Extra Friendly Digital Roommates

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This is another commission for Kyrehx involving a human and his three digimon friends, all bunking in the same place.

I hope you enjoy and I'm still open for commissions!

Hello! I usually upload on Furaffinity but I thought I'd post some things here too! If you're interested in more from me check out my FA: Dipdoo

The snow didn't want to stick around very long this Winter season. It had fallen a few times, but it wasn't ever cold enough for it to stay for more than a couple days. The most recent storm was different though, it dumped nearly a foot of snow over the course of just one night.

Ben was an early riser and pretty handy with a shovel, standing at a somewhat tall five feet eleven inches. With a sweatshirt on and a hoodie that fit nicely, the hood hiding his blonde hair, he trudged out to fetch his shovel and get to work clearing out the driveway. His roommates could make much shorter work of all this snow, but they usually slept in for a while and he didn't mind some early exercise. Plus, his job was to do chores around the house. As well as to, well, help 'relieve some stress' with his big friends.

Plus, it was a great way to really wake himself up. One shovelful at a time as he dug one column after another out of the snow-stuffed driveway. It wasn't long before he needed to take a moment to rest though. He leaned on the shovel in a freshly cleared patch of concrete and adjusted his glasses, trying to fit them on in just the right way to keep his breath from fogging them up.

The chilly morning air made that breath stick to his lenses for longer than he would like, but the wait was a short one and he would be back at it not more than a few minutes later. All in all, it took him a little over an hour to fully clear the driveway of all that snow. His sweatshirt had done its job of keeping him warm thanks to the help of his hoodie, and the thick pants he sported made sure his legs didn't feel the chill either, not while he was using them anyway.

With a satisfied nod, he'd set the shovel back in its place and step into his shared home. Some mumbling caught his attention pretty quickly, and it was still early for his roommates to be up. Wait. That's right, it's Christmas day!

He buried up the short set of stairs leading to the living room. "Good morning and Merry Christmas guys!" He rounded a corner and was face to face-to-knees with a familiar Leomon, who suddenly scooped him up with two massive hands placed under Ben's arms.

"Merry Christmas indeed my little servant!" He wore a toothy smirk, his voice carrying an authoritative and commanding yet caring tone.

"Our little servant, Leo..." Scolded a Blackwargreymon that sat on the far side of a massive couch, one leg's ankle crossed over the other's knee. His voice was deep, but also strangely light. He was just as tall as the Leomon, but with an even stronger physique.

"I think the title 'Paw Pet' would fit better!" Shouted a shorter, at least compared to the other two, yet stockier Gargomon.

The other two looked to him with a glare while the Blackwargreymon held a finger up to his lips in a shushing motion.

Ben looked from one to the other with a questioning stare before saying. "I wouldn't mind a title like that."

"Well... About that..." Said Leo, but before he could say any more, the largest of them stood up and walked over with heavy steps.

"Give him to me Leo."

"Alright Grey, this was your idea after all."

Ben looked really confused now as he was handed from one huge digimon to the other like a piece of precious cargo. He was carried like a damsel in distress by Grey as Leo sat in the middle seat of the couch.

"Gomon, get over there please."

The Gargomon stood up from a cushy solo chair with an exaggerated sigh before thumping over to his seat on the couch, opposite from where Grey was sitting earlier.

Ben was set down between the Blackwargreymon and the others then, who all looked at him. Gomon with a lecherous grin, Leo with a confident smirk, and Grey with an encouraging smile.

"We have a special gift for you today Ben." Grey hummed.

"Oh yes, very special~" Added Leo.

"You're gonna want to strip down, now." Said Gomom.

Ben's heart skipped a beat as he realized what was about to happen. "Y-You don't mean... D-Do you?" He turned to look up at Grey with pleading eyes.

"We do, you've more than earned something like this, now get those clothes off before we make a mess of them~"

Ben obeyed in an instant, throwing his hoodie, sweatshirt, undershirt, shoes, socks, pants, and even underwear aside one at a time. By the time he was fully nude, his cock was already stiff and twitching with anticipation.

