Burning for You (18+)

Story by Fennecshorts on SoFurry

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A pretty silly idea that popped into my head one night for... Some reason. Hope you enjoy!

"This is the worst idea you've ever had" Those were the words that left Sam's muzzle. Their impact seemingly absorbed by the flame-orange brush that stood raised like a flag in between his brown eyes. It's owner was bent over in front of him, hands apparently so busy searching through the bottom shelf that it took him a few seconds to actually make his distracted response.

"That's the second time you've told me that today, breakin' records all the time, I guess"

"To be fair Jay, I couldn't decide which one ranks in worse, this store or the frickin' shorts"

"Oh come on these are great" Came the orange vulpine's retort, he waggled his hindquarters from side to side as if demonstrating exactly why he found the denim cutoffs so appealing. Not that the display of thighs and shapely butt should have appealed to Sam in the slightest. As he knew in between those lean legs and their smooth, rounded contours lay a rather poorly-hidden bulge. Solidly making his friend just that: a friend. The wolf declared himself one hundred percent straight, occasionally one hundred and ten, if the situation called for extra pageantry. And this situation, what with Jay's bottoms being so short that hints of the classic white vulpine pattern on his posterior managed to spill from beneath the blue denim like milk. Certainly would have called for it, if the topic were to come up.

"What are you looking for now anyway? We already bought the... ugh, the thing"

"Lube" Jay responded as if it were ketchup or peanut butter and this was their stark white and fluorescent neighborhood grocery store as opposed to the unfinished, dimly-lit wood surroundings they actually found themselves in.

"Seriously? TMI"

"It's just lube" Jay protested, announcing the success of his search with a peppy "Gotcha!"

"So why'd we have to buy it here? Probably cheaper somewhere else" Sam grumbled, inspecting the little bottle that (a thankfully, now standing) Jay held out for him. Trying to ignore the way his brown-furred fingertips lingered against Jay's black foxgloves when he laid a paw on it for mutual stabilization and easier reading. "Aromatherapeutic sexual jelly..." He continued aloud. "What the Hell is 'Eductive and Seductive'?"

"Dunno, probably nothing" Jay gave a cheeky grin and tossed his new purchase into the crinkly white plastic bag at the taller male's side. It fell neatly into place alongside Jay's stupid flowers, the spotted, off-black ones he let the woman at the counter feed him a bunch of obvious bullshit about. Something something 'burn away the layers of detritus laid down by time' Sam hated it. And now as if to top off the shopping day gone esoteric, the fox had decided on a little glass vial of what looked to be plain old mineral oil with some kind of stock 'fantasy' font printed out in purple and slapped across it's front face.

"You know you're paying for the fancy cork, right?" Sam dug into him once more as the two traded the flickering, orange glow of salt lamps for clean, white lighting and the tile that reflected it on their path to the mall's exit and it's big glass doors.

"I know what I'm paying for!" The fox replied cheerily, adjusting his blue tee from one trim shoulder to the other so that his bouncy walk out ahead of Sam wouldn't make the damn thing slide off.

There wasn't much else between them but a stealthy roll of Sam's eyes aimed at the back of the brunette fox's head. Making the rest of their walk a silent affair until they were seated within the creamy false-leather interior of Sam's car. He'd thankfully left the windows open and so the space became a blessedly cool, sunlit pocket of springtime air as opposed to receiving only the sun's ire and turning into a makeshift furnace where fox and wolf would have spent more time sweating than talking. And so of course, talk they did, Sam's arm hanging out the window as they sat there in the parking lot, wolf in the driver's position and fox in the passenger's, resting off the legwork that was mall shopping. "You know I still think it's damn hilarious how casual you are with the sex stuff" Sam chuckled lightly. His chest rising and falling beneath his white shirt. "Just buying lube back there without cracking a blush at all? Pretty ballsy, sometimes I wish I could be like that"

"You can be! Just gotta find someone you're comfortable with s'all" The fox's reply could have been mistaken for an idle platitude, but Sam knew him well enough to understand the place of genuine encouragement he was coming from. It was just of course that half of the vulpine's brain was occupied with inspecting his own reflection in the rear view mirror, holding a newly-gotten pink tanktop taught to his chest to get a better feel for how he'd look actually wearing the thing.

"But for you it really is multiple someones, isn't it?" Sam's elbow jutted out in a motion that would've given his friend a ribbing if there hadn't been enough space between the seats to prevent it.

"Mhm!" Jay nodded happily. "Sometimes all at once, actually"

A sigh left Sam when Jay's little addition met his pointy canid's ears. It was no secret that his friend was strongly of the bottom persuasion, and if his nigh-on stereotypical behavior didn't make it obvious enough already, his complete lack of a filter meant that'd he'd tell you in a heartbeat. And you'd better get ready to be regaled with stories as to what he'd been up to regarding that preference. As often as Sam would laugh them off or crack a joke, he did indeed feel a slight sense of jealousy for the Fox's sex life. Not for his partners of course, being one-hundred-and-ten percent straight. But for the sheer rate at which he seemed to encounter them. It was enough to bring an unintentional grimace to his face on more than one occasion, and even now he was directing one away from his friend. Staring distractedly down at his jeans instead. Unlike Jay, he just couldn't seem to get excited about going over what he'd bought, as his thoughts wandered to places unfulfilled. Likely ignited by the eye candy of the female variety that he'd been forced to endure while walking about in the mall.

Turning his Gaze up to the windshield and out at the sunlit, mostly empty lot let his brain turn the building's white-coated brick wall into a canvas, one on which he began to paint a most beautiful image. If lewdness and beauty could be interchangeable anyway. To Sam they most certainly were, as both words were fully fit to describe the soft, sensual aspects of the girl that his mind conjured up. He'd want her straddling his lap, both her hands pressed against the seat's head rest on either side of him. Her hair falling around them both in a smooth, chestnut waterfall. He in turn had put a firm grip on her thigh, slowly massaging the soft fur there in a wordless affirmation of how much he appreciated the curves that accentuated her trim physique. This was about when, at least ideally. He'd want the kissing to start, but not without heating things up a little further. Sliding that teasing paw further up her leg until the pliable roundness of her rump would be in reach, maybe a finger or two up her shorts... Shorts? Hold on, why the Hell is my fantasy girl in denim cutoffs? Just coincidence, right? I just really, really like the idea of Jay's style, but on a girl- it'd look good on anyone who's skinny like that. That's totally fine. He swallowed, trying to sideline the fact that this fleeting dream girl also had a long, orange vixen's muzzle and the soft, strawberry shampoo-scented hair that surrounded him as he moved in for the makeout was a suspiciously familiar brunette.

