Evil Raises- Chapter Eleven

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#12 of Evil Rises

Chapter Eleven

"Hunting and Fishing"


Furry Sith Lord

A month had passed and everything seemed to be going smoothly. The tutoring that Lyon and I were doing had picked up and it seemed as if we basically had double the homework as we rushed to get our assignments completed then we would help the other students that hired us. For the most part the school paid us but it felt like the amounts we were paid were not fair considering the extra time we put into tutoring.

Dash was loving his job at McAlphas as he was one of the fastest ones there and he could make orders quicker than anyone. They easily conformed to his schedule but he was asked to work more hours and they had to find a way to justify making him work extra. They wanted to promote him to a team leader but he was too young to work the position.

Ben was still mad at me but he was no longer upset about my father and I tricking Lyon, he was upset that my job was taking up all my free time and I wasn't spending enough with him. We tried watching a DVD he liked but I was so exhausted that I fell asleep and it pissed him off. I tried explaining things but he just got more upset that the three of us hadn't included him in our plans. I tried bribing him with cuddles but he was not interested at the moment.

We have been pulling our money in a large jar but so far we are no way near reaching our minimum goal. It was not because we were not willing to work but the pay that us young cubs received wasn't enough to cover how expensive the Comiccon is. We were beginning to fear we wouldn't be able to buy a ticket for our father.

I was also taking this personally because I was supposed to one day run my father's company. I kept thinking if I was put in such a predicament that we needed funds then how could I acquire them? I could easily see my father gloating that I wasn't good enough and that really pissed me off.

"Hello Mr. Cervus-D, how can we help you today?" A female stenographer asked.

"My company, The Antler's Conglomerate, had a large financial donation to support the research of Dr. Avram Primate-C. I was looking for an update since nothing had been reported about any new findings his research had uncovered." Lou explained calmly.

"I regret to inform you that the doctor and his research team have gone missing."

"Missing?!" Lou responded as he tried to sound surprised.

"Your company was one of several backers regarding his research but once the team was sent to find the village the original specimen came from, they seem to have vanished without a trace. We unfortunately fear the worst for Dr. Avram." She replied.

"Any leads on the location of the hairless ape village?"

"I'm afraid not because none of the explorers knew where it was and they were using the boy to help guide them back. Their GPS stopped working during what we believe is midway of their journey."

"No recovery teams were dispatched?" Lou asked.

"We feared the same fate might befall the rescue team and without knowing the proper location they were headed we felt the risk was too great to send in others after them." She replied.

"I see. By any chance can you get me the product ID of their GPS tracking device?"

"I'm sorry sir but we cannot disclose that kind of information." She said and Lou tried to hide his annoyance at her resistance.

"I don't quite think you understand," he replied patiently. "My company is the leading manufacturer of electronics and with that knowledge I can use my satellites to find the last known location of the GPS and possibly find the missing team."

"I don't think you understand that there are privacy issues here and we simply cannot divulge that information." She said

"Even if it saved their lives?"

"I'm sorry but you're asking me to break the law, that's something I will not do no matter how much you donate."

"I'm sure their families will be grateful you did nothing to rescue their loved ones. I mean it's not on my conscience and not something I'd have to live with for the rest of my life. I can sleep soundly knowing I did everything I could to rescue them and that I did not just sit back and let them die. I guess it's easy not to care when you have no morals." Lou remarked.

"Have a good day sir," She replied as she tried to remain cordial and hung up the call.

"No, YOU have a good day, now that you've helped me." Lou said and he typed away on his computer as the virus he sent by landline infected their servers and he could extract the data he needed.

The download would take some time so he tended to other matters that needed his attention while the files downloaded. He set in order his itinerary regarding what he needed to work on regarding the company and its investors.

He ignored Leggo as he was playing in the hallway dressed in only his underwear and he wore white socks. He was using the sock to help him slide across the floor as if he was skateboarding without a board. At one point there was a crash as the wolf hit something then Lou heard the maid stomp her feet as she made her way to the source of the disturbance to yell at Leggo.

BH and his team had been traveling for about a month now and they had only stopped to rest for about a day or two the most. It had taken a few weeks but they were starting to pull together as a team. They had finally stopped seeing him as a pet or an animal and more as an equal as he showed them his talents.

