A Dragon's Brother: Renewal 3

Story by ChakraDragon on SoFurry

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Cecil_88's Original Story:

Part 1)

Part 2)

Part 3)

Part 4)

Part 5)

The Renewal Series:

Part 1)

Part 2)

Part 3) You're reading it!

Hey everyone. So it's been a while since I last posted (3 months, I'm so sorry), but I won't bore you with the details here since you probably just want to get right to the story. I've gotten nothing but good feedback so far so I have had no reason to NOT continue with this as I said I would, so after such a long wait, I hope you can still appreciate the story. Again, I apologize, and enjoy.

WARNING! The following story contains adult material not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. If you are not 18, or you do not enjoy yiff, please exit this page, though I'm not sure why you would have clicked on it in the first place if that was the case. Please continue at your own discretion. I'm sure I could say more, but everyone that should have left would already be gone by now so... enjoy the story, I suppose.

Time passed. Days flew by. Summer came to an end. During those last days, Lance loafed about, unable to do much because of his broken arm and fingers, though the rest of him had healed quite nicely. Sypher was often in his room and on the computer, staring at a long, plain-font manual explaining how to do THIS and how to do THAT and how NOT to do this or that. "Not much different from a boring college lecture," Lance thought, "except now he can fall asleep and he won't be missing any information." He had glanced into Sypher's room on a few occasions when he had seemed to be talking to himself and found him using his webcam to do a video lesson with a college professor. Lance was glad Sypher had not been completely taken away from an interactive learning experience... It appeared to Lance that everything was turning out all right.

Because Sypher was working at becoming an Engineer - which is a very broad title - he had access to numerous detailed lessons via the computer that pertained to his wide career scope. He had spent almost two full days outside with a print-out pamphlet, a wrench, and an assortment of car parts scrapped from previous vehicles their family had owned. He was working to repair his jeep, which had gotten them as far as the hospital on the night of the crash before it broke down and Drake was forced to call a tow truck to haul it back to their house. Sypher would be on his back underneath the wrecked jeep for hours on end with a tool in one hand, instructional papers in the other. He came inside for the three needs: eating, sleeping, and using the bathroom. After those two days, Sypher had stepped back into the house, covered in grease; he wiped his arm across his forehead and announced that their car was fixed.

The passing of days also brought what Lance had dreaded: the start of his junior year. He was 16 now, and while his 18-year-old brother had agreed to escort him through school all day (Lance was willing to give up the last shred of social dignity he had by taking his brother as a bodyguard if it meant he was free from further torment), he still felt uneasy when he thought about returning to school. Many did not like him. Others hated him. That was about the extent of his social life in school. The only exception was Vince, who had allegedly gone on vacation nearly three weeks ago. He had still not returned. But both Lance's and Sypher's major fear was Jason. They had both refused to speak of him or even acknowledge his existence until he started some form of trouble.

"How do you feel about heading back to school?" Sypher asked Lance over the final breakfast of summer vacation. Lance replied, "Honestly, a little scared." Sypher could understand that. "But I'm also feeling confident. With you by my side, there's no one in the school we can't take down." Lance smiled, and Sypher laughed. "Dude," said Sypher, "It's school, not Fight Club. Just try your best to focus on learning, and let me handle whatever trouble comes your way." With only a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice Lance said, "Awww man, you always get to have all the fun!" Sypher nodded in agreement, with a smug look on his face. "But I don't know why I have to learn all this crap at school anyway. Like ninety percent of it is going to end up being useless to me." Sypher had felt the same way, but said, "Well you're going to want to get a job, right? I mean, high school drop-outs aren't exactly high-priority targets for any industry." Lance was quick to respond, "I was actually thinking I could basically become the male form of a housewife, haha. You know, while you're out doing you're Engineering thing I'll be-"

