Evil Rises- Chapter Two

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#3 of Evil Rises

Chapter Two

"The Lost Species"


Furry Sith Lord

BH sat on the floor of the hut he was in with his legs folded under him as he tried to overcome the humiliation he felt. These creatures that held him captive had removed the tattered clothing he wore then shaved off all his fur so that his skin was as visible as the hairless apes were. Some rope had been braided and tied around his neck with a long strand securing him in place so that it resembled a collar and a leash.

The rope held him firmly in place and he was kept away from anything he could use to try and cut himself free. He guessed that this was the hairless apes form of slavery unlike the civilized world were the electronic red collars were how they controlled their slaves.

Being shaved completely bald as he was made him feel naked for the first time in his life. He wasn't sure why but he felt so embarrassed but something about it and possibly the way they treated him as if he was a pet dog was just too much to bear. When they took him out of the cage the next morning he was washed and fed then he was shaved and tied as he is now.

As he predicted the fur they shaved was taken and crafted into a pair of shorts for Hueman. The kid was busy strutting around showing off his new pants to everyone that he was wearing white fur to match his white skin. They had also changed his name to 'Woof Woof' and he was struck if he didn't respond to it.

He spent as much time as possible listening in on conversations to see if he could pick up any words he could use to communicate with. The trouble was that they were so primitive he couldn't believe they could speak and probably only made primate noises that held no significance. It was just odd that they managed to function as a group since they couldn't communicate with each other in any rational way.

The white skinned one entered proudly and BH thought he had a smile on his face but he wasn't exactly sure. BH just watched his fur now hanging like clothing below the boy's waist.

"You would believe how soft his fur is?!" he announced to the older female that took care of him. BH wondered if this person might be his mother but she seemed more like a slave to him just like everyone else.

"Yes dear." She replied.

"Woof Woof's fur feels like it's massaging my sack." The boy saw BH look at him.

"Bring him to me." The boy demanded and his mother put her fists on her hips.

"Bring him to me, what?" She stated and the kid rolled his eyes.

"Bring him to me... please." Hueman said his voice carried the annoyance he felt.

"Just because you're the chosen one doesn't mean you have an excuse for rudeness." She replied. BH listened but still had little clue what was going on. The older female seemed annoyed with the boy but he wasn't sure why. He heard the name they were calling him and then they made the same sounds back at each other. He figured they must have a language but still no clue what was being said.

The woman went over and untied the leash then pulled it to drag him over to the boy. BH felt the humiliation as he sat at the boy';s feet and he was being petted. He wished he could lunge at the child but knew that would instantly end his life regardless of the damage inflicted on the boy. Ideally he wanted to kill him for the humiliation yet he wanted to complete his mission to reclaim The White Citadel. He needed to figure out a way to escape these creatures.

"Have you received any messages from Gawd?" his mother asked him.

"I had a dream in which he told me that the reason we have five digits on our hands is because that's how long it took him to build everything." The boy said.

"What do you meran? 5 years? 5 seasons?" She asked.

"Five days, I think." He replied and she started laughing.

"How could The Great Alpha make everything in only 5 days? I think you misheard him. Remember when you said he told you the drought we faced would end in 3 days and instead it was 2 months before it ended. Or maybe he's testing you to see if you truly are listening to him." She said and he glared at her.

"Do you think that Gawd is so weak that he couldn't do it in 5 days? His power is greater than even you can imagine." He countered.

"I think you should be careful. The people will lose faith in you keep making such mistakes." She cautioned.

"Then Gawd will punish the unbelievers and everyone else who didn't oppose them! His will is final." Hueman stated and she raised her hands in surrender because she knew her words were falling on deaf ears. She wanted to curse herself for giving birth to a prophet. Why couldn't he be a normal child?

"Wanna go for a walk boy?" Hueman asked him as he tugged at the rope around his neck. BH thought he recognized another word because whenever the boy said the word 'walk' he was taken outside and walked. He would now have to suffer the humiliation of the other hairless apes looking at him as if he was a homeless one being put on display for their amusement. If one more of these creatures tried to pet him he was going to bite their hands off.

The walk was peaceful for the most part and he was led to a tree which he had learned was their version of a toilet. He had seen the males piss on the trees and when he was led to it the boy had pointed and said some strange word.

