Mornin Sunshine

Story by cold turkey on SoFurry

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#1 of Highschool Sucked

This is my first crack, well, really at writing anything outside of research papers. Anywho, I'll leave to your reading and I'll leave with what I said to the woman who was giving me my driver's test back in the fall: "Be gently baby... it's my first time" Much love * * *

Howdy! My name is Shawn. I'm just your typical orange and black stripped anthrotiger and as of now am a second semester freshman at a small liberal arts university of less than 2000 furs in northern Maryland. My roommate (and friend from highschool) is a jet black anthrowolf named Kenny. Here at Uni Kenny plays lacrosse, and I play in the wind ensemble (pathetic, I know). All during highschool, I was hassled by the football and rugby coaches to play for their teams but I always turned them down so that I could pursue my real passion: music, not that poppy-whiney "cut my heart of if you won't go on a date with me" crap that was always played on the radio but real music... classical music. Of course being one of the largest tigers in my highschool and carrying around a flute wasn't all that it's cracked up to be, I was heckled for being a queer or a tailraiser or whatever the word of the week was; and the fact that I never had a girlfriend didn't help my case either. Kenny wasn't a musician like me, he was one of the "popular kids" meaning he would go out and get drunk with all the other cool furs whenever he wasn't kicking ass on the lacrosse pitch, so I was practically alone because of my music. Really my only other friend was a timid fox named Robbie. Robbie was a transfer student from California and moved to the east coast because his father was in the military; they were moved around a lot. Although Robbie didn't play in the wind ensemble, he sang in the chorus and those chorus guys got it worse than any of the band furs. Since I was pretty well known in the band program and knew almost all the furs in it, when Robbie showed up halfway through the first month of the school year I welcomed him to the school and became his friend, and apparently I was the only one. Only then did I notice that we had the same taste in music (hell, we even had the same favorite contemporary composer: an eccentric feline by the name of Purrsakitty); and that he was in almost all of my classes with me. Naturally we became really close friends and I felt like I had known him my whole life by the time fall term came to an end. When we came back for spring term, I would eat lunch with Robbie every day and we would talk about whatever, sometimes which teachers we thought were the worst or music or whatever. But all this changed one day when we were walking to lunch and one of the jocks standing around in the halls decided to shout "Go back to Cali you fucking queer", a seemingly innocent comment (at least from my perspective). But knowing this never really happened to Robbie, I leered at the jock giving him a glare that could only be described as of malicious intent; and then I looked over at my friend Robbie who barely acknowledged the insult with a glance over at the jock and blushed deeply turning the white parts of his ears a radiant pink. When we finally got to our table in the cafeteria, I looked over at Robbie and asked with all sincerity "Why didn't you do anything about what he said?" He merely glanced at me and taking a bite from his peanut butter and jelly sand which asked "Why don't you?" "Ummm, I really don't think that I need to, and besides, it happens all the time; and I don't blush whenever it does." "You saw that?" I only chuckled and looked at him. "I'm surprised nobody else did, you ears looked like your sister had gotten to them with a red marker." At this little comment, he only hunched further over his food hoping to just disappear. I looked at him in curiosity and asked "Are you, ya know... gay?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes and a pleading look that could have only meant one thing... I was right. My assumption was only confirmed by the slightest nod he gave me. I was only hoping that the furs that were walking around us were lost in their own little worlds and that the din of the cafeteria would have over powered my question so it wouldn't be any louder than a whisper. The rest of the time we ate in silence unable to think of anything to say. And after what seemed like an eternity, the bell for the end of our lunch period rang signaling that we had to return to classes. As we were walking to our lockers I couldn't help but feel a sudden sinking feeling in my stomach, and then it had hit me I had called out one of my best friends for being gay. I couldn't believe myself. And we walked the rest of the way to class in silence still unable to think of what to say. In our next class (biology, gods how I loathe it), I looked over at my friend and leaned over to apologize only being able to get out "Robbie, I'm-" before I was cut off by the surly old bull at the head of the class. "Shawn, do you have something to share with the class?" I only looked at him and shook my head no, all the time thinking "How cliché is that? Asking if I had something to share with the class..." And he resumed his lesson about the Krebs Cycle, or something like that I dunno I was hardly even paying attention anymore. I felt that I had to somehow get enough time alone with Robbie to talk but I didn't know how. As the bell for the end of biology rang, Robbie practically leapt out of his chair and sprinted out of the classroom leaving all the other furs in the class wondering what was wrong with him; but not me, I knew all too well what was wrong with him. A