Kurt: the mission

Story by razgriz_ghost on SoFurry

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#13 of new folder...

Disclaimer: the characters are mine if the description is damn near that of another's character than its by coincidence and I don't own any products like coke or Sony etc that are mentioned. Also if it is offensive to anyone then get the fuck out right now if not enjoy and if your under 18 if over then also enjoy.


"no dad I wont come home. I love kurt with all my heart and he beat me in a match with more than 60 onlookers so by the rules of our city I am to live with him." said a voice kurt somewhat recognized "does it look like I give a shit who it is? No I don't want to see him besides I already gave kurt my virginity." said the feminine voice again "you don't have the balls to do that. No I will die before I will let you even come close to him ASSHOLE. Yeah you do that and I will make sure you die." she said "kurt wake the fuck up." SMACK this made kurt jump out of bed, pick up his sword and go into a fighting stance. Upon looking who slapped him kurt saw eve standing there with a com crystal so he put his sword down. "damnit eve you didn't have to slap me you know." kurt said while stretching "but it is more fun that way besides you have a problem that I can take care of." eve said pointing at kurt's morning wood "well then how should we do this?" kurt asked as eve undressed "come sit down." she said patting the bed and kurt did as he was told.

Eve put his member into her mouth and started to lick his tip with her tongue then she started to bob her head while licking the underside of his cock "mmmm that feels good keep going." said kurt while he put a hand on her head as she started to bob faster "mmmm" he moaned as she put his entire length into her mouth and started to lick while humming. "Oh that's so good. At this rate I'm not gonna last much longer." kurt moaned. Eve pulled off and kissed the tip while pumping his member with her hand "oh eve im gonna cum." kurt moaned thru gritted teeth with this eve plunged his member into her mouth "oh shit her it comes." kurt half-yelled as he shoot 10 ropes into her throat which she swallowed hungrily before she got up to dress.

"oh shit that was good." kurt said after he got dressed

"Mr. rettinger there is Katrina here to see you." said the desk attendant

"ok put her on." said kurt

"oh hello Ms. Frobisher." said kurt

"oh you can just shut the fuck up. Any ways the elders want an answer." Katrina said

"oh what the hell why not."

A smile came across Katrina's face "ok then report to the elders they have a mission to prove your worth." Katrina said then she left

"well this sucks." said kurt as he started to leave for the elders

"kurt wait just promise me one thing?" asked eve "if it's anything dangerous don't die."

"look at who your talking to. Me die? I don't think so." kurt said coolly

"god your impossible but that's what I like." eve said

"ok im on my way." said kurt while he left the room.


"you want me to do what?" asked kurt looking at the elders

"you heard me. We want you to lead our front lines into battle against naimtz." said an elder

"ok but why not another general?" kurt asked

"because of this." said another elder tossing a newspaper at kurt. Kurt's eyes widened as he saw the story

_**-mass murder in city.

Kurt rettinger has fled the city after destroying 2 city blocks and after slashing the throats of amber frints and a black dragon of some sort. He is very deadly so if you should see him contact the castle guards immediately and don't try to take him on by yourself. Sincerely the king**_

"he's putting the blame of your loved ones deaths onto you. Kurt?" the elder asked but kurt wasn't listening -how dear that fucker do this I will make sure that he hangs from the rafters by his intestines- kurt thought

"HEY YOU LISTENING?" yelled the elder

"huh? Wha? Yeah I'm listening."

"bullshit then what did I just say?"

"uhhhh damn you win."

"damn straight I do. Now the reason we want you to lead our front lines is simply because you know his tactics better than anyone else."

"ok fine. Is that all?"

"hardly. We need you to infiltrate one of his out of castle compounds and destroy it of which is heavily fortified and to a normal person it would be a suicide run, I mean we sent a whole platoon and they were wiped out before they made it to the wall."

"oh is that all?"

"uhh yeah that seems about right." said the elder completely missing the sarcasm

"fine when do I leave?"

"whenever you're ready."

"good because I'm ready right now."

