Be Careful Trolling Hotel Bars

Story by Casca on SoFurry

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Under a battery of soft lights, a slim cat sang for the little hotel lounge in her flattering sequined gown. The oddly muted green sparkled to offset the gentle sheen of her rusty fur and her body shifted with the intimate rhythm of the old jazz classic making the whole image subtly enthralling. Byron however had never been into cats. Most people assumed that a mouse who would admit that was racist but he just didn't care for the lithe, graceful type.

Instead his attention was directed down the length of the bar. She was much more to his tastes. She was strong despite her purely feminine wiles, strong women didn't whine half as much when he took them to bed. This bear looked like she could use a man in her life anyway, alone in that soft, revealing dress, drinking idly from the overly dressed glass of something alluringly dark. He could watch her drink all night. Plush, glossy, black lips pressed against the cool glass, shimmering even in the dull light of the lounge.

Against her brilliantly white fur it was all the more prominent when her dark tongue wiped her upper lip. Every one of her motions was smooth, purposeful and lusciously curved. Even the shapes she made with her mouth when she ordered again from the bartender were perfect and round. As her hips shifted around again to watch the cat onstage, he saw the midnight blue gown slip asside, showing her plentiful legs, strong and soft and long. He nearly caught himself drooling at her and when she left the dress to do as it would, wafting idly aginst her stool, keeping those wonderful legs in plain view, he was determined.

He stood up and straightened his suitcoat so it would highlight the studiously pumped muscles mounted on his shoulders and arms, the surest tool for womanizing in his arsenal, then moved smoothly down the bar sat in the stool next to her. She smelled good. None of that frilly flowery crap, this was womanly and natural. Maybe even a little bit sexual. Oh yes. Tonight was a lucky night.

"She's a beautiful singer, isn't she?" Byron said as sauvely as he knew how.

The bear smiled politely at him but not entirely warmly. The picture of professionalism and elegance. Better for the chase.

"The name's Byron. Can I buy you a drink?" The mouse laid his arm behind her on the bar slyly, leaning back so his shirt stretched across his tight chest.

"I appreciate the gesture," said the consummately cool, polar queen, turning back to the performer on stage with mounting disinterest. "But I always buy my own."

Her voice was perfect. Despite the kind tones of her speech, her stern accent seemed so superior, so carnally aloof. It was easy to believe her family could be traced back to powerful soviets or deposed czars and that was just as exciting as anything else about her. She was noble and, before the end of the night, she was going to be his.

"Well you must have a nice job," the mouse began again, undetered. "I don't know anyone that'd turn down a free drink. What does a pretty woman like you do?"

A sidelong glance calculated Byron and his insistent conversation. For him it was a good sign. When the ladies started looking, their defenses started coming down. So the mouse flexed his pecs a little and grasped pointlessly at his empty glass, lifting it to check that there was indeed nothing in it, so his biceps bulged against the sleeve of his jacket.

"I am a doctor," the bear said matter-of-factly. She was definitely gonna be a challenge. And she knew all the right things to say to prove it too. But Byron was still undaunted.

"Oh yeah. The whole 'Take off your pants'; 'Turn your head and cough' bit. I always thought lady doctor's would like that whole thing."

Her snowy head turned sharply and turned powerful, brown eyes on him before she repeated the offending words: "Lady doctor?" It was like a spotlight shining on him, making sure that he was very careful with his next few words, and her voice carried that subtle weight of noble indignation.

His hands went up before he even realized he was trying to defend himself. "I just meant ladies who are doctors. I didn't mean it like that. Come on, give a fella a break"

She stared for a moment longer. Her beautiful eyes sparkled in a strange way. It was beautiful. Beautiful sparkles dancing back and forth in her beautiful brown eyes. She smiled again, even laughed a little. It was a beautiful sound. Kinda private, like he told her an inside joke. After all, she couldn't be laughing her beautiful laugh at him. She liked him.

"I'll give you a break, Byron," she said as her voice drifted in with the music in the background. It was hard to pay attention to what she said as the muscled mouse watched her dark lips making those beautiful shapes. Besides, he'd won her over. She was just talking about the music anyway. Something about how beautiful it was; how he should listen to the beautiful music.

He had to admit thought it was pretty good. Beautiful even. Easy looping sounds, rolling over and over in his head in time with her beautiful lips and her sparkling eyes. His own eyes followed her mouth back and forth in time with the music. He couldn't help but watch it. Beautiful and dark shining. Beautiful sounds and beautiful shapes. Beautiful.

Byron didn't really notice when she slipped off the stool but he was clutching a little napkin with her room number and the words "Doctor's orders" written in smooth, round shapes. The words seemed rather important. Well maybe not important but compelling. He had to find that room. She was too big a catch to pass up. Yes. A prescription for hot polar bear was just what he needed.

The enamoured murine quickly paid up his tab, leaving more than the tender's fair share in his haste to catch up with his bear. By the time he reached the elevator, Byron realized just how relaxed this doctor bear had made him. His muscles were relaxed like the most thorough massage. Muscles he didn't know he had were loose and easy. He was having trouble even standing to a point. He leaned against the wall, watching the number gradually rise and felt his erection swell. This was going to be good. No matter what happened in there, he was going to enjoy it.

The doors slid open slowly, reveal one of any number of muted hotel hallways but Byron's feet carried him swiftly to a door propped open just for him. He could smell her scent. That beautiful scent that was one with her natural authority. The beautiful smell that promised he was going to enjoy this night.