"You 'kay?" I was Jay's voice, bumping up against the barrier of his mind's eye and shattering the fantasy it'd crafted like a frozen bubble.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" Sam mumbled, he knew by the burning in his cheeks that he'd gone beet red underneath his wolf's coat, the reason for which was a rather embarrassingly obvious bulge that struggled against his jeans. Pitching a tent tall enough to be seen poking up just past his leg. He hoped for the sake of his dignity that Jay was still solidly distracted. But alas when the buzzing din of blood rushing to his ears finally faded, the wolf was forced to accept that there was an absolute lack of noise from the passenger's seat. No more excited crinkling of gift bags or the unfolding of new garments. Instead there was just a lone, subtle flick. The tail-end of which was accentuated by a spring-assisted twang. Sam knew exactly what it was, even before the telltale buffeting thump of combustion met his ears. Jay had never so much as touched a cigarette in all the time he'd known him. So what exactly was he doing?

When the wolf snapped his attention over to his side with the express aim of finding out. The scene that met him was just bizarre enough that the capacity for speech momentarily left him. There was indeed a lighter grasped in the fox's black paw, it's diminutive flame dancing in the spring breeze that wandered in through his open window, reflecting off of it's holder's eyes as they made contact with Sam's. He began with a tentative "Jay?" But the orange vulpine answered him early by bringing an empty right paw up to the tip of his muzzle in a shushing motion. Further bewildering his friend who'd realized perhaps a little late that the plain white plastic shopping bag, the one from the 'cringe-ass hippy shop'. Was laying empty and deflated in the lap of Jay's shorts. Sam didn't need to search for too long in order to find out where one of the two pieces of merchandise had gone. As when his eyes panned back up the fox's body, he noticed the ostentatious new accessory sitting between his ears.

The flowers were there, reminding Sam of frog's skin with their bizarre, almost artificial-looking gray petals, the soft yellow spots that mottled them seemed to be ever so much more vibrant now that they were free of their dark home in the shop and exposed to sunlight. Sam caught himself wondering if the patches of color were actually giving off light of their own, but quickly damned that impossible thought. The winding, rubbery vines that trailed each blossom where a stem should have been were woven together, allowing all eight of them to serve as a crown for the fox. Jay was not, to Sam's knowledge anyway, a crossdresser. But the stereotypically feminine accessory complemented his pretty, angular face well despite it's unconventional color. Too well. Sam swallowed the lump that had inadvertently grown in his throat. He wasn't given any time to question where the fox found enough time to build himself a flower crown, nor why he'd done it in the first place. As Jay apparently saw fit to only pile more unanswered questions on top of his friend when he, all whilst still maintaining eye contact. Hit the switch on his elbow rest and signaled the windows on either side to begin their whiny, slow slide into the closed position. Muffling the noise of the lot outside and lending a sudden sense of heaviness to the whole situation that was unlike anything he'd felt from the slim fox in the past. The tinted glass didn't help one bit either, and it seemed as if both had been cast forward in time to the day's later, dimmer, cooler hours.

"Right" Jay spoke at last, his voice trembling with an anticipation Sam still did not understand. "This is s'posed to go both ways, so if there's nothing, nothing happens and I'll just look stupid" He breathed in sharply as if whatever absence his vague 'nothing' referred to would have been painful to endure. And that was when, before his friend could do anything to stop him. Jay raised the lighter to his forehead and let it's little flame lick at one of the feathery stigma that curled out into the air. Despite the plant's flesh being green and lively, it took to burning with a sudden ease that unnerved it's wearer, and the fox squinted his eyes instinctively in order to shield them from the unexpectedly bright glow produced when a hungry flame gorged itself into being a proper fire. The foremost blossom was soon completely engulfed, it's petals blackening as they withered into gray, powdery ghosts that broke off and floated down into his lap. They went up like that, one after the other. Thin coat of little white fibers yielding to the advancing heat first before the entirety of each blossom would curl at the edges like a tentative swimmer's toes and undergo it's angry and utter immolation. Sam gasped, fearing first and foremost for the safety of his friend, paw shooting out towards him in an effort to smother them or do... something to stop him from getting hurt. To his bewilderment however, Jay recoiled, his physical refusal of any assistance gave the two enough space for Sam's mind to start working at what his eyes were demanding it comprehend. That being the impossible fact that Jay was completely fine. Despite presently having a corona of raging flame encircling his head and licking at his ears, the fox remained somehow untouched. A shower of fluttering embers rained down across his shoulders to serve as the only physical evidence that any of it was even happening at all.

No way. Sam's inner understanding of reality screamed at him. No way those little things should be burning so long. No way they should be burning so bright, either. no way Jay is feeling none of this... Goddamn if his dumb girly hair doesn't look nice in the shadows that fire is throwing off, though... What?!. The wolf shook his head as if the movement could knock that last intrusive thought loose. There were far more pressing matters at hand after all, like that of the smoke which was rapidly filling the sealed interior of his car. It poured off of Jay like a miniature volcano, billowing upwards and pooling against the creamy, plush ceiling. Thick enough that to Sam it looked as if he could reach out and grab a handful. It was the deepest, inkiest black the wolf had ever seen, only the dirty plumes of an oil spill in the news came anywhere close. And even then the cloud now creeping towards him like the cap of a mushroom expanding on it's stalk managed to beat them all. Oh shit. As if everything else Jay's stupid flowers had done wasn't sign enough that something was not right, this new wall of rapidly advancing blackness surely proved it. Grunting in exertion, the wolf spun, tearing his view away from Jay to hit his arm rest's little black button. Rolling the window open seemed to be the only action that made any sort of sense at the moment. But just as his finger met plastic, a most basal and instinctive fear shot through his veins, the icy spark that only comes when one is in danger of succumbing to gravity's influence. Something that should have been impossible in the safety of his car and the boring, flat mall lot it sat in. But as clear as the edge of a canyon, it was there. Sam tentatively extended his foot in the same manner as he had when reaching for that damn switch, a test. And one that rendered stomach-turning results. There was a sheer edge where the knobby rubber floormat of his car should have been. Or to be more accurate, there was an edge running through it. As if somebody had taken an impossibly sharp knife and sliced his vehicle down the middle. Leaving the other half to drop into nothingness.The half where Jay was.

"Jay!?" Sam called out, whirling away from the now-disregarded armrest control panel to face... nothing. Jay was gone, engulfed by smoke that no longer looked like smoke. Instead there was a roiling, dusky gap slowly seeping towards him, having long devoured the passenger's seat. Sam's last thought was how much it resembled a night sky, with hints of purple splashed amidst the deep black like the last vestiges of retiring sunlight. Oddly serene.

Then the seat disappeared underneath him. And so he fell helplessly into that sky, his car was gone, the mall was gone, Jay was gone. That smudgy blackness was the only scenery, and a vague sense of velocity the only sensation. He was definitely falling, his body was sure of it, but falling where? falling how? There was no contrasting terrain to tell Sam where exactly he was oriented, was no sky, no ground nor horizon dividing the two. Another fear floated above the obvious, instinctual dread that came with plummeting into the unknown. That being concern for his friend, if the fox was gone first then he had to have ended up in the same place, right? Or perhaps expecting common logic to hold up was too much at this point. Sam brought an arm up to his face, noting that his brown coat was stood up on end from the force behind his fall.