"Leo called dibs on you first, but I'm next, then Gomon will have some time with you. The finale will have to stay a surprise though." Grey explained while taking a couple steps back from Ben while motioning for Leo to scoot over to the far side of the couch.

The big feline nearly thrice Ben's height shuffled over, his heavy, five-toed feet slapping against the ground as he took his seat and looked to Ben expectantly. "Get to it servant!"

Ben stood there for a moment, still in some disbelief before a reassuring pat on his back from Grey spurred him forward. He stumbled up to Leo's legs before dropping onto his hands and knees and practically laying on top of the huge digimon's feet, his tongue starting to lap at their tops dutifully.

"Yes, just like that. I don't even need to instruct you!" He leaned down to ruffle Ben's hair with a heavy hand before relaxing in his seat, happily sighing. "Such a good servant~"

Ben's tongue would travel over every inch of the top of Leo's feet before it reached for his toes, slipping between the digits and trying to wriggle its way under them. The feisty feline would sometimes lift a toe to allow Ben's tongue to slip under it, other times he would pin his tongue under and toe and twist it from side to side. Each and every little moan and gasp that came from the horny human made Leo's body and mind relax just a little bit more.

It wasn't long until it was time to move onto the bottoms of his big friend's feet. A quick lift would send Ben onto his back. But before he could try and right himself, both of Leo's stompers would land on him, covering his entire torso, but just barely missing his groin. A gentle press would follow before Leo slid his little servant right beside the bottom of the couch. "Don't stop licking, or I might have to start squishing!" He teased.

Ben let out a whimpering "Y-Yes sir!" before hefting Leo's left paw up, its weight almost too much for his arms after the early morning shoveling. He got to work dragging his tongue along its underside. Starting at the rough heel before going over the wrinkled arch. But right as he started to lick the sole, he felt and heard a sudden plap from not far below.

Leo's other foot had lifted and landed right on Ben's burgeoning cock, catching it right as it started to soften. A quick series of twists and short drops of that foot wouldn't just wake his little friend's arousal back up, it would nearly set him off on the path to a climax. All three of his roommates chuckled at the series of groans and gasps that escaped Ben, his legs twitching and toes curling.

"Mmmph, I can't wait to squash his balls dry when it's my turn!" Growled Gomon.

"I'll try to leave some left for you~" Teased Grey.

"You're both lucky I like the way he moves his tongue more than the way he squirts."

The quick exchange ended right as Ben regained control of himself and continued his foot-slicking job. Each toe would be pulled into the faithful human's mouth one at a time to receive its own suckle before he squirmed under Leo's feet and serviced his lower foot. The little splotch of his own pre tasted just as nicely as Ben hoped it would. All that pineapple really worked wonders.

Finally, Leo would lift his feet away and nod to Grey. "It's your turn, big guy."

Grey waved for Ben to follow him as he backed up onto a smooth and remarkably plush rug. It was almost like a fuzzy yoga mat, and Ben had been trampled silly on it many times before. He wondered what the largest of his roommates was about to do to him. M-Maybe the gentlest of the giants was about to stomp him silly.

"Since Leo worked you up so much, lets see if I can help you relieve some of that pressure~" He hummed while lifting up a torso-sized paw, three head-sized toes twitching lightly with anticipation as Ben scooted under it, remaining on his back.

"A-Are you going to be gentle?"

"Of course I will! But I'm going to smother you plenty~" With that, his hovering paw would thwap onto Ben. His heel covered the human's groin completely while his sole smooshed his chest and shoulders, his central toe smothering the little guy's face while the other two angled in to gently squeeze against the sides of his head.

It was paw heaven. Just that one drop of Grey's plush and almost overly thick paw made him squeak with pleasure. His arms hugged against that paw, his tongue instinctively coming out to lick against the toe in his face. But it wouldn't complete more than two laps before Grey stuffed his mouth full of that digit's underside.

