II. Promises

Story by Benshee on SoFurry

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#2 of Felidine Dreams

Felidine Dreams II. Promises Somehow Sharja managed to pass the afternoon. Abit of reading, watching tv and a great dose of dirty daydreaming. Still, the day seemed longer then any other before, then quite suddenly it was quarter to five. In a great rush of brush, clothes and assorted curses she prepared for what would hopefully be her second date - maybe more. Wesley arrived five minutes early. After waiting for him to come so long she now wished he had given her just some moments more to look just right. Damn, she was acting just like her sister! After all those years of being the "wise big sister" to Diane she was turning into a fool at the worst possible time! When she opened the door he was there. Well, of course he was, but right now she would have ignored aliens landing or would have asked them to come back tomorrow, just so she could forget everything else and focus on him alone. Wesley had been greatly looking forward to meeting Sharja again. He had no explanation for why he had so quickly fallen in love with the beautiful cat, but he surely didn't mind. What did give him trouble was how quickly they had gotten closer. He was rather sure that he hadn't made any big mistake so far, but he would have to keep his wits together so he wouldn't do something that could destroy everything, or so he believed. He had thought time and again about what to say and had decided to try acting the cavalier, as he had before. Then she stood in the door, smiled at him and said "Hi" with a little blush to her face and all he could do was smile from ear to ear with what had to be the silliest expression on his face. She closed the door behind her and Wesley, who had quickly recovered his senses, offered her his arm and she took it with a smile. Diane and Zach had left an hour ago - the girls' parents had surprisingly decided to go shopping for the afternoon so there was no need for covering up anything on her side. "I hope you don't mind the walk", Wesley said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Sharja didn't mind at all. Between her home and the bus station was a beautiful park and they had half an hour before the bus would arrive to take them to Wes' apartment. Enough time for a quiet walk together, arm in arm. They entered the park and she showed him a small stone bench close to the pond that was one of her favorite places. They sat down and she snuggled against his shoulder, while they began to talk about the different fish they spotted in the water. They joked and laughed until Sharja accidentally slipped from her position against his shoulder and her head fell into his lap. She gave a squeal and repositioned herself. Looking at his face she had to giggle. He had reddened considerably, a quick look to where her head had just briefly rested moments before showed her why. She snorted with laughter while blushing at the same time and after just a single awkward second he joined in until they were laughing like maniacs. Anybody passing by would have believed them drunk at best. Calming down, Sharja took a deep breath and snuggled closer to him. Moving fluently, in ways only felines can, she shifted her weight gently, until she sat on his leg with her tail draped over his lap. She flashed him a sweet grin that would have done her sister honor for the mingled mischief and innocense it conveyed. Before he could say anything, she shifted again and sat down in his lap. Running her hands over his thighs, she began to purr. Wesley was unsure what to do or say, so he just put his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. Her purring increased and she shifted abit, making it a little harder for him to restrain himself. Sharja felt the pressure from underneath his pants slowly increasing. She knew he was trying to fight it, which made it all the more interesting a game. She arched her back and stretched nonchalantly, but quite intent on pressing down on him in the process and showing off every bit of her beautiful athletic shape under her dress. By now she could feel a veritable bulge press firmly against the crotch of her panties from below. A wild urge began to fill her and from the almost inaudible stifled moan her movements extracted from Wes, he seemed to share it. She shuddered abit as she slowly rubbed her crotch over his covered erection until she felt him reach out for her hips: "Stop... please...", he uttered with difficulty, his face a priceless mixture of pleasure and forced concentration, "Any more of that and I will spend a long busride with my pants soiled." She gave a short indignant growl, but he was right. Besides, she had no intention of going beyond a little teasing there anyway and hadn't forseen the extent of the effect she was quite obviously having on him. She slowly rose from his lap and allowed him to rearrange himself before he joined her. Being a felidine, she had many of the characteristics found in cats of most species, mixed with human traits. One of her feline traits was that while she had a tendency to be shy at first, she could be quite bold once she knew exactly what she wanted. Still, she