Memories of Forgotten Past: chapter 1- Watken's First Love

Story by Demicol on SoFurry

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#1 of Memories of Forgotten Past

NOTE: Do not read this unless you are over 18 years of age! It contains scenes that you may find disturbing. It contains, nudity, sucking, and Anal intercourse.

This STORY IS part of a larger novel I have currently being published, all NAMES, and CHARACTERS are copyright to me.

NOTE 2: Also this may seem boring to many, but it IS erotica, and it DOES have a plotline, if you're a complete pervert go to the end to read the sex stuff...if you have some decency start from the beginning to learn how Ral'jak and Watken came to be lovers. (and it will clue you in as to what will happen later on in the novel!)

Hope you enjoy, this was one of my first erotic/yiff pieces ever.

ALSO I do ENJOY criticism, if you tell me what I need to work on, then that will be a BIG HELP! Thank you, now enjoy!


Chapter 1 Watken's Love

Onjade smiled, his dark grin adding further onto the darkness that surrounded him. He had lived in Incatana for far too long. Waiting and watching others through the eyes of his prize. When he had nothing else to do, he used the realm around him to shape it into his own world. He had made Incatana his home, but with no way of getting to the outside, he had to improvise.

Getting up for a moment he went over to the side of his "home" and moved his hand down the side of a creature stuck in the wall.

"There, there child," he said to the werewolf as his hand went down its face, "You were foolish to believe your cousin, but more foolish to try to bring me your own grandfather back." The werewolf stayed still, stuck in the rock that now was his punishment for trying to let out evil.

"Although you are kept here forever to live only to see this room, your mind is not lost, and your power is mine to have as my own!"

Reaching his hand out to his grandson he pulled forth energy, and fed off his body. Onjade closed his hand and backed away from him.

"This time," he said walking back to his seat, "This time we will see all of them die!"

Turning back to the orb he raised his hands above it letting the energy from his grandson feed the black orb, now glowing a deep black.

"Get up my prize," screamed Onjade in an almost insane manner, "Get up! It's time to train!"


Watken's eyes flashed open; he heard something moving along the hallway towards him. He got up and went behind his door, as it slowly opened. He was about to hit the intruder but stopped as he realized it was his apprentice. Ral'jak smiled to himself and turned around.

"I know you there," he said smiling, as his tail swayed back and forth happily.

"What are you doing here," asked Watken shocked by his friend, "If you're caught up, then you could get in trouble and so could I!"

"You worry much. I good hearing, someone come, I go," he said as best he could as he put down his lamp on Watken's bedside before continuing, "I check on you. You outside, and training in dark. I worried." Watken looked at him funny making his way to his bed.

"I was," he hesitated, "training? Why would I be doing that? And why don't I remember it?"

"I not know, but I worry about you," replied the Mahaj softly as he went to Watken. Watken looked up into his friend's eyes.

"Why," Watken asked calmly still looking at his eyes, "Do you like me? I can't see why if you do, all I do is train you." Ral'jak just looked at him, the answer in his eyes was yes, but it was unlawful for an apprentice to fall so far as to even liking their master, more so the fact that it was a Mahaj.

The Mahaj walked like humans, but their body composition was the same as a cat, with a short snout and ears too.

Watken cried, wishing he could find an answer to his dreams, but none existed. Ral'jak got on his knees before his master and took one of his hands, feeling his pulse he leaned up to Watken and spoke softly to him.

"I can't tell what dreams mean, I can't protect you from them, but I help you to ease pain of them." He leaned forward kissing his master's eyes, taking away the tears. Watken stopped his crying and looked in his friend's eyes again. Ral'jak leaned in and kissed his master, something seen as sickening and repulsive to most. Yet to Ral'jak it was his affection for Watken. It was Watken who made him feel accepted, when no one else had, Watken who had kept him alive for a whole week rather then to think of himself and leave. It was because of everything that Watken did for him that he loved him.

