The Demons Gamble Part 12

Story by Frozenpawpadz on SoFurry

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#12 of The Demons Gamble

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the eternal casino The Demons Gamble, Featuring the most glorious and fluffy host Terinas Tiger Who was kind enough to allow me to borrow his tiger for the role of Casino Boss! If you haven't checked out their works, please go do so! they are an amazing writer, and a huge inspiration to so many. Please consider following them here:

If you are new to this series, and absolutely love diapers and any fetish that can be forcibly paired with them, please check out part 1 over here:

The guys are finally putting ideas together for how they want to spend their futures in the casino, and Lee is reminded of a passion he used to have before joining the marines!

This chapter is a little more wholesome, while still employing plenty of diapers, and I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you enjoy it too!

So, there will be a change with how I'm uploading this story. I am going to try to keep to a regular schedule of uploading once a month, on the first of the month as long as I have a work shift on that day to let me have internet access.

With this schedule, I am hoping to create a backlog of chapters, so I can eventually get to the point where I can reliably upload twice a month. And maybe consider starting up a patreon.

So yeah, I hope you enjoy this chapter! As always, please let me know what you thought, what you liked, disliked, and would love to see! If you wanna read chapter 13, you can find it here!

Just like the day before I was the last one to wake up, with Callum guiding Ryan through doing some pushups while Lee and Jonas performed stretches of their own. I groggily pushed myself into a sitting position and wiped drool from my cheek, admittedly glad my current pillow was both absorbent and waterproof.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. You were dead to the world, what the hell did you do that tired you out so much yesterday?" Ryan asked as he pushed himself into sitting on his knees as he wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his arm.

"Good morning to you too man. Nice haul yesterday, proud of you. According to my achievements I earned, I came over twenty-five times yesterday, as well as had my throat completely blocked by a penis at least ten times to the point where I couldn't breathe at all. I also had my ass ravaged all the way up to the top of my small intestine for a steady six hours, and my penis fucked for about half of that time as well. Also, I can now live off of drinking liquid latex, thanks to swallowing at least three liters yesterday."

As I spoke, I watched everyone's expressions go slightly paler as what happened to me was bluntly put in the open. Even Lee who was fucked by nearly thirty horses grimaced at some of the actions that I had done. As I scooted over to the edge of the crib, I realized two things.

First, I wasn't holding my moose, and I didn't see it inside the crib as I looked around me. The second was that I had soiled myself, judging by the strong rubbery scent in the air and the mushy feeling in the seat of my diaper.

"Where-" I began, but Jonas lifted up the moose who was just on the other side of him, where I didn't immediately notice it.

"We kinda decided while you slept that he would be our group mascot. And you let it go while you were sleeping and had your face buried in its crotch so we figured you wouldn't want to wake up like that. If you didn't suffocate to death first." Jonas supplied, setting the moose on the floor where I could easily see it.

"Oh, thanks man, I was worried I popped it or something. Would be a shame to ruin a gift like that eh." I sighed with a smile before reaching over and grabbing one of my thicker twenty-point diapers after I looked down and saw I had pissed myself as well in my sleep.

"That potty monster did a number on my control." I mumbled as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with my right hand.

"Dude, your diaper is fucking black. I thought you were an impostor when I saw that after waking up!" Ryan spoke with a shudder. Lee just shook his head at the comment.

"Nah, but I think its going to smell strongly like rubber when I piss or crap for the next couple days though. Then I should be back to normal." I said as I unfolded the thick yellow diaper, and then my memory hit me as I paused and furrowed my brow slightly.

"What's wrong dude, need to shit again?" Callum asked with a teasing grin as he dropped down into doing his own pushups.

He paused when I didn't reply, as I was trying to remember the phrase I needed to think in order to clean my diaper thanks to the legendary achievement.

"I want my dirty diaper cleaned." I thought to myself, and immediately my crotch was hidden in a dense puff of flowery baby powder. As my diaper was hidden from view, my legs spread apart slightly as the diaper around my waist thickened, and in an instant the mush in my seat and chill in my crotch disappeared. It was a strange feeling, as if a shower had taken place and I was air dried in less than a second.

Once I was clean, the powder in the air dissipated, save for the liberal coating of powder inside my freshly cleaned and thickened ducky diaper. It was a nicer smell than the dense rubber of seconds before.

The guys looked at me jealously once the powder cleared, the whole process taking two seconds at most. "Steve, how do I get that?" Lee asked while waving a hand over to where two balled up diapers lay over by the entrance to the hallway.

"You just need twenty-five achievements. It lets you near instantly clean a diaper you're wearing once per day, and as a bonus the countdown resets once you change into a new diaper. Also, it automatically resets at midnight. The first achievement bonus doubles the absorbency of any diaper I use the bonus on. Though it seems to double the thickness too." I supplied, and the others began to look a little bit excited at the prospect.

"Why do you seem so happy?" I asked slowly, and it was Jonas that replied.

"We were busy yesterday, we all only need a few achievements to get that bonus, though it seems a little overpowered. It effectively cuts the amount of diaper changes you need in half."

"Well, a lot of dealers pay to change your diapers, so you might lose money on it. Also, not that overpowered. Twenty-five achievements? Do you remember what all you had to go through in order to get the ones you have? If you never met me, and I didn't light a fire under you, would you get that achievement in days or years?" I asked, before letting out a yawn as I stretched and stood up from the crib.

"Fair enough, I wouldn't have half the ones I have. Even some of the easy ones like making it to the second floor. I wouldn't even fuck any of the dealers for diapers, let alone what I did yesterday. You have a good point." Callum admitted, letting out a sigh as he decided to give up on his exercises.

"Coffee?" Ryan asked as he too stood up and let out a yawn.

"I'm game, though I'd like to come back to get my earnings from playing with the tentacle monster last night. I promised Terinas I wouldn't deposit it until he gave the okay."

"Why doesn't he want you to deposit it? How much did you earn?" Ryan asked with a confused expression.

"Well, I earned a hundred and nineteen thousand diapers." I said casually, though I grinned while I waited for Ryan to stop coughing after inhaling sharply in surprise.

"Terinas is setting up a wager for all of his staff to take part in. The wager is that one of the humans got a lucky win while gambling. Nobody knows who it is other than the tentacle creature. All of the dealers have to place a guess for what the first item bought with the winnings is. Whoever is closest wins a party for them and ten of their friends." I explained.

"You must have been the one to give him the idea." Lee stated as if it were an obvious fact. I gave him the thumbs up which earned me a grin.

"What kind of party? Going by the theme of the place I imagine cake, a piñata, balloons, streamers and a petting zoo?" Jonas guessed.

"Well, I suggested Terinas find a DJ, maybe some Karaoke, drinks and food." I said as we made our way towards the apartment door.

"Nice, I used to DJ before I joined the Army." Lee commented as he began to reach for the door handle, only to be stopped by a wave of pink baby powder that left him coughing and sneezing all at once.

"Good to know. If you were any good, I would like to give you an interview. It's one thing to know someone was a DJ in their life histories, another to know if they weren't terrible at it." A familiar purring voice appeared from in front of us as Terinas materialized in the infantile smoke.

Lee blinked in surprise but shrugged. "Sure, I'd be okay giving it a try, it's been a while though so the practice would be good. What kind of DJ were you looking for? Someone to drop bass while the attendees drop acid or someone to do requests, a playlist and karaoke?" He asked, only slightly fazed by the sudden appearance of the casino's overlord.

"Excellent question. With that you have already placed above the other four humans I have interviewed. One of which was so bad I was tempted to toss him into the diaper pail for his efforts. Maybe he could learn something about dropping bass from all the dropping diapers." Terinas commented, his last bit turning into a mumble under his breath.

He cleared his throat and returned his gaze towards Lee, for once not focused on me in the slightest. "If you are selected to be the DJ, the gig will be ten hours long, from Six pm tonight to Four AM. The type of DJing you will do is whatever style the winner prefers. You will be paid whatever is left from the staff's wagers after covering the cost of food, alcohol and diapers, plus whatever you earn in tips. Your diaper changes will also be supplied by the casino."

Lee nodded that he understood, his slight smile indicating that he was certainly interested, and Terinas continued, grinning himself. "You may do whatever you wish to earn extra tips as well. Charge a hundred diapers to let the party goers fuck your butt whenever they get horny, have a funnel and hose in your diaper to be the party urinal, do song requests. Anything goes! You may also elect to hire one of my staff for half of your wages to be in charge of changing and feeding you during your show, though you will likely have plenty of offers for diaper changes from those at the party."

Lee was blushing slightly but he still nodded in understanding. His ass was still sore from the day before, but he was determined to earn as many diapers as he could. "I'm game. When would you like me to inspect the equipment for the party and do a test run?" He asked.

