A Loving Corruption

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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Hewwo everyone! I wanted you all to know I have a discord! You can come join here! https://discord.gg/2q8YtKfYeF

I welcome you to come and Join and Come and Chat with me if you are interested. I will add more things and keep people posted and Maybe do community Nights for you all.

Enough Self Promoting! Here's the Story!.

A Loving Corruption

I was driving to a historical church on the outskirts of town. Run by nuns, it was a retro building, Still off the electrical grid and the only addition that had electricity was an addon with a kitchen, and a bathroom with running water. Other areas were retrofitted to have running water but that was about it. I was coming to visit one particular nun. She was by herself for a week today was the first day she was alone. The rest had gone to a seminar and needed a nun to stay behind so they could take care of the church.

I pulled up into the parking lot, another retro add-on to the established grounds. I readied myself and got out of my older car, it was beat-up and in need of repairs, a good car for what I'm doing tonight. I walked into the church and noted my target doing some sweeping in the pews by candlelight. It was late afternoon mid evening and getting darker by the second. She Looked up and set the broom down and immediately started walking towards me.

"I'm sorry sir! The church is closed this week! We aren't allowing Visitors." She closed the distance and was in front of me. "So you'll need to leave. Now please."

I looked at the donation box and pulled out my wallet and made a clear effort to show I was donating one hundred dollars to the church, "How about a small Private tour?" I put the money into the box. "Or" I pulled out another one hundred dollar bill. "Do ya need more for that?"

"Two hundred for a brief tour." she said firmly.

I willingly put it in the box, "Done, lets get a tour."

"First, Sister, what's your name?" I inquired

"It's Sister Mary." She looked me over, "Yours?"

"Marcus," I motioned for her to go ahead, "it's a pleasure to meet you. Shall we get started?

She rolled her eyes and took me around the newer parts of the church. Remarking on their dedication to keep the church as 'Authentic' as possible. I saw that they tried to keep it as authentic as possible. The new addon looked like the older bricks that were used. We went through the rest of the church and she pointed out things here and there rather uninterested in what she was saying and trying to rush me out.

"And finally we have the Quarters for the nuns here." hands on her hips "Now will you please Leave?"

I looked at the doors and noticed they had placards. I saw her name and pushed her into the room and shut it behind us.She was furious looking. I pushed her against the wall and held her there. I snuck in a kiss on her lips and then broke away from her. She was beyond fuming.

"Sister Rose, I have a proposal that is maybe not so decent." I traced a paw along her face, "I want your body."

"How Dare you sir! Get off of me this Instant or so help me, The Lord's wrath will be the least of your concern." she hit me as hard as she could muster.

"Look Rose, I know a lot about you." I grabbed her chin, it was the first good look I'd had at her face, "You are 24 years old, born to 2 loving parents, who tragically died in a car accident. Was taken in by the Local church and became a ward of the orphanage. Where you were raised and taught by nuns, Never adopted by anyone, and at the age of 18 once you graduated you went into the ministry and graduated 2 years later and have been serving dutifully the last two years."

She looked shocked, "How do you know all of that? And its Mary not Rose"

"I had you looked into," I said looking into her beautiful bright blue eyes, "I noticed you a few weeks ago at a work function. Hired a P.I. and paid for an express delivery. I am surprised by the lack of a record. You were a very good girl your whole life. I'm worried about that. I think you've been indoctrinated."

"What, like a cult?" She looked incredulous.

"Indoctrination takes many forms. I want to see if I could corrupt you." I kissed her muzzle again.

This time she is rendered speechless for a moment before regaining composure. "I don't want what you're offering you, evil devil."

I took the candle from her and set it on a dresser, "Then I'm sorry for what is going to happen next."

I spun her around and pushed her back into the wall and forcefully removed the Habit and all articles included in it. She fought back but to no avail. In no time she was exposed and naked, no damage to her clothing. I looked at her form and she was well toned, her yellow fur contrasting with my black fur. She was a labrador and seemed very much like an innocent young woman. I was a wolf and only a few years older than her. I towered over her frame. She was tall at 5'11 and I was a solid 6'7" inches.

She was a very cute young woman. Golden blonde hair at shoulder length. Her breasts were modest for her size and frame, DD cup breasts. Her ass was firm and toned, she didn't have much in terms of muscles but the muscles she did have were very visible. I licked at her neck and cupped her pussy.

"Stop," she moaned, "I'm a virgin."

