Home Sweet Home

Story by Poliwirl100 on SoFurry

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A story I wrote for FA inspired by a creature a friend created for his patreon

This was my first attempt at trying something this long or this detailed, so I truly hope you enjoy.

It was another sweltering day in August, the air humid, cicadas singing, no sane man would be caught outside in this weather. Yet if one listened they would hear a grunt followed by a thud, another grunt and another slam, in fact if they listened closely it was more than one voice grunting followed by the slow rhythm of slamming. Though one would not find the two men locked in the throes of passion, instead they would find a coyote in his middle aged years. The man had a fair amount of chub on him, despite still being fairly muscular from all of his years of farm work. He was wearing a tanktop that would usually be described as a wife beater, a fair amount of sweat making it wet, his jeans dusty from the hay bales he and the other man were tossing into the barn, his fur itself had begun to grey a bit around his muzzle had begun to turn silver, his once proud coloration now fading with age. The younger man helping him was a wolf, clearly in his mid to late twenties. His shirt was off as he showed the world his muscular physique, his dark grey coloration putting the old man's to shame. The rhythmic slamming coming from the hay they were stacking in the old man's barn. The farmer had long since given up on raising animals, though he made a living selling his hay to the other farmers through the winter.

"Ya know Clint, you should think about retirin'. Yer gettin' a little old to keep doin' this every year." the wolf would say with a grunt, tossing a bale into place. His voice seemed to fit right into the stereotype of the southern gentleman, the twang smooth and the tone pleasing to the ears.

The coyote would respond with a laugh, picking up another bale to toss into place "I ain't all that old yet, John. Besides I can't let'cha be the only one showin' off fer the ladies, can I?" Clinton responded with a cheeky smile. His voice was quite a contrast to the wolf's, the accent quite thick with his gruff tone.

John would roll his eyes as he tossed his bale in place "At yer age, I'm shocked it even still works. You sure you can keep it up long enough?"

Clinton scoffed as he tossed the last of the hay bales into its place "At least I know how to please a woman, unlike some little pup I know. Shoulda taught ya how since I know yer daddy didn't."

John simply laughed "Yeah, like ya've had any luck doin' that lately. Why don't ya go up to the city and find yerself a nice lay. Hear they really like the whole country dad look right now."

"Nah, can't do that. Taylor's home from college doin' some summer classes or somethin'. Wouldn't want to keep him up with all the racket." the older coyote would respond as he wiped his brow.

Shit, the little whelp is home? Why the fuck ain't he out here helpin' us?" the wolf would damn near bark at Clint, now very annoyed. "Needs to man up and give you a hand, ain't gunna get anything done if he's not man enough to put in the work." he finished, sliding his muscle shirt on.

"Quit yer bitchin' John, he wants to be a doctor after what happened to his Ma and ya've been givin' him shit since. He ain't made for this kinda work, and you know it." the coyote would snap at the wolf.

"I s'pose you have a point, he's a man now and he can choose to fuck over his Pa if he chooses." the wolf responded casually as he took off his gloves.

Clint would sigh, the two boys had always gotten along like cats and dogs. "You stayin' fer dinner? Was thinkin' of orderin' a pizza and gettin that new Brown Recluse movie, been hearin' it's pretty good."

The wolf would hop in the old beat up pickup truck they had been unloading from, chuckling a bit "Clint, if I wanted to watch a fox in some tight leather, I'd watch some porn."

Clint leaned on the man's open window "Like that's not what you were plannin' anyway."

The wolf gave the older man a cocky smile "Gotta keep the missus happy." he said, making a stroking motion with his hand.``Anyway, I gotta get going. I'll be seeyin' you tomorrow mornin', just take it easy, alright old man?"

Clint nodded and stood up, letting the wolf drive off before he started walking back to his house. It wasn't much to look at, he remembered thinking that his house looked like every generic farmhouse when he was a pup. The paint was a faded blue and peeling, the wood chipped away from age, even parts of the porch had grown soft with the passing of time. The house had originally belonged to his great grandfather, as much as he loved his home he was well aware that without major repairs it wouldn't last for his son and grandpups. It was a bit sad that his childhood home that had housed five generations wouldn't last unless his son put in the work, but they really didn't have a need for doctors right now in the country, it would most likely go to ruin. He entered the house and walked straight into the kitchen, listening up the stairs to see if Taylor was up and about or still holed up in his room. Clint walked back into the kitchen to grab his wallet, checking his wallet to ensure he had enough money to get them a pizza. His ears perked up as he heard the upstairs toilet flush, hearing the familiar sound of the water rushing through the pipes.

"Hey Taylor, could you come down here for a minute?" the older coyote called upstairs, walking back into the kitchen to grab his keys.

Clint would try to contain his excitement as he heard the familiar thumping of his son descending the stairs. The younger canine was clearly in his very early twenties. He wore only pajama bottoms, his physique much smaller than his father's though he had very little body fat. He was far from being considered anywhere near skinny or twink, but still not muscular. He rode that perfectly fine line of average. If one looked between him and his father, were they the same age and body type, they would look nearly identical.

"Yeah dad, what's up?" he asked, his voice only having the slightest tinge of the thick southern twang his father had.

"Jesus boy, it's five in the afternoon and yer not even dressed?" Clint asked, looking his son up and down.

"Well yeah...Been working on a paper all day for a summer class. Why would I get dressed for that?" the younger coyote asked, raising an eyebrow.

His father looked surprised and rubbed his chin "Yeah, s'pose ya've got a point there." the man muttered "Anyway, wanna get dressed? We haven't spent a whole lotta time together and was thinking we could get a pizza, watch that new Brown Recluse movie with Harlot Jojanson."

"I can't." Taylor responded, almost a bit too quickly, "I have to finish this paper by midnight, and honestly I can't say I'm a fan of her movies."

Clint folded his ears back, feeling a bit hurt by the decline of his offer "Taylor, listen. We haven't really done much together since yer Ma passed, but son...I'm trying. I know we weren't exactly close before that but that doesn't mean I don't want us to be close."

His words sunk in a bit as the young coyote listened, he loved his dad and always had "Dad, look I'm sorry you feel that way. It's not like I've been trying to push you away, I've just never been one for sports, or beers, or playing cards-"

"We can do whatever, Taylor. It's not about what we do, I just want to spend time with you. I'm your father dammit!" Clint had cut his son off "I'm sick of the distance between us, yer the only family I have left."

Taylor folded his ears back and rubbed his arm, he looked away as he thought about what his father said. He tried to think of what they could do together when the idea hit him "Do you remember when I was a pup how we used to walk in the woods after dark to the clearing and catch fireflies?"

Truth be told, those were always one of Clint's favorite memories, he would walk out there any time he missed Taylor while he was at school. "Well yeah, but I think I might be a bit too old to try and catch them now."

Taylor would bite his lip a bit nervously. "Well we could always head out there tonight and just watch them and...talk."

The older coyote would look slightly confused but if that's what his boy wanted "So is that what you'd wanna do then?"

His son nodded, "Sure, we have plenty of time before it gets dark so I can finish my paper and you can watch that movie."

Clint smiled wide "Sounds good then. I'll go grab the pizza and you can take some up to yer room if that helps."

Taylor started to ascend the stairs once more "Sure, just let me know when you're home and I'll come down and grab some." he said before climbing the rest of the way to the top and hiding away in his room.

That was all the permission Clint needed to head off, excited that for the first time in years he was going to spend quality time with his son. The ride to town, waiting on the pizza, and the drive back seemed to take no time at all. He knew he had been gone for about an hour but he was in too much of a happy mood to keep track of the exact time, getting home a little before six. He called Taylor down to come get his food before he made his own plate, the pizza itself was greasy and the cheese runny, yet it had that magical taste that only small town pizzarias seemed to be able to capture. He'd sit down in front of the tv and turn it on, grabbing the remote for the Riku. Granted he didn't really understand how all of that worked and was thankful that Taylor had set it up for him. He quickly turned to the Mousey+ app and looked for the Brown Recluse movie, excited to watch it though it was unclear if it was to watch a Hollywood hottie in tight clothes, if he truly enjoyed the movie, or if it was the thought of spending time with his son. He quickly turned the movie on and took a bite of his pizza, the opening credits had barely even started and his eyes were transfixed to the screen.

The movie itself took just barely two hours, full of fun spy action and of course the sex icon of the Revengers movies running around in a tight body suit. Clint checked the time and saw it was barely past eight at night, the sun would still be setting. He decided to get up and look outside, seeing the orange glow on the horizon as the farm was blanketed in the purples and blues of dusk. He thought he would wait a little while longer before checking to see if Taylor was ready, instead cleaning up the remainder of the pizza in the kitchen. He was shocked to see only one piece remained of the large, only taking two for himself which meant Taylor had taken the rest. He couldn't blame the boy, they didn't have pizza like this up in the city, but where the hell did he put it? Taylor barely had any fat to speak of. He took his time as he cleaned up, bagging up the last slice and putting it in the fridge, washing what little dishes were in the sink, and deciding to make some lemonade for them to share when they headed out. Soon eight became nine, nine became ten, Clint began to worry. Taylor was never one to miss anything he'd say he'd do, was the paper really that long? The older coyote would traverse up the stairs, listening closely to see if maybe his son was shuffling around to get dressed. He approached the door to Taylor's room and knocked gently, listening for a response.

"Taylor, ya about ready ta go?" He asked, not wanting to disturb his son if he was still working.

But there was no response, he gently opened the door and would sigh in disappointment at what he saw. He found the younger coyote asleep at his desk, it looked like the paper had been finished and submitted at least an hour ago. Clint would walk in and make his son's bed, he wanted to be angry but couldn't find himself to feel those emotions. He was blown off by his son, why shouldn't he be upset? Clint sighed, this was just part of being a parent, eventually your pups grow up and work hard to leave the den. When the bed was ready he'd walk over to Taylor and would find himself a slight shock. Sitting next to his computer were two separate pictures, one of Taylor and his mother, that didn't come as a shock to Clint. When Taylor was much younger Clint had found the pup crying, worried that he might forget what she looked like as she had passed when he was only six years old. Clint had gone out that night and grabbed a picture frame just before the local dollar store had closed, and looked through her scrapbooks for his favorite picture of the two, Taylor couldn't have been more than three in that picture as he sat on the woman's lap for her twenty third birthday. He looked more excited about the cake on the table, but his mother was smiling as if it were the happiest moment of her life. But what had shocked the older coyote was that sitting next to that was a picture of himself, a five year old Taylor in his arms as they proudly held a trophy for a box car derby together. He gently picked it up and smiled, he knew that this picture wasn't in here before Taylor came home, the amount of times that John had crashed in here after they had more than a few beers together, Clint knew what this room looked like better than he knew the layout of his barn. The coyote would set the picture down gently, thinking to himself that it was probably one of the few of the two of them together. Gently he would pick up his son, almost as if he were a pup again and had fallen asleep on the couch. He would carry him over to his bed and lay the younger man down, pulling the covers over his boy, tucking him in like a child again, and give him a gentle kiss on the forehead. Clint would then leave his son's room, making sure to close the door as softly as possible, getting one good look at Taylor before he did so. He sighed and realized why he couldn't feel anger towards getting blown off, he knew just how hard Taylor was working to be able to save lives, deep down he knew that his son's education was just a bit more important than just spending idle time with his old man.

Clint descended the stairs once more and grabbed his boots, there was no reason he couldn't go to the meadow by himself. He quickly laced up his boots and had a thought, deciding to grab a mason jar from the cupboard. Since Taylor had worked himself to sleep and missed spending time with his old man, why not bring some of the time to Taylor? He quickly left the house, making sure not to slam the door as he was accustomed to, and headed off into the nearby woods. It didn't take long for him to reach the clearing, he could probably walk through the woods blindfolded at his age. He and his father used to play together in the woods, he and Taylor used to play together, even his regular strolls whenever he decided he needed fresh air, the winding trails had been engraved into his memory. When he reached the clearing he immediately began to put some grass into the mason jar, a couple of twigs, even some leaves from nearby trees. He thought since Taylor wasn't here to enjoy the fireflies, he might as well bring them to him, they could always release the bugs the next night. When the mason jar was ready he sat it down, turning to face the rest of the clearing, he was now a father on a mission. He would end up prancing around for several minutes, working up a sweat trying to catch the elusive critters, though his efforts had ended in complete failure. He ended up needing to sit down after maybe ten minutes, quite breathless, he could throw hay bales all day but running around was a completely different story.

Clinton sat there panting, he was right to tell Taylor earlier that he was definitely too old to try and catch fireflies. He leaned his head back a bit and watched the bugs dance around, the sound of crickets accompanied the flying lights giving the illusion of some sort of waltz. He remembered Taylor telling him that the girl bugs couldn't fly or something like that, the young pup's voice echoing in his mind with that random little fact. He closed his eyes as he reminisced about years that had long since passed, he could almost almost hear the young pup trample around trying to catch fireflies, his screams of delight, the laughter of his wife. Clint sighed as his thoughts turned to her, it had been seventeen years since she passed and yet he felt as if he would never truly get over her passing. He closed his eyes as he envisioned her, she had curves in all the right places, her fur was always so beautiful, and he could always envision the scent of that sexy perfume she always wore to put him in the mood. In fact he could almost smell it now, stronger than any other time he would reminisce, feeling his jeans getting tighter by each passing second until he felt the full length of his shaft at full mast running down his left leg. He opened his eyes, it was a bit embarrassing to have a full erection in public, but then he remembered he wasn't exactly in public. He was in the woods, alone, away from prying eyes.

Without much of a second thought he would quickly unbuckle his belt, unbuttoning his pants, sliding them off to reveal his light blue boxer briefs that contained his shaft. Reaching in through the front pouch he would fish out his shaft, the hard length uncut and a modest but respectable six and a half inches, the foreskin only sliding back to the ridge of his cock head, being a little too tight to pull back much further. Closing his eyes again he would slowly begin to stroke his length, envisioning the appearance of his late wife with some slight modifications. Rather than wearing the lingerie he had seen her in so many other times, he instead imagined her in that tight leather outfit from the movie he had just seen. Imagining how sexy it would have been to unzip it slowly, to watch her breasts bounce free of the tight confines of the jumpsuit, watch her grab his shaft and slowly start to go down on him. He would begin to stroke a bit faster, feeling his climax coming quickly, after all it had been quite some time since he thought about having some quality "me" time and the fantasy proving a bit too much for him. With a low grunt he began to spew forth a white liquid from his cock that any man would be familiar with, rope after rope of his seed spilled on the forest floor, dribbled onto his hand, and splattered against his boxer briefs. After a moment he was finished, panting a bit as he squinted to look at the load he just blew, it was a lot larger than he was used to, probably came with the territory of not having gotten off in some time. He wiped his hand off on the forest floor as he sat there enjoying his afterglow, feeling his cock soften after such a load.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, enjoying the rush of endorphins that traveled through his system. Feeling the breeze through the trees, hearing the crickets, this truly was a magical night. He was in a state of bliss as he enjoyed the nature around him.

He was completely unaware of what was yet to come.