Terinas flashed him an approving grin before snapping his fingers and we all began to cough or sneeze as a wall of baby powder exploded out in front of us for a brief moment. When our vision cleared, Terinas and Lee were gone.

"Well, I guess coffee for four today. Unless terinas can drop Lee off in the same instance as us when he's done?" I mused out loud, hoping that Terinas would be kind enough to at least do that.

We left the apartment, me being the last so the rest of them didn't just magically appear in random locations in the lobby. We gathered our senses for a brief moment before heading to the right, Callum in the front and Jonas In the back. "You know, when this wager with the bartender is done, remind me to pay you guys for keeping me alive when we wander around. I really appreciate it eh."

Callum snorted and shook his head, though his eyes never stopped scanning ahead of him. "You're giving us a place to stay where the only thing we have to worry about happening is that diaper fox wandering in and cumming all over the place as he eats our diapers. I haven't been able to sleep without setting trip wires, a watch rotation, or having a weapon in hand in years." Callum chuckled.

"Yeah man, no worries. Thanks to you, I actually feel rested. I couldn't remember what it was like to be fully rested until now. It's exhausting living life like a coiled spring, needing to be ready to move without thought. So don't you even think of paying us. And I could never repay you for what you did on the stage that second day. By now I would probably be assaulting people out of madness for being dehydrated and hungry." Jonas added sincerely.

We rounded the corner, and we were caught off guard by the sight of the changes to the second floor. All of the couches, plants and tables had been moved from the center of the room, and pushed closer together near the outsides of the room. In the center of the room was a ring of glass walls from floor to ceiling, that were so clean they almost seemed to not exist.

Inside the circular glass walls was a small stage, with a professional DJ table and speaker setup. I've never DJ'ed before so I couldn't tell you any of the actual names for the equipment. But there were speakers hanging from the ceiling all around the glass arena, as well as numerous expensive lights, fog machines, and even confetti guns. To the right of the stage was a large changing table, with diapers completely loading numerous shelves along the outside wall nearby.

The diapers ranged from smaller than my hand, yet as thick as the one I wore, to diapers large enough for the boar chef, and even diapers that were larger than my crib mattress, and much thicker.

A single armchair sat before the stage, facing towards the expensive setup, with six large tables behind it with portable steam tables lining many of them and beer kegs sat beneath radiating a chill mist.

Lee was standing in front of the DJ table, pulling on a massive pair of headphones, and inspecting all of his equipment and computer software. Terinas however was reclining in the armchair, his expression patient as he watched Lee perform his equipment checks.

Standing beside the armchair was a familiar figure I hadn't seen in a while. The minotaur doorman was standing next to Terinas. He was mostly naked instead of wearing his professional suit and tie.

His arms were restrained tightly behind his back in a set of leather binders that were secured to a stainless-steel ankle spreader bar between his legs. A chain attached to a hook buried in the floor kept him in place as it was secured to each of his ankles.

A leather blindfold hood covered the majority of his face, only his muzzle and horns poked through reinforced holes placed as if the hood was made with him in mind. A set of thick and large ear muffs covered where his ears would be, giving him almost complete sensory deprivation.

In his mouth was a large ring gag that was filled in with what appeared to be crystal clear glass. Looking at his mouth head on revealing that it was a perfectly clear dildo gag that extended down the minotaurs throat, pressing his tonsils to the roof of his throat.

The dildo gag was held firmly in his mouth by the straps that attached directly to his leather hood, and other than a bit of drool dripping off of his chin, it seemed a perfect fit.

The minotaur also wore a diaper of course, the number "300" above the back waistband, and it was a simple design of centimeter thick stripes going lengthwise over the diaper in repeating light blue and dark blue pattern. Well, between the thighs and over the entire crotch it was repeating dark green and yellow-green stripes because he had soaked himself thoroughly.

His sizeable cock and balls were pulled out of his diaper, hanging over his waistband as it was still securely fastened over his hips, and attached to his cock was a shiny metal flesh-light device that was steadily pumping back and forth along his shiny and slick length.

Terinas held a martini glass in gentle fingers, filled with a thick creamy fluid, which he raised to his lips and took a gentle sip, followed by a lick of his lips. His eyes flashed to me as his lips quirked in an amused grin, before he raised the glass to just under tip of the minotaur's throbbing cock. After doing this, the electronic flesh-light picked up pace pumping up and down the shaft.

It took only a few moments of the minotaur squirming in place before his cock erupted, and thick ropes of seed splattered into the martini glass to swirl gently into the bottom. As if by magic, even the most straying droplets of seed seemed to be pulled from the air into the glass, until once more the tiger was lowering his refilled drink to his arm rest.

After the show, the minotaur slumped slightly, as the flesh-light slowed it's pumping to almost a crawl. His stamina was impressive as all hell, because despite his legs quivering, and his nose ring swaying from how heavily he was breathing, he remained standing.

After Terinas gave us a toothy grin, he directed us with a not to give our attention to our friend up on the stage.

Pulling our attention away, we watched in silence, Callum and Jonas glancing around us once in a while for security purposes, until we saw Lee finally begin his craft. Lee's head began to bob to some tune we couldn't hear in the least, his hand flicking out to tease dials as if trying to catch falling flower petals on his fingertips.

Terinas's head was bobbing slightly and his eyes were closed as Lee worked his magic. Despite not being able to hear anything or feel the bass, we could tell when Lee dropped hard as his whole body crouched down slightly and began to bounce with the tune instead of just bobbing his head.

His eyes were closed as he focused on the sound, seemingly already familiar with the equipment he was using. His entire attention was focused on the equipment before him, and a smile crept onto his face as he worked.

He didn't see the wide, predatory smile on the tiger's face and the flashing brown eyes that almost seemed to claim ownership of the entertaining human. I think Lee was hired.

"Good morning guys!" Came a familiar voice as we left Lee to Terinas's ministrations. We had nearly made it to the stairs when the familiar exciteable fox bounded up to us, completely ignoring the other dozen naked people who had made their way to the second floor.

"Hey there, good morning to you too!" I said with a grin as he approached us. Callum relaxed slightly after he saw who it was. I hadn't even noticed him tensing up as we were called, he was likely still too used to being in constant danger.

The fox approached with his arms spread wide and his teeth flashing a bright grin, and I was the first to wrap my arms around him in a big hug. For once he didn't leave any cum on my chest which was a nice surprise.

One by one, the guys all gave him a hug of their own, even Jonas finished up with a fist bump, chuckling at the horrified expressions of the humans all watching us interact with the "monster".

"No Lee with you?" He asked curiously, raising one of his blue tape eyebrows with questioning interest. Jonas shook his head in the negative.

"Nah, Terinas was asking around if anyone knew how to DJ, and Lee had some experience. So I think he's getting an interview right now. He's over in that weird glass room thing. Is Terinas having a party?" He asked. The clever bastard decided we should keep our prior knowledge of events secret for now.

"Oh! I hope he gets the position! There is a big wager for all of the staff that Terinas surprised us with! It turns out some human won over a hundred thousand diapers!" He replied, his eyes opening wide and seeming to shine extra brightly in the light of the floor, emphasizing his excitement.

"Oh damn already? Haha I was sure I'd be the first one to get to ten thousand, but someone already beat me to a hundred? Congrats to them, but I'll kick their ass and beat them to a million then!" Ryan joked as the rest of us showed surprise of our own. Callum whistled, Jonas shook his head while grinning, and I raised my eyebrows.

"I know right? I was rooting for you guys! Anyways, we all pitched in a thousand diapers to guess what the human will buy first with their winnings! All proceeds go to a party for the winner and ten of their friends!" He exclaimed, clasping his hands together as if praying he would win, his eyes full of excitement.

The people around us were muttering amongst themselves, likely asking each other who they think won all those diapers.

"We all promised to not ask which human was so lucky, and we promised to not tell anyone what our guesses would be. But we have until three pm to tell Lord Terinas our guess. I don't know you humans very well, and nobody else wants to talk to me, but what would you buy if you won that many diapers?" He asked, looking to us hopefully. Looking for any edge in which to make his own guess.

"Well, I can't speak for the winner, but if I won, I'd buy a really comfortable bed. I'd buy the bed first, and then use the last little bit I had to rent a room to put it in." Ryan commented with complete certainty, a wistful smile on his face as he thought about his old mattress he had back in life.

Judging from the reactions of some of those around us, a few others agreed with him.

"Oh yes, I've heard a lot of complaints about the couches up here not being comfortable enough, I just thought you humans were picky! That's a great idea, thank you!" The fox bounced up and down slightly, seemingly excited.

I guess being a living diaper, the idea of comfort is subjective.

"I'd buy some pants. A diaper is better than being naked, but it's way too embarrassing." Callum spoke bluntly as if it was an obvious choice. Again, he got nods of agreement from the people no longer pretending to not be listening.

