Houndoom x Scrafty x Houndour

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#37 of Pokemorph Sex Stories

Two brothers, a houndoom and houndour both have feelings for their childhood friend and decide to confront him about it after evading the question for so long. Things get frisky and the three start a threesome

"Ugh... I hate mondays..." Said a houndoom, as he entered the school, with a houndour as his brother.

The school that they went to was the great Johto college, the best college in the johto region, or at least that's what others had claimed from social media and the reputation it has garnered over the years.

This particular houndoom's name was Scourge.

Scourge was pretty tall and muscular, and went to the gym often, he had a slender but strong looking upper body, thick legs and thighs that made it seem like he could outrun an average pokemorph, and was a regular in the gym. He wore a bandana with purple flames as a design on it, with a sleeveless shirt and black pants. He disciplined himself to be less dependent on cup noodles and other artificially made food. He was in top form and he wanted to keep it that way. He was the perfect balance between strong and slender, it didn't stop people from thinking that he was all brawn and no brain though... At least that was partly true, he always sucked at a lot of things, but he was trying with his brother's help at the very least.

"Well hey, look at the bright side, all those all nighters you did for the past few days paid off, at least you have a project to submit when you get home" His brother, a houndour named Kage, said as he cheerfully walked the halls.

Kage wore the typical team skull grunt looking outfit, complete with the scarf covering his head and lower face,, and the complete uniform which consisted of a black tank top and shorts, white sneakers, and most importantly was the silver S logo of teams skull.

This wouldn't sit well with people if he were born 20 or so years back, but the team was disbanded by the leader after learning some humility from someone, but that's a story for another day.

Kage was a model student, a bit nerdy but still fit enough to not be considered one, appearance wise at least. Kage only exercised for a bit, not achieving anything close to Scourge's build, but enough to not be lanky looking.

"So you say, I'm not used to staying up all night over something like this" Said Scourge as he groaned, he just wanted to go home already, but had another thing on his mind, and it was his crush.

His crush had been oblivious to his feelings, at least that's what he thought he was feeling towards him. He tried to give hints towards his crush about how he really felt about him but he was either oblivious towards them or was ignoring them altogether.

"Well you better get used to it if you're gonna try to keep up with your grades" Kage said, lecturing his big brother.

"Ugh... I'd drop college but..." Scourge said, but remembered another reason why he went there.

While Scourge wasn't too interested in making big money, he was rather content just being able to make enough, he'd rather spend time making money on something that he actually wanted to own, like his own store or invent something instead of working for some corporate CEO who wouldn't give a damn about him, or be treated less than the average worker as an intern.

"You managed to grin and bear the intense exercise of getting that body of yours for years but you can't stand 2 more years of staying up all night? I thought you were better than that brother" Said Kage dismissively.

"I'd rather work for myself than for others in the future thank you very much, like Bruno does" Scourge retaliated.

"Why bring up Bruno all of a sudden huh? Is that all you've been doing hm? Thinking about his ass I bet" Kage said, covering his mouth as he snickered.

"Hey! It's not like that! I just... I'm working up the courage to tell him how I feel okay?" Scourge said, crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks as he blushed.

"Good luck with that, I've tried to take the direct route of telling him how I feel with him too but he just goes back to being busy again with repairing a car... Speaking of that, does he not do anything other than fix cars? He always goes out to his own garage, fixing a car someone gives him to repair, and ignores us, damn he needs to take a break with us" Kage said as he felt ignored even with the most obvious, hell, he even confessed with all his heart one time and all he got was a 'mhm, that's nice' from him as he was fixing a car.

"What do you suggest then? Trapping him? Holding him for ransom until he realizes what we're doing? Make out with him on the spot?" Scourge joked, but also blushed at the suggestion.

Kage chuckled, it didn't sound half bad making out with him, if he wasn't interested, hey, it was at least worth trying and he could certainly get a kiss out of him at the very least.

They were nearly approaching the college's parking lot at this time, and the two were getting ready to head home, their crush, Bruno, had already went home to go do some repairs since his schedule let him go home early at this time of the week.

"Hey, that was your idea, not mine... but I am getting fed up with this tactic of his... What do you say we share with him?" Kage asked him.

"S-Share with him? You mean... Be in a relationship with all three of us?" Scourge asked him.

"Well yeah, I know you watched enough threesome porn to know what I mean~" Said Kage as he winked at him.

