Hyena Sentencing and Submission 2

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#8 of Catching the King Off Guard

With the hyenas brought to Pride Rock and under his watch, Simba begins the process of reforming them. Such a task would be no small feat but the Pride Lands' king has some rather unique exercises in mind for them.


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Banzai was roused from his sleep by a series of prods to his body. With an eye just barely opening he realized that it was a paw that was pushing at his body, trying to quietly wake him up.

"Not now, Ed. Give me five minutes," he muttered, closing his eyes again.

But a chuckle made his eyes fly open. That certainly wasn't Ed. And with his eyes open, Banzai was given the view of Simba at his side. Quietly, the king lifted him to his paws and ushered him out of the cavern. He was led outside of Pride Rock and into the grasslands ahead. At this point, the hyena was awake but wasn't too thrilled that it was so early, just before dawn. But he had to stifle his grumpiness before the king, finally noticing the pinkness that jutted from his sheath.

"It's your first day of sentencing and I didn't want to wake Nala up to take care of this," Simba said. His tone was different than it was before, it was still low, but with lust instead of any sort of anger.

Now it was all coming back to Banzai, who was sure he was still in the hidden cavern back in the savanna. But no, he was at Pride Rock now and had agreed to be a toy for the king. He just didn't expect the lion to be taking advantage so soon. Nevertheless, Banzai knew what was at stake and complied with the agreement.

As he approached, Simba leaned back and spread his hindlegs, letting his cock stick up and throb with needed attention. Banzai was no stranger to this sort of thing, but this was his first time with a lion. Once before the king, he closed his eyes and pressed his head down between the feline's hindlegs.

Simba was rather pent up this morning and his cock was already treating Banzai to heavy strings of his pre. The hyena had to endure the stickiness of his tongue, trying to ignore the moans that came from the lion. Though they had agreed to be in service of the king, it wasn't as if they were suddenly friends with him. Banzai just saw this as a way to save his skin. He fought back a frown from the heavy taste of lion in his mouth and continued to suckle on the feline's shaft.

From a distance were some lionesses that were kept watch, but they also pleasured themselves to the sight of the hyena submitting to the lion, watching as Banzai's head bobbed up and down. Out in the open, Simba let himself moan and even gave a few humps of his hips, clearly enjoying every moment of it. Banzai continued to endure, feeling his tongue becoming more and more slathered in layers of the lion's clear fluids. He had heard that they were built for breeding, but he was completely unprepared for squirt after squirt of the strong tasting stuff on his taste buds. It spread to the rest of his mouth and made it easy for the lion to keep humping into his mouth.

"I gotta admit..." Simba groaned. "You're taking me well and that tongue...mmph!"

Banzai's eyes widened as he was suddenly gripped. The king took control as he stood up on all fours. His body was over the hyena's, putting some weight down on the lower half. Now, Banzai was made to stand underneath the lion, who was rutting his mouth properly. Standing firm, he continued to nurse the moving cock that was now reaching into his throat, making him gag. He could very well imagine that the king was enjoying the sounds.

And his assumption was right; it was rather cathartic to express his domination over one that caused him so much grief in the past. It also showed just how far he had come. Now the lion was the one on top, cutting his former tormentor down to size. He aimed to get more gags, very much getting a rise of pleasure and satisfaction from jamming his length into the tight throat.

At this point, Simba was sure that he could get used to this, doling out this "punishment" anytime he saw fit, perhaps he could simply breed them into submission. He didn't imagine that it would be very easy, but then again, that was part of the fun in his eyes.

So with even more force, the lion's hips were rocking faster, and he fucked Banzai's windpipe even harder, getting more coughs and gags in return. It was a strange sort of turn on, purposely stretching the other male's throat, making him take it all whether it could actually fit or not. It wasn't exactly the kingly thing to do, but Simba was looking forward to marking his insides, with just his throat to start.

And a few more pumps made that a reality. Clenching his teeth, the king drove his entire shaft deep inside, letting loose his morning load, shooting off even thicker and plentiful ropes. Against him, Banzai's eyes bulged as Simba's pelvis was pressed against his nose, filling it with a deep musk just as the cock in his throat pulsed hard, pouring the lion's cum down into his stomach.

When Simba returned with Banzai, the other two hyenas could see that their friend's muzzle was glazed with seed and the scent of lion wafting from him put it all together.