"You humans and your humility. That is a good point though! There are still a few of you that refuse to wear diapers in public. What babies." The fox commented with a teasing grin as he pointed blatantly to a few people in the slowly increasing crowd of thirteen.

Jonas snorted as he raised his hand for another fist bump with the fox. "If I earned that kind of money, I'd probably buy something so I no longer have to go to the bathroom. I heard there was something like that. Crapping my pants is just too nasty for me man."

The fox seemed to deflate slightly at Jonas's response, and seeing the agreement in the crowd around us. Some of them never even knowing something like that was even an option. "You know I'll happily change your diaper at any time right? But I understand I guess. You humans don't love diapers as much as me." He said, his voice growing softer as he began to hunch slightly and splay his ears. The shine in his eyes gone.

Jonas feeling bad stepped over to the fox and wrapped his arms around him and began to rub his back. "There, there. It's not that I dislike you, I just have a lifetime of using a toilet that I have to get over. As far as diapers go, you are the best of them all, and maybe if I'm comfortable enough with it, someday you might be my diaper of choice for all my bathroom needs." He said in a low voice that wouldn't spread to the crowd.

Almost immediately the fox straightened and his grin returned before he scooped Jonas up in a big hug, lifting him from the ground much to my amusement. "If that happens, I look forward to that day. Gosh you guys are just the sweetest!" He giggled cheerfully as he set the laughing Jonas down on the ground once more.

"For me, well the thing is the first thing the person buys right? Not the most expensive?" I asked for clarification though I already knew the answer. Ryan picked up on my train of thought immediately as the fox nodded with a curious expression.

"Then the first thing I would buy is steak and booze to celebrate. I would be getting drunk out of my mind, that's for sure! I'll buy the big stuff with the leftovers." I said with a chuckle. The fox's eyes widened in realization as almost in unity my friends said "I want to change my answer."

We all burst into laughter, and honestly it was really nice to wind down with the relaxed conversation. Even Callum seemed completely at ease despite the small crowd around us.

"We were going to go get coffee and breakfast, would you like to join us?" I asked curiously, getting nods of agreement from my friends. The fox shook his head however and gave us an apologetic smile.

"Can't leave the second floor, but you are too kind to offer. I'll see you guys when you come back up here later though!" He explained with a sad smile.

I nodded softly however. "Fair enough, I'll see about getting a thermos of some sort, and I'll bring you some coffee any time you want. Or I guess any kind of drink or food you want. I'm sure takeout is an option!" I grinned at the fox, who's eyes seemed to shine brightly once more.

"Well, if it's not too much trouble, I would love to try some coffee! No need to worry about a thermos though, just pour it into a diaper for me!" He said with a chuckle, and I shook my head with a grin.

"Fair enough, one diaper coffee coming up. Do you need cream or sugar in yours?" Ryan replied for me, slinging his arm over my shoulder while flashing the fox a thumbs up.

"I have no idea to be honest, I've never drank anything other than pee before. Well, cum too. Why don't you surprise me?" He asked while giving a shrug of the shoulders. I saw a few of the crowd grimace before turning away to go back to watching the DJ interview beyond the glass walls.

"Okay, one black, one with cream, and one with cream and sugar. What ever is your favorite We'll pick you up one or two every morning from now on. Maybe branch into juice and tea as well! You've been missing out in one of the two best parts of mornings, and we need to fix that pronto." I said with as much seriousness as I could.

"What is the next best part of mornings?" The fox asked, his large puffy tail swishing noisily behind him, emphasizing his happiness from interacting with us.

"Bacon." I replied simply, and the others all nodded in agreement with me, their own faces deadly serious.

"But I'm a vegan!" Someone from the crowd called out.

"Shut the fuck up, nobody cares, and the only pigs here probably cum hard in their diapers at the chance to become bacon. So do them a favor and start eating it!" Callum retorted, getting a few chuckles from our small group.

"I'm just kidding, good on you for sticking to your morals. But seriously though, where we are no actual animals are killed or raised in horrible conditions for food. The food here is all made of cosmic radiation forced into specific patterns us humans couldn't possibly comprehend. So, go enjoy some crispy and salty cosmic goodness." He added afterwards, flashing the speaker a grin.

"Uh, you are really serious about it. But I've never tried bacon either. I don't really have teeth for chewing, and unless it comes in a diaper, again I haven't tried it." The fox commented almost apologetically.

"No problem at all, you kind of swallow and slowly digest stuff right? Do you only taste it if it's in your mouth?" I asked, a little hesitantly. Afterall, I was inside him and the thought of him tasting me never occurred to me before.

"Actually, I can taste everything inside me at all times until it's completely digested. Though unlike you humans, there is no such thing as a bad taste for me. There is simply tasteless, good tasting, and delicious. So, I am curious what category bacon would fall in!" He said, his tail fully wagging behind him from how excited he was to try new things.

"That's... good to know actually. I'll see about getting you some bacon too. I don't know how often I'll be able to get you food, but I'll try when I can." I promised, and received a sudden big hug for my words.

"No problem, you guys have been wonderful giving me your diapers as it is. You don't have to go out of your way for me, but if I am allowed, I'll pay you for your efforts!" He promised before letting me back down on the ground, this time I had a cool smear of fox cum on my lower belly. Everything was right in the world.

"Don't you go feeling obligated or anything. To quote one of my storybook heroes, friends don't count favors. I chuckled and gave him a pat on the arm, my hand sinking slightly into the soft plastic.

I saw Callum, Jonas and Ryan flinch slightly as a wave of powder filled the air in front of us, and Terinas stepped out of the infantile mist with a solemn look on his face. Since we were in public, I dropped down to a knee while facing him and bowed my head without saying a word. Hearing the crinkling of my friends, I saw from the corner of my eye as they did the same.

"Daddy!" The fox giggled happily, his tail swishing noisily behind him, completely out of place from the scene we were trying to show off to the rest of humanity behind us.

While the room was deathly silent save for the rustling plastic, a familiar pink screen appeared in front of my eyes as I stared at the floor before me.

Achievement Update: Friendly Beginnings

You have interesting taste in friends, and you love stopping me from building up power reserves as well it seems. Nice job with the kneeling, with how fast you did it, the rest of the humans scrambled to do the same. Maybe for once I will actually have respect in my domain. Now read this fast so I can give those damn legendary achievements to your friends. You already received your update so just play along. Also, don't tell the other humans about this achievement, my staff have a hard enough time as it is. Your friends will receive the same notice.

_ This personalized achievement is earned by having a member of the staff view you as a personal friend. Any humans that earn this achievement after you will earn a legendary achievement instead of a personalized one._

Reward: For every staff member that views you as a personal friend, your natural luck is improved by 1%. For every staff member that thinks of you as a very good friend, your natural luck is increased by 2%. For every staff member that thinks of you as family in everything except blood, your natural luck is increased by 5%

Personalized achievement reward: The number of diapers earned while interacting with staff for the purpose of earning diapers is increased by the same percentage as your bonus. This number will be rounded down to the nearest diaper. Diapers earned in this way are automatically deposited into your account.

First Achievement Bonus: All rewards are doubled.

Previous Bonus Luck: 2%

Previous Bonus Diapers: 4%

_Current Bonus Luck: 4%

Current Bonus Diapers: 8%_

_ _

Terinas purred softly, though the sound seemed to echo throughout the area where all could easily hear it, and despite how relaxed I was around the guy, it sent a chill down my spine. "Steve, Ryan, Callum and Jonas. Please rise." Terinas spoke, his voice calm, yet carried complete authority.

Even I hesitated briefly before lifting my head and rising to my feet to look the lord of the domain in the eyes. His eyes locked on mine briefly before locking eyes with my friends each in turn. Just for posterity, I forced a confused expression on my face to match that of my friends.

"All four of you have performed deeds that have positively affected myself, my casino, and my staff. For benefiting my domain without any ulterior motives or desire for reward, I have elected to grant you four a legendary rarity achievement. Due to the rarity of your achievements I, Terinas, have come to bestow your gifts in person." Terinas spoke, his voice calm and ceremonial.

Though I had a feeling there were no specific words he had to use. I guess that Legendary achievements are rare, and deserve a more personal touch. Normally folks wouldn't be gathering achievements as fast as me.

Seeing my friends' eyes widen and begin to read text, I followed suit. I began to move my eyes left and right as if I was reading my previous achievement, and I even dropped my jaw slightly for effect.

When my friends finished reading after a few moments, I returned to looking at Terinas who smiled while showing us a little bit of pearly white teeth.

"Thank you for your efforts humans, I hope you continue to provide me with such delicious entertainment. The rest of you humans, I'll give you a little tip. In my casino, debauchery is power. Those who are unwilling to get freaky and dirty will struggle to even survive here, while those willing to set their pride to the side will thrive. Try to get creative." He explained, ending his speech with an amused cackle before disappearing into a puff of pink powder.

We all stood in silence for a moment before one of the other people around us spoke out.

