Kurt: The Test

Story by razgriz_ghost on SoFurry

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#4 of new folder...

Disclaimer: the characters are mine if the description is damn near that of another's character than its by coincidence and I don't own any products like coke or Sony etc that are mentioned. Also if it is offensive to anyone then get the fuck out right now if not enjoy and if your under 18 if over then also enjoy


Kurt was on patrol in the bazaar as he was assigned for that day. God damnit why did they have me wear this he thought while looking at his embarrassing pink uniform PINK honestly they couldn't pick another color he thought. The rank of the soldier is determined by what they wear pink color is the lowest while a different design is the highest while all uniform in between is just different color. _Damn cant they hurry up I want to get out of here or at least some action so I can stain this uniform red_ he thought while waiting for his team as he was assigned as the leader in a group of rookies as they wore all pink. His team consisted of 13 members 6 men, 6 women and him the leader. _tomorrow just gotta survive today he thought remembering that he has a rank test to determine what rank he is to be at.

"hey kurt" said a voice which made kurt jump looking back he saw who it was his name was troy who was a black panther and stood at 5'8'' he had green eyes and was gay. Kurt made him second in command because of his willingness to follow orders and everyone respected him. "We are all here and accounted for should we head back?" troy asked knowing kurt had a bad day and threatened everyone he would make them do PT again but twice as hard and twice as long if they disobeyed him which one of them did yesterday.

"Yeah let's head back" said kurt finally noticing that the sun was setting. He was wishing he could see amber but when they got back to the city she left promising that she will see him again very soon. As him and his team entered the barracks, which he learned there were 3 one for girls another for boys and a coed which was for the rookies which somehow earned the name the puss brigade, he fell and just lay on his bed thinking what to do when jack came in with 3 more soldiers all of which carrying barrels of ale. Then in a split second the barrack's sound level went so high he thought a flashbang went off next to him. It turned out that the party was for him because of the test tomorrow.

"I just know your gonna pass." Said a drunken jack

"I just love your hair." Complimented a drunken troy as he ran his fingers through kurt's hair. At this kurt was getting uncomfortable really fast and didn't know how to respond.

"uuh I do-" started kurt but was interrupted as troy kissed him __GOD DAMNIT MY MOUTH WAS OPEN _ kurt thought as he pulled away "I got to go." Said kurt pushing past troy and heading outside and threw up behind some bushes. After which he returned only to find a drunk female was being taken advantage of by kris which kurt knows he doesn't drink. "what do you think you are doing kris?" asked kurt

"Hey man you want to knock her up?" asked kris who was clearly sober and probably thinking that kurt was drunk.

"OUTSIDE NOW." Kurt yelled kris jumped up and dashed out the door "Jason come with me" Jason is the healing mage of the rookies.

"oh ok" said Jason as he got up and followed. Kurt picked up his own sword and also kris's sword which was about 2' long and 4'' across had a red scabbard with a black snake coiled around it. _cute_ with that kurt left with Jason on his heels and everyone else followed knowing what's coming next. The 2 best swordfighters out of the rookies against each other.

"hey fucker catch." said kurt while tossing kris his sword

"oh so you finally got the balls to fight me huh?" Asked kris

"hey don't get cocky it's a good way to lose an arm." Said kurt

"I don't need arms to fight you pussy." Retorted kris

"shut up and draw your sword" said kurt while drawing his own 5'7'' sword. As ordered he drew his sword.

"FIGHT." Jack yelled and with that they charged at each other and collided. After about 10 minutes the fight cought the attention of the other barracks and the guards on the walls. They were toe to toe in skill but one aspect that kurt had well above kris was endurance. Kurt saw kris getting tired sidestepped his stab kurt could have had easily chopped him in half but he wanted this to continue for a little longer. Then sidestepped yet another stab then kurt pushed kris as he passed and watched him fall. Then he pulled a vial out of his pocket and drank its contents then he jumped back up.

"Damn do I feel better. Revitalize potion fills me with energy and after this fight I'm gonna find your girlfriend and rape her. And if I'm not mistaken her name is amber is it not?" asked kris

"how do you know about her?" asked kurt with rising anger

"how? She lives across the street from my sister that's how. And the fact that she won't shut up about her boyfriend kurt rettinger." Answered kris

"you're gonna rape her?" asked kurt with overflowing anger "no. I'm not going to allow that."

