Just Another Day

Story by Kikon on SoFurry

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Boring Junk: This is a continuation of 'Sweetest Revenge'... all Character Copyrighted to their players And junk. This story involves remembering gay sex and fantasizing about it, so if these offend you, Please exit from this story now. Thanks ^_^

The mewtwo sighed, sitting up and clicking off his alarm clock right before it started beeping. He hadn't slept at all... He had been worried what was going to happen after yesterday

He sighed, standing up and pulling on a tight white t-shirt. His blue eyes scanned the room for a pair of clean pants. He snatched some off his dresser, pulling them on over his slept-in boxers...

"I'm going to school..." Jolan called to his brother.

"Don't you want to shower or anything?"

Jolan didn't want to shower... He wanted to hold the wolf's scent on him... He liked the scent...

"Nah, I don't smell that bad..." With that, Jolan pushed out the door....

Ian rolled over groggily, trying to shake the memory of the weirdest dream he'd ever had. He reached over, hitting the snooze button on his alarm clock before sliding out of bed liquidly.

He grabbed a pair of boxers, jeans, and a plain white shirt. He slipped out of his silky boxers, rubbing his eyes a bit before slipping on the new pair, then his jeans. The wolf streached then, yawning.

He felt... weird... Something about the dream... Well, he couldn't remember it now, so why bother with it? He snagged his shirt and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his fur.

Jolan started his car, sighing softly... The wolf was probably furious with him now. He hoped the wolf would be at school so he could explain, but he also wanted to wolf not to be there.

"What did you do Jolan... what did you do..." The mewtwo grumbled, letting his head fall against the top of the steering wheel.

Ian walked towards the bathroom, a mass of blue fur stopping him accidentally.

"Ack, sorry..." Ian's younger brother, Alex, stepped back. "Sleep well?"

Ian flinched softly, snapping out of his little world and shrugging... Alex quirked a brow, watching his brother hurry into the bathroom. That was strange... Normally Ian was a bit more confrontational.

Ian leaned against the door after he closed and locked it, yawning more. Something about the dream bothered him, but he couldn't remember any detail of it...

Jolan finally pulled out of his driveway, getting to school as fast as he could. Part of him wanted to stay home and not go anywhere for the rest of his life... but he couldn't listen to that part.

He pulled into the parking lot, turned his car off and opened the door. He grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder.

With a bit of dread, he headed towards the doors, stomach twisting in knots as he gulped. Mentally, he repeated to himself over and over...

Just another day at school... Nothing's changed...

Ian looked himself over in the mirror, smiling... He looked good, but then again, he normally did. His tail started wagging slightly, and he flinched, the movement stirring some pain.

His ears perked as he felt around his tail for a cut or bruise or something... but he found nothing. As he was moving his paw away, it barely slid over the source of the pain.

His fur bristled, his eyes widened... The 'dream' came back to him then... Every last detail... What he had done to Kazo... What Jolan did to him... How... How he asked for it again.

He asked for it... He fucking asked the mewtwo to do it again...

He slowly unclenched his fists, breathing slowly... Oh there was no way he was going to school today... No fucking way...

He opened the door quickly, almost walking into... well, walking over Alex.

Alex was completely different then his brother. While Ian towered over most, in both muscles and height, Alex was a lean, some what scrawny wolf standing at 5'4''.

The other big difference was the fur. Ian had the bright red, short fur that fit him perfectly, outlining his features and defining his normal personality. Alex's fur was pale blue and fluffy, blurring the lines of the wolf himself.

While Ian's brought out the wolf, made him stick out in a crowd, Alex's had a way of blending him with the background.

"I'm staying home today" Ian more or less barked to his brother, pushing past him. Alex blinked, a little taken back by the mixed signals from his brother... First he was skittish, ignoring what normally would've gotten him atleast a little irked. Now, he was down right mean...

Jolan sat down alone at a table in the cafeteria as he always did. He didn't have many friends at school, and Kazo hadn't come to school today. He'd understand if the poor Iguana didn't come back... ever.