I ignored her and kept going. I started to slowly finger her. Moving my digits delicately and expertly along her pussy. I licked at her neck as I did so. She was biting her lip to stifle moans and cries of pleasure as I did so. As she relaxed I was able to get more access into her pussy and reach deeper in her pussy. Rubbing her delicate peach as expertly as I could.

"Good Heavens," she gasped once I hit her G-spot.

Eventually she lost the ability to hold back her moans. She was moaning like a harlot. I fingered her as fiercely as could once she started moaning. Bringing her closer and closer to her climax. I was determined to make sure she was having as much fun as possible. I gently bit at her neck.

"I don't know what's happening..." She started to spasm

I knew exactly what was happening. She started gushing from her pussy and coating my paw in her feminine juices. I kept rubbing as she came, making her over-stimulated and cum once again. She was moaning breathlessly and was begging me to keep going. I stopped after the second climax and let her calm down, holding her gently. I brought my paw to her face.

"How about you clean my paw?" I whispered in her ear.

Mindlessly she took my digits in her mouth and started sucking on them, "Tasty..." she uttered quietly.

I moved her to her bed and laid her down, "I'm going to go soon, I want you to return the favor before I leave."

I sat on her old uncomfy bed and pulled my cock out, she looked at it and said, "I'm not doing that."

"Come on Sister," I brought her closer, My musk getting into her nostrils.

The musk was overriding her brain, making her even more horny than before. The next thing she knew she was licking along my shaft and tasking my cock. She was still being really shy about it but she was moving forward. She licked all the way to the tip and then kissed the cock head and licked it before licking down my cock again. With a little encouragement she had taken the whole thing in her mouth and was now sucking my cock.

She was going slow and inexpertly, occasionally biting my cock from inexperience and excitement. One of her paws had made it to my cock and was stroking it as well. Her movements here were also not expert like mine but enjoyable nonetheless. I was already very horny from my fingering of a nun and how forbidden it was, I was so close. I took a hold of her head and started to fuck her throat no longer able to hold back. I was so close and wanted to finish, I felt myself start to tense and I made sure my tip was in her mouth and filled it with thick sticky strands of cum. It was too much for her as it filled her mouth and spilled out around the sides of her mouth and nose making her look sloppy.

"Swallow what you can dear." I told her.

In response she swallowed and looked at me, "Are we done Now?"

I looked at her, "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that." I took a card from my pants and put it next to the candle, "I have an offer, I put my card on the dresser, it has my name, and my address on it. You can either call the cops and provide that information, or, you can come on by around noon and I can introduce you to a whole new world. Think about it.

I left her in her state and she couldn't say anything before I left the room. I was down the hall once she called out, "How do you know I wont turn you in?"

"I have faith" I looked back at her and walked out, and deposited another one hundred bill into the Donation box.

I got into my car and pulled out and started to drive back to my home. I was speeding along the roads and flying past cars on the back road highways. I was definitely exceeding the speed limit laws and was unsurprised when a set of flashing lights showed up in my rear view mirror. I pulled over and rolled my window down, and had my hands on the steering wheel. I looked in the rear view mirror. The cop was alone and looked very green. I watched her closely, she was a lovely cheetah. She got out of the car and walked up towards my window. I watched her the entire time.

She had a slender hourglass frame. She looked to be about 5'5" inches and had a large pair of breasts, I was guessing 64 E cups. She was clearly new and nervous. She tripped a little as she made her way on over. Her hair was in a long ponytail, sleek and brown. I had a plan on what I was going to do.

"E-e-Excuse me sir. Do y-y-you know how fast you w-w-were going?" She was holding a clipboard ready to write.

I looked at her "No officer, I was not aware of how fast I was going."

"S-s-seventy in a fifty mile an hour zone, Can I see your l-l-license and registration please?" She started writing a ticket.

I pulled out a hundred dollar bill, "Look Officer" I looked at her Nametag. "Jackie, I'm in a hurry and would like to hurry this along" I noted she was wearing a police issued skirt, and I pulled her waist band and stuffed the one hundred dollar bill into the band like she was a stripper, "Think that One hundred bill will cover any inconveniences?"

She recoiled at the sudden audacity and pulled her gun on me "G-g-get out of the car r-r-right now!"

