Choice Part 3

Story by DJ Wolf 92 on SoFurry

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Forced to face emotions, will Chase admit his feelings, or will he let Alex slip away? Part four will be released next week. As always, comments and critics are much appreciated, and enjoy :)

I spent Christmas eve and Day sulking around when I was alone but put on a brave face whenever I was with my parents, and friends later on. Mom asked me if Alex and his father were coming over on Christmas day. That's right . . . they were supposed to . . . I told Mom that Alex wasn't answering his phone, so he must be spending it with his Dad, at least, that's what I figured.

_ The day after Christmas Mom and Dad began packing for their trip to my aunt's place. There were going to stay there for three or four days to catch up and spend what was left for winter break with her and her cubs. So, I had a few days of house to myself._

_ Apparently, they told me were had planned this trip a couple of weeks ago, guess I had forgotten._

_ This was perfect. I spent the first day trying to build up the courage to drive to Alex's place to apologize. But once I got into the car my body froze up. I was terrified to see him again. Mostly because of the terrible things I said, just the thought of them made my body swarm with guilt._

_ Come one! You can do this . . ._

_ It wasn't until ten minutes sitting in the car that I finally pulled out of the garage and headed over. Unfortunately, the lights weren't on. I came back four separate times each day and there still was no activity inside. This worried me, and the fact that I couldn't call him worried me even more._

_ By the third day, I had gotten bitter about my situation. It was like Alex was poison, slowly crawling through my body, affecting every part of me. It coursed through me, poisoning my heart and mind, and I hated him for it. It was all-consuming . . ._

_ I instantly felt guilty about having such thoughts: that I would simply be better off without him. It was funny though, Alex was the poison inside me, but it also felt like he was the cure to my sickness. That having him near me would make the poison retreat, eaten way._

_ But, if I don't find him and fix this tear between us, it felt like I might be able to breathe again._

_ On the fourth day, I decided I'd go back to the PRIDE group at school to see if he was there._

The school's parking lot was bare when I pulled in. Ever on winter break, the school was still active. I wondered the empty hallways, trying to find the class the PRIDE was being held in. I stood outside the room, paw frozen in place on the doorknob. What if he wasn't in there? Maybe I could peek through the window inside.

Come one! I told myself. Don't wuss out!

I burst inside, knowing if I did it slowly, I would never have made it inside. All conversation had stopped and everyone stared at me in shock.

I scanned the room, disappointed that I did see the badger.

The queenie fox, Lonny, walked over, his ears splayed in annoyance. "What are you doing here? Finally realized what team you bat for?" he asked, a sly smirk set on his muzzle at the least question. Foxes . . .

"What? No . . . I'm looking for someone."

He placed a paw on his fat hip and waved a paw. "Of course you are. Only faggots come to these meetings."

This guy was starting to get my last nerves.

"Hey!" a husky protested. "I'm straight here, you know."

Lonny laughed dryly. "Please! You're as queer as the rest of us."

The husky blushed, his tall ears folded back, confirming the statement.

Fuck this, I don't need this shit. I stomped out, biting back any comments I had for the fox. It's no wonder guys like him got the shit beat out of them.

By the end of the day, I decided to see a movie by myself, dispirited.

I pulled up to a parking space across the movie theater and headed for the ticket booth.

"Hello sir," the mink said. "How are you today?"

I forced a smile. "I'm good. What's the scariest horror movie you got playing tonight?" I asked.

The mink rubbed his chin as he thought about it. "The Slaughter House is a pretty good one. You a fan of horror?"

"Um, yeah," I said. "Can I get a ticket for that one?" I hate horror movies, one of the reasons I refused to go to haunted houses during October. I figured this would be the perfect punishment for me.

At the end of the movie I walked out and headed for the car. It wasn't until I got inside that I realized I have no idea what the movie was about, which in retrospect was a good thing. My mind was just wouldn't leave Alex. I kept thinking about our kiss.

I traced my fingers against my lips; I could still feel and taste him on them. It still seemed surreal to me. That made me smile a little.

Ugh. Why am I torturing myself about this? I rest my head against the steering wheel, rather hard. I can't do anything until I find some way to meet up with him, but he hasn't been to his place in days, and that worried me.

