" Teddy says looking cautiously at me. I hug him. "I couldn't ask for a better Bear to love my Rory" I say. He looks relieved. "Bob's happy for us too" he says shyly. I am happy for them, they'll be very happy together. Teddy's a good Grizzly. He just couldn't seem to make up his mind. I suddenly realize the truth. "You wanted him to come after you, you meant it like I did."I say. "Claude, he kept waiting for me to make the first move, I was beginning to think he'd never just come after me" he says. I kiss him. "I'm glad he did, Teddy, you're a great Grizzly and you'll love him so much"I say happily.

Rory and Bob walk over to us. I kiss Rory. "You told him" Rory asks Teddy. "Yeah, he told me he couldn't think of a better Bear for you" Teddy says proudly. Bob hugs me. And he deep kisses me. Nothing. "I had to try again, Claude, if I got you and Teddy got Rory, it'd be perfect. "he says. "It would be, sorry I didn't cooperate, I'd love you so much, Bob, I don't know why we couldn't bond" I say sadly. Bob smiles. "Just give me some tight Polar Bear ass when I want it, and I'll get over it."he says grinning. "Gladly" I say. "Stay til we close?" Bob asks me. "I'd love to, we can go home and celebrate our brothers finding love together." I say. Bob murrs. "I'm gonna tear your ass up, Teddy was so worried that Rory's family wouldn't accept him, and you two are so close, you made him so happy when you let him know you accepted him right off." Bob says happily. "You two are as close as Rory and I , he's a great Bear, I know he'll love Rory so deeply"I say softly. "He'll be all to Rory I'd want him to be" I say. Rory grins.. And Teddy blushes and looks grateful.

Rory and I sit at the bar and wait the night out. We have a few beers to celebrate. Rory's so happy now. "Rory, take him home , if Claude will help a bit I can shut this place down without Teddy" Bob says. I nod. Teddy and Rory kiss Bob and I and leave.

Bob's looking at me. "You aren't sad, or feeling a little lonely?" he asks. "No, I love Rory, I couldn't have picked a better male for Rory than Teddy. "I say happily. "We're as close as you two are, and I feel a bit selfish, I'm happy for them, but it reminds me, that I'm alone now."he says. "Bob, you can move in with us if you want, it's my house" I say. "You'd let me?"He asks. "Teddy's probably going to move in with Rory, you'd be welcome too."I say. He kisses me. "I'd love it, you're such a good hearted Bear, Claude" Bob says. "Teddy'd probably be glad you'll be with us"I say. I walk to the bathroom. I have to pee rather badly. Life is about to take one of its inexplicable turns.

When I walk out. Bob has a rather hot looking young Black Bear in his arms. And the guy is passed out. I don't have to guess why we didn't bond now. But I know this Bear. He's a friend of Nate's who went to school with him. He's a PA too. I walk up to them. "Congrats, Jesse, Bob is quite a Grizzly, he'll keep you happy" I say. Jesse smiles. He's so much in love with Bob. Bob's smiling deeply. "Claude, can we still move in with you guys?" he asks. "I'd still love to have y'all" I say softly. Bob kisses me and I walk off. I call Edward and tell him Bob and his Jesse will move in soon. "He'll take Jesse to his place and they'll move in tomorrow. "Edward says softly. "Claude, are you well?" Edward asks. "I was, I think I am, but why shouldn't I be?" I say. He laughs. "You are, Claude, you only answer questions with questions when you're feeling playful" he says. I don't know what I feel but it's not playful. Suddenly I feel so alone, and I don't understand why. It's not too bad yet.

"Misha" I hear a deep, sexy voice holler at me. It's Dmitri, Yuri's big brother. A big hot Russian Bull. He looks like a bigger Yuri, except his fur is Brown and his hair is too, unlike Yuri's Gray fur and Black hair. Same beautiful Crystal Blue eyes though. We dated for a bit. Didn't bond, but didn't try to. He's an amazing top with a big Bull dick. He's smiling at me. I walk over and kiss him. He murrs. Dmitri's horny alright.

I address him in Russian. (I learned it in college, it fascinated me, I speak Russian, Japanese, Spanish, German, ASL, and English. I seem to have gift for languages) "Have you got plans tonight, Beautiful Bull?" I ask in Russian. "Nyet, hope Claude is free" he says hopefully. "Only plan I have is to see if you can be persuaded to take me home and spend the night fucking me" I say in Russian. Dmitri murrs. "Misha want his Bull "he says proudly. He pulls me into his big arms. We deep kiss. "Yuri want Dmitri try bond Claude, but we no bond" he says sadly."I'm sorry, Dmitri, I'd of loved you so much, but I told you I'd fuck you whenever you wanted me to" I say. He grins widely. And he kisses me again. "Go home now?" He asks. I take his hand and walk him out to my car. We get in and drive home.

We walk in. Yuri runs up to us. "We no bond, brother" Dmitri says softly. "We just come to fuck, Misha want Dmitri spend night" he says. Yuri grins. I take Dmitri to the kitchen. Rory and Teddy are sitting at the dining room table eating. "Where's Bob?" Rory asks. "He bonded Nate's friend, Jesse, a hot little body builder Black Bear" I say nonchalantly. Teddy looks excited. Rory hands him his cell and Teddy calls his brother.

Rory smiles. "Nice to see you, Dmitri" he says. Dmitri grins. "Misha want his Bull to bring him home to play" Dmitri says proudly. "He tried to bond me, Rory, so did Bob, but I didn't bond either of them" I say, there's more sadness in my voice than I thought. Rory says nothing but I see in his eyes he caught it.

I get a Diet Pepsi and I tell Dmitri to get something to drink and he gets a beer. We go to my bedroom and strip. We lay cuddling on the bed. Dmitri is good at foreplay, he loves to take his time working up to fucking. And then when he gets started fucking , he'll cum and keep fucking until he can't anymore. Dmitri rolls me onto my back. I wrap my legs around his waist when he gets on top of me. He pushes his fat Bull dick up me. I moan and he speeds up in me. He likes that I'm a durable bottom and he can do me soft or fast and hard if he wants to. He's in a mood for hard and fast to start with. He bangs me so hard my ass is bouncing off of the bed on his back strokes. He's getting me hot, and I paw his back frantically. I see in his eyes, he's close. "Fill me, Dmitri, give me your calf" I pant. He bellows and gushes Bull semen up me hard. (As a gay Bull he's sorry he won't have calves. Yuri told me that once) He's panting hard and he moos softly. "Misha give me such beautiful calves" he says nuzzling me.