would have to be careful not to take things too far too soon, she thought. When the bus came they were already at the station, this time quite innocently holding each other's hand. They entered the bus and looked for vacant seats, but it was rush hour and it looked like they had to stand. Sharja took a hold of one of the vertical poles as the vehicle started, only to feel Wes move behind her and take a hold of the same pole with his arms on either side of her hips. She grinned to herself at his turn of boldness in the game of teasing. Gently, he pressed himself to her back without moving any more on his own. This wasn't necessary anyway, since the busdriver had quite a rough style of operating his vehicle and the route took alot of twists and turns. Sharja felt him harden against her from behind and press against her with every bump in the road or turn around a corner. She did her own part of turning every twist of the road into a firm rub of her rear against his thighs and arching of her back. It seemed a miracle to her that nobody seemed to notice and take offense - maybe they did and enjoyed the show? She blushed at that, but only for a moment. They had arrived at their destination. Wesley coughed and tried to walk in such a way that his pants would look as normal as possible, but people could have impossibly missed seeing the bulge unless they were at least very close to blind. His apartment was only a short walk around a corner and they took the distance almost running, both eager to reach it, as if it was some great prize. He opened the door and she inhaled deeply, her nose noticing what the eye could not. Obviously he had quite thoroughly cleaned the place rather recently - probably today. She could pick up the scents of various bits of food and of old clothes from just about every corner, but they were faded and didn't bother her. She also smelt a very faint musky scent from his bed. It seemed like he had had similar little daydreams then herself. Suppressing a chuckle, she decided that she would not tell him anytime soon exactly how good her sense of smell was. Wesley tried to focus on being a good host and showed Sharja to the living room. Now that they were there, in his apartment, he no longer felt so bold. His recent worries had returned and he decided that he would not try anything just yet unless she gave him clear signs to proceed. Sharja felt his doubt and calmly sat down on his couch. It was large and worn just so much that it would be the most comfortable. The couch was covered with lambskins of various sizes, making it soft and warm, while also hiding some of its obvious age. And she could tell he quite liked the fur. Soon he joined her, holding two glasses of cold coke, each with a slice of lemon and a straw. She took hers with a grateful smile and they both settled down in opposite corners of the couch, quietly sipping their drinks and looking at each other with curious eyes. Moments became minutes and Sharja decided to break the silence. She extended her legs abit so that her feet reached his and rubbed a foot against his lower leg. Just then did he notice that he was still wearing shoes and took them off. She smiled at that and ran her other foot over his. They began a little game of foot wrestling which ended in her dexterously pulling off his socks with her footclaws without even leaving a scratch on his skin. They playfully rested the soles of their feet against each other's and he quite enjoyed the feel of her big digitigrade toes against his skin with her claws gently extending when he pressed against them. He gently straightened his left leg until his foot touched the hem of her skirt. He didn't have to wait long before she did the same, but further. Before he knew it she was softly rubbing her soft pawpads and toes over his inner thigh and further up between his legs in long sensual strokes. Just then he noticed the quizzical look in her sweet face and his foot gently ventured along the inside of her legs and under her skirt. His breathing quickened as her paw rubbed him harder and one of his toes made contact with the smooth fabric of her panties. She closed her eyes and gasped, then broke into a deep rhythmic purr that rose and fell with every tender stroke of his toes against her most sensitive region. Slowly she reached under her skirt and shifted abit, pulling off her panties, careful not to let him see anything, all the while massaging his growing erection with her athletic foot. He took great care to move slowly, before his foot finally touched her exposed sex, still hidden by her skirt. The fleeting contact made her lips quiver and her purr rise to a soft moan. "Mmmmmmmm.. not.. fair..", she panted as he began a series of soft touches and rubs around her sweet pussy. The foot that had been rubbing him so deliciously before suddenly poked at his thigh abit roughly and he understood. He opened his jeans and with a teasing slowness he lowered them halfway to his knees. He noticed a certain animal hunger in her eyes as he pulled down his pants and his shaft rose, finally freed from its confines. Sharja felt herself salivating and a soft growl rose in her throat that mingled with the purr. She slowly rose to all