I can't see him, I can't call him. I can't . . . I don't know.

Couples started to file out of the movies theater. Some were the same species, others were mixed. One couple, a bear and a badger headed out and started making their way near the back of the theater.

My heart sped up. Could it be . . .? Was that Alex? It had to be! I don't know how, but I just knew.

But . . . he was with a someone, a bear. Hold on. Didn't Alex say the guy who used them was a bear? No, he wouldn't go back to him, would he?

I got out of the car and made my way back to the building, keeping my distance. The couple turned into an alleyway. I kept back near the entrance and perked my ears for any sound.

"Derek, please," Alex said. I could hear the pleading in his voice. "Stop it, please, I don't want to do it here . . ."

Derek, I assume, chuckled. "Come on, you'll love it," he said.

I heard a bit of a struggle. Something zipped and Alex whimpered.

Something powerful and fierce erupted from me, a fire that enveloped my body. The sound of Alex whimpering made me snap. I ran into the alleyway, yelling Alex's name. The pair froze, and I tore the bear away from my badger.

"Hey!" Derek started to say until I rammed my fist into his face. His nose gave a satisfying crack and he stumbled back onto the ground, holding his nose, his pants open. Blood trickled down his fingers.

"What the fuck was that for?" Derek shouted.

I stood over him, fist clenched. Pure rage filled me, and standing for that worthless piece of shit gave me satisfaction at seeing him cower. "If you ever touch Alex again, I'll make sure you'll regret," I snarled, baring my fangs for good measure. My hackles raised.

Derek stared at me in disbelieve. "Fine," he said and spat out blood. "Keep the slut, see if I care."

I turned away from Derek and made my way to Alex. "Hey . . ." I said as softly as possible. "Alex, are you ok?"

He just stared down at the ground. His gaze shifted between the bear and me.

I started to walk away, hoping he would follow me, but he didn't. He just stood there in shock.

"Alex?" I called. When he didn't budge. I gave a frustrated sigh and grabbed his paw and lead him away from the alleyway to the car.

After a few minutes of driving, I reached over and placed a paw on his shoulder. He cringed away as if my paw was a fire or something.

My heart ached inside. I guess I deserved that.

The rest of the car ride back home was painfully silent. The air around was tense, charged with uneasiness I spent the whole ride trying to think of something to say what would make it better between us, and unfortunately came up with nothing.

Why did he go back to his abusive ex? What did he say to his father? What does he think of me now . . . ? I wouldn't blame him if he hates me--though probably not as much as I hate myself right now.

"Where have you been," I asked after some time. "I've been looking for you everywhere?"

I was only answered with a flick of his eyes and silence. He bundled up his jacket and stared out the window.

Even in the somewhat chilly car, I felt hot and had to restrain myself from panting. It wasn't a sexual pant, more of a nervous one.

"We . . . once we get home, I want to talk about that night, I really do . . ."

Alex flicked an ear toward me to let me know he was listening. Well, that's good at least. I was worried I might still be in shock.

Once I pulled up to the driveway, Alex hopped out and stormed inside. I raced to catch up to him. By the time, I made it to the door, Alex was already upstairs. He headed for my room and slammed to door shut.

I sighed. Great.

Leisurely I walked up the stairs and stood at my bedroom door, paw hesitantly resting on the doorknob. As absurd as it was, could I walk into my room with Alex there? I wanted to. I wanted to talk about what happened, about what I said. . . .

But the thought of facing him filled me with terror. What would he say? What would I say? If I got angry would I say some more heartful things? Would I walk out again? I didn't see that happening, we were at my house for fuck sake.

Ears perked, I listened for any sound from inside, about only caught the steady breathing from Alex. My own scent was too potent from the inside, so I couldn't gauge what he was feeling through scent.

Reluctantly I walked inside, ears down, and saw the badger standing near the end of my room, eyes focused on me. We stood there for what seemed like hours, waiting for the other to say something. I knew I should be the first, but couldn't form the words. Whenever I thought about it, it seemed to the air was sucked out from my lungs. And knew if I waited any longer, Alex would grow more impatient and walk out.