He's so sweaty and beautiful. I am a little bit sorry that I didn't bond him. To my surprise I realize he's such a good Bull he needs to have sons and I'd give him a herd of sons if I could. I tell him in Russian. Dmitri weeps a bit. "Misha bear calves for his Bull, he love Dmitri a little" he says kissing me. "I do, if we were meant to be, I'd happily be your wife Dmitri, and if I had the right parts we'd be up to our asses in Calves. "I say smiling. Dmitri kisses me again. "A good Bull like you needs to reproduce, Dmitri, the World could use as many of your sons as we could give them"I tease him. "Yuri say you good Bear, you special Bear, mean much to Dmitri" he says. Dmitri looks a bit sad. He was so happy when we got here and he saw Yuri. But seems sad now.

I think a bit . And I know what to do. "Dmitri, do you live alone?" I ask. "Da, live with Yuri til he bond his Snow Leopard, still in apartment by self" he says.. "Move in with us. Yuri'd love having you home again, and though we didn't bond I'd love having you around so we could keep one another from being lonely til we find our true mates" I say softly. Dmitri looks thoughtful. "Have own room?" He asks. "Yes, Dmitri, though at times I might want you to sleep with me" I say smiling "Da, Dmitri be happy, with brother again, sleep with Misha at times" he says happily. I explain that we'll feed him and Edward will keep house and do laundry. He's so happy now.

And he really lays into me. Fucking me deep, hard and fast. He cums and doesn't slow down. He's happy and horny. He's a good Bull, and I'm glad I made him so happy. By morning he's cum 14 times all total. We've slept curled up together too. He gets up and showers and I lead him out to breakfast. Yuri smiles. Dmitri fixes a plate and I go into the kitchen to talk to Edward. He already knows Dmitri's going to move in too. He tells me what room he'll be in and I go out and I kiss Dmitri, and tell him which room he'll be in. He and Yuri are so happy they'll be living together again. Nate's glad Dmitri will be here too. Like me he loves how Dmitri fucks. Nigel's asking questions so he'll probably go after Dmitri soon enough. I sit by Nige and I fill him in on how good Dmitri is. He grins. I know he'll want him soon.

Sergei comes out to breakfast. He's really happy. "I heard from my father, my brother wants to come to America, Claude, will you bring him here to see me, and meet my Badger?" Sergei asks excitedly. "Of course, Sergei, does he want to stay for good or only visit?" I ask. "Dad said visit, but when I talked to Viktor I think he wants to stay." Sergei says. "I'm to call Viktor in a few hours, I will ask" Sergei says softly. "I'll bring him over either way, just have to get him a bond if he wants to stay, but I'd be happy to do it, if it makes our Donkey happy" I say. Sergei hugs me tightly. "I love Viktor, we haven't seen one another for many years, he got released he said from his job for the state, he wants out of Russia badly" Sergei says. "If he wants to stay with us we have plenty of room, Dmitri's moving in, and Bob and his new mate are too , but we have plenty of bedrooms left" I say. Sergei hugs me. "Viktor is a Polar Bear, but he's bigger than you and Rory, he's 7'6" and 420 pounds or at least he was last time I saw him" Sergei says happily.(It turns out to be something I did for the benefit of someone else. But really seriously benefited me in the long run.) I'm glad it's Saturday. I'm restless and I don't know why.

I haven't seen my therapist for at least six months. He really doesn't think I need a therapist. But I think I need his help to figure out why I'm so disturbed. I call him. He's sleepy. He must have slept in today and I hear Jerome, his lover of 20 years. "Jonas, I'm sorry to bother you but I think I need help," I say softly. "Something happen, Claude?"he asks. "Not to me, Rory got bonded, and a few of my friends have lately, and I feel odd inside" I say sadly. Jonas laughs. He's an English born St Bernard and he has a deep voice with a sexy English accent. "Claude, do you need to be seen right away?" Jonas asks. "I don't think so , maybe some time next week?" I ask.

"Claude, Jerome's going to play golf this morning, let me call you back and we'll do phone therapy" Jonas says. "Thank you, Jonas" I say softly. "Claude, when we stopped doing therapy, I was so glad that you had become more self aware and content"Jonas says. "If you think you feel off, you probably do"he says. I hang up. I'll take my phone and get a soda and go out and sun bathe and wait for Jonas to call back. Yuri and Dmitri run up and kiss me. "Brother help me move, we go now." Dmitri says. "Yuri, you happy to have him back with you?" I asks. "Da, glad Claude love his Bulls so much, he good Bear, love his Russians much, let brother come live with us, help Donkey's brother, much love his Russians" Yuri says hugging me tightly. "I do, Yuri, you guys have been so good to me" I say hugging him back. Yuri will take the truck I bought him and move Dmitri in. I make a mental note to ask Dmitri if he needs a car.

I think about the Russians I know. All loving, caring. softly dominant guys. The ones who are mated just adore and cherish their mates. I'm kind of envious of how Nate and Nigel are loved. And I know when Dmitri gets mated he'll be the same way. I say a quick prayer that when I get a mate one day that he's a loving Russian. Preferably one like Dmitri. But all of the Russians I know, even the ones that don't live with me, are good, loyal, and very loving to their mates. Just what I want for myself.

I get a soda and take my phone outside. I strip and lay out. I like to lay in the sun. Must be some Big Cat blood in me after all. I like swimming too. Not as much as Rory, but I do like it. My cell rings and it's Jonas. We spend the next hour discussing how I feel. Jonas thinks I'm being seriously confronted by the idea of settling down. And I feel no real need yet. I'm only just aware of eventually wanting to. Rory bonding Teddy made me face that. Jonas suggested that I take time to think of what I want in a mate. If I know what I want, it may help me when I'm face to face with the 'right one'. I smile. That's so me. Have to sort it out and then I can go on. I do feel better. Jonas has been helpful and he's been funny and warm. I realize I've missed talking to him. And I tell him. He laughs.

"Claude, we could be friends, you've really never needed therapy, at best I've been a friend you trust that you talk things out with"Jonas says laughing. "I'd love that, Jonas. bring Jerome and come to dinner tonight? I ask. "We'd love to come" he says. "I just have to warn you, Jerome is hot for your ass, and I wouldn't say no if you asked me to fuck you" he says laughing.

"Yeah, I love being knotted and turned, you and your Coyote could take turns" I say laughing. Jonas murrs. Jerome isn't anywhere near as tall as Jonas even. Jerome's a Coyote and he's lanky and about 5'10". But he's the butchest thing I've seen. He's like the old Cowboys. Masculine as Hell. He's a versatile. Jonas I know is a top. And he's 6'5" and 260 pounds of hot Canine. I've dreamed of getting him to fuck me. "Jonas, dinners for 8, but you should come about 6 so you can meet the family, and you and Jerome should be prepared to stay the night, I'll keep you both tied all night and probably Nigel and Nate and Al will help me if I need back up" I tease him. Jonas murrs loudly. "Something to look forward to." he says. "I always knew you'd make a good friend, Jonas, warm, funny, you can be so charming at times" I say. He laughs. "See you at 6" he says.

