The Magical Touch of Karma

Story by Alice Clawford on SoFurry

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Commission for Pokemonmanic3595

Christine is late for work when a beggar tries to sell her something. Irritated, she pushes the woman aside, touching an amulet she had been trying to sell her. Without her realisation, a curse was passed onto her to teach her a lesson. In her haste, she also bumps into a man, James. The curse passes on to him without eithers knowledge, and it is but a few hours later that the curse takes form and changes their lives.

FInally getting back into posting stories again. Haven't written any new ones for a few months still, but hopefully I can catch up and post things slowly but surely!


by Alice Clawford

Commission for Pokemonmanic3595

"Shit!" That pretty much set the precedence over how Christine's day was going. She'd barely combed her blond short hair and she'd left her best glasses at home. She'd had no time at all to put make up on, instead putting it in her handbag and was hoping to make herself look more presentable by the time she'd get to work. Her uniform was thrown on, a cereal bar in her mouth, and she dashed out the door. The tube took way longer than she'd hoped, but she managed to put make up on whilst the shaking of the train tried its best to make that an impossibility. However, she wasn't a woman to let the world take her down.

The streets of New York were as busy as ever, but years of living in the city made her an expert navigator of the busy streets. She weaved through the crowd best she could, knowing that rush hour was her greatest enemy to getting to work on time.

She crossed the road to the quieter part of the city streets, past the more touristy area of New York, when a woman moved into her path.

"Excuse me, young woman. Would you perhaps be interested in one of my charm bracelets?" The woman asked, who was wearing rags that looked unkempt, and yet had a smile on her face. She wasn't old, nor did she look ugly, but rather an unfortunate victim of circumstances where the world kicked you whilst you were down.

"No, thank you." Chrissie replied rudely, barely stopping as she went on her mission to make it to work.

The woman, however, was desperate enough, or wasn't observant enough, to notice Chrissie's complete dismissal. "Ah, but they are fertility bracelets! Surely, someone as lucky as you could make good use of it!"

Chrissie was having none of it. Feeling irate, she attempted to walk past the lady, pushing her out the way and about to swear at her for getting in the way, when she felt her foot knock over a box. She glanced down quickly, to see change all over the floor and dollar notes fly off into the wind.

"Oh God!" The woman cried and quickly bent down to grab her money like it were essential to her survival. The truth was, it probably was. Some of her bracelets and merch had been knocked over in the process and some of the nearby crowds gasped and stared at Chrissie. The woman had slowed down, realising what had happened, but she felt the stares at her back. So, instead, she decided to keep moving, walking away and hoping that maybe they would realise she hadn't noticed what she'd done.

One of the witnesses huffed and rushed to grab some of the dollar notes for the lady, giving them to her and asking her if she was alright.

"Oh, thank you kindly. Yes, I think I'll be okay." She smiled sweetly, grateful that someone else kind had helped her.

"What a horrible woman. This city really is going to the dumpster fire."

But the begger shook her head. "Oh, don't be. I'm sure she'll learn from her mistakes soon enough." She kept her smile, as her eyes turned to the handbag Chrissie kept at her side. Her bag was slightly open in the scuffle, and the begger watched her walk away, a new glint in her bag.

Luckily for Christine, she'd made good time in taking the short cut, a bet she hadn't been so sure would pay off quite so well. She made her way to Pup Cups, a coffee shop right next door to work to grab a coffee. She thanked the lord that it wasn't that busy and she was able to quickly order her coffee. She reached into her handbag, ready to pay for her order, when something inside zapped her. Yelping in pain, Chrissie reached her arm back, flinching harshly and fell to the ground.

"Wow! Hey, are you okay?" A man reached out a hand nearby, having seen her fall to the floor so suddenly.

Christine, blushing in irritation and embarrassment, took his hand and quickly thanked him. Barely another word was spoken, as the man was about to introduce himself, before she grabbed her coffee and quickly walked off without another word.

