A Night at Ron's Pizzeria

Story by dragovwolvesbane on SoFurry

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A FNAF inspired story about a guy who gets trapped inside a pizzeria overnight. Can he survive till 10?

When I was little, I use to always go with my dad to the new restaurants that opened up in our small town. Since he was the assistant to the mayor we could always get a good discount and sometimes access to the places early. I was quite the privelaged kid but hey I wasn't complaining. There was one place that was starting to grow in popularity around the world and we finally managed to secure one for our town. Ronny's Pizzeria. Sure at first I also thought it was just another run of the mill pizza place. When we went inside however, I saw that it was anything but ordinary.

From the moment you stepped in the doors the fresh scent of cheese and garlic tickled your nose. The interior had an Italian backdrop with the usual red and white squared tablecloth adorning all the tables. As me and my dad sat down we would always talk about what new places we could potentially see opening their doors here. We even just made up places that couldn't exist like a place were robots were the only employees.

When the pizza finally arrived we prepared our mouths for what could only be described as the cheesiest most melt in your mouth taste that I could recall. The spices and topping were from another country so I can't recall them, but I do remember finishing the entire pizza without even realizing it. Not soon after I started ordering my second plate, the lights dimmed and a giant spotlight beamed against a red velvet curtain. A dinner and a show?! What could be better.

As the curtains drew back, there were three characters standing in their own individual spotlight. On the left was a large rabbit with blue fur holding a bass guitar. In the middles was what looked to be an owl or a brownish hawk with a microphone stand infront of it. Lastly on the right was a dark orange vixen sitting on a crude setup of drums. To the younger me they looked so realistic but thinking back on it now there wasn't much to be amazed about them. They were static with their legs unable to move, no clothing so it was just basic shapes of the animals with different colors of fur. When they opened their mouths to speak it was very clearly coming from the speakers next to them. Almost all the early animatronics of that decade were that way.

Still as a kid it was one of my most fondest memories. I would go there every week with my dad and listen to them perform. Their budget eventually increased so they got arcade machines and an ice cream machine. They also built an entire play area for kids complete with the maze of tubes that led to different areas were you could pretend to fly in a helicopter or look out towards the stage. I found myself looking at the band quite often too sometimes fantasizing myself jamming it up on the stage. Those were the days.

Suddenly it all came crashing to an end. On a rainy afternoon on a Monday, the pizzeria closed its doors. I vaguely remember the day. Cops and ambulances surrounded the place as my father and I sat in the car down the road. A fire broke out and a lot of people were trapped inside including kids. Later I asked my dad what happened and he didn't answer me. Eventually I found out that 14 people lost their lives inside and the restaurant got sued into the ground never able to catch its footing. My dad stopped coming to visit and my mom got into alcoholism and had been administered into a psych ward. I was left alone with my grandparents until I turned 18 and moved out.

October 23 2022 10:00 A.M

It was another morning like any other. Wake up in my small dingy apartment, take a shower, and then get dressed. I had finally gotten my bosses permission to be off for the next few days. I worked as a performer at a local eatery, Dressing up in a cow mascot uniform had its perks sure, but it does get to the point were you just wanna take a break. I had no idea what I was going to do with my time off so I was thinking about going out for a nice jog or see someplace new.

I sat on the edge of my bed in my blue jeans and red jogging jacket scrolling through my phone to see what's new in town. " New salon....dumb.....yet another burger place.." There was just the same old corporate places popping up around every corner. Almost nothing seemed to grab my interest until I saw it. " Ronnie's Pizzeria?" Seeing the name alone gave me a haunting chill up my spine. " Grand opening today at 3:00 P.M. Enjoy the finest pizza this side of the state with ground breaking new animatronics for entertainment. All ages welcome." I knew that they were building something big down the street but I never imagined it would be....this.

My hand started shaking as I held onto my phone setting it aside. It wasn't that I had bad memories of the place, but the events that took place around that time took me to a really dark place. "Father...were did you go." I said to myself pushing my hand up through my short black hair. Someday I'm sure that I would find out and I'll be able to tell mom all about it.

October 23 2022 4:00 P.M.

Well here we are..Ronnie's Pizzeria. I wanted to show up at least a little late because I kinda hate having to stand in a gigantic line and as I thought most of everyone was probably already inside except for the few people at the entrance. The building was absolutely massive and grew even larger as I walked towards it. It had a giant sign on the front with the three main characters from the pizzeria. Benny the blue bunny was on the left followed by...a rooster then a hyena with black starred glasses. The two were not ones that I remembered, but I guess they wanted to spice things up a bit. Other than the sign the outside of the building was grey with purple stripes lining the textures around the walls.