I really feel good now. I go in and tell Edward that they're coming. He's happy, he's met Jonas and he likes him a lot. I'm looking forward to getting to know Jonas better.

Sergei comes looking for me. "Claude, Viktor needs to get out of Russia within 24 hours or he'll not be allowed out at all." he says scared. "Sergei, call Aeroflot and get him business class on the very first flight to LA, use the bank card I gave you" I say. I call our lawyer, Morris Wilson. I explain. "I can do it, give me his name" He says. "What's his full name, Sergei?"I ask. "Viktor Aloshya Rachalov" he says. "Did you get it Morris?" I ask. "Yeah, Claude, I can call INS, and they'll call the Russian version of INS and he'll have permission to leave" Morris says. I hang up. I call Alaska Airlines and get him a connecting flight from LA to Sacramento. Aeroflot doesn't fly here. I get the flight info for that flight.

I tell Sergei. He's off the phone with Aeroflot. I give him the details for the second leg of Viktor's flight. I just tell them how he's coming from Moscow on Aeroflot and they know to look it up to make a connection. He kisses me hard and then he's calling his brother. They talk a bit. Sergei hands me his phone. A very deep, gravelly voice thanks me effusively. "I take it you're Viktor?" I ask. "Da, you are the Polar Bear my Sergei told me about" he asks. "I'm Claude Kitman" I say. "I can't thank you enough, you even paid for business class for me, you must be a good Bear" he says softly.. "I love Sergei, he's my best friend's mate, and a great Donkey on his own, I was glad to help, and as for business class, it's a long flight and I hear you're a big Bear like me and my brother, and I wanted you to be comfortable."I say softly. "I will explain what happened when I am there, my Sergei says you will let me live there?" he asks. "I will" I say. "My family lives with me and we have room" I say. "I wish to thank you somehow when I am there, Sergei says you are a good bottom?" he asks. "I am" I say. "Then I know how I can thank you for what you have done for me" he says happily. "I must go pack what little I can bring with me and get to the airport" he says and he hangs up.

"Claude, he'll be in first thing in the morning" Sergei says happily. "Nigel and I will go get him" Sergei says happily. "Morris said the INS will have the info, and Customs will let him in without a big deal" I say. I have no idea how Viktor will change my life. I'll be glad Jonas gave me such good advice eventually. We've got a long, hard road ahead of us before we get together. I'll have a year full of pain, loneliness, and anguish, before I'm finally loved and happy.

I go tell Edward about Viktor coming to stay. He laughs and he suddenly gives me an odd look. "Claude, you have to go with them to pick him up" he says. I know that look, he's seen something, but he won't tell me what. "Find out from Sergei what time and make sure I'm up, I think Jonas and Jerome have plans for me tonight."I say. "Claude, you have to think about what you want for your future, I've seen something, but it's hazy and I don't have details" he says. "Something that needs you to be at the airport when Viktor comes in" he adds. "Things might change but you still should go" he says softly.

I go shower and put on shorts and a tank top. I sit in the living room and watch an old movie for awhile. I hear a commotion. Yuri and Dmitri are moving his things in. And they're almost ecstatically happy. Nate is helping and he looks happy too. He comes and sits by me. "They're so joyous, they took me together and fucked my lights out" Nate says grinning. "Dmitri's easily as good a lover as Yuri is" I say smiling. Nate kisses me. "Yuri's so happy, he really missed Dmitri" he says. I look at them as they pass us going back out to Yuri's truck. And there are ecstatic looks on both of their faces. Makes me even happier to see my Russian Bulls' joy at being together again. They're as tight as me and Rory, I can totally relate.

It's only 3PM but Jonas calls me. "Jerome's wanted to meet you and he's anxious, could we come by now" Jonas asks. "I'd love it, show you around the house, and get a few turns in before dinner" I tease them. Jonas murrs. "We'll be right there" he says and he hangs up. When I get off the phone Nigel sits by me.

"Sergei's so happy Viktor is coming, Claude" Nigel says. "I'm glad you love me and my Donkey so much" he says smiling. I tell him Jonas and Jerome are coming. "Jonas always seemed so nice, Claude, I'm glad you'll be friends now." he says. "You just like being knotted as much as I do" I tease him."I do, maybe I can get one of them to turn me?" he asks. "Just ask, they love it, either or both will be happy to give you your first Turning."I say. "Who's getting turned?" Nate asks sitting by us. I explain about Jerome and Jonas. Nate laughs. "I've wanted to learn to be knotted and turned" he says grinning "Well, if you like a big, soft natured St Bernard or a tall, rangy, and Macho Coyote, I'm sure they'll oblige you" I tease him. We sit and talk a while.

I get up when the door bell rings. Edward still beats me to the door. Damned if I know how he does that. He shows Jonas and Jerome to the living room. I hug them both. Jerome murrs. During the hug, he finds an opportunity to pet my big, round, and firm White furred ass. "Not anxious are you?" I tease him

"Welcome to my home, guys" I say. "I have a favor to ask you two" I say laughing. Jonas looks at me. "My best friends here want your help, Nate's never been knotted or turned and wants to learn." I say. "Nigel's been knotted, but never turned, and he would like you to show him how" I say. Jerome murrs loudly. Nigel and Nate crack up. Jonas smiles. "You are such a gracious and thoughtful host, Claude" Jonas says calmly. I crack up.

Jerome looks serious now. "Which one of you is Nate?" he says addressing Nate and Nigel. "From what you told me in therapy, the Snow Leopard is Nate and the pretty Badger is Nigel" Jonas says. I nod. Jerome picks Nate up into his arms and kisses him gently. "I wont hurt you, you're so beautiful, I'd love to give you your first Knotting and Turning, if you'd let me" Jerome says seductively. Nate nods, he's impressed by Jerome's straight forwardness and overall Macho. Jerome asks where. I point to where my bedroom is. He carries Nate off.

"Claude, would you mind if I took Nigel off to break him in?" Jonas asks. Nigel smiles. "He's hot and I know why they say my English accent is sexy now, his sure is" Nigel says. "I always thought so." I say and I lean over and kiss Jonas. He murrs. "I'll get to you later, I've wanted you so badly" he says kissing me back. Jonas and Nigel walk off. I smile. I'll have time to have them both.

I go back and watch another old movie. Rory's probably helping Teddy and Bob and Jesse move in. And that's why I haven't seen him yet today. My mind wanders to what Edward told me, it's seemingly syncing up with what Jonas said. I start thinking of what I want in a mate. Gently dominant like Yuri and Dmitri, openly loving like Sergei is, as wise and caring as Grandpa or Dad. As attractive as Rory and Horst, they're very masculine and ruggedly handsome. As understanding of me as Nate, and Nigel and Grandpa.