"I'm sorry . . ." I finally said. My voice sounded too small, I wasn't sure if he heard me or not. I was halfway across the room, to get closer to him and then stopped when I saw Alex retreat further back.

From the glare, he shot my way told me he did. "You're sorry?! Are fucking kidding me? Your sorry, that's great."

The hard scent of anger tickled my nose as it rolled off him. The instantly in the air was starting to get to me, making me angry as well. I couldn't latch onto any words until the image of Derek popped into my head. "Well, what were you doing with Derek? Huh? He hurt you, didn't he?"

Alex scoffed. "What was it you said? 'What makes you think I'd want to kiss a faggot?' Well, if you didn't want me, what makes me think I'd be good enough for anyone else?"

My chest tightened at earing my own words spit back in my face. "I know what I said . . . it was wrong, ok?! I didn't mean it. It's just that the kiss . . . I was surprised . . ." I fumbled over my own words.

Alex looked me dead in the eye. "The kiss . . ." he said, his voice and eyes a distant, reflecting on the moment. "Tell me the truth, I mean it, did it mean something to you?"

"I don't know . . ."

His lips curled over his fangs and tears rolled down his cheeks. "No, don't give me that bullshit! You wanted to kiss me, you felt something I know it. God! What do you want from me?!"

"I don't know!" I shouted, my fist clenched.

"Are you afraid you enjoyed it? That you might actually like me?" His ears were perked, giving me his full attention.

I adverted my teary gaze. A good minute passed by until I finally murmured, "Yes." My voice was so small, even I could barely hear it over the pounding of my heart. I looked up and saw the surprise on Alex's face. "All I know is that I haven't been able to get you out of my mind after the kiss--even before that!"

I ran a paw through my head fur. "I don't know what I'm feeling right now. It's just that, when I'm near you, I get that strange feeling inside. I don't like it, nor do I want it . . . but it's there! It just won't go away no matter how hard I try!"

Something flickered across the badger's face, and his eyes brightened with what? Hope?

"What are you saying?" he asked, his voice quivering. He stood there, eyes and ears attentive.

I opened my muzzle to say it, but couldn't bring myself to. So, I stood where I was, scowling at the carpet. I just couldn't . . .

"Fine," Alex said after a minute or two of waiting. His voice was both cold and emotionless at the same time. Panic coursed through me as he walked past me, avoiding my wide eyes, toward the door.

No, wait! Please, don't leave me! I wanted to say. But I was frozen, and couldn't make my body move with the ice that gripped me. He was going to walk out on me as I did to him. Was I really going to let him go through with it? I knew that if I did, that would be the end of Alex and me. For Good.

It wasn't until I heard the doorknob move that I said, "Wait!" I whipped around to face him. Determination was the only thing driving me forward.

My voice shook with emotions. Could I say it out loud? And if I did, what would happen? I knew what I was feeling, something I hadn't felt since Emily.

I took a deep breath and met Alex's silvery gaze. "I love you, alright?! I have for some time now . . .Hell! Probably from the first time I met you months ago."

Fuck, I can't take it anymore! I ran to him and rested my paws on his cheeks, lifting them up, and pressed our lips together. It was thrilling, like static running through my entire body, emanating from our kiss.

I stepped back, watching Alex's expression. His legs trembled as if he was about to collapse. I reached out and grabbed his paw, pulling him close to my body. It felt good, right almost, to hold him like this. It was something I had been yearning for.

Alex pressed his face against my chest, breathing in and out. He seemed to be too stunned to say anything. He wrapped his arms, and raised his muzzle, meeting my gaze. "l love you too . . . . you stupid bastard. You almost let me leave."

That feeling returned from hearing him say I love you. I let it feel me, and I pressed our lips together again until even our lips weren't enough. We kissed again with renewed passion. Lips parted, I slipped my tongue onto his maw, touching his.

All of a sudden it felt like I could finally breathe. Denying myself from this moment was hard. It was almost like holding your breath, impossible without dying. And this kiss . . . his touch gave me my breath back.

We panted hard into each other, stealing each other's breath away.

I stepped away from him, trying to catch my breath, and from the looks of it, so was Alex. I never knew kissing another man would be this intense. It was like I drug, and I wanted to come back for more.