Sypher cut Lance off. "Wait, are you talking about when... if... we get... married?" Lance was surprised that Sypher was so stunned by this thought. "Well, yeah," Lance said, "I mean, if that's legal. Or we could just get a 'civil union' or whatever it's called. Haven't you thought about this at all?" Sypher had to admit that he hadn't. He had even begun to forget that he was aging. Everything in his life at this point in time was just as he wanted it to be (besides Lance's injury). He figured his intimacy with his brother could last forever, last a whole life time... He had been foolish to forget that those were two completely different lenghts of time. With the exception of deciding to take his brother as his mate, Sypher had never once thought about their future together. He wanted them to be together... but where would they live? and when would they get there? and how? The thoughts buzzed around in Sypher's head until Lance waved his hand in front of his blank face.

"Helloooo? Anyone home?" Lance mocked. Sypher snapped out of it. "Yeah, I'm here, I'm fine. It's just that I never thought about what our future would be like. Life has been so wacky lately that it's hard to make any sort of accurate prediction." Lance would have been upset that his brother had basically forgotten their commitments had his words not been so true. "Well don't think about it too hard," Lance replied, "we're still pretty much kids, and we've got plenty of time." Time...


"S-y-p-h-e-r. Sypher." The school secretary, a robust female pig wearing a hideous blue coat, quickly inscribed the name on a visitor's pass, connected to a lanyard bearing the school colors. Sypher placed it around his neck, and he exited the school's main office with his brother, entering the crowded halls of the dreadful childhood sanitarium they called "high school." Lance really did hate this place, with good reason. Between his intolerable colleagues and the six hours of seemingly useless drabble he was subject to for five days every week, he found little reason to keep coming back. And yet he did, willed on by both Sypher and his father. "You have to prepare for your future," they would both say. The future. Lance wasn't sure he could make it that far.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiinnnggg! Lunch time, just another half hour for Lance to be surrounded by people he could not stand, just with more food and less learning. It wasn't long before Jason made his appearance; he approached Lance's table, occupied by only the two brothers, and tapped him on his shoulder. Lance sighed and turned around sluggishly. He had seen him coming out of the corner of his eye "What is it now, Jason?" Lance observed his arch-enemy. His muscles were finely toned, even more defined than last year. Even through the lion's white t-shirt, Lance could see the outlines of a very defined six-pack. His arms were almost as thick as his legs, with muscles as big as a grapefruit in each one. Muscles that could propel Jason's fist into Lance's face. "How many sports does this guy play, and how friggin' often?" Lance thought. Jason said, "What's up, old pal? Did you miss me?" He then took note of Lance's injury. "Haha, what happened here my half-breed friend?" Jason joked, "Did you get into a fight with your grandmother and lose?" Lance rolled his eyes and did not respond. "Who is this?" asked Jason, pointing to Sypher. "Is this your little boyfriend?"

"Yes. Yes he is," Lance said. At least, that's what he almost said, what he wanted to say. He was so proud to have Sypher as his brother and mate. But no one could know that. "He's my brother," Lance said in an aggravated tone. "He's going to be my escort while my arm heals. He carries my books and stuff... Not that you care!" Sypher just continued to eat his less-than-satisfying cafeteria lunch. Avoid confrontation for as long as possible...

"You're right, I don't," Jason remarked. "But what I did come over to tell you is that you got lucky in that fight last year. I didn't know you were the type to fight back, so you caught me off guard. Now that I know what you can do, I'm ready for a rematch anytime. You want to punch me in the face as bad as I want to hit you, I know that, so just tell me a place and time and I'm there. And make sure it's outside of school, where the principal can't come to your pitiful rescue. I'll see you around, half-breed." And with that, Jason pivoted on his left foot and walked away.

Lance turned back around. He propped his left elbow up on the table and placed his chin on his paw. "Damn, Lance. Is that what you had to deal with on a weekly basis?" Sypher said. Lance gave an unenthusiastic nod. "I was fine with it as long as it was just verbal abuse. He rarely got physical. He's a damned coward... but now he's a damned buff coward. I have no desire to fight him, I just want to think of some way to keep him off my back..." He looked up at Sypher, he was staring straight back at him with a concerned and caring look on his face. And suddenly Lance knew. He knew what he had to do to keep Jason away... and it would involve alienating himself even further. The world's most perfect outcast.