"... Are you really serious?" Scourge asked, blushing and feeling his heartbeats rise up.

"Of course, would I say otherwise? I'm getting tired of him ignoring me and I'll fuck him if I have to get my point straight into his head" Said Kage as they entered the car.

"But what if we scare him away?" Scourge asked him.

"Oh please, him? Scare away? He hardly reacts when we watch scary movies with him" Kage said as he strapped his seat belt.

Scourge scratched his head, not knowing what to say. Kage had a point, there were too many attempts by them for Bruno to not notice their attempts at confessing to Bruno about how they feel and seducing him.

Scourge started the car and drove to their quiet neighborhood which the two had practically lived all their lives, traveling by car everyday to college and back. Scourge, Kage, and Bruno were all childhood friends, and the two noticed their feelings for the punkish pokemorph as they grew up. Although they didn't know how Bruno felt for the two of them, they intended to let him know.

"Well what do you expect to do then? Force ourselves on him?" Scourge questioned, not liking what he was thinking as he drove the road back to their home.

"What? No! I just mean we won't let him have the chance to get away. We'll block any exits he can take and prevent him from walking away on us" Explained Kage.

"Prevent him... From walking away?" Scourge asked, now realizing what he actually means to do.

"Yeah, we go in there while he's working, which he's probably doing right now, you close the garage doors, I block the door, and you go through and confess how we feel about him" Kage told to him.

"R-Really? I mean... We can wait until..." Scourge said as he blushed, not wanting to admit his feelings for him right there.

"There you go again, you're gonna cower again like usual" Kage said, rolling his eyes over.

"H-Hey! I'm not the one who used to sleep around with randoms to get cock" Scourge retorted, as if to scold Kage over it.

"Hey, just think of it as practice before I do the real thing with Bruno" Kage said, shrugging as he smiled.

"As if I'd let you fuck him first" Scourge said, huffing a bit at the remark.

"Well if you're not gonna fuck him, I got him up for grabs then" Kage said, agitating and flustering Scourge even further.

"Hmph... Fine, you'll see, I'll be able to win him over" Scourge said as he neared their neighborhood.

"Really? I don't really see you admitting it without looking like a dork" Kage said, chuckling a bit in his seat.

"Alright that's it, I'm gonna make you regret those words, just you wait, I'm gonna make him scream my name by the time I'm fucking him" Scourge said as they were slowly getting closer and closer towards Bruno's garage.

"Hey, you can do that all you want, just don't forget we're sharing him~" Said Kage as he winked at Scourge.

They pulled over in front of Bruno's garage, where they saw their friend, or at least the bottom half of his body as he was lying down on a skateboard and working underneath a car, oil and grease was all over his body as he didn't notice the two approaching.

The two nodded in understanding to one another and Scourge immediately went over and pressed the button for the garage's door opener, closing the entrance and making it too dark for Bruno to continue working and he slid out to see Scourge was the one responsible for this.

"What the hell man? Are you trying to mess with me?" Bruno said, standing up and wiping the sweat off of his head.

"S-Sorry but... I wanted to tell you something important" Said Scourge, scratching the back of his head and feeling embarrassed about disturbing Bruno in the middle of his work.

Bruno was a Scrafty, and due to his line of work as of now, he wasn't wearing anything to cover his upper body which was splotched with oil and grease, and wearing yellow pants that were too loose for him, but he excused it by saying that it lets him stay loose in the garage while he works..

His body however was, as expected of a Scrafty, was naturally muscular with how his work makes him bend down all over a car, giving him quite the physique a normal street thug would look like, but deep inside he's actually never harmed anyone or was raised like a hoodlum that would mug people in the streets, he's actually pretty chill.

Unlike Scourge and Kage however, he didn't really need to go to college, he was pretty much leaning on working as a mechanic for his life, but still decided to go to there since he was still trying to figure out what he wanted in life, but he was considering dropping out, unlike Scourge and Kage who hadn't decided what they wanted to be, he just wanted to be a mechanic, and maybe he will end up just like that as he predicted to himself.

"Something important? Someone is going to pick up their truck tomorrow, what could be more important than working on it now?" Bruno asked and then heard the door close as he turned around to pretend to be thirsty by drinking water in the kitchen, and realized that Kage had blocked the entrance.