Lifting a brow, the man watched. "What a strange woman. New Yorker business people always surprise me."

"Eh, you don't know the half of it." The barrista at the desk murmured, and James let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, yeah, my bad. I feel for you on that one being next door to a corporation building. Are they usually that bad?"

"You get used to it. What'd you like?"

"Oh." James rubbed the back of his head, not sure what to say in response. He'd always been a bit too friendly to fit in with New York properly, but he tried his best. "A cappuccino please, to go."

Meanwhile, Christine managed to get to her work on time and breathed a sigh of relief as she made it to her office booth. She quickly drank her coffee and opened up her laptop to start the day. She was thankful at least she had put enough make up and sort her hair out on the train, and she kept a pair of spare glasses in her office for moments like this when her phone decided to no longer let the alarm work. She felt grateful, it would be bad form to be late as the business manager.

As she was answering emails and checking on the business website, Chrissie began to feel a little... uncomfortable. Flustered, hot. This was very unlike her, was she getting sick? Ugh, just another thing she didn't need! Persistent, Chrissie decided to push on and try to ignore the heat, unable to afford any time off and knowing it would put her in a precarious situation if she wasn't able to deliver for her deadlines.

In the gym, James was working out. He lifted weights, feeling the stretch of his tank top against his muscles and sweat clinging the fabric to his chest. Groans of effort and pain left him, as he bench pressed two 15kg weights again, then dropped them to the floor. James swung his arms left and right, around in circles, to ease the tension in his muscles. It was hard work, but something he had to do if he wanted to keep up his shape. Grabbing a nearby towel, James dabbed at his face of sweat, as well as his chest. Taking deep breaths as his heart rate slowly began to level out, James felt that though his exercise for the day was over, he didn't feel like he was getting any cooler. He could hear the air conditioning was on, and there were other people in the gym who were lifting heavier weights than he was, it seemed just... worrying. Touching his forehead, James found it didn't seem like he was coming down with a fever, he didn't feel off at all. He was a little unfocused he supposed, but he'd just finished rigorous exercise. It wasn't entirely out of the norm to be tired.

Shaking his head, the man decided to get on with it, after taking a large gulp of water from his bottle, he decides to make one last omph to his exercise routine. He was going to go for another few squats with his weights. So, psyching himself up and waving his arms to prepare himself for the heavy lifting, James reached for the weights and pulled.

... and stayed there.

Even with a huge herculean effort and grunt, he couldn't lift the weights like he had done last week! He was suddenly weak, feeble! In a matter of moments, he was too weak to pick up weights that he knew he could lift. What was happening to him? Frantic, James tries again, but to no avail. A strange feeling rose from his chest and groin area, an itch, yet more painful than just an itch. James looked down at his chest, unsure of what was happening to him, as his body continued to burn up.

Christine meanwhile had just given up on working. Over time, her flusters became worse and the heat was becoming almost unbearable. Was this a hot flush? What Barbara had mentioned? Surely she was far too young for that! She was barely into her 30s! Yet, she knew this wasn't it. Feeling slightly embarrassed, Chrissie decided to slip away to the bathroom, to give herself a break and rid herself of this sudden arousal that was preventing her from working. She was getting nowhere with this, and she decided she would just take care of herself, then get back to work.

She was thankful to find the bathrooms locked. Picking one of the stalls at random, she locked the door behind her, put down the toilet lid and sat down. She takes her trousers and underwear off quickly, letting them slip down her legs and looks down to see...

Chrissie yelps, nearly screaming, as she sees her lovely pink skin was sprouting fur! Grey fur that looked like dog hair was growing from her groin and down her thighs and legs. Freaking out, Chrissie yanks her trousers up and dashes out of the cubical, looking at herself in the mirror to see what she looked like.

Her teeth... they were growing. She pulled her lips back, to see sharp fangs, canines growing larger and it began becoming difficult to shut her mouth.