Wednesday lunch: Nachos Grande with a side of mixed vegetables and a corn muffin. Delectable. Sypher took both of their trays to the table where they sat alone. By this time, everyone was well aware that the red dragon accompanying the half-breed was his brother - Jason was quick to gossip about the social outcast. Lance had hardly even noticed that Vince had basically vanished recently; he was too concerned about his own life to worry about someone else's. His thoughts about Vince were interrupted as a paper bag projectile flew across the lunch room and hit Lance in the back of the head. Jason's. Lance kicked the brown paper ball away and did his best to ingore it. At least it meant Jason was keeping an eye on him. Lance needed spectators. No more than two minutes later, a handful of peas was flung at Lance's back, issued via fork-catapult. More students glanced over in his direction to see if he would react. More. Finally, Jason launched a plastic fork at Lance's spine from across the room with a rubber band. Lance dropped his fork and casually looked around. So many eyes looking at him. He had to do it. Now.

He turned toward his brother, seated to his left, and grasped the back of Sypher's head. Sypher, surprised, accidentally dropped his fork; his mouth was open as he expected to shovel food into it. Instead, it met with his brother's muzzle, and he tasted the saliva of his dragon lover, as savory as always. Sypher did not struggle or attempt to break the kiss - he knew his brother might try something like this. Sypher had seen the twinkle in his eye when Lance had said he needed to convince Jason to stay away, and given his homophobic nature, this was probably the best way to do it.

Fully committed to his brother's goal, Sypher returned the kiss, swirling his long draconic tongue around in his brother's mouth. He tried not to enjoy it too much, lest he get carried away. After a solid, definitive, life-changing ten seconds, Lance broke the kiss. He stared at Sypher for an extra second and then continued eating as if nothing had happened. Sypher immitated his brother, acting as non-chalant as possible. Their kiss had been met by several suffocated gasps, but when they had finished, there was nothing but silence. It wasn't until Lance had finished his food and thrown out his trash that anyone had dared take their eyes off him. Lance wore a smug grim the entire time. Success.

At the end of the school day, both dragon brothers were called down to the principal's office. They sat there, content with their display and unafraid of whatever may be thrown at them. Lance felt invincible with Sypher at his side. Sypher felt pride in both himself and his brave little brother. "Now, I'm not criticizing your sexual preferences or your relationship. But the school has certain rules against public displays of affection. I will let you off with a warning, but if you are caught participating in sexual conduct again, Lance, you will be suspended for five days, and Sypher, your visitor's pass will be permanently revoked. Do I make myself clear?" Lance smiled. "Crystal, sir," he said.


Sypher walked in the front door and immediately plopped himself down on the couch. Laying his head on the cushioned back of the couch, he looked up at the ceiling. "What a frikkin' day," he said, loud enough so that Lance, who was still making his way from the driveway to the front door, could hear it. "Yeah," Lance replied, shutting the front door and dropping his backpack on the floor. "I hope you don't mind what I did back there. You know, during lunch and everything... I didn't want to have to hide it anymore and I wanted to give Jason a reason to stay away from me and-" Lance cut his own sentence short to inhale deeply. "Thank you, Sypher," Lance finally said.

Sypher smiled and looked at Lance. "I told you I would always be there for you, do anything for you. I meant it." Lance, with a relieved sigh, accompanied his brother on the couch, laying his head on the red dragon's left shoulder. Just then, their father strolled out of the kitchen. "Mind telling me what you two are talking about?" He had quite a smirk on his face. Lance, to skirt his father's question said, "Oh, hey dad! Welcome home." His car must have been in the garage; they didn't see it when they pulled in the driveway. "Me and Sypher were just talking about our day." Drake crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side. "Your 'frikkin' day?" he asked. Sypher stood from the couch.