"Going somewhere Bruno?" Kage asked with a smile as he leaned against the door.

"K-Kage? What the hell is the meaning of this?" Bruno asked as he tried to get past him, only for Kage to not budge an inch, although Kage was trying his hardest to seem like he was immovable to Bruno as he felt his arms try to push him aside.

"Sorry Bruno, but we're not going to let you escape this time" Said Kage as the both of them cornered him as he backed away.

"W-What's this all of a sudden? Are you trying to get revenge on me for that one prank on halloween or something?" Bruno said nervously as he now had a wall touching his back, with Scourge and Kage slowly coming over to trap him as their shadows loomed closer.

"You know what we're talking about Bruno" Said Scourge as he advanced toward him.

"Yeah Bruno, no more backing out of this, tell us how you really feel about us" Kage said as he crossed his arms.

Bruno then sighed in defeat, knowing that he has nowhere to go and has no choice but to finally confess how he really feels about the both of them.

"Alright, you got me, just let me catch my breath and break it to the both of you" Said Bruno as he sat down on a nearby metal chair.

The two sat down on other nearby chairs and listened intently, finally getting some answers that they long awaited for.

"I do have feelings for the two of you, but I wasn't sure about them. I wanted to make sure that we were all genuinely in love but... I just didn't want to take advantage of the two of you. Not to mention that both of you were in love with me at the same time, I didn't want to break both of your hearts just because I accepted one only to make one of you think that I don't love the other... I suppose there's no use hiding it from the both of you but... I love you both, and I can't make myself choose between you both. I hope you understand" Bruno explained, slightly cringing as he was forced to tell them about his feelings, expecting them both to get angry at his indecision.

But instead, he was greeted with warm smiles from the both of them, looking infatuated with him.

"Did you really worry about something like that?" Kage asked as he looked like he could laugh right there.

"I'm not like that Bruno, you out of everyone we know should expect me to be sharing you with Kage at least" Scourge said, blushing and smiling while looking away.

"Wait... S-Share? Like... Being boyfriends? All three of us?" Bruno asked with disbelief, he never did imagine himself ever having a polyamorous relationship, but this was the best outcome that he could have ever gotten.

"R-Really? You're not mad at me or anything?" Bruno asked, thinking this might be a dream that his head conjured up while he was sleeping.

"Of course not! This just means we need to make up for lost time!" Kage said as he gave a naughty smile at him.

"W-Wait... Kage, don't tell me you're thinking of..." Scourge said, his voice becoming shaky as he gulped at the idea of having a threesome.

"Did I stutter, Scourge?" Kage asked him, smirking at the both of them.

"H-Hey! At least not here, I don't wanna get caught or heard while someone knocks on the garage, let's uh... Let's do this upstairs alright?" Bruno suggested to Scourge and Kage.

"Hell yeah, it's about time that we get kinky with each other!" Kage said, and ran over to his room in a flash.

Bruno and Scourge sweatdropped at how eager Kage was, and followed after him upstairs through the house.

When they entered Bruno's room, they saw it decorated with all sorts of things that Bruno liked, mainly cars, used parts of some cars that had to be taken out, famous racers like a jolteon who won championships for at least a year, a computer that Bruno barely used, a desk where Bruno used to tinker with all sorts of objects like clocks to try to see how they worked, pictures of the three of them hanging on the wall as they grew up and hung out with each other... And Kage who was naked on the bed, eager to start as his clothes were in a pile in the corner of the room.

It was evident enough that Bruno was also a fan of racecars, he dreamed of working and repairing for famous racers one day, but he had to start small after all, maybe one day.

"What's taking you so long? Scared of having your first time?" Kage winked at him, while touching his hard, red cock in his hand.

Bruno blushed, he never saw this side of Kage before (but Scourge saw it several times considering Kage brought home several guys when he was sleeping around) but he didn't mind and actually thought it was actually quite attractive how confident Kage was in his own body.

"Sorry, it's just that... I've never actually seen you like this before, sure we saw each other naked but not in a sexual manner" Bruno reasoned with him, finding himself growing hard in his loose, yellow pants.

Scourge was embarrassed by all this, he felt like he was sexually harassing Bruno because of their petty desires, but it was too late to back off now, it was now or never, and he ha to take the chance

"Its alright, we'll help you out" Scourge whispered to Bruno with a mix of impatience and pent up need, a need that he wanted to do for a long time to Bruno and boldly pulled his pants down.