Watken didn't do anything during the kiss, even after Ral'jak's lips left Watken's; he sat there looking into Ral'jak's eyes. Ral'jak started to get up from his knees and went to get his lamp, but Watken squeezed his hand tight.

"Please," he said almost like a child, "stay, just a little longer." Ral'jak nodded and sitting next to Watken, he held him in his arms, keeping watch over him till he fell asleep again.

Watken woke up the next day, the light streaming in from side window, he got up, ruffling his long black hair and rubbing his amber eyes as he sat up. He remembered everything that had happened the night before and he touched his lips, the faint taste of what seemed like a sweet orange remained there; the taste of a kiss from a Mahaj. Watken looked down sighing as he got up and dressed.

It was on the next night though that caused Watken to do something he never would've imagined. Onjade once again ordered him up, and he was training outside, but it was while this was happening that his friend Ral'jak came out for nightly patrolling. Ral'jak ran up to his friend screaming at him to wake up, thinking Watken was sleepwalking, but he didn't know Onjade was in control of him.

Ral'jak screamed his name and Watken turned around, his eyes were burning red like a ruby. Ral'jak backed away in shock and Watken advanced towards him.

"Master," Ral'jak said as Watken's hand grabbed around his throat and lifted him into the air, "Please, let me down. It me Ral'jak! Watken please!" Something happened then, in that moment, something broke away from Watken, and he blinked. Onjade had left him, and he dropped Ral'jak to the ground, as he cried his eyes out running back into the temple.

"no, he can't know," thought Watken to himself, "He would hate me if he knew!"

He looked back watching through tear stained eyes at his apprentice. He could've killed him, and the image of him doing so wouldn't leave his mind.

Ral'jak picked up his lantern, and stared at his master as he ran into the temple and could hear him head down into the basement where the rooms were. He heard the door quietly close, and heard his master crying.

"Why master," he asked himself as he made his way to the temple, "and what made you stop?"

Ral'jak opened Watken's door and peered inside seeing his master in the bed crying.

The cat humanoid leaned on the balls of his feet as he crouched down. The sapphire moon poured in on him, his golden fur gleaming against the light, and his yellow eyes shinning. His curious nature always had him asking questions, even when he was in danger.

"Why you do that," he asked Watken, staring up into his eyes. Watken looked back at him, swallowing deeply as Ral'jak's hands went around his waist slowly. Ral'jak cared about his master so much. Watken was the only one to ever show so much kindness and respect for him. He had never seen his master cry, it intrigued him.

"I'm sorry," replied Watken as he put his human hand on Ral'jak's head and began to pet him, "I...I don't want to have these dreams anymore! I don't want to be taken away, and I...I don't... want to lose you."

"You like me," asked Ral'jak biting his lower lip. He stared into Watken's eyes, not moving. Watken looked down at Ral'jak smiling as he wiped tears out of his eyes.

"No Ral'jak," he said as he leaned down to his face, "I love you."

He leaned in and kissed Ral'jak deeply, letting his tongue run over Ral'jak's lips before pushing past them. Watken felt his ivory canine teeth on either side of his tongue as it went past. Ral'jak let out a slight moan, closing his eyes. He let his own tongue slip against Watken's. Watken's tongue was warm and bumpy, unlike his own which was coarser like sandpaper. Watken didn't care though; he loved the feel of it.

The kiss broke and Watken stared at Ral'jak. He thought for a moment, weighing the consequences of what could happen if he and Ral'jak were caught. To engage in something even as simple as a kiss with his own gender is considered unaccepted but not wrong, he would be punished but he would not be kicked out of the Light Barer order. However, to engage in it with one of the 'beast' races was considered sinful, and if caught he could be kicked out, and Ral'jak killed.

Watken placed his hand behind the Mahaj's ear and began to scratch it. Ral'jak smiled, closing his eyes to enjoy the affection. Watken leaned in again and kissed Ral'jak.