He made sure to go out on hunting trips with each of them so they could both get used tro him and help them bond. At first there was some resistance but after a coupler of trips he overheard them arguing about who would get the privilege to hunt with him. This opened the door to having multiple members going on the hunts while the rest made up camp.

He made the group circumnavigate around any cities they came across making sure they remained as stealthy as possible. The hunters wanted to explore what a city was but BH knew they were not ready for that yet plus the first sign of hairless apes walking around would cause them to be captured and enslaved.

At one point they saw a car drive by as they were hiding from it and after asking a million questions about it. Once they learned it was made of metal and they remembered that their mission was to capture a bull that could teach them hope to make metal, they wanted to hurry to complete their objective. It seemed they wanted to learn how to make a car not knowing how complex it was.

"Does it move faster than you can run?" Rowlf asked as they were chatting about cars again.

"It moves a lot faster than you can run. The whole distance we've traveled can be done in 1 day with a car.

"I call shit on that! There is no way you can travel as far as we have in just one day." Paul replied and the others nodded in agreement.

"With a car you can travel 2000 steps in 1 minute," BH said and the mouths of the hairless apes dropped open. The only trouble he feared was that the hunters were so curious about how cities were that when they passed near one the hunters were intentionally bearing close to get a better look. No matter how much he tried to warn them he feared he was losing control.

"Men, I need to go into the city and charge my phone," BH announced.

"That is made of metal?" Rowlf asked.

"No phone is plastic. I am going to take Paul with me because he is the best silent tracker and I don't want any of you seen because the city is dangerous for hunters, like you.

Jayson and Paul have been in a city so Dabid I promise you will be next then lastly Rowlf. I promise to be fair because I know you all want to see how a city works but as I'm gone I need you all to practice being silent and stealthy and go on hunts to make those skills better." BH ordered. He originally was going into the cities alone but because of their increased curiosity he thought it better to introduce them one at a time to limit any chance they might be seen.

He still feared the rest might sneak off but so far they had obeyed his instructions and that was one thing he was grateful for. Once they returned the stories the chosen hunter told the others about what they saw and experienced kept the still unfamiliar ones in awe. The ones that had gone just blew it off as if they had become experts in cavities although he was sure they had been peeing themselves in fear as everything they saw and experienced blew their minds.

Usually before his phone ran out of battery power he used the last bits to identify charging stations in the closest cities so he knew where he could recharge it. It would take some time because he had brought a couple of extra batteries to keep ready because the distance between the cities would be difficult to reach in a couple of days. He was grateful he was able to get wifi signals even out here!

I was in the middle of tutoring a student when my phone rang and I saw it was my father calling. I excused myself and went to answer it in case it was an emergency.

"Father?" I asked as I answered.

"Hey Tyger, how are you?"

"I'm in the middle of tutoring a student. Is this important or can I call you back later?" I asked, trying to not let my voice house any concern. I was afraid he was gonna tell me something like dad had been hurt. I wanted to keep myself neutral the way he always did because I had seen how effective it is. The trouble was that I didn't have the skill level that he had at it.

"My apologies for disturbing you. What I have to ask won't take long so no need to call me back. I might need your expert skills in the same manner as when you helped destroy The White Citadel. Would you be able to help me? I would compensate you for your time, of course." he replied and I had mixed emotions on this. I was definitely curious what he needed help with but since we had destroyed The White Citadel, what could he possibly need me for?

"I guess... that sounds reasonable if it won't take up too much time." I replied.

"I'll be sending you an email with the last known GPS location before it was destroyed. I'm looking for ideas and how we can find the research team that had it. The trouble is that if I send out a rescue team I can't have them wandering blindly so I need ideas. I have a few ideas but want to see if they match up to my own." he said and I felt more like he was testing me than actually needing my help with such a trivial task.

"How long have they been missing?" I asked.

"Since the beginning of the semester. I unfortunately was only able to learn of their disappearance after it was too late. I doubt there are any survivors but I feel if I can know where they were going we might find where the hairless ones built their home."

"Wow... but if the hairless ones got them what good will a rescue team do? I thought it was said they were cannibals."

"They are probably omnivores but more predator than prey based on the supposed ape lineage they are suspected to come from. I mean you eat meat taken from prey that have died of natural causes. The only difference is that they are so primitive they still hunt other species in order to get their meat." he responded.