After waiting a few minutes, I was able to purchase my ticket for 20 bucks. I stepped into the winding doors and into the main lobby. The smell was comparable to a fresh arcade or a bowling rink. I could definitely tell that this place was new and maintained. The dark brown carpet and the red paint over the walls were practically glistening. I looked over the nearby map on the wall and saw that the layout of the pizzeria was very much not was I was expecting. The eastern portion of the pizzeria was specifically an arcade. They had laser tag and video game consoles affixed to the walls with a novel coffee shop for the weary parent. There was also a child daycare area right around were I was standing, but I had little interest in that. In the middle right past the double doors to the north was the main stage area. I'm guessing this is were the band would normally be though I don't know why it takes up a whole section of the pizzeria. On the western side was the restaurant. I could only hope that they didn't change the formula. It would be a real shame because of how perfect the pizzas were.

My stomach let out a light groan and I couldn't help but drool thinking back to the mouth watering sensation. Wiping my mouth on my jacket, I walked to the western double doors with a sign that said "Classic pizza with your favorite friends". I opened the metal doors and was immediately brought back to my childhood. The aroma sent a burst of garlic and cheese into my senses. I was also accosted by the loud roar of the crowd ordering pizzas and beverages from the many employees running around the circular tables. The place was really packed and was surprisingly decorated just how I remembered. Plastic pizzas adorned the walls with pictures of the main cast dressed in chefs uniform in different places around Italy. The wallpaper was a blend of orange with subtle light stars scattered about. The lighting was dim and everyone in the restaurant seemed happy.

I sat down at one of the smooth wooden tables and was soon greeted by one of the female staff members. She was wearing a simple waiters uniform with a clip that said EMPLOYEE "Hello welcome to Ronnies. We served the best pizzas around. What can I get for you today." After thinking about it for a good second I just told her to get me one pizza with everything on it with one small coke. "Be right out". She said jotting my order down in a small notebook. While I waited for my order I put my face in my palm and pulled out my phone. Suddenly the crowd's volume became louder and turned into a cheer. Lifting my head up I looked around to see what was with the commotion.

Near the entrance to the restaurant stood a giant 8 foot tall rabbit. It had blue fur with a black waiters vest and had a pair of dazzling shorts that were black and had yellow stars. It even had a big belly on it with realistic jiggle physics that were a lighter shade of blue. At first I thought it was just a guy in a mascot uniform as it went around table to table greeting all the customers. I did it at my job so I know how it all works. Yet as I watched it go around I couldn't help but notice that there were creases were it bent its body. The elbow, the knees, even the large ears. Maybe the costume was so bulky that they designed it that way so it was easier to move?

"Alrighty sir, here ya go". My waitress said setting a gorgeous looking pizza that smelled so good. As she walked off and I was left with my food, I took off a slice. The large strands of cheese attaching it to the whole pizza slowly pulled back against me drooping down onto the table. I opened my mouth and took a bite. I inhaled softly and was immediately taken back to my childhood. Spending time with my dad and mom and exploring places with my friends. This was indeed a pizza worth its weight. As I regained my senses I returned back to the here and now.

"Well hello there Mr. Terry. Are ya enjoying our fresh homestyle pizza." I looked up to see the bunny had since moved over to my table. As it stared down at me I seen that its eyes were a dark purple color and the whites of them were practically glowing. It was really difficult for me to discern were the person was looking out of the costume.

"How do you know my name?" I said setting down my pizza for the time being.

"I have all the information of the customers we have stored in my memory. So how about it Terry? Are you enjoying the food?"

"I am. It tastes just like how I remember it." I put up a weak smile before turning my head to drink out of my coke.

"Say were are all your friends? Food tastes a lot better if ya have people to share it with." It said as its head tilted a bit and opening its mouth.

"Well most of my friends had moved away so I really don't have any." I said trying to get a good look at the inside of his mouth. Usually you can see the person on the inside if your really good, but there was just some metal wires and a voice box. This place was really professional.

"That's a real shame. How about I be your friend? I know all sorts of games that we could play." it said. " My names Benny by the way. Benny the Bunny." it reached out a hand infront of itself.

I reached out to shake his warm fuzzy hand and laughed to myself. "Well its nice to meet you. Is it Mr. or Mrs. bunny?" I wasn't trying to be rude I was just curious. Benny looked at me and smiled. Then it gave a gesture by putting his hand to his crotch before turning around and walking away. I could have been hearing things but as it..no he moved I could swear I could hear mechanical parts moving about.