"Lance kissed me at lunch. It's no big deal, dad. Lance was just-" Drake cut Sypher off. "Lance, why exactly did you do this?" His voice carried a tone of curiosity more so than anger. Lance stated, "Well, I already wasn't the most popular kid in school... I figured I could at least ward off everyone that was tormenting me by showing them who I really am... And to tell the truth, it worked. And as for any friends I make from now on, at least I know they respect me for my true self. Once my arm heals, Sypher can just go back to his education and I can get back to mine alone. Everything's going to be fine." Lance's argument was very true and equally convincing.

Drake stared back at his son, his head still cocked sideways. "Alright. Whatever. You two have been able to run your own lives quite well these past few years. I'll let you do what you wish." And with that, their father disappeared back into the kitchen.


That Sunday, Lance had his cast and bandages removed. It felt good to be mobile again; he had felt like half of his body had turned to stone with those things on. The only downside Lance could determine from this is that if Jason was ever going to choose to pick a fight with him, it would probably be now, since his crippled status was over. There was no longer any reason for Jason NOT to punch him in the face really, except for the fact that he would be touching a gay incestuous half-breed in the process.

On their way home (Sypher and Lance, that is), Sypher noticed that there was another family moving into the house next to their own... again. As they had done when Vince moved in, Lance and Sypher huddled around the windows to get a better look at their new neighbors. The moving truck left as soon as they had gotten to the window with the best view. They were about to retreat from the window as they saw a moderately tall black dragon exit the house. He wore a white tank-top and blue jeans. His body was superbly muscular - he could have put Jason to shame. His jaw line was somewhat rounded and his muzzle was wider than most, slightly squared off at the end. His wings were large and gray, with veins of black running all throughout. In contrast to his body, the claws on his paws were a bright white, all of them sharpened to perfection.

Both Lance and Sypher basked in his male beauty, until Sypher finally said, "Daaaaaaaamn, he's hot." Lance took on the role of the more reasonable brother this time. "Calm yourself down, Sypher, he might not even be gay. Trust me, I know what you were thinking when you first saw him." Sypher would have protested, but Lance had him pegged. "Woah, hey, what's he doing?" Sypher asked as the dragon made his way onto their lawn. "Shit, dude, he's coming this way!" Lance said in shock. They quickly tore themselves away from the window and sat themselves down on the couch in a hurry; anything to make it appear as though they had not been stalking this guy. Their father was taking an afternoon nap, so they would have to greet the new neighbor themselves.

The doorbell rang - both Sypher and Lance stood up to greet him. "Or her," thought Lance. "Crap, I hope it's not a transvestite or something. Awwwwwwwwkward." Sypher opened the door. Before Sypher had a chance to speak, the black dragon introduced himself. He had a very deep voice; "He sounds like Urdnot Wrex..." was Lance's first thought. "Wow, I'm such a video game nerd," was his second. "Hello, my name is Damien. I suppose you're my new neighbors, as I am yours," the deep voice stated. But his introduction didn't stop there.

"I am 19 years old, but no, I do not go to college. I am a professional body builder and I create instructional videos involving my own personal workouts. I have a second job as a male model, but I hate traveling so I only take photo shoots that are nearby. I enjoy metal music and I can actually play a bit of guitar myself. My parents are "esteemed" businessmen, though I don't care much for their politics and whatnot. They rarely leave the house and, in fact, barely come out of their private offices in my home. I have been in two relationships before, once with a female, one with another male, and neither worked out so I am currently gay and single. Hate me for it or don't, I don't really care. I enjoy a variety of things, from sports to video games to walks on the beach and all that cliché nonsense. Some people say I am too blunt, but I like to be straightforward and honest. Again, my name is Damien, and I am pleased to meet you." He extended his arm in Sypher's direction.