He felt he must've dozed off for a minute or two, perhaps having a wet dream as he did, as when he was startled awake his cock was growing erect again. It almost felt as if there was a mouth around it, or if he was using one of those pocket pussies that John had given him. He looked down and was startled, panic in his chest rising almost as quickly as his cock was. Covering his shaft were dozens, if not hundreds, of small ants. He watched his shaft growing while covered in them, what should have been white skin was now entirely black as it was covered with the critters, bits of the white could be seen here and there as it grew, only for more ants to cover it. He groaned as pleasure overwhelmed his shaft, it definitely felt as close to the real thing as he could think of. Better than any toy he'd tried, and better than his hand for sure. He looked down at where his cum from earlier should have landed, only to see it swarmed with ants, it was as if his cum was like sugar to them, perhaps that's what they sustained themselves on. He picked up the hand he had jacked off with earlier to find them all over it as well, seeming to clean off the residue from earlier. He felt his panic subsiding a bit as it was replaced by an almost overwhelming pleasure, these ants certainly knew what they were doing. He felt them crawling all over but each little tap of their limbs instead brought pleasure instead of a tickle or prickling sensation.

He looked around a bit, trying to follow the trail and decided to get up, the insects not bothering to try to fall off of his shaft as they worked. He followed the trail carefully, finding their ant hill nearby and was shocked he'd never seen it before. If they were a new colony, they worked pretty damn quick, then again he hadn't been to the clearing yet this summer. He sat down next to it, deciding that if they were doing this for food, he could at least make it easy for them, clearly something that brought this much pleasure to someone couldn't be bad in the slightest. He leaned his head back and groaned as the ants worked on his shaft, feeling them squeeze under his foreskin, working parts of his cock that went nearly untouched for most of his life. Closing his eyes he decided to enjoy the sensations, the constant moving felt as if he truly were sliding his shaft in and out of someone, and yet he wasn't doing any of the work. He could almost feel the tight squeezing of a pussy around his cock, his shaft giving a throb which seemed to encourage the ants to do more. He felt a couple of curious ants start to toy around with the opening to his urethra, only to feel them start to crawl in a second later. His eyes shot open then, only for his concern to instantly melt away as he now felt this insane amount of pleasure start to travel down his cock. It was only two or three of them, but yet the sensation was nearly enough to make him climax again right then and there. He was already a panting mess as his cock drooled helplessly against the swarm of ants that surrounded his cock, he was completely unprepared for what was about to happen. The adventurous ants that had traveled down his cock seemed to know via instinct that the bladder was not where they needed to travel, instead opting to move towards the vas deferens upon reaching the prostate. Once they were in place they began to move around, releasing a secretion that to Clint felt as if a vibrator had been set to high directly inside his prostate. He was instantly panting and whining in pleasure as that was the tipping point for him, he squirmed helplessly as the floodgates opened.

He felt himself orgasm harder than he ever had before in his life, each stream of cum released from his urethra felt as if he was shooting out an actual rope from within. He gripped the grass underneath him as he unleashed his torrent, wave after wave of pleasure crashing through his body, causing him to shudder. He came for what felt like minutes, showing no signs of stopping as the ants slowly left his shaft to collect their reward. It wasn't until the last few remained that he started to slow down before trickling to a stop, the remaining ants cleaning up what had dribbled out. He looked down as he panted, shocked at the amount of seed that came from him, watching as it was slowly over taken by a sea of ants.

He would stand up and shake his cock, making sure all the ants had been freed from the confines of his foreskin and tuck himself back away. He had hoped the few adventurous ones had been blasted free, but surely there was no way they could survive inside him. He would pull his pants back up and buckle them to stay up, not bothering to button his pants as he was just going to strip down and go to bed when he got back home. He looked at the ant hill as he walked by it, noticing the strong scent of pheromones similar to the perfume his wife wore. He was definitely going to come back and soon, he was going to make sure these little critters stay well fed.

Taylor awoke suddenly, his heart racing as he realized he had passed out instead of spending time with Clint. He sat up in his bed and looked around, a bit confused as he didn't remember laying down, let alone getting under his blanket. He looked outside and saw the sun rising, putting it at roughly seven in the morning. He flung the bedcovers off and got out of his bed, stretching a bit as he did. Since he missed getting to spend time with father, maybe he could make it up to him with breakfast...or so he hoped. The young coyote would hear his father's chainsaw snoring as he walked past Clint's bedroom, descending the stairs knowing not much except the smell of food would wake him if he was snoring that loudly. Taylor began by grabbing his grandmother's cast iron skillet, after all he had work to do.

About an hour had passed and Taylor had been in the zone, finishing his sausage gravy and letting it sit on the burner to stay warm, peeking in the oven to see if the biscuits were close to finishing. Figuring he had a few minutes he headed upstairs quickly, knocking pretty loudly on his father's door, hearing the snoring suddenly stop.

"Hey Dad, I uh...I made breakfast. It'll be ready in a few minutes if you wanna head down." Taylor said gently, "And...I'm sorry about last night."

He heard the old coyote mumble something on the opposite side of the door, taking that as an acceptance of his apology. He headed back downstairs just as he heard the familiar rumble of an old engine, knowing exactly what that brought with it. Taylor walked back into the kitchen and stirred the gravy, cracking some eggs to cook in the bacon grease he had saved earlier. He sighed as he heard the truck door creak before slamming shut, not sure if this feeling in his gut was annoyance or if it was excitement. He hadn't seen the wolf that was walking to the porch since he came home, and yet he remembered each time he had seen John it always ended in a heated argument. He heard the heavy boots stomp along the porch, and the feeling increased...was it hate? No, Taylor realized it was anxiety. Was John going to actually be nice? Taylor scoffed, that was doubtful, but hopefully he'd remain polite. Taylor heard the door slam, mentally preparing himself for the wolf yet to come.

"Somethin' smells good! Seems like the old man managed to land a lady after-" John cut himself off, seeing Taylor at the stove as he walked in.

"Nice to see you too." Taylor said, not even turning to look at the wolf as he walked in. Instead Taylor walked to the cabinets to grab plates "You already eat, John?"

"Nah, woke up and came straight here. Yer Pa's got a lot to stack today, gunna stop bein' a sissy and come give us a hand?" John said as he sat down.

"Gunna stop being an asshole and actually show me some fucking respect?" the coyote asked as he set the table for the three of them.

"Respect is somethin' earned, whelp. And you ain't done nothin to earn that sorta respect." John quickly snapped at Taylor, watching him set the table "Seems like yer gunna be quite the house wife when you land yerself a nice woman."

Taylor placed the eggs on John's plate, then his father's, and lastly his own. "John, let me ask...What in the fuck did I ever do to you to make you hate me?" He asked as he placed two potholders down on the table before setting the biscuits and gravy down.

The muscular wolf grabbed a biscuit and tore it to pieces, ladling gravy over pieces "Shit Taylor, I don't hate you. If ya knew how many people I beat the shit out of in highschool for calling you a fag, ya'd be amazed. But no, I don't hate ya."

Taylor was a bit shocked hearing that John was two years his senior so he could only imagine who was calling him names all those years ago. "Who was calling me a fag?" he asked as put a plate of bacon down on the table as well.

John grabbed himself a few pieces "Well the Colson boys for starters, but they were always little shits growin' up. The Fisher boy, the Green cousins, hell there were so many I can't keep track of them all."

Taylor was a bit uncomfortable hearing that, he didn't exactly have a whole lot of friends in school outside of John...if you could even call him that "Well they weren't exactly wrong." He said casually as he poured everyone a glass of milk. He heard John choking on his food and slid the milk towards him "Be a good boy and swallow." he said to tease the wolf.

John did as he was told, taking a large swig of the milk to help dislodge the food stuck in his throat. He coughed a bit and looked over at Taylor "Yer gay? I had no idea, but ya know what? Good fer you."

Taylor smiled, he might not like John all that much but at least he knew he could trust him. He sat down and got ready to eat "Thanks man, it means a lot. I didn't know you stuck up for me so much so I figured you should be the first to know."

The wolf stopped mid chew and looked at the coyote "Ya haven't told yer Pa?"

Taylor shook his head "No...I was gunna tell him last night but worked myself to sleep. '' he said with a chuckle.

John slammed his fist on the table, the dishes rattling from his strength "That's yer fucking problem Taylor. Ya don't tell yer Pa shit, ya don't fuckin' help the old man, shit that's been my job the past ten years. Instead ya chose to go off to college, only coming home when ya need a free roof over yer head, and who's paying for it all? Yer old man!" John finished, taking another swig of his milk.

"John...Is that why you don't respect me?" Taylor asked weakly, looking down.

"Yer damn right it is. Yer always fuckin' over yer old man, he works hard just fer you to come home and make him think yer gunna spend time with him, just fer you to up and leave when his hopes are up." John began, giving Taylor a stern and angry look. "He's been more of a father to me than you've been a son to him. Maybe, just maybe, if ya manned up and stop sulkin' over yer mama you'd realize--" John was cut off by the sound of Taylor's chair hitting the floor as he stood up.

"Enjoy your fucking food." Taylor said as he stormed off, passing his father as he traveled up the stairs. "There's food on the table." He would say to Clint as he passed, leave it to John to fuck his mood, just like any other time.

Clint looked down at the wolf from the stairs, a grumpy look plastered across his face as he glared down at John "The hell did ya say to the boy?"

John sipped his milk and shrugged "Told him he needs to stop being a sissy."

Clint sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, it was far too early for this. "Can y'all just get along for an hour?"

John shrugged "We can as soon as he mans up..." he trailed off, his ears going flat as he saw the older coyote's glare, a slight whimper escaping his throat. Clint looked pissed, and while he was willing to fight his old man, Clint was far more terrifying. "Sorry Clint..." He said quietly.

Clint finished walking down the stairs and sat down at the table "You thank him for the meal?" he asked coldly.

John shook his head quietly "No Sir."

Clint grabbed a biscuit and tore it in half, almost too aggressively "Then you can take care of the food and dishes to apologize, ya hear me?"

John would nod "Y-yeah."

Clint would smile "Good, make some coffee while yer at it and I'll pack the cooler with some beers and we'll get started fer the day."

The two ate in silence, John could tell that Clint was angry with him and talking would just make it worse. Clint was always a grouch in the morning, and he should have known better to start laying into Taylor first thing. When they had finished, Clinton had gone outside to grab the cooler while John put the food away and started washing the dishes, only coming inside for ice. John would head outside when he had finished, fishing his keys out of his pocket while Clint loaded the cooler into the wolf's truck.

"Alright, ready to head out then?" Clint asked, looking over to John "You got my coffee?"

John's eyes went wide as he realized he forgot to make the coffee, swallowing as he was afraid to answer "I forgot to make it."

Clint shot a look at the wolf, but ultimately sighed "It's fine, just means yer gunna hafta put that mouth of yers to work."

"Hey, I don't get on my knees for no job." John quickly shot back at the older man.

"That's fine, I'd want someone who actually knows how to please a man." Clint said with a chuckle, hopping in the truck so John could drive them to the field to grab another load of hay bales.

It was a long day for Clint, his mind kept wandering back to what had happened the night before as he and John shared quips back and forth, that wasn't what made it long for him. Occasionally he would feel what felt like a vibrator directly in his prostate, resulting in a gasp every time, he would be able to play it off each time as if maybe he had hurt himself the day before. Clearly he didn't let loose all of the critters that had felt a bit too adventurous, but it was fine. Honestly it was a bit exciting to have something try and turn him on while he was working. John had asked him questions about the movie he watched, it was a welcome distraction from the invader inside him. Clint gave him his honest opinions, it was fun, Harlot Jojanson was hot as always, all in all he thought it was a good movie. He told the wolf he finally had a heart to heart with his son, that Taylor had felt the same way, and that they were going to try and spend some time together before he went back to school. Clint mentioned the picture he discovered of the two of them, of course he didn't go into detail about that day. He remembered it clearly, how they beat the other father son duos, how John and his father were one of them. He remembered how he gave the wolf's father an ass whooping in the parking lot when he caught the older wolf punching his son to the ground for losing. John had spent the entire summer with them that year, and he knew better than to bring that memory up. It was why when the wolf was old enough to help around the farm, Clint had offered him the job. If he could help the pup stay away from an abusive father, keep him from becoming like that, then he felt like he did his job as a father. Sure the pup wasn't his, but that didn't stop him. It was pretty well known that he was John's surrogate father, the school would always call the coyote when he acted up, and it would be up to him to set the wolf straight. It was while he was in this past reflection when he had an idea.

"Hey Johnny boy, question for ya." He asked as he watched out the window while they drove back to the barn.

"What's up?" John asked, taking a sip of his beer as he drove over the dirt path from the field to their destination.

"I know yer up there in age, but I know you and yer daddy never got along, hell I doubt you even call him yer dad." Clint began, opening a beer for himself. "Was thinkin' ya could get out of there, could move in with me."

The wolf laughed "Clint, I think yer startin' to go senile."

"No, I'm bein' serious John." Clint immediately interrupted before the wolf could say anymore "Move in with me, take my last name, yer like a son to me and I know you care fer Taylor like your little brother."

"First 'f all, that little whelp needs an ass whoopin'." John started, only to get cut off by Clint again.

"Oh knock it off, I might not've finished middle school but I ain't fuckin' stupid. Didja forget that I picked you up every time you got caught fightin' in school? I was the one who spoke to yer teachers, I know fer a fact you was stickin' up fer him when no one else would." Clint began, smiling a bit "I know yer hard on him cuz yer afraid. He has somethin' you think you never had, but you had the entire time."

John swallowed hard and chuckled a bit, trying to play it cool with such a heavy topic "Clint, I think you been drinkin' too much."

"Think about it John, every time yer daddy drank too much who would come pick you up?" Clinton asked

"Well...you did." John said quietly

"Mhm, and who threw yer birthday parties? Who helped with yer homework? Who drove ya to yer prom? Who took care of ya when ya almost died of the flu? Hell that time you was fuckin' around and broke yer leg fer falling off the roof of yer trailer, who took ya to the hospital because yer daddy couldn't be bothered? Who the hell gave ya this truck?" the coyote asked, drilling into the wolf.

"You did." John responded, his throat dry,

"That's right, I did." Clint responded, looking quite pleased with himself. "You was always like a son to me, and you and Taylor behave like brothers whether y'all want to admit it or not. I remember a certain wolf pup cryin' one Christmas cuz he was afraid Santa wouldn't know he wasn't at home and deliver his toys to the wrong house, and that his dad would just throw them away. Ya remember what the coyote pup did? He wrote a letter to Santa that night and left it out, telling Santa that his friend was staying with him and that he didn't want his toys, he wanted the wolf pup to have them all."

John remembered that Christmas fondly, it was the first actual Christmas he'd ever had. He remembered running down the stairs with Taylor and the two were absolutely astounded by all the presents they had seen. They both got the same toys, but different colors, Clint and Mary said that he could keep them there or take them home if he wanted.

"Taylor really wrote to Santa over something like that? He was always a brat when it came to his toys." John asked, glancing over at the older coyote.

"Ya've put him through hell growin' up, that's fer damn sure. But John, if ya ever called him and told him ya needed someone to talk to, he would listen. Ya don't want him fuckin' up something ya don't think ya had." Clint started, looking over to the wolf who he could tell was trying to hold back his emotions "But you two are the best sons I could ask fer, I don't care who yer real daddy is, Lord knows I beat the shit out of him often enough, as far as I'm concerned ya've always been my boy."

