A Mesmo's Prey (Pt 2)

Story by FlareThorn on SoFurry

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#2 of A Mesmo's Prey

Once it has captured its prey and they are subdued then the next stage of the hunt can begin.

Commissioned for Nayati

The fight largely over as the beast rested atop his prey, a cruel and wicked grin, licking his lips to further display his satisfaction, not caring on the wound suffered. His current focus on the blank eyed dragon he was forcing to stare is direction. The large and dark scaled dragon under the effects of the Mesmo's bite, body weak and limp, just as his mind was but a nudge from unconsciousness. The prime place for what was going to come next. Looking to the oh so vulnerable creature, there is a chittering cackle of delight. Narrowing the predatory gaze on the glossed over eyes of his conquest.

"Now, you only need to look at my eyes, focus, nothing else, you can do that can't you?"

By way of a sick joke the Memso nodded the dragons head for him, met still with a blank face. Only a jaw trying to open, which was then pressed shut by the one in charge.

"Now, now. No need to talk, there will be time for that later, not as if you will have much to say anyway. This is where you listen, you lost, I won. Yet if you are good you will learn to see this moment as the best in your life. The moment you became mine."

His tone did soften, not wanting to broadcast it to the forest surrounding them, dripping the honeyed words into him, trying to place his mind more at ease. The dulled thoughts scrambling to get any bearing. Yet it seemed to work as a weak smile formed on the midnight visage.

"Good.. Good. Good."

Sighing to himself as he trained his eyes on the blank canvas looking at him. The stare only grew in intensity, closing the gap, his tail slipped over the snout of his victim to deny any chance of biting back if there even was one. A twitch at the Mesmo's forehead, as he loosened the muscles to prepare, a few blinks each in a different colour, with fragmented patterns over the iris. Starting slow, then increasing in pace. Steadily quickening, until they were nearly animated. A mirage of changing colours and shapes in the place of his eyes. Creating what seemed like a black and white shutter. Hard to define anything with the speed, only seeing the colour for a fraction of a second as you were already forced to process another five.

A gentle chorus joined this, chittering and clicking, into growls, and other more primal sounds. Watching over his prey, feeling for any signs of progress, or resistance, matching his cries with what seemed to ease him, making the appeal to his instinct rather than character, enforcing a place of dominance for himself, and obedience in the other.

For our defeated, he is forced to stare at the ever evolving images, even in the drugged state he had a surge of panic, yet it was silenced near as soon as it appeared. His mind dragged deeper, and deeper into the gaze, leaning in so their snouts touched. The reflection of it all mirrored into his own eyes, only showing how deeply it was working its way in. Everything else seemed to fade into darkness. As the thoughts were imprinted his jaw dropped, not by much given the hook around it. Enthralled by what he was looking at, no way to leave, not that he wanted too. The echoing sounds acting as a lullaby to only ease him more into this state. It seemed he was nearly ready.

"Do not resist it, drink deeply of what is happening. You feel it don't you, that tranquil sense. You only need to know what matters. That is me. And nothing else. Do you understand?"

Speaking with closed eyes, stopping his song now there was little reason to continue. No unrest under him. Or weak struggles of protest. That smug sense of victory and superiority looming over the molted pelt of the master, even though he was burned and bloodied, he did not let that affect the sense of control he was oozing into every letter he uttered.

Replied with a pair of slow, and lazy blinks, jaw still slack. His mouth moving, more quivering as he struggled to stop himself talking. Though he tried to protest he could only look forward as his head nodded. A half closed stare as the flickering images only mirrored into his own gaze, head swaying back and forth as if a charmed snake.

"I. I, Uhh..."

An attempt to speak from him, thoughts racing to find the words, as soon they were feed to him, no room to think as he repeated.

"I understand"

"You will obey. And do as I demand of you, know me as your master, your better. My word is supreme."

More commands, his tone raising to further enforce his will on the dominated dragon, who was trapped as the thoughts were pressed to the front of his mind, processing what was said. Every second they seeped in deeper. With lack of reaction they were only repeated, again, and again. Hammering them into his mind like a hammer to a nail. Bombarded with the hypnotic gaze and dominant cries, his mind warped into a submissive state, knowing he could not flee, he is left with the choice to obey. Though it took a few minutes, he nodded. Accepting his place with a mountain of manipulation picking for him.

"I will do as you command me... Master.."

His tone was devoid of emotion as his eyes had been. This was not fueled by emotion, or any choice, this was the Mesmo will drilled into him. Falling into the cunning hunters claws, each second he was getting easier and easier to mould. Forming the image of himself as a hatchling before an ancient, overjoyed to just bask in the sight of something that was near enough godlike. Such was the story he would be given on his new master. A soft smile of approval on his new placement. For such an open act of submission to his new master his snout was released from the hook. Content that he was not a threat.

"Finally you will never challenge me, your desire is to serve, however i desire. Be it body or mind.I take as I want. And you shall eagerly give in, and submit to me."

Again the tone softened, with a sly grin, though he could sadly not enjoy the sight. It was worth it to have such a large beast under his rule. A steady and growing chuckle barely able to contain his joy.

Rather than repeat the words of his master, he nods, bowing his head, eyes still basking in the hypnotic aura. Closing his eyes, yet even as he did the patterns did not stop. Replaying on his eyelids. Some strength returned to him. Yet he dared not move while his better rested atop him. It was his new place. No matter how bad it all seemed he could only be happy, nearly overjoyed to be used, no matter how minor a way. His mind seemingly unable to find any flaws as it shifted his mind to that of uncontested resolve to serve, and delight in obedience.

"I shall be yours master. I eagerly await the chance to serve."

The now submissive dragon speaking as respectfully as they could, eyes half open, even without the gaze they danced, no longer void. Returning to normal. However that hypnotic stare would always be playing in his mind, just below the surface.

"Hmm. I shall see."

Hoping off of him, flexing his limbs, with a quick lash of his tail he hooks his new subject on its neck, as a makeshift collar and leash, walking forward.

"On your feet, we make for my lair. All the harm you caused me.. I think I deserve to take some enjoyment in return."

Crueler than before even a little spiteful, a tug forward on the leash to urge the other onward. Showing some of the stress he was planning on relieving. Getting to his feet, shaky at first he stumbled forward after his owner, wings folded down, and head low in defeat. Posing as passive. He knew he was in trouble. His mind though. It raced on what was going to happen, doing as he could to not seem excited.Yet he needed to appear how he thought his master wanted. Sneaking in some joyous tail sweeps. A badly hidden smile as they wandered into the mountains. To his new home, new place and new master.