The determined man didn't quite realize that he'd opened the door or that he was standing against the wall admiring the beautiful bear until she shifted onto an elbow and looked him right in the eyes. A sheer, black nightie clung to her body and highlighted the beautiful curves of her volumptuous figure. Her breasts looked so inviting. Like she could just rest Byron's head between them and do anything she wanted to him. Big and soft. Beautiful, waving lines drew her body down to her waist then back out to her hips. They were beautiful, too. Wide and soft but still so strong.

The doctor had been talking to him but he wasn't paying attention. Still, all too suddenly he felt compelled to get his clothes off. He couldn't imagine how the bear, wooed as she was, couldn't want to see his body. After all he'd come to see her on doctor's orders. THe dim light from the window sparkled on his shiny pelt, tawny fur cut short to put his muscles on display. He was a good patient for this beautiful doctor bear and he was determined to enjoy himself. So he quickly did away with his pants as well, kicking them lazily to the side.

She laughed softly. Such a beautiful laugh. SHe was obviously enthused about his cock. People never expected big cocks from a mouse, even from one like Byron. He took pride in showing off his thick length, and the messy drip of precum dangling from every erection. He wanted to give her a closer look but for some reason that just didn't seem like a good idea yet. She wanted to just look longer. To watch him flex and show off how strong and manly he was. She was so very beautiful tonight.

She rose off the bed and stepped elegantly across the room. Her breasts jiggled and danced with every step; bouncy and big and real. Real big. Bending over to rummage in her suitcase, those beautiful, pillowy mounds swung heavily, threatening to escape her silk lingerie but she quickly stood up again bearing what seemed to be a big dildo.

The mouse tried to figure out what it was for, to wake himself from the haze of her beautiful movements and piece together the scene but her beautiful, disarming voice compelled him to lay on the bed. To ignore the toy that was bigger than his own fat cock and relax. He felt his muscles, eeven the hidden ones get loose again. So loose and relaxed he worried for half a second he might ruin the mood with some dirty bodily function but as she climbed between his legs, looming over him in her beautiful, silk camisole, he felt reassured that everything was going to be alright. He was going to enjoy this.

With a little bottle, she poured viscous lube over the black toy, copious blobs of it rolled down the length until it was wet all around. She mentioned "Doctor's Orders" in that beautiful thick accent of hers and he knew that he was going to enjoy whatever Doctor Bear had planned for him. So when she lifted his legs, one by one, and placed them on her shoulders, or when she lowered that toy and pinned it against his asshole or even when her strong, beautiful hands gripped his ankles, somehow leaving the dildo between his cheeks, Byron just churred happily and wriggled closer to her.

He could feel his body stretching as she pushed closer. It was an awkward feeling at first but he quickly remembered the doctor's orders and pleasure shot up his spine. The mouse moaned loudly, unrestrained as his ass was filled with cool, rubbery dildo. Something in his head told him this was strange but he just looked up at the beautiful bear holding him in place and enjoyed it. She pushed deeper and deeper as if she would force the thing out the other end but suddenly she reared back, emptying his gut, and pushed back in.

Byron gradually found himself growing accustomed to the rhythm rocking back and forth as the bear ramed up the power, making him writhe and sputter precum all over his chest and belly. She was in absolute control. He couldn't have resisted if she wanted to. Her growl made him sink deeper into the pleasure of her dildo deep in his ass, her beautiful bouncing breasts, freed from the confines of her silk nightie kept the fog thick over his mind as she fucked his ass like he had wanted to fuck hers. Over and over and over he could feel the bed shake and his body rock. He didn't care to keep track of the time as she hilted him with that dildo.

His body was weak with pleasure when he heard her speak. More doctor's orders. He could feel his cock hardening, his balls rising as her instructions seeped into his mind. He was getting that beautiful sensation right before you cum, that full feeling right in your crotch, the warm tingling crawling up from your balls to the tip of your cock. His length was leaping and shooting his pre harder then ever. Then in a rush of ecstacy the word "Three" became crystal clear in his head.

His ass clamped down on the dildo tightly convulsing over and over, drawing the beautiful tool in and out just the slightest bit as he shot his wad on the head board and his own face. Gouts of cum like he'd been pent up for weeks rushed out of his dick while he looked up at the bear in her beautiful afterglow. He was glad he caught her eye. He really did enjoy this feeling, no matter what that little voice in his head said or how much cum he swallowed as he sprayed it all over. He was sticky with jizz before he finally calmed down but before he could even think of words to say, his eyes closed and quite suddenly he was fast asleep.

Byron woke up in the morning unpleasantly sore and feeling dirty. He looked around the unfamiliar hotel room and wondered just what happened. He couldn't piece it together but he had the strangest dream about a bear and a dildo. He looked himself over and saw the mess of cum sticking to his body drying up and looking like he'd gone a couple times with his hand though by the feel of things he was sure he had not.

"Ugh. I need a shower," he told no one in particular as he gingerly rolled out of bed. Other than the stink of old cum it smelled good though. He must have a chick with him last night. Maybe that's where the bear dream came from. Yeah. Nice hand job from a big bear chick. He stretched out his arms but stopped half way as he noticed a leaf of hotel stationary with an address written on it. "Go here as soon as possible," he read from the smooth, looping, beautiful script. "Doctor's Orders."

He scooped up his clothes and hurried out the door, forgetting all about the shower he really did need. He clumisly fumbled to get his legs into his pants as he rushed for the elevator. He had to find a cab right away. Had to follow doctor's orders.