moment later when I arrived at calculus (thankfully it was the last class of the day) Robbie was curiously absent. I asked the relatively young, golden furred vixen who taught the class if I may be excused and immediately ran to the bathroom hoping to find my friend in there but all that I found were vacant stalls with a slew of phone numbers and offers of a good time hastily scribbled on them and a leaky faucet. After my search in the bathroom proved to be fruitless, I went to the only other place I knew I would have been able to find him if he was still on campus: the instrument closet in the band room. As I walked into the band room I waved over to my conductor who was at his desk reading his "question-a-day Jeopardy calendar" and in his best Alex Trebek imitation shouted over to me "the category is medieval minstrels-". I ignored him and made my way to the instrument closet. When I approached the door I could hear faint sobs; and when I finally opened it I was met with a mass of red and off-white fur that could have only been my friend, huddled in the corner. I walked over to my friend and sat down next to him bringing my knees to my chest and resting my chin on them. He only acknowledged my existence with a glance over at me and returned to sobbing. I was the first to break the silence. "Hey, Rob-" (I only ever called him Rob when I was nervous) "you want to talk about this?" He looked me with his bloodshot eyes and slowly shook his head no. I looked at him saying: "OK then, but I'm not going to be leaving and we can just sit in here this whole time in an awkward silence." And with that we just sat there, not even looking at each other; Robbie brooding in his own hell filled with shame and embarrassment and me, who felt what could only have been described as crippling guilt. I felt guilty because I believed that I was responsible for this and I felt that maybe our friendship would have been over because of a stupid mistake I made. It was in this state that we sat together until the bell signaling the end of the day rang and the instrument closet began to fill with furs who were trying to retrieve their instruments and get out of school as quickly as they could so they could enjoy their weekend. It was at that moment that I remembered my bag was still in the calculus classroom and that if I didn't get it before the teacher locked the door I wouldn't be able to get to my bag before the weekend. So I looked over at Robbie who only recently stopped sobbing and said "I have to go get my bag before Ms. Gelb locks the door. But I really want to talk with you. Do you think we can meet up sometime during the weekend?" He only nodded and replied with an abrupt "Sure", his voice trailing off a little bit. Hastily, I sprinted up the stairs to find Ms. Gelb locking the door to the classroom; after grilling me about never returning to the class and saying how unspeakably rude it was she opened the door and allowed me to get my books; but not after assigning me a Saturday detention that was to be served the next day. I begged and pleaded with her but she was unwavering and said with sudden determination "Mr. Krieg," she only ever called her students by their last name if she was royally pissed, "you will serve you detention and be done with it. Don't make me give you another." With this sudden resolve, I merely nodded and stared down at my shoes in shame and replied with a soft "Yes ma'am". "Good, now the dean expects you to meet the janitor at the back entrance of the school at 8 a.m. tomorrow. He says that you should dress comfortably because you're going to be helping him clear out the storage rooms." Another short yes ma'am was my reply; but inside I was furious because I knew I wouldn't be able to talk things over with Robbie before Saturday afternoon if my parents didn't kill me for getting a detention. After she was through with me, I ran back down to the instrument closet only to find it void of everything: instruments, other furs and my friend. I walked to my car while I called his cell phone, but all I got was his mailbox. Distraught, I hung up my phone hopped in my car and drove home in complete silence, not worrying about driving my brother home because by now he was probably at his friend's house or on the way there. When I finally got home I tried to call him again but I got his mailbox again. So, I decided that I would call his house phone and I looked him up in the student directory. When I had finally gotten through on his home phone and his mom picked up, I choked out "Is Robbie there?" momentarily forgetting that I should probably say who is calling. Her only reply: "Yea, hold on a minute... ROBBIE PHONE". I yanked the receiver away from my ear so that I didn't end up going deaf from her scream and barely replaced it in time to catch my friend's weak hello. I thought to myself: "Oh god, he sounds like he still sad" but said "Hey Robbie, it's me, Shawn. Ummm... about us getting together later on, I kinda can't do it tomorrow because I got a Saturday for not goin back to calc. but I'm free after that and it should only last until about one in the afternoon." "I'm sorry Shawn; I didn't mean to get you into trouble" sounding even sadder than before. "Eh, don't worry about it, if I cared about getting into trouble I wouldn't have stayed. I'll be around your place about two-ish, that fine?" "Yea, that's good", a little bit of relief jumped into his voice. Sensing a little tension lift from the conversation, I replied a little more up-beat "Groovy, I'll pick you up at your house and I guess we'll come over here." "Alright, I'll see you later" "Bye" I hung up my phone and went into my basement to watch some TV, with what felt like relief that he