"Damn the consequences," thought Watken as his other hand trailed down Ral'jak's front, "I love him, and nothing will change that."

Watken rubbed the back of his 'lovers' neck and heard him purr slightly, shuddering gently against the sensitive touch. Watken's other hand had reached the bottom of his shirt and was already running his hand up his shirt and across his nipples. Ral'jak's tail swayed slightly as he got up from the crouched position he was in. He only needed to push slightly to get Watken to fall over on the bed.

With his tail wrapped around Watken's waist Ral'jak pushed him back gently, breaking the kiss and laying him on the bed gently. Watken looked over Ral'jak as he took off his shirt, showing his golden fur and peach skin chest. Watken smiled, leaning up to take off his own shirt. When he couldn't get it fully off, Ral'jak gave a little chuckled and helped him remove it. As he pulled it over Watken's head, Watken leaned in and kissed Ral'jak again, but this time pulling his body towards him.

Watken shook in bliss as the warm belly and soft fur touched him. He ran his hands down Ral'jak's side forcing the long apprentice skirt to fall off. He broke the kiss and stared at the bottom half of Ral'jak. He couldn't see his penis, but he knew it was right below the thick fur mound resting on top of him. He looked back up at Ral'jak, who was already pulling Watken's trousers off. He stopped when Watken looked at him, and he went red, he'd never been in such a heated situation before, and he couldn't help but think that this was what both he and Watken wanted. Watken nodded to him, in agreement, and Ral'jak bent down to continue taking off Watken's pants.

Ral'jak stared at an already hard penis of 5-6 inches, about the same size of Ral'jak's. Watken knew that this was different from what his own kind had. Ral'jak had studied anatomy at his school, but still never saw a real one. He knew what they looked like, but he never thought that it would look as amazing as it did. He gave it a sight touch, his hands feeling the delicate flesh and feeling the warmth of it. Watken sucked in as warm fur trailed over his member. Ral'jak knew he liked the touch, and so he went ahead and touched again, holding his hand on it, and then wrapping his fingers around it. Watken breathed deeper and let out a slight moan as Ral'jak's fingers went up and down on it.

Breathing deeply, Watken went ahead and ran his hands down Ral'jak's back, trailing over his tail, pushing on the base slightly, causing Ral'jak to shudder. Watken's other hand slid past the tail, laying upon his ass, cupping one of the cheeks. He rubbed the furry mound, quite amazed at how it felt. It was like silk to the touch, even though it was fur. Ral'jak let go of Watken's penis, and he leaned down, placing his head on Watken's belly. Watken moaned softly as the fur touched him. Ral'jak looked up and then motioned downward at Watken's member. Watken gave a slight nod and Ral'jak was quick to move his head down near his penis.

Ral'jak leaned down slowly, first giving the hard penis a lick. Watken almost jumped. The tongue was (as said before) rough like sandpaper to the touch (though this time it felt softer, like powder), but even the lick itself was new to Watken. He'd never been with a man before, or a girl, but he knew what to expect, no instruction manual, or anything, it was instinct, for both he and Ral'jak. Ral'jak smiled to himself, enjoying the warmness of it on his tongue and so he grabbed the member and put his mouth over it gently, being sure not the get his large canine teeth in the way, lest they poke Watken's subtle flesh. He was able to reach the base, where the balls are, and as he did Watken shuddered again and leaned back closing his eyes in ecstasy.

"Oh god," he whispered quietly into the night.

He let Ral'jak do as he pleased. Ral'jak was already pulling the shaft out of his mouth only to go back in. He sucked on it, coating it with saliva and spitting on it as he removed it from his mouth. He eyed Watken with gleam, because they both knew what would happen next. Although Watken would like to have been the one 'recieveing' he was well aware that doing that with a Mahaj would probably incapacitate him. After all the Mahaj's penis was the same size, but they had tiny barbs on them. Putting it inside Watken would probably tear him to pieces, and Ral'jak didn't seem to mind receiving anyways.