"huh did I just hear you right did you just say you won't allow it? You have no say in the matter I'm going to rape her and there is you can do to stop me." Said kris in a cocky tone. With that kurt charged cutoff his right arm. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU ARE A DEAD MAN NOW!" yelled kris as he picked his sword off the ground then charged and jumped at kurt.

"me a dead man? No. you are" said kurt as he turned around and stabbed a midair kris in the gut as the sword went all the way down to the hilt. _did he just pass out? Weak_ kurt thought as Jason ran over to heal kris. Kurt pulled the sword out as Jason was done putting kris's arm back on. After that the party died down and everyone went to bed.

"you have great potential why waste it on these weaklings when you could come with me and rule the world." Said a voice then pictures of death, war, rape, monsters and destruction flooded his mind. Kurt woke sweating _what the fuck was that_ he thought then he went back to sleep.


The next morning the happenings of last night spread like wildfire in the castle and the nearby city but the reason of the fight always changed from kris bumping into kurt or kris kissed kurt. Thankfully no one remembers troy kissing kurt. But today was special all 300 rookies had their leaders already picked and these rookies came from all over the kingdom. but today was easy for it was a written exam those who got less than 100/150 questions right were kicked back to the castle from whence they came.

"how did you do?" asked troy

"pretty good I think. You?" asked kurt

"I think I scraped by but we won't know till tomorrow so best relax." Said troy as the rest of the day passed without incident.

"WAKE UP ROOKIES" someone yelled as everyone fell or jumped out of bed into someone. it was jack who yelled. "I have your results" he said time passed as what looked like everyone failed. "troy 101/150 you pass good job." said jack as troy made a sigh of relief "kurt."

"yes" said kurt

"149/150 damned good job you pass with flying colors." Said jack with a smirk and everyone cheered for troy and kurt "oh wait I forgot kris" said jack "kris 125/150 you pass"

"well I just knew I would" kris gloated "what strikes me as a surprise is that homo and the wannabe passed"

"that's quite enough kris" said jack "all of those that passed must report to the docks tomorrow mornig for the final test." He said with a look of despair upon his face.

Next morning he found out that at least 10-15 people passed per castle except naimtz castle and what h also noticed was that they all had rookie attire but only the naimtz castle had pink uniforms. But when they arrived there were loads of people there including amber and the gaturen family.

"hey what are you guys doing here?" kurt asked

"we are here to see you off on your mission." Replied MR. gaturen

"what mission?" asked kurt

"you are going on a mission as the final test." Explained amber she then stepped towards him and kissed him lightly then backed off while kurt finally noticed they were surpassing laughter. Probably seeing him in pink was just too damn funny. Amber stepped forward and whispered "please whatever you do don't die." Into his ear and was followed by laughter as she turned and walked away.

"MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE." Yelled harry "we need all the rookies to board the boat and as he saw the boat was the size of the titanic and it looked luxurious. When they got to their rooms, of which kris, troy and kurt shared a room, they realized that the rooms where quite big but what caught their attention was the equipment in the middle of the room. There were wet stones for their swords.

The boat finally docked and both kurt and troy were relived to get off because kris was causing problems on the boat by acting all high and mighty like usual. When they looked around they were on an small island which was covered in trees.

"everyone this is the final test and you will be closely watched and your mission is to rid this island from rebel forces on the other side of the island. When you hear the siren return back hear." He said with a smile

"damn it's been 2hours. troy where do you think they are hiding? Troy?"kurt asked while looking back. he was gone along with kris. _well at least the pain in the ass is gone but I have to move forward_

5 minutes later he noticed a mark on some trees they were the same marks as the ones on the gang member's shoulders and he followed them.

"holy shit." Was all he said as kurt saw where it led. it was a village with a huge fire in he middle. \ _ok im at a higher elevation son it will be harder to see me. Ok 18..19..20..21.. damn how many guys are there and what the fuck? No is that kris ordering them around the other candidates well most of them anyways. I've got to help them but how im-_ with that thought incomplete the small cliff cracked as the loose dirt gave way and a section of cliff started to fall and him with it SLAM kurt hit the ground -and was out cold when he came to he was in a hut with binds.

"suites you doesn't it?" kris asked

"hey asshole why aren't you bound up like us?" asked kurt

"ahh the first non stupid question all day." Said kris "it's because I'm their leader numb nuts."