The two brothers were awestruck about the amount of information that had just been thrown at them - especially the 'gay and single' part - but Sypher was able to greet the black dragon with a friendly handshake. "Hey, Damien. Uhh... My name's Sypher, and it's good to meet you. I'm 18, and this is my 16-year-old brother Lance." Lance waved with a dumb smile on his face. "Would you like to come in?" Damien did, and the three dragons sat on the couch, exchanging pleasantries.

After a good 2 hours, after the three had become fully acquainted (They had spoken about their interests, traded funny stories, and for one reason or another had an in-depth discussion about the best kind of cookies), Damien decided it was time to go. Lance said goodbye, and departed for the bathroom. As Sypher escorted Damien to the door, Sypher silently said one last thing for Damien's ears only. "Hey, about you being gay... If you ever want to have any fun with that, you can come to me." Sypher winked. "Tomorrow it is, then," Damien replied. Sypher caught a glimpse of a smile on Damien's face as he shut the door behind him.


"Damien is coming over to our house later today," Sypher told Lance the next morning. Lance was packing his backpack, getting ready for his first bus ride of the year, and without his brother as an escort. "That's fine by me, he seems like a pretty cool dude." Sypher nodded in agreement. A honk from outside told Lance it was time to go. "Alright, I'll see you, and I guess Damien, later." Lance left the house, alone for the first time in a while. Sypher rubbed his fists on his eyes, still not fully recovered from sleep. With coffee in hand, he left the kitchen for his room. He sat down in front of his computer and opened a virtual mechanic computer program. He stared at the computer screen blankly, too tired to keep his eyes open. "I'll just rest my head a little while..." Sypher thought as he lay his head down on the computer desk and drifted into a light sleep.

Five quick knocks on the front door roused him from his boredom-induced sleep. He made his way to the front door, again rubbing his eyes, and opened it. In stepped the muscular black dragon, a bit taller than Sypher. He was wearing the same outfit as he had been yesterday, though Sypher doubted it was the exact same shirt and pair of jeans. "So... fun?" Damien asked. Sypher's eyes shot wide open. All feelings of drowsiness left his head. "Right this way," Sypher stated in a sensual tone, taking the black dragon's paw in his own, leading him to his bedroom. "I didn't know it would be this easy..." Sypher thought. "Whatever. I shouldn't question good luck."

They entered the bedroom and Sypher shut the door, though he didn't need to. Lance was at school and his father was out at a company meeting until... sometime. "So," Damien began, "do we just get right into it? Like, where will this whole thing leave us?" Sypher thought a while and chose his words carefully before replying, "Well, seeing as we just met and all we're really going to be doing is having sex... I wouldn't go so far as to call it a relationship. It's like I said before, we're just having fun." Damien seemed satisfied with the answer, unbuttoning his pants to begin the 'fun.'

Within half a minute, the were both fully undressed. Sypher had undressed facing the corner of the room as he usually did - he always threw his clothes in that corner. When he turned around, he saw the black dragon's naked body spread across his bed. His torso was absolutely covered in scaly muscles, from his neck to his abdomen. Below his abdomen, Sypher found something... different. Instead of a sheath, Damien had a slit, and his testicles were not visible from the outside. School health classes had taught Sypher that different types of dragons could have different genital arrangements, but he had never seen it before. Not only that, but Damien's cockslit was much wider than those that Sypher's classes had informed him about. It looked like a normal slit turned sideways, a horizontal slit instead of a vertical one.

Deciding he wouldn't let it ruin the moment, Sypher hopped up onto the bed and knelt over Damien. They stared at each other for a short while, until Damien made the first move. He gently fingered the outside of Sypher's sheath, caressing it with a gentle touch. Sypher closed his eyes as a tender warmth filled him. His member slowly rose from its hiding spot, becoming fully erect in a short time. Damien stroked it, his large paw gripping a good length of Sypher's dripping cock. Sypher was loving it, but couldn't take his mind off of Damien's tantilizing black slit. He reluctantly pulled away from Damien's paw and placed his muzzle in front of the slit. He was immediately met by the intense, intoxicating smell of dragon musk, flowing from the dragon's genital region. Sypher breathed it in, causing him to salivate a generous amount.