Jolan groaned, deciding to bury himself in his work. He opened his backpack and pulled out his Chem book, busily working on that before class...

He stormed into his room, slamming the door so hard he could've sworn he heard the framing crack... but he didn't care...

How could This happen to him?! He was Star of the football team. He was Him for gods sake! This wasn't supposed to happen!

Ian growled, dropping onto his bed. He lay there, belly pressed against his bed as he thought...

He wanted it to happen. He had asked for it even... and part of him knew that if the mewtwo had refused, he would've begged.

He disgusted himself... How could this happen... He whimpered, grabbing one of his pillows and holding it against his head. He finally came to the decision that it was just all the hormones... All the sexual pleasure made him lose his head.

That had to be it...

There was a soft knock...

"Ian... I won't ask whats up... Just... don't do anything stupid okay?" Alex whispered to the door before walking away. Whether he liked it or not, Ian was Alex's brother...

The classes droned on and on, but Jolan couldn't focus. He just kept nervously tapping his pencil, mind on other things.

If the wolf said one word... His life was over. If the wolf wanted to, he could completely destroy any chance Jolan had at having friends.

He sure had dug himself deep... Fucked himself more than he had the wolf...

He stopped that train of thought immediately. He didn't want to start thinking about the wolf again... It hurt...

He shook his head, and for the first time since he'd transfered to this school, he listened to what the teacher was saying...

Ian didn't know how long he had been in his bed, wanting to scream at someone, rip someone apart, and cry on someone's shoulder all at the same time. His brother left... his parents were on one of their many trips.

Ian was truly alone now... He let his mind go back to what happened, how it felt...

He whimpered, closing his eyes... He felt his member stir in his sheath. He tried to ignore that part... how strong the mewtwo was... how big he was. It didn't seem to help, the twitch quickly turning into a growing hardon.

Jolan dropped his tray onto the lunch table, sighing.

No one to eat with again... He should probably get used to that. The wolf would ruin his life.

He glanced around for the striking red fur, but didn't find it... He must've gone out to eat...

Jolan turned his attention to his food, eating it slowly... He had never felt so alone before... He wished he could just never have done that...

Ian couldn't take it... his cock had been throbbing for nearly an hour now. He stopped thinking about what had happened, letting his mind go to the cheerleaders...

He gently gripped his cock, stroking over it slowly. He murred loudly, thinking of a certain vixen kneeling before him. He smirked, mentally watching her tongue ride up the underside of his member...

He murred loudly, letting his mind wander as he focused more intently on his throbbing cock... His mind changed the image he was looking at... It was still a brightly colored, red muzzle wrapped around a delicious member...

Only now, Ian was giving the sexy Mewtwo a blowjob, fondling those large orbs eagerly... He didn't care now, he panted, pawing faster as he felt his climax build, the mental vision of the Mewtwo's cock sinking into his muzzle...

He managed to shift the picture... but now it was of the Mewtwo fucking him, thick cock pounding into his ass. That was too much, he arched his back, howling loudly.

His balls drew close, his thick seed pulsing out and onto his chest and belly... he whimpered, looking down at himself...

Something came over him... His cum-coated paw came up to his muzzle and his tongue flicked out quickly. He thought about the taste a moment... Salty... but good... very good.

He licked his paw clean quickly, gulping down the taste of himself... He murred as he felt it, eyes closing slowly

He had just pawed faster than he ever had... From the idea of someone fucking him...

He snatched up his pillow, burying his muzzle in it and growling, yelling... He couldn't beleive he just did that! He had to find that mewtwo...

Jolan pushed out of the chair of his last class, sighing... The wolf apparently wasn't at school today... Oh shit, what if he was hurt seriously? Jolan pushed past a cheerleader, hurrying towards his car.

He didn't know what he was going to do.. but he was going to find out what was going to happen between him and the wolf

Whether he liked what happened or not, he had to find that wolf...

The Endeded ^_^ Heh... anyone guess what'll happen between these two later on? Go on... Guess (Email me! Whoo :D [email protected])