"Hey, what achievement did you get, and how did you get it?" A chubby guy that looked like he belonged in a biker gang, with his shaved head and busy beard. He had the body of a guy that worked out in the gym, but refused to do cardio, and beer was a steady part of his diet.

Before the other guys could respond I shook my head in the negative and tried to look apologetic. I put on my best Canadian accent to help make it seem like I was sincere. "Sorry bud, but it says that I can't tell you what it is or how to get it. If I do, I lose it for good. Sorry about that eh?"

The others voiced their agreements, all sounding apologetic.

The man seemed like he was ready to fight or yell at us, judging by the vein starting to stick out in his forehead. But, he took in a slow breath and nodded softly. "Fair enough." Was all he said before turning and leaving, a few others following along behind him.

In the distance through the glass wall I saw Terinas standing in front of Lee, grinning in amusement, while Lee was looking at me with his arms spread, mouthing the words "What the fuck?"

I pointed this out to the guys and they all chuckled softly, when suddenly I was scooped up from behind by the fox and pulled into a big hug. "You called me your friend." He whispered softly into my ear, just loud enough for the guys to hear.

They grinned up at him and gave him a nod, even Ryan said "Of course man."

I chuckled in his grasp as I felt a big plastic mouth push onto the back of my head and give me a kiss. I guess we already fucked, so a kiss wasn't too absurd. This however got the guys to grin at me teasingly once more.

"Let's go get some coffee, though I do have to stop by the bank to get some diapers first. What kind of diapers would you like your coffee in? Is ten-point okay or would you prefer twenty?" I asked with a chuckle.

I was set down gently on the ground once more by the fox, whose cock was once again poking out at full mast as he hesitated. "Well, single point diapers would be okay, no need to waste points on me." He said, his voice a little bit bashful.

"Well, twenty-point diapers it is then. If you're going to use a diaper as a coffee mug, you should use a good one, it might even bring out the flavor of the beans more!" I chuckled and the guys nodded. We silently decided that we would treat him just like one of us, and none of us were wearing cheap diapers, so we wouldn't make him eat cheap diapers either.

"I'll buy the drinks then if you're buying the diapers." Jonas commented, getting a nod from Callum.

"I'll buy the food. I didn't earn as many diapers as you guys yesterday, but I did do pretty well." Callum supplied.

Ryan shrugged. "Well, I'll bring diaper changes for us then, if Steve is supplying the coffee diapers." He chuckled.

"Maybe we should invest in thermoses or a coffee maker someday so all six of us can have coffee together in Steve's apartment in the mornings. Then we can go have breakfast with the bartender after." Jonas added, and it was a pretty good point. Perhaps I'll have to make a coffee maker one of my big purchases later.

"We'll be back soon, maybe an hour, hour and a half ish?" Callum said, stepping in to give the fox a hug, followed by the rest of us.

The fox's expression seemed conflicted, which was fair. Humans are generally racist, mean, self-serving, and cruel. At least all the humans Terinas had ever watched over in the past, and future. The same sentiment he had passed onto his staff, and almost all expressed how much of a surprise I was to them.

I gave the fox one last pat on the forearm before stepping into my position in the formation beside Ryan as the guys began to make their way downstairs.

In a few minutes we were downstairs and standing outside the bank instance, everyone stepping inside to grab diapers from their accounts. I was actually curious how much they each had.

Letting out a breath, I stepped into the circle and the world shimmered in a myriad of colors.

"Ahh! Hello Steve, I figured you would be next since all your friends arrived. Good morning to you!" The wolf called out as I neared the counter, a bright smile on his face.

"Good morning to you too, how have things been? Nobody caused you any trouble I hope?" I replied with a smile of my own. He responded with a predatory grin and a slight nod.

"A few humans thought insulting the only banker in this casino was a good idea. Didn't like my prices. So I hope they enjoy sleeping on the ground for the next few days and having nowhere to keep their diapers safe before I let them back in. Now, I'm sure you didn't come here to chat, what can I do for you?" He asked with a friendly smile, and judging by the rustle of cloth I could tell his tail was wagging slightly behind him.

"Oh, I'm happy to chat, and I do want to make a point of it in the future. But preparing for the competition you know? Though I do really want to thank you. Sending me to the places you did to deliver those letters was a huge advantage I didn't even know you gave me." I responded, genuinely thankful.

The wolf raised a questioning eyebrow, as if to ask "How so?"

"Well, first off, sending me to the dealers I already met was kind of you. But the tentacle monster helped me figure out how to put on different outfits, and also helped with my gag reflex tremendously. Not to mention the fourth challenge, drinking the rubber bottle will be easy. Though I do really hope there is nothing involving shoving things in my penis in the challenge." I said, mumbling the last part before shuddering slightly.

"Your deer friend and his horses will be a huge help for challenge two and three, and after I pay him a visit today I'll likely be a pro at challenge one to boot. And also, likely make drinking the cum bottle in challenge four a lot easier as well. Your librarian friend seems eager to help me get used to drinking piss as well, though I'm not really looking forward to that." I thought for a moment before shrugging.

"I don't know anything about challenge five yet, but I'm sure you helped me there as well in no small way. So yeah, thank you very much for your help, both me and my friends really appreciate it." I added with a bow of the head and flashed him a bright smile.

He was shocked silent for a moment before he ran a hand idly through the fur on top of his head. "Wow, I don't know what to say. You have only been here for three days, and you already have all of that information? I think I know who to bet on in the upcoming challenge." He commented with genuine surprise.

"Yeah, I figured that the sooner I had all of the information I could get, the sooner I could practice and then relax. Anyways, I'll stop rambling. Is there a chance I could withdraw..." I began, before pausing and grabbing the pendant around my neck and looking at the number of diapers I had in my account.


** ** I blinked stupidly for a moment as the wolf chuckled. That wasn't even including the number of diapers I had laying in my room, which I honestly couldn't even remember. "Uh, can I withdraw a hundred diapers in twenty-point diapers? I'm treating the maintenance staff on the second floor to coffee for the first time and he's not sure if he likes cream or sugar in it." I said with a chuckle, getting an amused laugh from the wolf.

"I'm sure he will greatly appreciate that. I've never actually considered giving them anything other than dirty diapers. Though they always seemed to be happy with that alone. Anyways, here you go." He said, waving his hand over the counter, and a stack of five of the yellow ducky diapers appeared in a puff of powder.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" He asked with a cheerful smile.

"Actually, I was just curious about the prices of three things if it's not too much trouble. How much would a decent coffee maker be, the price of a regular bedframe with a decent mattress, and how much for a crib like the one I was gifted?" I asked curiously.

The wolf smiled and flashed a knowing grin. "Just checking to see if baby and sissy items are cheaper than normal adult items? You are correct in your guess. First, the average coffee maker that doesn't make coffee taste metallic, and also holds twelve cups instead of single serving is six thousand diapers on average. The average price of a decent quality mattress and frame with storage space underneath and a headboard is seventy thousand diapers. And the two-person crib you received, complete with the waterproof mattress to protect from leaks averages around twenty thousand diapers."

I let out a low whistle. That was a hell of a gift, even if the dealers were able to make that kind of coin easily and had a hundred years o save it up. I had to go out of my way to go thank the cow once more.

"Thank you, I appreciate the help. When I come back this way would you like a coffee as well?" I offered, picking my diapers off of the counter. The wolf smiled appreciatively but shook his head.

"I appreciate the offer, but my main body is enjoying a large mug of tea as we speak. I hope you enjoy your coffee, and I look forward to seeing you again." He said, the edges of his eyes crinkling from his smile.

Without anything else, I left the instance, and all of the guys were waiting for me. "Sorry for the wait guys." I apologized, but they simply chuckled.

"Dude it's all good. We all know that you are going to take more time than us. For an introvert, you are the most social person I had ever met. And well, most of us had pleasantries beaten out of us in training." Jonas said with a grin as we continued onwards towards breakfast.

A few minutes later, we were all sat in front of the friendly gorilla inside his instance, Jonas was sixty diapers shorter than when he entered, because we decided to get a good quality dark roast coffee instead of the cheap dark coffee that was good for caffein only.

"So yeah, I just found out this morning that the maintenance staff on the second floor had never had coffee before, so I promised to bring him some." I explained to the gorilla who chuckled and nodded.

"Hence why you said Takeout Diapers. I understand the three to see whether they prefer cream and sugar or not, but what's with the fifth diaper?" He asked, an eyebrow raised questioningly as he took a sip of his own coffee.

"We also found out he had never had bacon, and we will never let one of our friends go with never trying bacon. Our Canadian friend here would never respect us if we didn't make it happen. Never make a Canadian angry." Callum explained before I could, punctuating his final statement with an exaggerated shudder.

The gorilla laughed as I nearly sprayed my own coffee over his counter, and Ryan snorted as well. "Fair point. So one side of bacon when you're ready to go. You guys getting any other food?" He asked.