"W-Wha... Hey!" Bruno yelled as he was surprised by the sudden action, blushing as he looked at the both of them.

Kage, seeing that Bruno wasn't even wearing any underwear underneath, dived down onto the floor and began sniffing his cock like a dog, who was then shortly joined by Scourge, sniffing the musky, pent up cock.

"H-Hngh! G-Guys! C-Come on! I haven't even taken a bath yet, I'm all sweaty!" Bruno said, covering his eyes as he felt embarrassed, feeling his two friends' noses tickle and pleasure his cock as they not only sniffed him but also started licking his semi-hard cock.

"But it smells so good!" Scourge said, licking at the cock and sniffing deeply as he pressed his nose on the balls with a deep desire as his mind was clouded with horniness and lust from the musk.

"You robbed us of the chance to take a whiff of your cock for a long while, we're just making it up for all the lost time you gave us" Said Kage as he joined his brother, smelling the sweat and musk from Bruno's balls.

Bruno was left helpless and panting from the experience as he thrusted his cock against their snouts, which they eagerly nuzzled up against it lovingly before sucking on both balls each in their mouths.

"G-Guys... You should take it easy- o-ohhhh!!!" Bruno moaned as they suddenly started licking his cock on both sides.

Scourge and Kage were waiting for this for a long time, and it was all worth it.

Scourge was playing with Bruno's ass as he and Kage gave him a fellatio, teasing the punkish looking pokemorph by running a finger along his ass and giving it a light slap, before teasing his hole with a finger circling around Bruno's anus.

"Fuck... Guys... I'll cum at this rate if you two keep this up!" Bruno moaned out as he started pushing back against Scourge's fingers.

Hearing that Brunno might cum, the two stopped teasing their friend and started to frot with Bruno, but not before Scourge undressed before him and presented his cock as well, before they started to rub their cocks between the three of them with their hard, throbbing cocks.

The three of them held each other's asses, one cheek squeezing and holding each other for balance as their cocks felt the stimulation and warmth of the appendages being shared, along with the precumming coming out and lubricating all three of them eagerly.

"Fuck... G-Guys..." Bruno said as he stared down at what was happening, giving an approving moan as he started thrusting up against them, feeling their balls pressed up against his own as they looked at him in a sultry gaze at him while performing the sexual deed.

"What? Can't handle my cock up against yours? I bet you like it when I rub my cock up against yours like this don't you? Getting you all hot and bothered over something so gay, yet you love it" Kage asked himas he winked at Bruno.

"Don't you like this? I can feel you twitch against me, its almost like you find this equally hot and sexy Bruno~" Scourge whispered to Bruno as he licked his cheek.

The scrafty could only moan in agreement before feeling the two kiss him on the lips and pushed him onto the bed, making sure their cocks and balls were touching before molesting their friend while they kiss.

Bruno was caught off guard and felt two tongues enter his mouth and startt to lick inside it, quickly finding his mouth and he felt overwhelmed immediately as his tongue wrapped around theirs.

"Fuck... You really wanted this for a long time huh? Well I'll give it to you two then" Said Bruno as he french kissed the both of them..

The three of them stuck their tongues out and started to lick each other's tongues.

"Mmm... Fuck yes... You two taste a bit spicy...~" Bruno complimented as they got frisky and started to roam their hands against each other, admiring the muscles and asses that they all possessed.

"Would you expect us fire types otherwise?" Kage asked, winking as he shared his tongue with Bruno.

"Fuck Bruno...I wanna ram my cock inside you already..." Scourge whispered sweetly into Bruno's ear teasingly, licking his neck slowly.

"Hey, don't make him your bitch before he turns me into his" Said Kage who pulled away from the shared kiss, and then putting his hands on the headboard of the bed and stuck his ass out, revealing his ass, the pink hole being visible and looking juicy enough to fuck roughly.

Seeing this, Bruno gulped and hotdogged his cock on Kage's hole, feeling himself get teased as he held his breath in anticipation with how smooth his ass felt as Kage's asscheeks teased him, giving him an assjob as he rubbed his cock on the butt.

"Come on Bruno, get on with it already, I've been waiting for your cock my whole life" Kage cooed, shaking his ass up and down on his cock.

"Hey be patient, I'm not used to this kind of thing" Bruno said, not wanting to hurt Kage, thinking it was his first time having sex.