We didn't wait long before we started again, pressing our tongues and bodies together, deepening the kiss.

My head reeled from sensations I was feeling, a drug indeed. Warmth spread throughout my body, like a steady heat that saw slowly getting hotter. It was almost impossible not to take my clothes off from the warm glow within me.

I_wanted_ him--no, I needed more of him.

While we continued our make-out session, I ran my paw under his shift, running my fingers through his soft black and white fur. "Your shirt, off now," I demanded.

Alex gave me an incredible look, before pulling his shirt off with a smirk.

Wow . . . he was well built. I pressed my fingers against his chest, feeling the formed muscles beneath.

Alex grabbed me and pressed me against my dresser, kissing my lips again until he started working down to my neck, nuzzling the hollow of my neck. I couldn't help but pant as he continued his assault of kisses, nuzzles, and nips to my collar bone.

I cupped his chin and raised it until our muzzles touched once again. I stroked his cheek with a thumb while my other paw rested on the back of his head, rubbing one of his ears near the base.

Alex laced his fingers into my scuff fur while his other paw unbuttoned my shirt, sliding it off my shoulders until it hit the ground. His paws roamed by bare chest, running his fingers alongside my shoulder blades.

I gasped as those paws slipped into the front of my jeans. He felt against the inside of my thigh until he pressed against my sheath, squeezing the tip. He was enjoying this, from the chuckle he gave, hearing my whimpers. I couldn't let him have all the fun. Slowly, I slid down to my knees until I was face to face with the front of his pants. I undid the zipper and hooked my fingers inside, sliding them down until--

I looked up, a sly grin on my muzzle. "Jockstrap?" I asked inquisitively.

Alex blushed hard. "They made me feel sexy," he said, tail wagging.

I grinned and gingerly slid his underwear down, heart racing inside. Once his underwear was out of the way, my nose was hit with the hard scent of a badger, not it was unpleasant. I was face to face with his plumb black sheath, and the tip of his shaft was peeking out.

Holly . . . Shit . . . for a small guy he was big! Just the size of his sheath was big, imagine what it'd look like unsheathed.

"Wow . . . uh . . ." I muttered a little unsure what to do at this point. I had never been intimate with another guy before.

Alex looked down and gave me a warm smile. "We don't have to do this . . . I don't mind."

That was a blatant lie. His musky scent and ever-emerging shaft were evident of that. But still . . . it was nerves, that's all, I told myself. I want this, I think. No. I want this, I had to have all of him.

I shook my head. "No, I want to," I said. My breath washed over his sheath when I spoke, making him shiver.

"Ooooh-ok . . ." he moaned, obviously trying to restrain himself for my benefit. "We'll just take this slow, ok?"

I nodded, and slowly pressed my nose against his sheath, letting even more of his most intimate scent fill my nose. Come on, you can do this . . . I placed my paw on his sheath and started bathing it with my tongue.

Alex gasped above me, so I must be doing something right.

I slid his sheath up and down his shaft until he was fully out and rock hard. The heat emanating from it tickled my whiskers. He throbbed under my fingers, and a pearl of pre dripped down his shaft. Well, it's not or never. I pressed my tongue against his tip and slowly slid him into my muzzle, tongue pressed against this throbbing hardness.

Once he was inside, I got the full force of his taste. It wasn't all that bad. I worked my tongue along his tip while slowly sliding him in and out of my muzzle. That enlisted a moan from Alex, making me want to double my efforts.

This is actually kind of fun . . . the taste of him, and the sounds he was making made my own sheath tingle with arousal until I was hard myself. I reached down and released myself from my cloth prison. Who knew I'd like sucking cock.

I worked more of him into my maw, lapping up any drops of pre he leaked. I reached up and fondled his furry sac. He was starting to get close; I could tell from the way his shaft quivered against my tongue.

I pulled him out of my muzzle and, slowly, dragged my tongue from the base of his sheath to his moist tip, bathing it with my hot breath.

Alex shuddered above me. "You bastard . . ." he moaned, his voice high and squeaky. It was kind of cute . . . and the fact that I had this power of him, well, it made a certain part of my jump with pride.