The wolf would stop the truck, tearing up a bit. He'd always respected and loved Clint but this was a bit much. "Clint I...I don't know what to say..."

"Well...you could start by callin' me Pa." The coyote said nonchalantly

The wolf would hug the coyote, he was never one to really show his emotions and yet he couldn't help himself. He found himself crying on the shoulder of the older coyote, years of pent up anger and sadness suddenly escaping him as he cried. He felt the man gently rub his back as his arms wrapped around the wolf, he felt a gentle kiss on the top of his head as the waterworks flowed.

"It's alright son, let it out." Clint said gently, trying to reassure the wolf he had just torn open, but these were things that should have been said years ago. He should have never let John go back to his father, he should have just adopted him all those years ago since he had more of a hand in John's upbringing than his father did.

It took a moment for John to calm down, finally breaking free and wiping his eyes "Don't...don't know what came over me there." He said with a chuckle, trying to play it off "I'll uh...I guess I don't mind callin' you Pa."

The older canine would notice the wolf's tail wagging like an excited pup, pretending not to notice "If ya like, I can take ya to the town hall when they're open on Tuesday and we can change yer last name. Ol' Peg knows me pretty well so don't think she'll have any objections, we can take care of yer license at the DMV in the city when I go up there Wednesday to get mine renewed."

John nodded, listening to his old man's plan "I s'pose I could try and move in next weekend. Gets me out of the trailer with the drunk." he said as he started driving again.

Clint smiled "We gotta make sure we clear out the ol' guest bedroom then, we can move all of that stuff down to the basement." he started "But ya gotta promise you'll stop givin' Taylor such a hard time, he means well and wants to help, he's just got his own way of doin' things."

John swallowed, he'd been trying to teach the younger coyote to man up and help their father more, and he still felt that way. "Cli- Pa, I'll try. I'd still like to see him help around more often."

"He made us breakfast didn't he?" Clint had said a bit too quickly, adjusting in the seat as he felt a certain sensation in his nethers for a quick second. "I know you two aren't going to get along again in a day, but please try to get along."

The wolf nodded "I'll talk to him when we're done, see if maybe he'll wanna head up to the city and we can go to that arcade place...It was called Dan and Billy's or something, unless you got other plans."

Clint laughed "Same plan as always, watch a movie with a couple of beers. If he's up for it, feel free to go."

The rest of the day seemed to fly by, granted that was the last of the hay they were going to unload for the day. Clint and John went back to making jabs at each other as always, the two laughing at one another as beer cans started to fill the cooler. When they had finished they walked to the house together, Clint giving John a change of clothes and letting him use the shower. As the wolf showered, Clint sat down with Taylor and told them what he and John had discussed, the younger coyote feeling a strange mix of emotions.

"Dad...you can't be serious." Taylor objected.

"I am, Taylor." Clint said calmly "He's always been a big brother to you."

"He's bullied me most of my life!" the younger coyote.

Clint would take a sip of his beer, the last one of the night or so he told himself. "Because he thought you was trying to push me away, and because I'm the only real daddy he's known he was being protective."

Taylor swallowed, he could definitely understand that, but Rome wasn't built in a day, the bond he once shared with John wouldn't be fixed in a night. "Okay, but making me go out to the city with him tonight? Did you stop to think of how that would make me feel?"

"I figured you'd allow yer old man a night to himself, maybe I'd like to invite a lady friend over tonight." The older coyote said with a cocky smirk, seeing a flash of disgust on his son's face "Oh come on Taylor, you know yer dad fucks."

"First, gross." Taylor began "Secondly, no you don't. I've lived here my whole life, you've never had someone over."

"Well then maybe, Johnny could help you score a handsome man to spend the night with. I'll drive up there to pick ya up if needed." Clint said, the look of absolute horror on his son's face making it hard not to laugh.

"Wh-But I'm not gay." Taylor objected.

Clint simply rolled his eyes "Boy, listen here. I grew up in this house, I found yer Playdoes when you were fourteen. I know every spot, every nook and cranny, that there is to hide yer stash and I know you found my old Playstags." he would say, taking another sip of his beer.

"And...you're not upset or anything?" Taylor asked, his ears folded back in embarrassment.

"Why would I? Cuz my son likes dick? That's nothin' to get mad over. I figured ya'd tell me when you was good 'n ready'' his father said with a chuckle "Took me by surprise, but I figured as long as you was happy it didn't matter."

Taylor got up and came around the table to give his dad a tight hug, his tail wagging like a pup on Christmas "I love you dad."

Clint simply smiled and wrapped his arms around his boy, careful not to spill his beer "Love ya too, pup." He said gently before letting Taylor go. "Now go get ready, John's probably close to finishing his shower."

Taylor sighed "Alright, I'll give him a shot, but don't be shocked if I call you asking for a ride."

Clint would respond with a chuckle "I'll be honest Taylor, I'll be shocked if you don't call me."

The younger coyote would head upstairs to get ready, it wasn't long before he and John both came downstairs. They didn't stay long though, there was some slight bickering about where they would go for dinner before Clint interrupted with a fifty dollar bill and told them to just go to a steakhouse. He sighed as they walked out the door, not even together for five minutes and they were already fighting, hopefully they would get along tonight. While he wasn't exactly expecting his phone to stay silent, he wasn't exactly thrilled at the thought of driving an hour north to pick Taylor up in the middle of the night because John pissed him off again, his boy getting lucky though was another story, hopefully Taylor was a top because his shocks definitely needed to be worked on and it would be a bumpy ride when they got off the highway. He should have asked before they left, just so he knew if he'd need to grab a pillow or not for the ride home. Clint got up from the table and shifted back to the living room, grabbing the remote for the Riku for his Mousey+. He'd already watched everything in the Revengers series, including the shows, and as much as he loved the villainess that was Hagatha Darkness he wasn't really in the mood for a drama. Instead he flicked on Freyr: Ragnarok, wanting more of a comedy after the emotional day he'd had with John and Taylor.

Clint settled in and prepared for a night of laughs, when he first watched it he never thought that Bris Gemsworth and Tim Hoddleston were able to pull off a comedy, then to hear from John that most of the movie was improv...he was shocked. He was impressed by Cait Shanchet's performance as Frejya the goddess of war, and that skin tight bodysuit wasn't bad to look at either. What he loved most was the acting of Geoff Silverblum, he'd followed the fossa's career since he'd seen him act in the 90's hit classic Triassic Park. He'd only gotten to the part where Matt Buffalo had made his appearance instead of The Bulk when he felt the odd vibrating sensation return, he'd gotten pretty used to the sensation coming and going all day but this was much more intense. He groaned as it just grew more and more intense, feeling his shaft quickly growing hard within his pants. He unbuckled his jeans and slid them off, sliding the band of his boxer briefs under his balls, and wrapped his hand around his shaft. Maybe if he came, it would dislodge the little guy. He would start to stroke furiously, feeling his cock leaking precum like a faucet as the pleasure from his prostate only increased with each passing moment. He was quickly a whining and panting mess, stroking like his life depended on it as his need increased. The pleasure was amazing, he honestly didn't want it to end but the ant inside him needed to come out, he doubted it was safe for either him or the little guy. He growled as he felt himself getting close, only to cry out in frustration as he felt it suddenly fade away. His ears perked up as he looked up at the tv, the credits for his movie rolling, he had no idea that he'd been going for so long.

He stood up and slid his pants back on, once more only bothering with the buckle, only sliding on a pair of sandals. Maybe it wouldn't let him orgasm because he was too far from the ant hill, it might need the pheromones of its queen to know it was safe. He left the house and groaned, feeling the ant start up again, his shaft once again springing to life as he walked. He looked down at his pants as he felt a particular spot start to grow cold, noticing a dark spot in the setting sun, it was growing where the tip of his shaft was. Little critter clearly wanted out if it was going through all this trouble. Upon reaching the clearing he looked around for the ant hill, sniffing in the air to help him locate it. It wasn't long before he smelled the perfume of pheromones, following it to the hill. Upon reaching the small mound in the grass he began to strip, sliding both his pants and boxer briefs off, opting to take off his shirt as well. It was a bit thrilling to be standing there in the wilderness, nude as could be, his shaft sticking out in front of him as it dribbled his precum to the forest floor. The ants began to leave the mound as they seemed to pick up on that fact, Clint watching them crawl out of the hole in the Earth. He had a bit of an idea, noticing the hole was almost the perfect size to fit the width of his shaft. If they felt as good as they had away from their colony, how good would it feel to stick it in directly?

Clint got down on all fours, leaning his front half on one arm for a moment as he positioned his leaking cock to the entrance of the mound, the ants seeming to pick up on what he was planning as they followed his leaking precum. He slowly lowered himself inside, a gasp followed by a low groan as his cock was suddenly swarmed by thousands of the ants, each of them working together to bring him pleasure. He was already panting, it felt as if he had slid into the tightest virgin he could find, but they worked with skills that could only be described as professional. He adjusted himself, and found his hips now flush with the ground underneath him. He thought he must've died and gone to heaven as the ants also began to swarm his sack, bringing pleasure to the protective skin for his balls. Clint truly was in bliss as he lay there, near drooling against the ground. He had no idea how long he had been laying there, only knowing it was definitely longer than the night prior. He panted and moaned as he let his new friends work his shaft for their desires, feeling his climax drawing closer and closer until it hit. With a loud growl he began to cum hard directly into the hive, he felt the little guy who had gotten stuck before get dislodged and rejoin his colony with the first spurt of the thick seed that escaped him. He whined and panted as they kept milking him, his sensitivity making it almost a sort of agony through ecstasy as the ants seemed intent on milking him dry. He had no idea how long they had kept at it, all of their squirming feeling as if he was thrusting, each fake thrust brought another spurt, another spurt and another wave of ants to replace those that had been shot away. Eventually the bliss led to worry, that worry quickly fading away as he got a whiff of the pheromones which just aided in his emissions. If the ants wanted his pups so bad they could have them, they could have as much as they could take. It took time but eventually the ants seemed to realize that Clint was spent, each orgasmic wave they gave him resulted in nothing, Cint was barely even conscious at this point. Unknown to the older coyote the pheromones of the ant hill had changed, and he was huffing them in. They had already marked him, making him appealing to more potential food sources, and it would take more than a month for them to fully wash away. That was hardly the start of it.

The fumes he was inhaling were changing his own inhibitions, but changing to what was for the queen to say. With practice though the queen he now served instinctively knew he would follow what she needed as her pheromones slowly corrupted him, but that wasn't what needed to happen right now. Clint barely registered something poking at his spent shaft, were he more aware rather than in the world's best afterglow he would realize it was an ant. It was at least double the size of the one he came here to release, and twice as eager. He would groan weakly as it forced its way inside his urethra, the passage stretching around the insect as it traveled up his shaft only to be followed by another. He was spent, barely even awake, and definitely unaware as the pair made their way through his urethra to his prostate. The pair traveled through his vas deferens, and each one went to a different testicle. These weren't soldier ants that gathered their food from the now exhausted coyote, these were worker ants with a job to do.

It took Clint more than just a couple of minutes to recover. When he came to he wasn't sure when or how he rolled onto his back, but he had. He sat up and inspected his now soft cock and balls, to ensure there were no more lingering ants trying to get him excited again, but much to his surprise he couldn't find any. He looked over at the ant hill, unaware of the fact he was taking in the scent that he could now no longer smell, but something within his instincts knew something he didn't. He shook his head, the strange feeling was probably nothing. He stood up and slid his boxer briefs on, then his pants, opting to keep his shirt off as the weather was quite nice. Checking his phone he realized he'd spent three hours in the woods, and he had some text messages from both John and Taylor. He smiled as he saw they were actually trying to get along, it seemed they sat down and had a heart to heart over dinner, the coyote explained what it meant to him to become a doctor to the wolf, and John actually listened. Taylor had even sent a photo of the two at the arcade, the two of them smiling together like they had when they were pups. The older coyote smiled back at the picture, he knew it would take time before they truly acted like brothers again, but this was a good start, at least they managed to put aside their differences for a night of fun for the sake of their old man. Clint slid his phone back in his pocket and started to walk back to the house, unaware of the passengers he was now carrying.

It had been two long weeks since that evening, John still had yet to move in, much to Clint's dismay. The wolf had said he wanted to give Taylor some time to adjust a bit, to properly allow the two time to reconcile, one night of fun in the city hardly counted and reconciliation. The older coyote understood completely, John had started respecting Taylor and didn't want to encroach on his personal space, which was fine. He was shocked though when Taylor began to cook more for them, even bringing them out some beers when it was hot while they worked. He was happy everything was falling into place, there was still the issue of needing to change John's name but he figured there was a time and place for all of that. John and Taylor had been spending more time together which was nice, watching the two start to bond again, granted it was usually just watching a movie or cleaning up dinner, but it was a start. He was just glad their bickering had died down, he still had to interrupt the occasional fight between the two before they got heated, but it was better than constantly hearing them bark at one another. As the days went on it seemed the two would just start spending more time with the older coyote, not that he was complaining. He got to watch movies with his boys, Taylor seemed happier to be around him, John was less of an asshole when he was around. Maybe the two really did have a heart to heart that night at the arcade, but maybe it was something else.

Clint immediately went to shower after they had finished work that day, it had officially been two weeks since he had what was undoubtedly the best orgasm of his life. The boys were gunna head up to the city to earn more points at Dan and Billy's, something about wanting to win the new Playspace 5. It didn't matter to Clint much, just meant he had some peace and quiet for the evening without their arguing, besides Taylor only had a couple more weeks before college started back up. He slid his shirt off and looked in the mirror, the same old body as ever. He sighed, he'd hoped he was losing weight, he knew he was strong but something about John's physique just made him feel old. He slid off his jeans, revealing his boxers, they were silky and clearly new or unused at the very least. Sliding them off his soft shaft was revealed, his balls large and low hanging, each easily the size of a lemon. He looked down and grabbed them gently, looking them over as if they truly didn't belong to him.

"Jesus fuck...were they always this big?" He asked himself, they must've been. He would have noticed if they had been swelling up, maybe it was time to put on a porn and jack off. He shook his head, he wasn't in the mood, in fact he hadn't even been waking up with morning wood since that night. It was fine, after an orgasm like that who wouldn't be spent for weeks? He quickly got the water to temperature and stepped into his shower, sighing as the hot water relaxed his tense muscles. He began to wash up, choosing to use unscented soap recently for some reason. He wasn't sure what it was but recently the scented ones had been hurting his nose, it was bad enough that he asked Taylor to stop using scented soap as well. He took great care washing his bits, finding himself just a bit more sensitive these days, probably so the ants had an easier time getting their meal. He chuckled to himself as he thought of them again, debating about whether or not he should head up there again tonight. He looked back down at his bits as he rinsed off, turning the water off and stepping out. If he could make sure he wouldn't have any more stragglers, it seemed like it would be a good deal. Clint wanted to go back, he kept finding himself dreaming of them, wanting to slide his shaft back inside the mound, it was the best thing he'd ever felt. He began to dry himself off, wondering if maybe he should head up there, after all he was feeling pretty full even if he wasn't in the mood. He tossed his clothes into his room and grabbed a pair of basketball shorts that he usually just used when working around the house, sliding them on without underwear. The boys were out tonight so what difference did it make?