wasn't really pissed at me and the hope that maybe our friendship was going to continue. ~ ~ ~ ~ A few hours later Finding nothing to my liking that was playing on TV, I decided to call it a night because I had to be up early in the morning and out the door by at least a quarter after seven to make it to school on time. Of course I didn't tell my parents that I had received a Saturday detention but I told them I had to be up early to make it to a concert (a horrible lie I know, but I was put on the spot rather quickly because they though it suspicious that I was going to bed so early) and I told them that I was going to be bringing Robbie over afterwards. My mom said: "Well, your brother is going to be having practice here tomorrow afternoon, so be prepared for that." "Does he need me to take him somewhere?" I asked, a little aggravated. "I don't know, but he might need a ride somewhere. You know him; he can't plan more than 10 minutes ahead." Nodding and walking away, I said "Yeah, I know. If he needs a ride somewhere tell him to give me a call." "I will, goodnight honey." "Goodnight mom." When I finally fell asleep that night, I had the weirdest nightmare that I've had in a long time but when I jerked awake at six-thirty the following morning in a cold sweat I couldn't remember any bit of it. This bothered me during my entire morning routine. When I finally arrived and met the janitor, a bitter, disgruntled mutt dog dressed in old, dusty overalls at the back entrance to the school I knew by the devious grin on his muzzle that I was going to be in for hell this morning and I pushed the forgotten nightmare to the back of my mind. I held out my hand to introduce myself but as soon as I did, he turned his back and started to walk away saying "We're going to need to get you a pair of gloves to empty out storage. Follow me." When we made it to his closet he handed me a pair of stiff, thick leather gloves and directed me towards one of the storage rooms near the back of the school where he proceeded to point at a pile of old rusted desks saying "Move these out of here and put them by the back dumpster for pick up". And with this he left me to my own devices. When I occasionally looked down at one of the desks, admiring the various doodles-n-such, I saw a conversation between two students scratched into it. It would appear that the two were in different classes but sat in the same desk and decided to talk through the carvings in the desk. When the janitor returned an hour later to check on my progress he chuckled at my sweat matted fur and pointed to a stack of blackboard slabs on the other side of the room saying "Move them to where the desks were and come find me when you're finished". After another hour of agonizing work, I sought out the janitor in his closet and said that I was finished. He only looked at me, chuckled and said "Not yet you aren't. We still have 2 other rooms to do." Obviously able to pick up on my anger evident on my face by him saying "we" he glared at me and said "I'm not the one that got into trouble so don't get pissed at me." And with that he led me over to the next classroom. A good three and a half hours later, I was finally done with what I could only describe as slave labor and hopped into my car with my fur matted down with sweat and called Robbie and left him a message saying that I would be a little late because I had just gotten out and I needed to shower. Having completely forgotten about the lie that I told my parents my mom began to interrogate me as to why I my fur was so disheveled and Robbie wasn't with me. Panicking, I said "He asked if I would drop him off at his house first and pick him up a little later because he had some stuff to do." (completely ignoring her observation of the condition of my fur). Appearing to be satisfied with my answer she left me so I could go get a shower. Around two-thirty I was on my way over to Robbie's to pick him up; I called him saying that I might be a little later than I thought because the traffic reporter on the radio said there was a traffic jam on the way. Amazed as to how barren the streets were, I got to his house considerably earlier than I had anticipated but I knocked on the door without giving Robbie a call. An older looking fox (Robbie's mother) opened the door and looked at me wondering why I was even there. I told her that I was here to see Robbie and she, reluctantly I might add, let me into her house (she never liked me). Climbing the stairs, I made my way to the second story and walking towards Robbie's room I could faintly make out what was low moaning and panting. I thought nothing of it and got closer towards Robbie's room, the moaning got louder and louder the closer I got and soon enough a name became name. I slowly approached the door and softly knocked on it only getting a yelp and a dull thud as response and a moment later a disheveled fox in a pair of khakis and a wrinkled dress shirt opened the door and looked at me. "Why are you here so early? I thought you said you weren't getting here until later." He asked frantically his ears turning a vibrant red color. "Um, there wasn't any traffic; the news lady lied...I guess." I answered trying to sound as nonchalant as I could, yet I could feel the blush slowly beginning to creep up my face. "Well, um come in I guess." He turned his back to me, obviously not noticing my blush and the bulge forming in my jeans. I cautiously followed him into the room and looked over at him; I could see the panic in his eyes and could smell strong arousal in the air. After covertly adjusting myself, I thought to myself that I was just going to act completely oblivious to what was going on in here not more that a minute ago