Outcast Chapter 6 part 1

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#6 of Outcast

This is the first part to my next chapter. At the end you'll figure out why I'm making two parts.


I grinned at Tevin as he gaped at the foyer of Seth's house. "This, is Seth's house?" he said in shock. I laughed and ruffled his headfur.

"This is Seth's house," I said, smiling, "His room is even better."

His mom came out into the hall and smiled and said, "I'm assuming this is Tevin." She walked over and put a paw on Tevin's head and grinned at him, "If you're anything like your brother, I'm going to like you."

He blushed but smiled at her. "Thanks," he said shyly.

She laughed and said, "Yep, I'm gonna like you." She turned to Seth and I and looked us up and down, "Tell me why you two are wet and dripping all over my clean floor."

"We went swimming," I said, grinning at her.

She raised her eyebrow and said, "That doesn't give you the excuse to drip all over my floor. Go change! Now!" She was sounding pretty forceful and Seth and I figured it would be best to comply. We walked upstairs, Tevin following nervously behind us. When we got to his room, he gaped even more, staring at the large room, the large bed, and everything else in the room.

"This is your room?" he said in disbelief.

Seth laughed and said, "Yep, the bed is new though. My parents thought that Cody and I might be kind of uncomfortable if we had to sleep in that tiny twin sized bed."

He looked around again, and I could tell he was jealous. I put a paw on his shoulder and smiled, "You can come around anytime you know. I don't think Seth's parents would mind."

"I don't think they would," Seth agreed, smiling.

He looked at me and he hugged me, careful not to get his clothes wet. I smiled and I started to strip, "You might want to turn around," I told him.

He did and I finished stripping, Seth doing the same beside me, and we both went into the bathroom to dry off, and then we put on dry clothes. I hugged Seth quickly and said, "It's save to turn around bro."

Tevin turned around and he looked at us both and he walked towards us and hugged us, "Thanks for letting me stay the night," he said.

I smiled and I squeezed him to my chest. "Bro, you're so miserable at home, if I can find a way to make you happy, even for a night, I'm going to try to do it."

He smiled and said, "You're a great brother."

I ruffled his head fur and said, "I know I am, now, what do you want to do? We can do anything."

He thought for a moment and said, "What games do you guys have?"

"What games don't I have?" Seth asked, grinning as he walked over to his entertainment system. "Come over and pick one out."

Tevin walked over to the entertainment system and gaped at the large collection of video games that Seth had on the shelves that were built into the door. "These are all yours?" He asked in disbelief.

"Mhmm," Seth said. "Anyone one you want kid."

Tevin looked through the games, trailing his finger across the cases as he looked at the names of each game before he finally pulled one out. "Ahh!" Seth said, grinning as he popped the disc into his Xbox360, "Halo 3 is one of my favorites."

I laughed and sat down next to Seth as he handed one controller to Tevin and kept the other for himself. "You don't want to play?" Tevin asked me, looking curiously.

I smiled and said, "I've never had much appeal for Halo."

Tevin stared at me in shock, "How can you not have much appeal for Halo?"

"Easy, it's the same game over and over." I said. "Just like all First Person Shooters."

Tevin looked at me in disbelief for a moment longer before Seth said, "I'm warning you now, I'm a beast at this game."

"I bet Tevin's never played it before," I said, "So take it easy on him."

Seth laughed and said, "Aww, fine, I won't take advantage of him. Can he use your live account?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "How often do I use it?"

"Every day." Seth said.

I shrugged, "How often do I use it for Halo?"

"Good point," Seth said, smiling.

I took Tevin's controller and I logged onto my live account after Seth was logged onto his and gave it back. Tevin raised his eyes at the name "EthSlave." "What's with the name?" He asked curiously.

"It was supposed to be Seth's Slave, but I didn't want it to be so obvious," I said, smiling.