Once more he sat down in front of his tv, grabbing the remote, and going once more to the Mousey+ app. This time turning on the Blondasight show, wanting to watch the devious raccoon Hagatha Darkness be the secret villain the entire time. He debated a bit on watching the Tyr show with Tim Hoddleston, but Blondasight most definitely hit the spot. He was only on the second episode when he started feeling a familiar fire start to ignite in his loins. He looked down at his crotch and sighed, he hadn't been feeling horny for two weeks and now? He groaned in frustration, his favorite episode was next, but it was fine, that's why God made remotes. He paused his show and slid his hand under the band of his shorts, beginning to idly stroke himself, but something felt off. With the increased sensitivity he'd felt the past few days, stroking himself seemed...dull. It didn't feel as good, he wanted it to, but it just didn't. He pulled his hand out of his shorts and walked over to his sandals, sliding them on his feet before heading out. He wanted to have a lazy and quiet night while the boys were out, instead it seemed like it was time to get his dick wet.

Clint walked towards the clearing as he had hundreds of times before, only twice now with this specific goal in mind. He approached the ant hill, not even needing to search for it this time, seeming to know where it was automatically. Normally that would be cause for concern, however he didn't care, the feeling of the silky shorts was enough to make him sport an erection at half mast, his length solidifying itself almost instantly the moment he came up to the mound. Originally he really didn't want to do this tonight, but now he couldn't wait. He felt like a teenager again, sneaking out to roll around in the hay with his highschool girlfriend. He quickly dropped his shorts, giving his shaft a few playful tugs as he kicked them to the side. He got down again and lined his shaft with the opening, tugging at it again to make a few drops of his precum drip inside. He smirked as he saw the ants come to life, starting to leave the hill in droves as they prepared for him.

"Guess who's back~" He'd say with a grin, slowly descending his length down into the hole, groaning as he felt the ants begin to encircle his shaft, crawling all over him, it felt just as amazing as the first time he had slid himself inside. He would sigh with pleasure as he felt his hips meet the ground again, closing his eyes as he prepared himself for the pleasure to come. Sure, pleasure him the ants did, but it was to prepare him for what was yet to come. He felt the head of one of them poke at his urethra, pulling back a bit as if to tell the ant no, only to feel it poke its head at the slit again. He wanted to pull back again but something over rode that desire, it felt as if he was being commanded to remain still and allow them to do as they pleased, and he couldn't bring himself to disobey for some reason.

He felt the ant crawl inside him, groaning as it stretched his urethra as it traveled, just like the first time he only felt pleasure. He gripped the grass under his palms, it was huge, and yet it traveled through his body as if it was unhindered. He whined out as he felt it reach his prostate, instinctively traveling traveling to his vas deferens. He was a whining and panting mess as he panted against the ground when he felt her start to take the path to her balls. He thrusted instinctively into the mound, the pleasure this ant brought was so amazing, he could only pray for more like this. It was then he realized why the ant was so large, why it felt so good crawling through him. She was the queen, no...not the queen of this colony, she had chosen him, had him prepared, she was his queen. A normal person would be panicking right now, but not Clint. For the past two weeks his reproductive system had been altered, changed instead to be be three things. He was the new vessel for the queen, he was her primary food source, and he was her mate chosen to fertilize her. This meant even if he tried he would never get another woman pregnant, only insects. However it also meant that the queen's brood would share his DNA, her brood was his as well. Of course this changed his own personal pheromones as well, changing it to something similar to the colony. This made people want to be with him, he aroused them, after all it would be one of his duties to make sure the colony had a diversified food source as he was meant for the queen. He was more than just a coyote now, he was chosen by her, he had become a member of her colony.

The older coyote moaned out as he felt the queen finally deposit herself within one of his testicles, panting before he felt more ants start to flood his urethra. They were trying to force their way in to be with their queen, to serve her needs until her brood was ready. He groaned out again as the ants went every which way inside him, feeling more and more rush to join the monarch. Traveling to his testicles, his bladder, getting lodged within the various passages within him, it was clear her new pheromones had an effect on more than just Clint as these ants were clearly not her brood but still following her. He had never wanted to cum so bad, it was as if he was filled with vibrators, waves of pleasure wrecking his body like a hurricane. Finally he felt something wrap around his cock and balls, acting as a cock ring as more ants covered his sensitive flesh and orbs. As if the feeling inside him wasn't bad enough, it now felt as if he was still fucking something, another mouth on his balls as he did.


He wasn't sure why but he felt compelled to get up, feeling dizzy from the sensations he was overwhelmed with. He looked down at his nethers, the coyote clearly wasn't fully aware of what was going on. His erect cock was absolutely covered in the black ants, some falling off from the sheer amount on him, his balls looked the same. If anyone had looked at him, they would have assumed he was wearing some sort of chastity device. He lazily looked over at his shorts almost as if he was debating putting them on, ultimately deciding not to as that might disturb the ants. What he didn't know is that he was now smelling the new colony's pheromones first hand, the scents not being filtered by the Earth and coming out of a small hole, instead drifting up into his nose directly from his own crotch.

Move. Home.

Clint found himself walking, a bit wobbly, but walking. He was not in control of his actions, instead he was in a pleasure filled haze as his legs moved. It took longer than normal for the coyote to reach his farm, the coyote just barely aware enough to keep himself from bumping into anything. Eventually he reached the front door, walking inside after some fiddling with the knob, having some difficulty turning it in his state. Once opened the ant controlled coyote would turn to the basement, having the same difficulty before opening the door, slowly descending the stairs. The basement was sparsely furnished, an old dresser here, a shelf there, the house's wood stove, but the room was ultimately empty. What had Clint's supposed attention though was an old well, it had long since dried up and was boarded over however around it was what he was looking for. Soil. The older coyote would walk over and kneel down, and suddenly the ants would start to fall off his cock. The supposed cock ring was revealed to be two millipedes, one slightly bigger than the other, both falling off and scuttling somewhere. It was then it hit, Clint found himself gripping the well as he was overcome with an explosive orgasm, grunting with each spurt of his cock. Though there was hardly any splattering of a white substance, instead only a stream of black as dozens of ants at a time were ejected from his length. He groaned as it seemed there was no end to them, each twitch of his cock instead bringing forth more and more of his colony. After several minutes it would seem he had come to a stop, the ants from his bladder now instead leaving freely as he knelt there panting, his cock still twitching as the ants sent shivers up his spine from the pleasure. The coyote could only take so much, eventually just blacking out.

When Clint awoke he bolted up, panicking as he looked around. When did he get home, let alone in the basement? Last thing he remembered was going to the ant hill and...He gasped and quickly tried to brush his cock off, instead finding it devoid of any and all ants. He was very uncomfortable now, unsure of what was going on. It wasn't until he looked over where the old well was that he realized what had happened. There he saw the ants beginning to work on what looked like an early mound, they must've used him to relocate here instead. But next to the old well? That was a bit uncomfortable to get to. He would go upstairs and head into the kitchen, grabbing his hammer, though taking the time to look at the clock. He rubbed his head as he saw it was one in the morning, he had six hours of his life now unaccounted for. He began to panic a bit, that was six hours of his life now gone, though the thought of the orgasm caused that small bit of panic to fade and become replaced with a sensation similar to lust. He glanced outside and saw the boys still hadn't come back yet, though knowing how punctual John was...they would be soon. Clint rushed back down to the basement, the moment he was on the landing he looked around for something to use as a chisel. Now driven by what he thought was his lust, he found a sharp piece of metal that would work good enough and got to work, he found a spot that would be easy enough to get to, let alone lay down across, and started chipping away at the cement. With his strength and determination it didn't take long to chip out a large enough piece for the ants to build their home there instead, one that would be less awkward for him to get to and still big enough for a decent sized mound that could accommodate his cock. He would walk over to where the ants were working, and look around. Based on how small the mound was, he doubted they had really begun to work all that much yet, and he doubted the queen had delved inside just yet. No...he could smell her. He kept his eyes peeled for her, finding an ant that was easily twice the size of the workers, no wonder she felt so amazing inside him. Carefully he scooped her up with a handful of her workers, watching carefully to make sure she wasn't hurt, though he could smell her confusion. He carried her over to the hole in the concrete he had made, setting her down, walking back over to scoop up another handful of ants, and returning them to their queen. Somehow he knew they would be fine, he knew she was already signalling the rest of the colony to come to her.

Clint sighed with a smile, seemed they'd be alright. He started to travel back up the stairs and looked back, his heart racing as he thought of the ease it would take to get off now. He worried about Taylor and John finding them, but he wasn't too concerned by it, the boys hardly ever went in the basement, even the wood stove that was down there was always manned by Clint should it be needed. No, his queen and their colony would remain his little secret.

A week had passed since Clint had brought his colony home, a week full of welcome mornings and fun filled evenings. Though his new routine hadn't gone unnoticed, Taylor made sure to wake up early enough to make breakfast and John was always over before he had finished, so it was a bit odd to find Clint coming up from the basement that first morning. The two boys thought it best not to question what Clint was doing, maybe he had finally found a hobby that didn't involve watching Wonder Comics movies. Though John did find it a bit strange that Clint would just magically find something to do outside of his current obsession, the old man was never one for change. It was also a bit odd to Taylor that his dad would return downstairs for a few hours after dinner as well, he was just so used to his dad rewatching the same movies and trying to tell Taylor trivia he'd already known. Though the new routine didn't stop much in the household, Taylor and John still bickered over Taylor spending time with his father, John spent all day every day with him and Taylor could barely be bothered to watch a movie with him. Though that wasn't the case, Taylor wanted to spend more time with his father, but he had to go back to class in a couple weeks, he needed to make sure he was ready for the semester to come. Just because the two understood where they were coming from didn't mean they agreed with it. As the days passed though they both found themselves wanting to spend more time with Clint, not that Clint minded much. Taylor would make excuses that he needed to watch movies to break down their medical scenes and what was being done wrong, John on the other hand found himself trapped in thoughts and desires he had never felt before, and was doing what he could to try and process them.

John found himself becoming turned on by Clint's scent, watching the man work was somehow arousing, and when Clint spoke to him he felt his heart flutter. John had always considered himself straight, he even remembered the week where he mounted the whole cheerleading squad fondly, but there was something different about Clint that he found igniting his desires. It was even worse in the house, at least on the first floor. When Clint was around John could barely contain himself, did he want to strip Clint down and take the old man as his? The thought was still foreign to him, but was still enough to make his pants strain to contain his excitement. Maybe he should talk to Clint about it, he'd always been open to him, hell the coyote was the one who gave him the talk, he doubted something like this would really bother the man, hell he'd probably know where it all stemmed from.

The clattering of a fork on a plate is what took the wolf to snap out of his thoughts.

"Well I'm gunna head down and get some work done before we head out today." Clint said nonchalantly as he stood up.

Taylor looked up from his plate "I'm shocked you didn't already, what've you been doing down there?"

Clint laughed and just ruffled Taylor's hair as he passed "Ah, it's not much. Just thought with ya two in the house I need my own man cave. Been turnin' it into a rec room of sorts." He said with a smile, walking to the basement "Just lemme know when yer ready to head out, John."

John nodded, swallowing a mouthful of food, taking in the man's scent as he walked past.

Taylor sighed, he knew something was up but a rec room? His dad was never big on games. "Can you go talk to him?" he asked, looking over to the wolf

"Why should I? He's an adult, he can do what he wants." John said, taking another bite of his food, dipping some toast in his eggs as he chewed.

"Because we both know something's up." Taylor chimed, taking a sip of his milk.

"So? If you wanna know, go down there and ask him." John replied, taking a bite of his now yolk covered toast.

"Well...You can talk to him easier." Taylor would say quietly, flinching when he heard John's fist on the table.

"That's yer fuckin' problem, Taylor. Yer worried but ya still won't go fuckin' talk to the man. Man the fuck up, talkin' to him ain't gunna get fuckin' easier unless ya grow a pair." John said, glaring at the younger coyote.

John's words stung like a knife, stabbing deeper than Taylor had thought they would after the progress they had made...Or maybe that's why they hurt so much "Go shove something up your ass." he said quietly, standing up and heading straight for the stairs, traveling up them as fast as he could.

John sighed, what he said needed to be said. Taylor and Clint actually needed to sit down and have a man to man, guess they were pretty similar in that case. John stood up and went to go knock on the door, instead having a better idea. He too was curious about what Clint was up to, and decided to open the door quietly, slowly descending the stairs.

Clint had no idea what was going on, but the ants seemed to, he was sitting down and enjoying them as they swarmed his shaft, trying to milk him for their morning sustenance, when suddenly they left his shaft. He was left sitting there throbbing, looking down to see them scuttling back to the colony for safety. He then picked up on why, he glanced over to see John coming down the stairs, quickly grabbing his shorts and sliding them on, though they did little to hide the erection he was sporting.

"Johnny, I can uh-" Clint began before the wolf laughed.

"Pa, there ain't nothin' to explain." John said, a smile on his face. He tried not to but he was definitely taking in the sights, there was the one man he ever felt attracted to, shirt off, shorts full of boner, he didn't want to forget this as his own length throbbed a bit while it started to spring to life. "We're all guys here, I'm just shocked ya come down here to jack off." He said with a chuckle.

Clint felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment, though glancing back down at the hole the ants had made their home, he had an idea. Little did he know his new pheromones had gone into overdrive in response, he could show John the colony, then Taylor, he could truly bond with his boys. "Tell ya what, Johnny, why don'tcha come over here and join yer old man?" Clint asked, looking back over to the wolf.

That was all the invitation he needed, John instantly took his shirt off as he approached, tossing it to the side. He fiddled with his buckle before he slid his pants off, his shaft already at half mast. "Never need an excuse to jack off, do I?" the wolf asked. He got close enough to Clint and smirked, giving a slight yelp when Clint just reached down and started stroking his length to its full nine inches. Though the wolf was cut he was quite thick, giving the coyote quite the handful.

Clint gave a low whistle when he saw the length of the cock that belonged to the wolf "Really makin' yer old man proud with this one, ain'tcha?" He asked, releasing the wolf cock to slide his shorts off, grabbing his own length to stroke.

John whined as Clint's pheromones hit his nose, having an immediate effect on his system as his cock gave a throb. "Yeah, but it ain't nothin with those balls 'f yers." He would respond, reaching down and to stroke his own length a few times, letting go to instead touch the coyote's length gingerly.

"Ya can stroke it if ya want." Clint said, letting go of his length to let the wolf stroke his length, feeling a bead of precum build up.

John however felt himself getting lost in a haze of lust as Clint's pheromones mixed with the colony's went to work, his cock was almost painfully hard, he needed to get off, but he wanted to bring Clint pleasure first. "Clint I...I love you." he panted out, looking at the older coyote.

"Love ya too, son." Clint responded, enjoying the hand stroking his shaft, not thinking much of it.

John was now leaning his head on the chest of the man he just confessed himself to "N-no...I want to be yers. M-make me yer mate." John said, panting as his nose was now full of the man's direct scent.