So how bad exactly was the landing going to be? Will I ever land? Sam mused. But as it turned out he wouldn't be lacking for answers much longer. As the wolf's thoughts were suddenly snuffed out by a surprisingly soft, sinking feeling akin to colliding with a giant pillow. The last sound he recalled was the -Thump- of his impact before an even deeper black swallowed his abyssal surroundings.

C'mon, open- please. Sam urged his own body to cooperate, to hold his heavy eyelids steady and break out of the pattern of slow blinks he'd been locked into. It wasn't just his eyes however, as the wolf noted the distinct presence of some kind of pressure against his chest. Weighty enough that curling up into a sitting position was proving difficult. So for the moment he elected to abandon that pursuit and forced his eyes open in order to locate the culprit of his immobility. Sam didn't need to search long, in fact as soon as his visual senses rebuilt themselves he would find his entire perspective was obstructed by a blurry, soft blue wall bisected with a band of snowy white. Which a slowly-returning focus would reveal to be nothing other than Jay, his midriff visible between the differing blues of his tee and shorts.

Of course he was here, having been swallowed by the smoke first, Jay figured it only made sense. But why exactly was he sitting on his friend's chest? "Jay? Uh..." Sam wiggled beneath the other boy's legs. He didn't budge, nor did he respond. In confusion Sam cocked his head to the side, perhaps a stereotypical canine reaction. Though it did allow him to see what was beyond the fox. His abyssal black dream remained, though not unchanged, as tiny pinpricks of amber light glinted at him out of the rolling darkness like stars shining down against the smoky plain on which he now lay. Though they were all far, far too uniform. More Like the spots on Jay's flowers. "Hey Jay? What's going on, w-what is this?" Sam implored him again, jerking his right shoulder to the side in hopes that his muscles could lever him off. Instead the move only had the effect of rubbing the fur on Jay's legs up against his body. Surprisingly soft and smooth, but something felt off about him. There was a noticeable lack of tension in the boy's muscles, as if he were sleeping and holding the pose simultaneously. Sam felt a sudden concern for him begin to grow like a thorny briar in his stomach. The fox was breathing at least, his slim chest rose and fell gently. But when Sam craned his neck a little higher, he was granted an eyeful of the biggest sign yet that somehow his friend was as wrong as the rest of this place.

And that was the unmistakable, gasp-inducing fact that Jay had glowing eyes. A hue identical to the false stars above them was pouring out of Jay's head by way of his once-green eyes. Eyes that were held wide open in an unblinking stare that seemed to be aimed at the nothing behind Sam. "H-hey, Jay? Dude you ok?" It was a dumb thing to say, and it came out shaky and full of obvious fear. Sam knew it, but there wasn't exactly a guidebook for any of this. With his voice proving ineffective, the wolf took the situation one step further into the physical, and put both his paws on Jay's slim waist, pushing him back so he had some room at least to sit up. Doing so would of course put the comatose fox squarely in his lap. Given the direction his train of thought had taken in the car, a sense of awkward Deja Vu crept into Sam's mind regarding the pose. He figured if Jay could, he'd probably have some snarky comment to deliver regarding the positioning of his butt.

"God damnit, what's wrong with your-" Sam's voice trailed away, he'd taken Jay's head in his hands just to give him a gentle turn so that he could examine his eyes better. But when their gazes crossed properly it felt as if some unseen pair had done the same to him. And Sam felt his neck go inexplicably stiff, held in place by nothing. Fur and flesh pulled as if by a magnet until his line of sight aligned perfectly with his friend's, the bronze furred-lupine tried to call out to Jay, but he was frozen, locked in place to stare into those glaringly bright orbs of his. To stare until something else besides light poured out of them. Something he recognized, things buried, shunned and denied.

They assembled themselves out of Jay's glow like blobs of oil fighting to reach the surface. Old fantasies, old memories made new and fresh once more. The first to become clear was instantly recognizable to Sam, it was the sight of Jay's bathroom door. Completely innocuous brown particleboard to anyone else. But it had the wolf's face suffering an unwanted blush for the simple fact that he knew what was coming next: He'd forget the customary knock and stumble in on the Tod, see him standing there drying his shoulder-length hair with a towel. Though there was a second tied around his waist like a makeshift robe, it wasn't necessarily enough to make him fully decent and Sam would inadvertently catch an eyeful anyway. Lingering on Jay's smooth-cut physique for a few fleeting moments he'd deny ever took place. The vulpine was the term 'twink' wrought physical, a thin form that edged precariously into the territory of femininity by way of the strategic placement of what little fat he had, only to be dragged backwards by the toned muscle that lined his chest and arms in a solid, boyish manner. All coated gently by a red fox's signature pattern. Jay's soft face grinned at him through a gently flowing wreath of still-warm, lavender scented steam.

"Hey, it's alright if we're both guys" Jay'd said then, giving him the softest giggle. Sam was too utterly flustered to respond with much of anything. And so he backed out, closing the door behind him.

That was the end of it, both considered the incident minor enough that it wasn't worth speaking of again. And so this particular memory promptly dissolved, cut apart and reduced to scattered pieces by the light that bore it to be replaced by another. One that Sam would rather not be reminded of with such lucidity. Even before the scene had fully consolidated itself out of it's shimmering form, he'd recognized where and when he was looking at. Sam's place, specifically the big, red couch that occupied the majority of his den. They were sat adjacent to one another, the cushion between them left unoccupied so that it could play host to an assortment of snacks. Something was playing in front of them but neither fox nor wolf were paying attention. Rather, both were entrenched in conversation, it'd started with a sex scene in their show. The cheesy kind that makes you want to look anywhere else. However that day for whatever reason the two had taken to poking fun at the the lion actress and her tiger counterpart as they rubbed against one another in a fully-clothed performance of what would have been doggy-style sex. "They really could have just shown 'em kissing and left this out" Sam laughed. "Imagine how embarrassing this shit must be for the actors"

"I'm feeling it second hand" Jay said, popping a cheese curl into his mouth. "The look on that guy's face just screams 'please let this end so I can go back to the 'coffee shop guy' scenes" Sam knew what was to come next however. Jay would offer an opinion of the actress as well, one that would leave Sam momentarily stunned. "And the way she's holding herself doesn't look like she's that into it, I can arch my back so, so much better, granted I'm not acting when I do, but still" The fox said casually, as if Sam wasn't currently fixing him with an incredulous gaze.

"Dude, c'mon, that mental image was the last thing I needed"

"Doesn't need to stay mental, I can prove I'm better"

"Oh I believe it" Sam said, though apparently his flat, sarcastic reply wasn't enough to satisfy his friend. Who'd already stood up and was stretching his arms above his head. The fox was wearing a white tank top with a pair of runner's shorts that day. And his pose had sent both riding up his body as he stretched out by reaching for the ceiling. This of course meant that his ass practically hung out of the black nylon. Meanwhile the lifting of his top opened up Jay's midriff as if to highlight how much contrast there was between lean waist and round butt. His bulge was also put on rather blatant display, showing itself as a smooth, round something hugged by his shorts and sitting in between his cheeks. All directly in Sam's line of sight, the wolf groaned, making his displeasure known as loudly as possible. "I didn't plan on TV with a side of dude ass today, mind sitting back down?"