"A breakfast for the four of us, whatever you think is good. Fifty diapers a meal?" Callum asked, pushing his stack of two hundred diapers forward on the counter. Before the gorilla grabbed them however, a massive puff of pink powder filled the entrance to the bartender's enema dungeon.

Lee appeared, sneezing loudly as the powder dissipated with Terinas's hand grasping his shoulder. Terinas flashed us a grin before disappearing without a word, leaving Lee behind.

"Actually, five breakfasts, and an extra mug for Lee please?" Callum reiterated, grabbing another of his fifty-point diapers on top of his stack before sliding it forward once more. The diapers disappeared in a puff of powder as Lee sat down on the last remaining stool.

"Hey Lee, did you get the gig?" I asked curiously as he sat down to my right. All of us turned our heads to the wall to our right away from the gorilla, Lee included. We watched the wall until five plates of steaming food were placed in front of us, the dimensional fridge closed once more.

"Thank you sir." Ryan said cheerfully as we looked down at the meal. A massive half-plate omelet with peppers, cheddar cheese, bacon and green onions mixed in, crispy fried hashbrowns tossed in garlic butter, and six thick slices of bacon adorned our plates.

"Steve, you look like you're going to cry." The gorilla said with a chuckle as I stared at the plate before me. I swallowed loudly before I chuckled.

"Other than the sandwich I bought for you on my first day, All I've eaten is breastmilk, fox cum, cow piss and latex tentacle monster eggs and goo. I just might cry, so let me savor this?" I replied with dry amusement in my voice, though against my will my voice did sound a little shaky at the end.

Not knowing I was joking, Lee placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring squeeze. I actually had to close my eyes or I might have dropped a tear or two.

"Well, in that case, take all the time you need." The gorilla said with an impressed chuckle. I looked up and grinned at him before bursting into laughter at the craziness of it all.

The others looked at me as if I was nuts, while the gorilla only gave me a respectful and understanding smile. I stopped laughing after just a few minutes, though I said with a grin. "And that was only on the third day, gimme a year and you won't recognize the place!" I spoke with exaggerated bravado.

The others chuckled before we all dug into the food and ate in silence. Savoring each bite, we only paused to take a drink of our coffees.

Twenty minutes later our plates were cleared, and we were sitting back satisfied. Lee finally broke the amicable silence with a grin. "I got the gig. I'll be DJing for that staff party thing tonight. Still, someone got over a hundred thousand diapers already, that's just nuts." He commented with a shake of his head.

We all nodded and voiced our agreements.

"Guys, I want to admit, I missed running a table more than I thought. I remembered when I was a teen, I dreamed of being as famous as Deadmau5 and Skrillex, and I certainly put in hundreds of hours into learning. I want to save up for equipment even though it will be crazy expensive." Lee commented, his expression almost ashamed.

Before we could comment, he continued. "I haven't put a lot of thought into it, but I'd like to get my own room on the second floor. There has to be an upgrade for the console I can get that lets me charge entrance fees for people to come and enjoy a show, and let's me kick them out when the show is done right? Not that I want to abandon you guys, but I feel like I could make some good money doing it." He added, staring down into his coffee cup, both hands holding it gently like a lifeline.

"I actually think that's an awesome idea! We need to see if charging admittance fees is a possible upgrade of course. Though, when you get the equipment, why not DJ in my place? Thanks to my bonuses, my room is twice the size as normal, and there is more room for equipment, lights and crap. Then if you rent a room, we can just have that as the sleeping room. Just need to get the guest pass upgrade thing so we can come and go as needed. I'm sure it would be easy as pie to set it up that the entrance fees went into your bank account instead of mine?" I rambled, ending with giving the bartender a questioning glance while ignoring the shocked look on Lee's face.

The bartender shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. "I have no idea, I know you can get a guest pass upgrade for your room, as well as an upgrade that lets you charge an entrance fee. Though you would have to talk to the banker about the account related stuff."

"That sounds like the best way to do it, you can fit a lot more people in that way. Get a couple kegs of beer, a soda dispenser, a few different kinds of liquor and some disposable glasses and you could have a regular rave room." Callum commented, his index finger tapping the side of his coffee mug as he thought out loud.

"Plus there was Steves plan to let the staff come and go. I'm sure many would happily pay an entrance fee to have access to a rave and hang out with their friends in the evenings. You might even be able to get enough from the staff to not have to let other civvies in, because people are dicks and likely to destroy your stuff. Though you will probably want to build a diaper change room." He finished with a shrug.

Lee looked at me with a conflicted expression, and I simply shrugged before pointing over my shoulder at Callum with my thumb. "What he said. I think it's a great idea. Though it will take a long time for us to save up for the equipment, even if it's the cheapest available."

"What do you mean us?" he asked in a near-whisper, the gorilla reaching over to grab his mug from him before he broke it by squeezing too hard.

"Dude, we're a team. I'll help you buy equipment and advertise to the staff when ready. I was planning to help Ryan buy a shit ton of paint and canvases after the competition, should I win of course. I have no idea what Jonas and Callum want to do, but I'll help them achieve it too." I said with a shrug, as if what I said was an obvious choice.

"You really don't mind that I'd want to do this instead of going around the casino with you guys?" He asked, his voice picking up some of its intensity once more.

I shook my head and frowned. "Why would you think that? I think it's a genius investment man, and you will rake in the diapers like crazy. When you are ready to move to a higher floor, we can even expand operations. How large are the rooms on the second floor compared to the third floor?" I asked turning my attention to the bartender as I took a sip of my coffee.

"The second-floor rooms are twenty feet by twenty, while the room size doubles on every floor going up. So, forty squared on the third, eighty on the fourth and so on. Though the price to go up a floor increases by ten times. One hundred to go to the second floor, then a thousand for third, ten thousand for fourth. And it continues all the way to the twelfth floor at a trillion diapers where the rooms are over twenty thousand foot squared."

We all pondered over his words. A trillion diapers were way over what was required for us to earn our freedom, and what would you do with a room that was over six kilometers squared? That's larger than a town, and there were only a hundred humans in this casino.

I was pulled from my thoughts as Jonas spoke up, his own voice deep in thought. "Last night, I was thinking about opening up a thrift store. Where people can trade in their belongings that they no longer want or need for partial value in shop credit, or half value in diapers. Where they can buy used items for cheaper than the bank would sell. Also stock a bunch of collectibles like those swim diapers and trading cards that Ryan brought up with Terinas. The harder to get ones will probably sell for a great value. It's not as good of a money maker as being a DJ, but it should help people out, and still earn an income."

I nodded softly as he lost himself in thought with the idea, after receiving confirming nods from me, the others looking to my reaction as if I was the group leader.

"I just want to paint." Ryan said with a shrug. "Could probably sell my paintings in your thrift store when you get it set up? Let the staff come in and browse your goods? They seem like they could use some art. I've only seen one wall decoration that wasn't bondage or diapers since I got here."

Everyone turned to Callum, who shrugged, not having a definite answer. "For now, I'd like to keep the mail service going, even if it might become obsolete when you get the rave going. Maybe I'll go with Steve's personal bodyguard idea as well. Let folks hire me for a quarter of their winnings to accompany them to the bank and such."

Finally, everyone looked at me. The faction leader. The big kahuna. The shameless Canadian.

"I like all of those ideas. I'm just going to keep achievement hunting, getting into the crazy shit and getting intimate with all of the dealers. I'll help you guys push your goals into reality, because I want to see them happen. Would you guys be cool with helping me earn information on the challenges every month to help me get as much of a head start as possible?" I asked hopefully.

Callum shook his head and grinned. "You're crazy man. I'll help you any time you want or need it. No questions asked. But, you really don't have any goals you want to achieve? No skills to learn, nothing you want to create?"

I shrugged again. "I just want to make friends. All of the staff here in the casino are amazing with fantastic personalities, likes and dislikes, dreams and goals. I want to meet them all, and learn about them, and maybe help them achieve their dreams someday too. This world may be stranger than hell, but I want to make it my ideal heaven, with friends everywhere."

I let out a sheepish sigh before continuing. "Sorry for rambling but someday I'll learn a skill or two. Like carpentry for example. My room on the second floor is huge now. With carpentry, I could build on bedrooms, or a second floor, or on the higher floors I could even build whole houses while Ryan paints the walls and ceilings like a forest clearing on a sunny day."

"See, that's what I'm talking about. Why don't you focus on carpentry?" Callum asked with genuine curiosity.

"Gotta earn the diapers first, I can't imagine lumber being cheap here. Plus, I don't want sawdust in my crib, it might hurt my moose." I said with a chuckle.

"You know you can rent multiple rooms, right?" The gorilla asked as he poured fresh coffee into all of our slightly cold mugs, pushing Lee's back to him after topping it up.