Tevin bit back a snicker and I hit the back of his head. "If he thinks I'm his slave though, he's got another thing coming, isn't that right Seth?"

"Yes dear," he said, taunting me. I reached over and flicked his nose and his whiskers twitched and I laughed.

I settled against him and watched as they started to play. Tevin started to whine eventually because he couldn't kill anything but they kept playing, and Tevin got somewhat better.

"Pssst," I whispered to Tevin, "I have a tip for ya."

"What?" he asked, glaring at me.

"Don't die," I whispered.

He glared but Seth started laughing and I smiled and pecked Tevin on the cheek. "Calm down lil' bro, it's just a game."

He sighed and went back to playing the game and I started to rub his neck to calm him down. "I want a neck rub too!" Seth said, pouting. I laughed and used my other paw to rub his neck and he started to purr as I hit the right spots.

"I expect you to do something for me later on for doing this," I told him, smiling.

"A massage later?" he asked me, smiling.

"Maybe not tonight, since Tevin is here, but sometime, yes." I said, grinning.

"Seth can give you a massage while I'm here," Tevin said, winking at me, "I won't mind."

Seth grinned and said, "I think Tevin wants to watch." He poked Tevin on the forehead and grinned as he blushed even deeper, "See! You can tell just by how much he's blushing."

I laughed and ruffled his head fur, "Just concentrate on your game guys, and Seth, don't embarrass the pup."

I don't know how much longer they played but they played until Seth's mother called us down for dinner. When we got down she smiled and she sat us around the table. "Where's dad?" Seth asked her curiously.

"He has to get some work done at the office." She said.

"Oh," Seth said. "Well, I think Tevin is having fun so far."

"Oh?" she asked, raising her eyebrow, "And what have you done today?"

"Played video games." I said, rolling my eyes.

She laughed and said, "I guessed as much."

Tevin was blushing shyly and Seth's mom smiled and caressed his cheek, which I saw him push into lightly as I had expected. My mother didn't do anything like that to anyone since me. Seth's mom was smiling and said, "Well, even if these two aren't here," she said, gesturing to Seth and me with her head, "you can come over and play Seth's game," she winked, "I'll let ya in."

He blushed deeply again and I smiled. She was treating Tevin awesomly, and I loved it. We ate dinner, Tevin and Seth's mom talking, which I thought was weird. I had never expected Tevin to be the one who could talk to a friend's mom without any awkwardness.

When Seth and I were finished I smiled and said, "Seth and I are going to take a shower."

"We are?" Seth asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Mhmm," I said, smiling.

I pulled him upstairs and forced him into the bathroom. I slowly stripped my clothes off, giving him a show, before doing the same for him. I smiled and pulled him into the shower behind me. "Well jeez babe," he said, "you're moving so fast."

I grinned at him and I pushed my head into his neck as water started to pour over us. I took a deep breath of his manly musk before it was washed slowly away by the water. I licked his neck and said, "I wanted to be alone with you," I said, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"You're alone with me a lot," he murmured.

"I know," I said, grinning at him, "but I have some... special desires I want to take care of after this. He raised his eyebrow at me and I smiled, deciding not to elaborate on my "special desires." I started to rub soap into his fur, scrubbing it into his body as hard as I possibly could, feeling his muscles beneath the fur.

"I wish I had muscles like these," I said.

"I wish you did too," he said, smiling, "I wouldn't mind being able to curl up under someones arm every once in a while."

I smiled at him as I rinsed the soap out of his fur. He soaped me up, scrubbing my body quickly, nowhere near as hard as I had him, and then cleaned me off. I could see the pink tip of his cock poking out of his sheath, and I just knew he had been thinking about my "special desires."


This is why I cut it off. You have one of two choices here. Yes, I'm ruining part of the next scene.

I'm taking a vote. We can either have a very hot threesome with some sweaty bro on bro action ;) Or we can have a romantic first time scene between Leo and Seth :P Either one. It's up to you guys.