"Go." The boy had said but BH wasn't sure if he was saying piss or toilet when he used that word. He stepped up to the tree and lifted his leg to hide his penis from the onlookers eyes as he went to the bathroom. After he was done he received a pat on the head and was told he was a 'good boy' which seemed like some kind of praise or encouragement for obeying him.

He walked a few feet then realized that he had to poop now and as he bent over to poop on the ground he felt even more humiliation at being reduced to such primitive behavior. He took the opportunity to look around and get familiar with the surroundings in case he was able to escape. When he finished he cringed with disgust wishing they would at least give him some toilet paper so he could wipe himself clean. But they were so disgusting that he was wishing he could kill all of them.

The boy had an erection showing as it poked out from the fur pants he had on. The boy reached for it with his hands and began to stroke his penis in front of everyone. This was normal for them because if it wasn't him it would be other males doing it. BH was disgusted because they should at least have the dignity to do that in private but they had no shame to do that to themselves out in the open. He was truly enslaved by savages!

It shouldn't surprise him because they mount each other out in the open as well just to satisfy some primal urge, but love and passion was something they didn't seem to experience. The only thing he could say that allowed him to respect them a little was the fact that they buried their dead.It seemed to be more common for them to die than he was used to. It made sense with the primitive vets they had to take care of them.

They seemed to be Predators so them not chopping up the dead to feed themselves was a plus in his book. Only Prey in his world were processed to feed the Predator population when the Prey died of natural causes. Since Prey outnumbered Predators it was easy to keep life sustained. The act of Prey dying held a special significance because by processing their bodies and making it into culinary delights it became the highest form of honor that that fur. Predators were cremated and their ashes spread to honor their memory.

He forced himself to avert his eyes as a male that was a little older than the white hairless ape boy went over to a female and took off her animal skins then mounted her. She was not as rotund as the other females of this species so BH guessed she had not given birth to her first child yet. It usually took a few times before he saw a female's stomach begin to swell. They only gave birth to a single child which seemed odd because had he sort to father children his mate would give birth to a whole litter of pups. When canines mate they knotted up and that gave more of a chance of success but these creatures would separate after they finished almost immediately. It was a wonder any of the females ever became pregnant.

He also noticed that they never had their paws tied but had very open relationships with each other. There was one male that BH absolutely hated more than the kid that made him into a pet. When BH was watching him he saw him mount 3 different females in the public areas and no one complained or seemed to say anything, although he had to admit that if anyone did say something he'd have no idea what was said.

The very male that BH hated suddenly approached them and the heckles on BH's neck stood straight out. The growling BH was making made the boy stop playing with himself and his member rapidly became flaccid and withdrew inside fur pants.

"Go fuck yourself! You piece of shit and fucking die already!" BH shouted at the male. Neither Hueman nor the male heard anything other than what sounded like a dog barking at them.

The male cocked his left arm as if he was getting ready to backhand BH. The skin on the arm was scarring with the imprint of bite marks from when BH had bit him.

"Stupid Mutt," the male said.

"Woof Woof is a good boy." Hueman said and BH could sense that even the boy had a great dislike of the male. The hatred began when they first tied the collar and leash on his neck he was left bound to a tree. He had been struggling to remove the restraint but it was tightly braided that BH couldn't free himself from it. This male walked over and took a piss on BH as he was bound there. BH quickly snapped at the male and gave him the wound on his arm. They've hated each other ever since.

BH had been fed scraps of the hairless apes and the lack of complete nutritious food was leaving him weakened. It was why he couldn't break himself free because his paws tingled with the feeling of weakness that left them powerless compared to how he used to be.

The male stepped closer to strike BH but as BH anticipated this he jumped prematurely and lunged for the male's throat. The mazle used his arm to block BH but he managed to sink his fangs into the arm of the hairless ape and blood gushed out of the wound. The spray flowed into the gullet of the wolf and BH found that he loved the taste of blood. Especially since it was the blood of his enemy.

Hueman shouted and pulled BH easily off the male. Bh walked behind Hueman but he deliberately licked his lips and the blood felt like it filled a void inside him. He watched the blood drip from the male and he found he wanted to eat more of it. The blood had eased his hunger a little but it had also made him hungrier for more of the male's blood. He suddenly wondered if he was turning into a vampire.

"No! Bad dog! Bad dog!." The boy said to him angrily and BH knew the kid was displeased but that's all he could get from the boy's statement.

"You're lucky you've already been shaved otherwise, I'd skin you and wear you myself." the male said to him.