"Father, that's disgusting." I said the very thought of hunting another species to kill it and eat it.

"Son, that's the nature of life. One day I too will die but when I do my body will be used to give life to numerous predators, like yourself, your brother, and your dad. When I'm prepared, I will become the most splendid meals to ever be made and just knowing that I will help keep species like yourself and maybe if you have children able to keep living. It makes both my life and my death a beautiful thing.

I know you have grown into a man that I am proud of and you are more valuable than any of the wealth I have acquired. I am rich but not because I have money but because of you, Lyon, and your dad. Not to mention Dash and Ben." My father mused and I felt touched but then a thought hit me and I realized we were still in the middle of our bet. I figured he was trying to throw me off my game.

"Oh, I'm onto you old man! You thought you could trick me and lull me into a false sense of security. You want to throw me off my game so you can swoop in and win the bet!" I replied and I heard a soft sigh.

"I... guess I raised you too well because you are so like me that's it's uncanny," he replied.

"How much will I be paid for this job? My allowance rate?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Something in his voice was making me feel guilty and I wasn't sure if it was because I had done something wrong or he was manipulating me into making me feel guilty.

"Not exactly, this is a high priority mission so I was thinking something a little bit more...reasonable considering the level of difficulty involved." He replied and though he couldn't see me I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Then how much are we talking?" I asked. He replied by quoting the same amount that on my list was the top level tier! If I could complete this job we'd have enough to not only buy him a ticket but to get him involved in the after parties and everything else that he had planned for us. I couldn't believe it but it really made me curious how had I gotten so lucky to be given the exact amount we needed and it would be like he bought himself a ticket because we were using his own money.

"That's an incredible sum! How did you arrive at that exact figure?" I asked suspiciously.

"The thing is that its not an easy matter. You need to view all the footage of their journey to try and figure out where they may have been headsing but unfortunately the group did not travel in straight lines. That increases the difficulty and once the signal ends, I'll need you to surmise where they could have gone next. Then there is your knowledge of primitive cultures, if you have learned any of that at school, that comes into play. I would like to know how best to equip the rescue team so that they don't follow the same fate as the explorers.

Then I had to factor in that you have school and homework and... this new job you have tutoring students that I had to also factor in. My best guess is that it might take you 3 weeks and that unfortunately brings you close to the end of the semester. Plus you might need to cancel tutoring a few students to manage your time efficiently so I guesstimate the best I could and figure that sum should be acceptable and reasonable... or am I wrong in sum manner?" I thought about it and his argument seemed logical but I had a gut feeling there was more to this than he was letting on. I wondered if Uncle Jon had broken his promise to keep this a secret and told father about it.

"You haven't been speaking to Uncle Jon, have you? Lyon and I went to him asking ideas to get extra money. We both feel we want to work for it instead of just asking for paw outs from you. Lyon is looking for some spending money for when he and his teammates go out for a victory party. I was hoping to earn some so that Ben and I could go out on more dates on the weekends. This isn't merely a way for you to sneak a large sum of money into our laps is it? You know, to make it look like it's not a paw out?" I said and waited as my father remained silent for a reason.

Lou used his hoof to cover the cell phone so that Tyger couldn't hear him as he swore under his breath. His son had figured the whole thing out and unless he thought of a way to convince him otherwise, He might not except the money being offered.

"Hold on a minute son, I have to go yell at your dad." he replied and set the phone down then walked away and yelled Leggo loudly hoping Tygedr heard it over the phone. He needed a moment to think of something and hopefully this would buy him a few seconds.

"What?!" his husband replied as he stepped out into the hallway.

"Wanna order a pizza tonight?" he asked the wolf as he saw the hungry expression on his face at the mention of the word pizza. He had lowered his voice to make sure Tyger's tiger ears couldn't hear it. His mind raced as he tried to think of a way to bend the truth a little.

"Okay... oh and can we role play tonight? I saw this porn vid of a new bdsm trick to try and was hoping..." Leggo asked bashfully. Lou was only half listening to him at the moment but it always struck him as funny that Leggo usually played the Dom when they role play but generally he was a meek as a mouse and usually asked permission for everything... usually.