Christine dashes out of the bathroom and heads to her office, grabbing her things quickly and starts running out of the building.

"Oh! Hey, Christine, where are you off to?" A friend of hers, a colleague, Becky, bumped into her right near the exit. She had a look of concern on her face, looking to the woman with a second look of curiosity and worry. Chrissie quickly moved a folder to cover the lower half of her mouth, knowing she must've looked a sight with her canines continuing to grow, as well as her other teeth turning into fangs.

"Hey, noffing juft uh... left my oven on! Goffta go!" It was the best excuse she could make, and she was sure she'd barely spoken English, as she dashed out of the building without a look back and runs away.

"Oh... okay." Becky waves slowly, watching her friend dash out like she were being chased. How strange, Becky was sure that Chrissie had only just started her shift but... perhaps she'd forgotten some files at home? She shrugged her shoulders and went back in, intended to check with her manager if Chrissie was alright.

Back at the gym, James decides to take a proper break and slips into the locker room for another swig of a drink and perhaps a shower. His entire body was burning, and he felt his cock becoming hard. Ugh, really? Was he suddenly aroused by the idea of becoming buff? There were hardly any people in the gym, he hadn't seen a single hot person the entire time, he had no idea how he could be feeling this way. Frustrated, with a growl, James decides to handle himself privately, and opens his trousers. He is horrified by his discovery. Fur was sprouting from his crotch area, white fur that looked near perfect to touch and super soft. However, he was sure that his penis was... smaller? Holy shit his penis was shrinking! As he thought that, he felt a tingling at his ears, an itching sensation like a wound healing far too fast and brings his hands up to feel long fluffy ears have sprouted from the sides of his head. They were long and white too, and he immediately felt the effects of them. A pressure at his backside prompted him to turn around, just in time to hear the tearing of his jeans and a white fluffy cottontail sprout out of his jeans, with a sudden relief of his jeans being looser than before.

Freaking out inside of his head, James quickly gathered his things, putting on a hat to hide his new huge ears and a jacket over him to cover the worst of the new changes. He dashed out of the gym without so much as saying goodbye to the clerk at the desk or a wave to his usuals he spots here often.

The pair of them dash to their homes through the busy streets of New York city. Both rushed into their respective rooms as quickly as possible, scared and aroused. Neither knew what to do as their bodies slowly changed without them knowing why and they had no control over it.

As Christine rushed to her bedroom to watch herself in the mirror, she was powerless to watch as her face begins to stretch out, becoming a muzzle, and her nose turned black and changes texture. It becomes painful to keep her clothes on, so she quickly undressed, right before a long tail grew out of her tail bone, sprouting with grey fur. Her entire body felt pins and needles as thick fur replaced her human hair, making her body that much hotter and she pants to cool down, a new long thick tongue drooling out. Chrissie whines as her breasts shrink inside of her body, lost within the forest of grey fur and it began to really itch between her legs. What she once had was disappearing, her vaginal area shrinking and closing up, her inner workings shifting, and a pair of bollocks began to grow between her legs.

Toes and nails became paws and claws, her arms grew longer and into more claws. New pointed ears sprouted from the top of her head, and her abdomen became thicker, stronger than the slightly flabby skin it was before. Now, it was all muscle. Her voice became deeper, more masculine, and the name Christine didn't seem to fit as well as before. Now... now she'd become: Chris.

At the same moment, simultaneously, James threw his clothes off as soon as he got to the bathroom. His fur continued to grow all over his body and he watched with horror as his penis shrunk and retreated into his body. His small nipples grew larger, more sensitive. Two mounds grew from his chest, becoming round large breasts with an added weight he wasn't used to. His ears continued to grow, as did his hips, becoming more feminine and wider. Whiskers thrust out of his face, his cheeks grew wider and his nose changed more into a small snout. His teeth become more square, with longer buck teeth, and his legs became longer and much slender. His feet became massive! Growing three times their size with powerful rabbit paws.