October 23 2022 8:00 P.M.

It was nearly time for the main program to start for the evening. I had planned on being home by this time but general curiosity got the best of me. I didn't like large crowds of people however and really didn't think I could stand on the stage floor for an hour. Slowly the restaurant began emptying and I took a big swig of my coke before following behind the loud kids and overbearing parents.

The main room was completely pitch black save for a few lights that were used to guide guests to their seats. It was almost like going to a movie. Everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for the show to start. I only stood in the far back of the theatre. The seats did look pretty comfortable but mine was somewhere in the middle of the entire room. No thank you.

About 10 or so minutes go by and the floor lights turn off completely. The sound of a guitar riff began softly before playing a single note as loud as it could. A bright green light shot down from the ceiling onto Bennie the bunny. This time instead of his waiter uniform he was more stylized into that of a 80s rocker. He had a purple streak down his forehead as well as purple shoulders and fingers. His lighter blue vest was pointed up like an old school Dracula and he had arm bands with spikes on them. The shorts he was wearing were blue and had an aqua blue on the ends of the leggings. They like his last pair had stars on them that matched nicely to his attire. Lastly there was a giant purple and aqua star on his chest with a heavy looking electric guitar in his hands.

A yellow light shot down from the ceiling next to Bennie to reveal the next performer for the evening. It was a rooster roughly the same height as Bennie but it had a more "refined" physique. No belly just pure muscle. The rooster had a white head with a dark brown feathers with a streak of blue running down its arms. Its legs were mostly humanoid but its feet were like chicken claws only with bands of spikes around its ankles. The attire was similar to the 80s theme they seem to be going for and was a spiked black jacket with spikes black jeans. They were both accented with neon blue stars covering the jacket and jeans.

Lastly a pink light shined down revealing the next character. The hyena was slightly shorter than the other two and was sitting behind a drum set. It had a rather slim build with a pair of breasts that wasn't too over-the-top. Judging from that I could assume that this was the female of the group and the other two were indeed guys. The hyena had light brown fur with yellow tinted dots around its body. She had a small mohawk with yellow, pink, and blue mixed in. Unlike the others she had a small cutoff top that was just over her belly. The shirt black with a yellow tinted skull in the middle and she had long blue pants with spiked bands around one of her legs.

Shortly after an announcement was made in a deep gravely voice. "Welcome to the stage your entertainment for the evening! Bennie, Ricky, and Holly!" With a loud roar from the crowd the band started playing with Ricky as the vocal, Bennie as the guitarist, and Holly as the drummer. They started with the usual 80s rock bands. KISS and Twisted Sister were of coarse my favorite of the playlist. As I watched I couldn't help but be impressed by how far technology has come. At first I could swear that they were people in costumes but normal people would be dying in those things and they were going all out never once missing a beat. The animation work was truly impressive.

After a good half an hour I put my hands in my pockets and opened the door back to the main lobby. It sure was fun to watch them though. Really this place brings back some good memories for me. Perhaps I would come back every so often to see what they would add. Well if anything I could go check the arcade now that all the kids have cleared out. The place closes at 11:00 P.M. and I don't know when I'll be back so why not.

October 23 2022 9:30 P.M.

The arcade was just what I expected. Black wallpaper with large neon signs of varying colors pointing to all the attractions. The carpet was a dark shade of grey with scribbles and shapes in green and purple. Rows and rows of arcade cabinets and lottery machines lined the middle of the room with the more relaxed cabinets like racing and "realistic shooting" games on the southern end of the wall. Then there were all the generic skee ball and basket ball machines on the western end. This place pretty much had everything it was safe to say.

The coffee shop was near the entrance and there was a small stage with a red curtain surrounding it. Everything else including the laser tag ring and the bowling ally was down a hall to the north, but it was roped off. This was still the grand opening so not everything was up and ready.

After playing some of the machines and wasting my last twenty bucks, I decided to call it a day. The lights were starting to dim indicating that it was time to head on home. Going back into the lobby I came to a sudden halt. The shutters over the doors had all closed down and I dug into my pockets to check the time.

October 23 2022 11: 30 P.M.

"Shit!" I said to myself. I lost track of time in the arcade. What am I suppose to do now? There were no staff members in the lobby and as I looked around there were no staff anywhere! It's almost as if the entire building had been deserted. There had to be an emergency exit somewhere inside that I could take. This is just like a horror game except I don't have a flashlight just a phone on about 40 percent battery. I could call for help but I'd likely be trespassing and I don't need that kind of record on me.

