Max and David Ch 5
#5 of Max and David
_ NOTICE: These are my characters, only I can use them. If you want to use you may, but please ask me first. Just a quick note this story is a bit short. Okay, I've run out of ideas for this story, any ideas are welcome. Just send me a PM. Thank you. _
"Oh my gosh you cut your hair!" David said when Max came over to his house. His hair was cut really short.
"Yeah, I figured its time for a new look." Max said
"I guess you're right." David said
"Oh, since my birthday is coming up mom want to know if you, your brother, and dad want to come over to our to our place?" Max asked
"You guys cool with that?" David asked as they walked into the living room
"Yeah, thats sound like a good idea, I'd love to meet your mom." Dale said
"Awesome."Max said
"Well, we're headed to my room."David said, so they started kissing.
"I'm so glad you guys are coming over." Max said
"Yeah me too. So what do you want for your birthday?" David asked
"Nothing, I already have it, you." Max said as he put his arms around David's neck.
"Aww, thanks. Be serious for a second." David said
"I don't want much. Mom is letting me pick out a car. Some new books." Max said
"Like what?" David asked
"The Night Angel trilogy." Max said
"Okay." David said then he kissed his little fox.
"Bye babe!" David yelled as Max left, when Max was out of ear shot. " Dad, can you take me to the mall?" David asked
"Yeah, a gift for Max?" Dale asked
"Yes." he said as he put on his shoes.
"Jacob, we're runnig to the mall. You want to come with us?" Dale asked
"Sure." Jacob said as he jumped up from the coutch.
So David bought Max the books he wanted and a silver ring from of one the many jewrly stores in the mall.
"You think he'll like it?" David asked his dad.
"I think he will." Dale said.
a week later
"Happy birthday babe." David said as he walked inside and handed Max the books
"Thanks babe." Max said huggin David
"Thats only part of the gifts." David whisper, Max just blushed
"So where are you brother and dad?" Ali asked
"Oh, Jacob is just now waking up so dad told me to go, they will be here around five." David said
"Okay, so you guys want to go get the car?" Ali asked, Max just ran out the door. Ali went to go get her keys
"Just take mine." David said throwing Ali his keys.
"Are you sure?" she asked
"Yes, also he's already in my car." David said laughing.
So Max got a black 2002 Pontiac Firebird.
"Happy birthday." Dale said as he walked in and hugged Max
"Thank you." Max said
"Dad, this is Max's mom Ali and Ali, this is my dad Dale, and this is Jacob." David said
"Nice to meet you." Ali said
"Pleasure is all mine." Dale said
So after they ate Jacob and Dale left an hour later
"I'm going to stay here tonight." David said
"I kind-of figured you would." Dale said
"It was a pleasure to meet you." Ali said
"The pleasure is all mine." Dale said
"Don't be a stra "was all they heard as they went into Max's room.
"Babe, here comes the next part your gift." David said as he picked up Max and kissed him and they both fell on the bed. David then covered Max's eyes and pulled out the box and opened it, then removed his hand.
"Babe, its beautiful." Max said as he took out the ring, on the inside it said "FOREVER". He put it on his right ring finger, it fit perfectly.
"Do you like it?" David asked nervously
"No, I love it." Max said as he threw his arms around David's neck and kissed him.
"Good."he said
"You want to know somthing?" he asked.
"Whats the birthday boy?" he asked.
"I'm not in the mood." he said.
"Why not?" David asked looking confused.
"I'm not sure, I really just want to watch the stars right now." Max said
"Well, lets go then." he said so they got up and went outside, they just layed together for awhile, saw a few shooting stars. Around midnight Ali called them in
"I'm off to bed, don't stay up to long." she said
"We won't." they said as they went back to Max's room and watched t.v. for abit.
So the for the next few days Max has been really depressed.
"Whats wrong honey?" his mom asked him after afew days.
"Its the fact that tomorrow it will have been a year since we lost dad." he said hugging his mom and started crying.
"Oh sweety its okay, I miss him too." she said
"I just feel like some times that when I get up he'll be in the kitchen making breakfast." he said
"Me too." she said
"Its weird, I was planing on telling him that day. I had just told you and it would've been a few minutes till he got home. I should've told him the day before." he said
"And he would've not cared. How about tomorrow we get you out of school early and we go to his grave and tell him how we've been." she said
"That sounds good." he said
"Now, lets go get David and get somthing to eat." she said wiping his eyes as he looked up.
"Sounds good to me." he said so they went to get David, for the rest of they day they just had fun and the first thing that came to mind.
the next day
"So dad, I ment to tell you the day you died, I'm gay. I have a boyfriend and yes uncle Mike has told him what will happen if he miss treats me and I don't think he ever had any ideas of hurting me at all." Max said as he sat down in front of head stone. "His name is David, and he's almost as kind as you." Max said laughing. For a few hours Max and his mom sat there talking about the last year, then David comes.
"I just got you text, my phone was shut down." he said then Max stood up and huged him.
"Dad, this is him." Max said.
"You'd love him, he's smart and kind." Ali said
"Hello sir, I'm sorry I never got to meet you but the rest of your family is great. You married a great lady and you raised a great young fox." David said.
"I'll try to to do this more often. I'm sorry but we have to go." Max said then he helped his mom up then they left, and just they got to the car it started raining, Max knew his dad caused it because his dad loved the rain.
The End