"Yeah yeah I'll get out of the way" Jay said, his voice had a sarcastic twang to it that signaled his intentions even before he began to lower himself to the floor and braced against the cream carpeting on all fours. Technically he'd done half of what his friend said, as Sam once again had an unobstructed view of the screen. Though Jay remained as a distracting presence in the corner of his vision, he'd lifted his bushy vulpine dipstick as high as it could go and put an equally gratuitous angle into his back, pushing his rear up with his front half lowered flat to the floor. It was a blatantly sexual posture, one designed to tickle at the brain's most primal levels. In the moment Sam had physically recoiled. But here and now, locked in a binding stasis of blonde light. He remembered vividly the part that had gnawed on his mind for all too long afterwards: That being his silent agreement with Jay, that his long, svelte legs and the flexibility of his back really were more impressive than the actress's.

I liked it. My friend, a guy, struck a damn mating pose in front of me and I liked it. If his hand wasn't currently locked up like an iced-over piece of machinery Sam would have given himself a paw to the face. Winds still weren't blowing in his favor, either. As the couch and his living room melted away like photo-realistic wax. Only the television screen remained, a squat rectangle that spun to reorient itself vertically. There it began to drip shadowy black, slowly at first. But building until a veritable flood of darkness was occupying what had once been a representation of the wolf's living room. Rebuilding it into a scene that undoubtedly took place at night.

But which night? And when? Sam wondered, though soon enough he'd have his answer when the screen's edges hardened into a wooden window frame and it's artificial image softened into a familiar scene that bathed the lupine with a full moon's cold, sallow light, contrasting the warm draft that meandered through alongside it. His bedroom, but if the moon was full and the window open then this might be... Damnit. Of course it had to be. The lupine could do nothing but brace himself to relive one of his own most confusing moments. It was late, midnight late, and Sam was sitting cross-legged on the floor in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs. He'd a paw wrapped firmly around the girth of his wolf cock to allow for a fevered rhythm of up and down strokes, his every breath shaken by stimulation. Nothing about this routine was particularly out of the ordinary, the second source of light, that being his phone. Was highlighting the way his shaft and hand were glistening with an obvious sign of arousal that made every move all the more effortless. But it was the cause of that arousal which Sam was reluctant to recall. He'd been browsing porn, his usual stuff. Flicking through video after video with one hand idly holding his semi-hard dick, hunting for a thumbnail that looked particularly titillating. Nothing really stood out however, a symptom of doing this every night, perhaps.

But I still want to nut. His brain complained, and so was heeded. Girls bent over tables, girls sitting on stools and poking their asses out, doggy style, missionary, twerking, blowjobs and... on roller blades? All slid by beneath Sam's fingertip, scenes discarded as rejects of his search.

Who the Hell is she? The wolf raised an eyebrow at the page's last result. It's thumbnail was some fox taking it from behind, the camera was positioned so that her face took up the majority of the shot. Her ass was just barely visible behind a head full of brunette hair. A clear drop of either lube or pre-cum dampened a spot of it's fur just beside the thick, pink cock that some faceless guy was currently shoving into her. Apparently this was what Sam's manhood wanted, and it twitched and stiffened in response. A quick flick of his thumb loaded the video and so he sat back with a sigh, ready to start back up. As it turned out, the whole video had been filmed in the exact same way, and the unique approach was satisfyingly different enough that Sam found it rather rewarding to watch despite the lack of any full-frontal penetration shot. Every time the guy completed a stroke, the vulpine would gasp, high-pitched and cute. Causing her breath to fog up the camera's lense momentarily as she rocked in time with his powerful rhythm, breasts squished out beneath her on the plain white blanket.

When they picked up speed, Sam followed suit. Slowly increasing his efforts until he was locked in a pre-cum aided tempo of strokes, hitting his sensitive head at the apex before moving back down across the rest of his excited length to bottom out against his plump, shining knot. The edge of his fingers collided with the distinctive canine feature in sync with the couple on his screen. A nice enough approximation he figured, to a tight, warm partner. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum so hard" Sam groaned, leaning forward as if to guide the burning release building within him. Some part of him would have liked to time his climax with the 'material' at hand. But his eager body disagreed, driving him to stroke ever harder until he could no longer hold his hand steady. Confident motion became shaky repetition, teeth clenched, and the lupine's whole body braced itself for the flood of euphoria within. And the actual flood without, Sam felt himself give one or two powerful shudders beneath his hand before finally letting loose, painting the floor with a powerful shot of cum, energetic enough that the wolf was caught off guard and sent rushing to hold a paw in front of his tip to catch any further messes. Leaving both floor and hand collaterally covered in sticky warmth. He hadn't realized it right in that moment of solo afterglow, but as the last traces of libido left him they were replaced with some semblance of logic.

Fox? Shoulder-length brunette hair? Sam groaned out loud, if he'd a head for it, there was most definitely a lengthy bit of psychoanalytical crap he could have come up with as an explanation. But his head condensed the situation at hand well enough: I jerked off to a girl specifically because she looked like Jay. This was the unapologetic short of it. And what made this particular memory so uncomfortable to him. At least he figured that soon enough he'd go soft, head to bed and end this thing, right? Only his dick remained in it's eager state, something that most certainly did not happen back then. Sam waited while the bubble of recollection dissolved like all the others had, his breath bottled up tight. When at last it did however, realization slowly crept in that he wasn't hard in his memory. He was hard now, the wolf felt the unmistakable sensation of his cock pressing into the stout resistance of his jeans, a dull, constrained sort of tingling pleasure that demanded he let it loose and satisfy the urges that had been building up over the course of this lewd reminiscence journey. Of course even if he did think it was somehow ok to take any sort of action on that front while stranded on this field of smoke, that potential was smothered by his complete inability to move, as well as- Jay. Oh shit.

Sam cursed whatever part of him made the sly suggestion that perhaps he was lucky Jay was still out of it. As the fox would have definitely been feeling the interruptive presence of his friend's tent pole by now. Hell, it was starting to bother it's owner as well. Their position had him pressing not only into his own pants, but in turn into Jay's thigh. The firm muscle there had just the barest amount of give, enough that his friend's physical presence was distracting in a manner the wolf would never admit to. Apparently soft fur and the warmth beneath were enough for his instinctual control center even with the light from Jay's eyes blinding him. Nice to know where my brain's priorities are, how the Hell do I get out of here? The lupine let out a grunt of exertion, if his upper body refused to respond, he'd make some kind of effort with his lower half instead. Twisting his hips in an effort to somehow get away from Jay's ridiculous beam, being mindful that he didn't jab the fox someplace even more incriminating. What he hadn't taken into account, however, was that Jay would slide forward when his legs shifted apart. Which of course he did, the boy's butt moved just a little too far and a suggestive warmth took sudden hold of the wolf's inconvenient tent.

