Xasandra and Myre

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#39 of Tik Tik's Tower

Myre is upset that she missed having some fun with dragons. So upset, that she prays for some divine intervention. Seems that Xasandra is willing to give it to her!

This is a chapter from an old collaboration crossover

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Upon the announcement of the party, the bardic kobold Myre could hardly contain her excitement. She immediately pulled off her top as the rest of the revelers went off on their own to mingle or plot. Swinging the top in the air, she is left as the only one in the grand ballroom, as even the dragons disappeared to some unknown divine realm. This left the kobold all alone, while the sounds of others in the throes of passion echo throughout the empty hall.

Myre plops down on her butt and pouts, her palms squishing her cheeks as she rests her chin upon her hands. "Aw, come on. I'm probably the wildest girl here, and no one's going to party with me? What bad luck. Is there some god up there that just wants to laugh at little old Myre?"

In response to her prayer, a voice rings out throughout the halls. "The divine has seen what type of person you are, my child. Stand and be blessed."

Myre jumps up to her feet, her eyes widening. "W... what? Who's there?"

A warm, radiant glow fills the kobold's vision, but despite the subterranean critter's biology, it does not hurt her. Instead, she can make out a shape appearing from the light, a large, bountiful form mixing the best of the draconic and the mammalian traits.

With the light faded, the bipedal dragon stands before her, fully nude and with arms outstretched in a welcoming pose.

"Y... you're!" The bard says, gulping, her eyes, and her loins, watering at the sight.

"I am Xasandra, and on this holy festival, I have chosen you, Myre, to be my champion."

"Y-your champion?" The kobold squeaks. "For what?"

"There is a great peril afoot, and as a child of Xasandra, you will be able to thwart it. You will not go unrewarded, of course."

"W... what must I do, oh, beautiful mother?" she asks, falling to one knee.

"Partake in my bounty." The dragon goddess says, sitting on the ground and spreading her legs. "And receive your baptism into my service as my divine daughter and champion."

She didn't need another urging. Myre strips off the rest of her clothes, scurrying between the beckoning loins of the fertility goddess. Her snout pushes up against her glistening womanhood, partaking in the ambrosia that comes from within.

Xasandra smiles as the kobold sups on her sex, blowing out some air as she feels the sensation of this creature's enthusiasm. "Let the ceremony begin... we mustn't tarry."

The taste is heavenly. The fruits of Xasandra right there for this little kobold to taste. Yet, there is more to it, a taste that is legendary: dragon cum! She shudders, groaning in her lewd delight at the opportunity to clean the womanhood of the great goddess after she had been plowed. Oh, if she's a good girl, maybe she could be plowed, too?

Myre's whole body warms up as she presses her fingers to the large opening, spreading it as she shoves her snout in deeper to get at the goddess's nectar. As she does, though, she feels the pull of the goddess's body working upon her, enough so her whole mouth is filled by the goddess's radiant form. She squeaks in surprise, but remembers the stories she was told about the followers of this deity. Those who are chosen by Xasandra and accept her gift become one with the goddess, and re-emerge in the world transformed into one of her divine children.

Xasandra coos, moving her hand down to pet along the back of the small creature at her sex. While her hand comforts, her walls embrace, pulling her in deeper still. Soon, Myre can no longer see, as she is taken in past the head into the goddess's warmth.

With her head embraced, Myre can still hear the goddess's reaction, and while Xasandra coos and comforts the kobold as a babe, there is also a lustful overtone, a thrill of being so filled by a new disciple. Myre scrambles herself, pushing her toes into the ground, and wriggling herself deeper into the goddess's form.

Xasandra gasps and falls back on the floor, running her hands to her tummy. "Aah... m-my child! You are so eager!"

Myre uses her small kobold size and her peoples' natural ability to navigate tight tunnels to clamber deeper into the goddess. Those gasps and moans she can still hear urge her forward. Not only is she in the presence of such a divine beauty, but she can make even a goddess cry out in pleasure! There's no way Myre is going back now. Not until she reaches her prize.

One last barrier within the goddess blocks her way, but the kobold rolls her tongue out and plays at the entrance. So tickled, it opens up, allowing her to squeeze in, and she does. Soon, her tail is the only thing that sticks out of the goddess's body, leaving the dragon writhing around on the floor, panting as she scratches at the ground.

"C... child!" she gasps. It's usually much sl-slower than this, I... I can't believe you can get up there so quickly!" She sets herself onto her knees, groaning as her legs shake. "Oooh, I can feel you inside my divine womb. Soon... soon, the shell of your rebirth will encase you...." She reaches down between her legs, stuffing the end of the kobold up into her as her belly swells from its new occupant.

Myre pulls her tail in faster than Xasandra can push it in, and the force of it slipping up inside of her makes the goddess collapse, throwing her head back and crying out in unrestrained glee.

From within, Myre feels the walls of the goddess quivering around her, and the kobold smiles, pulling her knees up to her chest. She wraps her arms around herself and nuzzles up against the warm embrace of her new divine mother. And as the shell of her rebirth forms around her body, she can't help but snicker. After all, how often does one give a deity a rapturous experience?

Xasandra pants and pushes herself up, holding one hand under her enlarged belly. She rubbs it tenderly with the other and whispers. "Don't you worry, my child. You shall be reborn before the ceremonies are concluded. Besides, you won't be alone while you're in there, either...