Predator becomes prey

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#15 of Shorts

Desperate times call for desperate measures, but is a star really born out of hard times?

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story you should be of legal age in your respective country.

Royce's stomach grumbled as he stood outside the bakery window eyeing the various goods on display, with a sigh he opened his wallet and half expected a moth to fly out he was so broke. Even working two jobs to try pay for his studies, the young wolf was barely able to afford a tiny one room apartment and a meal every other day as every cent he could afford was going towards his night classes to earn his engineering degree.

Royce wished he was on better terms with his old man, but the cheating bastard had broken his mother's heart when he left home and moved in with his twenty-something year old secretary, leaving her to raise Royce on her own. Royce also didn't want to be a burden on his ailing mother either, she'd already done and sacrificed so much for her over the years, he was determined to make it on his own and somehow pay her back.

Deciding that he wasn't really that hungry, Royce grabbed the free classifieds in the hopes of finding a quick easy job that would being in a few more dollars to help ease this month's bills. Sitting on a park bench on the sunny Saturday morning, the young wolf popped the cap on his red marker and began going through the Help Wanted section. Most of the jobs looked to be paying far less than what the workload deemed adequate, there was no way he was going to clean some messy hoarders apartment for only a measly twenty dollars. Whatever sickness he might catch would probably cost him more than what the job paid.

Each job seemed more dubious than the previous, one of the well-paying jobs he did spot read like a contract to kill someone. Was he desperate enough for that yet, he pondered for a long moment, chuckling to himself as he shook his head and scratched out that option. Only on the second to last page did he spot something that looked too good to be true, it was a rather small advert looking for amateur actors for a local production. It promised a thousand dollars for a mere days work and the location wasn't too far from where he was currently sitting. With his tail starting to wag, his heart skipped a beat when he read the line "limited openings available", quickly getting to his feet and almost sprinting to the address indicated in the advertisement.

Royce half expected there to be a line of people already waiting to apply for the job, but on entering the reception area of the run down building there was no one but a rather disinterested looking old pug sitting at the front desk. At least he thought it was a pug, it was hard to tell under all the wrinkles and folds of skin. Nervously Royce sauntered up to the receptionist and held out the newspaper, stating "I'm here to apply for the part..." to which the wrinkled dog receptionist just growled out a hoarse "S'upstairs!" without so much as looking at the paper.

"Thanks...for nothing" Royce grumbled back under his breath before heading upstairs as indicated. Looking left and right down the passage at all the closed doors, he wasn't sure which one was the correct one, turning about to a sudden voice behind him, the wolf turned around to face a large stag a few stairs down smiling up at him.

"Lost pup?" The stag asked, his eyes lowering to Royce's crotch and behind, framed snuggly in his tight jeans. Royce was confused for a moment, surely he must be reading too much into the stags actions.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I'm here for the part..." he started to say before being cut off by the stag's laughter.

"Oh good, they finally got some decent talent into one of Herman's productions. It's the last door on the right, I'm Colson by the way, and I guess we'll be working together. I'll see you in there!" The stag stated with excitement before heading up to the left, entering the bathroom and vanishing from sight.

Heading down the passage to the room indicated, Royce found a slick looking weasel fidgeting with an expensive looking camera and a large crocodile setting up some lights and some sound equipment. Satisfied this was indeed the right room, the wolf stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

"Uh...hello there?" Royce piped up, raising a hand to wave and get the weasels attention. "I'm here for the part..." the weasel just looked up at Royce with an annoyed sigh before shouting back over his shoulder for someone named Herman, the same person Colson had mentioned.

A large menacing looking Doberman rounded the curtain and walked over to stand uncomfortably close in front of Royce. Not being a small wolf himself, Royce was not used to having to look up at anyone, but Herman stood an easy head or two taller than him. Built like a brick shithouse, he looked like he'd eat Royce for breakfast.

"You are her for ze part?" Herman barked, his thick arms folding over his broad chest, to which Royce just mumbled an "uhuh" and nodded dumbly.

"You verk wis any other agency before?" Herman must be fun at parties, Royce thought as he shook his head.

"Good, zen you vill sign ze NDA contract and vee vill begin. You vill receive your two thousand dollars at ze end of ze day when shootingk is complete" Royce had to listen carefully to what the Doberman said, his German accent annoyingly thick and sounding almost comical, even though the large dog did not look like he had a sense of humor.