A single, instant understanding of what had occured surfaced in Sam's stunned mind, one that he'd never expected to reach: He was bumping right up between Jay's legs, the exact same spot where he'd seen that round, perky bulge of his in the refreshed memory of that day in the living room and Jay's damn running shorts. Had they both not been clothed, they'd be making a most erotic form of contact right now. Not that the present arrangement was much less suspect. It was just as Sam began a futile mental effort to will away his eager erection by force when he realized that the tooth-clenching resistance he was putting up resulted in him actually clenching his teeth. Control was slowly flooding back into his body just as the light from Jay's eyes began to dim. Though only the endless, bewildering dreamscape of blackness lay beyond, a sigh of relief nevertheless left his muzzle at the glare's long overdue recession. His neck felt as if whatever force was holding it had dissolved away and fallen down across his shoulders like an iron brace rusting into powder. Despite the ever-present sense of unease that permeated all of this, Sam took advantage of the welcome liberation and finally moved his hands off of Jay in order to lean back on them, noting the oddly soft, almost bouncy texture of whatever the thick, smoky stuff beneath his paws was.

For a moment it seemed as if Sam finally had mental room to mull over all that had happened since they left that tacky store. The memories, all of that bullshit, why were they all Jay? What's the deal with Jay? Hell, it was plain that the fox had been deliberately torturing him for a long, long time. And he could, as much as the one-hundred-and-ten-percent straight Sam would deny it, Jay's brazen flaunting had gotten to him in a way it shouldn't have. Slowly soaking through his mental barrier and building up into some unknown thing behind it, no matter how many times he thought the pressure was finally relieved it only returned ever stronger. Making his porn-based releases such as the one he'd just been forced to remember feel dishonest, like he was deceiving himself, and doing so incompetently at that. If only he could just talk to Jay... The wolf shut his eyes and sighed, enjoying the silence that washed over him.

Until his fleeting moment of tentative serenity was broken by a "S-sam?" It was Jay's voice, a relief to his friend's pointed ears. It felt to him as if the fox had been out for ages, in part given the impossibility of telling accurate time under present circumstances. "Sam I- holy shit... Wait, am I- is this?" Jay was breathless, one budding train of thought cut off by another as his mind was flooded with a fresh intake of information through his newly cleared senses.

A grin spread across the lupine's muzzle, his friend was alright, and hopefully enough to answer the questions he had in spades. "You okay, Jay? What the Hell is all this?"

Sam's voice was loud, raised though due to confusion more than anger, Jay's black ears nevertheless flattened back against his skull. "Look, I knew you'd ask, and I don't fucking know, dude. I kinda thought I'd just get high or something..." Jay sighed.

"So you don't know how to get out of here?" Sam asked, though he undoubtedly sounded distracted as a good portion of his attention was drawn away by the little caveat that Jay's ass was still planted on his boner.

"I don't even know where 'here' is...This can't actually be fucking happening" Jay glanced back and forth at the faux night sky that hung around them. Sam groaned beneath him, the little back and forth movements translated all the way down into his rear- which of course meant that his cheeks were grinding against Sam's most sensitive bit. Already the slow, almost sensual motion managed to coax a gasp out of the wolf. He was legitimately finding it difficult to focus through the drive Jay had been unwittingly stoking inside him.

"Jay, uh- not to make light of all this, but you do realize you're sitting on my uh, my-" Sam stumbled, using language to actually refer to that with his friend presented a sudden mental roadblock. Though Jay was apparently apt to pick up where he'd left off.

"Your dick? Oh shit, It's hard! S-sorry, I just remember blacking out when the smoke came down. 'Dunno how I ended up sitting on you, that's super weird"

"So you don't remember any of the... Y'know what? Just forget about it, we need to get out of here"

"Remember what? Wait... Why are you hard?"

"It's nothing" Sam brushed the question off, he was sure he'd just caught one of the fox's eyebrows raised in that inquisitive manner of his.

"Oh ok, sorry for asking" His voice lowered, disappointment. He'd clearly been expecting a different answer.

Sam ground his teeth, sucking in a breath of cool air as his eyes roved Jay's chest and it's well-cut architecture. He hadn't told him to get off yet, as if they both knew in some subconscious way that the taller lupine had dammed up his real explanation. And come flooding forth it eventually did. "Look, I saw a bunch of things, I remembered a bunch of things, I don't know how or why. But I did" Sam gave the shortest pause before continuing with his voice lowered to it's most gruff, stone-simple point, his eyes focused on Jay's eyes like lasers, they were green again, glowing with tentative lustful hope as opposed to actual light. "You've been teasing me for years, now I don't even know how much of this is real. But if the goal was to make me come clean then..."

"Then what?" Jay's voice wavered, it's owner taken off guard by Sam's sudden shift in tone.

"Then" The wolf swallowed a lump of gathering hesitance to make way for his next words. "Then if none of this is actually real, why don't we just... try it? L-like if this is just some trip or something, it's not even really gay, right?"

"Try w-what?" Jay asked, rhetorical, of course. The excited titter of his voice and playful flick of his tail's black tip behind him made that plain enough. He just wanted to hear his friend say it.

"We could, uh... Take this thing down and make my lap a more comfortable place to sit while we think about how to get outta here" Real smooth, Sam. He grimaced. Apparently though this was more than enough for Jay, he quickly planted his feet and stood with a grunt. Immediately he'd slipped free the little button that held his shorts tight. And as they began to slide down, revealing the gray waistband of his underwear. The gravity of what he'd just said hit Sam squarely in the chest. Real or not, this was happening.

"Holy shit, Sam. I still can't believe you said yes!" Jay was apparently full of pure excitement however, as opposed to the uneasy mixture that occupied his friend. So much so that he fumbled what appeared to be an attempt at a sensual peeldown of his garment, his thumb missing it's mark.

"Look, I- just... Woah, ok" Sam went silent, Jay had cocked both his denim cutoffs and underwear down on one side using his thumb. Showing just a little white fur and the curve of his hip while his free black-gloved paw wandered around to the rear. Where he swiftly produced something that threw the pinprick lights back at both of them. That shiny little bottle of lube. If this wasn't serious before, it is now.

"looks like this came with me, kinda weird, right? Well I guess I'll need it if you're as big as that bulge feels" Sam giggled, a high-pitched sound that Jay had only heard him make before when he was telling him about some particularly heavy encounter. Now that it was directed towards him the feeling was more surreal than anything. Eventually Jay's shorts capitulated to gravity, relinquishing their hold on his hips and sliding down the smiling Fox's legs. The reveal got a hesitant grin out of Sam as his eyes at last roved his friend's snowy-white furred 'package'. He had a knot just like the wolf, Sam had expected as much, but what he hadn't expected was how inoffensive he found staring at another guy's equipment to be. Jay was similar in size to him in fact, though the fox's slight build certainly made the light-pink canine cock look larger in proportion. Not that Sam would have much longer to leer, as soon enough Jay turned on his heel with an excited little jump. Bending his back and flipping his vulpine paintbrush as high as it could go in order to better advertise the parts of himself he'd previously only fantasized about Sam being genuinely interested in. "Uh oh, Sam~ Look at this, I'm all exposed and you're staring. Not very... What was it, one hundred percent straight? Of you, is it?" Jay glanced back with a stereotypically sly smile plastered across his muzzle and used his paws to grab the soft cheeks of his ass in order to give himself a big, inviting spread.