"Jeez. You really did a number on him," Shenzi chuckled, but it was cut short but a growl from the king.

"These are the terms of your punishment. Not only do I have dominion over you three, but so does anyone I see fit. And so far that includes the lionesses and...Zazu!" Simba called, realizing what time it was. He was out there for longer than intended. And his majordomo clearly felt the same as he rushed in.

"Y-yes..." Zazu said, panting heavily as he flew in. He came in just in time to see the king approaching the other male hyena Ed. Of course, the hornbill had heard of their capture but he had yet to believe it. But the glaze of cum around the lying Banzai's muzzle and the sight of his king mounted Ed proved this to be true.

"So, how are the arrangements I made?" Simba said with a sigh, easing his cock into the whimpering hyena's hole.

"All has gone to plan, your highness. They have agreed and will be ready for when you arrive."

Simba nodded as he started to slip his cock back and forth. "Thank you, Zazu. Please, help yourself to her."

"Excuse me?" Shenzi barked.

"Either you take him or I'll have the lionesses hold you down!" Simba snarled back.

The usually defiant hyena shrunk from the threatening tone and heard some additional growls from the other felines that poked their heads in. She kept her mouth shut and rolled onto her belly, presenting herself to the prissy avian.

Simba sunk his still wet shaft into Ed, planting every inch inside. Under him, Ed was wincing from the sudden stretching and fullness that he was made to take. He looked over to Banzai, now asleep once more with his face still damp with lion cum. It sunk in for him that this was to be their lives if they wanted to stay in the Pride Lands.

The king was once more enjoying the feeling of a hyena under him, slicking his cock along those smooth borders, slowly pumping his inches in and out. He was surprised by how tight the hold was. Ed was one who saw himself as one on top. Even Banzai had tried bottoming before he had, and now the first time a cock had ever breached his hole, it was Simba's. Another whine came from him as he was touched deep, having his hole being stretched around another male's shaft for the first time.

Shenzi was looking on and understood, but she too was now being made to endure the humiliation. She could feel the bird's cock poking at her sex and did her best to ignore the surprising pleasure that came from it. The last thing she wanted to do was give Zazu of all creatures the satisfaction. The male clinging to her backside moaned as he slowly eased himself inside and Shenzi clenched her fangs, thankful that her face was pointing away from the others. Despite being a smaller size, Zazu had just enough to touch certain spots within her.

Another surprise came in how Zazu began. He wasn't just using her, the hornnill was fucking her, his thrusts had surprising force and enough speed to force a moan from her. This time, she couldn't see the smirk on the majordamo's beak. Being with Simba and engaging in more escapades had gotten him very open to mating more often and now he was rather fluent in it, enjoying the surprise that was shown when his proper demeanor fell away just before he pounded into them. She was cocky, thinking that taking Zazu would be a joke, but now she was already panting heavily from the bird's actions, feeling herself being stroked thoroughly from within.

Ed was raising his own voice, having those spots within his ass being touched by the lion's cock. Simba gave him no let up, pounding into his hole while filling the hyena's ears with his pleasured groans. At the very least, Ed focused on the new feelings these brought. And though it was not touched, his cock was hard and pulsing against his belly. The pressure and bit of pain from being penetrated for the first time ebbed away and he was given the mercy of feeling pleasure from the grinding lionhood. He had expected his first time to be with his own kind, taking the smooth length of a hyena rather than the tapered, barbed shape of the royal feline.

Simba wasn't concerned about any of this. He was too busy enjoying the hold on his dick, watching as Zazu was pounding into Shenzi. She was clearly trying to resist the pleasure it was bringing to her, but it was clear to see and hear within the chamber.

Shenzi was dragging her claws against the stone, ashamed to feel herself being pulled into an oncoming climax from the frequent grinds of the hot bird shaft inside of her. Now, her moans were no longer held back. Pressing her face against the cool rock, Shenzi's tongue lolled as the pleasure and speed only increased.

Zazu was enjoying her on many levels, getting a thrill from fucking someone who had also caused him torment in the past, but there was something extra exciting that he found with filling the holes of those larger than him, seeing them shudder and strain against his pumps. Feeling his own limit approaching, the hornbill decided to finish strong, slamming his body into hers a few more times until the both of them raised their voices. Panting heavily, Zazu kept himself shoved deep inside, letting the ropes of his release paint the former Outlander's walls, being treated to extra heat and dampness of her own climax, making quite the mess between them.