We all stared at him questioningly before he snorted and explained. "You just pay for them at the bank and give each room a designation. When you touch a door in the hallway, you will be given an option to choose the room you go to. The console upgrades however need to be bought for each room. Have a dozen rooms, need to buy a dozen guest access upgrades and entrance fee upgrades. Your guests will only see the rooms they have guest permissions in. Go ask the banker and he can set it up for you."

We sat in silence before all grabbing our mugs and taking a drink. We set down out mugs at the same time, with a loud tap on the bar counter. "Well fuck, that saves a lot of trouble on figuring out what to do room wise for the Rave arena, thrift store, art gallery, workshop, and my bondage dungeon. Just need to wait until we can afford everything we need to really get started."

"Bondage dungeon?" Lee asked before slapping his hand to his forehead, coming to the conclusion that he shouldn't have asked.

"Yeah, If the staff are willing to pay good money to drink and be merry at a rave, how much do you think they would be willing to pay to fuck each other in a bondage dungeon?" I asked, flashing him the proudest grin, while for once I made the gorilla begin choking on his coffee.

"Dude's got a point." Callum said with a sage-like nod of his head.

"Yeah, I can see paying a fair amount to be able to have sex with my friends again. You are going to need a lot of diaper pails, and cleaning supplies. Unlike our instances, the mess won't just disappear when you leave." The gorilla suggested after he regained his breath.

"If I can get an upgrade that allows me to set guest access, charge an entrance fee, and who knows how many other options, I'm sure there is an option to set a save point or a reset function that will let me reset the state of the room to what it was when I saved it. Everything becoming spotless again, diaper pails emptying, diapers restocking and even the beds being remade. I could probably even adjust settings to leave the diaper pails alone so I can give the maintenance staff a good meal every day." I said with a shrug. It was still extremely early to think too hard on it.

"If it isn't an option, I could probably sell myself to Terinas for sexual slavery for three months to make it a thing, while earning diapers in the process." I added with a chuckle.

To my surprise, Terinas didn't take that moment to suddenly appear like he usually did.

"Fair enough. I'm not an expert but it may be an option." The gorilla conceded.

"Anyways, onto business? Lee, do you have your notepad with you? I have details on the fourth challenge for you guys. All that's left is the fifth." I asked.

Lee grimaced and stood up from his chair. But before he could go to leave, there was a puff of baby powder on the counter, his notebook appearing once it dissipated, his pen laying on top and a sticky note with the words "You're welcome." And a little heart scribed across it.

"Thank you Terinas, I appreciate it." Lee spoke while tilting his head to the ceiling and giving a short nod.

Without wasting more time, I told them all the details about the fourth challenge, my new achievements, and what the tentacle creature really enjoyed doing.

"Maybe there is something we can get to record our time in the instances, that we can burn onto DVD's and sell to the dealers. They might like some new porn to watch while waiting for people to gamble or entertain them. Could sell them in Jonas's shop." I suggested, giving the bartender a glance.

He shrugged in reply. "I always have stuff to do, and you humans need food often enough I'm rarely bored."

I chuckled and sat back, lifting my mug up and drinking my twelfth cup of coffee, my diaper heavily soaked by this point, and I was unashamedly pissing. Nobody commented on the fact my diaper was nearly pitch-black under the colorful yellow ducks.

"Well, I earned over two thousand diapers from the fox last night. I will not share any details of what happened, and you will never ask or I am leaving you guys and not looking back. I'll be buying everything I need after we leave here to put towards earning free coffee." Ryan explained after flashing all of us a stern glare.

The gorilla let out a low whistle with an impressed expression. "Well done Ryan! I should have added the stipulation that you can drink up to good quality coffee ha!" he said with a chuckle.

"I think this is as expensive as we are going to need to get. We are marines, fancy coffee will make us soft. Personally I earned under seven hundred diapers, enough for a sleeping mat at least. I was playing poker with a few others and managed to win a few hands." Callum retorted with a grin before adding his earnings.

"I earned twelve-hundred. I went to the same dealer as Lee, but I did a bondage thing where I ended up swallowing a lot of horse cum instead of taking a bunch of stallions up the ass. It's a good thing, because I had to practically carry Lee home." Jonas spoke, his cheeks red from embarrassment, unlike Ryan's whose were pale from the memories of what happened to him.

Finally Lee spoke, his cheeks red from embarrassment. He finally spoke. "Wearing that rubber horse outfit, I was strapped down onto a breeding bench thing. One by one, the dealer took off the horse's diapers, and piled them in front of my face. Starting with the horses with the smallest cocks. The horses all fucked me, and then he put their diapers on me so I could empty myself for the next one." He spoke softly, his eyes clenched tight.

I placed my hand on his shoulder in solidarity. We both survived some extreme trials, and it helped bond us together.

"After everything, I earned three thousand, one hundred and twelve diapers. All thanks to your suit Steve." He finally added after taking a moment to collect himself.

"Tonight, me and Lee are swapping horse duties. I'm wearing the horse suit, and he is helping carry me home." Jonas said in a matter-of-fact tone, despite his bright red cheeks and glowing ears.

"We talked upstairs while you were busy with the tentacle thing. We can go buy the basic supplies as soon as we leave here, and your wager will be complete. I really hope that we managed to win your bet with Terinas as well. I'm still mad you made that decision by the way." Callum explained.

"Steve, you have good friends here. You really lit a fire under their asses, and it paid off. I hope all of you are excited to sleep off of the ground under blankets you earned yourselves." The gorilla raised his coffee in salute to the guys, and we all clinked our coffee mugs together before taking a swig.

"I should mention, my guess about the girly and infantile items are cheaper than the less embarrassing options. A crib like mine with storage underneath is about twenty thousand diapers, while a regular bed, with a wooden frame, headboard and a decent mattress is closer to seventy thousand. It would probably be cheaper to get a waterproof mattress as well. So, you can expect girly sleeping bags to be cheaper than normal ones." I suggested helpfully.

"Good thing we didn't actually bet then. But damn, that's a huge markup." Ryan said with a shocked tone as he casually ripped the tapes off of his diaper at the bar counter, no longer ashamed of changing himself in front of us. He did blush slightly, but it would be our new normal.

Callum grabbed one of the offered changes supplied by Ryan as well, and the rest of us followed suit. I stood up and checked my own diaper, giving it experimental touches with my hands as the others stripped down out of their borderline leaking padding.

My achievement doubled the absorbency of a diaper that I had magically cleaned, and after all the time I spent with the tentacle creature, I considered myself a near expert on diaper capacity by this point.

"My diaper is still pretty firm, I'll change later. And I'm curious to see how much our fox friend will like a diaper soaked with rubber instead of the usual fare." I said with a chuckle as the guys all leaned against the counter, pulling the crotches of their new diapers up between their legs.

"Your choice man. I still think it's creepy how you piss darkness itself." Ryan joked, getting a snort of amusement from Jonas.

Jonas tilted his head to the bartender with a smile and asked what I was just about to. "I think we are going to get out of here soon. Any chance you could soak those diapers with coffee for us? One black, one with sugar, another with cream, and the fourth with cream and sugar? The last diaper can you just pile in some bacon for us?" He asked.

The gorilla grinned and nodded, grabbing the first diaper and unfolding it as he had done hundreds of thousands of times, and then slowly began to pour hot coffee in it, moving the pot back and forth over the absorbent part to soak it evenly until the full pot was empty.

I grabbed the swollen diaper and balled it up tightly just like I had seen the tentacle creature do with mine dozens of times, securing the tapes to the back of the hot and heavy ball. The others sat down once more as the gorilla made another pot, this time pouring a measured amount of sugar directly into the pot itself as the coffee brewed.

Four diapers later, we were headed towards the door, all of us collectively giving the bartender a tip of ninety-two diapers. He was shaking his head in disbelief when the world began to shimmer around us in a familiar way.

The guys all joined me in going up the stairs, both me and Ryan carrying the still hot diapers that radiated the smell of coffee. I was mad at myself for thinking the diapers smelled really good.

When we got upstairs, we received a few looks of disgust from the humans near the stairwell as they saw us casually carrying diapers that looked so well-used, they were nearly as black as the one around my waist. Admittedly, I nearly needed a change.

The fox in question was standing over at the public changing table, sitting on the rim of the large diaper pail and happily stuffing a visibly soiled one deep into his mouth as if it were candy.

As we approached, he finally noticed us and gave us an excited wave and visibly swallowed, the rest of the diaper disappearing down his throat and he licked his lips with his long blue tongue.

"Hey man, thanks for waiting. Here's your coffee!" I said, holding out my three balled up diapers while flashing him a grin as if what I just saw wasn't completely disturbing.

He hesitated in reaching for the diapers, flashing me a questioning look as I held my burden out to him. "Oh, how about you join us in Steve's room instead? You can take your time and savor them without too many prying eyes." Callum suggested instead. I looked towards him, and he was warily watching all of the people around us, clearly on edge.