Clint was a bit shocked, but his immediate thought was that maybe having John as a mate wouldn't be so bad, he could introduce him to the colony right here and now. They worked together, they could sleep together, feed the colony, hell it would even be an easier way of giving John his last name. "There ain't no goin' back after this, ya hear? I'm a til' death do us part kind a guy."

John nodded, he wasn't sure why but he wanted that. He wanted the coyote to claim him, to make the wolf his, and the thought was even more arousing. This was evidenced by his own cock leaking down onto the concrete below him.

Clint grabbed John's shoulder "Get on yer knees then, show me how bad you want a husband." He said, guiding John down. "Careful with yer teeth."

When John was face first with Clint's cock, he felt the head rub against his lips, opening his mouth and allowing the older man's length to slide inside. He heard Clint sigh as the underside of the shaft slid against his tongue, the older man's precum splashing against the muscle. John moaned around the cock in his mouth, the taste of the member was better than any food he'd had before, the precum better than the best alcohol. John was a natural, he soon felt his nose get buried deep in Clint's pubic fur, what he thought was just the man's natural musk was almost enough to make him cum right then and there. He felt Clint's gentle hand begin to guide him, feeling his head begin to slide back before getting pushed forward again. It didn't take long for John to pick up a slow rhythm, it might have been sloppy but whatever it took to show Clint he wanted this.

While Clint was enjoying his blowjob, he could smell the ants were getting restless, they needed their food. The colony needed to expand and what he was providing went solely to the queen, they needed John just as badly as he wanted to claim the wolf for himself. He grinned as an idea went through his mind, he had two sons, there was no reason he couldn't claim both of them as his. Taylor seemed to enjoy spending more time with him, and John, well...Clint looked down at the wolf as he bobbed up and down without the coyote's aid, John had already accepted his place, and eagerly.

The coyote would pull his length out, chuckling as the wolf whined, to sit down on the concrete, positioning himself so the wolf's dick would be exposed to the colony "Come on, lay down and keep goin'." Clint commanded, watching John get down.

"Well uhh...Where do I stick my dick? Kinda hurts to lay on and don't think the floor'd feel nice." John said as he looked around, he wasn't exactly sure if the hole he saw was safe.

"Just slide it down there, ain't nothin gunna hurt it." Clint said as he sat there waiting, he wasn't exactly wrong.

John looked over at his mate, "You can't be serious."

Clint chuckled and gave the wolf a smirk "You'll do it if you want more of this dick." He teased, flexing it and causing it to bob up and down.

That was the only persuasion John needed, getting down just as Clint had those weeks ago, lining up his length and sliding it down into the hole. He didn't pay attention to the quick look of shock in the coyote's eyes. Clint was unsure if the ants had dug deep or wide enough, but clearly they had. John would get back down and start to slide Clint's shaft back into his mouth, his eyes going wide when it felt something had touched his own. He went to get up, only to be forced back down by Clint, forced to inhale the man's scent which seemed to relax him as a large smog of lust clouded his mind. He was nose deep in the man's pubic fur as the colony seemed to come to life around his cock, the wolf moaning around the coyote's shaft as it felt as if he just went balls deep the tightest pussy he could find. He huffed and panted as more of Clint's pre splashed against his tongue, it only seemed to aid in his own need, his own submission to the pleasure. In response the wolf made his tongue squirm under the shaft in his mouth, wanting more of the coyote's delicious pre, hoping to get a much thicker liquid as reward.

Knowing what was going on, Clint relaxed a bit and let the wolf's tongue work. He wasn't sure how, but he would have to let the colony know somehow that John was his, but for now they could definitely feed from him. He wasn't sure why but he suddenly had a curiosity, leaning forward to grab the wolf's ass cheeks, spreading them to look at his tail hole. John had most definitely never experimented back there, and that just made him want John more. Something told him that John wanted to be the top in their relationship, call it paternal instinct as Clint's mind raced to the pregnancy scares John had in the past. That was fine. He watched the ants as they spread over the wolf's balls, a stifled moan coming from the coyote's crotch, but this was only the beginning, Clint instinctively knew what time it was, and knew what had to come next. He looked over to the storage space under the stairs as a large millipede unfurled itself, while curled up it was the size of a small ball that one might get for a toddler, the kind they could carry in both hands but still not get hurt by if it hit them. This was the female, he assumed the male had gone into the hive after they had used his seed to impregnate the female, another one of those things he wasn't sure why but just knew it had to be done. He watched as it came closer, they both seemed to know through their instincts what was going to happen next.

John continued to suckle on his mate's cock, almost as if life depended on it, drinking down the pre that continued to leak from the coyote's cock. The liquid he was drinking almost acted as an aphrodisiac, he wanted more, each swallow made his cock throb within the ant colony, which in turn made them work hard. He whined as the sensations that surrounded his cock only seemed to increase, and he loved it, he wasn't sure what Clint put down there but fuck did it feel good. He felt Clint move, his nose being shoved even further into the coyote's pubic fur, all of his air now came with nothing less than a nose full of the man's scent, it was almost enough to make him cum right then and there. He felt Clint spread his cheeks, feeling his hole come into contact with the air, thinking nothing of it as Clint was probably inspecting his mate. John couldn't have been any more wrong. He felt two antennae brush up against his cheeks, normally he would be quite concerned, but whatever it was about Clint's scent kept him well relaxed. He felt something massive start to push against his hole, it kept pushing forward until eventually the closed passage opened. John groaned as he was stretched wide to accommodate the creature that began crawling forward, his ass now being slowly invaded by the large millipede. He should have felt pain, he should have tried to struggle, but he didn't. Instead of pain all he felt was pleasure, the insect crawling inside him pressing on his prostate as it progressed forward, each leg drumming on his prostate. He was panting and huffing around the cock inside his mouth, each breath taking in the pheromones of the man he had fallen in such a deep love and lust for. Each moment longer resulted in another portion of the millipede entering him, another portion and another pair of legs drumming on his prostate, it just kept going. After a few minutes the rest of the millipede eventually managed to crawl its way into the wolf, John feeling his hole finally close completely, sealing the creature inside. While he didn't feel any pain while being stretched to the absolute limit, his hole was most definitely sore now. He thought it was over, but then he felt the millipede shuffle around inside of him as it adjusted to its new home, slamming against his prostate, and again, and again. With a muffled groan around Clint's shaft he began to climax, his hole squeezing around the millipede inside as his balls unloaded within the ants.

Clint watched as the millipede crawled inside his new mate, watching the hole slide shut as it finished. His cock gave a throb in John's mouth as it was one of the hottest things he had seen, but what shocked him was that John immediately began to cum. He felt a twinge of jealousy as he watched his mate orgasm, watching his balls flex as he unloaded into the colony. In all honesty, Clint wanted them bigger. If John was going to be his mate, then he could at least match the size of his balls as well. Somehow he knew the colony had picked up on that, and he smiled. He pulled his cock out of the wolf's panting mouth, knowing it would take some time before the ants finished harvesting his load.

"You can stay right here, I'm gonna go claim our son as mine too." Clint said with a smirk.

He began cleaning himself off with John's shirt before sliding his own shorts on. He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself, his erection started to die down, remaining only at half mast before he started walking up the stairs. He claimed one mate, he had another to go, then nothing could take his boys from him.

While John had been in the basement, Taylor had been up in his room. The coyote cursed under his breath as he looked over the website for his college, looking over to see if maybe there were additional classes he could register for. He couldn't believe the way John treated him, after they had spent the past few weeks together, getting closer again, and he still just treated Taylor as if he didn't care about his father. Taylor rolled his eyes as he thought about the conversation, it was fine, John wanted to be adopted? Fine. He could live here, that's fine. When he was a doctor, he could come back and take care of their dad, John could fuck off for all he cared. His ears perked up as he heard a knock on the door, he'd stop what he was doing and look back at it. He could see his father's feet through the gap under the door and sigh, at least it wasn't the asshole.

"Come in." Taylor called over to the door, turning back to go over his schedule and the list of books he'd need.

Clint opened the door, closing it slightly as he entered "Hey pup, you alright?" He asked, he could almost smell his son's frustration as he walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Yeah..." Taylor began with a sigh, closing his laptop and turning to his dad "John's just an asshole as usual." He finished, realizing his dad was damn near naked, only wearing his house shorts "Lazy day today?" He asked

"You could say that, figured you and me could spend time together, just us." Clint said with a smile "Come sit next to yer old man." He'd say patting the bed next to him. "We never got to have that talk watchin' the fireflies, and it hasn't been just us for a while, thought maybe we could have that talk ya wanted to have."

Taylor chuckled a bit, getting up to sit next to his dad, positioning himself so he was facing his father "Well, I wanted to tell you I was gay...But you already knew." He'd say with a smile.

Clint reached out and ruffled Taylor's hair, his pheromones beginning to fill the room from his armpit as he exposed it to the air for a brief moment. "Yer damn right I did, thinkin' you was slick hiding those Playdoes.'' he'd say with a laugh, calming down a bit "Got yerself a boyfriend back up in that college?"

Taylor blushed a bit and rubbed his arm "Well...no. John was the first person I told because he told me how he used to protect me in high school."

Clint chuckled again "Boy, do you know how many times I had to pick him up fer startin' fights?" he said making air quotes "I told that principal o'yers that he wasn't startin' fights, he was finishin' them. Never once yelled at the boy for 'em neither, he was stickin' up fer someone important to 'im." He finished, a gentle smile across his face.

"Yeah...guess so. Then why's he such a fucking asshole all the time?" Taylor asked, rubbing his forehead "I know you said it's cuz he never really had a dad outside you, but like...I thought I told him I wanted to save lives, make money, make your life easier and he still-"

"I'm gunna stop ya right there, pup." Clint interrupted "I can tell ya why, it's because he cares about the both of us. He doesn't want us to fall apart like him and his daddy, which we both know didn't take much."

Taylor looked down "Yeah I guess...It's just hard, ya know?"

Clinton smiled down at his son "I know, we ain't never been all that close, but yer still my world Taylor. Ain't nothin' I wouldn't give ya."

Taylor nodded, smiling back up at his father. He was happy they were getting to sit down to have this talk, really connecting.

"So you don't have a boyfriend, huh? Boy yer just as good lookin' as me, you can't tell me you ain't got a few men trying to squeeze into yer pants. That's what college is fer, isn't it?" Clint said, feeling confident in both himself and his carbon copy.

Taylor blushed a bit "Well, to be honest all I do is study. I wanna get through classes as quickly as possible and honestly, medschool seems like it'll be a breeze at this rate."

"Yer gunna burn yerself out there son, it's okay to take things slow." Clint was now worried that his son might actually be pushing himself too hard. "Alright then, so no boyfriend. Ya get yer dick wet yet then?" He asked, knowing he'd never really had the talk with his son, he never felt it was needed.

Taylor's eyes went wide with shock as his father asked the question, not really sure if he should answer. "D-dad!"

Clint shrugged back at his son's disbelief "What? It'sa simple question, have you swiped that v-card yet?"

Taylor couldn't believe his dad was asking if he was a virgin, he felt himself getting hot but he wasn't entirely sure if it was the embarrassment or from the shame he still was, or maybe it was something else "N-no." he said weakly, looking down as if he'd disappointed his father.

Clint though was happy his son was a virgin, especially with what he wanted to do. Though his son being a virgin changed things a bit, his paternal instincts tried to kick in, only to be hushed by his newer, more powerful ones, the ones that were given to him by the changes his queen provided. "Well why not?" Was all the older coyote could ask.

"Well...you never really found someone new after Mom and I wanted to be like you. Just one person for me." Taylor said with pride.

Clint couldn't help but to feel a bit of pride in his son for looking up to him in such a way but there was a slight problem, his new mate was downstairs, well...two problems. "Taylor, I fucked around before I met yer mother, and after you went off to college."

The younger coyote looked pretty shocked at this revelation "B-but you said all the time that Mom was the only woman who could handle you."

The older coyote laughed, composing himself after a moment. "Boy, she's the only woman who could handle being married to me, she's hardly the only woman to handle my dick." he'd say, grabbing his bulge.

Taylor's eyes followed his father's bulge, watching him grab it and quickly looking away. He didn't want to think about it, maybe just his dad but...He shook his head, that wasn't a thought he wanted to think, it was wrong, that was his father.

Clint smirked as his plan started to work, he got Taylor to look. "So ya haven't had sex, ya don't have a boyfriend, have ya even kissed a man before?" he asked, now genuinely curious.

Taylor shook his head, he honestly hadn't thought about it before like that.

Clint sighed and shuffled closer to Taylor, putting his arm around him, making sure his pheromones would begin to fill the room for sure "Taylor, the hell am I gunna do with you?" he asked.

Taylor leaned into his dad a bit for comfort, his dad just got super personal but he was happy he got all of this off of his chest "I dunno, wish me the best, I guess."

Clint looked down at his son and smiled "Tell ya what, why don't we give it a try?"

"Give what a try?" Taylor asked, now looking up at his father, trying to play dumb in case his father wasn't asking what Taylor that he was.

"Kissin', ya've never kissed a man, I've never kissed a man but figure it can't be all that different." Clint said plainly.

Taylor couldn't tell if his dad was serious, drunk, or maybe he had gone crazy in his old age...but still it didn't seem like a bad idea. No, this was his dad he was thinking about, but in the end they were just guys right? Taylor shook free of his father's arm and sat up straight "A-alright, guess it wouldn't hurt." Taylor said, shifting slightly to face his father. He would try to swallow as his throat now felt dry, before leaning in to try the kiss.

Clint would roll his eyes, his son was hopeless. He was leaning in as if it was some sappy movie he'd watched before, he was glad that this lovable doofus was about to be made his. He would reach out and grab Taylor's chin, pulling the younger coyote to him. leaning in to lock their lips. He would then grab the younger man and pull him in close, holding him as they kissed, feeling Taylor's mouth open against his slightly, most likely he was going to gasp. That opening was all Clint needed, his tongue quickly invading Taylor's mouth. The older coyote's tongue was quickly greeted by the younger's, the two tongues quickly started to dance together. The taste of their two tongues as they danced was amazing, Clint wished he had tried this sooner as he brought his son closer, his own excitement growing.

Taylor felt his dad grab his chin and he was suddenly pulled forward, feeling his dad's lips against his own. He felt the arms of the stronger coyote pull him, he went to gasp but to no avail. Instead he felt his father's tongue invade his mouth, instead of protesting he instead greeted the foreign tongue with his own. He placed a hand on the older coyote's bare chest, getting lost in the kiss, the taste of this father's tongue was almost addicting, and the way his father smelled was amazing. Taylor felt his own need rising as his shaft began to harden, feeling his rising meat drag across the fleece of his pajama bottoms. He was already panting from the kiss alone, feeling his desire rising more than it ever had before, this was his father and yet it just felt so amazing. He felt his father pull back, causing the younger man to whine slightly, a thin trail of saliva connecting the two.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it pup?" Clint asked, smirking at Taylor's whine. He glanced down and saw the tent in Taylor's pants, grinning a bit "Did you wanna keep going, see what happens? I mean it is just us guys." he said, feeling his own shaft give a throb.