four, then lowered her crotch onto his leg and rubbed herself to it in long and gentle strokes, all the while steadily aproaching him. When she had almost reached his knee she leaned forward and gave him a most passionate kiss on the mouth. For what seemed several minutes their tongues played with each other and their hands caressed each other's face and neck - Sharja had trouble keeping herself from growing fierce in her passion. The young cat shuddered as a small orgasm hit her and she gave a mrowl of pleasure when Wesley put a finger to her lips and moved the moistened tip under her skirts, touching it to her clit that was well-exposed by now. Riding his leg with renewed vigor she leaned forward and gave the head of his hard shaft a sweet little nip. Seeing him tremble with pleasure she decided to give him more and began to rub her soft-furred paws over his length, then gripping it firmly to begin masturbating him, occasionally flicking her slightly raspy tongue wherever it would please him the most. Shudders ran throught the couple as each of them transferred the pleasure they felt to their attention of the other's most tender spots. Sharja had had a series of small orgasms and her sweet-scented juices had long since covered her lover's leg and made their way onto the sheepskin below. Wesley's penis was gently twitching between her soft paws that worked him expertly and clear pre had lubricated his length sufficiently for her to increase the pace. She could feel that he was getting close and her licks to his head turned into kisses, then she began to suck on his flaring head like she would on a lollipop. His breathing grew erratic and turned to loud pants and moans as again and again she took him deep into her slick and warm muzzle, sucking on him, vibrating through him with her rumbling purr. He felt her fur and whiskers slide over his sensitive skin while he slid in and out, pleasure filling him entirely. Sharja pressed down on Wesley's rubbing finger at her clit and another small orgasm ran through her welcoming body. She moaned into his cock and her gasp of pleasure was turned into one last powerful suck. Combined with the stimulation of her shuddering pleasure he could hold on no longer. He moaned loudly and convulsed under her as he came into her mouth. He had expected her to gag or spit it out, but she didn't seem to mind his seed at all. Instead, she kept sucking on him, making sweet "hmmmmmm" sounds that drove him crazy and made his orgasm last for almost a minute. Sharja licked her lips to clean her face of his cum. She had thought it would taste nasty - at least that was what her sister told her - but it had actually been okay. Then she noticed the mess she had made on Wesley's leg and the disarray the couch was in, but one look at him told her that he was far from complaining. Just when she was about to contemplate the possibilities of the evening she saw the clock on the wall and cringed. It was already 10pm and the last bus would leave in less then 20 minutes. She could impossibly stay with him for the night - her parents would worry out of their minds and she didn't feel like telling them a lie or, probably worse, the truth. Wesley quickly got into his clothes again and accompanied her to the bus station. When the bus came they gave each other one more passionate kiss and promised to meet again the next day, this time in the morning since it was a sunday. "I promise you I will repay you for today", he smiled at her and quickly flicked his tongue over his licks to show her. "And I promise you that you better eat a good breakfast tomorrow", she replied with a wide grin. Sharja sat in the back of the bus where she could keep eye contact with Wes until the bus was around a corner. She felt a little chilled around her private areas, but it was probably just the aftermath of her arousal, she thought. She arrived home after some short ten minutes drive and ignored her sister's inquiries. just falling into bed, drifting to sleep, dreaming of Wesley. Wesley himself decided to go to sleep soon after he had returned home. He did a quick cleaning of the couch and found something - Sharjas panties. After a brief moment of concern he couldn't help laughing, even though he hoped she would not have any problems. Well, her skirt should cover everything anyway. He touched the little piece of cloth to his face and inhaled deeply. Then he prepared for bed and quickly fell asleep, dreaming of Sharja, dreaming of tomorrow. * * *

Here we go with part 2 of 3 - maybe I will end up making more, but part 3 will definitely be a climax (In more then one way). I am grateful for votes, but please PLEASE comment too. Is this chapter as good as the first? Better? What do you think about the characters? On another note: I am open for commissions. For ideas I find interesting I do free commissions when I have the time, for pretty much everything else including private commissions (which are only for the commissioner and never published anywhere else) I do them at reasonable prices. I am flexible with setup, topics and species - even though M/F, non-anthro, canines, felines and dragons are what I can do best, but feel free to try me - message me for more details!