Feeling left out, Scourge went behind Bruno and teased his ass, doing the same thing Bruno was doing to Kage.

"...!?" Bruno looked behind him to see Scourge spreading his asscheeks wide, looking at the hole widened a bit as the precumming cock pressed it's tip against it.

Without warning, Scourge plunged his cock inside in one thrust, making Bruno throw his head up and gasp out in surprise and pleasure as not only was his ass stimulated by the warm cock, but the thrust had also pushed his hips directly into Kage as the houndour gritted his teeth in pleasure, rolling his eyes up and pushing back against the cock they had longed for since.

"G-Guwah! It... It feels-" Bruno tried to say before he felt his mouth get overtaken by Scourge once more, but this time Scourge had him all to himself, and his long tongue not only made out with Bruno, but he felt it go even deeper, licking deep into his throat and fucking it with gusto.

"Mmm... Fuck you taste good... I wouldn't mind being your daddy from now on...~" Scourge said more confidently, feeling his cock pulse and twitch inside Bruno's ass as he squeezed his pecs with a deep desire and thrusting with no remorse and mercy, giving powerful thrusts without even slowing down.

"Guwoh... It feels much better than I expected...!!!" Kage commented, before turning around and pushing the two on their back, with Scourge fucking his ass from underneath, thrusting up his ass and not slowing down in the slightest, making loud slapping sounds as Bruno's asscheeks clapped with each thrust, thrusting the whole length all the way and still hasn't released him from the deep tongue kissing.

As Bruno was processing what was happening, Kage jumped on him and impaled himself on his cock, making Bruno cry out as he was overridden with the ecstasy of having himself be powerbottomed by a smaller pokemorph as the twink enjoyed himself on his rod.

"Hah... You may be fucking me... But I'M the one in charge here~" Kage said, winking at him before fucking himself with full force and speed on his cock.

Having both sides stimulated, Bruno could only roll his eyes up as the two dominated his front and back, overwhelmed by his two friends as they relentlessly fulfilled their fantasies.

Scourge released him from the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting their tongues as he then switched from kissing his mouth to sucking on his neck.

"H-Hngh... Scourge... What the hell...?" Bruno said, not knowing the concept of giving hickeys before, but enjoyed it nonetheless as he basked in the foreign feeling of having neck licked.

"I'm marking you as mine, that way everyone will know you at least got fucked by someone you love~" Scourge quickly explained before he went back to sucking on the spot on his neck, his fangs biting on the spot as he sucked before licking the spot like a vampire and making a hickey along with a bite mark.

"Ngh... I don't know if... This is even good for my business' reputation..." Bruno said as Scourge stopped sucking, thinking that was enough hickeys, before the two gave another kiss with each other.

"O-Oh god... I'm gonna cum...! Your cock is hitting my weak spot so much it's gonna make me cum hard!!!" Kage said as his tongue hung out from the intensity of the cock slamming against his prostate.

"Let's fill this bitch up!" Scourge encouraged, slamming upwards into Bruno, gritting his teeth as he used Bruno's thighs as leverage to thrust harder into him.

"Oh god... I'm gonna cum... It's gonna be a big one...!!!" Bruno panted, eyes rolling up and a dark blush on his face as his climax approached closer and closer.

"UWAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" The three exploded into a blissful state, unloading into each other as Kage came hands free into the air and shot his load on Bruno's face.

While Scourge splattered Bruno's ass and filled him with his thick load, giving Bruno's ass a creampie.

And finally, Bruno shot his own load into Kage which triggered the houndour's climax and unloaded on his face.

Kage lifted his ass up, revealing that it was dripping full with Bruno's cum.

"That was one thick load you gave me... I have to say it's one of the best cumshots I every had~" Kage remarked and winked at bruno.

"F-First time!?" Bruno asked, not knowing about Kage's sexual escapades.

"Yeah about that... He's been hoeing himself to all sorts of people in college, said it'll be good 'practice' for him" Scourge tried to explain while pulling out, making the excess load drip out from underneath.

"Ngh... That's a lot you unloaded inside..." Bruno said as he felt his ass leak wtih cum.

"You're saying that it's a bad thing!" Kage said to Scourge, puffing his cheeks and blowing out some fire from his nose.

Bruno was about to stand up when Kage pushed him on his back.