The restaurant was my best bet in terms of escape. Poking my head in the door I looked around and found that it was all clean with the chairs stacked on the tables. After a good minute of looking around I found....nothing. Was this place void of any doors other than the main entrance? I leaned my back against the wall trying to think of other ways to get out when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a ray of light peering through the entrance to the restaurant. Security probably maybe they'll be nice and let me out.

The door slowly swung open and a thin figure walk through the door. It was Holly the band's drummer from the show. What was she doing here? "Umm hello? Can you help me find the exit by any chance I kinda got locked in here." I said giving a small sigh of relief which soon turned to horror. The eyes on her costume were totally white and were even glowing. I witnessed her jaw drop completely open and all I could hear were jumbled up words. " Welcome", " Truder", and " day" were some of the words I was able to make out.

Holly leaned forward a bit and began stomping towards me. I backed up a bit noticing she was not stopping for anything. Instead of going around the tables she went through them. Tossing them aside like they were made of paper muttering incoherent words with her eyes trained on me. My heartrate shot through the roof. Fearing for my life I backed up until I was to the employee only room. Thankfully it was unlocked and I was able to close the door behind me and lock it. " What's with this bitch?"

Seconds later the door was being pounded on visibly bending. The room I was in was the kitchen and a dead end. Quickly looking around the room there was a vent large enough for me to crawl through. It looks like they didn't bother to cover it up either. Thank god they were still working on stuff. As I began shuffling through the small passage I could hear the door being forcefully busted down and smashing into the floor. "Holy fuck that isn't human." I said. The interior of the vent began shrinking the more I went in eventually forcing me onto my belly. The cold metal dragged against my exposed skin and then I heard a loud clang coming from behind me.

I began crawling faster with the encroaching noises from my pursuer close behind me. What will happen if it catches me? I've seen a lot of horror movies so I didn't want to find out. Within moments I was finally able to free myself from the vents. As I placed both of my hands on opposite sides of the opening, I felt something grab ahold of my leg. The fuzzy hand of Holly was gripping my ankles. The pressure was nearly crushing my leg. "Shit! Let me go!" My heart was racing as I struggled against her. Was this the end?

Just as I began to doubt any salvation, Bennie the bunny reached down grabbing Holly's arm and squeezed it breaking it in two. The limp hand around my ankle loosened and I scurried back putting my hands over my eyes. "This isn't happening..." I said cowering in the corner like a child. "Just fucking get it over with." I was on the brink of tears until Bennie poked me in the side a few times trying to get my attention.

"Hello again Mr. Terry." He said. "Are you alright?"

"W-What are you! Stay away from me!" I said scared of what might happen.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said "Please open your eyes. I promise you are safe".

I slowly removed my hands from my face. Bennie was still in his rocker uniform and his eyes were glowing just like Hollys except I could clearly see his purple eyes. "I just want to go home.." I said as he sat down next to me. I could faintly hear the sounds of machinery coming from the big blue bunny.

"To answer your first question I would say that I'm what you would call an animatronic. I know it might seem like a lie but trust me beneath this furry exterior are a lot of man made parts." he said patting his belly. "I am really sorry about my friend. She's also like me except something is wrong." His ears drooped down a bit as he let out a sigh.

"But you look so...realistic. I can even see your belly jiggle when you walk." I said as my nerves slowly returned to normal.

"Yea we were kinda built that way. If that surprises you we even can eat real food and we have our own ideas."

"I don't believe you." I said. I know what he was trying to do. My mind has sorta been in a bit of a panic since I got stuck here. It made me feel happy as he got me talking about something else.

Bennie reached over with his left hand and *pop*. With a swift motion he detached his entire right arm and handed it to me. "See doesn't even hurt." He said with a goofy smile with his two buckteeth showing. His arm felt weighted in my lap and if I looked close enough I could make out small screws. The fur was obviously fake but had a thin metallic surface underneath. From a distance it would be really difficult to tell if he even had fur on to begin with. Technology really has come a long way.

After giving him his arm back he popped it right back in and was able to move around like normal. "Better?" He said and I gave a nod. Now that I knew what I was dealing with it took some of the edge off. Bennie seemed friendly enough although I didn't know for sure if I could fully trust him. "Now as for getting out of the pizzeria....you can't. We go on lockdown every night and won't open again until well we open. 10:00 A.M. at the earliest."