Ed gulped as he saw some of the bird's climax leaking from Shenzi. He realized that it would soon be him receiving the same treatment; and sure enough Simba was rutting him faster, sliding his cock in even deeper. Another yelp came from Ed, but not from any discomfort. In fact, he was suddenly pushed into an orgasm that led to ropes of his own seed making a mess of the fur along his belly. The pleasure struck him suddenly as well, making his body tremble fiercely.

This in turn caused changes in his body, being the sudden hard clenches that hugged around the king's rocking shaft. The moment he felt them, Simba snarled and put more weight down, forcing the hyena's legs further apart and taking all the room he could get. The full length of his cock further stretched Ed's hole and quick, short humps ground it all inside of him, forcing a series of groans and whines. With another roar of bliss, Simba thrust in with full force, pressing his full weight down, getting a wheeze out of Ed.

Simba's lionhood twitched powerfully inside of the hyena's hole. His balls were pressed against Ed's as they pumped his load. Strong gushes of his seed splattered inside, painting the muttering yeen's insides. In true lion fashion, he had another full load to fill up the punished male.


The three hyenas were finally left to rest for the rest of the morning while the king took on other affairs. There were still the restoration efforts and he had to do quite a bit of explaining to the local groups of animals that heard word of hyenas living among them. Their anger and mistrust was understandable but Simba was adamant on keeping to his agreement made to the trio.

The ones most angry were those that he called over to Pride Rock. It was near afternoon and Simba was standing alongside the three as Tonga and some other zebras came. And they were aghast to not only see hyenas, but the ones that assisted Scar and nearly hunted them with the threat of wiping them all out.

"I didn't want to believe it..." Tonga huffed as he stomped forwards. "With all due respect, Simba. Of all the new-age idea's you've had, this one's pretty stupid."

"There's no way that we can trust them to not run wild the moment we turn our backs!" Another yelled.

"I suggest you send them back and put an end to this silly idea," Tonga said bluntly.

In response, Simba kept his calm but he was a bit hurt to hear such dismissal of belief from who he considered a good friend. But he was king and his word was final. If they would not listen to his words, then he would show them. And with all eyes on him, he approached Shenzi and gave her a command.

The zebras were in shock, watching as the female gave no signs of resistance. She stepped forward in front of the king and presented herself, getting low to the ground and lifting her backside. Her face burned in shame as she heard the gasps from the prey mammals watching. Looking up, they were looking back at her. And the gasps only got louder as Simba boldly stepped behind her, mounting and slipping his cock underneath her tail.

"Do we really have to do this?" Shenzi groaned, feeling many eyes watching as the king was pressing himself inside.

But his words were in response to the zebras. "This is no 'silly idea.' My words are law, if anyone would know that it would be you. The hyenas are under my watch and protection, but this is the reason I've brought you here."

Tonga paused and tilted his head. "So, if I'm hearing this right. You brought them here for us to fuck?" Simba nodded and he grinned. The aura of anger and contempt for the hyenas quickly changed to something else and Shenzi felt her heart pound in her chest as they eyed her like prey, with a lustful hunger in their eyes. Never before had she been looked at like that by a herbivore and the knowledge that she was brought to be toys for them as well. If her life was not at stake, she would have considered literally turning tail and going home.

They watched as Simba got more into it, bringing about the sight of his length disappearing and reappearing. He worked to stretch it rather quickly and his pre was making it nice and slick inside, bringing about a series of wet noises from every slide of the shaft and then came a soft thump of the king's balls, bumping against Shenzi's unique labia.

Tonga and the others were now watching it all play out ahead of them. The lead zebra's anger faded as he kept his eyes on the hyena, never seeing them in a position like this. And he wasn't the only one, the others kept their eyes on the scene, clearly taking interest as Shenzi's body was rocked by Simba's larger and stronger body. And now it was clear to see; it was hard for a zebra to hide their erection. Shenzi gulped again at seeing just how big and long they were. Some of them were pleasuring themselves to the sight of her being fucked, thwacking their heavy cocks against their bellies.