My mind keeps bringing up how the Russians are and all the hot Bears I know and have had. A beautiful Cuban Polar Bear I met and played with. I liked Ignacio a lot and we dated for a while. He got a job transfer and left town. Bob, who I tried to bond. Bill Gatlin, a huge Grizzly who runs the local leather shop. I dated him, and he's a hot Dom top. But he bonded a little Fox six months ago. I'm lost in thought and surprised when Al sits by me and addresses me. He's heard that Jonas and Jerome are here. And he's interested. I knew he would be. "They're in playing with Nate and Nigel in my bedroom, you should go see if they want you too" I say smiling at Grandpa's Fox. Al kisses me and runs off.

I get back into my movie for awhile. Micah sits down. He pulls me to him and he kisses me. "Claude, I miss Jim, I know he'll be back on Monday, and he had to go on that business trip, but could my son in law help me stop missing him." Micah says softly. I lean over and kiss him, and I pick him up and take him to his and Dad's room. "Mine's in use" I tease him. I lay him on the bed.

I pull off my shorts. Micah's staring at my Jet Black Polar Bear dick. "You've seen me naked before, baby" I say. He's stroking it gently. He's got me to full hard quickly. "I get it baby, you miss Dad's fucking and you'd like to see how my Polar Bear dick feels" I say smiling. Micah nods. "I think that'd be fun, you've certainly given me some great Lynx rides, let me see if I can repay you for them"I say dropping on the bed and kissing him deeply. Micah purrs and we make out heavily.

He rolls over onto his back and I get on top of him. I push into him. He moans. He's more used to Dad smaller Feline dick. Dad's dick is not really small, just in comparison to mine or Rory's. I hold still to give him time to adjust to my larger Ursine dick. He pants and begs me to keep going. I kiss him. "Baby, you sure" I say lovingly. "I want you" he begs. "I love you, Claude, I love Jim more but you've been so good to me" he pants. "Micah, I love you too but you don't have to do this if you don't think you can take me" I say kissing him gently. "Please, Claude" he begs. I push more of my dick up him. About the time I'm halfway in he stops struggling and looks relaxed. "You OK?" I ask him. "I knew you'd be careful with me, I tried to take Rory once, but he's too rough" Micah says softly. "He is a bit intense, but he's good too" I say.

Micah puts his paw on my shoulder. "Claude, Jim told me Rory took your cherry, is it true?" he asks softly. "He didn't take it, I gave it to him proudly, sweet Lynx" I say smiling. "No wonder you're such a good bottom, if you were broken in by that massive thing" he says smiling. "Rory's not the biggest I 've had. Sergei's bigger, so is Ed Kolinsky and I loved that big Horse Cock" I say. "You must have, you're twitching in me just to think of taking him" Micah says happily. "Micah, I'm mostly bottom, but ask Nate and Nigel and Al, I fuck them once or twice a week, I have to really love someone to take their ass" I say gently

Micah's silent for a minute. And I start to slowly thrust in him. "You must love me then" he says quietly. "I do, Micah, you're a great guy and you love our Dad so much, nothing made Rory and I happier than when you took him" I say kissing him gently. Micah weeps gently. I move a little deeper and faster. He moans. "It's so intense, Claude, even as lovingly as you're taking me." He moans. "Want me to stop, Baby?" I ask. "God no" He grunts. "That huge dick of yours feels so amazing as you gently fuck me" he says softly. I kiss him and speed up a fraction more. He grabs my broad back and grunts. He begs me to fuck him harder. And I do. And he wraps himself around me like I do when getting fucked. Micah arches his back and gushes cum on my belly. I nuzzle him. He's panting and he paws my back frantically. I speed up more. He yowls and his face lights up. He's twisting under me as I bang his ass harder. He keeps arching his back to get more of me in him. I hear laughter behind us.

Nigel comes and sits on the bed. "Claude is such a bottom you wouldn't think he'd be such a great top, but he's amazing" Nigel says rubbing my back. I grin. "Cause I love you guys so much" I say kissing him. I really lay into Micah fucking him deep and hard. He yowls and cums on me again. "Claude, stop, I can't take anymore" Micah begs. Nigel smiles. "I'll finish you, Claude" he says smiling at me. "Micah, I was that way the first time Claude fucked me, he's so tender and that Ursine dick is so big" Nigel says kissing Micah. "Made me nuts, still does" Nigel says, looking lovingly into my eyes. "I am sorry, Claude, I loved it, I loved feeling how you surrounded me with your big Polar Bear body" Micah says softly. I kiss him again, and slowly pull out of him.

Nigel's out of his clothes right away and on his back. I kiss him. "Do I have to tell you how much I love my Badger?" I say quietly. "I know, Claude, we don't love each other 'that way', but I 'd never want to not have you in my life" he says smiling. "Baby, you ready for me?" I ask. "Warmed up, Jonas is an amazing Dog and the tie and turning was more than I have words for."he says. "My ass is full of Canine cum, I know how you love fucking in someone else's cum" Nigel says. "My Best Friend" I say. I shove up him all of the way. "It also helps taking that huge dick" Nigel tells Micah. I wait a bit. Nigel's good, but he prefers a minute or two to adjust. Though Sergei's bigger, taking me or Rory, he needs to adjust somehow.

"I'm OK" he says softly. I nod, and I start fucking my Badger. Slowly to begin with. We deep kiss. I love the way his ass feels, silky, slick and wet. Jonas must cum a lot. He's moaning and twisting on my fat Polar Bear dick. I move a bit deeper and faster. He moans louder. He looks into my eyes. I know what he wants now. I pull all the way out on my back strokes, and push in on the forward strokes. Nigel arches his back and cums again. He's wrapped tightly around me now. I start kissing and licking and nuzzling his face and neck. He roars and cums again. He's squeezing so tight now. I know I won't hold off much longer.

"Nigel, I have no words for how much I love you" I pant and I move faster. "I love you so much, Claude, I always have" he pants. I roar loudly. And spasming and bucking on top of him I flood his ass with Polar Bear cum. I lay holding him tightly. Neither one of us fully understand how we've somehow bonded. Not as mates, but we couldn't live without each other. No one knows us as well as we know each other. We kiss.

Micah teases me. "You're wrapped around him so tightly, from the back you can barely see Nigel for your bigger body" Micah says laughing. "You two were the same way, it's why I came in, I knew where Al and Nate were and I had to see who else Claude loved enough to fuck "Nigel says laughing. "I love our Lynx, he's such a great top, I had to give him my best to thank him" I say kissing Micah. "I'm sorry, but you're so big and it was so intense, I don't know how. but I could feel the love you were trying to give me through your fucking" Micah says kissing me. "He's that way, he only fucks those he loves and he's so good" Nigel says smiling. I pull out and get off of him. "Got enough left to take me?" Micah asks Nigel. "Hell yeah" Nigel says. And as I put my shorts back on. Micah mounts Nigel.