He climbed up onto of Watken who now got a glimpse of Ral'jak's penis. It was red, covered in tiny barbs, and poking out a sheath in which near the balls showed a large knot. He smiled to his lover and leaned up, kissing him. He then turned slightly.

"Are you sure about this," Watken asked, as he ran his fingers over his whole back.

"I am, I have wanted to love to you for long time Watken, but I was afraid you wouldn't like that, because you and I...we're different," whispered Ral'jak back. His English was still a little bad, but Watken knew what he said, and he kissed him again.

Watken smiled to him, "No, we aren't we both care so much for each other you may be a different race, but you're still a person."

Leaning back Watken put his penis up, and slowly let Ral'jak down on it. Ral'jak moaned loudly and Watken stopped to wait for him to adjust before continuing to lower him. Ral'jak whispered soft words of pleasure to himself, enjoying the sensation of having a large warm member inside of his body. His head looked up as he sat on top of Watken, his penis fully erect towards Watken, and Watken's own shaft sheathed inside Ral'jak. They stayed that way motionless for a minute, letting the warmth of Ral'jak wrap around him. He was very tight, and Watken knew somehow that he would have to go slow so as to not hurt him. Ral'jak let out a deep breath, his penis fully hard now, the 6 inches of male Mahaj stuck out but the knot was still sheathed inside him.

Ral'jak raised his body slowly, feeling Watken's penis slide against him easily as he pulled upward. He stopped so the penis' head was right on the inside and then he slid down again. He could feel Watken hitting his prostrate when he went down, and it felt unbelievable. Words couldn't describe the rubbing pleasure that was being sent through him. He began to go a little faster, opening his eyes now to look down at Watken who was breathing deeply as he held his lover by the ass. Watken felt the warm engulf him again and again as Ral'jak went into a steady rhythm. It was fast enough to make him enjoy pleasure and slowly build towards his peak.

After a few minutes Ral'jak was quickly going up and down on Watken, who was thrusting upwards as Ral'jak came down. Ral'jak moaned loudly, the pressure was beginning to become too much. His innards were on fire and the pleasure from Watken's thrusting was only adding onto this. He moaned loudly feeling himself let go. Right at the peak of his sexual height, Watken grabbed Ral'jak's penis and squeezed the base, the knot popped out and swelled as his seed pumped out all over Watken. Watken quickly leaned up and put the head into his mouth as Ral'jak came down one final time. Watken bucked up into him quickly, adding more shocks of pleasure through Ral'jak. Watken sucked hard on Ral'jak as he felt himself explode inside his lover. He thrust one final time and pulled Ral'jak down onto him as he came.

He milked Ral'jak of all his seed and when he removed his mouth, he was panting hard, having let out his own cum into Ral'jak. He moaned loudly and Ral'jak leaned forward collapsing on Watken who was still inside him. He moaned softly and nuzzled Watken. Watken licked his face and then kissed Ral'jak as his penis slid slowly out with a SLURP, some cum leaking out of Ral'jak's ass onto him.

"I love you Watken," Ral'jak whispered to Watken, nuzzling him again giving his cheek a slight lick. The afterglow set in, and already Watken felt himself starting to drift off to sleep in sheer happiness and bliss.

"I love you too Ral'jak," whispered Watken back, holding his lover tightly and warmly to his body, "I really do."

The air smelled of sex, and it wouldn't be too long before the other members caught light of it. They stayed together only for 10 more minutes, and then Watken carried Ral'jak back to his room, and kissed him goodnight before heading back to his own room and going to sleep. He would see Ral'jak in the morning but he wouldn't get the chance to kiss him, or say I love you. He would have to wait till night to be with him again.

He knew that no one could know of their relationship, and as far as both of them were concerned no one had to.

He went to sleep smiling, thinking of his lover, taking into his nose the scent of sex, and dreaming of seeing him the next night.

UP NEXT Chapter 2 Delusions of Hope