"Oh my God!" He screeched, his voice much higher in pitch than he'd ever reached before. He thought it might've been impossible, and yet it wasn't. Now, he was more of a Jamie than a James.

Once the transformation of the pair was complete, they both collapsed to the ground, exhausted from the excursions. Their energy had been sapped from the transformation and they took deep breaths to try to regain themselves and their composure. They were trying to wrap their heads around what had just happened, trying to figure out if what had happened really had happened and they weren't living a nightmare.

Suddenly, they're both hit by a powerful wave of arousal. Their crotches burned and their forms screamed at them to do... something! They were confused, left reeling and gasping as their new bodies were becoming overwhelmed with new sensations, new sounds to listen to, new nerves unused to touching, new sensitive areas.

Chris instantly delves his paws onto his new throbbing member, feeling it hot and thick in his grasp, but hisses as his rough dry paws seem to do more harm than good. He's never had a penis before, and has no idea what he's doing. When he was a human, he remembered giving a man a handjob before, but he barely remembers it and can barely think with the new wave of arousal hitting him.

"Ugh, fucking hell!" He snarls in frustration, feeling close to losing his temper as nothing seems to work. He can't get his cock to cooperate, and he feels he's fighting a losing battle as his furred hand scratches against his canid cock.

Jamie meanwhile brings her paw to her breast and delves another down to her crotch area, where her penis once used to be. She yelps in surprise, as she touched a new thing there instead, the front of her crotch felt very sensitive and her body urged her to keep going, to move forward. Following that instinct, she brushed her paw against her crotch, down to her clit and she thrust her foot out in sudden reaction. It felt like a jolt! Sharp and quick! Yet pleasurable. Continuing to circle her paw and fiddle with her breasts, she brushes her paw once again to between her legs, feeling herself leaking between her legs and she wondered for a moment if she'd pissed herself. She smelt nothing of the sort, no urine, nothing but the smell of sweetness and fake blossoms from the reed diffuser she uses in her house.

On the other side of the city, Chris roars as his penis remained uncooperative and nothing seemed to work right. He was about to try something else, when a scent suddenly catches his attention. He sniffs at the air, his ears pricked all the way up as he breathes it in. It was faint, but he could smell... home. Something sweet, something lush, something amazing! It was calling to him, whatever it was, it was begging for him, demanding, calling for his help. He couldn't ignore the call, and Chris rushed out of the door to his apartment. People screamed as they saw a naked anthropomorphic wolf with a canid penis swinging out between its legs dashing out of a building, with sharp claws and teeth and wide predatory eyes. One immediately took a picture, knowing they'd never be able to explain what had just happened, another got on the phone immediately to the police.

One man got too close, about to touch Chris, and the wolf snarled at him, pushing him away with his long arms and ignored the man as he fell backwards down onto the floor with a cry. Many of the other people around him screamed in terror, running away for their lives to get away from the monster. Chris ignored all of them, bringing his head up to get another lungful of that delicious scent. With a howl, he runs away, headed for where his instincts took him.

Jamie was unable to get herself off, and she cries with frustration. Though it felt wonderful to brush her clit and to dip her paws into herself, nothing was working. That orgasm kept jumping out of her reach, slipping away from her, teasing her. It was so frustrating, so irritating! It only got worse as she kept trying. Her body burned like it was on fire and she could feel her head was getting dizzy. She'd never felt such strong arousal before!

Then, something called to her. She wasn't sure why, but she suddenly felt like she had to run away, to run somewhere, like there was help somewhere. There was nothing supporting this, only bare instinct, but she was desperate enough to listen to it. So, she quickly got up, ignoring everything else and fled her house. She paid no attention to everyone else outside, gawking at her like she were an alien. In a sense, she was, but her mind was only on one thing: her calling. She couldn't explain it, couldn't put words to it. All she knew was that something would happen if she went there. It was too enticing, her curiosity and desperation reaching new heights that she had to go.