"ok. MAGE GET YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW!" yelled the elder

A mage fell through the door "OH SHIT IM SORRY GIMME A SEC!" said the feminine voiced mage while he or she picked up the scrolls. The mage stopped in front of kurt and kurt could see that it was a she with c sized breasts, stood 5'8'', was a cheetah, a scar that's vertical and is dead center on her right eye and was clad in white. "uh hello I will be accompanying you on this trip now just let me get the portal ready." she said as she ran off to one side of the room.

"hey if she dies don't worry about it because her parents are dead and she has no relatives an we elders have no more use of her. Actually if you can make her go away if you catch my drift." the elder whispered in kurt's ear.

"ok sure whatever." replied kurt -what the fuck is wrong with this guy? Kill her is he fucking mad?- kurt wondered as she got the portal ready

"oh I almost forgot my name is delta and don't worry I have no last name." she said as kurt approached

"and im-

"kurt rettinger white hair, red eyes, 5'10'', wields a giant sword, human, from a different dimension and has the powers of his inner demon." delta interrupted"(giggles) sorry it's just I'm just a fan."

"uhh a fan?" kurt asked perplexed

"oh yeah you even have a fan club." delta replied

-whoa whoa whoa a fan club? How fucked up is this world?- "excuse me did you just say a fan club?"

"oh yeah and the leader is john and we found him masturbating to some pictures of you." she said

-oh fuck no that is the last thing I need a fan club led by a homo- "ok lets get off this subject." said kurt feeling very very uncomfortable

"ok then lets go." she said dragging kurt through the portal

"AHHHHH!" delta screamed as she tripped over a root while bringing kurt down with her

"holy shit that was close. Umm are you good at portals?" kut asked after he grabbed the cliff ledge and saw that it was at least a 200ft drop

"umm I did something bad." delta said while looking up at kurt

"ok how old are you?" kurt asked already smelling piss

"I'm 16 ok I'm fucking 16." she said while looking away

"ok 16 and pissing yourself when something scary happens damn. Did you bring a spare pair?" kurt asked

"no I didn't." delta said but kurt didn't have to se her face to know that she was blushing

"ok whn we get to a stream clean your underwear ok?" kurt asked while pulling them up

"ok I will."

"ok now where is the fort?" kurt asked

"It's north-west for 20 miles."

"excuse me? Did you say 20 miles?"

"yep and the reason that is because this is the closest we can use a portal without alarming the fort."

"ok lets go." kurt said and with that they headed north-west. They came across a pond at about midnight "ok now go clean your underwear." kurt ordered


"ok and i'll setup a fire." kurt said. -ok I has been 9 minutes what is she doing?- kurt wondered -I'm gonna check up on her- as kurt peeked around the corner he saw her relaxing in the water with her breasts exposed -ok I'm just gonna go back to the fire- when kurt back to the fire he hered delta scream which made kurt grab his sword and dash for the pond he saw 6 men surrounding her all of whom were getting undressed -their gonna rape her maybe I should help her?-

"KURT HELP ME!" delta screamed as one of them held her down

"shut up you are gonna become our slave and your gonna like it." said one of them with a smile

"WHAT THE FUCK???" yelled one of them as the one next to him just split in half

"oh she aint gonna become your slave because the dead don't need slaves." kurt said coolly

"oh and who's gonna kill us you? don't make me laugh." said one

Kurt chuckled as 2 next to him just simultaneously fell into pieces "oh I don't think I'm gonna kill you I know I'm gonna kill you." kurt said as two more just fell to pieces

"back off dude or I will kill her."

"oh how cowardly to get a hostage." kurt said as he punched the would be rapist in the gut lifting him off the ground then broke his arms then grabbed him by the throat and started choking him "see I told yea you were gonna die." kurt said while watching the life drain from his eyes.

"kurt stop it just please no more I cant watch someone die." delta said while she flattened her ears and covered her eyes.

"heh fine." kurt saud then CRACK kurt broke the dude's neck then dropped him "you ok?"

"yeah I'm just fine."

"ok get dressed and for food I guess we eat them." kurt said pointing at the would be rapists

"I'm j-just gonna go to b-bed." delta stuttered with fear in her eyes as she quickly got dressed and went to bed as kurt found the lizard he killed and chopped in half and took of the dude's shirt and stuck a stick through him and placed him over a fire and kurt's last thought of the night was -damn I wish I had some seasoning oh well-


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