Adam's first time ( Flashback )

Story by Army Wolf on SoFurry

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Adam's first time

Adam just hit his 18 and was meeting some tigress for quite a bit now.

It was clearly visible that the two were in love by the way the behaved around each other.

Kathy was quite ordinary tigress , nothing special about. She liked Adam for his spark of insanity and high self esteem. The thought that her boyfriend will join air force was making her proud.

The two were planning to try mating , but they wanted to wait 'till Adam would become adult to make everything legally.

It was spring already and Adam grew more and more urgent to do it.

The wolf called his lover by the end of his schoolday.

"Hey Kathy" Adam greeted her in happy tone.

"Hi love" she answered happily "How are You today?"

"Better when I hear Your voice" the wolf said with smile only he could notice.

"Awww cutie" feline murred lightly when she heard that. "I can't wait to see You today" she told him.

"I was about to ask..." Adam chuckled , happy that they'd meet again.

"And... My parents are leaving for the night..." she dropped him a hint.

"Really?" Adam asked playfully "Does that mean we're ready?" he asked a bit unsure.

"I..." tigress hesitated a bit "I want to try it" she told him finally.

"I'll be there at eight okay?" he asked , his tail flicking happily as he walked toward his home.

"Sure hon. Parents are leaving at seven" she informed.

"Okay sweetheart , see You soon" Adam told her happily "Can't wait"

"I love You Adam" she said warmly , urge to hear him saying that too.

"Love You too Kathy" Adam said before he hung up the phone.

The wolf jumped happily as he walked inside the house and further into the kitchen to say hello to his mother that was preparing dinner.

"Hi mom" he said and opened the fridge , looking for something to drink.

"Hi Adam" the wolfess said with smile "How was Your day?"

"You know how it is... School sucks and all" Adam chuckled , knowing his mother understood "I'm going to sleep at Jessica's place tonight" he informed.

"Did her parents agreed?"

"Mom , we're both adult now"

"Adult doesn't mean mature"

"Did I ever did anything immature with her?" Adam asked , knowing it was question with only one answer.

"No You didn't , but I don't want You to do something stupid" the wolfess said a bit worried.

"Mom , don't worry" Adam hugged her gently "We love each other and just want to be together"

"Okay Adam , You can go" she said finally

"Thanks mom , You are the best" he said and hugged his mother before rushing upstairs to his room.

For the rest of the day Adam was walking around and preparing stuff to take with himself.

He was really excited that they'd finally do it with Kathy.

The evening came and Adam made his way to his mate's place. He knocked on the door nervously , awaiting to be let in. Once the door opened , he could see Kathy , wearing some nice , long dress. The tigress was smiling at her mate and stepped aside to let him in.

"Hi honey" she said warmly "Come on in"

"Hey love" Adam said and stopped beside the female to kiss her cheek lovingly , making Kathy purr happily.

"Everything's prepared..." she told him and closed the doors. Then feline took wolf's paw and led him to her parent's bedroom.

Curtains were pulled and the lights were dimmed so the room was half-dark. There were also some candles lighted all around the room , fresh sheets on the bed. Adam could feel the atmosphere of intimacy and that made his heart pound a bit in his chest.

"I don't want to wait Adam... Can we... Get started?" Kathy stood in front of Adam and wrapped her tail around his waist lightly.

"I... I guess so" Adam said with a bit of nervous smile and dropped his backpack onto the floor.

"Don't be afraid..." she said softly to him and wrapped her arms around wolf's neck , she nosed him with smile before placing a deep kiss upon his lips.

Adam's paws instinctively moved up and rested on Kathy's hips. He kissed her back with passion , his tail wagging behind his back in excitement.

They kept kissing each other , making murring and purring sounds. Feline took a lead of the situation and was slowly dragging Adam toward the bed , before she pulled him on top of her , their lips parting as they both giggled a bit.

"Would You help me take this dress off?" she asked playfully and flicked her tail between his legs , making him smile and murr deeply.

"Of course cutie" Adam said and reached down , starting to pull her dress up.

She lifted her arms above her head to help him do it. Dress was made of some really soft material and came off quickly. Adam was surprised to see that she wasn't wearing bra under it , so she was laying on the bed in just her panties now , her perky C-cup breasts clearly in view for him.

The wolf stared at her cleavage in amazement , his eyes open wide and his ears perked up.

"Oh my..." he said quietly , feeling his member starting to swell inside his sheath.

"Do You like?" she giggled lightly and took his paw , placing it on her left tit so he could feel how soft and squishy it was , but also feel her heart beating.

Wolf could only smile and nod slowly , giving her breast a gentle squeeze.

"Your turn big boy" Kathy giggled cutely and started to lift Adam's shirt up.

With a bit of hesitation , Adam moved his arms up and let her undress him , his muscular chest coming in view.

"You're so strong wolf" the tigress leaned against his chest lightly and ran her paw through his black fur , making him smile and murr , flexing his chest to let her feel his muscles.

"And You're the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life" he told her and stroked Kathy's sides softly.

"C'mon Adam..." she smiled playfully at him "It's not fair , I'm wearing just my underwear" she giggled and moved her paws down to his waist , starting to work on his belt. "Off with those"

He gulped nervously and shifted a bit to let his mate take care of them.

Once pants went off , they sat on the bed in front of each other , looking and admiring their bodies with smile.

Kathy's panties were a little wet by now and Adam's boxers were tented , hiding his raging erection.

