The beginning

Story by Chasey_Drikal on SoFurry

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#1 of The live of a slave

A new day has dawned and a young female fox was standing in her room watching the sun rise. Her fur was the usual foxy orange and the white chest tuff. Eve the tip of her tail was white. Looking around, she sighed and dug in her dresser drawers. There she dug out a white long sleeve shirt that buttoned up in the front and slipped it over her chest, having no need to slip a bra on. Slowly she searched for her black miniskirt and soon placed that upon her body. Standing in the mirror, the young fox stood there, waving her tail from side to side slightly. "I need to get out of here. My routine is so down to heart that it scares me. Strip until I am in my underwear, wake up, get dressed then tend to mother's wishes."

"Chasey, are you awake dear?" Slowly the young fox rolled her eyes and walked to the door frame. "Yes mother, I'm wide awake." Walking down the small flight of stairs, Chasey stared down to a white wolf. The wolf was her mother, giving her a loving look. This white wolf was standing over a stove and making some breakfast. "Mother, I want to ask you about something." Chasey's mother turned around and looked to her with a slight frown.

"Please Chasey, not this all over again. Just stay here and forget the outside world." Chasey sighed heavily, knowing this was never going to happen. Taking in a deep breath of air she looks to her mother with a sad look.

"But mother, can you not see how miserable I am? I cannot stay here any longer. Besides, I don't even know who my father is. Just let me go out for a year. I promise to come back after that. Never again will I ask if you just let me go out just for a little bit."

After some arguing Chasey had one, she was going to be free of what she called hell. She ran up the stairs within seconds and started to throw stuff into a small bag she had made a little while back with her mother. The bag stuffed to the brim with spare clothing and her eyes wild with excitement, Chasey raced down and stood in the living room. Her wolf mother was in tears, her little baby finally leaving home. Running up to her mother, she hugged her tightly and started to cry. "I'll write every day mother. I will tell you every little thing that happens to me and if I ever find my father..."

"Just come home in one piece for me, please. I don't want to wonder if you will be coming home in a body bag or missing body parts." Giggling a little, Chasey nodded. "Alright mother, I promise not to come home in a bag." Soon the two began to laugh at the thought of that ever happening. But inside of the little village they had there was no death. It was a spell that just allowed them to fade away and leave not a trace. It made things much easier. The only hint of the dead is little stones with their names carved on it.

After saying her goodbyes Chasey was off on the road. Her head held up high and whistling a tune of happiness she dreamt of what lies ahead of her. She daydreamed of all the monsters she would right, finding her father and freeing people from the cruelty fate had bestowed upon them. Little did she realize, Chasey was being followed. Hidden in the bushes along the path was a hunter. This hunter was not the kind that killed to feed their hunger. No, this hunter was a slaver.

A pitch black male peered over the leaves of the bushes where he hid from. Evil eyes stared upon his beautiful prey, licking his lips slightly and growling deep in his chest. 'Yes, this fresh piece of meat will do just fine.' His wicked mind thought quickly and a sly grin slipped onto his strong face. Thick muscles flex slightly under his harsh midnight black hide, making him look more like a body builder than anything else. Army pants cover his lower half, almost failing to hide a growing bulge in his crotch area. Rope slung over one shoulder and a piece of bone in his mouth, being chewed on slightly. Murring a little, this panther watches Chasey a little more, sitting, waiting for just the right moment to strike.

Soon it came, shadow moved over Chasey, covering her and hiding her from seeing eyes. The panther released a deep growl, causing his prey to whirl around in fright. All she could see was his pitch black malicious eyes staring back at her. Heart racing, Chasey bolted further down the path. This only urged the panther to chase her, loving a fight. Not long afterwards Chasey found the male pouncing, landing on her back and knocking the wind out of her and blacking her vision out.

"Mmmm, such a fine piece of meat I caught." Pressing his nose in her hair, the panther took a deep breath of her scent and murred a little louder. "So delicious, so... Edible." Licking his lips her instantly grabbed her bag and tossed it aside. Now all he had to do was remove her clothing and he would really see her body. Taking a knife from a leg scabbard around his left leg he ct away her clothing and awed at her body. The knife was dropped instantly and he grabbed her breasts, toying with them rather roughly. Whines came from her lips as she felt his claws digging into her flesh, making tiny pin pricks of blood emerge.

Laughter, that was what she heard next as he stood up tall, tying her arms and legs together. "You are a fine little slut! Your looks alone will fetch me a pretty fucking penny." Lifting her up, he threw her over his shoulder. Screams came from Chasey's lips for hours until her voice became raspy and gave up.

The panther grinned, finally glad to hear his prize shutting up. "About fucking time you annoying little cunt." Tossing her to the ground, he stared at her body, adoring it. 'Gotta resist the damn temptation this bitch brings.' Sitting on the ground next to her, the panther stroked her fur with a light touch. "Tell me your name."