and asked "You ready to go yet?" "Um yea, hold on a sec." Then he disappeared into his closet producing a bag and cramming into it a couple shirts, another pair of pants and something else that I didn't get a good look at. After he grabbed his bag and threw on his shoes, we went downstairs and as I was getting ready to open the door he said "Hold on, lemme just tell my mom we're leaving." To this I only responded "Alright, I'll just be in the car then" He nodded and disappeared into the kitchen as I turned my back and made my way to my car. Waiting a minute or two thinking "How long does it take to say that you're leaving?" and eventually completely lost in thought about what I had heard him doing in his room I didn't notice that he had walked up to the car and was knocking on the passenger door waiting for me to let him in. Startled out of my daydream, I leaned over and unlocked the passenger door thinking to myself "the next car I get, automatic locks had better be standard". As I was backing down his driveway I noticed that I was starving, having not eaten while I was working and before I left my house. I asked "Are you hungry?" "Not really, I ate before you came, but I guess I could get a drink or something." "Well, where did you wanna go? There's a McDonalds up here on the corner" "Sounds good to me. I'm only going to get a drink though" We went through the drive-thru and on the way home I decided to pop the Purrsakitty album I got for my birthday. By the time we got half way through my personal favorite song Psalm we were pulling into my driveway. As we were walking into my house, my brother's band had just finished a practice and was sitting in the kitchen talking about an upcoming show. As we were walking by the table my brother asked if we were going to the show on Monday night. Slightly amazed that my brother had actually planned something, I looked at him and answered quickly "Maybe. But we'll talk about it later. Did you need a ride or something?" "Not really, unless you were going. Tom said he would drive me too if I needed a ride" "I guess, you know how mom doesn't like it when he drives" "Yeah Yeah, I know. Alright, umm I think the show starts around seven-ish so we should probably be getting there around five-thirty." "Sounds good" and I looked over at Robbie asking "did you want to go to the show" waving over at the group of furs sitting at the table. "Dunno, I'll have to check with my mom." "OK then, if you can go, let me know." With my plans with my brother set, Robbie and I went upstairs to my room to play some video games almost forgetting why Robbie was over in the first place. When we made it up to my room and got knee deep into our fourth round of "Mortal Kombat" I decided that I should break the ice by asking the burning question "Why did you practically sprint out of bio yesterday?" "I don't know, I was embarrassed and didn't want to face... it just yet." "How long have you known?" He looked over at me bewildered and finally understanding what I was getting at said "I dunno, really only when we moved here a few months back. Although I knew I was... different even while I was still in California. Why, are you-?" "I don't know, I've never really been with anybody. So that kinda leaves me open a bit-" Midsentence, he practically pounced on me and gave me a deep kiss, I pushed him away and he slunk towards the end of my bed and slid off wishing to somehow become "one" with the carpeting. "I.....I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.... I should probably go now-" he stood up, grabbed his bag and started to make his way to my door. Standing up and looking at him, a hint of nervousness in my voice I said: "No. Don't, you just surprised me. I have something that I should probably tell you though." Nervously running my fingers through my headfur I looked away from him to gather my thoughts for a moment and finally let out "Umm, earlier today when I was walking towards your room... I, um..." Again, he looked at me a little confused. Then it hit him, a look of utter shame spread across his face and he eventually squeaked out: "Oh, heard that?" Still running my fingers through my headfur, I replied: "Yeah, kinda. But don't worry, actually I am kind of flattered that you would think of me like that, and kind of relieved too." After saying this he blushed deeply and came over to me and kissed me again, except this time I was expecting it and didn't push him away. After what seemed like an eternity of our maws pressed together tongues probing each other's mouths and our hands exploring each other he pulled back from the kiss and looked at me, causing me to blush once again. I looked down to see that his khakis were tented out and grabbing the bulge looked at him with a smug grin saying "A little excited there kit?" which I followed with a slight chuckle. He looked at me and blushed deeply. I got down onto my knees and in front of his bulge and inhaled taking in his strong, tangy musk, the same intoxicating scent that I remembered from his room earlier in the day. His scent causing my already hard cock to throb more in need of release. I undid his buckle but he stopped me and pulled me back up and looking me in the eyes saying "You don't have to do this. I don't want to push you into something you don't want to do." I chuckled and looked into his eyes and said "I'm not doing anything I don't want to. I've just never known until now." I kissed him deeply and began to unbutton his shirt. A moment later, without breaking the kiss I slid is unbuttoned shirt over his shoulders and tossed it to the side. Breaking the kiss, I gave him a warm smile which he returned and slowly began to return to my knees, kissing as much of his