"So I'm trapped in here with a malfunctioning robot hyena for several hours great. By the way she isn't going to come back here right?" I asked.

"She is currently in the backstage area." Bennie said tapping the side of his head. "But don't worry. I'll keep you safe".

"So what now?" I asked. I was hoping to find a nice quiet place to sleep maybe, but with robots roaming the place I knew I couldn't.

Bennie leaned forward slowly getting to his feet. "Well I'm sure we can pass the time in the arcade. I can show you the attractions yet to open. Does that sound like fun?"

"I guess so..."

The animatronic bunny helped me to my feet holding my hand. I couldn't help but blush, no one had ever held my hand before. I followed closely behind as he led me through a maze of corridors that had minimal lighting. Some signs pointing in the directions of the different places around the building. Soon we opened a door leading out into the arcade section but this time I was much deeper in behind the veiled ropes.

There were three main attractions. Laser Tag, Bowling, and an obstacle coarse. Each of them were lit up with neon blue and green lights. "Oh wow". I said as Bennie let me go to type on a computer. Suddenly bowling balls raced up onto the counter and he grasped one firmly in one hand. I followed him to the bowling ally and we took a position on one of the lanes. The computer monitors above were not working, but that was alright. It was all just for fun anyway.

Bennie gently tossed the ball down the lane instantly knocking down all the pins in one shot. "Come on. Its your turn." He said holding out a ball to me. I never bowled before so I hope he didn't laugh at me too badly. I stepped up beside him and grasped the ball. I drew my arm back and launched it. Unlike Bennie my shot went straight into the gutter.

I was waiting for him to laugh or criticize me. Most people would have but not Bennie. Instead he handed me another ball with a smile on his face. His buckteeth shimmering against the neon lighting. "Need some pointers?" He said stepping up right behind me. He held the ball in my hand with his right. His left was on my stomach. "First breathe." He then let his warm blue hand drift down to my leg. " Take one step and then two more. Then just let it go."

It was almost impossible to concentrate with him touching me like that. His big warm belly on my back with his soft hands roaming around my body. I was the kinda guy that was easily aroused and it would be really embarrassing to me if he found out that I was steadily growing attracted to him. He was just so kind and caring. I never even thought about myself being with anybody. Dating was tough out there. Most girls I dated just used me for money and I had wanted to try it with other men, but this town was very bad with homosexuality that it scared me enough to not try.

"I-I think I got it." I said. I took three steps forward gently releasing the ball down the ally. *Tink* One pin was knocked over and I let out a sigh. I walked back to Bennie with a goofy thumbs up and he gave me two back.

October 24 2022 4:00 A.M.

We spent the next few hours spending time with each other. I still couldn't bowl but he was very patient. I offered to maybe play some laser tag, but he said he would beat me every time and he was right. Darn robot with perfect aim. Afterwards I spent some time at the snack bars hoping to alleviate me of my drowsiness. There was one more thing I was very confident in beating him at. Mobility!

The obstacle coarse was like a giant maze of foam padding and safety nets. There were arm bars to swing from, ropes to climb on, and tunnels to squeeze in to. It was seemingly a place that an animatronic couldn't access. I would very easily win against a race against him so we decided on a compromise. I couldn't use the tunnels and we would only go to the middle because it gets too thin for Bennie further on.

We both stood at the entrance to the maze. I gave Bennie a strong competitive glance readying myself. He just stood completely still without a care in the world. Cocky bastard. What was he plotting in that thick head of his.

"GO!" I said practically hurling myself into the coarse. I ran as fast as I could carefully planting my feet around the pitfalls. I went left right up and down clambering my way throughout. The ropes almost began to burn as I swung myself from platform to platform. Bennie was nowhere in sight. He must have gotten stuck somewhere. Lucky me.

As I reached the finish there was one last jump I had to make that landed me into a giant pool of foam cubes. Finally a victory for me. I launched myself over the edge and couldn't wait to gloat to Bennie. "Hey! You finally made it!" I heard coming from below. I was shocked which then turned into anger right before my body plowed into the mechanical bunny knocking him to the ground.

"How! There is no way you could have beaten me here!" I yelled sitting on his belly grabbing by his vest firmly in my hands.

He chuckled a bit. "Well my main job is serving at the restaurant which means moving fast. Plus I don't need rest like you do."

"But I would have seen you pass me!" I said shaking him in anger.

"Oh I past you when we started. You need to learn not to look back so much" He said with a hearty laugh.

