Watching officers in uniform, working in their line of duty, naturally made him think about his mate, who was now a cop, himself.
The Cop
The cop moved his feet a bit so jonny could suck his toes. jonny was amazed at how surprisingly soft the bull's feet were, not a dry spot on them. the cop suddenly pulled his feet away and stood up.
Copping a Feel(ing a Cop)
He watches with that damned cop-face on, and that's fine because it gives me ample opportunity to watch that tent in the sheets erect itself.
Good Cop, Bad Cop
Sternen looked down at his own member built like a police baton, then to the fox's worried glare, and shrugged a slight apology. vince pressed the head of his cock against isil's hole, taunting the fox who protested with stifled moans.
Good Cop, Bad Cop
**good cop, bad cop** by strega the first thing allen noticed when he woke up was that his head hurt.
Soon-to-be Cop
Nick then excited to academy, looking towards the challenges that would await him on his journey to become a cop.
Collaring the Cop
It didn't take long for the off-duty police officer and the chief of police to strip down to nothing, their clothes thrown every which way as they went down on all fours. "hehehe, good boys."
Cops and Convicts
Must be a cop." "you sure? i've heard a lot of rumors about what they get up to in the locker room." "heh, no way. if this was a convict, his ass would be way looser. i'm betting it's a cop." "your money, man."
Cops and Shadows
What a day it had been for the young police officer, and it wasn't over quite yet. he was walking up the stairs to his apartment, but he had a person in tow today. a young fox girl, a young shadow fox girl at that.
screw the cops
as i raced in my 69' chevy truck i knew i was late for work darn husband drinking games, him and buddies using me for a cheap thrill still not that i'm compaining. as i speed up speedo hitting 100 i saw the red and blues in my wind mirror which i...
Cop killer
cop killer. last night i dreamt about killing. i slit the throught of a cop and it was so furfilling. the bitch thought i was drug dealing. now he's dead and his life i was stealing. so i cut off his face and wear it as a mask.
Cops and Robbers
Chris spoke up gruffly, playing the part of a police officer. "spread em ya crook, you're under arrest!" seth smiled and played along, spreading out his limbs, thinking of how realistic the cuffs sounded as they clinked onto the edge of the bed.