"I will never tell you." Suddenly she felt his paw make contact with her cheek and a snarl. "Tell me your name bitch!" Whimpering, Chasey ducked her head down and muttered her name as quietly as she could. "Chasey.."

"See, that wasn't so bloody hard now was it?" She closes her eyes, wondering what the hell he was going to do to her. His paw went back to stroking her fur and stared to the dying sun. "I am Crimson, your new master and trainer."

"Master? Trainer?! What the hell do you think I am? Your god damn slave!?" Another slap came, harder than before. Her paws went to the scratch that came from one claw of Crimson's. Another scowl emerged on his face and a snarl slipped out from his lips.

"You will speak when I tell you to fucking speak! And yes, I am making you into my slave. When you are ready, I will sell you to the highest bidder." Tears began to roll down her cheeks at the thought of being sold off. What made the whole thing worse, Crimson tossed her back and she had no clothing on. Her pussy covered in dirt and her breasts perked from the cold air.

Crimson removed the bounds around her ankles and rubbed her pussy a little. Unable to control herself, Chasey released a moan and spread her legs slightly. The feeling of his touch was soothing, never having being touched, even seen by any other being before was a little too much for her young mind. "Enjoying this are you bitch? Imagine if I stuffed my thick cock inside of your tight body and rode you all night long." Eyes going wide, Chasey screamed at the top of her lungs. Voice anew, she struggled and started to kick him, screaming even more.

Growling deeply, Crimson grabbed her legs and tied them back together. "You stupid bitch! I'm going to ram my fucking fist all the way up your ass and rip your stomach out that way!"

"Leave me alone you sick pervert!" Grabbing nails, Crimson turned her around and chained her legs apart. He drove the thick one inch nails through the eye-holes of the chains and nailed her to the ground, legs spread wide open. Her arms tied behind her back and a strap around her muzzle, ultimately silencing her screams to mutters and whimpers. Standing tall behind her, Crimson pulled on his belt, removing it and his pants dropping.

There revealed was a thick red cock almost a foot long. She turned her head and gasped at the sheer size of his pulsing rod. A deep chuckle came as he seen her look, bending over her and stroking her cheek. "You should have been a good little slut. Now I have to punish you." Taking her hips into his paws, Crimson pulled her closer to him. Pressing his pulsing rod against her swollen nether lips, he laughed before slowly pushing the head in. His eyes closed, surprised at how tight she was. Muffled screams were coming from Chasey as she struggled against the impaling rod that was venturing deeper into her. Stopping at the feel of a barrier, the sly panther slowly began to pull back. At first, Chasey thought he was going to withdraw from her virgin pussy.

To no avail, Crimson thrusted forwards, hilting inside of her and breaking her maidenhead. Chasey was screaming at the top of her lungs, never before feeling such an intense pain and squirmed around desperately trying to get the bastard out of her body. "Fuck.. You were a virgin.. He he.. More joy for me." Each thrust that Crimson did made Chasey feel like she was on fire. The friction seemed too intense, her being dry of any sexual juices. Pants were coming from behind her as her rapist quickened his pace.

Licking his lips a little, Crimson pressed his chest against her back and immediately grabbed onto her breasts. Tugging and shaping them, he grinned, allowing her to see it. "See.. What happens.. When you don't... behave slut.." Precum was dripping from the top of his cock, making her passage much smoother. She no longer was whining in pain. Instead, moans were slipping from her lips. Pleasure was rising within, something she never experienced before in her life. This new feeling, this complex and confusing feeling was building inside of her. His cock continued to move deeper and deeper into her, now pressing against her cervix. New shocks of pleasure and pain came as Crimson pressed his cock against the cervix, slowly breaking its strength and eventually slipping his cock into her womb.

A sudden gasp came from her at this mixture of pain and pleasure washed over her brain. Bowing her head, she breathed deeply, trying to keep herself under control. His pants behind her were growing in strength, his movements growing and pressed his knot against her entrance. Her body squirmed against this, but only aided in Crimson's little mission, tying them together for a few hours as his knot swelled up, sending new amounts of pleasure to Chasey's already hazed mind. Unable to take it any longer, she allowed her control slip, sending her in a strong climax, making her body shudder slightly.

Smiling, he allowed himself to climax, sending spurts of his cum into her womb. The organ soon stretched from the amount that was flooding into her body, forming a round belly where a flat one used to be. Both breathing heavily, one having a satisfied smile and the other in tears, Crimson stroked her fur on her chest, releasing her breasts and noticing little bits of her blood on the tips of his claws. "How does it feel to become a slut Chasey?" She had passed, tired from walking, screaming and the sexual encounter.

((This is my first story so please give me critism. I'm not some 2 year old who will scream at a comment on how I think or write. If you comment enough I will certainly continue this))