At this point, Shenzi just kept her mouth shut, not wanting to give any more ideas that the eager males already had. And it was the same for the others, who also knew that they would be made to ensure the sheer size that the equine's sported. But they weren't fully on her side, showing their own hard cocks that clearly came from watching her be pounded by the lion.

For once, she was dreading Simba's climax, knowing that she would be left to the other males' mercy. But just as that thought came, the royal figure was groaning deeper and fucking her ass harder, forcing some moans and whines out of her. Just as she feared, the lion gave a deep sigh of relief, shooting ropes of feline spunk inside of her hole, brushing along her walls with his barbs.

When Simba pulled back, he presented her to the zebras and with her came Banzai and Ed. The hyenas were wide eyed as the lion stepped back, realizing that they were surrounded. On all sides was a horny zebra, grinning and flexing their hard shaft. Stepping forwards was the leader of the herd, Tonga. He loomed over the three, showing off the pride between his hindlegs, producing a heavy thump as his cocktip bumped against his belly. Behind his shaft were heavy balls that swung with weight.

He chose Shenzi, knowing that she was the leader of the group, taking her down a peg would bring him immense satisfaction. Even better as he watched her trembling before him. But that wasn't enough for him to go easy on her, not after the hardships he had to endure, taking control of a small broken herd when he was young. Now it was time for some payback and he was grateful to his good friend for pre-lubing the hole for him.

With her mouth hanging open and a silent wail leaving her, Shenzi was made to take the zebra's blunt cocktip. It was roughly jammed inside, spreading her hole further than it ever had been. Already shaking and digging her claws into the earth, she knew that there was much more coming.

Banzai and Ed were in no better positions, the both of them were pinned as well. Large tips, dripping with pre were slathering the stuff along their puckers and making shallow presses at their entrances. They had to ease their way inside to not actually harm them, Simba's watch made sure of that. He kept his eyes on them while another zebra had his head low, buried between his legs, eagerly licking the cum from his shaft.

"We're only getting started," Tonga assured, giving another strong surge of his hips, burying even more inside. Another wail was ripped from her and this was taken advantage of by Mali, one of the zebras that sought out Simba during night all that time ago. There was a grin on his face as well and he helped himself by shoving his cock inside of the pried open maw, flicking his tail in pleasure from the heat and tight hold that awaited him. Him and Tonga were very pleased with the hyena's body. She was smaller than Simba and that meant the holes were all the tighter.

Shenzi was rendered unable to do anything against the sheer length and girth of the rigid flesh spearing into her mouth and ass. They were already humping with force, using the passages to gain their own pleasure. There was no leeway given, more and more, Tonga was forcing her to take his cock, enjoying every muffled whine and yelp that came from her.

Banzai's pucker was lubed by the dripping and spurting tip of the zebra over him. And with that, he raised his voice from the hard presses against his rim. The tip finally shoving its way inside was like a gut punch, taking the air right out of his lungs. And only more and more of it was slipping inside, expanding his rim further than it ever had been. "Holy shit!" he wailed, finally finding his voice, but he only received laughter in response.

"You're lucky Simba's a good friend. I got no problem wrecking your insides beyond repair," Tonga threatened, making the former Outlanders whimper.

Simba knew that this was just a scare tactic but he had to admit that this herd was none like any before, hardened by the barren Pride Lands they had to grow up in. He had to admire them; despite being prey mammals they were rather ruthless in their methods, certainly enough to keep the hyenas in line as well. His eyes were going back and forth to each of them, watching as Ed was finally penetrated, yipping and squirming from the fullness that he no doubt felt. Even after months of popping in on the herd to have some fun, Simba never quite got used to the maleness they packed and they were even smaller, promising to be an even greater stretching than he usually would.

Ed was once again having his inexperienced hole filled, even more than Simba had and for a moment, his mind went blank. But the thrusts that send surges through his senses proved that this was no fantasy or dream. He was indeed pinned, his ass still being filled more and more as further inches were harshly shoved inside.

Tonga was snorting heavily and enjoyed every second of grinding along those soft, slicked walls. They clenched down on him, giving rise to bursts of pleasure that spurred him on, encouraging him to keep bucking his hips, clenching his flat teeth as he pushed hard against the tight rim. It was an even tighter fit than what he had with Simba. But if he could break in the king of the Pride Lands, then breaking in some mangy hyena was no challenge at all.