Taylor was panting, he didn't even care what happened, he just knew he wanted more of this. Normally he would have had serious reservations, but he was just so turned on he was only thinking about getting off, this was his father in front of him and he didn't care. Clint had a point, it was "just us guys".

"S-sure." Taylor said breathlessly, not really sure where to go from here.

"Then tell ya what, lemme just go grab somethin'. I'll take the lead, but we'll go at yer pace." Clint said, standing up, giving Taylor a good look at the erection his shorts contained and a slight whiff of the stronger pheromones he had. Clint left Taylor's bedroom and came back maybe a minute later, a bottle of clear liquid in one hand, a towel in the other. There was no way his son was going to be a virgin before he introduced him to the colony. He set it down on the nightstand, and looked down at Taylor.

"Might want to take those pants off, they ain't hidin' anythin'." Clint said with a smirk, grabbing the waistband of his "I'll take mine off too if it'll make ya more comfortable." He said sliding his shorts down, his cock springing free. There would be no denying his scent filling the room now, Taylor would no doubt melt to his touch.

Taylor couldn't help but stare as his father slid his shorts off, unable to take his eyes off of his father's cock, and his balls were absolutely huge. Biting his lip Taylor would stand up, sliding his pajamas off, revealing his length and balls. He was smaller than Clint by a good half inch for sure, but he made up for it by being slightly thicker.

"You really are just a smaller version of yer Pa, ain'tcha?" Clint asked, pulling Taylor to him.

The older coyote would pull Taylor to him, their shafts grinding against one another as Clint pulled him into another kiss. He was just as dominant in this one as the last, quickly invading Taylor's mouth and wrestling the younger coyote's tongue. He would slide his hands down the man's sides, gripping his ass and spreading it slightly, delighted when he heard Taylor moan. He growled dominantly when he felt Taylor grab his shaft, giving a thrust into his son's hand to show his approval. He would lead the younger coyote onto his bed and crawl over him, making sure not to break the kiss, grabbing Taylor's hand to pin it above him. Taylor would moan loudly and squirm under the older man, thrusting back against the larger cock grinding against his own. Clint eventually broke the kiss when he felt their cocks slick with their mixed pre, grinning down at his pup.

Taylor looked up at his father breathlessly, breathing in his father's scent, unaware of the effects it was having on his mind and body. All he knew is he wanted to go further.

"D-dad, do you think I could uh.." Taylor trailed off a bit, swallowing before gathering his strength "I wanna try sucking your-"

"Go ahead, pup." Clint said, trying to contain a growl. This was going better than he had hoped, much better. Clint got off of Taylor and moved to the side, watching Taylor slide off the bed before the older man slid to lay on the bed "I'm ready."

Taylor crawled back onto his bed, lining his mouth up with his fathers cock, his mouth salivating a bit as the scent of his father lingered in the air. He looked up at his father watching him, and pulled the forskin back as far as it would go and begin licking at the tip. It was as if his taste buds exploded, Taylor could only describe the taste as divine, his father's pre tasted slightly salty but he knew he wanted more. He began to lap eagerly at the cock in front of him, eager to taste more of the pre that would dribble free of the slit. Eventually he took the tip in his mouth, running his tongue over it relentlessly, a slight moan from Clint causing his chest to swell with pride. He began to slide further down, taking more and more of the meat in front of him, almost reaching the base before he had to pull back to keep himself from gagging. He wanted to take more of it but he definitely needed practice, or help or both. He felt a gentle hand rest on the back of his head, suddenly finding himself being pushed downward.

"Jus' take it slow, yer pretty good fer a first timer." Clint said, watching his shaft disappear past his son's lips. It felt great having an eager mouth around his meat, the wet sensations, the warmth, he didn't think he'd miss it after having found the colony but it was a nice throwback.

Those words made Taylor's chest swell again, now letting his father guide him. Down, hold, up, breath, down, hold. It was an easy enough pattern to follow, eventually his father made him speed up, helping Taylor learn a simple rhythm to keep. What shocked him is that eventually his father grabbed the back of his head and slid him down to the base of his cock, feeling the cock poke the back of his throat. Taylor clenched his eyes shut, expecting his body to fight back, but it hadn't. Not a gag, no cough, not even so much as a tickle. He heard his father growl from the pleasure, his ears folding back as he heard a simple command.


And so he did. Taylor began to breathe through the pubic fur of the older man, feeling his mind cloud with lust as the sexual musk of his father flooded his lungs. He couldn't help but moan as the scent warped his mind a bit, making him want more, he felt himself wanting to submit to his father, wanting to be claimed by him. He couldn't help it when a submissive whine escaped his throat, huffing in more and more of the older man's scent as he was held there.

Clint smirked as he heard the submissive whine, he began to thrust into Taylor's mouth some, each thrust brought a moan from the younger coyote, he finished by grinding his crotch directly into Taylor's nose, another submissive whine escaping the smaller male's throat. He pulled his length out of Taylor's mouth and rubbed it on his face a bit, the younger male panting a bit though Clint was unsure if it was for air or for his musk, it didn't matter to him. He smiled down at his son, thinking how hot the image of his son was with his cock grinding against his face, he didn't want it to end. He would sit up a bit and look down at Taylor, his cock twitching as he moved it away from his son's face.

"Stay on yer belly but slide up here, pup." Clint commanded, sliding off the bed. He watched Taylor crawl up some, his junior looking up at him. "Bury yer face in the pillow if ya want, jus' lemme know when you want me to stop." He'd say, climbing back on to the bed.

Taylor did as he was told and Clint smiled, he would spread his son's cheeks and reveal his virgin hole, the older coyote was going to enjoy this but first before he could actually claim the hole he had to prepare it. He leaned down and began to lap at the tight hole, making sure to get it nice and wet before he really went to work on the sweet piece of flesh. He began to move his tongue around on it, grinding the length of his tongue against everything he could think of, this clearly was not his expertise but the moaning puddle of fur didn't seem to mind. The moans only encouraged Clint to go faster, whatever it would take to make sure the younger man would stay relaxed for what was to come next. Suffice to say, Clint really began to enjoy what he was doing, he began to enjoy the sweet taste of his son's hole which only worked for him to work with more enthusiasm.

It was all Taylor could do to moan into the pillow, this was a completely new sensation for him and he was loving it. Each time he felt his father's tongue brush his hole, it only served to send tingles running up his spine. He seemed to instinctually push himself towards the tongue that was serving to try and relax his hole, wanting more of the amazing sensations. However it wasn't meant to last forever, a whine escaped his throat as he felt his father pull away.

Clint knelt up and grabbed one of the pillows from the headboard, placing it on Taylor's back just above his tail. "Flip over, we gotta keep this pillow here." He said, helping Taylor roll over to keep the pillow where it was to keep his rear propped up.

Taylor went to ask what his father was doing, but Clint had moved, his cock and balls dangled over the younger male's face. The younger coyote saw his dad try and line his cock up with his mouth before starting to lower himself, he eagerly opened his mouth and accepted the treat, almost instantly moaning again from the taste. He heard the squeak as a plastic cap opened, unable to see what was going on as his father's body obstructed his view. He would suddenly feel a cold yet slick appendage start to rub at his hole, rubbing circles around pucker, before sliding in. He groaned around his father's cock, his body instinctively tensing up a bit from the intruder.

"It'll be easier if ya relax." Clint said, giving his cock a flex in his son's mouth.

Clint would feel the younger coyote try and relax around his finger, it was a good thing he was doing this as Taylor definitely hadn't lied for his modesty, he was definitely still a virgin. Clint would begin to thrust into his son's mouth, doing it as carefully as he could to avoid Taylor's teeth, giving the boy a nose full of his musk with every thrust. He began to pump his finger in and out of the tight hole that had now relaxed around his finger completely, making sure to take his time in loosening up the hole as he worked. Somehow he knew exactly where to find Taylor's prostate and began to press on it, making sure to drag his finger over it with every pump of his hand, each time resulting in a slight moan from Taylor. After a few moments Clint pulled his finger free, lubing up a second, and began to slide the two fingers inside, resulting in another groan from the canine trapped underneath him. Once more Taylor instinctively tensed up, though he relaxed much faster this time. Clint smirked as this meant his boy was learning, he decided to both tease and reward Taylor by drumming on his prostate with his two fingers, the younger canine now genuinely moaning around his father's shaft. Clint would begin to pump the two fingers out of the tight opening, waiting for it to get just a bit easier for the next step. It didn't take long, between his scent wrecking Taylor's body and needs and his skilled workmanship, the canine was almost ready for the next step. Clint soon pulled his cock out of the eager mouth, and slid his fingers out of the loosening hole.

"Here's the deal, pup. I'll wear a rubber if you want me to, but I really don't want to." Clint began, watching Taylor catch his breath "But I don't breed what I don't keep, so you gotta decide."

The younger coyote lay there as he was given this ultimatum, did his Dad just ask to mate him? He swallowed hard as he thought, but a question was raised in his mind "I-if I ask you to breed me?"

Clint sat down and rubbed his son's cheek "Then we're mates, it's that simple. I don't mind if ya go to college and get yer degrees, but you and that hole belong to me." He said before leaning down to give the younger coyote a kiss "But when you graduate, it's my bed you'll be sleepin' in, and my cock you'll be suckin'."

The thought of getting to suck that cock, smell that musk every night, that's all he needed to know. "Breed me." Taylor said he was more certain about that than being a doctor, he could always come back home and set up an office here, but one thing was certain. He wanted to be claimed by his father.

"Get on yer hands and knees then, if I'm gunna breed ya, then I'm gunna teach ya how to be bred proper." Clint said, watching the younger man roll over and get on all fours. Clint would position Taylor's legs properly, sighing at how hopeless it seemed his son was "Yer gunna wanna be like this to support yerself. Now get ready." He said, getting up behind the other man.

He would grab the bottle of lube and drizzle some on his length before slowly stroking himself, making sure his length was nice and slick for what was to come. He began to rub the head of his cock on the slightly stretched hole, pressing against it a bit before he felt the hole stretch open and the lube allowing the head entry. He heard Taylor gasp as the head slipped in, the older canine not letting up there and began sliding the rest of his shaft in slowly. His son was almost beyond tight, he could have burst right then and there, but Clint knew better and had ways to keep himself from finishing too quickly if he didn't want to. Clint knew that he wanted to go from just "Dad" to "Daddy".

Taylor however couldn't say it was all sunshine and rainbows, he was definitely in some pain as he felt more of his father's shaft sliding further and further inside him. He felt his shaft swell as Clint's cock began to press against his prostate, a sensation that sent a fire through his own length. He groaned when he finally felt the older coyote's hips press against his rear, the entirety of the man's shaft now buried deep inside him. Taylor took a slow breath out as he felt his father begin to pull back, sliding the shaft out, but before it could pop free Taylor felt it begin to slide back inside him. He groaned again when he felt those hips grind against his rear once more, Clint seemed to know what he was doing as he kept this pace up for a while, it eventually got to the point where it began to feel enjoyable, Taylor was unsure why but it was as if a fire had been lit inside him and it was as if the cock had begun to smother the flames.

Clint had begun to speed up his thrusting, feeling the hole squeezing his length giving him less and less resistance with each thrust, eventually finding a nice steady pace that would occasionally be accompanied by the smaller canine's moans. The moaning only served to turn Clint on even further, spurring him to want to start pounding away, but he had to wait for that. He knew that for some reason his precum was driving his son crazy, and that it wouldn't be much longer before he was begging to be bred like a bitch in heat. For now he would keep up the steady pace until he got the signal from Taylor that he needed more, that the young man needed more. It didn't take long for Clint to receive that signal, soon finding himself being pushed back against by Taylor, resulting in a much shorter but harder thrust.

Taylor felt his father lean forward, pushing his front half down, he had to better brace himself as he felt his old man press his weight against him as Clint adjusted. There was no warning, no signal, nothing before the older coyote began to pump into the younger one like a jackhammer. Taylor moaned into his pillow helplessly, his moans almost drowned out by his father's growling as the man now used his weight to aid in the power of his thrusting, the headboard now slamming loudly against the wall. Each thrust sent tingles down Taylor's cock as it flopped around and drooled helplessly beneath him, but each thrust also sent a wave of euphoria that washed over his body. He wasn't sure if maybe this was just his father knowing what he was doing, or if maybe this is just how sex felt in general, either way he was in a land of bliss. It didn't take long for the younger canine to reach his climax in this state, he was barely aware of it as his cock shot forth his load like a fire hydrant, feeling his hole squeeze the cock that had him spread open as it tried to milk the load from it.

Feeling this response Clint simply increased the intensity of his thrusting, intent on fucking all of the cum out of his son's cock. He wouldn't last forever though, and that was made evident as he felt the canine instinct to lean over and give the person receiving his cock a mating bite. He heard Taylor gasp, but it didn't matter, Clint intended what he had said. Clint's thrusts were now more intense than ever, they were harder, faster, and rougher than before, and yet with one final thrust it was all over. He grunted with each torrent of his load that he unleashed within his son, claiming the man for himself and no others. He knew his son could feel each spasm of the cock inside him, each grunt affirming what was happening, though Clint had no idea how each rope of his seed felt or what it was doing to his son. His changed hormones changed the exact quality of his emissions, he simply had no idea how.

Taylor, however, was experiencing the effects first hand, the spasming of his father's cock felt amazing as it caused the cock to squirm around on his prostate which in turn caused what little cum he felt he had left to dribble from his cock. The feeling of his father's cum flooding his insides though was incredible, Taylor could find no words for how amazing it felt, how it just felt right, like he needed to be bred by him as often as possible for this feeling. It sent tingles up his spine, he felt as if he could get addicted to the feeling of being pumped full by his father. The younger coyote was just overcome with sensations, and they truly began to take a toll on the man. He was panting and found himself collapsing, at this point only feeling himself being held up by the man inside him.

Clint held on to his son as he felt his mate start to lose his balance, he couldn't say he was shocked based on the pounding he just took, still Clint wasn't quite finished unloading in the one currently balls deep on his cock. It only took a few more moments for the older coyote to finish dumping his current load deep inside his new mate, he would slowly start to pull out, smirking as he watched the hole he had just been inside squeeze shut. Seemed like his boy was intent on keeping as much inside as possible. He helped Taylor to get into a comfortable position to recover, cleaning himself off with the towel he'd brought in. There would be no pillow talk though, he went to ask Taylor how his first time was only to find the young man snoring softly against his pillows.

"So much fer round two." Clint said with a smirk, grabbing his shorts and the lube. It was time for a shower, then it was time to see how his other mate was acclimating.