"None of that, silly. This is your Christmas gift, not mine. Now relax and let me make you scream with joy~"

The heel that could've crushed his cock at any moment would start to slowly press harder and harder against Ben's groin, slowly encasing his pride in the thick and wonderfully warm flesh there. Even his balls would be caught up in the press. But just as it was about to start to hurt, Grey stopped pressing and began to slowly twist to one side, then, after a few seconds, he would reverse that twist.

Then again, and again, and again. Ben's crotch was smothered, his hips pinned, and his face encased in toe. Drool began to leak from the corners of his lips while his hands gripped the top of Grey's paw. "A-Aaah G-Grey this is... Mmmph!"

"I know Ben, I know~ But if you think this is good, then your cock might just pop in three..."

His heel's pressing would slowly lessen, while the pressure the rest of his paw was putting on Ben grew until it too was about to start hurting.


The Blackwargreymon's meaty paw would slide down then, freeing Ben's face and then his chest and arms as that paw's sole replaced the heel's spot on his groin. But even with his upper half mostly free, Ben was paralyzed by the amazing sensation of the slow, stroking slide, arms falling limp.


He began to pump weight into the sole that sealed away Ben's schlong. Every little jolt would drag the human forward, then back, then forward again. To all three digimon, it looked like Grey's paw was fucking Ben.

And to him, that's exactly what it felt like, especially as the pumping grew faster and heavier with every stroke until Grey licked his lips and shouted. "Pop!"

Ben's jaw clenched, his legs kicked, and eyelids fluttered as his hands curled into fists. He let out a taught and growing groan before a breathless scream escaped him while his cock let out a messy SPLURT-GURP! SQUICK-SPLAT! SQUIRT-PLAP! His seed splattered Grey's sole, turning the charcoal-colored underside into a creamy canvas.

All three digimon let out gasps. Leo's surprised and Gomon's jealous, but Grey's was satisfied. He continued to pump his paw-loving buddy until his cock stopped bucking against his sole. Only then did he finally lift that paw up to his face for a few quick licks. Ben's cum was greedily slurped up by the largest of them all.

A panting, exhausted Ben would look over to Gomon with pleading eyes and a weak whimper.

The Gargomon stood up with a dark chuckle. "I know that look, and it won't work on me!" The stockiest digimon thumped up beside Grey, who stepped aside for him and crossed his arms, keeping a watchful eye just in case Gomon crossed a line.

Ben looked to the rudest of his roommates with a dopey smile. "What do you plan to d-do to me?"

"Hmmm... Grey just made you cum your brains out, and Leo helped him do that by working you up." He looked at the two of them, giving each an exaggerated wink. "So I'll just have to tenderize you!"

Gomon stepped forward, the gun-bunny's paws not quite as thick as Grey's but they were just as heavy. One of Ben's legs disappeared, then the other. His joints crackled and popped, but there was only a deep relief forced into them by the pressure from his friend's paws, all thanks to the cushioned rug under him.

He wasn't about to have an easy time though, not with Gomon on him. The wide digimon took tiny steps forward, his paws trampling over one inch of Ben at a time. His balls would barely escape a squashing, but his pride was firmly pressed under a toe, forcing it to stiffen despite being mostly spent. His stomach would be covered soon, and with it went all of his breath in the form of a slow wheeze.

The Gargomon suddenly turned then, standing on him, paws perpendicular, just like Leo's were earlier. But Gomon's paws were wider. Only Ben's legs could be seen as Gomon lowered himself down into a squat, listening to each and every little crack, snap, and, pop from Ben's joints, especially his vertebrae as they were forced into place. He could even feel the human's tongue desperately slapping against the arch of the paw that covered his chest, shoulders, and head.

"Hmph! As if worshipping is gonna convince me to be gentle!" With that, he would start to harshly trample Ben. One paw lifting, then THUMPING down with what Grey knew was a weak stomp compared to what Gomon could really do. The other would go up then, only to drop back down with a WHUMP!