"Two thousand dollars?" Royce asked with surprise, not sure he'd heard right. But it was all there in writing on the contract the Doberman presented him with. A quick scan over the document revealed it to be an adult film where they would find new and undiscovered amateurs to take part in a brief fuck flick. It had been a long while since he last got his rocks off, so maybe this would be a good thing, Royce thought to himself. He was physically fit and he was packing, so he had no fear of putting on a show. Considering the run down offices of this "studio" he also assumed that they weren't very well known so the chances of anyone he knew seeing this video would be slim to none. For two thousand dollars and the chance to get his rocks off, it seemed like an easy choice to make, so Royce would sign the contract and hand it back to Herman.

"Good, now strip down to your undervear and go sit on ze bed so vee can begin!" He barked, making Royce jump.

Making his way around the curtain Royce was surprised to see the set done up to look like any number of normal bedrooms, a different color paint on the walls with a well-worn blanket covering the bed and this could even pass as his room. A small friendly looking fox wandered on over to take the articles of clothing from Royce to fold them neatly and store them one side out the way as the wolf climbed up on stage and sat at the edge of the bed, waiting patiently.

The curtain was pulled back so the weasel and crocodile could finish setting up the last bits, the large camera posted at the foot of the bed to capture the action while the weasel grabbed a smaller handheld cam for close-ups and different angles.

"Let's begin" The large croc stated as he held the mike up out of frame over Royce's head. "So, ever been in an adult movie before?"

"No, this is definitely a first for me" replied the wolf, his hands fidgeting nervously.

"So what made you decide to do this one today?" the croc continued.

"The need to eat...I'm broke" he said honestly, laughing a bit nervously. His stomach squirming at the sly grin on the crocodile and weasels lips at hearing this.

"Excellent, excellent. So, ever been with another guy before?" Even though this time it was in plain and clear English, Royce wasn't sure he heard that right.

"Pardon?" his eyes wide and heart beating fast.

"Ever been with another guy before, ever done anal?" The croc persisted with a steadily growing grin that revealed more and more razor sharp teeth.

"No...I mean, anal sure..." He stammered, his mouth feeling dry. He'd done it once with his last girlfriend, but she'd complained he was too big and they'd never tried again. As he wondered to himself if he could do anal with a guy, Royce reasoned that he could probably just try imagine it was his ex-girlfriend again. Just then Royce's attention was caught by the small fox from earlier as he busied himself around the set, noticing his outfit it sure looked like he was going to be part of this video. As the fox bent over, Royce had to admit even for a guy he did have a nice ass, maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he thought it'd be.

"Even better, sounds just like what we're looking for on this 'Predator becomes prey' special. I believe you've already met your co-star?" Royce turned to face the croc and nod slowly, feeling a little more at ease now.

"Hello again, pup!" Came a deep voice from the opposite direction. A very nude Colson standing off camera, his imposing looking length hanging limp over a large pair of hanging balls. The toned and muscled stag cut quite an impressive sight, even for someone that considered themselves straight.

"Oh shit..." Royce thought to himself, his eyes looking the stag over slowly, until something the croc pinged in his mind, the video was to be called "Predator becomes prey"...he was the predator. Did that mean....surely not, the stag was massive!

Sure he'd thought of other guys before, but that was few and far between. He wasn't entirely put off by the idea either if he was honest with himself, but he'd never thought in a million years would he ever take it up the ass from anyone, especially a complete stranger. But he needed the money and it was just for today, no one needed to know and he'd have extra cash to send back home to his mother.

"Ready to begin?" The croc's question snapping Royce out of his train of thought, after a long pause he would nod with an unsure "Yeah".

The cameras and sound were briefly cut in order for Herman to give the final directions, sitting close by on a chair with a marker and whiteboard to give directions without having to cut filming. The basic outline was the usual porn trope, starting with some light touching, a bit of oral...and then, then Royce would be moved about in different positions and fucked by Colson. The only direction was to really sell his discomfort and be as convincing as possible that this was his first time being fucked. "Easy sell" Royce though, it seemed everyone here didn't believe he really hadn't been with another guy before.

Then the lights and camera were back on and it all happened so fast, Colson climbed on the bed beside a suddenly timid Royce. The stags hands brushing over his bare chest, running his fingers through the wolf's thick grey pelt and playing with his nipples. It almost felt nice, but the feeling of Colson's lips kissing them felt even better, actually getting a soft pant from the wolf. A hand brushed down from his chest, over the wolf's toned belly and slipped inside his boxers to cup over Royce's thick sheath and own impressive balls.

"Oh my, such a big boy. Why don't you take these boxers off and get more comfortable?" Colson asked with a sly grin, his fingers gently squeezing and rolling against the wolf's crotch. A storm of confused emotions welling up in him, it felt nice to be touched and groped again, but it was a large male's hand currently fondling his dick.