It had been a full month since Clint had taken the boys as his mates, granted the double life was not easy, fun for sure, but not easy. As for his relationship with Taylor, his dick had never seen so much action. There wasn't a room in the house they hadn't fooled around with at this point, Clint was now well accustomed to waking up with his son already sucking his cock now that they slept in the same bed, they would fuck in the shower, kitchen, living room, at this point all Clint had to do was sit down on the couch and spread his legs, and Taylor would be on his knees with his father's cock balls deep in his mouth. At this point he didn't even have to prepare Taylor anymore, he had been used enough that he just needed lube and Clint could start going to town. Granted they didn't just fuck, they spent time together watching movies together and having conversations about other things, however there were definitely spots of the walls that had been dented by Taylor being slammed into them, many picture frames needed to be either reafixxed or replaced in general. Clint had never been so thankful for school being delayed, it was terrible that several members of the staff had caught the CORVID virus, but he truly enjoyed being able to fuck his son's brains out whenever he felt the slightest bit of chub. He was able to convince Taylor to agree that clothes stay off in the house, and as a compromise he found out his son was a bit of an exhibitionist in a different sense. Clint's phone was now full of photos and videos of Taylor worshipping his cock, his face buried in his father's crotch, Clint eating his ass, the older coyote's shaft balls deep in the young hole, Taylor getting his face painted, pictures of the younger in the hay out in the barn, it felt like they had done it all, everywhere, and there was evidence. He talked to Taylor about introducing a second mate, a third in their relationship to fuck him and not his son of course, and surprisingly Taylor agreed. What had shocked Taylor was just how long his father could last, some of their romps lasting hours, and just how often the older man could mount him. It was no wonder his father needed another mate, he needed release almost constantly and though Taylor didn't want to share, he needed someone to tag in when he was too sore.

Clint's relationship with John was strained at first after the coyote accepted his offer, but John had gotten over it the moment he'd gotten to see Clint's dick again and was able to bury his face in the man's crotch once more. It was almost as if something else had influenced the wolf, a new desire that had been introduced. John had eagerly accepted his role with Clint to serve the colony, the two of them bonding further of mutual orgams. Clint was able to share his newfound love of exhibitionism with John, and John was on board. There were a plethora of pictures and videos of the two of them, John sucking Clint's cock, Clint deepthroating John's, pictures of the two of them getting their shafts milked by the ants, and there were definitely videos of John absolutely destroying the coyote's hole. Clint found it a much easier time than his son, feeling no pain at all, allowing John to go all out from the get go. The older coyote finally understood why he had so many pregnancy scares in highschool, the wolf was absolutely amazing.Their first time together Clint had been forced to climax three times before John finished even once, they learned just how determined the ants were for their food that day. Though one of Clint's favorite videos however was the one of John birthing his first brood of millipedes, watching the wolf cum uncontrollably when the last of them had left him, all of them instinctually heading to the colony. Initially the two of them were worried they were there to attack the colony, only to watch the ants accept them with open arms. Neither of them smelled any sort of distress coming from the colony, which said to them it was okay. The shocking part though is when the female had emerged from John and collected the cum that was splattered all over the floor, instead somehow forming a ball with some of it before she scuttled off. John discovered early on that she left every few days in search of food, except for when she was caring for a brood. Since being introduced to her, he stopped feeling hungry or thirsty, in fact he lost the desire to eat or drink entirely. He and Clint thought about it a bit and came to the conclusion that she provides the body the proper hydration and nutrition so that John wouldn't need to, and in return John gives her the ability to reproduce and raise her brood to maturity. That was a feeling that caused John's libido to go into overdrive, the constant squirming on his prostate meant that both the colony and Clint were getting fed loads more often than not. That was an acquired taste for Clint, one that initially worried him for the colony, but he soon found that John produced more than enough. He found out later that while the increased productivity from the alterations the ants had given John may not have even been required, the wolf bragging about how many times in a row he could go before, and how many more times he could go now. Though this was something Clint didn't mind, loving the sensations as he melted to them under the wolf.

Every morning and evening Clint felt a need to feed the colony, and John with him. Both having been exposed to the colony for too long to be able to resist at this point, though they did get creative about it. Tonight was one such night. If one traveled down to the basement, they would hear the frantic slapping of someone's hips against another's rear. It was clear that John and Clint were in the midst of feeding time for the colony, John gripping the older coyote's shoulders as he slammed inside him one last time, growling as he came inside his mate. His balls flexing against the older man's as he came, they were definitely bigger than before but still not as large as Clint's. Clint sighed as he felt John releasing his torrent of seed inside him, feeling the wolf lean forward and go in for a kiss. The two lay there kissing, John's cock in Clint, the coyote's cock depositing his load within the colony. After a moment John slid out of his lover, watching a trail of ants come to clean him up. When Clinton was finally finished depositing his own load he would carefully lean back, sitting close enough that the colony didn't have to work to get the load that leaked from him. He smiled as he looked up at the wolf, panting as he realized why Taylor loved it so much.

"Amazin' as always, son." Clint said breathlessly

John nodded as he panted, feeling the ants tease his sensitive shaft while they cleaned the cum off of him, groaning while some traveled inside as they worked. He would have to feed them directly back to the colony during round three, but if they remained he could always deposit them in the morning.. "No problem, babe." He said with a smile back down at Clint.

"Gunna stay the night?" Clint asked, hoping the wolf would stay, at least this once.

"Ya know Taylor'd pitch a fit if I did, 'specially if I started kissin' his Pa." the wolf teased "Though I'll probably feed the colony another load or two before I go." He said looking over at Clint "But I am pretty sick of hidin' us from him. Ya asked, and he said yeah, what're we waitin' fer?"

Clint sighed, feeling the last of John's load finally dribble free of him as he thought of what to say "Johnny, I'm waitin' fer his birthday, ya know that."

John leaned his head back "Clint, that's in like two weeks."

Clint nodded "And how's yer brood comin' along?"

John would blush, it felt weird that he was the one mounting Clint and yet he was the one who was giving birth. He would reach down and rub his stomach, his muscles still just as defined as ever. "Well they're movin' around, gotta be close now." he would say, a sudden gasp escaping his mouth as he felt the ants inside him reach his prostate.

"Mhm, and it took yer little friend a week to grow. Ya gave birth once, that tells me she's ready fer more in a month. We jus' gotta hope she gives us another female is all." Clint would say, reaching over to rub John's stomach.

John placed his hand on Clint's "Ya got the presents ready?"

Clint nodded "They'll be here by next week, I'll put them down here."

John smiled and got up only to sit down closer to the entrance colony as his shaft went from softening back to full mast, and as tempted as he was to lay down and slide Clint's shaft in his mouth he decided against it. He sighed in pleasure as more ants joined the others already on his shaft, he'd definitely slide himself into the colony in a minute or two. He pulled Clint forward and gave him a gentle kiss, smirking at his older mate.

"Go and make sure to get 'im ready, babe." John said with a chuckle "We both know how you like yer mates. Love ya, babe."

"Love you too, son." Clint said, giving the wolf a kiss in return. Clint sighed as he thought of what to do, just two more weeks, until then he needed to prepare his little coyote before he could properly give Taylor his gift.

He looked down at the colony as it now swarmed John's length, he needed workers for his plans, and almost like they responded to his needs precisely two had emerged from the opening. Carefully he scooped them up and began heading upstairs. He looked around and Taylor was nowhere to be seen, finally heading upstairs. He found Taylor asleep in their bed, though the covers were off, he couldn't have asked for better luck. He quietly walked over and gently grabbed his son's cock. It was tricky sliding the foreskin back on a soft cock with one hand, but he managed. He glanced up at Taylor who was still sound asleep, and placed his hand with the ants against his son's cock. The ants didn't need to be guided on what to do, they knew. Immediately they began to scurry to the urethra, crawling in, and beginning their journey to the younger coyote's testicles. Taylor moaned in his sleep, huffing a bit as they traveled, but this needed to happen. Clint smiled as watched the small bulges travel down his son's cock. He knew what was to come, if his mate were going to help feed their colony then he needed to be able to keep up. Once he felt they were far enough inside, he began walking to the bathroom, he needed a shower and then he'd join Taylor in bed, hoping his son had worked up an appetite for the morning.

The following two weeks had gone as if nothing new had really changed, Taylor was a sex fiend as per usual, though he was forced to wind down a bit as he had to start attending online courses. Despite his classes, he would still find ways to get his father's cock inside him one way or another. Clint had begun to keep track of the size of his son's balls as they expanded and production increased, he doubted Taylor even noticed as he was too transfixed on Clint's crotch. John had still been coming over in the morning before they began to work to help make sure the colony stayed fed in the morning, feeding Clint as they drove and took breaks, pounding the coyote into next week every evening. What excited Clint though is that John had birthed his new brood, and they were blessed with a female, it was almost as if the mother knew. The female having taken residence somewhere in the basement, most likely to grow to her natural size.

Finally the day came, it was Taylor's birthday and Clint couldn't have been more excited. The gift he had for both his boys was in the basement, and today was the day Taylor would officially join their happy colony. When Clint awoke, he found Taylor under the blanket again, that warm mouth swallowing his cock eagerly. The older coyote laid there for a moment and enjoyed the sensations, the squirming of the tongue under his shaft, the ridges on the roof of that eager mouth, this must've been heaven. Soon the younger man pulled off, intent on giving the man's balls some attention, that was the time to strike. Clint grabbed Taylor by the chin, using that as leverage to pull him forward, and kissed him. The older coyote smiled warmly down at his son, the young man smiling back but eager to return to his work.

"Happy birthday, pup. Gotta surprise for ya." Clint said with a grin.

Taylor would slowly begin to stroke his father's shaft slowly, smiling back at him "Does it happen to involve this?" he asked, turning around to reveal his hole to his father.

The older coyote couldn't help but chuckle "Well it didn't. But since it's yer birthday, I s'pose spoilin' ya a bit wouldn't hurt." He said as he shifted to his knees, spreading his son's cheeks before leaning in, his tongue quickly making contact with the exposed entrance.

Taylor sighed as he enjoyed his father's skill, quickly melting to the sensations of the wet muscle against his sensitive hole. He closed his eyes as he lost himself, mentally preparing himself for what surely to come next, yet it never did. After a few minutes he felt his father pull back, this was clearly the moment he wanted. Yet he felt his father's weight slide off of the bed, Taylor feeling a whine escape his throat as he wanted more. It was then he felt the sting of his rear being slapped, his eyes shooting open as he sat up with a yelp.

Clint chuckled as his son yelped from the playful smack, he knew what his pup wanted, he just had to wait was all. "C'mon, get up, gotta give ya yer present."

"Your dick is a good enough present." Taylor responded, not even taking time to think about what came out of his mouth.

Clint gave Taylor a look that said he wasn't in the mood to entertain a brat. "Out of bed, now." he commanded "Yer gift is in the basement."

Taylor sighed and sat up, knowing better than to try pressing his luck any further. He quickly stood up and stretched, almost as if he was trying to show off for his father, only resulting in another slap against his rear. Taylor yelped again, his body tensing up some as his father laughed. He sighed and began to walk past his father, tensing up for another slap that never came.

Clint grinned as his son walked past him, his cock giving a painful throb. Seems they both wanted to finish this morning, but all in due time. He followed Taylor downstairs, almost a bit too close as if to tease the younger male. They turned and went through the kitchen, and descended the basement stairs together, though Clint cussed as he almost ran into Taylor who came to a dead stop. The older male looked out to see his wolf standing there, arms crossed, nude as the day he was born. He nodded at John, signalling it was time.

"O-oh...hey John." Taylor said weakly, still not used to John seeing him nude, let alone seeing John nude "Why are you naked?"

Clint rolled his eyes and shuffled past his son, grabbing him and pulling him forward "Remember how I said I wanted another mate?"

Taylor's eyes went wide "You meant John?" Taylor could see why he would bring it up, John was definitely hot, but this came as a huge shock.

"And why not?" John asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"I-I never said anything against it, I'm just shocked." Taylor responded, folding his ears back.

"Enough you two." Clint interrupted, "I chose my two boys, who cares?" He said before grabbing two boxes. He opened them in one was a pair of silver wedding bands with a matching cock ring, in the other the same thing in gold.

Clint first grabbed the gold rings, sliding one on John's finger, allowing John to slide the other on his. He'd take the cock ring and first slide John's balls through, then his cock. He'd repeat this process with Taylor, he could tell that the younger coyote was nervous.

"So now the world will know yer spoken fer." Clint would say to the two of them, though he'd notice John fiddling with his cock ring.

"So what's the dick ring fer?" John asked, looking back up at Clint.

"To remind the both of y'all who owns those cocks of yers." He responded with a sly smile.

Taylor however was a bit apprehensive, he figured it was just a bit of jealousy that he'd have to share his father with John of all people, but it was something he'd get used to. Once his father made up his mind, there was no changing it.

Clint would slide his own cock ring on, it was gold that faded into silver only to become gold again halfway around the ring. Clint would then grab Taylor and force him down on his back, getting up quickly to walk over to a shelf. He would then turn and toss a bottle of lube to John, the wolf deftly catching it.

"Get him ready fer yer Pa." Clint commanded, watching a smile creep along the wolf's face.

"Yer the boss." John responded, getting down and raising Taylor's legs. He began by quickly burying his face between the younger coyote's cheeks, knowing his skills would be appreciated by the coyote.

Taylor moaned out as he felt John's tongue against his hole, quickly having to bite his hand to keep from getting too loud. His dad was good, but John was clearly the master. The tongue sending fireworks through the young coyote's body, he could definitely see now why his father chose John as his other mate. Taylor whined loudly as he felt John pull away, hearing his brother chuckle, groaning when he felt that tongue get replaced by two fingers. It didn't take long for Taylor to become a writhing mass of fur as John toyed with him, he was already panting heavily while his cock leaked helplessly against his stomach.

Hearing his pup whine and moan from the pleasure that John was giving him was music to Clint's ears, a music that served to drive his own desires. He would walk over to where the ant colony was, he could smell they were restless, and they seemed to know what he was planning. He scooped a dozen from the ground as the colony offered some soldier ants to do his bidding, Clint was going to relish in this moment. He quickly walked back over to Taylor, seeing his younger reflection ready to offer himself to John. Perhaps some other time, for now that pup belonged solely to him and the colony. Kneeling down Clint would brush the ants off and onto Taylor's nethers. Clint knew first hand what they felt like, and could only imagine how long it would take his son to accept his new place among them.

Taylor would feel his shaft begin to tingle in ways he never thought possible, no one had grabbed his shaft. He looked down and began to feel a panic rise in his chest, crawling over his cock to his urethra were at least a dozen ants. He would go to get up and brush them off in his panic, only to feel his stomach get pushed down by John, a sudden weight on his arms as Clint held his arms above his head with his legs. Taylor opened his mouth to protest, only to get a mouthful of his father's cock, the taste of the precum immediately splashing against his tongue. He tried to lean his head back to protest, only to have a hand grab his head and force him to suddenly be nose deep in the older coyote's pubic fur, the smell of his father's scent causing his panic to quickly fade. Taylor soon felt the ants poking at his urethra, the first one slipping in, then the second, a trail of ants marching into his cock like soldiers to battle. He moaned loudly around the shaft in his mouth, feeling it starting to thrust against his tongue, making his tongue squirm almost instinctively. He felt the last of the ants travel inside, his cock throbbing powerfully as the ants traveled further inside, making their way to the prostate to fulfil their purpose. The ants reached Taylor's prostate with no issues, immediately beginning to work to bring their host pleasure. It worked almost a little too well as Taylor began to pant hard around his father's length, huffing in the dominant man's scent as his mouth was being used like a toy.

"Think he's ready fer ya, unless ya want me to be the one to knock 'im up, babe." John said with a smirk, his own cock hard and throbbing between his legs.