Moistening his tongue, Sypher began licking the slit, tempting whatever beauty that lay inside of it to come out. Slowly, after a few passes of his tongue, Damien's cock began to rise out of the slit. It was as black as the rest of his body, and as it rose to its full length, Sypher could see that it had a pre-formed knot. It was closer to the left side of the slit than the center, but Sypher wasn't going to question it. He closed his eyes and enveloped the member in his eager muzzle. It was warm and wet, and the sweet taste of pre-cum filled Sypher's mouth. He closed his eyes, as did Damien, and he began to concentrate on his sucking, bobbing his head at different speeds and angles to maximize pleasure. However, Sypher was caught off guard when he opened his eyes and saw the right side of the slit opening wider. Sypher stopped moving completely as he watched a second erect cock slide out of the horizontal slit, still black, and still with a pre-formed knot.

Sypher removed the member from his muzzle and coughed, "You have two!?!" Damien smirked. "Why yes, yes I do. They're called hemipenes. What, you can't handle two at once?" Sypher immediately regained his composure when his sexual prowess was questioned. First, he stuck the newly erect member in his mouth, moistening it up as he did with the first one, sucking all the way to the knot, wrapping his tongue around the slimy dragon cock and squeezing it, coaxing pre-cum out of it. He took it out of his mouth and licked it from base to head. Sypher then open his muzzle wide, shoving both hemipenes into his red gullet. Damien moaned in pleasure, gripping the sheets of the bed tightly in his paws. Sypher sucked and bobbed with expertise, his mouth full of dragon meat. He drank up more and more pre-cum, enjoying the experience just as much as Damien seemed to be.

Eventually, Sypher removed the delicious members from his muzzle and knelt on the bed on all fours, his tailhole exposed to the black dragon. Damien said nothing, he simply rose from his back and knelt behind Sypher, positioning both cocks right behind his hole. "Now is when we really see how much you can handle." Damien said softly. He grabbed his left cock and placed its tip against Sypher's tailhole. Sypher nodded, and Damien understood. He entered the red dragon, pushing in slowly, though Sypher's tailhole was now used to this kind of treatment. Within seconds, Damien was nearly fully inside of Sypher, his knot the only thing still exposed to open air. "The knot is like another full inch of girth. You sure you want to do this?" Damien asked. Sypher was in too great a euphoric state to refuse. "Yes, yes, do it, yes, do it..." Sypher was talking in short gasps; he was already gasping from the process of Damien entering his tailhole.

Damien started to push into Sypher slowly, even more slowly than when he entered. Sypher felt his hole slowly start to expand, the first part of the knot entering his passageway. It felt strange, but not painful. Within about ten seconds, all of Damien's left cock was inside of Sypher, knot and all. The whole ordeal had caused both of his hemipenes to leak pre-cum, and it now coated the inside of Sypher's tailhole and the outside of Damien's right member. "Get the second one in me," Sypher gasped. Damien was stunned. "Really? Not even my sexual partners would dare try that, and I had stretched them out quite nicely..." Sypher didn't care. He felt so damn good. "Yes, really... please."

Damien obliged. He took his second cock in his paw and pointed towards Sypher's behind. He angled the cock in the direction of the other one, attempting to minimize the amount of stretching Sypher's behind would have to do. "I can make the heads of my cocks line up, but the shafts won't be parallel because of the knots. They force there to be at least an inch of space between both of my hemipenes. This is going to be one hell of a stretch, man." Sypher understood. Damien inched to the left a little so that he could get more of a striaight plunge with his right member. And plunge he did. He quickly entered Sypher with his right hemipene, feeling it slide against Sypher's internal walls, as well as his own other pre-cum coated penis. Sypher's hole was being stretched beyond belief, but as long as they went slow and gave it time to adjust, Sypher thought he could take both pieces of dragon meat. And he wanted to. He needed to.