That's how she found herself in New York Central Park, somewhere lost in the wooded part, where fewer people seemed to hang out in the park. Jamie wondered around by herself, finding a small quiet area away from people. It wasn't exactly hard, most of the citizens had avoided her, wondering how someone made a suit that looked so real. It seemed early for Easter, but New York had seen weirder things before and many went about their day, whilst others took pictures. She must've looked a mess, her fur all over the place, and her breasts on full show, but she didn't care. She found an area that seemed the right place, in the middle of the park where she was easy to spot, and yet nobody went near this area. Not at this time of the day.

Following the same instinct, she got down on all fours and rose her behind, presenting herself to... nobody, for the moment. But it felt right. It felt good. Her flesh tingled, her labia felt cold as she stood there, feeling a little foolish for a moment, but she didn't back down. Not yet.

It worked. As Chris was running down the streets his nose up in the air constantly smelling, he got a strong whiff and was able to pin point exactly where the scent was coming from. He hurried forward, dashing faster to see what the source to that wonderful smell was.

It didn't take him long to get to a clearing, at the streets where the park began. He knew she was in there, whoever it was that smelt utterly divine. He runs forward, barging through the bushes and the trees, until he spots her in the distance. A rabbit woman, her arse held in the air ready for the taking, completely submissive and begging to be fucked. Chris felt a primal need scratch at him, clawing at his mind, and he could do nothing but follow his instincts and help the bunny out of her misery.

He pounced on her, his claws going down to her paws and pushing them down to the ground. He felt his fangs attach to the scruff of her neck, latching on as he thrust forward and sunk his penis deep into the rabbit. Jamie shouted in pleasure and relief, as finally some of the heat was finally taken off her and she felt a string snap in her. Finally, finally! This was what she was after! Arousal flared once again as the wolf bit down harder, pushing his cock all the way inside of her and she felt his knot press between her thighs. He felt big, whoever it was, she didn't even know what animal this person had turned into. She assumed the same thing was happening to him, this burning desire that came with changing into a were-animal, or something. She didn't know him, would never know his name probably either. But for now, that didn't matter in the least, as she pressed herself back onto his cock, begging for him to move.

"P-please... I'm so hot, I need..." She could barely speak, her voice still much higher in pitch than she was used to.

Chris snarled, his form rumbling and vibrating, causing the rabbit to moan in delight as it vibrated within her and in her walls. She felt his penis pulsing with need, and she squeezed her legs tighter in surprise.

"Ah, careful!" Chris whined a little, feeling a flash of white as he almost orgasmed right then and there. He wasn't used to his new cock at all, had no idea how to go about fucking this bunny, but oh, they both needed it so badly. He supposed right now, it didn't matter. She'd inform him soon enough if he fucked it up. "God..." He breathed, as he pulled back, then pushed forward hard, slamming into the rabbit beneath him.

Jamie didn't complain one bit. She moaned in euphoria, taking deep breaths and shifted her hips to move with his thrusts. She could barely move with the wolf towering over her and pressing her paws down onto the ground. Her new ears meant she could hear everything, the wolf's heart beating out of his chest, his grunts as he thrust harder and faster, the squelching of their liquids as each time her labia sucked the canid inside.

It was the hardest fuck they'd ever done, absolutely primal and near animalistic. Hardly any words were spoken between the pair, pain was mixed with pleasure as the wolf pushed the rabbit's front to the ground hard and fucked her harder. Her walls clenched tightly against the penis and she moaned loudly as her first orgasm rippled through her body, her thighs spasming as she rode the waves. Chris wasn't far behind, as he plunged his cock deep in her body and felt her walls clamp down like a vice against his. He growled and grunted as he spurted cum into her, filling her womb with his semen and his tongue stuck out as he did so. His eyes rolled and a little bit of drool dripped onto the back of the rabbit. He'd apologise for that later, but for now he felt relieved that some of the heat had finally abated. His limbs felt like jelly and he collapsed to his knees, for a moment or two. The bunny beneath him was panting heavily.