"Fuck yeah!" Tonga brayed. His medial ring had popped in and so did more of his cock, nearly burying the whole thing. That was something Simba could do, but it seemed that he had reached Shenzi's limit. Protruding from her stomach was a thick bulge that shrunk and expanded in time with the lead zebra's pumps. Knowing his limit, Tonga treated himself to the soft hold around his shaft, thrusting with force against the soft lining.

Banzai was being fucked with quick thrusts that slammed a lengthy amount of zebra prick into him. The blunt tip was tugged back against his rim before a thrust forwards came, ramming all the way up to the fat ring. This zebra was content to take what he could get and used the extra room to hump faster and harder, snorting and grunting as his cock became wet and sloppy with his thick pre, leading to deep, wet noises when his length slid past the tight rim.

The former second-in-command grit his own fangs hard, doing his best to endure the penetration that reached deep inside of him, stretching out his innermost walls. Every thrust rammed that blunt tip to the very end of his hole, forcing it to widen as well.

"H-here it comes!" the words were shouted into his ears. Following suit was another hard shove and then an intense heat that got hotter as his hole was being filled more and more with loads of zebra seed, too much for him to take. It spurt past his rim and onto the grass, staining the blades in the heavy fluid. With a heavy sigh, the equine's cock started to soften and he pulled himself free.

Just then Banzai thought he could relax, another zebra took his place and was sinking his cock into the used hole, getting another shout out of him. The herbivore using him was just chuckling as he sank his cock inside, using the thick cum to slide inside all too easily.

Next to him, Ed was being roughly fucked, pounded into the groaned as the zebra rutting him was picking up his pace. More barks and whimpers came from him. It was just noise to the others, but Banzai understood and could clearly see that he was having the roughest time of them all. The muttering hyena's eyes went flat against his head as a hard thrust raised his backside. Deep inside, he could feel spurts of warmth. A sticky fluid was being pumped inside of him, more and more. It spilled past his rim and trickled down his balls. While shooting his load, the striped equine was still thrusting and groaning deeply. Ed's face was pressed to the grass when the cock was tugged free, still flaring and shooting a few ropes against his backside. The flared tip had stretched his hole even further, leaving it winking and leaking zebra seed.

Just as the others had reached their peaks, Mali grunted as he unloaded into Shenzi's throat, filling her throat with warmth and stickiness. Shuddering, he pulled free and stepped back, leaving the herd leader alone with Shenzi.

"Looks like it's just you and me now..." Tonga said lowly. Bunching the muscles in his hips tugging his shaft back only led to it ramming inside with full force, ripping a shout from Shenzi. Her ass was beaten hard by slow, hard slams inside. The bulge in her stomach was stretched just a bit further in time with them. If she was not pinned to the ground, the others would have seen just how deeply Tonga was touching her.

Using all the stamina he had, the herd leader was keeping the treatment going for as long as he could. With all the power and anger that he had for the hyena below him, Tonga relentlessly thrust into her, forcing more wails and moans that told the others just how much he was giving. Much to Shenzi's dismay, she could once more feel her body working against her, taking in bursts of pleasure from the strong ruts. In response, her ass was squeezing around the pistoning cock. The pleasure was dying down, giving way to a conflicting pleasure, still feeling very much humiliated from the snickers of the zebras around her. It was as if they could sense her body reacting to their leader's actions.

Tonga was finally allowing himself to enjoy the squirming body below his, at the very least he could feel the heat of her hole along with the firm clenches. His ample precum had made it nice and sloppy, all the easier for him to fuck it as hard as desired. Now, he was rather satisfied with this version of revenge but still wanted to take as much as he could get.

Shenzi could feel the heavy pulses and felt a sense of dread. And to make matters worse, there was a more immediate threat of her own throbbing sex. Though it was the last thing she wanted to do with all of these eyes on her, the hyena barked and moaned out as she came. The scent of her release was soon wafting out, making it evident to the now laughing onlookers. They were having more fun than they did when watching Simba take Tonga for the first time, teasing the once feared Shenzi who "wet herself" when faced by their leader.