I walk out to the living room. Jonas is sitting watching TV.

"Jerome's not done with Al yet" he says. I smile. "He's happy, Nate loved being knotted and turned, and Al just can't get enough of being knotted, he took me and then Jerome" Jonas says. "Claude, I'm an old Dog, but I want to recover a while and then go at you all night"Jonas says kissing me."I don't think I'd complain about that" I say. "Jerome and I want tonight just to be with you, Claude, I'm glad your friends wanted us, but we want our Bear" Jonas says taking my paw. "When we go to bed, it will be just us, Jonas" I say quietly. I'm touched they feel that way about me.

Jonas and I sit and talk a while. I'm enjoying getting to know him. He's a very special Dog. Warm, funny, brilliant and caring. I tell him about working through my list as he suggested. And I describe it. He laughs. "Not to be vain or anything, but it almost sounds like me" Jonas says laughing. "I'd be happy with you, Jerome's very lucky" I say smiling. Jonas grins. "You sure are good for this old Dog's ego" He says "To think a beautiful young Bear thinks he'd of taken me and been happy" he says kissing me. We talk awhile more, and then Edward calls dinner. I walk Jonas to the table and show him the warmers and where the plates are. Dmitri and Yuri are the first in to dinner followed quickly by Sergei. And Nigel's right, he's got an ear to ear grin going.

"Tomorrow at this time my beloved Viktor will be home with me" he says joyously. "Claude, I can't thank you enough for this" he says. "Sergei, I love you, and he means a lot to you, I had to bring him over"I say softly. Dmitri and Yuri kiss me. "Misha much love his Russians" Yuri says softly.

Nate, and Al and Jerome come in. Jerome's got a big ole grin on his face. He looks so happy. I introduce Jonas and Jerome once the whole family is here. Rory and Teddy and Bob and Jesse are the last to join us and they look tired. "Got them all moved in" Rory says quietly. "You look done in, Bro" I say. "Teddy and I were up fucking most of the night, so were Bob and Jesse, we're going to bed early " Rory says. "We'll keep it down" Jonas says smiling. I introduce them to Rory. Rory smiles. "You'd come home from therapy and talk about how sweet and hot that St Bernard was, you were right, Bro" Rory says. Jonas blushes. Jerome kisses him. "I think he's right, babe" Jerome says smiling.

Dinner is a happy occasion and goes well. Everyone enjoys meeting Jonas and Jerome and Bob is happily accepted. After dinner Jonas and I go out to the hot tub and soak awhile and continue to get to know each other. Jerome is watching a baseball game with the Russians and Rory and Bob. "I like it here, if we didn't like our house so much I'd ask to move in here" Jonas says happily. "You and Jerome are welcome here anytime, alone or together, Jonas" I say softly. "Jerome loves feeling so wanted, we're an older couple and a lot of the young guys don't want us, but everyone here does" he says proudly. We keep talking. When the sun goes down the stars are so visible and bright. Jonas looks up at them as I do. He smiles.

Jerome walks out. "I'm going to go fuck Teddy and then I'll go to your room, Claude, I want you bad" he says smiling. Jonas nods. He kisses me. "I'd like to get started myself now" he says softly. "I've wanted you for a while now."I say softly. We get out of the tub and walk to my room. Jonas kisses me as soon as the door shuts behind me. His paws are roaming all over my body and it makes me hot. Jonas is rock hard and his knot is already starting to swell. He pulls me over to the bed."How do you want me, Jonas?" I ask. "On your knees?" he asks. I get on the bed on my knees. Jonas is licking my ass ring. It makes me moan and soon I feel the slick tip of his Canine dick at my ass ring. He asks me if I am ready. When I nod, he shoves up me to the top of his knot. He's moaning. "Claude, you're so tight" he growls. And he's a good fuck. He's varying his thrusts and it feels good. We're really into each other. I reach back and grab his hips and push back til his knot pops up me. "Not willing to wait for me to knot you" he murrs. His thrusts now are shallow and erratic. And he howls and gushes his cum up me. Panting he lays on my back. "It was so good, Baby" he murrs. We're tied together, and he's even more intimate than he was. We talk a bit. "I want to turn you, but I want to catch my breath, Baby" he says licking my neck. "We have all night, I'm not rushing you, Jonas" I say softly."Claude, it was hot, you're more than worth the wait" he says softly. We talk gently and he's telling me a lot about himself. I smile. He spends his life listening to others talk about their problems and their lives. He seems so happy telling me about his. His smile is so hot. I realize Jonas is a lot like what I want in a mate, he was right about that.

His knot is still inflated, tying us together. And I like that. Feels intimate on a level I've never experienced before. He looks so happy. "Claude, I've enjoyed this so much, the sex and I've never felt, well, so understood, you took time to listen to me, really listen" He says. "Jonas , you spend all of your time listening to others, time someone listened to you, you're a fascinating male, and I used to say in therapy I could listen to your sexy voice for hours" I say. "I'm glad you can open up to me"I say smiling. "You're right, Claude, even Jerome doesn't always listen to me, but you did, you weighed all I ever said to you in therapy" he says. "Jonas, you can always talk to me, I'd help you, or just listen, whatever you need me to do" I say quietly. He kisses me. I roll us onto our sides and we lay together and talk. A warm, wonderful moment. Intimately talking locked together.

He suddenly pulls me back up to my knees after an hour of talking. He pushes his hips forward and throws his leg over my back. And he's got us butt to butt. After a few minutes he howls from his first turning orgasm. His fat knot pulses and throbs and makes me cum too. Each time he cums, he howls and his knot pushes me to cum too. We spend an hour rushing from orgasm to orgasm. It's so hot. I love being turned.

He moans and his knot pops out of me. I pull him to me and I kiss and stroke his head and muzzle and we lay together totally spent. He's so intimate now. Talking about his hopes and fears and loves. I love this Dog. Not in 'that way' but as the special male he is. I look into his eyes and I think he feels the same way. "Jonas, now I know why you wanted us to be friends, and I'm so glad you did" I say quietly. He murrs. "My Big Dog needs to be listened to and loved quietly at times" I say. He looks so grateful. Jonas and I become very good friends. Only Nigel is closer to me than my English Big Dog. I wonder if it's something about their both being English. Edward is too, and he's been so close to me. (I'll mention that to Edward one day, and he laughs, tells me I just like and understand the understated way Englishmen are. Kind of like how I love the way our Russians are)

As I lay curled up around Jonas petting and stroking him, we both fall asleep. We wake up at 2AM when Jerome comes in. He's been playing with Teddy and Jesse and Bob and Rory. He's exhausted. And he curls up behind me. "Claude, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you" he says and he's asleep too. Jonas apologizes to me. "He gets carried away at times" Jonas says. "No problem, Big Dog, I was happy to have the time alone with you" I say. Jonas murrs. We go back to sleep.