I let him go with a sigh folding my arms over each other. Bennie pushed himself up causing me to slide off of him and onto his lap. Despite my disappointing loss I couldn't stay mad at him. I was still having a lot of fun. Probably the most fun I've had in such a long time. I smiled at him rubbing my hand over his belly. He was so warm I could probably fall asleep just sitting here. Something felt off however and I couldn't quite place it.

Bennie's eyes were wide open, so wide in fact that I could almost see the wires and gears behind them. His dorky smile was crooked in a way and his ears that normally stood proudly on his head were dangling a bit. "Are you ok?" I asked shifting myself in his lap. Then I felt it. Underneath my butt I could feel something steadily growing. "Is that...."

Before I could finish my sentence, Bennie quickly lifted me off of him keeping one hand over his crotch. He stood up facing away from me. "We should try basketball or maybe a food contest" He said walking away from me. Before I could even ask him about it he took off leaving me by myself in the arcade. I didn't know that machines could get embarrassed like that.

October 24 2022 6:00 A.M

The sun would be rising soon enough. Only a couple more hours of being here left and then I could go home to my nice bed for a well deserved rest. I was still in the arcade passing the time playing games. I was growing concerned about Bennie. He had been missing for a while and his friends were still up and about around the pizzeria. I had caught a glimpse of the hyena once around the arcade, but there are so many hiding places here its easy to outwit her.

Against my better judgment, I went out to look for Bennie. Last I saw he was heading to the main stage area so that's were I went. The room was dark and empty with the only light source coming from the stage lights. I walked around for a bit hoping to find Bennie but it looks like he totally disappeared. "Where did you go..." I turned to walk out and suddenly music began to play from the speakers nearly scaring me to death.

The Thunderstruck song began playing, echoing throughout the room . I was confused for a brief moment and then fear sank into my heart as one of the animatronics came out from behind the curtain. Ricky the Rooster was standing on the stage just as before only this time his head was twiching around and his eyes were as white as a ghost. I slowly backed up careful not to make any sudden movements.

Suddenly Ricky let out a loud screech immediately shutting the speakers off. My heart rate jumped up as he leapt from the stage onto the floor. I then found myself running out the door and slamming it shut behind me. Before I could take two steps, the door was instantly shattered to pieces with the large rooster charging his way through. Debris landing near my feet I took off into the arcade hoping to find my hiding spot.

It was easier said than done with Ricky on my heels. As I ran throughout the arcade he was always there right behind me. I even tried distancing myself by hopping over machines but it didn't seem to slow him down. He just flipped them over on their side and continued his pursuit. My breathe was slowly growing heavy and my pulse was already maxed out on adrenaline. My legs were about to give out and I could only think about the fun time I had with Bennie. What a miserable last day.

*CRASH!* Like a bolt of lightning, Bennie came out of nowhere tackling Ricky up against the wall. They fought against one another with Bennie on top of Ricky struggling to keep him pinned down. As a last ditch effort, Bennie reared his head back smashing it against Ricky's forehead seemingly incapacitating him for the time. "We gotta go Terry!" Quickly I started running in the opposite direction, but as I began picking up momentum Bennie raced beside me picking me up under one of his arms. I was like a ragdoll in his arm bouncing up and down unknowing were we were going. His feet clanking underneath as he forced his way into the restaurant slamming it behind himself.

Within a few moments Bennie had the entrance barricaded with chairs and tables. It probably wouldn't be enough to stop them, but it did make me feel a little bit safer. I sat down on one of the tables trying to catch my breathe. "Thanks Bennie. I don't think I could have evaded him for much longer." I said patting my hand on my chest. Bennie looked over at me trying to force a smile.

He put a hand over his neck looking away from me with his ears laid back over his head. "I am so sorry. It was all my fault that you were in danger." He said walking up to me. "I promise I won't ever do anything like like again."

"I'm not mad Ben. You saved my life...again." I reached over to grab his hand holding it tenderly against my chest. "I was just so worried when you left. I wasn't sure if you were hurt or I offended you because of what happened earlier."

"No nothing like that. It's just...." He let out a huff. "I think I like you...more than I probably should." He kept his eyes to the side. Was it even possible that this animatronic bunny could have feelings for me? There was a burning desire in my heart, but was it the same thing. One wrong move and I could accidently end our friendship. What do I do...

"Well....I like you too." I said with my face turning red. " This day has been amazing to say the least. Sure I have been attacked several times, but I know you would always be there for me. I've never had someone like you in my life and I couldn't imagine today being any better. Despite the fact that your a robot I still feel...attracted to you."