Reluctantly Royce raised his rump from the bed as he shucked his boxers to join the stag in being completely nude. Once his package was exposed, Colson gripped around his sheath and began to pump his fingers slowly back and forth. Royce closed his eyes and leaned back on his hands behind him on the bed, trying to picture one of his past girlfriends was doing this to him. It must've worked too because soon Colson cooed out "Such a big wolfy dick you have" when his thick red tapered tip and a few inches began to emerge. The stag's voice breaking the illusion for a moment, Royce wishing he'd just shut up so he could concentrate. Mercifully his wish would come true when he felt the warm slickness of a muzzle descending down onto his shaft, the muffled sounds of sucking and slow bobbing motion helping his fantasy of picturing the pretty face of a girl giving him head. Steadily his cock grew and swell until it stood erect from his lap with the stag's lips working up and down his throbbing shaft while his balls were rolled rather skillfully by strong fingers. He hated to admit it, but this was actually better than most of his girlfriend's when they sucked his dick.

Just when it was getting really good and Royce was starting to feel the beginning of a climax, Colson suddenly pulled off his cock and panted out "All fours pup, butt to the camera". Opening his eyes and peering down he saw Herman holding up the whiteboard with a "69" scribbled on it. The two large males shifted around on the bed with Colson laying on his back while Royce crawled to kneel over his head, staring down at the stag's impressive and still flaccid cock below. "Here we go" Royce thought to himself as he gingerly reached down to touch the stags penis, following down along the thick vein along the underside to cup and heft his large balls which did have quite a weight to them in the wolf's palm. His fingers returned to the stag cock, wrapping about its girth and starting to stroke slowly, earning a huff from Colson below.

He must've been going too slowly for either the stag or Herman's liking as his exposed behind received a firm swat, followed by Colson stating "Suck it!" demandingly. Licking his lips and trying to make his suddenly dry mouth moist, Royce lifted the thick pink length with its rounded tip to his lips, giving it a slow lick at first. Feeling his cheeks burning bright pink as off to the side he suddenly noticed the weasel kneeling beside the bed watching as Royce gave his first blowjob ever. The weasel just grinned and gave a thumbs up before miming sucking an invisible dick as if to encourage the wolf on. Royce wanted to growl at the weasel, but thought better of it as he'd come too far already to risk losing out on his payday. Opening his lips wider he would slowly sink his muzzle down onto the thick stiffening deer dick, thankfully it didn't taste as bad as he expected. There was almost no taste at all in fact, just the feeling of it growing and stiffening between his unskilled lips and against his soft tongue. A groan suddenly burst from within Royce's chest as his own cock was pulled down into the stags waiting mouth again as he resumed the earlier blowjob, the wolf's balls not being neglected either as they were rolled in a slow theatrical manner for the camera behind him. Royce acutely aware of the camera lens trained on his ass and balls while his thick red hanging dick was swallowed whole by the skilled cervine mouth below.

Satisfied with the shot he got of Royce's first blowjob, the weasel retreated back to the main camera and left the two large males to go at it. A small part of Royce hoped this would be all he'd have to do for the money, he could live with just sucking dick for two grand. His ears twitching at the sound of the marker squeaking across the whiteboard as Herman wrote another direction out, the wolf not having to wait long to find out what though. The hand on his balls vanished, instead reaching up to lift his tail out the way as the other again gave his behind a firm swat. Only this time it lingered there, squeezing the firm globe before tugging it aside to reveal the wolf's untouched pucker to the camera. Colson's muzzle pulled off his length as he gripped Royce by the base of his tail to tug him down a little, getting in range to let his tongue draw up along the underside of his cock, back across his balls and under the wolfs tail to brush over his pucker. Royce's immediate reaction was to try jump up, but the stag's strong grip on his tail just yanked him back down onto the waiting tongue. The camera caught it all, how Colson made out with that twitching star, licking around and across it, gently working at it until he could push his tongue a little inside. All while that damned weasel returned to film every second of Royce's expression as he had his ass eaten for the first time too. The handheld camera quickly dipping to catch the shot of the thick red wolfy pulsing hard as it fired off a thick sticky shot of his precum to spatter across the stag's belly. Satisfied with his artistic talent, the weasel again retreated back for the next scene.