Sure anything you want, now go tell the maid we're ordering out tonight." Lou said and Leggo kissed him then quickly ran off. An idea hit Lou and he quickly returned to the call.

"Sorry about that. You know I love your dad so m uch but sometimes he just... acts like a puppy and I don't know what to do with him." Lou said and he heard Tyger chuckle. That boosted Lou's spirits. "Now where were we?"

"You were explaining 'why' you were going to pay me such a large sum of money after I asked if Uncle Jon mentioned our jobs to you." I summarized.

"Right, well I had no idea that you were tutoring anywhen when I called. Imagine my surprise to hear you are tutoring a student." Which was the truth because Tyger did tell him he was currently tutoring a student. He just failed to mention that Jon did in fact tell him all about their plans.

Now if Tyger came to the wrong conclusions because he did not properly ask the right questions then shame on him. At least he knew that he had not lied to his son!

"Can you send Uncle Jon the money so he... can hold it for us?" Tyger asked and Lou saw right through his request. He was still hiding why he needed the money and he guessed the explanation of Lyon wanting money to be with his friends and Tyger wanting to go on more dates with his boyfriend Ben were true. However, he was leaving out the part that he also wanted to buy a ticket for his father. Lou silently sighed as he realized his son was too much like his father for his own good.

"Do we have a deal?" Lou asked.

"Yes," Tyger replied softly as if unsure about it but he seemed to accept the explanation.

"Good, I'll send out the emails tonight. Oh, and before I forget I want to remind you that you are grounded."

"WHAT??!!" Tyger yelled in surprise.

"It sounds like you're making Jon keep a secret for you and whatever it is, I'm betting you deserve to be grounded over it. I think I'll call him tonight to find out what you have been up to." Lou joked knowing that Tyger was unaware.

"You know I love you father. It's because of your gentle guidance that you're helping me grow into the adult I will become." Tyger replied and Lou openly cursed as he realized Tyger was trying to score more points because of the bet they had going.

"Touché, son, touché."

BH let out a sigh of relief as he finally arrived with the hunters to the city where the bull lived. They had been camped nearby the city to observe the routine and try to determine the best time to capture him. He was also under observation during this time.

"Night is the best time but we still need to be careful. We can't be seen or its all over." BH had instructed.

"Could we hide on the roofs of the... what are they called?" Jayson asked.

"Buildings... yes but occasionally they have big metal birds that fly. They are called helicopters and they move faster than cars." BH explained and the hunters whistled.

"Can we hide on buildings then?" Paul asked, confused.

"Only if you're very careful and you cannot be seen, that is the most important thing." BH stressed to them and they nodded.

So far things have been going smoothly. The hunters were on the roofs and observed the bull and reported the findings. BH was able to walk among the species and get a little closure to the target.

Maxx, the bull, worked at a steel mill and he had numerous other skills the party had learned by watching him. He was a locksmith also so BH knew they had to be careful how they kept him because of that fact. He had a red heifer as a wife and two kids, both red heifers like the mother. He was luckily the same red color and the family seemed ideal.

He did like to drink alot and he beat his wife one night when he drank too much then brought roses the next day to apologise. BH wasn't sure if she stayed with him because it was true love or out of fear. He guessed she might be happy when her husband mysteriously disappears.

2 AM seemed to be the best time to cubnap the bull. Everyone was asleep and there was no movement outside, usually. BH planned to take him drinking the night of the abduction. He would stumble home after everyone was in bed and hopefully not lock the front door. Then they could sneak in and grab him and hopefully not wake up the household.

The hunters seemed eager to grab him because they kept saying they wanted to learn to make cars and metal birds that could fly. BH shook his head because they really had no idea the level of sophistication involved to actually make a car but he didn't want to ruin their hopes. He figured if they had a reason to capture Maxx and it would help them achieve the goal and he would be a step closer to making his army.

He knew he was going to have to steal some modern weapons if his army hoped to stand a chance but he figured what remained of The WC would be easy to capture and then he would intensify the hairless apes training so that they could liberate Bear.

The thought of Bear made him wonder what humiliation they were putting him through. Soon he would liberate his old leader and then they would get revenge on the deer and his family. He would skin them and turn them into clothes for Hueman to wear as a warning not to mess with Bear and his true followers.

To Be Continued...