A Lazy Day for Foray (trade)

Story by kiwiBB on SoFurry

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#12 of Popping the Question

A trade with the lovely @ANUKI_nsfw (https://twitter.com/ANUKI_nsfw), and the first of hopefully many tiger-related stories during this Year of the Tiger! Anuki's tigress gal Foray swings by red dragon country to enjoy some of the local customs. (She's got some popping experience herself, so she even has a few lessons to teach!)

Anuki drew a hella hot illustration to accompany this (copied below) -- you should definitely go fav the original on Twitter! https://twitter.com/ANUKI_nsfw/status/1491206936217280513. And while you're there, check out the rest of his work too!!! Foray's my favorite but that doesn't mean she's the only cutie ????

"I still can't get over how fucking BIG they are...!"

Ajani grinned proudly. "Thanks! It takes a lot of hard work and a whoooooole lot of teamwork. Ain't that right, T'lak?"

"Yup." The dragon male looked a little tired, but honestly pretty unruffled for a guy who'd spent the last eight months getting his cum-stuffed blue balls repeatedly flattened. He sat on a bench with his thighs spread apart, granting his companions full access to his oft-abused junk. "Couldn't do it without you, hon."

The nude dragoness leaned up to her man's side affectionately, giving his denied dick another squeeze. "Always happy to help."

Foray shook her head vigorously. "No no no no -- I don't think you two understand." The tigress was wide-eyed with fascination, currently standing between T'lak's open legs, hefting one of the dragon's massive testicles in both of her paws. The massive spunk-maker felt like it was made of lead -- heavy enough that her arms were beginning to ache a bit from the effort of carrying it. "I mean, this thing is the size of my fuckin' HEAD! And it weighs a goddamn TON!"

"A year of unfinished blowjobs and daily nutkickings will do that to a pair!" Ajani looked down at the shorter feline. "And in fairness, Foray, you are quite a bit smaller than we are."

"Not THAT much smaller!" she insisted. With some effort, the naked female lifted T'lak's dangling ball and deposited it back on the bench with a quiet THUNK. "I'm 6'2"!"

"You barely come up to my tits, hon," chuckled Ajani.

"Yeah, well." The tigress blushed, feeling heat both on her face and between her thighs. "Excuse me for getting a little hot and bothered when I meet a guy whose left nut is bigger than my head. Fuck, it's like a goddamn beanbag chair."

Ajani raised an eye ridge. "I mean, you're more than welcome to sit on 'em. I do it all the time."

The tigress's eyes lit up. "Ooooh...don't mind if I do." She planted one paw on the edge of the bench and another on T'lak's bare thigh. "1, 2, hup!"

"Nngh!" T'lak grunted in pain as Foray vaulted herself up onto his nutbag, her fat ass landing squarely atop his left ball with an audible WHUMP. His rock-hard cock fired off a short spurt of pre, leaving a trail of liquid frustration on the wooden floor below.

"Fuck," repeated Foray, her generous rack jiggling a bit from the impact. Her tail flicked back and forth with excitement as she settled into her firm-but-squishy seat. T'lak's testicle creaked ever so slightly under her weight, and the thought of all the months of unspent cum currently pinned beneath her weight sent a shudder through her sex. "Mmmph."

"Good, right?" asked Ajani.

"SO good," echoed Foray. "I swear, it's like this thing was MADE to be a seat cushion. It's hot AND comfy!"

"Well hey, now you're making me jealous." Ajani rose to her feet, allowing her partner's dripping dick to slip from her fingers. "Spread your legs a little wider hon, would ya?"

T'lak exhaled shakily, but did as he was told, forcing his thighs apart and exposing his junk even further. His cock throbbed with long-repressed desire as his curvy fiancée stepped in front of him, her tail trailing teasingly along his leg.

"Now normally I'd plant my ass on BOTH of his balls," the dragoness cooed, glancing back over her shoulder as she started to take a seat, "but I suppose it's good for me to practice sitting on just one..."

There was a satisfying CLAP of naked flesh on naked flesh as Ajani dropped her rump on the other side of T'lak's sac, crushing one cum-stuffed orb against the hard wood of the bench. The dragon's poor testicle immediately spread out under her weight, noticeably flatter than its already-half-flattened twin.

T'lak let out a short squeak of distress, instinctively reaching out to clutch at the bare hips of Foray and Ajani. "Gods," he moaned, his voice wavering as the two nude beauties casually rearranged the contents of his spunk tanks. His cock gave another forlorn throb, painting two sets of ass cheeks in his pent-up, thickened precum.

Foray purred in appreciation, a throaty sound of contentment and arousal. She reached out with one paw to squeeze Ajani's thick thigh. Her other paw automatically found its way between her own legs: half to start toying with her clit, and half to poke and prod at the bulging bits of dragon ball peeking out from under her butt. She sighed, melting into her seat. "Fuckin' hell, Ajani -- red dragons do it RIGHT. You must be DYING to pop one of these things!"

Ajani shivered, feeling the heat flare between her own legs. "Heh -- soon enough." She shifted her weight back and forth a bit, smiling to herself as T'lak's cock surrendered another splurt of not-quite-cum across her backside. "Just gotta wait a few more months for the wedding..."

"Oh you are gonna cum your brains out," the tigress stated confidently. "Especially with a goddamn YEAR OF CUM stuffed in there? Fuck, I gotta start edging MY boys that way before I pop 'em."

T'lak looked down at Foray in surprise. "Y-you've popped a ball?" he grunted, his voice tight with strain.

"MANY balls." Foray grinned. "See, my boys back home regenerate -- I've neutered those guys more times than I can count."

Ajani gazed upon her tigress friend with newfound respect. "Well DAMN, Foray, I didn't know that! Got any tips for a couple like us?"

Foray blushed. "I mean -- y'all are clearly already experts at making balls ache, I don't wanna bore you--"

"Nonsense!" the dragoness insisted. "Just because T'lak's balls are blue and busted doesn't mean they couldn't be even MORE blue and busted. Isn't that right, T'lak?"

"Very true," the male groaned, squeezing both ladies by the hip to distract himself from the hundreds of pounds of woman balanced on his nutbag.

"So." Ajani crossed one bare leg across the other, leaning closer to Foray. It was only a small shift in position, but it was enough to bring her fat ass in contact with Foray's equally plump rump, and to leave T'lak's steel erection sandwiched in the middle, earning another splatter of pre from the endlessly edged dragon. "Tell me anything and everything -- we've got all the time in the time in the world."

"O-okay!" the tigress replied eagerly. "Well I mean, first of all..."

T'lak lay his head wearily on his fiancée's shoulder, his testicles aching to their core -- and with that, the two girls and their beleaguered male companion settled in for a long, "relaxing" afternoon, discussing all of the many exciting ways to turn a pair of nuts into peanut butter.