Even through the stronger squeezes of her ass, Tonga continued to thrust with full force, braying out as he finally allowed himself to cum, groaning deeply as his cock was spilling fat streams of his release, spilling it all inside of the also groaning hyena, knowing that she was being thoroughly filled just like her friends. Shenzi couldn't stop her body from squeezing down on the flared cocktip, milking more loads that pooled into her belly. All she could do was endure the filling and humiliation until it was all over...

For some time, the three of them continued to be used, and Simba watched, having his own fun with a few of the zebras. Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed could never get used to the fullness or the sheer volume of cum that rushed into them. The moment they could do was submit and do their best to help the process go faster, having to lick at the shafts in their mouths and squeeze against the fullness in their tailholes as well. Not only were they putting their bodies aside, enduring intense stretching and heavy doses that made their stomachs heavy, but the trio were heavily mocked and teased the entire time, making sure their egos were more than just bruised.

It wasn't until Simba finished up, pumping his shaft against a pair of thick, leathery lips. He pumped a final load down the equine's throat and purred as the mess was licked clean. Then, he was finally satisfied, making his point across to both the herd and the hyenas. He and Tonga exchanged pleasantries before departing, the lion returned to Pride Rock with the hyenas in tow, he couldn't help but smile as he heard their groans and hisses from their aches.


Some days after, Simba continued his duties and made the hyenas a part of them, bringing them along to the restoration sites and allowing them to be used as work relief, watching and pleasuring himself to the sight of them being eagerly mounted and bred.

One of the things the king wanted to do was make it up to Viru and Ruka, it took quite a bit of convincing, but he got the now very wary gazelles to meet with the hyenas again before revealing that this was part of an apology, giving them the chance to give the trio the very same treatment.

He watched as Ruka and Viru were then approaching, Ruka was especially looking for revenge and he did so by spearing into Banzai, soon fucking him just as roughly as the hyena did him some time ago. Viru, being more timid, watched his partner and then built up the confidence to do the same, groaning out as well as he started to pound into Ed's hole.

That left Simba with Shenzi, who he made gag on his cock, keeping her frequently complaining mouth stuffed. His strong paw guided her head up and down, timing them with the thrusts of his two friends, once more enjoying former Outlanders being used. He knew that the more he put them through, the more he would stamp out their old traits. His aim was to neutralize any semblance of them being a threat. Their good behavior spoke for themselves but the lion king knew better than just to let them roam free.

"H-hey! Ease up!" Banzai protested. It was rather funny coming from him, considering what got him into the position he was in now. Of course Ruka responded by pounding harder into the hyena's sore hole, treating him to exactly what he had to endure on that day. The irony was not completely lost and Banzai realized that he was not one to be making demands.

Ed was more or less the same, the only difference was the lack of understanding. The other male hyena was just as sore, having been used more than enough to have quite the experience taking other males. Whimpers came from him as Viru gained more bravery and matched the other gazelle's pace, rocking his hips and pounding into Ed's ass with all the force and vigor that he saw fit.

The two males and Shenzi as well were being shown the direct consequences of their actions, both in the past and recently. It was all coming to a head in the form of many, many Pridelanders that Simba had lined up to get some compensation for their pain. And that was given to them in the form of stretched holes that dripped with new varieties of seed.

Being used so frequently did more than just give other animals payback, it was having an effect on the three, getting them used to a more submissive position. And the effect was even greater in public, enduring the shame of having those who once feared them looking at them as pieces of meat for them to pounce on.

And that was once more evident by the way that they were being fucked by the gazelle's once more surprised by the pleasure that herbivores could bring. They longer questioned their cocks getting hard and soon spurting their loads onto their own bodies.

Ruka groaned louder from the squeezes to his shaft, still pumping hard against them until the soft hold of Banzai's ass pushed him over the edge, leading him to see the hyena once more.

Ed was soon filled as well by Viru, who sighed deeply but was quick to pull by, fearing that the hyena would snarl and snap at him. But the cross-eyed hyena simply lied there, panting heavily as his hole dripped.

Following suit, Simba gave a few more pumps to Shenzi's throat, snarling as he poured his own load down it, riding out the pleasure as licks were given to clean up the mess.

Once that was taken care of, the king went further to apologize on his own behalf for not getting there sooner. He had already apologized before, but still felt much guilt. But now the gazelles were in much better spirits, also assured that there was nothing to be afraid of after hearing the wails and moans that hyenas could make.