I got out of the car following her stuttery commands. Once I was standing out of the vehicle I quickly pushed her arm down so it wasn't pointing at me and she tried to fire a round but was unable to do so. I disarmed her and the gun fell to the ground harmlessly and I pinned her against the hood of my car and grabbed her cuffs and pulled both of her paws together and cuffed her. She was unable to slip out of the cuffs and now unable to fight back.

I licked her ear, "The next time you try to shoot someone make sure the safety is off" I picked the gun up and cleared the chamber and removed the magazine "I hear you guys get in a lot of trouble when you lose your weapon, I'll give this back to you but im keeping the bullets."

"You fucker!" She struggled trying to get out of the cuffs as I set the gun on the hood.

I reached under her skirt and lifted it up seeing her lacy black panties, "You look really good beautiful. Why'd you become a cop?"

"H-h-hey! Put my skirt back down you damn pervert!`` She is struggling now, including trying to kick at me and failing.

"You need to relax," I undid her utility belt and put it on the hood next to her gun.

"F-f-f-fuck you." her kicking stopped as she cant get me while I'm holding her down.

I pulled her panties down exposing her mound which was glistening and emitting pheromones signaling her heat, and her pucker, "Since I'm so in deep already with assault charges I might as well already go all the way right? Which hole do you prefer?"

"Y-y-you stay away from me!" her tail flicking agitatedly.

I rubbed her slit, "This is gonna happen hun. Which hole would be the least objectionable tonight?"

"P-p-please I'm in heat... u-u-use my... a-a-asshole..." She relaxed her body. "I hate you"

I pulled my cock out and put it up to her pucker and pressed forward. She grimaced as I entered her. "Relax, this will be less painful if you relax." I finished penetrating her. My hips were against hers and I let her relax, getting used to my size. Then I started pulling back slowly, setting a slow pace.

While I was slowly penetrating her ass I was licking at her neck gently and rubbing her back like I was a mere lover not a guy forcing myself on her. She slowly started to moan and tried to hide it as I did so. My speed slowly increased, she was getting into it herself and moving backwards when I was moving forwards and we were meeting in the middle. She was now tensing her walls to enhance the pleasure rather than keep me out.

She was moaning just as loudly as the nun was earlier. I moved a paw to her pussy and started to rub her clit as I licked and nibbled at her ear and neck. She gasped at my paw, finding her clit and rubbing it sensually. I sped up to the fastest pace I could without hurting her or myself. I was close as well, she could feel my knot growing larger.

"Please give me your cum daddy." she pleaded.

I stopped what I was doing, "I want something from you."

She huffed desperately wanting to cum and feel my cum, "Name your price."

"I want you to forget what happened with this stop tonight, my speeding, my assault of an officer, and sexual assault. I want to take your panties home with me as well."

"Deal," she said without thinking.

"What else can you do for me?" I asked.

"I-i-I can give you money." she looked at me desperately, her glowing green eyes desperate, "Please finish. I need it."

"It's a deal" I started humping into her again. This time I kept going until she came and then I followed her immediately after. Rope after rope filled her with cum it leaked out around her tight pucker and hit her skirt and the ground under her. She was reduced to a panting mess, unable to recover her composure. I pulled out and the rest of my hot cum spilled on the ground under her in a pool.

I got in my car's center console and pulled out some wet naps and cleaned her skirt and leaking asshole as best as i could. I then helped her out of her panties and put them in the center console of the vehicle. I then went to her car and pulled out the SD card from the dash cam and pocketed it. After all this she had recovered.

"Alright you had your fun now let me go!" She Snarled.

I put her utility belt back on her and placed her gun in its holster and turned her around and took the 100 from her pants, "By the way you can keep your money, I was wanting to see how far you'd commit." I stuffed the 100 into her bra as well as a card. Into her bra, "The card has my Home address and name on it. I want you to come by at 5 tomorrow. Will I see you then?

She was puzzled, "Why would I show up?"

"Because, despite what you are trying to show me, you enjoyed yourself." I pulled out the keys for the cuffs. "I promise you'll have a better day tomorrow than you did today."

"Okay," she looked skeptical, "its my day off anyways"

"Good, I'll see you then, show up on time, I hate tardiness." I turned her around and took off her cuffs and handed them to her. I then climbed in my car as she quickly made her way back to her car. As I was pulling away she got the shotgun out and aimed it and took my mirror clean off. Luckily it was just a bean back round or I could have been hurt. I Laughed as I drove away and thought tonight was even more successful than I had intended it to be. Two for the price of one.!