Jerome wakes me up about 7AM, pushing his big Canine dick up me. He fucks me awhile. "Baby, can you get up on your knees without waking my Jonas up?" He asks. I nod. I get up and he pops his knot up me. I moan. He's a rougher fuck than Jonas but still hot. I reach back and kiss him. He murrs. "Claude, big guys like you make me hot to fuck, but Jonas needed time alone with you, you make him feel special and wanted, and I wanted to give you time with him" Jerome says. "I figured, you love him so much, and you know he gets something from me that you can't give him, and you wanted him to have it" I say kissing him with full tongue. He yips and gushes up me. "I do, I love him, I have had a great time here, nice to feel so wanted, and Jonas seemed so happy too" he says. "Claude, would you let this this old Coyote turn you?" he asks. "Love to" I say. He throws his leg over my back. Jerome's a bit different than Jonas. He cums more frequently, and his larger knot makes me cum harder. He yips and whimpers when he cums. When he pops out of me, I pull him to me and I cuddle him. "You're welcome here anytime you want to be here, Jerome" I say petting his muzzle. "I'll let you knot and turn me when you want too."I say. To my surprise, my Macho Coyote weeps. "They all asked me to come by, and they'd take me when I want, you've made us both feel so welcome" Jerome says through his tears. "Jonas and I have sex frequently, but I haven't had this much sex for the last two years total." he says. "Jerome, you both are great lovers, Jonas is gentler but you're hot and intense" I say. "Teddy was so into me, when I tied him he came all over himself like you did, and he made so much noise when we were locked together by the turn." Jerome says. "Baby, you just needed to be wanted" I say stroking his hair.

We doze for a while. Me holding Jerome between us. Jonas is holding him from the other side. At 9AM Edward comes in and wakes me. "Time to get showered and dressed, I 've told Sergei and he's so happy you'll go with them" Edward says. I slip out and let go of Jerome. He and Jonas are holding each other and look so sweet sleeping so peacefully. I quietly shower and dress.

I go out and get coffee and breakfast. Sergei is so happy he can hardly keep still. Nigel's awake but a bit sleepy. He's happy though.

When we finish breakfast. Sergei begs us to go ahead and leave. I nod. I drive my own car. Sergei takes him and Nigel in his Jaguar XJ sedan. I can't go because I can't fit into it. I park and meet them at the Alaska airlines counter. His flight is on time and we go to the lounge and wait. Sergei's so excited he's not talking much and we're silent too.

After the flight is announced as landing we go to the area by the gate. Sergei gets really excited and runs up to a really huge Polar Bear. I'm big, but this guy is way bigger than me. And stunningly masculine and hot. Sergei and he greet each other excitedly. After a while they walk arm in arm to us. "Viktor, this Badger is my beloved Nigel" he says. Viktor hugs Nigel tightly. Gives me a chance to look this guy over.

Viktor is big, 7'6", and he has to be 425 pounds. His paws are massive. His eyes are a Deep Brown. His hair and chinstrap beard are Black and his long hair is tied in a ponytail. He looks like a White mountain on two big foot paws. His grin is deep and his voice is gravelly and deep and almost booming. It's hard to keep my eyes off of him. His jeans are so tight, and his can't be all him in that bulge. His little conical Polar Bear tail is like mine and Rory's but bigger. And it's twitching constantly.

Sergei points me out to him. He runs to me and hugs me, picking me up and kissing me. I'm surprised, He's picked me up like I'm weightless. How strong is this guy?. "I have much to thank you for" he says joyously. He lets go of me. He's looking off to the side intently. He starts talking rapidly in Russian, whispering to Sergei. He picks up his bag and they walk off together, leaving Nigel and I standing there. We just shrug our shoulders. He'd of been through Customs already and INS must not have give him any trouble. We go to where they're parked. Sergei's Jag is still there. On an impulse. thinking of how big Viktor is, I go to where my Mercedes is parked. It's gone. I'd worry, but I know Nigel has a key to it. Sergei must of gotten it from him. We go to the info desk and have them paged. Nothing. After 45 minutes. I call Rory. "Claude, Sergei's already home with his brother, where are you?" He says. "Stuck at the airport, they took my car, and I can't fit into his and Nigel can't drive" I say angrily.

"Claude, I'll come get you" he says softly. "Viktor is huge, I thought we were big, but he's bigger, they needed your car" he says. "Then why do it this way, he could have asked me to take Viktor home and I would have."I say. "Claude, I don't know why" Rory says. "Claude, Sergei talked to Viktor on the phone before we left, and he's been acting oddly since then" Nigel says. "Do you know what they talked about"I say as we walk to the passenger loading and unloading zone. (Viktor called Sergei while he was in LA waiting on his connecting flight. He told him he was afraid, and why. He had planned on trying to bond me, but seeing Vitaly changed his mind out of fear. And he didn't want to be in my car alone with me, for fear he couldn't resist bonding me.)

Rory comes to get us. And we drive back. "Viktor was happy to meet me, and he's in the living room talking to the family as we left" Rory says. "He's a happy, boisterous soul, but damn he's big" Rory says laughing. I'm a little annoyed and grumpy. I'm silent now. Rory and Nigel know I'm upset and leave me be. By the time we're home I'm calmer. "I'll just mark it down to them being so happy to be together again that they forgot us, Nige" I say softly. Nigel looks relieved. He knows how I get when I get the way I get when angered.

We walk in and the living room is empty. Nigel goes to his room and comes back. "They aren't there" he says. I'm not messing around. I go straight to Edward. "Was being left at the airport why I had to go" I snort. "Claude, I don't know what happened, you were supposed to meet him, he'd kiss you and you'd bond him" Edward says looking dumbfounded. His visions are never wrong and he's stunned too. I feel sorry for Edward, he looks so sad. I kiss him.

"Do you know where he is, or at least where Sergei is?" Nigel asks pointedly. "They left together after Rory went to get you two, I don't know where they went" Edward says. "I'm not happy at being left either, Claude, I can't believe my Sergei would do that to me" Nigel says angrily. "Nige, he was just over excited that Viktor was here, he just didn't think, try to forgive him" I say softly. Nigel snorts. "Claude, you're a twin, you're too closely bonded to Rory, you put too much stock in the closeness of brothers" He says. "If I wanted to be mean, I'd remind you that you can't understand as you're an only child:" I say quietly. (We're as close as we ever get to arguing. Nigel and I , though we snark at each other all the time, have never fought.)