Clint chuckled as he slowly pulled his length from his son's panting mouth "His first brood is gunna be mine, might be all of 'em with that attitude." Clint said as he got up and off of the younger man underneath him. "Ya can use his mouth though while I breed 'im nice 'n good." He said, ushering John out of his way.

Clint took John's spot and wrapped Taylor's legs around his waist, the head of his cock rubbing his son's well lubed and slightly stretched hole. Clint would lean forward a bit, using gravity to slide his cock into the hole he'd grown quite familiar with. He looked up to watch John get in position, slowly sliding that large shaft into Taylor's awaiting mouth, feeling his cock give a throb when he watched Taylor's throat bulge out from the shaft now slowly thrusting into his mouth. Clint waited for John to get a rhythm going before working on one for himself, making sure not to upset the wolf's and to make it easier for his son to get used to being filled from both ends. It didn't take long for Clint to start getting rougher with the younger man, his thrusts getting faster, getting harder, he was ready to breed Taylor again. He growled as he thrusted, hearing John join him as he began to thrust into the eager mouth working hard around his shaft. Clint pulled the wolf forward, kissing him deeply. Clint let their tongues wrestle while they enjoyed the tight tunnels of the coyote underneath them, only furthering his desire to let loose. He broke the kiss and panted as he began to thrust harder, now slamming into Taylor hard enough to rock his body with ease. It didn't take long for the older coyote to growl as he felt himself explode inside his son, feeling his seed flooding the tunnel. As he panted and released his seed inside the love tunnel of his son he looked down and saw Taylor's shaft twitching, almost as if the young man was cumming, but nothing was released. The father knew what was happening, the ants were keeping him needy, the next time he came it would be to feed the colony.

Clint slowly pulled out of his son, feeling the hole squeeze his shaft to keep the load inside "Good pup." He said, looking up at the wolf who was clearly enjoying his brother's throat. "Boy, pull out. Let 'im breathe." he said, chastising the wolf.

John would look surprised, snapping back to reality as this was a throat he was fucking, not an ass. He would quickly pull out, laughing a bit as Taylor coughed and panted for air "Sorry 'bout that."

Taylor waved his hand "It'sfine" he said, his words slurring together as he panted."

The older coyote looked down at his son, smirking a bit "Ya still didn't get off though, wanna see yer old man take a cock?"

Taylor's eyes went wide with excitement, his tail wagging slowly at the thought "W-well yeah. Maybe I can show you how it's done." He'd say with a laugh

Their father stood up and walked towards a spot now familiar to him and the wolf. "Well come over here and lay down, ya can suck my cock while I'm at it."

"Why not just right here?" the younger coyote asked, genuinely curious.

John chuckled and helped his brother out "Just trust us, alright?"

Taylor nodded and followed John over, noticing the hole on the floor. His father helped him down, instructing him on what to do next. The young man would then lay down, sliding his length down the hole, the colony almost immediately stirring to life around it. He wasn't sure what sort of toy was down there, but it felt so fantastic, definitely better than any hand. He looked up as he felt his father's weight press against him, opening his mouth for what he knew came next, tasting the delicious shaft as it slid against his tongue. He heard his father groan, the shaft inside his mouth swelling as John slid inside his old man. It was an adjustment in this position, needing to find a way to brace himself as the wolf showed his father no mercy. He eagerly drank down every bit of pre that was thrusted out of his father, wanting more with each thrust. He couldn't help but blush, the sound of the two dominant men above him only turned him on more, wondering if this is how two true men fucking was supposed to sound. He felt his father's weight shift, a spreading of his cheeks once more, he wondered what his father had been planning. He soon felt something brush against the fur on his rear, then something smooth and slightly round press against his hole. He would gasp and release the shaft in his mouth, feeling the shaft grind against his face while something began to slide into his hole. Taylor let out a low groan as it stretched him wide, he felt no pain, no discomfort, only an intense pleasure. Something this large should bring the discomfort he was used to but there was nothing, nothing being a sensation that wasn't long lasting. He began to squirm, moaning loudly as he now felt the pitter patter of something drumming against his prostate from inside his hole as whatever the toy was moved forward inside him.

Clint watched as the millipede traveled further and further inside his son, it definitely had an easier time than the one that resided inside John. He held his head down as John picked up the intensity of his pace, panting as the wolf doubled his efforts. He felt his shaft leaking against the face of his son, looking back up just as the millipede was finishing her efforts. He watched his son's hole slowly close as the millipede disappeared, Taylor's sudden growl as he came to an explosive climax, it all proved too much for Clint. He felt himself begin to unload for the second time today, painting the younger coyote's face with his load as his hole squeezed John's, hoping for his load to no avail. He felt John lean forward, feeling the hot breath against his ear.

"As soon as she comes out, I'm fuckin' him next." John growled

"Shut up 'n go faster." Clint panted, looking down at Taylor, wondering if he'd even let John mount him. But he did know three things. FIrst, that Taylor would be far from spent by the time his orgasm faded. Second, his son was soon going to get pregnant with a brood from his father. And third, that this was just the start of a very pleasure filled day.

One year brings plenty of changes, but in some ways brings no change at all. Life in the small town had barely changed, except by the old farm where Clint used to live before he started some sort of perverted business. This of course was a cover up.

Shortly after Taylor had been introduced and made a member of the colony, their lives began to change. The younger coyote accepted his place with the colony, and with his family. John wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to mount Taylor next, the young coyote learned the fun way just how John managed to have so many women in high school. Though John needed Clint's permission to mount Taylor while the millipede was out, he was allowed to breed the younger coyote whenever the millipede wasn't preparing to fertilize. Taylor would only be having Clint's brood for a little while longer. Though that didn't apply when it came to the young coyote's mouth, that was available anytime, and Taylor certainly wasn't complaining. He was truly submissive when it came to their needs. It was now a rare sight to walk into a room with Taylor where he wouldn't be on his knees, back, all fours, whatever position he needed to swallow one of the two men. Of course this meant that Clint's perverted hobby took off, his phone now full of pictures of all three of them fooling around together, feeding the ants, the boys birthing their broods, he'd even asked Taylor to print out his favorites. Those were now hanging around the house.

Eventually Clint married John, legally taking him as his mate, though they secretly wished they could have also married Taylor. The marriage was the talk of the town for a few weeks, though Clint explained it was easier than adult adoption any time he was asked, John always gave the same reason. Though that didn't sit right with one particular canine who lived in a trailer whose fur patterns were eerily similar to John's. One night he drove up to the old farm house, throwing bricks through the windows. Neighbors called the police as he woke them up, shouting slurs at the top of his lungs. When police arrived both the wolf and his vehicle weren't there. They collected statements from the three canines, and went on their way. It was written off as the town drunk being the town drunk. Though he never resurfaced. The man was reported missing by a woman from a neighboring town a month later, claiming he missed child support, she went to check on him and his trailer hadn't been touched in at least a month. From there a full investigation was launched. Eventually the police received a warrant to search Clint's farm, and they were not prepared for what they discovered. Two officers entered to search the house, a male tabby and a female bear. Only the female officer left. She described what was the wolf in their basement, he had been well taken care of as his body seemed to show no symptoms of malnutrition but for some reason only his penis was covered in ants, but what had disturbed her was that the male officer was overcome with a sudden sense of lust, nearly ripping his clothes off in order to relieve himself. He was never seen leaving the house again.

The local police called the state police, who called upon specialists that worked with the federal government in these situations. Zillan Laboratories.

It was a day in February when three people representing the laboratories had visited the house, one male houndoom of an odd coloration and one male dragon. They had introduced themselves as Xan, Sandman, and Zillan to the thruple. They immediately traveled to the basement and found the former drunk and the former officer, both in great physical health, though their anal cavaties had been infested by a species of millipede and of course there were the ants they were sent to assess. When asked by the younger coyote why they weren't affected, the scientists revealed their secrets. The houndoom produced his own aphrodisiac and wasn't affected by the pheromones of others, the lynx responded with "Who said I wasn't already?", the dragon just shrugged and said he didn't feel like it. They sat down and informed the family of what had happened to them, and what was going to happen from here on out.

The father had come across a colony of musk ants, a highly invasive species of ant that once introduced to an area, could not be removed. They produce some sort of nutrient that the local ecosystem becomes dependent on, removing the ants means anything within proximity to the colony will slowly wither and die. They explained the radius could be something the size of a small clearing to a few miles, it simply depended on how long the ants had been there and how far the soil carried this nutrient. They explained that when a new queen finds a suitable host to carry her to a new location, she will have workers begin to change the host to properly accommodate her and the portion of the hive that chooses to follow her. That host is forever changed, both his natural musk and reproductive emissions are addicting to anyone who comes across them. This simply happens because the queen needs him to carry her elsewhere, and in the process uses his sperm to fertilize herself. This essentially made all future ants in the colony just as much host's brood, as he was the one who sired the new generation . However that was not the end of it, the new host will do whatever it takes to get other people to start feeding the colony as well, to give the new colony a diversified food source. They of course ask some basic questions such as when was the last time Clint had an actual meal, an answer he could not give. The two explained that when ideal conditions had been met, the colony having enough food that the host's emissions are not required and the colony is relatively large, that the queen will return to the host. She will infest his testicles and use them for her brood, turning him into an emergency escape option should the need arise. However, should there be no need for the emergency escape her workers will travel back and forth all day, transporting the larvae to the colony where they can grow. When asked about what eating has to do with that, the houndoom looked Clint in the face and responded with his answer as gently as he could. When the queen has taken residence within someone, their biology changes once more, making the host sustain himself on the same sustenance as the colony, whether he ingests it or it is obtained through...other methods, essentially turning the host into a king ant, and as far as they were aware, there was no way to revert the process. When approached with why Taylor and John weren't chosen as hosts, the answer was simple. They had been chosen by the king to be his soldier ants, they protected him, gave him his required food, and made sure he was well taken care of.

They finally explained the millipede, which they referred to as the analpede. They had formed a symbiotic relationship with the ants, the males protecting the inside of the hive from predators, such as the larvae of a morphfly. Of course the thruple was asked about the predator, to which the laboratory simply dismissed their concerns. The morphfly was not going to be a threat to them, their colony was indoors. They continued to explain that the female analpedes have a host chosen by the king ant to raise their brood in, and in return they give their host the proper nutrients to remain healthy. Only ever leaving for food, or to breed, they ensure that their host orgasms for both the ants and to ensure insemination, though they were not entirely dependent on the ants. Someone could easily have an analpede removed and suffer no side effects. The downside however, is that most people who have received one have become addicted to the musk of the king ant, and thusly need it to survive, unless they are a soldier to the king as soldiers have at least some autonomy when they are not servicing the king's needs. But even then, trying to remove a soldier from their king was hell on the soldier. They experience withdrawal symptoms that could go on for years, so it was best to work with them and find small compromises and solutions.

Their solution in this case was simple though unavoidable.

After a few months' worth of renovations, Zillan Entertainment partnered with Clinton Thorne to open up a new brothel...of sorts. Zillan Entertainment has created millions of tiny little ant-like robots that get you off, so you don't have to! Promised to give you the best orgasm of your life! People from all over began to flock Clint's old home, a pit in the center where the ants came from, men of all types would come in, whip it out, and leave. With rooms upstairs for those visitors from far away to spend the night, week, or month! The ants fill the pit from an underground colony where they are manufactured!

Taylor was allowed to continue his medical pursuits, a process that was expedited by Zillan laboratories. While still far from being a doctor himself, they had their own professors and tutors for the young coyote. He was to replace the doctor they had on staff when he earned his degrees, and of course the doctor's office was open to the public as well, the building being a fair distance away from the main house on the property.

John was allowed to keep working the farm, though the hay produced was proven to be more nutritious than what the local farmers were used to getting, putting quite a demand on the product. During the cold months and growing months when there wasn't much to do, he was added security for the brothel.

Neither Taylor nor John were allowed into town without escorts despite being considered non-threats, even during their day jobs they were closely watched. The cover for Taylor was a male bull, whom Taylor eventually grew quite close to as they shared a lot of similar interests. Were circumstances different and they had still met, Taylor would have likely asked the bull out. Ironically the bull's cover was Taylor's husband, and he took his role seriously. John's however as a female wolf who looked fairly similar to him, while John would describe her as a stuck up bitch, that's usually how siblings refer to one another, is it not?

What the public didn't know is that Clinton was locked in his old basement, deemed a serious risk, though he was more than quite comfortable. They had moved a very comfy bed in the basement for the three of them, Clint had his tv, free Mousey+ for his favorite obsession besides his constant orgasms, and of course his boys. There were other things down there as well, but he didn't pay them much mind, in fact he hardly moved much these days, the queens workers constantly traveling in and out of his constantly hard cock as they moved the larvae from his balls to the colony, his urethra now a two way street. They only ever stopped at night when the colony typically began to tire down for the night, then he could get pounded into the mattress by his boys, or suck them off, he didn't care which and they didn't either. Though he did like watching John mount Taylor, the wolf no longer needed permission to slide into his brother. Taylor would never fight it either, he clearly recognized the wolf as above him in the pecking order. Clint essentially gave Taylor to John, he didn't love or want Taylor less now. It all came down to the fact he could no longer breed his son, so he felt it best another capable man fill the coyote's eager hole. Taylor now exclusively birthed broods of millipedes that had been sired by the wolf, a fact their father found incredibly arousing. When it came time for Taylor to birth more John was always willing to knock him up again, the wolf provided for both their broods. He was proud that John had taken to Taylor, enough so that he requested that the two be married as well. While they couldn't exactly go anywhere for their honeymoon, they found a way to make it memorable, enough so that the wolf's coyote bride found himself unable to walk for a few days.

Of course the thralls he'd created reside down with them as well, but they don't make much noise outside of the occasional moan. Every now and again some smartass managed to break in, and Clint couldn't help what happened next, after all it was his instinct to provide for his colony. The thralls were constantly feeding the colony while the boys were providing Clint with more than enough of his nutrition, enough so that fooling with each other was almost necessary. Occasionally one of them would come to, they were still people underneath their haze of lust. But after being enthralled for so long, their minds had serious changes. They recognized they were essentially cattle for the colony, they must provide for both the colony and their millipede symbiote, but they still had things they liked to do to stay occupied between feedings. ZIllan laboratories ended up needing to expand the basement to keep the thralls comfortable, after all they couldn't be without Clint's pheromones for much time at all. The only thrall to never come out of their lust stupor was the first one, the older wolf, and Clint had the colony make sure of it.

The original colony was found, the host for that queen however never returned. Zillan Laboratories ended up locking the forest down, a tall chain link fence meant to keep anything from getting in or out. The town was explained to by their mayor that a species that was critically endangered had been discovered living there, this only served to spur interest from the town's local hunters. Any and all trespassers were quickly found, and should they be found interacting with the colony, they were quickly sworn into silence and paid off, something must've been said to them as they absolutely never tried anything again. Those who had been found feeding the original colony would be taken in for observation for a few days, aiding in a certain coyote's medical and scientific training. In most cases they would be brought on as part of the rotation to keep the colony fed, in some cases they were given to Clint. The last thing the colony needed in the woods was someone who had become a slave to the queen.

In the end Clint somehow saved his family farm, he wound up with two fantastic mates, best of all his boys would always be around. This was his home, sweet home.