"No Briyon! Woof Woof belongs to me! Gawd sent him! Are you looking to anger Gawd?!" Hueman asked. Briyon made a face and walked away to find the doctor to heal him. BH eyed him and smirked as he spoke to himself.

"Run to the vet... I'll see you later, asshole."

BH ate the scraps he was given greedily and he even though he ate all the meat and began to suck on the bones longing to get more of the blood he had tasted before. His body was hungry for more blood and he was beginning to feel as if he had never before eaten in his life. He thought he was starving before but he was really starving now, even though he had just eaten!

The boy pulled on the leash and forced him to lay his head in the kid's lap. BH pretended to be obedient and he just held still but he caught a whiff of the boy's scent. The fur on his loins smelled of piss and a strong smell of shit in the rear. It seemed that they too didn't wipe themselves very well with the flimsy leaves they used. Among those foul odors was the unique scent that made hueman who he was. Now that he recognized it he was sure he could find the boy no matter where he was.

He looked up and saw that the boy was sleeping as he sat on his throne. BH's mouth began to water as he thought about opening his maw and tearing out the boy's throat! He wondered if the blood would taste as good as Briyon's is. He then carefully removed his head from the boy's lap. He bent it from the left to the right hearing the bones snap softly loosening the muscles as he limbered up. The blood had renewed his energy and he was feeling better than he had in days.

With his paws strengthened he easily untied the leash and wrapped it across his chest to keep it from tripping him up. He listened to the silence as the mother and Hueman had gone to sleep. He realized he was still too weak to escape but now he was able to hunt a new food source to replenish him and get him ready for when he escaped.

He crept out of the hut and felt his senses renewed and he was smelling the scents of everyone in the village. He was looking for a certain one in particular and once he found it he began to follow Briyon's scent to his home. He would kill two birds with one stone by killing Briyon and drinking his blood to replenish his strength.

He crept along making sure no one saw him as he made his way to Briyon's house. Once there he cautiously looked through the window and once he saw Bruiyon asleep in bed with some female bitch, he carefully entered.

He collected their fur clothing on the floor as they slept soundly and he smelled the sperm of Briyon telling him that they had mounted before wearing themselves out. He quietly shredded the clothing and made it into ropes then tied the bitch up and gagged her so she couldn't interferr if she woke up.

He used his paws to move Briyon, because he was spooning her, and faceding away from him. Once the male was in a better position he opened his maw and let his fangs sink into Briyon's throat. He had been lucky because the bitch never woke up until she found the male dead and his body shredded up the next morning.

BH went home with his belly making him feel as if he was pregnant after eating as much of his enemy as possible. He licked himself clean and rationalized that in a day or two he'd be ready for his escape!

"What the commotion?" Hueman asked as a crowd outside of Briyon's home had everyone talking. A couple of the elders brough Hueman inside and he saw the body of Briyon, laying in bed and covered in blood. The female he had mounted was struggling as she was tied to the bed but no one had bothered to free her. No one was sure what to do!

"They were found like this. Gretta was tied and couldn't have done this plus she smell of sex. She was looking to have a baby put inside her that was why she agreed to sex with Briyon." One of the elder's exclaimed.

"I warned him but he refused to listen." Hueman replied as he looked away.

"What do you mean?" another elder asked.

"Gawd sent Woof Woof to me but Briyon didn't believe it. He dared question Gawd and now it looks like Gawd has punished him!" Hueman said and the elders fell to their knees and worshipped the boy fearing Gawd's wrath would come upon them too.

BH sat cross legged on the floor looking into a puddle of water at his reflection. He was using it as a mirror and he examined the braided collar on his neck so he could learn how to untie it for when he escaped. He had just about figured it out; the only trouble would be finding the end of the braid to untie it.

His thoughts shifted to who he was going to go after tonight. His strength had fully returned but he didn't want to risk running away too early. He also wondered what he could do to get revenge on the boy. He had thought about eating him but that would be over too quickly and he wanted the boy to suffer.

He had debated killing the mother but the boy seemed to merely tolerate her so if she died it probably won't phase him. He could neuter the boy then he won't be able to paw off anymore. , something the boy had been doing alot lately. He guessed he was going through puberty but he hadn't seen the boy cum yet. He was still too young.

If he mauled him like the other victims the kid might cry out and the whole place was so overprotective of him that he knew he'd be sentenced to death. Maybe if he arranged an accident he could get away with it. The question was: how could he go about it?