"Nigel, let's not fight, I'm sorry I said that" I say quietly. Nigel looks calmer. "I don't blame you though, you heard what Edward said was supposed to happen, Claude, you've got to be a bit upset about that, he was supposed to be yours by now" Nigel says. "I'm not sure how I am supposed to feel about that, he's a hot, masculine big Russian Polar Bear, Hell, I don't even know yet why he felt he had to leave Russia so quickly" I say shaken up.

"Claude, would you take him?" Nigel asks. I look at the floor. "Yes" I say, my voice barely audible. "Edward, he made me feel so much when he hugged me" I say breaking into tears. "He thanked me, looked around, saw something and then whispered to Sergei and they left" I say through my tears. "He was looking at someone, Claude" Nigel says. "Guy moved away quickly, but he was a huge Lion, I saw him" Nigel says. "Claude, you've fallen for him, without him bonding you both together, I never imagined that would happen, you need to find him and talk to him" Edward says. "I wonder" Nigel says. "He must of felt something, and he got Sergei and ran from us" I say crying "He knows I'm supposed to be his, and he doesn't want me" I say crying harder still. Edward looks sadly at me. "Claude, I hate to say this, but if he's your life mate, and he ran, you still felt it, you'll either risk wasting syndrome, or if you're lucky you'll just be alone for always" Edward says, crying now himself. He hugs me. I run through the house hoping Jonas is still here. Yuri tells me he and Jerome left a while ago.

I throw myself into Yuri's arms and I try to explain through my tears. Yuri knows how Edward is. He's struck like I am at what this must mean. He kisses me. "Brother and I keep Claude from being alone, Bulls sleep with their Bear" he says. "You can't do that, what about Nate" I say. Yuri's silent.

"Claude, what's wrong?" Rory says walking up to me. "I can't" I say and I break down in my brother's arms. Yuri tries to explain but it's in Russian. I kiss Rory and run to my room. I throw myself on the bed. And I cry hard. Edward comes in and goes to my bathroom. He's found a few Valiums left from when Jonas gave them to me before and I take one. I turn on the TV and I lay down and try to stop crying and relax. I go to sleep when the Valium kicks in.

I sleep through til morning. I get up, shower and dress and head off to my office. I don't even see if Nigel needs a ride. Sergei can bring him for all I care. Rory's grumpy when he comes in. Edward told him what happened and he's mad at Sergei and Viktor. He's also hurt that I couldn't explain. But he knows how I am. We sit at lunch and talk. He's so very supportive as always, but he doesn't know how to help me. Not surprised as I don't have a clue either. He says he'll tell Dad when he gets home, but agrees with me that we shouldn't tell Takeru until we've figured some things out. Papa San will drop everything and run to my side. He'll be upset that we didn't tell him right off. But he'll get here and go off on Serge and Viktor. And he won't make it better, probably make it worse. He'll rage that Viktor hurt me so much. Takeru loves Rory and I as if we were his own sons.

Life goes on sadly enough. Viktor will avoid me if he can, and be at least cordial if he can't. I'm swimming naked in the pool and he comes out and literally stares at me. And runs back in the house when I catch him staring. He won't answer any of my and apparently Rory's or Dad's questions. (Rory told Dad as soon as he got home. And I haven't dared tell Papa San. Takeru would be so mad, he'd come right here from Tokyo and give Viktor Holy Hell. Dad does tell him. But begs him not to rage. He does come a few times over the next year. But never tells me he knows. But he did talk to Viktor. To my surprise, Viktor tells Papa Sam everything and begs him to be silent. When Viktor and I bonded. I'm amazed he knows all and is happy for us.)

I just keep going as best as I can. It's the not knowing what's going on that kills me. A few times I've seen him look at me. And there is a light in his eyes when he does.. Nate tells me he's asked him a lot of questions about me too. If he's so interested in me, why does he stay away and not talk to me.? No matter who else I sleep with, in the dark of the night, I feel alone, more than alone, like something vital is missing from me, something I can't get back easily.

Nigel's mad at Sergei for a long time. But they finally make up. Sergei won't answer Nigel's questions about Viktor. Rory and Dad think I should throw Viktor out. But I know Sergei would go too, maybe even leave Nigel. They're real close, spending a lot of time together. Viktor seems to like Dad, and he's always respectful of him. He's tried to make friends with Dmitri and Yuri but they'll have nothing to do with him. Rory's silent and surly when Viktor's around. Bob's tried to get to know him, he's friendly but doesn't tell him much. And he's got the serious hots for Teddy. He'll be up Teddy's ass as often as he can be. I hear them late one night rutting loudly and making a lot of noise. I'm so angry I get dressed and leave, spending the rest of the night in a luxury hotel downtown.

Jonas thinks I'm handling it as well as it can be handled. And he talks to me at times. They spend a lot of time on the weekends with me. Jonas sleeps with me, and sometimes Jerome does too. My only comfort is how often Dmitri sleeps with me. Three or four times a week. He's showing me lots of attention and he's been so good to me. Come Christmas time the house has begun to settle down a bit.(Not enough to release my pain, or feel comfortable with him here.) Dmitri's been sad a lot lately. I've been invited to the hospital's Physicians staff party. I invite Dmitri to go with me. He doesn't want to at first. Yuri talks him into it. I haven't told Yuri who it is , only that I know of someone I think would be perfect for Dmitri and I want him to come meet him.

We go. Dmitri in a suit looks so hot. He makes a big impression walking into the room on my arm. He likes the attention and in turn warms up and is his usual charming Russian self. I see the guy I'd hoped would be here. He's a Cardiologist. A big Clydesdale Horse. He's a Russian born one. Dr Grigori Petrovitch. I bring Dmitri over to meet him. From the look in his eyes, Grigori had the effect I hoped he would. They sit in a corner and talk in Russian animatedly. I'm not surprised when they kiss and look dazed. They're both Versatile. They talk a bit more. And Dmitri tells me in Russian that Grigori wants to move in with him. I kiss them both. And I welcome Grigori to the family. They kiss me and leave. Somehow fixing Dmitri up makes me feel better. Life and Love goes on. Dmitri's such a good Bull, he deserves the deep love that Grigori will give him. I've slept with Grigori a few times. He's another tender, romantic Russian. But he's a Versatile and he likes getting fucked at times. Still he'll be good to and for Dmitri.

I lose Dmitri's sleeping with me, but Rory and Bob start sleeping with me. Rory sleeps with me when Viktor sleeps with Teddy, and I know he and Teddy have had words about how much he fucks Viktor.. Grandpa fucks me at times too. He's mad at Viktor too. But by Feb both Dmitri and Grigori sleep with me now. I'm happy. They're so good to me. And Grigori is as amazing of a lover as Dmitri is. He's happy I take his huge Horse Cock as easily as I do. He had to work slowly with Dmitri and it took months for him to. But I took him like I did before. He's a loving big male.