Feline was first to take her action and she laid back , lifting her legs up and sliding her panties off , giving Adam a perfect view of her young cunny and tailhole.

He was staring in growing amazement , feeling his member pulsing in his boxers and demanding attention. The wolf quickly dropped them as well , feeling it was just right for them both to be naked , just like they were born.

The couple got closer to each other , her paws were running over his chest , back and belly , feeling his body , her claws gently digging into his fur.

His paws went to her breasts , cupping them and toying lightly , fondling and giving them occasional squeeze that was making feline moan lightly into his ear.

"T-touch me down there Adam" she said in a bit of shaking voice "Feel my pussy..." she tried to encourage him and slid her paw lower , trailing her finger around his shaft , not gripping it for now.

They both parted their legs to let each other explore their most private body parts.

Adam's paw slowly moved lower , going past her pubes and covering her slit with full paw.

"I-it's warm" he told her amazed and yipped softly. She just took his balls into her paw and fondled them softly.

"Your boys are too" she gigged lightly and moved her paw upper , taking a soft grip on his canid cock and stroking it softly "Mmm so firm... It seems You're ready for me..." she said in cute tone.

Adam couldn't help but give light moan , his paw started to rub her pussy , getting coated in her juices that were leaking. She squirmed a bit , louder moan coming from her throat.

"F-fuck me Adam" she almost begged "I... I want You inside me" she told him and nipped his neck , gripping his member harder and giving some faster strokes.

At this point , the couple needed no more words. The tigress kissed his lips softly before she got more onto the bed and laid down , opening her legs for him. She toyed with her breasts , looking at him seductively and licking her lips , just like she was saying 'Come get me big boy'.

Adam crawled up to Kathy and laid on top of her , he kissed her at her neck and cheek then looked into her eyes for a moment before he took his member into his paw and looked down trying to figure where he should go. It was embarrassing to him that he couldn't find her entrance and made him blush.

"Calm down honey" she whispered into his ear and reached down , taking his member into her paw "let me guide You in" feline licked his nose and aimed his hard shaft at her virgin pussy "There... Be gentle..." she asked him cutely and wrapped her leg around his waist.

"What about protection?" Adam asked out of the blue , the thought just ran through his mind.

Kathy shook her head "There's no need to sweetie... I'm safe. My heat ended two days ago" she told him reassuringly and then they both went silent again as Adam started to move his hips forward , making his hard shaft slide inside her young , needy slit.

"Aaah , Adam..." she moaned feeling him enter and wrapped her arms tightly aroung wolf's body.

"Mmmmhhhh Kathy..." wolf moaned back , gently pushing his member further inside and breaking through her hymen.

Her eyes opened wide and stared into his. Kathy let out quite loud yipp as she felt it break , making her tighten around Adam's cock and moan longly at the mixed pleasure and some pain.

Adam panted as he reached his hilt , looking down to her wide-eyed as well , his knot resting against her entrance as he leaked pre already inside the tigress.

"Kat... It... it feels so good..." he told her and leaned down , nuzzling at feline's neck and licking her shoulder.

"Don't stop now Adam" she whispered in needy tone , her hot pussy squeezing rhythmically around his wolfhood in need. "Mate me... Please..." she held him tighter , wrapping arms and legs around his body.

Not wanting to disappoint his lover needs , Adam started to hump. Couple blushed as they heard some wet , lusty noises coming from their groins.

It was pleasure they never felt before. They were looking at each other , enjoying view of partner's pleasure , listening to each other's moans and heavy breathing.

Adam was getting closer to his orgasm and fired off precum inside feline.

"Kathy... I..." he wanted to tell her he was getting closer , but she interrupted him.

"Cum in me Adam... Let me feel Your seed..." she told him in lusty tone , making Adam look down and pound a bit harder , trying to shove his knot inside.

Feline mewed soundly feeling him trying to tie her "H-honey... Keep knot o-outside please..." she asked him , not feeling ready to try tieing.

He could only nod , holding himself from humping as climax hit Adam. Wolf arched his back and howled toward ceiling as he let out his passion inside feline's love passage , making her moan deeply.

Wide smile spread across Kathy's muzzle as she clenched around her mate's member each time he fired off rope of semen.

"Ooh Adam... I... I think I'm..." she could feel building pressure in her groin as well , her paw moved between their bodies and she rubbed her clitoris hard and fast , screaming as her own orgasm hit her with full force , making her pussy wrap tight around wolf's cock , making him groan.

They remained like that for a few long moments , panting heavily and slowly coming down from the orgasmic heights. They didn't separated at all. Couple turned onto their sides and Kathy cuddled up in Adam's strong arms in the afterglow.

"It felt amazing..." she whispered and licked at wolf's strong , furred chest softly with her rough tongue , just like she was grooming him.

"I... I liked it too..." Adam said in soft tone , letting out a murr and nipping at feline's ear softly as he kind of wrapped himself around her smaller form. "I love You Kathy" he said softly , resting his head on top of hers.

Feline moved her head up , looking into wolf's eyes and setting her nose against his "I love You too Adam" she answered before placing a deep , loving kiss upon his lips which he returned without hesitation.

They didn't spoke to each other that night again. They needed no words as they had each other.

Kathy set her head on Adam's chest , listening to his steady heartbeat as she closed her eyes , purring quietly all the time. He placed his paw on feline's head , holding her to himself in securing cuddle , slowly falling asleep himself.

Couple didn't knew , that it was their first and , at the same time , last night together , but that's different story , which You , dear reader , might find out in the future...