Life of Flare

An early start as most days were, ringing alarm to stir the grey fox from her sleep, closer to 5am then six as she rolled out of bed, needing to unwrap herself, more so her tail from the folds of her sheets. Thinner then normal given she had a rather...


From Balder to Byproduct (Pt 1)

On the outskirts of a small city, or even a large town, Not sure when one becomes the other, not that it mattered. Was a calm if not bland day, the sky a shade of grey to dull the sense, not sure if it would rain or not. Which was only casting the web...

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A Mesmo's Prey (Pt 2)

The fight largely over as the beast rested atop his prey, a cruel and wicked grin, licking his lips to further display his satisfaction, not caring on the wound suffered. His current focus on the blank eyed dragon he was forcing to stare is direction....

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A Mesmo's Prey (Pt 1)

It is a heated summer day, surveying a small clearing in an otherwise dense forest. Just past midday as the sun retreats pask the apex of the mountains.While lower to the forest floor lays a dragon. A large and majestic beast, Midnight drenched scales,...

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Teck Report: PACK

The P.A.C.K or Personal Attitude Control Kit. This is a small, mostly flat device smaller than a smartphone. The base unit rests and secures itself to the muzzle or snout via hundreds of tiny clamps or suction pads for scales. Designed to be hard to...

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Creature Bio: Memso Hooktail

Appearance This species is roughly 5 feet tall, And nearly 8 in length. Not including the long whip-like tail that is normally the length of the creature's body, The tail of this species always features a long hook, or barb, roughly a foot or so...

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