Looking to Jonas and Lee, both of them seemed nervous as well. "Err actually yeah, how about you join us there? I need to change myself anyways." I offered instead.

"Uh okay, that sounds good. You guys really didn't have to do that for me." He acquiesced, his tone seeming shy, like a young girl in the movies unsure if she liked the boy asking her on a date.

We all returned to my room in a flash of colors, and the three marines let out an audible breath. "Fuck I hate crowds." Callum commented, getting nods of agreement from Jonas and Lee.

"I wonder how much it costs for third floor access?" Lee asked, his shoulders visibly relaxing as we strolled into the main area of my room.

"It's a thousand diapers for third floor access. I'm guessing rent is five thousand diapers per ten days if it's following the same growth pattern." I answered easily as I moved to sit on the floor against the wall.

My diaper squished wetly under me as I took the time to release another stream of piss into it. I placed my burden of diapers in front of me in order from left to right, and Ryan did the same, sitting beside me against the wall.

As I explained the different diapers to the fox, he watched with rapt attention, committing the different states to memory. "First we have black coffee. No cream or sugar inside it whatsoever." I offered, undoing the tapes on the diaper that kept it balled up, before lifting the diaper up for the fox who took it in gentle hands.

"It's hot?" He asked curiously as he lifted it up to his nose in both hands and took a deep intake of air. "It smells really good though!"

I smiled up at him as he examined the dark colored diaper, the yellow duck pattern and the yellow wings standing out against the dark plastic underneath. I couldn't help but watch his cock stir as he opened his mouth, his red plastic rocket rustling gently as it pushed its way out of his swollen sheath pointed directly above my head.

He turned the diaper upside down, so the swollen gel was hanging over the floor, and like he did with all of his diapers, he shoved it into his mouth crotch first. He made a soft sucking noise, followed by a delighted moan as his cock pushed out further. Within moments, his knot was extended past his sheath and a small pearl of pink rose from his tip.

He closed his eyes as he pushed the diaper further into his mouth with both hands, his cheeks beginning to swell from the massive quantity of liquid contained within his meal. We all watched with different expressions as the swollen diaper disappeared into the fox's mouth, assisted by his hands pushing it deeper and deeper into his maw.

By the time he could finally close his mouth small drops of his cum hit the floor, and he was looking down at the other diapers on the floor with both arousal and hunger.

"I guess the coffee was good?" I asked with a grin as I held up the diaper with just coffee and cream inside it, un-taping it for him then holding it up. He simply let out a moan while nodding, his swollen cheeks taking on a pink color.

"Glad to hear it. Would you like a diaper to wear, or would you prefer to stick your cock in my ass while you enjoy the rest of those? Because I don't really want to have to clean up a mess and my diaper needs a change anyways.

He held the pale brown diaper in his hands almost reverently, seeming to need to force himself to tear his gaze away from it in order to look at me and answer my question.

"I can clean up after while you guys are doing your own thing, you don't want to be shitting uncontrollably for the next twelve hours. However much I would appreciate all the diapers to eat again." He managed to say, as his cock spasmed slightly, a thick rope of seed hitting the wall between me and Ryan, narrowly missing the bacon diaper.

"Okay, that sounds good then. We can go get the supplies we need while you introduce our friend to the joys of coffee and bacon? Just step outside when you're done, we'll wait in the middle of all of the apartment doors." Jonas suggested, standing up and flashing the fox a double thumbs up before walking over to Ryan's pile of diapers against the wall and picking up a large stack to carry under each arm.

"Did you have to pay him in twenties? There's like a hundred diapers here." He joked as Callum and Lee went over to help him.

"Sorry, I didn't think about you needing to transport them. Here." He replied, his normally white cheeks turning a slight shade of pink as he set the cream coffee diaper down gently onto the ground. He turned to the pile of diapers, stepping in his own cum on the floor. Where his paw hit the floor, the cum was instantly absorbed, leaving the floor spotless once more.

He waved his hands over the pile and the diapers all disappeared in a puff of baby powder, including the ones in Jonas's arms. In their place on the floor were three diapers. The thickest one had the number and letter 2K encircled on the back. It was white in the center from front to back, with orange-brown stripes on the edges and the wings. The white portion of the diaper was covered in a repeating pattern of horse-cock dildoes however, in various shades of browns and pinks, and even mottles designs.

"All of these are embarrassing as fuck." Ryan complained jokingly as he picked it up, as well as a hundred-point diaper, a thirty and a four.

"Hell of a haul dude." Callum said approvingly as they all made their way towards the door, hauling what remained of their own piles of diapers.

"See you guys soon!" I called out as they disappeared, leaving me alone with the fox who was already blissfully pushing the coffee and cream diaper into his mouth, more ropes of pink seed spurting out onto the floor as he moaned in delight.

"That one better than the black coffee?" I asked with a grin as I moved to the side and sat down against the wall, way outside of firing range. His only response was to moan and shoot another three rounds of cum out of his shaft far enough to hit the base of the wall. He pushed the diaper into his mouth, and swallowed wetly with a sound that could almost be considered a purr.

"I'll take that as a yes, you may want to slow down a bit though, I don't know if the caffein will affect you or not. And you might get a bit dehydrated if you keep it up too long." I said with a chuckle, waving towards the pink mess on the floor and walls, ending the wave towards between his feet where the floor was a sticky mess.

He was panting as he licked his lips, before sitting down on the floor like myself, his tail flicking softly. "Those were both so good, I've never had diapers like that before! What was the pale one? It was delicious!" He asked between breaths, unable to keep the smile from his face.

"Glad to hear it. That one was coffee with cream. The next one is just coffee with sugar in it, and the fourth is coffee with both cream and sugar. That's how I prefer my coffee, while Callum and Lee prefer black. Black is the term for coffee with no cream or sweetener." I explained cheerfully, enjoying his excitement over discovering the greatness of coffee.

The fox took in a deep breath and let it out slowly before leaning back on his hands, his whole body crinkling softly with his movements. "Thank you, Steve. This is a very nice treat! After what you said about bacon though, I'm having a hard time saving it for last." He admitted with a grin before picking up the "Black-with-sugar" diaper and un-taping it almost lovingly.

I left him to his own devices as he cradled the swollen diaper in both of his hands before guiding it to his mouth. I stood up and gave him a gentle squeeze of the shoulder as I walked past the giant diaper fox and headed towards the communal changing supplies.

I was no longer pissing myself as frequently, and the inside of my thighs were getting damp from the borderline leaking my diaper was doing. Picking up one of the smaller valued diapers, the blue one with the cartoon cars in repeating patterns, I grabbed a package of baby wipes with my free hand.

I stood up from my crouch and turned to see the fox spurting more cum onto the floor and wall, obviously enjoying himself as he slowly stuffed the dark diaper in his mouth.

I returned to my place over by the wall and sat down so I could watch the fox enjoy his meal.

I know that watching him swallow a diaper the first time was disturbing, and it still grossed me out when he ate the dirty ones, but it did bring him a bit of joy and I wouldn't begrudge him. And as I sat down, with my intentions clear, he let out another moan of pleasure and his twitching shaft let out another few long spurts that reached the wall.

The tapes disappeared into his mouth before he swallowed wetly, giving a little of shudder of pleasure before letting out a soft sigh.

I chuckled at his reactions before I laid onto my back on the floor, and I pulled on the first tape of my diaper with a loud ripping sound that echoed throughout the room.

As I grabbed the second tape of my diaper, I felt the fox's hand grasp my ankle softly, making me pause.

"Would you let me help you with that?" He asked, looking at my with his bright eyes and almost laughable swollen cheeks.

"I mean if you want to, I'd appreciate it." I said with a chuckle, pulling my hand away from my diaper as he crawled over.

"I would love to. Only one more coffee diaper left, and yours would be a nice palate cleanser." He said with a grin, and giving me a wink.

I grinned back and moved my arms behind my head, resting my head in my hands. "So what did you like most? Plain coffee, cream or sugar?" I asked out of curiosity as his fingers eagerly pulled on my tapes. Three rips of tapes sounded in the room as he pondered my question.

"I think I liked the coffee and cream one the most out of the three." He said after a moment while he pulled my crotch down.

My cheeks got a little hot as he looked at the damage, and he even gave me a questioning eyebrow. I lifted my head and looked down, and my crotch looked like it was coated in watered-down ink and the smell of rubber and piss permeated the air.

"A tentacle creature had some fun with all of my holes while I was trying to get a leg up for the competition." I explained while the fox let out an amused chuckle.

"You know, out of all of the humans, you are the only one that's given me diapers that tasted like rubber." He teased as he gripped one of my thighs in a large hand and easily lifted me up to pull my soaked diaper free.