They were too out of breath, and a little embarrassed with one another, as they fought to gain their breath back. Chris felt his cock softening slightly within the confines of the rabbit, but then a whimper came from the small figure and she squirmed. Concerned, Chris carefully turned her over, trying to take care not to tear anything.

"I can't... again, I need more. Oh god." She breathed, putting her paws on the ground and proceeded to push herself, to spear herself back onto Chris' cock. The wolf winced and felt the heat rising within him once again, that same burning and growling in his head returned with a vengeance. He wasn't done yet. His balls burned and felt heavy with more seed it must release.

"You too? Again? You need to... again?" Already, it was getting difficult to keep a clear head as arousal simply washed it away, all thoughts of anything else but sex was being tossed to the side. But he wanted to do the best he could with the circumstances they were dealt with.

"Yes, too hot... need it, again please!" She cried, sobbing desperately as her paw went to her clit and she began rubbing at it, almost furiously in a desperate need to get off. She clenched her walls again tightly and Chris almost doubled over as white dots flashed in front of his vision.

"Oh fucking hell... Me too. I need to fuck you."

"Yes, I don't care, please fuck me!" Neither paid attention to the world around them, as the wolf got back to work and thrust his cock back into her, deep within her warmth. The rabbit sobbed and begged for more, harder, and he did his best to cater to her needs. Thrusting in and out at a furious pace, right down to the knot, he thrust on and on. He brought his fangs back down against her neck, and she moved hers out of the way submissively, groaning in absolute bliss as she felt marked and wanted. She crossed her legs as she latched onto the wolf, trying to cling as close as possible without letting go of the wolf. The constant sound of squelching flesh was a welcome sound as he grew more and more frantic as he reached peak arousal.

He was the first to orgasm a second time, thrusting forward and sinking even his knot inside of the bunny girl. Jamie screamed as her walls were breached and pulled. She felt so full, so ridiculously full as a huge knot was thrust into her and began expanding inside of her. It was only a little at first, and the head of his cock brushed up right against her g spot. Her thighs shuddered uncontrollably and her legs turned to jelly, limp at the wolf's side. She thrust her head back as she did so, closing her eyes tight as tears escaped and her own orgasm followed the wolf's shortly after as her entire body convulsed. It was the most mind blowing orgasm she had ever experienced! Her arms were almost utterly limp, she felt like she could barely move or see and she felt utterly exhausted, and yet complete. The wolf's knot continued to grow, now becoming uncomfortable inside of her as it inflated inside, blocking any other access to her. It was making sure that none of Chris' sperm could escape, so that all of the seed would be taken by her and she would be fully scented. She didn't fight it, feeling his semen ooze inside of her, hot and spewing.

And yet, that wasn't the end. A few words were exchanged, but not enough for the pair to define the other, to identify who the other was, as they waited for the wolf's knot to deflate, and soon enough even before it could do that, Jamie felt the hot burning of arousal attack her once again. She honestly felt like any more of it, and she would die. Yet, she took his cock again, and again, knot by knot, seed by seed, until she would finally exhaust him and herself.

They were not the only two. The man that Chris knocked over as he ran out of his building shook his head, wondering if he had dreamt the entire thing, and immediately before he could start making his way home, his body attacked him. Burning deep into his gut, fur sprouted all over his body and he changed, just as Jamie and Chris had, but at a much faster rate. Soon, he changed from man to beast, and his mind tried to put the pieces together on what happened. But all too soon, the other person who had helped him up off the ground, a woman, felt the same. Her breasts disappeared, his cock shrunk down, fur sprouted, limbs grew, and soon they found their bodies mixing together, fucking one another in a bestial frenzy. And anyone else they touched took the curse on, changing into were animals and finding the nearest partner to have sex with. Until New York City had so many rutting animal people, it had no idea how to put a stop to it.