"H-Hey! What's the big idea?" Bruno asked, bewildered by what Kage was up to this time.

"We're not done yet silly~" Kage said before making them both take one foot and shoved it into their mouths.

Bruno and Scourge had a pretty good idea of what he had in mind and started to lick and kiss each of Houndour's digits much to the younger pokemorph's delight as they sucked on his clawed toes.

"Oh yeahhhhh... Suck on them guys...~" Kage said as he put both hands behind his head, and started to relax and slowly get hard from the foot worship he got.

Scourge and Bruno licked each area of Kage's feet, licking the soles, between the toes, the heels, they not only massaged the feet but also made it wet with they're spit, and sure enough, their cocks were soon throbbing once more, ready for round two.

"Fuck... Kage I wanna fuck you this time" Scourge said as he started masterbuating while licking Kage's paws.

"Heh... Couldn't get your hands off me while seeing me in action huh? Alright then, let's see if you can last, my ass is the best from what I gathered from everyone I laid with~" Kage said as he pulled his feet away and laid upside down on the bed, with his head on the bed and ass raised in the air, holding his own feet down for Scourge to fuck while standing up.

Scourge licked his canine teeth as he got into position, standing above Kage's ass and pointing his cock downwards toward his brother's ass, before jackhammering into his still tight hole.

Kage was satisfied enough to have fucked his brother, he had to admit that Scourge was still the biggest guy he's ever seen, as many guys as he fucked, he had always been curious how Scourge's cock felt whenever they would bathe together in the bathroom when they were running late.

"Ngh... How can you still be this tight... You sleep around for a hobby...!" Scourge exclaimed, his brother was as tight as a virgin as the short tail wagged as he fucked him, feeling it tickle his butt over and over.

"Not my f-fault.... Hah... That you don't know how tight I am~" Kage breathed heavily as he put his hands and elbows on the bed, feeling his ass get stretched by the thick cock, wondering just how wide he can endure with how thick the knot would be.

"Well with... Gah! H-How many others... Nguwoh... You slut yourself over... You'd think that you've loosened up a lot...!" Scourge said as he shut his eyes and gritted his teeth, his balls slapping against Kage's asscheeks as he thrusted.

As Scourge slammed himself into Kage, he felt two fingers on his muzzle lift his head up and he looked to see Bruno with his cock pointing towards the end of his muzzle, the cock twitching needily as the musk invaded his nose.

"You're not forgetting about me are you?" Bruno asked as he smirked down at Scourge, it was his turn to be dominant now and pressed the cock tip on Scourge's nose.

Scourge grinned before he licked the cock tip, teasing the head and suckling on it, making Bruno moan as he put both hands on Scourge's head, not expecting him to take the cock in his mouth so soon.

"F-Fuck man... You're really eager to gulp my cock down...!" Said Bruno as he gripped on Scourge's horns and trying to suppress the urge to just fuck his throat right there.

Kage locked his legs on Scourge's waist as he looked at Bruno's ass, grabbing the latter's asscheeks and bent his body upward and planted his face into Bruno's cheeks.

"U-Uwoh! W-What the hell!?" Bruno yelled, surprised by the unforeseen ass eating he got from Kage.

Kage spread his hole wide, looking at it twitch and tighten before plunging his tongue inside and eating him out, as he dug his tongue deep.

"K-Kuwahhhh... S-Slow down on the licking... I'm not going anywhere...!" Bruno said with his tongue hanging out of his mouth from the pleasure he received, thrusting more roughly against Scourge.

Scourge had stopped sucking as he looked at the now saliva coated, glistening cock and decided to set his sights on his balls this time, and proceeded to suck them.

Scourge could taste the musky sweat on his balls, probably from working a few hours earlier, and he loved the taste.

"You shouldn't take a bath after work, not... Ngh... Until I get a taste of your sweaty cock and balls at the very least" Scourge said, chuckling as he bit on the balls lightly, making Bruno cringe from the mixed pain and pleasure he felt.

"Hey watch those fangs!" Bruno complained, feeling Scourge bite on it again to tease him. Bruno made him stop by pulling his balls away from Scourge and decided to ram his cock deep inside his throat.

"Grk!?" Scourge choked on the cock, glaring at Bruno as he smirked back.

"Can't dish what you can't take?" Bruno asked him smugly.