My own shaft throbbed painfully, begging for attention. I pressed my palm against my tip, feeling the damp stain left on my boxers.

Alex looked down at me. "Looks like you could use help with that." He knelt and pushed my down pants and underwear, pulling them off my legs. While he kept his eyes on me, he dragged his tongue against my sheath.

Oh, fuck! Pressure gripped my aching shaft as he pressed his tongue against my tip, nursing it between his lips. My legs shook once Alex had me all the way out and inside his warm, wet maw. I franticly tried to look for something to grip and only found Alex's shoulders to hold onto.

Holy shit was Alex skilled with his tongue. If he kept this up I would end up cumming in his muzzle in no time. Absentmindedly, Derek calling Alex a slut crept into my mind, but quickly I dismissed it. Derek was just a hateful prick, what did he know?

I couldn't stop leaking against Alex's tongue, on the verge of climax. "A-a-Allexxxx, w-wait . . . I'm almost close . . ." I breathed, weakly trying to push him off. I didn't want our night to end so quickly.

Alex gave one more lick of my tip before sitting up, licking his lips. His eyes were filled with fire. He wanted more, and so did I. I could guess what he wanted to do, but I had different plans. I wanted him to have me, and that meant one thing.

As let walked to the bed, I held him back and got on it inside, presenting myself to him. I looked back. I don't know why, but I wanted him inside me, and he seemed to realize this when I lifted my tail for him.

Beneath his lustful gaze, worry creased his eyes. "Are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded and wiggled my ass as reassurance. The thought of taking anything up my tail was a foreign concept. It's what fags do, right? Put cocks up their tails?

The inner debate of whether this was a good idea seemed to resolve real quick as Alex asked me if I had any lube. It didn't take long for him to make up his mind.

I reached over into the bottom of my nightstand and pulled out the small bottle of lube Emily and used to use. I turned around and handed him the tube, turning back around, and rested my face against my pillow.

Alex squeezed some onto his paw and rubbed a finger against my tailhole. He teased my hole with a finger pad before slipping it inside.

I grunted in mind discomfort. This wasn't terrible, I guess.

Alex gently rubbed his finger in and out, widening me up as best as he could. He withdrew his finger and uncapped the lube and rubbed some more against my hole before applying some to himself. "Are you ready," he asked, resting a paw onto my back.

Something hard and wet rested against my tail. My confidence was beginning to waver as pressed his tip against my tailhole. I can do this . . . I can do this I began chanting to myself. So I simply nodded and readied myself.

Slowly Alex began to sink inside before resting halfway. Fuck! Instantly I clamped down, gritting my teeth. I remembered how _big_he was, and started wondering if this was a good idea.

I cried out in pain as the first few inches slid in.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" Alex apologized. He started to pull out. "We shouldn't do--"

"Don't you dare pull out!" I growled. "Do it and you're in big trouble."

"Ok . . ." he said. He stayed where he was, half-buried under my tail.

What the hell am I thinking? I had to be the bitch for him . . . no . . . I'm doing this because I want to, for him. I'll just have to deal with the pain--all he as to do is not move . . . like, at all . . .

Alex began to rub my back. "It's ok . . ." he said soothingly. "Just breath and relax."

How the fuck am I supposed to do that when it felt like fucking horse dick was being shoved up my ass? I did as best as I could, groaning as sank further in until all the way inside.

"Hey, you're doing great," he said, holding me close. "Do want me to continue or do you need a bit of a rest?"

"K-keep going?" I gritted.

Alex pulled back halfway and then pushed back in. The process was agonizingly slow, and every time he pushed back in, I silently cried out. It felt like my ass was on fire being speared by something so big. How did gay men find this enjoyable?!

With every steady thrust from the badger, something happened . . . slowly, ever slowly, the pain was lessening. I don't know, maybe it was starting to feel good.

Alex pulled out and sank back inside until he built up a nice rhythm. I pressed my fingers against my tip and was surprised to see how much I was leaking. Again, he pulled out and pushed back inside, and hit something deep inside me, rubbing his tip against my sweet spot.

The fire inside my tailhole changed, replaced with a different fire. Every time he hilted me, I cried out, not in pain but pleasure.