The hunters brought back dead species they captured then cooked and ate them. The scraps he ate tasted like beef so maybe there was a village of bovines nearby that they raided. If we could get a couple he could make it look as if one of them mauled the kid as the kid killed him in the process. But then he still wanted the kid to suffer so he could attack the boy in his sleep and leave the dead carcass to say the bovine had attacked the boy. Maybe he could steal some cheese in the process for the escape.

The trouble was that he had no idea where the hunters went and where the bovines resided. On the other paw, could he find a way to hunt with the hunters? It was something he'd think about after he figured out who he'd eat tonight. That was his immediate concern at the moment.

The more he thought about it the more he realized killing Hueman's mom might be the best way to go. I might force them to move the kid around and without the boy's constant attention he might be able to enact his plan.

"Walk," Hueman said to him and he went to the boy's side as the leash was untied from the table it was bound to. He was positive that the word 'walk' meant 'Toilet' or 'Bathroom' or 'I take you to pee.'

He finished watering a tree and he lowered his leg. Hueman tugged on his leash and pulled him over to a small skinny hairless ape that looked as if he was about to throw up. BH had noticed the boy was drinking a lot of water. More than a normal person should and because of it he was pissing an awful lot. He could barely hold down a meal and he was lucky if he ate more than every other day. BH could smell sickness on him and he knew what the symptoms were!

The child was a diabetic and his frail withering body was starving for insulin. Insulin that his pancreas no longer made... or made very little but just enough to barely keep him alive. If he didn't get treatment soon his major organs would shut down and he'd die horribly. BH doubted that their vet had any clue about how to help the boy. The lad also had numerous bite marks on him because they had been using leeches thinking they could suck the sickness out of him.

Hueman and Sickly Sam, as BH nicknamed him, seemed to be close and Hueman spent as much time with him. The boy put his hands on the sick one and lowered his head, mumbling something. BH guessed it might be a prayer of some kind but BH knew it wouldn't save the lad. Only insulin could!

"Don't worry Joshua, Gawd will heal you!" Hueman said to the boy and he placed his hands on the boy's head. His whole head was burning up and felt as hot as a campfire. The lad lowered his and Hueman closed his eyes.

"In the name of the Great Alpha Gawd, I order you to be healed." Human said and he released him then they both hugged. BH stared closely as an idea came to him.

These two boys were best friends, it looked like and if he both wanted to hurt Hueman and ease the other boy's suffering then he needed to make his target tonight Sickly Sam!

"Hi Woof Woof, good boy." Sickly Sam said as he reached out and petted BH. Still clueless what the boy was saying he just started panting at being petted. He had learned that the Hairless apes used petting him as a way to make him pant. They seemed to enjoy it for some reason although he had no clue why.

"See even Woof Woof loves you!" Hueman said as he hugged BH, which irritated BH to no end. He forced a smile because they had thought they had broken him and made him into a pet but the truth was he was just using them until he was ready to escape.

Once he was sure the last of the hairless apes were asleep, he untied the leash and carefully crept out of the grass hut. He had finally figured out how to tie and untie the knots and braiding they used. He was surprised he hadn't figured it out sooner but part of him was getting used to these creatures to figure them out. At first he wondered if he could use them as an army to liberate the WC but they were just too primitive for his liking.

He could see them charging in with their stone knives and animal skins and the first cub with a BB gun would waste them all without much effort. He figured once he escaped they'd all die because of their lack of techknowledge and sufistication.

He crept into the sick boy's house and found the place where the lad was sleeping. He smelled of urine and the sheets covering him were soaked in a mixture of urine and sweat. The lad was mumbling in his sleep feverously and BH felt a pang of guilt about killing the lad. He was harmless but BH kept rationalizing that it was a mercy killing. He felt he was both saving the lad from more pain and agony and... getting revenge on Hueman!

He leaned over the child's bed and opened wide his jaw wide and bit down, ripping the throat out first...

The next morning there was screaming the woke the sleepy village. Sickly Sam's mother found his shredded and bloodied body in his bed. The elders claimed it was an act of Gawd to punish the lad for his unbelief. It seemed to BH that he had gotten away with it again.

Hueman began to wail as news was brought to him that his best friend Joshua had been torn to shreds as he slept in his bed. The sounds of Hueman wailing uncontrollably filled BH with ecstasy.

To Be Continued...