"Oh jeez- That's uh, that's nice, Jay" Sam stumbled over his words at the sight being presented to him, being a red fox, Jay had a lake of milky white running along his front that cupped his rear end as well. Creating a contrasting white-on-orange heart shape that accentuated the light pink hole that lay just above his softly-furred pouch. A wonderfully clean looking entrance that broadcasted tightness through it's strong pucker, despite how much experience Jay purported himself to have had.

"You think so? I take really good care of myself back there, but it's never gonna lube itself, y'know? I was plan- uh, thinking just now, we make both ends nice and wet. Just get those pants off while I fill myself up with oil over here" Jay tapped the little vial against the side of his butt for added emphasis, sending the slightest of ripples through his firm assets. "I'll make this the best it can be, promise!"

"Right, yeah" Sam mumbled, his cheeks flushing bright red as he proceeded to unbutton and then unzip his jeans. The process was made more complicated than it should have been. As Jay was doing a fantastic job of distracting him, intentionally or not. He'd popped the lube's cork and begun coating two fingers with the slick, clear substance, tail wagging back and forth with anticipation. The wolf nodded his acknowledgement once he'd pulled his pants down and away to bring his straining bulge one step closer to freedom, with grey cotton underwear serving as the last barrier between his pleasure and Jay.

"Hold on, let me just set this down~" The fox cooed, perhaps using the act of placing his lube on the murky ground as an excuse to bend over even further. With two fingers held out and glistening and his other paw providing a firm grip and half-spread, he wasted no time bringing the blob of lube up to his waiting tailhole. Gasping happily at the sensation of the soft, circling motion his fingers made across the taught, creased ring. Working as much viscous assistance into the outside as he could. "F-feels really good so far, 'think you might've been wrong on this stuff" Jay teased, finally curling just one of his fingers inward for a coordinated action of both digit and asshole as he opened at will to give himself a smooth, luxuriously tight passage beyond tightness and into soft warmth. Sam's eyes went wide, he'd only half tugged the waistband of his briefs down, but the visual of Jay's soft ass spread wide with his pink tailhole wrapped tightly to his finger was unexpectedly alluring. Enough to make him hurry his efforts and finally go full-on bottomless. His member jumped free immediately, throbbing at the air and sending dull pleasure through the lupine boy's body.

"Nnf~ I can feel it making me all slippery inside, see?" Jay demonstrated just how slippery by pushing his finger harder until he'd effortlessly buried it up to the knuckle. Indulging in a few back-and-forth strokes against the sensitive walls that made him squirm in anticipation before he snuck a second finger in. Letting out a loan of happy fullness as the two bumped up against one another and spread his sensitive ring open wider. The fox started up a rhythm of light strokes to better paint his insides with lube, though this had the side effect of stimulating his uniquely male weak zone. An apparently pent up one at that, if the shining strand of pre that dripped slowly down between his legs from his rapidly hardening cock was anything to go off of. "I'm so fucking ready, when I turn around you'd better have that thing nice and unwrapped for me~" Jay said, voice dripping with lust as he pulled his fingers free with an audible -pop-. His tailhole winked lewdly at the sudden emptiness before the trim fox turned to inspect what would soon be filling it. "Oh shit" Jay laughed. "I knew you'd be nice and big but damn if I haven't seen a knot that nice in..." He tapped his chin, gazing off into nothingness as if reminiscing deeply on his encounters with male genitalia. "Hmmm, mind if I give it a totally straight taste test? Just good friends do?"

"I uh- Mean I did say we could try it, and-"

"Yeah!" Jay said, before surprising his friend even further by dropping down to a pose on all fours. From which he began to crawl towards the bigger male. Keeping his gaze focused on his counterpart's eyes with an uncanny steadiness. With the curling peaks of fog licking at his face, the fox ended up looking the part of some mythological prettyboy monster... Thing- To Sam's still-disoriented mind at least.

It wasn't long until he'd reached his goal and wrapped a paw around it, luxuriating in the way Sam squirmed at their first ever overtly sensual contact. It was obvious to him that the effeminate vulpine was absolutely ecstatic. He'd given Sam just a couple of light up and down strokes, the soft fur of his hand bottoming out against that fat wolf knot in a lovely slow-burn way that oddly reminded it's owner of his own 'solo sessions'. The handjob had apparently already done it's duty of summoning a sizable drop of pre from Sam's pointy canine head, one that Jay eyed hungrily.

"Look at that~ Already making a mess- Y'know this is your body's way of saying 'please find me some cute hole to stuff', right? It's so... Mnnh~ cute" Jay's voice lowered to something approximating a growl when he moved in to caress his friend's shaft from the side, sending pleasure arcing through his brown-furred body and stealing the glistening precursor away to be noisily swallowed. Without any further hesitation Jay brought the tip of his muzzle right above Sam's tip and then dropped it down, immediately taking half his length into the loving care of his tongue with next to no difficulty. The sudden, provocative sensation was already enough to have the wolf gasping and grunting with his chest in rapid, lust-driven rise-and-fall. But Jay wanted to give him more, he snaked his tongue across Sam's sensitive surface with abandon, tasting the forbidden aspects of his friend that he'd longed for. His each and every enthused breath ticking Sam's knot.

"Oh shit that's good, d-damn" Sam mumbled, glancing down at the fox who was now hungrily slurping at him like an ice pop. Deliberately making a wet mess of his dick, using the combination of saliva and pre-cum to lube that wolf cock for the activities to come. Sam's body echoed the enthusiasm, as clear enough the beginnings of an orgasm were building somewhere within him, rippling out as tiny, telltale twitching throbs in his member. Jay must have detected them as well and began pulling his head back. Though doing so slowly, so that the roof of his mouth dragged lazily along the top side of Sam's now-slick lupine manhood, making him squirm for just a little longer. Until finally Sam left his mouth, popping free and trailing a shining mess across Jay's chin where it was quickly lapped up.

"Mmmnh~ There we go" Jay said, making a point of loudly smacking his lips. "Good enough to spread me wiiiide open~ Now, about that..." The Tod pushed his brown bangs out of his line of sight with a single finger, then promptly began an about face until his rear now sat right above Sam's boner and put him in shadow, the wolf staring wordlessly even as a droplet of Jay's own pre-cum landed on his thigh. His friend had a certain beguiling energy once he was this close, and despite being one-hundred-and-ten percent straight, Sam caught his own tongue in the act of roving his lips just as his eyes did the same to the now-glistening pink ring underneath Jay's hiked tail, practically calling to him with that puckered tightness Jay somehow managed to maintain. "Grab it with your hand and 'ya can guide it in"

Sam nodded and did as he was told by taking the portion of his shaft just above the knot into a loose fist. Figuring that Jay knew best when it came to anal congress. The fox would play his part by lowering his butt ever down towards the waiting canine spear below him. Reality hit when he was close enough that Sam could feel the heat radiating off of his lubed hole. And that hot, debauched reality would be cemented when at last he felt the head of his cock make first contact with the stout resistance Jay was undoubtedly putting up on purpose. Trying his best to make this first intimate act the most pleasurable it could be. His ring quivered and begged to be forced open further by the luxuriously slow speed at which a gasping, whining Jay descended onto his friend. As he moved from Sam's head to his shaft, the width of what he was spearing himself on only increased, filling the Tod's body with his favorite cocktail of pain and pleasure.