"Fuck yes." I moaned as he worked my prostate with his tip. His thrusts picked up in pace, and they pushed back my hips.

"Harder!" I found myself saying, slamming against him until not too long we were both panting and moaning.

Alex held me tightly, buckling forward, and his paw reached out for mine, intertwining our fingers. "Oh Chase!" he breathed against my neck.

I was started to get close to my climax--without even touching myself! And we worked in tandem, pushing each other to our release.

"I'm g-getting close," I said.

Alex nuzzled my neck. "Me too . . ."

I was close, so close . . . I wanted to touch myself. My shaft was begging for attention, but I had to keep both paws planted on the bed or else I would've ended up ramming against the bedpost.

Fuck! Alex gave another pass of my prostate, and that sent me over the edge. My shaft quivered as I shot my load, hitting my chin. I don't think I ever came that hard--without stroking myself no less.

"I'm right behind you," he squeaked. He thrust fast and hard against me, pushing me down into my sticky mess until he gave one final thrust, shuttering above me. Warmth spread inside when he came.

Alex collapsed on top of me, and both lay there, panting hard.

"Holy . . . shit . . ." I can't believe I actually did it . . . I had sex with a guy and enjoyed it!

"I assume you enjoyed yourself?" he asked, bathing my ears.

"God yes . . ." I said breathlessly. "That was instance! Was that the same thing for you when you took it under the tail?" Instantly I regretted saying it. That wasn't something Alex wanted to think about, I'm sure. I couldn't blame him, it was a painful memory of Derek. He gave himself to that prick, and then he treated Alex like dirt.

"Yeah . . ." was all he said.

We stayed like that for a while, embracing each other. I didn't want to move and neither did he.

"I'm going to pull out, you ready?" he asked after some time.

I nodded and gasped as he slipped free. My own shaft had retreated into my sheath a while ago, and he was doing the same.

"Did you want to take a shower?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, not particular." We did get up to change the sheets for clean ones, slipping under the covers together. Alex pressed himself against me and held me tightly. I couldn't help but be so . . . happy . . .

Alex fell asleep quickly, but I was still wide awake. Some many things skittered across my mind, all at once. It was hard to focus on one single thought.

This is what I've been waiting for a long time, though admittedly, not the way I'd expected. I cared for Alex and gave myself to him in a way I never expected. I love him. I love the smell of him, the feel of him, and the feeling of being wrapped in his arms warmed my heart.

I don't know what to do after this, and where my life will head, but I know it's with Alex by my side. Come hell or high water, we'd face it together.

Incased in Alex's arms, I twisted around and pressed my nose against his soft chest fur, breathing in his familiar scent. It was funny, even though I was bigger and taller than him, I felt small against him. It was nice . . .

He looked so peaceful and beautiful asleep, and even though I know he probably wouldn't hear me, I said, "I love you . . ."

I drifted off to sleep shortly after Alex did, smiling when he pulled me close whenever I moved . . .

I woke up the next morning a little distorted. Where am I? Who's lying next to me? It took me a few seconds to remember that I was in my room--with Alex sleeping cuddled up to me. This made me smile.

Slowly, and gently as possible, I get out of bed and stood up, staring down at the sleeping badger. I couldn't help but admire his beautiful naked body. Last night was so surreal, that I wondered if it actually happened at all. My body tingled from the memory, and the scent of last night's activity was faint, but still there. The soreness under my tail reminded me of that.

"Good morning," Alex said, groggily. He stared up at me and smiled.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and rested my palm against his cheek. "Hey," I said, smiling as well. "Good morning."

He brought his paw up to mine and pressed his cheek against it. "So . . ." he said, slowly. "Any regrets . . .?"

Did I regret what we did? After so long of ignoring what I felt and finally expecting it? It didn't take me long to think this through. "No, never." I knelt until I was eye-level with him and took his paw in mine. "Look . . ." I said at length. "I don't exactly know where to go at this point, but I know I want you with me."

Alex nodded, his ears tipped back affectionally. "Same."

This warmed my heart, amongst other things . . .

"Ready for a shower?" I asked. I'm sure he needed, and so did I. My fur was still a little matted and sticky.