The second cock was in up to the knot. Sypher's tailhole must have been stretched at least four inches at this point. "You don't honestly think you could take the second knot do you?" Sypher turned around and looked straight at Damien. "I'll take that as a challenge. Do it." Damien rolled his eyes but appeared to agree. He pushed into Sypher with his whole body - Sypher's tailhole put up a lot of resistance. Sypher muffled a few painful groans; it would all be worth it when he had both of those glorious hemipenes all the way inside him. The knot refused to enter, so Damien reached two fingers of his right paw into his slit and covered them in draconic juices. He slathered these juices on his knot and made one last thrust into Sypher. Sypher's body accepted the knot, and Sypher moaned in pleasure as he had a full five inches of girth filling his backside.

"Holy shit... you took both." Damien was pleasantly surprised. "Yeah," Sypher remarked, "Now shut up and fuck me." Damien obeyed, and began slowly bucking in and out of Sypher, making sure his knots did not fully exit his passage. Sypher was experiencing pure joy as he began to jerk himself off to match the speed of Damien's thrusts. He had been dripping pre-cum for a while and he now used it to lubricate his member and stroke it. Sypher felt as Damien bent over his body and gently bit down on his neck. For some reason, this sense of domination stimulated both Damien and Sypher and sped up their motions.

Just then, Sypher heard a bus pull away from their house. He stopped stroking himself and lifted his head to listen. "Shit." Sypher said, under his breath at first. "Shit, shit, shit! Damien, don't make a sound, don't even move. My brother is home." Damien stopped dead. He heard Lance's footsteps in the hall. Sypher prayed he was just going to the bathroom or his own room instead.

No such luck. Sypher heard the doorknob turn. The door opened slowly, revealing a naked blue-green dragon on the other side. Lance just looked at Sypher and said, "I knew you couldn't resist our sexy new neighbor. Quite frankly, I'm surprised you didn't know I couldn't either." Sypher relaxed his tense body, but Damien was still frozen in place. "Uhh... this is kind of weird. At least to me. Is this like, normal to you guys?" His cocks were still hilted inside Sypher. Lance got onto the bed and gave Sypher a quick but passionate kiss. "Well, you know we're brothers. But what you don't know is that we're also mates." Hate us for it or don't, we don't really care."

Lance took a peek at Sypher's backside. "Holy crap, Damien, you have two!?!" Damien smiled. "Yeah, I've been getting that a lot lately." Just the mere sight of them caused Lance's member to begin rising from its sheath. "Well I can guess you went through a lot of effort to get them into my brother here. Continue, don't mind me." Damien, still a little confused and embarassed by the whole situation, began to slowly hump Sypher again. Meanwhile, Lance stroked his sheath, making his member fully erect. He knelt in front of Sypher, and Sypher knew what to do. He placed Lance's cock inside his mouth, breathing hot, panting breaths along its length. Lance closed his eyes and leaned back on his hands - something he had not been able to do in a while - while his brother performed oral pleasures on him, sucking and licking and bobbing.

Sypher was having the time of his life. He was being pounded by two draconic cocks from behind, jerking his own dripping member, and sucking off his brother/mate/lover. Sypher's mind flashed forward to the inevitable climaxes that would arrive. He would be filled with dragon cum in two places from three cocks, all while releasing his own load. The thought made him even more horny; he jerked himself faster and bucked backwards against Damien's forward thrusts. He also began to suck Lance faster and with more force.