Gomon's trampling grew heavier and heavier, all while Ben's desperate gasps, whenever his face was free, grew weaker and weaker. He was going to be knocked out at this rate. But it felt wonderful regardless. His muscles were pounded into submission, leaving him limp and helpless against just one of these digimon, let alone all of them.

Yet rather than harm him, they were pampering him, in their own way. It brought a smile to his face despite the stomp-trampling he was enduring. Then, all at once, Gomon lifted off of Ben, jumping to stand just beyond the human's feet, in the same spot Grey stood not long ago.

"There we go, nice and softened up! Now, give me a climax or I'll have to flatten your balls, Benny boy~" His right paw would lift and slide forward before stomping down with the most force yet right onto Ben's legs and groin.

Gomon's toes dug into his stomach while his sole smashed his cock and buried his balls. Grey was about to step forward and stop the gun-bunny. But the explosive moan that came from Ben stopped him. And the look in the human's eyes, lustful and submissive, told him that Ben was very much into this.

The Gargomon could feel just how into it he was too as his cock pulsed into his sole. He didn't plan on being as sensual and careful as Grey though. Instead, he would lift and stomp into the same spot. Then again, and again, and again.

Each stomp came faster than the last, until only his sole and toes lifted as the rabbit started to violently THUMP-PUMP-WHUMPH-PLAP Ben's crotch with blinding speed. Just like under Grey, Ben was paralyzed. This time though, he couldn't even groan, moan or shout, only drool and twitch as Gomon pounded one climax out of him, then another, and another, and another.

He just kept thumping away on Ben's groin, each impact more moist than the last, SPLUT-SLAP-SPLURT-GURSH! Only once Gomon's leg began to ache badly did he finally stop. But as he lifted his paw away from a bruised and battered Ben, there would be multiple, thick strings of seed connecting the rabbit-like digimon's paw to his small friend's rod.

Gomon looked at Leo and then Grey with a cocksure grin. "Ha! I told you I would squash him dry!" The Gargomon stood there on one leg, not wanting to make the rug even messier by stepping his cum-stained paw down on it.

"You really did wear him out. And here I thought you were just gonna feel him flatten out under you and be happy with that. I knew you were a big softie deep down~" Grey teased as he fetched a few towels to help clean up.

Leo scooped a completely exhausted Ben up in both arms. "Let me take you to bed. You've had an eventful morning and you are definitely going to need more energy for tonight~"

He nodded hazily and fell asleep in Leomon's strong arms, not a single dream coming to him, not with how tired he was after this morning's surprise smooshing.

Ben woke up to a crackling fire, his body covered in a warm blanket, with a slight ache in his balls. He rubbed the bleariness from his eyes with a yawn, his glasses set above the fireplace, their lenses flickering lightly with the light below them.

He sat up and looked around, his eyes finding darkness in front of and behind him, but the comforting fire to his right and six familiar paws to his left. Grey's were crossed at the ankle, right beside his head, Leo's were held together at their sides, along his hips, and Gomon's were leaning over his legs, close to touching.

Grey spoke up first. "It's time for your real gift Ben, an old-fashioned gang-trampling!"

A tent would rise above his crotch as the Blackwargreymon spoke, reaching full mast as he finished telling him what his special gift really was.

"And we won't be stopping until you're a twitching mess, squirt!" Gomon shouted with a chuckle.

"You won't have to clean up though, we'll make sure you won't have the energy to do anything but sleep some more~" Leo added.

They all stood up then, letting Ben watch as their toes spread out lightly with their weight as it settled into those three pairs of heavy stompers. The blanket on him would be tossed aside by Gomon, revealing that the human was still completely nude.

He only barely had enough time to gasp before all of their left paws THWAPPED onto him, sealing half of him away in an instant. His collar and shoulders disappearing under Grey, His groin gone under Leo, and his calves squashed under Gomon. Then their right paws stepped onto him, sealing the rest away.

Ben couldn't move an inch, they had him perfectly pinned and completely helpless. His mind was racing through all sorts of desires, not a single worry finding its way into his thoughts. There was more paw than he could handle, and they all knew it.