"Oh fuck, oh no~ it's so good- you're so good- How do I feel? Am I wet enough?" Jay asked, breathless. Sam didn't reply with words, though the affirmative grunt he gave was reassurance enough for Jay.

In truth, Sam was in shock at precisely how nice it all was. He was only halfway in, having had to remove his guiding hand to make room for his friend's plush butt. And already his body was once again knocking on orgasm's door. Though he'd been firmly pushed into Jay's butt courtesy of gravity and the fox's weight. The effeminate boy was putting up sound resistance, clenching and tugging at him with repeated, alternating strokes of muscle skill that would allow him unimpeded access to the hot, blissful velvet folds beyond, before suddenly pushing back with stern force that put just enough pressure on his boner to make him gasp and moan out loud.

"Bet- ngh you just expected me to lay there and take it, didn't you?" Jay giggled, bringing his rear down further until he was on his haunches.

"I-I don't know" Was all Sam could reply with, he wasn't exactly in the right state of mind for debating his friend's approach to bottoming. As the new depth Jay had sunk to was at last causing his knot to bottom out against the slick outer edges of the Tod's hole with glorious pressure, it was everything his body wanted. But Jay was apparently content to give- and take more. He began to raise his posterior up, freeing more than half of Sam's member and letting his muscles drag against it, before dropping down once again, landing on the poor boy's knot with a lube-assisted -slap- Leaving the wolf roll his head back and let out a deep moan. This, as it turned out, was only the first beat of Jay's rhythm. And he would lift himself once again only to crash back down onto his friend's trembling length.

"Y-you found yourself stuck in this place all alone with a hungry fox to keep you company~ So I hope you're ready!" Jay cried, though his words were obviously meant to carry playful confidence, his wavering tone of voice gave away the fact that he was barely resisting the urge to melt into a Reynard-colored puddle of girlish moans. Sam's cock was both long and thick enough to hit his most sensitive zone again and again, sending a storm of fire through his trim body every time he completed a bouncing stroke. His own cock was rock-hard, driven to a leaky, needy state by Jay's cock as it would ram him full of stiff warmth only to pull back and leave him so achingly empty again and again. "Sam you- you're fucking filling me so much~"

You don't say? Sam thought, eying the way Jay's ass jiggled every time his shining, plump knot bottomed out against the fox's straining entrance. Marveling at the ease with which they'd picked up a rapid, noisy rhythm. Assisted by the combination of pre-cum, lube and spit that coated Jay's insides. Sam would've been content to just sit back and let his friend ride a load out of him. But some region of his mind posited a different way forward, one in which he'd try his best to make the haughty twink on top of him cum first. Sam decided, with a fanged grin. That he liked this idea, and so as Jay completed another one of his strokes, Sam put his own hips into play for the first time. Meeting the fox and driving against him. The friction on his soft inner walls knocked free a rather high-pitched yip of joy and surprise along with a string of unsteady words.

"W-what are you doing big boy? Trying to help me out? I might be girly but I can take care of my- A-augh! My ass" Jay gasped, much to the lupine's amusement. He'd laid two firm hands on the chiseled divide between Jay's hips and his stomach, gripping him tight and allowing for a series of ever more powerful thrusts from below that shattered the Reynard's remaining resolve. Replacing words with the sloppy sound of fur-on-fur. Even Jay's tailhole could evidently no longer keep up it's stalwart defense and he gave way, loosening around Sam in a way that let him hit Jay's prostate with even more accuracy.

Sam clenched his powerful wolf's jaws shut, he was getting somewhere, he could tell by the change in sensation his friend was giving him. His deliberate, well-timed clenches had been replaced by random muscle movements that twitched around their intruder. He just had to hold off his own orgasm until...

"N-nooo I'm gonna cum" Jay let it out as some combination between a moan of pleasure and a genuine complaint, he'd been defeated. But oh, how good defeat felt. The obvious signs had built up from beneath his tail and traveled like a bolt of lightning across his cock. He threw his head back, arching his body and planting his claws into the inky morass in front of himself. Bracing for the orgasm that assaulted him in short order. The vulpine bucked his hips and ground down on Sam, he felt it coming before he saw it, rope after rope shot out of his twitching, almost-painfully hard cock and landed in front of him, splattering unseen into the fog. However the wonderful orgasm hadn't played it's last, as soon afterwards a new sensation would explode into Jay's poor system, just as a massive presence did the same to his asshole. It's smooth, round shape being unmistakably that of Sam's knot. Forcing it's way past his pucker and slamming home within the squeezing passage beyond. Jay opened his mouth to lewdly cry once more, but nothing escaped his trembling body beyond a scant few drops of cum that were practically squeezed out of his dick from behind by the fat knot that was now fully pressed into him, tying the two together.

Sam also announced his orgasm without words, though he was anything but silent. Heartily growling in the manner only an overstimulated wolf could. His knotted shaft twitched and bulged inside Jay before finally firing it's load deep into the fox's internal warmth as a series of powerful, surging pulses, flooding him with white-hot climax at a volume that felt to both as if it would never end, turning the space beyond Sam's knot into a sticky mess, sloshed about by a few final rolling squeezes from Jay. Perhaps a feeble attempt at milking him dry, ending when at last both fell still and a little wistful sigh escaped the cum-packed fox as the tension left his body before he settled in to indulge in the feeling of his friend's length slowly softening inside him. All except for the knot of course, which stayed in place to prevent much of anything from escaping his tailhole.

"H-holy shit" Sam murmured, trying to catch his breath.

"Just emptied you out d-didn't I?" Jay let out a subdued half-giggle. waggling his butt just a little, perhaps with full knowledge that the move would make Sam wince given that he was still stuck inside him.

"Uh huh... I guess you really did" He said, sitting back on his hands once more to look at the speckled sky and, perhaps to avoid some of the awkwardness that came with having his friend's ass currently tied to his lap. But also simply because there really wasn't much else to do, and focusing on the glinting pinpricks above him allowed his mind to wander in it's pleasantly weary post-orgasmic state. Only not even this went exactly as planned, for his attention was occupied by movement in a place that had long been devoid of such. The lights were expanding, not necessarily brighter. But the reach of their glow steadily expanded outwards from their once pinprick-small state. He'd half a mind to tap Jay on the ass, that being the only part of him he could actually reach. But when he did, the orange-and-white bottom didn't respond in any way, physically or vocally. So there he sat in silence, watching the sky that he'd fallen from bloom into an incandescent canopy. Until at last steady glow would become a blinding flash, and his visual world was all but annihilated.