Moans echoed throughout the room, mainly from Sypher, even with his muzzle wrapped around a cock. Sypher felt his own climax growing and approaching and hoped Lance's and Damien's would arrive soon as well. He knew how to tell when Sypher was about to cum; his cock would begin to twitch slightly, and his tongue would hang out of his muzzle lazily. He could only guess that Damien was approaching climax, since he was getting double the pleasure. As Sypher's thought came a conclusion. Damien began to pant very loudly, and with a final roar, he pushed into Sypher with both cocks and both knots, spewing seed into his tailhole. Sypher felt as ounce after ounce of hot dragon fluid pumped into him, filling his bowels. Damien's twin cocks pulsed, spewing one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine waves of cum deep into Sypher's behind. Damien had thrust so far into Sypher that not even nine waves of cum from both hemipenes had caused any of it to leak out of his backside. Sypher's bowels were absolutely full of the stuff.

Damien's ejaculation stimulated Sypher to the point of his own climax, and he rapidly stroked his penis as his climax arrived. Still on all fours, he pointed his cock forward, in the direction of Lance. Much of Sypher's cum landed on the bottom of his own muzzle (still wrapped around most of Lance's dick), while some of it also landed on Lance's cock, sheath and balls. Some landed on the bedsheets as well. The feeling of Sypher's hot cum against his member then caused Lance to erupt. Lance put a hand on Sypher's head and pulled it all the way down on his member. Sypher caught most of the seed on his tongue and the sides of his mouth and was able to swallow it, but some hit the back of his throat and caused his to cough, spewing some of Lance's cum back onto his own member, which only made him cum some more.

When the whole ordeal was finished, Damien and Lance lay on their backs on the sides of the bed. Sypher lay in the center, belly down. Damien felt sexually relieved; he also felt as though he would truly accepted in this new place. Sypher felt full of many things: cum and love to name two of them. Lance felt fresh; he was healed, he was with his lover and he had accepted his place in life. Everything was going great for everyone.


By the time the crew had gotten cleaned up and Damien had left, it was past dinner time. Sypher was just about to get something started for dinner when he heard the doorbell ring. He looked at Lance. "Did you invite anyone else over?" Sypher asked. Lance gave him a serious look. "You know I have no one to invite over." Lance navigated his way into his room. Sypher shrugged and went over to the door, thinking it might have been Damien coming back to get something he had forgotten. Sypher opened the door. "Hello?" He was greeted not by a person, but by darkness. Not the darkness of night, but the darkness of unconsciousness. Something or someone had hit Sypher on the head hard, sending him reeling into the realm of forced sleep.

Sypher awoke an indistinguishable amount of time later. He was naked except for his boxers, and there was a gag in his mouth. His vision was still blurry. He tried to move, but his wrists were chained together behind his back, and his wings were bound together by what felt like two leather belts. A belt around his torso kept him strapped to a metal frame, which he was bent over so that his ass was sticking straight out. He tried to scream, and could not. He tried to move, and could not. As his vision came into focus, he saw two shadows approaching from behind. One had something in its hands, a blunt object of some sort. As the two figures casting the shadows came around his side and met him eye-to-eye, he began to struggle and yell, despite the fact that he knew it would do nothing.

The first of the two figures was a male gryphon. Its yellow eagle eyes pierced Sypher's soul. There was something sinister in those eyes. He was the figure wielding a blunt object. Sypher could see now that the object it held was a wooden spanking paddle, no doubt for use on him. Sypher squinted as tears began to form in his eyes. He looked at the other person who was responsible for the situation he was stuck in. The other one...

Well, the other one was Jason.

And there's chapter 3, FINALLY. I'll probably post some sort of Journal explaining my absence and lack of posting. I also have an idea to implement some sort of poll system so the readers can vote where the story goes, or have them vote to not choose where it goes so the plotline is kept a surprise. I also have a plan for an original story of my own (btw, it will involve chocobos if I ever get around to it, for all you furry yellow bird friends out there) but I will only get around to that when everyone, myself included, is satisfied with this story and ready to lay it to rest... for the time being. So anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this. I enjoyed writing this, and I don't plan on randomly disappearing for no reason again anytime soon. Thanks much.

Original story, title, and characters (c) Cecil_88

Renewal series (c) ChakraDragon