chest and stomach as I could. I finally reached my destination and I undid his pants and looped my thumbs underneath their waist band. Pulling both his pants and boxers down in one quick motion I allowed his foxhood to spring free from its cotton prison. Again I inhaled his musk and began to slowly drag my rough, feline tongue over the tip of his member which had already begun to leak pre. Taking him by surprise, I took his entire foxhood into my maw and began to gently suck while I began to squeeze his now forming knot and roll his balls. As soon as I did this his head rolled back and a murr escaped from his lips as he began thrusting deep into my maw and running his fingers through my headfur. "Oh, god. I never knew it would feel this good..." I looked up at him and seeing the pleasure etched onto his face, let out a low purr, the vibration intensifying his pleasure bringing him closer to his climax; then slowly I began to bob my head up and down his member, meeting his thrusts. As I gave his now fully formed knot another squeeze he began to moan and pant. Inbetween moans he gasped "Shawn...I'm gonna-" and with this he let out a loud moan, spilling his fox seed down my throat. I tried to swallow as much as I could but it just kept flowing and some of it escaped my lips and began to dribble down my chin. After I milked his foxhood of all his seed, I got back up onto my feet and wiped my chin with the back of my hand and then proceeded to lick it clean. "You like that?" I asked with a chuckle. Still feeling the afterglow from his orgasm, he smiled and walked towards me, hugging me tightly and kissing the nape of my neck. Looking down at my own tent made in my jeans he grinned and bit his lower lip and mockingly grasped it, whispering into my ear "Now what to do with this." I took off my t-shirt, which was already damp with sweat as he began to get onto his knees slowly dragging his claws through my chest and stomach fur on the way down, sending electric shivers down my spine. He undid my buckle and began pulling my pants down while looking up at me, his eyes never leaving mine. When my pants fell to my ankles and I kicked them away he stared at my bobbing member with a look of awe on his face and let out a childish giggle and he slowly began to lick up and down my length rolling and kneading my balls at the same time, my head lolled back and a low purr escaped my lips. After teasingly bringing me to the brink of exploding (several times I might add), he got back onto his feet and looked at me with those same pleading eyes that I saw the day before; except somehow, today they were different almost mischievous. Biting his lower lip again he looked at me and said "I want to feel you...inside me" Taking him into a firm embrace, I looked him into his amber eyes and hesitantly said "If that is what you really want." And with that he let out another childish giggle and ran over to his bag, producing the one thing I didn't get a good look at when he was packing, a small bottle of lube. Returning with his bottle of lube he squirted a liberal amount into his hand and began spreading the cool gel all over my length. I gasped saying "It's cold!" He laughed a little bit and said "It'll warm up in a minute." Tossing the bottle aside and kneeling on the bed, his rump facing me, he moved his tail aside and he used some of the lube still on his hand to lube up his tailhole; he then looked back at me with a huge grin on his muzzle. I grabbed him by the waist, but I flipped him over onto his back making him yelp and kissed him on the muzzle, afterwards saying "I want to see your face" Again the grin returned as he nodded. I looked at him with concern on my face. "I'll go slowly, because it is gonna hurt at first" (at least that's what I heard). Again all I got in return was a grin and a nod. Slowly bringing my cock to his tailhole I asked "You ready?" He looked me in the eyes and said "I've been wanting this ever since I met you" and with that, he kissed me hard on the muzzle and began squirming as I began to slowly penetrate him, eliciting a gasp of pain from him. I could see his face contorted in pain as I paused for a moment allowing him to adjust to my member in his tailhole. "Are you alright?" He gave me a warm smile saying, "Never been better, it just hurt a little bit." A moment later, I was hilted deep inside my friend and I began to withdraw until only my cockhead was left and again I thrust forward until I was hilted in my lover again, the combination of the lube and my flowing pre making my cock slide in easier. I repeated this several times, each time prodding Robbie's prostate and bringing his cock to another throbbing erection. I wrapped my paw around his throbbing cock and began pumping in time with my thrusts, making him moan loader and me purr like a kitten, my rhythmic pumping and stroking picking up pace. I bent over and kissed him. Breaking the kiss, he moaned "Shawn... I'm gonna cum" "Oh god, me too..." My throbbing member began pulsating sending intense waves of pleasure down my spine, spewing my seed deep into Robbie as he was thrusting into my paw letting out thick ropes of cum that landed on his stomach and chest. Basking in our collective afterglow, we lay down on my bed and fell asleep; him in my arms, and me in his. I woke up hours later with my arm around a mass of red and off-white fur. Bringing my gaze further up the form, I saw a pair of amber eyes now looking into mine. With a coy smile and a chuckle, I thought "those are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen", but simply said "Mornin sunshine" * * *

Please feel free to leave me some comments on how i could improve and I'll probably write something else. much love