"now how should I kill you decapitation, hanging or disembowelment so many choices so little time" said kris

"aww isn't it cute the yellow belly cocksucker has no testiculars. Here is an idea I challenge you to a fight to the death I win we go back you win we will all die?" asked kurt

"tempting offer but no. here's one you sit back and watch us rape amber over and over and over again." Said kris with that he snapped his fingers and amber was being pulled into the hut.

"don't do it bastard or I will kill you." said kurt

"nice try moron" said kris with that they put her on the table and pulled down her pants and un zipped theirs

"this is gonna be fun" kris said right before she kicked him in the balls and heard a crunch _OUCH_ thought kurt. Kris then picked up a knife and stuck it through her hand and stuck it to the table as amber released a muffled scream through the gag.

"HEY MOTHER FUCKER KILL ME INSTEAD IF YOU STILL HAVE THE BALLS!" yelled kurt in anger but kris didn't seem to hear. Right before he tried to enter again time seemed to slowdown and everything gained a bluish green tent and kurt felt very fuckin powerful as he stood up broke his binds _damn this is cool_ he thought as he stepped over killed the other fuckers in the room then picked up his sword and stabbed kris through the throat with it as time seemed to speed back up.

"wha-" was all kris got to say before kurt pulled his sword out and watched him fall to the ground bleeding to death. Kurt undid amber's gag and took out the knife.

"are you ok?" kurt asked

"no I'm not. I'm almost raped and then have a knife stuck through my hand so no." she answered

"gimme a minute." He said as he went and found some bandage wrap and wrapped her palm where she was stabbed "get dressed for I'm going to save the day." He sighed with that he left with his sword in hand and started freeing the rookies _where are the guards_ he wondered he returned to find amber waiting for him "wait long?" he asked she stepped up and kissed him passionately and he returned the kiss then they broke contact.

"Take me." Said amber

"here? Now?" asked kurt

"I don't care I just want you" she replied

"I want you badly too but here is not the place" he said then he heard the siren "we have to go back to the boat now" as he pulled her arm. Only then did he realize her foot was backwards and h stopped "what happened?" he asked pointing at her foot.

"when they kidnapped me they broke my foot to catch me easier." She said kurt then picked her up and carried her through the woods. When the boat was in sight people were already boarding and saw jack wave for them to come on. When they boarded harry stepped forwards.

"who is she and where is kris?" asked harry

"first off get her to the infirmary then I will tell you everything." said kurt and with that harry called a nurse and she helped amber get to the infirmary then kurt told harry everything. Minus the part where time slowed and replaced it with he accepted the fight.

"Hmmmm I will need more time to think mean while amber is to sleep in your room and troy will be staying in the infirmary." Said lupin

When kurt made it back to his room with amber she went and lay on one of the beds which kurt helped her and then when he was about to go she grabbed his shirt pulled him down and kissed him passionately and kurt returned the kiss. While kissing she guided his hands one to her breast the other to her pussy then he started to finger her while playing with her tits and nipples.

"Stop." she said

"Why?" kurt asked

"Why do you ask? To fuck me of course"

"then let's get a little more comfortable" said kurt with that they got undressed and just dropped their clothes where ever. As kurt looked up he saw her under the covers.

"well come here tough guy I don't do it standing up." Said amber with that kurt got under the covers with her then got on all fours above her.

"how do you want to do this?" he asked at that moment she flipped him over onto his back and sat on his chest.

"how about you stay right there and I bounce up and down on your cock. How does that sound?" she asked

"Hmmm that sounds good and where should I let it loose in or out?" he asked

"where ever you want but today isn't my safe day."

"ok then I have to ask you a question."

"what is it?"she asked

"do you like the taste of my cum?" he asked then she kissed him

"yes I do I love the taste." She answered then she positioned his cock and her pussy then he pushed upward into her. She was bouncing so he grabbed her waist and started to thrust upward when she came down with increasing speed then after 10 minutes of fuck she clmmped hard on him and kissed him deeply as not to make too much sound. he almost blew his load after she finished.

"amber I'm close"

"ok gimme a sec." with that she got off and put his dick into her mouth and started licking while bobbing her head.

"I'm gonna-" he never got to finish the sentence because he blew his load coating her mouth with 7 ropes of cum but she didn't stopped she kept going milking and extra 4 shots then swallowing it all. She slipped her mouth off his dick smiled and slipped into bed with kurt. Kurt pulled the covers over both of them as they both drifted into sleep next to each other.


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