Scourge sucked his cock really hard in return, making Bruno widen his eyes and moan loudly from the intense fellatio he was receiving.

"Play nice with each other guys~" Kage said playfully as he returned to eating Bruno's ass out again.

"Fuck... Scourge you son of a bitch... Gonna act like a bitch? Then I'll treat you like a bitch!" Bruno yelled, grabbing Scourge's throat and started to fuck him with full force and speed, slamming his cock down his throat deeper and faster, making his balls slap against Scourge's chin.

"Mph!" Scourge struggled to take the cock but Bruno forced it all inside and made sure Scourge wouldn't be able to pull away enough to get it out.

"Love that dominating energy you have there Bruno~" Kage commented as he slapped Bruno's ass playfully and went back to eating him out and being pounded by Scourge.

Scourge didn't stop sucking hard on Bruno's cock and fucking Kage, he was determined to keep going, refusing to be made a bitch as his pride didn't allow him to stop and be fully submissive, enduring the rough fucking he received from his and his brother's new lover.

"Fuck... Guzzle all of it Scourge cause I'm going to cum deep inside your throat!" Said Bruno as he thrusted faster than before, slamming hard into Scourge's mouth.

"Fuck... M-Me too... Don't hold back Scourge... Fill me full of your seed like a needy bitch!" Kage said, stopping his rimjob as the pleasure made it hard for him to concentrate as he gave a pleasured groan and silly smile as his climax closed in.

"Mph!" Was all Scourge could say as his cock was ready to blow his load directly into Kage, ready to give his seed to him while he steeled himself to receive the thick load from Bruno.

And with one more thrust for each of them, they moaned as the neighbors heard them scream at the same time, wondering what the hell they just heard as they all came at the same time.

"Uwahhhhh!!!" Bruno and Kage screamed (while Scourge gave a muffled groan) as they ejaculated against each other, small spurting sounds gushing out of their cocks as they released their loads.

Kage felt his ass widen even more as Scourge knotted him wide and came all over his own self, painting his chest and face with streaks of the white, fertile seed.

The knot inside Kage was stretching his ass wider than he ever had been as the knot sealed his ass and made sure the cum wouldn't escape from the hole, ensuring not a single drop was wasted, leaving Scourge's cock stuck inside Kage for a few minutes at least.

Scourge felt Bruno thrust inside his mouth fully, shooting thick ropes of cum inside his throat, and preventing Scourge from pulling away as he did so, making the houndoom swallow each and every last drop, hearing gulping sounds from Scourge as he released himself and giving a satisfied sigh a he achieved his climax.

As Bruno pulled out, Scourge slumped forward on top of Kage as he was still tied to him, followed by Bruno falling next to the both of them, exhausted from the workout they got, their chests heaving with air as they rested.

"Damn... So this is what sex is really like..." Bruno whispered as he closed his eyes, a satisfied and fulfilled look on his face could be seen on him.

"Hey that's just the pudding on the cake, there's more where that came from tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that" Kage said, breathing heavily from the weight of Scourge on top of him.

"Ngh... Speaking of which... Brace yourself Kage..." Scourge warned him, before slowly pulling his knot out with a wet popping sound coming out of it, making Kage yell as the knot was forcefully pulled out.

"Gah...! C-Couldn't even wait till you deflated..." Kage said with a bit of annoyance.

"Sorry well I'm not used to having sex or being stuck inside someone, and I'm not gonna wait that long just to be comfortable" Scourge said as the three of them relaxed on the bed.

Bruno looked at the two of them, as if not wanting to sleep yet.

"Hey, you two are seriously gonna sleep already?" Bruno asked them.

"Why? Don't you have work to do? Cause me and Scourge sure don't" Kage said as he started to get off the bed.

"The car can wait, it's been a long time since we've been at each other's place" Said Bruno as he started to get up as well and start to dress back up.

"... Are you saying you want to hang out with us again after a long time?" Scourge asked him, his tail wagging excitedly.

"Sure, I could use a break, and who better to have as stress relievers than you two" Bruno said as he smirked at the both of them.

"Oh you're on, let's boot up the game station, best three out of five gets to top!" Kage said as he speedily dressed himself and sprinted downstairs to go back home, followed by Bruno.

"Hey! Wait for me you stupid sexy fucks!" Scourge yelled at the two of them, grabbing what clothes he could get on and ran after the two of them, presumably to play games and have more sex.