He looked me dead in the eyes with his arms shaking. It seemed like he was unsure of what to do as well. So I did what any nice guy would do. I put my arms around his large body and pulled myself into him resting my head against his chest and belly. He in turn put both his arms around my back being careful as to not crush me. I could hear his internal organs pumping and he smelled like blueberries. I wouldn't mind spending the whole day like this.

As we embraced one another, I felt the large lump in his shorts pushing against my body. Bennie was softly grunting under his breathe trying not to draw attention to it. I pondered the option for a bit. Would it be unethical to go all the way with a robotic mascot that was specifically designed to interact with children and their parents? I continued to think of the reasons that this would be a horrible mistake, but in that moment Bennie lowered his head and pushed his muzzle right up to my face.

His soft lips came into contact with mine and I couldn't help but be surprised. Soon we both closed our eyes, our lips overlapping with my saliva leaking down his lower lip. His tongue slid into my mouth, the textures feeling so natural but with minimal moisture. I gladly sucked on the tip of his tongue while my hands wandered over his belly and then his shorts.

My body was heating up as he retracted his tongue. "I love you." Bennie said as his hands ran down the length of my back before resting on my butt. Those words sent shivers up my spine and his hands were so firm. My fingers traced over the growing girth in his shorts and he thrusted his hips forward a bit. "So would you like to see all my parts?"

I blushed stepping back for a moment. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. In response Bennie backed himself up until he was sitting on one of the tables. He opened his legs a bit so the bulge in his shorts were plainly visible. My hands were shaking and I was beginning to sweat. I walked slowly towards him placing both my hands on his thighs.

Bennie's legs quivered at my touch. "I-I'm a little worried...maybe scared even. Just try not to laugh please." He said watching me so closely. Bennie was just as new to this as me which only spurred my attraction to him. I think I was ready to take this step with him.

My fingers went up to the button that was holding his shorts together. With a satisfying *click* they popped undone. Slowly the bunny's cock pushed its way free from its binding. It was an unusual sight compared to myself. Instead of the tan and pink nature of a normal dick it was an aqua blue color from the head down to the base. He was mostly erect from all the foreplay and what looked like veins pulsed around it. Other than those quirks it looked like a rather large normal humanoid cock.

"Wow...its amazing. Why does an animatronic need a penis in the first place?" I asked looking up at him.

"Umm well it does what yours does. Relieve excess fluid in my body....also gives me both pain and pleasure to make me more appealing to people....UGGHH!"

While he was distracted my hand wrapped around the base of his girthy member. I gently held it for a moment feeling the smooth rubbery texture in my hand. I wanted this...no I needed this. I slowly dipped my head down until my face was against his inner thigh. I then opened my mouth sticking my tongue out until it came into contact with his meat. I traced the tip of my tongue up his shaft causing him to shudder. It tasted just like rubber but with a hint of blueberry.

I worked my way up until my mouth was slurping on the head of his cock. Bennie let out a moan softly placing his right hand on the back of my head. As I kissed and sucked over his tip, pre started oozing from his urethra. I didn't know what it could be but it tasted so good. My fingers worked their way under his sausage feeling the two hefty balls still trapped within. They soon popped out resting on his shorts, the dark blue testicles were practically throbbing against me.

Bennie leaned back with his hands now resting behind him. The table underneath him began to creak and bend, but we were too distracted to notice. I then opened my mouth as wide as I could engulfing his cockhead pushing it as far as I could to the back of my throat. "Oh Terry!" He moaned practically breaking the sides of the table he was holding. He was almost too much for me to handle. I could only get his tip in before I would start to gag.

I gripped my hands around the base of his shaft twisting my hands around it. My own lust driving me further with my own erection putting pressure on the inside of my pants. As I savored the flavor of his mushroom shaped tip, I noticed that his grunts were desyncing. They were not stopping but instead it sounded like his voice box had a static sound like from the white noise of an old TV.

I popped my mouth free with my drool dripping off his throbbing erection. "Is everything ok Ben?" I said snapping him back to reality. I moved back a bit as he stood up holding his head. I almost didn't notice that his normal deep purple eyes had somewhat dimmed. I hope I didn't break him or something...

"I-I'm ok just feeling like I am about to explode" Bennie said. "Could we....take this a bit further?" He put a hand on my back pulling me in closer. His firm hand then reaching down to grope over my ass cheek. I nervously looked up into his eyes then back down to his huge phallus.