Colson's tongue would retreat, only to be replaced by a much firmer and more determined finger. The wolf's ears twitching as he heard the large camera being adjusted to zoom in on the action, the reluctant clenching and twitching of his asshole as the finger was worked past his tight muscled opening caught in crystal clear HD. Royce biting back a growl as one finger turned into two for a few moments, soon joined by a third as he was uncomfortably stretched wide. Shifting uncomfortably atop Colson as his ass was worked open, he knew it was only a matter of time until he could no longer truly call himself a virgin in any sense of the word.

The rough fingering of his pucker would only last a few minutes though until Colson was given his next instruction, eventually withdrawing his fingers from under Royce's tail before pushing the wolf further up on the bed and crawling out from under him. Large hands rested at the small of his back before rubbing soothingly along his sides and shoulders as Colson took a squatting position behind Royce, letting his hefty cock tap down on the wolfs exposed pucker. "Ready pup?" Colson asked, not really waiting for Royce to answer before he gripped his length and helped push it into the waiting wolf pucker below. Having been suitably prepared, Royce felt the first few inches of the stag cock enter him with relative ease, but it was nothing compared to those fingers as it kept coming. Royce cried out in a confused groan as inch after thick inch of hard pink cock entered him, stretching him wider still than even three stag digits. All being caught in HiDef by the large camera behind him, his facial expression caught by a grinning weasel kneeling beside the bed. It felt like they were filming in slow motion with how long it took before he eventually felt Colson's hips press against his behind, Royce gritting his teeth as he couldn't help but growl low at the ache and uncomfortably full feeling.

Royce wasn't given more than a moment to adjust to the feeling of being crammed full of cock for the first time ever in his life before Colson began to withdraw a few inches. His hips bucking back into the wolf below whom yelped in response, doing the same for the next half dozen or so thrusts after as well. Gritting his teeth as he tried to retain some dignity in all this, the wolf would only allow himself the occasional low growl or soft pant as the stag's hips slapped against his clenching rear in a staccato pace. So it began, Royce would be get fucked in various positions for a few minutes allowing the weasel to get all the shots and angles he required. Occasionally breaking for a rest whenever Colson was getting close to climax, allowing him to cool down and last longer. Or when Royce's own erection began to wane, the small fox from earlier would be called in to service him, getting the wolf or Colson back to fullness. Even some of these shots were captured as outtakes for the video they explained to Royce.

He was put through every stereotypical position he'd seen in porno over the years, up against the wall with Colson rutting him from behind while gripping his throat domineeringly. Bent over the bed with the weasel kneeling down behind them to get that shot from below of thick cervine dick sliding in and out between the wolfs cheeks, their large balls tapping against each other over and over. Embarrassingly Royce was even made to ride Colson both cowgirl and reverse like a common bitch, his freshly aroused cock bouncing as he did on the thick stag spire below.

Finally with more footage captured than he was sure they could ever feasibly need for one video like this, Herman finally decreed it was time for the "Money Shot". With Royce still impaled reverse-cowgirl style, Colson swung them about to sit on the edge of the bed facing the camera. With Royce's legs either side of the stag's thighs, Colson would spread his legs wide and forced the wolf to spread even wider and expose that thick length still lodged firmly up the wolfs behind. Strong cervine thighs started to go to work, jackhammering into the startled wolf above whom yelped in surprise, followed by a groan as his bouncing dick was gripped and pumped rapidly in counter to the cock below. It looked like they were finally going to let him cum, his balls full and aching from having gotten so close so many times during the course of filming but never getting release. Finally his climax hit, hot and heavy as Royce barked like a common dog when his cock lurched and throbbed hard, firing off a majestic arch of pearly white seed through the air. Followed by another and another as Colson didn't stop his thrust even when Royce's climax started to subside, weak jets spurting against the stag's fingers still pumping his cock.

Then he felt it, a few erratic and rough thrusts later, and the hot rush of Colson's climax inside him. Bellowing out his own climax, the stag bucked and thrust up into the wolf a half dozen times more before gripping under Royce's knees to lift and spread his lefts while slipping the wolf off his spent cock. Royce would be held lewdly spread for the camera as Colson's seed spilled a little from his gaping asshole.

"Cut! Zats a wrap!" Herman suddenly called out, snapping Royce out of his daze. Two bound stacks of money were tossed onto his sticky belly, falling into his lap and smeering the mixture of his and Colson's seed. "Zerr is your payment, you can shower in ze back, or get dressed and leave, ze choice is yours" the Doberman stated flatly before turning to look over the footage they'd captured with the crocodile and weasel.

"Great job wolfy, wouldn't mind a sequel with that ass" Colson said with a kiss to Royce's cheek.