"Er, sorry about that?" I apologized, though even to me it sounded like a question more than apology. The fox laughed with amusement.

I reached over and grabbed the pack of wipes that Lee had bought the day before, and held it up to the fox, who simply grinned and shook his head in amusement. "Thank you, but I prefer to change diapers a little bit more... intimately, as you well know."

Before I could say any words of protest, the fox leaned down and opened his mouth and wrapped his hot, swollen lips around my entire package, and his tongue gently fondled my balls inside of his maw.

I am ashamed of how good it felt, with his mouth still warm from the hot coffee, and actually caused me to relax as he sucked gently on my member.

He laid me down gently on the ground, as he slowly and seductively removed my cock from his mouth, leaving them feeling dry and soft as if coated in a thin layer of baby powder.

"Mmm you keep giving me such delicious gifts this morning." He said with his airy breath, the plastic of his chest rustling as if he was purring.

The living diaper leaned down once more and slid his soft tongue over the hair of my crotch, not bothered in the least as he sensually ran his flat tongue over me.

Bit by bit he sucked, kissed and licked my groin, cleaning every inch of me thoroughly before he moved down between my thighs, only his forehead visible between my legs as he pushed my legs into a birthing position.

I shuddered slightly as his nose pressed in between my ass cheeks, the plastic was warm, soft, and seemed completely frictionless as his hot blue tongue slowly slid from my tailbone to my pucker. To be fair, by this point in my adventure I think donut would be a more appropriate term after how much it had been stretched and loosened.

My cock twitched and began to rise slowly despite my mental protests. Within moments my soldier was standing proud behind the dense bush, which I was increasingly becoming tempted to shave.

The tongue didn't stop with a single swipe, as the fox seemed to purr beneath me. He pressed in a little further, obviously enjoying his part in my diaper change. his nose rose just enough to barely lift my balls, raising them as if on a soft, squishy pedestal.

I took in a shuddering breath as his tongue slid between my cheeks, with more pressure, and even slower precision. The tip of his tongue slowed nearly to a stop over my hole before circling my ass in a gentle, teasing manner that made me shiver.

"O-okay I think hnng..." I tried to protest before his blue tongue pushed into my hole, wiggling up and down slowly while his purring caused it to vibrate ever so slightly. He penetrated my ass with little resistance, and the way his eyes sparkled showed he was truly enjoying himself. Though his eyes were a bit comical, being slightly crossed as they focused on the underside of my shaft.

The sounds of his ministrations echoed within the large, empty room. His body shifting became a sharp crackle of plastic. His lips kissing my hole as he pulled his tongue from me became a noisy slurp. My soft groans of ashamed pleasure as his long wriggly tongue writhed inside of me announced to the world that I was enjoying his efforts.

My face could not have been any more red.

That is, until he pressed harder onto me and picked up the pace of his tonguing, circling my admittedly loose hole, and his right hand reached up to grasp my cock while beginning to stroke it.

I was not ashamed that he could only stroke me with his thumb and two fingers. Not because my dick was small, but he just had big hands. Fingers. Shut up.

My breathing became heavy while the fox stroked me at a steady and never increasing pace. His tongue massaged my hole and moved inside me in no discernable pattern. As the minutes stretched on, the fox determined to bring me to orgasm through rimming my backside.

I was brought to the point where I was panting, clenching the bag of baby wipes tightly in my fist, and clenching my toes as I tried to not have a diaper bring me to orgasm.

With absolute perfect timing, just as I let out a groan and my cock flexed, shooting it's first thick rope of cum into the air, a familiar voice echoed throughout the room.

"Steve are you okayyy.. Nevermind, take your time." Jonas spoke out, his voice rapidly changing from cheer to embarrassment as my traitorous cock spasmed shooting four thick ropes of cum onto my chest, and finally dribbling what remained in my balls into my fuzzy crotch.

"Your friends were waiting outside so patiently. I hope you don't mind that I let them in." Terinas spoke in a purr, standing right beside my friends who had their backs turned to me.

I gave the tiger a single finger salute as the fox released my cock and pulled his tongue from my backside. Terinas cackled loudly from his antics.

"Really sorry about that guys." I panted as the fox grinned down at me before leaning further forward to slide his tongue over my chest, making sure to clean up my mess.

"No worries man. Didn't mean to interrupt." Callum said apologetically while still facing the wall, Terinas was the only one watching the fox lick up my cum from my chest. He was even casually running a brush through his hair, looking into a floating mirror which quickly disappeared into a puff of powder.

Once my chest and crotch were spotless, the fox grabbed the yellow ducky diaper and unfolded it. He slipped it under my backside and made short work of getting me taped securely into it.

"Thank you for changing me, I uh, really wasn't expecting that." I said, my face feeling extremely hot while the fox simply grinned, grabbing my nearly black diaper and popping the end of it into his mouth. His eyes sparkling in amusement as his own cock dribbled his pink baby-lotion semen onto my floor.

"Okay guys, I'm decent. At least as decent as a guy in a diaper can be. How did you guys make out?" I asked, changing the topic blatantly while the fox purred beside me.

"We got everything for the gorillas wager with you. Though I have no idea if we beat the bet with Lord Terinas here. If he can tell us, we will probably go hard again today." Lee said, giving me a respectful nod, though his cheeks were still tinged pink.

Before I could give an excuse for why I wouldn't tell them, Terinas spoke up.

"Yes, you humans have done exceedingly well. You have completed my staff's wager with three and a half days to spare, and you have completed my wager two and a half days early. Congratulations, Steve thanks to your friends, you get to keep the outfit and you no longer need to serve humans seventy-five meals per day for five days. You also get unlimited coffee for one whole month." The tiger purred, his tail swishing in amusement.

I flashed a grin at the guys while I watched the fox pick up the balled-up diaper that contained sugar and coffee, an almost reverent look on his face as he slowly peeled the tapes.

The guys all looked relieved, and I nodded to them. "Yeah guys, it was the same wager, but I simply bet you guys would be able to do it a day early. If I lost, it would be as he said. I'd be stuck somewhere, needing to serve a bunch of free meals every day, and if I was short by even one meal my counter would reset and I'd have to try again." I explained, and the guys all looked confused.

"That doesn't sound like a bad deal, especially considering the value of the clothing." Callum said with a raised eyebrow.

"That's the rub, Terinas was extremely vague an that was part of the deal. If a meal was viewed as a cup of piss, how many thousands of years would it take for me to complete it?" I asked, the guys paling at the realization. Terinas simply flashed a smug grin.

"You realized that I see. The terms would have been much different if you got me to tell you what I had in mind. Now, I am here for four reasons. The first was to make your friends walk in on you orgasming from having a diaper tongue your backside. The second, was to tell you that you won your wager with me." Terinas began, his voice smooth and containing an amused purr.

"The third, was to offer you another deal. I want to offer you a gamble with a guaranteed loss, and an unguaranteed payout. Would you like to hear the details?" He asked, his eyes sparkling as they locked on mine.

Callum looked as if he was going to burst out, but Jonas placed a hand on his shoulder before flashing me a wink. He muttered something that was audible in the near-silent room. Silent save for the purring moans of the fox as he slowly pushed the soaked diaper into his mouth, seeming to suck the moisture from the padding like a shop vac.

"Let Steve hear him out. That can't hurt. And if he accepts, I am placing my money on Steve, I don't think anything here can beat him." Jonas whispered, but it carried enough that even I could hear it. My eyes started to water, and even Terinas's grin slipped into a kinder smile.

"I would like to offer you a deal. Take the punishment for if you lost our wager. Keep the suit, you've earned it. What I mean is after the competition, you go on stage and for five days in total, you serve seventy-five meals in a twenty-four-hour period. You cannot leave the stage, you cannot back out, and if you don't meet the quota, your tally is reset." He offered, crossing his arms as he sat back on a nonexistent chair, floating magically in the air.

"Okay, I understand your terms. But what would I get in exchange and how are you going to sell my actions to the crowd? This isn't sounding like a wager, and more like a trade, and I'm sure you would like to sell this play as some sort of moral lesson or whatnot." I asked, even my tone showed I was obviously interested.

"Very good. You are guaranteed one item, though I will not tell you what it is. All I will say is it will be valuable, at least compared to the number of diapers you should have earned at this point. You will also get a second item, though it is a complete mystery even to me. It could be a million diapers, it could be one. It could be unlimited free upgrades to your room console, or it could be a copy of your favorite dealer to be your housemaid or wetnurse. A snickers bar or an instance of your own containing an entire playground designed for adults that you can charge a fee for anyone to enter and use. You will not know, I do not know, it is a true mystery box." He explained, his speech seemingly well practiced.

The guys looked impressed, and even Ryan seemed slightly tempted to take the deal himself. Guaranteed valuable item, and a mystery item of unknown and possibly limitless value.

"How could I possibly refuse that?" I asked with a grin on my face.