"I don't think I can take that monster. It's not like I practice taking dick either." I said laying my head on his belly with my hands under his balls squeezing on them as gently as I can.

I thought about it a lot as I was blowing him too. Me riding on his dick buck naked eventually cumming onto his chest. Him filling my body with the mystery fluid he had pent up inside his ballsack. He was still a robot however and things wouldn't end the way I wanted them to. Unless I was in total control he would likely hurt me in some fashion. I still really like him but the limitations are plain for anyone to see.

October 24 9:00 A.M.

Bennie sighed in disappointment. "It's ok. Maybe someday we could try it though?" He said. I nodded to him giving him the biggest smile. I began to notice something about his erection and that it had gone completely flaccid. At first I thought that he just got distracted, but his whole demeanor subtly changed over the next few seconds. His whole body was frozen in place with his eyes going completely black.

"Ben?" I said waving my hand in front of his face. He remained immobile for a short time not moving a single muscle. Then his eyes lit back up suddenly, but were missing their usual color. Just like the other animatronics, Bennie's eyes were totally white and he went into a neutral stance laying both his arms at his side and standing upright.

"INTRUDER!" Bennie said in a loud robotic tone. His head cocked to the side looking dead at me sending a horrible shiver down my spine. I backed up slowly both confused and terrified. Bennie was completely changed but why. Was it something that I had done?

I ran into the back holding my tears aside for the moment. I was alone again. I scurried into the vent connecting the kitchen to the employee areas. As I was crawling I could faintly hear Bennie behind me struggling to say something but all I heard was static. Once safely on the other side I tried to figure out my next step. It was only about an hour until the doors open and I could leave. However there were now three animatronics looking for me and one knew how to get here.

With still very little knowledge of the place, I began wandering amidst the corridors. Everything was so terribly lit I thought I was in some horror movie. There were a million signs pointing in all sorts of directions. Lounge, Offices, and Parts were only a few of them. *Clunk...clunk....clunk.* The animatronics' feet were stomping in the maze looking for me. Maybe they would just escort me out if they caught me? I could only hope....

Among my searching I discovered what looked like a power room. Large servers lined the walls as well as electrical lines leading around the entire room. The room had a blue hue to it with a loud humming sounds coming from the many servers. "Maybe on of these would lift the lockdown." I said examining every one of the computers that were attached to the boxes.

My eye caught one of the monitors named "Animatronic AI". Most of the lines of code went way over my head, but three lines stuck out to me. Holly: Update complete. Ricky: Update complete. Bennie: Update sixty percent. Reading more this update was designed to fix the issues the staff was having with the animatronics not doing what they are told and expressing too much human behavior that made the manager uneasy. The update was suppose to turn them into regular emotionless animatronics?

On one hand I understand that robots are dangerous and need to be controlled, but on the other Bennie to me was something unique and we had so much fun. It was only the first day of opening too and I'm sure given time people would grow to love the band. "Stingy corporate assholes" I stood there looking at the keyboard. I tried some keys but to no avail. It was hard locked to this update.

The clanking of feet grew louder and louder, then the door handle jiggled and swung open. Bennie's frame peered through the door and I froze in fear. "INDTRUDER!" he said stepping into the room. The way out was blocked and I couldn't think of a single way to get out. I heard more footsteps just outside the room getting closer and closer.

October 24 9:30 A.M.

All available options had run dry....except for one. I had to stop this update somehow. After a brief moment I started kicking the machine barely able to make a dent in it. Bennie who had been waiting for his friends began stepping towards me with his arms raised. The idea hit me. If I can't break it maybe he can! With a small bit of courage I went at Bennie with a fist to his face nearly breaking my hand in the process.

He stopped for a second and then reared his elbow up into the air fist clenched. I threw myself backwards as he swung his metal infused arm at me. His whole arm impaled the server and sparks went flying in every direction. There was a large cut in Bennie's arm as he withdrew from the machine. It slowly leaked an oily substance onto the floor right around were the sparks had made their home.

"I love you Bennie." I said as the oil ignited. It was all so sudden after that. A bright flash and a brief moment of pain. My whole world was plunged into darkness and I could feel myself floating away. I couldn't feel anything and my thoughts were in a jumbled mess with flashes of my past. The fantastic childhood I had with my dad and the love interest with Bennie were the two memories I held onto that made me feel....happy.

????? ?? ?:?? ?.?.


End of part 1.

Author: Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. There will definitely be a part 2 to this so stick around and let me know what ya think in the comments. :3