Spring goes by slowly. Go to work, go home, sometimes go to the Bear Den. I have to admit I'm enjoying it there more. So much tension at home on account of me and Viktor. For a while, I'm really worried about Nigel and Sergei, they're fighting a lot again. And Sergei's avoiding me too. Come June things at home settle down a little bit more. And Sergei and Nigel apparently have made up. Sergei still avoids me. That hurts almost as much as not having Viktor.

Viktor has come in a few times while I'm there. Bob swears Viktor is watching me when he thinks no one is looking. But a huge dicked Ursine top is popular. And he has bottoms hanging off of him all of the time. While I try to ignore him, sometimes just him being here makes me sad. I came here to get away from him and he comes here anyway. I go home with random guys more now. And as often as I can we go to their place. Bob's watching Viktor a lot when he's there. He tells me it's almost like he's here because he wants to be around me, yet he won't talk to me .If I go up to Viktor and talk he'll answer me with a nod, or as few words as he needs to.

I've seen a big Lion around here a lot of late. He's asked a few guys who know me if I'm Rory or Claude Kitman. And he came and spoke to me when Rory and I were talking with Bob and Teddy. He introduces himself as Vitaly Archenko. He's a Russian with a deep voice and a charming manner. He's bigger than me and Rory. Got to be almost as big as Viktor. "You are a beautiful little Snow Bear" he tells me, looking into my eyes. "They tell me you are bottom, no" he says looking into my eyes. His Dark Amber eyes are so sexy. "I am" I say softly. "I have not time tonight, but would you think of sleeping with this Russian Lion sometime soon" he says. "Hell yeah" I say. He kisses me and walks off. I feel a lot for him. Could Edward have seen the wrong Russian animal who's meant for me.? I'd take him. I don't know him but I'd take him. (Bob tells me he's in here at times. It's like he's looking for me and when he doesn't see me he leaves quickly.)

In July. I'm at the Den. Sergei and Viktor come in. Viktor's all over Teddy.(Somehow that burns me up more. That Viktor crawls all over Teddy and ignores me. But there's nothing I can do about it. I keep finding myself hoping Rory will get mad at Teddy and tell him to stop fucking Viktor.) Sergei seems to be trying to make up with me. I'm as friendly as he is to me. I've really missed being close to Nigel's big Donkey. Rory tells me that Viktor has been fucking Teddy a lot more than normal for a week or so. Viktor drags Teddy into the back room. Sergei kisses me. "I have missed you, and I'm hot to get up your ass , been so long, Misha please" He says. I nod. And he pulls me to the back room. Viktor is fucking Teddy hard. Sergei strips me and begs me to take him. I lay on my back and Sergei slips up me. I'm trying to ignore Teddy and Viktor's fucking. But when Viktor pulls out to change positions he moves up by us. His massive dick hangs down in my face. I touch it Viktor growls at me. "Nyet" he hollers. It's massive. Mine's big and it's a good six inches longer than mine and it's a lot fatter. Jet Black and twitching. Sergei tries to keep fucking me but I push him off. Grab my clothes and run out. And when I tell Bob, he's mad.

I dress and run out to my car and go home. Sergei comes right home and comes to me. He begs me to take him. He missed me so much. We fuck and he's as good as ever. "Misha, Viktor does not mean to hurt you, he has a good reason to stay away from you, one day you will see, he is doing it for your own good" Sergei says after he's cum. I have nothing to say, what can you say to something like that. He gets up and leaves. But he looks so damned sad. He knows I don't believe that for a moment. Yet I know Sergei loves me, but he's torn between wanting to tell me what's going on and his loyalty to his brother. I have to have faith in him, knowing how good of a Donkey he is. And he really seemed to miss me. He's shown me his love when he fucked me.

Our 25th birthday comes. And I'm depressed. A year of this, non stop pain and anguish, the male meant for me doesn't want me, I don't know how to cope anymore. I'm not happy, is this what my life is going to be like for good? Edward tells me I shouldn't go out tonight but not why. I'm sad enough already, and even more so when Dad goes off on Viktor and Sergei at our birthday party. (To be fair, they didn't start it and tried everything they could to get Dad to de-escalate. He wasn't having any of it though. And when Viktor saw me starting to cry, he pulled Sergei out of the room, and they left the house. At least he cared enough to remove himself, so it would stop. Yet, Viktor looked so pained when he left, and so ungodly sad himself. I'm even more puzzled now. I won't be for too much longer though.) I can't stand anymore. I just want this tension over with. I don't even care if I'll be alone for life. I'm quite frankly praying for wasting syndrome to hit me.. If my life is to be this way I'd rather die.(The Drama Queen in me would love to see if I can make Viktor suffer for causing me to die slowly. I'm sure I have it within me to go full 'Camille' on him.) I'd call Jonas but he and Jerome have gone on a vacation and I won't ruin it by calling and breaking down on the phone.

I go change and I go to the Bear Den. Teddy and Bob kiss me when I get there. "I heard, Claude, they managed to ruin your birthday party even" Bob says. "Rory's furious, if it wasn't your house, he'd of thrown them out after that." Teddy says. "Dad started it, and when Viktor saw me crying he grabbed Sergei's hand and they went off" I say. "I think he does care about me, but then he goes back to ignoring me, it's the uncertainty that hurts me, if I knew he hated me I could deal, but sometimes he looks as if he's hurting as badly as he's hurting me" I say trying not to cry. Bob nods. Teddy's silent now. (He's spent a lot of time with Viktor fucking him. He suspects Viktor's in love with me and he can't figure out why he doesn't just go to me. So he's silent.)

Vitaly comes in. He sees me and breaks out into a sexy big smile. He walks over to me and nuzzles my neck. "My beautiful Snow Bear, is tonight the night you give yourself to me?" he asks joyously. "At least some one wants me" I snort. "Did I offend you,?" he asks. "No, just got family troubles" I say. He takes me to a table and he's so caring and sympathetic I find myself telling him everything. He sits and holds my paw gently. He looks happy as I'm telling him my story in Russian (He sure is, he's already got most of the info he needs, and I just gave him the rest. He'll question me later to verify it. But now he's decided it's time to take me. (He's lusting after me. And he'll take me before he does what he needs to in order to verify what I told him.). He deep kisses me. "I wish you tonight, will you let me take you home and make love to you?" he asks. "Yeah" I say. He buys me a drink and we sit and talk. Mostly him asking me what I like in bed. I'm feeling a bit tired now. He kisses me. "We will go, I'll drive, leave your car" He says. I go tell Bob I'm going home with him. I give him my keys, and he says he'll take my car home when he and Teddy lock up.