"Alright boys, let's start slow." Grey hummed. In unison they would start to rock their weight from one paw to the other, making Ben moan and groan with each shift. He could feel his mind melting and his body softening, his muscles were starting to relax just like before, his jaw dropping and everything going limp over the next few minutes of simple weight rocking.

Leo would perk up as the first bit of pre started to leak onto his sole. "He's starting to really enjoy it guys, should we speed things up?"

Gomon snorted and squatted down, compressing Ben's legs further. "Hell yeah we should! I wanna move onto the shrinking already!"

"Shush! He isn't supposed to know about that until it happens!" Grey called out before lifting his right paw off of their living mat's face. The dazed, slack-jawed expression, a small smile on his face, told him that he didn't understand a word that was just said.

His paw thumped back down and he nodded. "We can start really trampling now." And they all began lifting their paws in unison before stepping in place, left then right. As time stretched on though, they would lose their sync, starting to pound Ben's body with uneven and sporadic whaps.

His groin tightened up and his cock swelled for a moment as Leo's left foot lifted off of it. He was about to burst, and the instant that foot landed again, he came with a desperate shout, his chest heaving and legs trying to kick. But Grey's thick sole smothered that shout and Gomon's meaty stompers pinned him in place as Leo's foot twisted and turned on his groin, milking that climax for all it was worth. The mess it made was quite large, but still small compared to what they squashed out of him this morning.

"Alright Gomon, you can shrink him down now." Grey said while picking up a nearby towel.

"Heh-heh sure thing!" A whirring followed by a sudden ZAP sounded out. A yellow glow filled the room as Ben was hit by a similarly colored ray. In seconds, their human roommate dwindled in size, going from his usual five foot eleven to a comparatively tiny one foot tall.

Any one of their paws could completely cover him now, and all three of their eyes went wide, the urge to stomp him silly rising up in all three of the dominating digimon.

"F-Form a line guys!" Grey called out, the first of them to come to his senses and shuffle over to the feet of the shrunken Ben.

The human's head was spinning and his groin was aching. He tried to sit up, but a towel-covered hand pinned him back in place and wiped him down, cleaning up the load he sprayed right before being shrunk. He glanced up to where that hand went, following it to his enormous friend. He gawked and gaped, his eyes going wide and his cock stiffening instantly as a mighty paw rose above.

The campfire highlighted every wrinkle along his sole, letting his eyes trace the texture of each toe, and his cock long to be buried in the wonderfully thick flesh all along that paw. He got his desire the next second as Grey WHUMPED onto him.

Everything ached for a moment, followed by a full body bliss as he once again went completely limp. He didn't know it yet, but his cock was already leaking again, leaving a tiny splotch of warmth on Grey's paw as it stepped off of him.

There was no time to recover though as Leo's foot found its mark, mashing his whole body effortlessly, compressing the tiny human underfoot and claiming its own dollop of cum as he stepped off.

Gomon THUMPED onto him next, leaving him groaning as the leaking from his loins grew. He wasn't even sure if he was cumming again as the gun-bunny's hefty stomper peeled off of him.

Grey's paw came again then, and a strange feeling overtook his whole body. It was as if all of him was experiencing a climax, he shook and shuddered, practically vibrating under the Blackwargreymon's smothering sole. His cock squirted out a strong rope of cum the instant that paw lifted.

Leo's cum-claiming foot landed then, catching his cock in the middle of a splurt! Gomon's groin-gobbler got a glop next. WHUMPH-MMMPH! THWAP-SPLAT! SQUASH-GUSH!

Ben would be juiced mercilessly, his body flattening out bit by bit under their plump paws. By the time they were done, he was a sticker stuck to Grey's paw, his chest rising and falling slowly as he was practically knocked out by all the pleasuring plaps they subjected him to.

"He'll grow back to normal right?" Leo asked.

"Probably, yeah." Gomon replied.

"We'll make sure he's fine, even if he stays this small. Now help me find a sock to tuck him in with so we can head to bed."