I grabbed his paw and hefted him out of bed, leading him to my bathroom. I closed the door behind us and began brushing my teeth while Alex got the shower ready. He headed inside first, and I made my way in shortly after.

We stood there, together, under the water. We held each other, intimately, but not sexually. I turned him around and started shampooing his back, feeling the taut muscles under my fingers. Then I brought them down to his lengthy tail, brushing my fingers through his fur.

Something creased my mind as I wrapped my arms around him, working the shampoo into his chest. "Say, how come you weren't home? I went back every day and you weren't there."

Alex gave a light chuckle. "My my, you were persistent, weren't you?"

I sighed. "Please, I'm serious," I said, but I wrapped my arms around him and began work on his chest, sliding my paws across his stomach.

"I was at my Dad's," he answered.

Fear gripped my chest. What did he tell his dad? "Did your dad wonder why were guys weren't coming over for Christmas breakfast?"

Alex nodded and dipped his head under the stream. "Yes, I told him didn't want to intrude on your guy's Christmas, so maybe next we could come over."

_"_Oh . . ." I said, "I'm sorry--"

"Hey." Alex turned around and fixed his silver eyes on mine. "Was I hurt about what happened that night? Yes, but . . . I understand. It was a little jarring when I found out that I liked guys too." He reached up and nuzzled my nose with his.

"Well . . . not guys, just you." I grinned. I leaned forward and pressed our lips together, melting into the kiss and his touch. My eyes looked him up and down. He was a beautiful black and white canvas, and I was the painter, admiring every little detail about him.

We finished our shower together after a little bit of teasing, feeling refreshed and clean. I grabbed a towel for Alex and me, and we headed for my room, our fur damp.

Alex dried off his head while I went into my closet and pulled out a small box. I handed him the box, and he looked at me curiously.

"What's this?" he asked.

I couldn't help but smile, wagging my tail. "It's your Christmas present," I replied.

He smiled warmly, and his eyes glimmered with happiness. "You didn't have to get me anything, the birthday present was enough."

I just grinned. "I know, but I wanted to get you're a birthday and Christmas present. It only cost sixty."

His eyes widened. "Sixty . . . ?!" He looked down at the wrapped box. "What did you get?"

"Open it," I sang.

Slowly, Alex unwrapped his present and held up the small bottle of scent. "Aw . . ." He uncapped the bottle, and sprayed a small amount into his wrist, rubbing it in. He raised his wrist for to me sniff. "So, how do I smell?"

I pressed my nose into his fur. It was an alluring scent. It didn't mask his natural scent, only added to it. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him up, and held him close, kissing his wrist. "You smell amazing . . ."

Alex blushed hard under his white fur. "Thank you . . ."

Already, I could feel my body wanting more, the new scent adding to that. But I knew now would not be the right time--even though we were both still naked.

Once again, we slipped into each other's brace, lips parted. It's what all we seemed to do of late. My tongue found his while my paws trailed down his back, stopping just above his lips. I was so lost in our passionate kiss, that I didn't even register the garage had just opened, not until Mom said, "Chase, you home?"

I opened my eyes and saw the same fear in Alex's. "Shit!" I whispered. "Quick, you get your clothes on!"

In what was probably the fasted time we got dressed, we shoved everything from last night back on with haste. Mom came in a minute later, smiling at Alex, who sat at the edge of the bed.

"Hi, Mom!" I said, and walked over and kissed her on the cheek. "How was your and Dad's trip?"

"It was great, we'll tell you about it when you come down," she said. "Alex, we're just about to have lunch. You're welcome if you'd like." She left the room shortly after.

I turned toward Alex. "Please stay for lunch?"

Alex smiled and shook his head. "Sorry stud, I should head home and get ready for work."

"Did you just call me to stud?" I asked. I was answered with a grin.

I made my way downstairs and told Mom and Dad I was dropping Alex off at his place. We got in the car and drove the thirty minutes to his place. I escorted Alex to his door, lingering at the entrance. "So . . . call you tonight?"

"Of course. I'll let you know when I'm off."

"Please do." I bent down and gave him one more kiss before parting ways. I couldn't help but grin on the way back home. I was in love, and I was happy about it.