Bam Bam Bam Bam

Bam Bam Bam Bam

"What the f-" Sam's mouth opened before his eyes did. Though when they caught up, the view he found did a fantastic job of censoring him, he took note of the bizarre fact that he was laying back on his seat in full recline, but oh there was Sunlight!, regular sunlight. Golden and inviting, was hitting him squarely in the chest, it's color darkened by what could have only been smoked glass. His car. He was back in his car, and apparently his car was back in the mall parking lot. Which last he remembered was a rather quiet place. So his head snapped into position to determine just who the fuck thought it was ok to knock on somebody else's window and interrupt what should have been a relieving, serene reintroduction to reality. Finding that some guy, a skunk. Was peering in at the groggy wolf with a stupid grin plastered across his face. Out of instinct Sam sent an incredulous "What are you doing?!" His way. Though his voice was undoubtedly muffled, the stranger had apparently read his lips well enough to respond with his own gesture, a finger up against the window and pointing down at something in front of him.

In front of him. Sam followed the direction of his finger, heart beginning to race as he realized what the spectacle was. Himself. His bottomless self. As if his lack of any pants or undergarments wasn't enough, there was a presence there instead that shouldn't have been. A warm, soft and familiar one. That being none other than Jay. Still balancing on his elbows with his butt resting against the inside of his friend's thighs. A position that was only necessary due to the fact that Sam's knot was solidly lodged behind the stretched pink ring of his asshole, where the wolf caught just the barest glittering of residual wetness. Forcing the now-wide eyed canine full of adrenaline as his mind weighed which was worse, the fact that all of their acts in that dark, foggy wonderland had apparently actually happened and he'd just finished fucking his best friend in a mall lot, or the fact that somebody saw at the very least, part of it. In no position to actually get up seeing as there was a fox attached to.him, Sam resorted to grabbing Jay's haunches and attempting to shake him awake, blushing feverishly with the knowledge that they were being watched all the while.

"W-wha? Ooh Sam... W-we don't need to- we can sleep in~" Jay mumbled what were his first words in far too long than was comfortable for the wolf, who grunted his protest.

"I don't know what you did, but just wake up, holy shit!" Sam growled, trying his best to keep his voice urgent without tipping off the pure desperation he felt inside.

"Hmm~ But why? Your car is so nice and-" Jay apparently had at last realized how serious Sam was as his head jerked into position to see what exactly had him so worried, a few flakes of ash falling loose from his hair as he did so. "What?! Hey! You fucking get out of here, right now!" Jay shouted, his voice raised in a way his friend had scarcely heard before. Though the mephitid stranger in the window only laughed in response. Sam and Jay both realized why in very short order. Apparently the fox's shock at waking up only to discover that he'd been caught in the act was enough to send a muscle action through his body, powerful enough that the ring of his tailhole managed to flex outward and free Sam's knot with a loud, obvious -Spurt!-. Being the sound of lube, cum and the rest of his now-rested cock being pushed outward to make a runny mess of his poor beige seat. Sam groaned, looking first to the window where their spectator gave a cheesy thumbs-up before casually walking off. And then back down at his stupid, slutty fox friend with his hole gaped open almost to the size of his knot, making wet, lewd little noises as it winked open and closed, every contraction forcing out tiny, remaining droplets that ran down the inside of his thighs and across his smooth sack.


"Uh... yeah?" He asked, rather meekly as if bracing for whatever emotion the larger male had prepared for him.

"So that... Stuff... Was real? You actually did all that?"

"You did 'all that'" Jay sniped back, resting his hand on his chin. "I'm the one who's ass almost got blown out by a fat fucking knot"

"Can you just tell me what... how? Where?"

"I told you I don't know!"

"Look, I guess it doesn't matter. Someone already saw, but that's it. I know how you are, don't tell a single soul about any of this" The wolf growled, pointing his finger at him, a gesture made less effective due to the fact that the fox was facing the opposite direction.

"You know 'how I am'?" Jay asked, taken aback. "You do realize I don't talk about this kind of stuff with anybody but you, right?"

No. No he didn't know that. "Why?"

"Because I think you're hot as Hell and I've been wanting to jump your stupid bones ever since I met you. Those flowers and lube were supposed to... I dunno 'bring out the truth' or something, like if you felt the same way and were hiding it, they'd help you admit it. I just thought it would be a fun novelty thing, I didn't know we'd like, fuck inside an alternate dimension or something" Jay's voice descended into light laughter as he caught up with just how ridiculous his own words sounded. "I think it worked, you did admit something to me, and pretty clearly too" As if to make a point of just how he'd done so, the fox flexed open and closed around the glistening load that still leaked all over his smooth, soft balls from the muscular ring above.

"I guess I did" Sam began slowly. "Like I said in the- I...you're such a damn tease I don't know how it took all this to actually put it all together. But damn if it isn't frustrating"

"And so you decided to fuck me in the ass. Not very one-hundred-and-ten-percent straight of you, is it?"

"Er, n-no no it isn't, guess burning that stuff actually worked" Sam mumbled distractedly, Jay had moved a hand back to take hold of half his butt and spread it to the side. Presenting everything to him.

"So we don't talk about this again. But if you ever feel anything, just let me know some other way~"

"No more flowers though, please. Even If I gotta live with this one I at least wanna do it in this world"

"Yeah besides, buying your friend flowers? that's super gay. Not gonna do it" Waving his hand dismissively, the fox grunted as he made a rather shaky attempt at sitting upright before stretching his arms out above his head and yawning. "Right, wanna get driving?"Jay piped up, his voice suddenly as chipper as he'd been in the mall, as if none of the day's inexplicable bullshit had actually occurred.

"Fine, but you're getting those shorts back on, I don't feel like cleaning up all of... That from two seats"

"Yeah, sure. I'm gonna need a shower, too" Jay said, searching around with his hand to uncover his discarded undergarments, striking a rather classic pin-up pose on the reclined seat's edge, one leg stretched out as far as it could go to make slipping it into his shorts more convenient. "Like I said before, I don't mind if you take a peek if the need arises~" The vulpine cooed. "Besides I might need someone to check if I've gotten all these stupid ashes out of my hair. After all it is kinda hard to uh... 'watch your own back'"

"That's what friends are for" Sam shakily added to his statement, not sure what to do next other than dress himself and try to find some way to wipe the seat down before they got on their way home. A new, lurid memory had just been added on top of all those prior that caused him so much confusion. Only this time, through the most bizarre of means. He and Jay had worked through it together, he and his dumb, giggly twinky slut of a fox who glowed orange like a flame cutting through the fog of any and all manner of veil he managed to throw up. He didn't want to admit it, but in truth it was obvious- he'd already embraced that radiating warmth long ago, all that remained was to leap in and let it light up his world... Even if, at least for now. Moving towards it inch by inch, playing Jay's teasing game. Was perhaps even more exciting, and some small, but growing part of him couldn't wait to see what he had in store next.