Tiger alone Time Prolouge

Story by GRYPHandMAHI on SoFurry

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Mahigan was laying in his bed reading his favorite porn magazine. He was flipping the pages scanning for a good page to paw off to. He stopped at a page with a Buff Male Gryphon named Seth. "damn your fucking hot!" he thought to him self and started to paw. He held the page in one hand and slowly pawed with the other. "Mmmmm your gonna make me cum hard." he said aloud. He kept staring at the magazine murring. He started to stroke faster and harder "Oh thats real nice." he squirted a bit of pre and continued to paw. He moaned softly wishing the Gryphon were here with him. Incresing speed his cock throbbed constantly. "Oh god im gonna cum!" A magnificent roar arose as Mahigan sprayed his hot load all over and started panting as he finished "Oh....God seth..... i wish you were here....." he slowly drift off into sleep holding the magazine close to his heart.......

To be Continued