Nisha and the magic diaper suit 2 [COMMISSION]

Story by Eusku on SoFurry

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I'm taking commissions! You can order a story of this length for 37$. More info on my page!

Nisha was awakened from her sleep by loud banging noises on her cage. She drowsily opened her eyes and looked outside to see the demon looking inside with his usual evil grin. "Good morning kitten! Come on now, don't sleep for so long, I'm bored! Entertain me!" He said in an obnoxious voice.

"H-how long have I been in here?" The cat girl asked in a weak tone, looking around to see if anything had changed while she was asleep. She must have wet herself while she was sleeping, because her air was heavy and warm again, with the familiar sour smell.

"Twelve hours to be exact, so you're halfway there! Isn't it exciting?" He replied enthusiastically.

"Mmh... can I have a change of diapers? I think I've pissed into this one..." Nisha said quietly, embarrassed by her accident but knowing the only way she was going to get a change was if she convinced her captor.

"A change? No way! While you're in the punishment cage there's no food, no water and absolutely no change of diapers! This isn't some kind of luxury hotel!" He said angrily.

Nisha sighed, another fart leaving her butt, which bubbled up from the pool off piss her ass was covered by, up to her breathing tube. She was kind of getting used to the smell now, but the fact that it was getting mixed up with the warm piss didn't help her case one bit. She learned not to argue, but still kept looking at her captor with her best pleading eyes, in hopes that he would have mercy on her.

"Actually, I know what I could do to help you out... it's been a while since we've done one of these, hasn't it?" He snapped his fingers and Nisha could feel a familiar curse take over her. She unwillingly took a huge whiff of her farty air and could feel her tiny cock starting to grow in it's cage.

"N-no! *Huff* please! *Huff huff* I don't want to get horny!" She begged through her hungry whiffs of her diaper gasses, the cage becoming uncomfortable again as she stained it with her precum mixed with piss.

"I think it'll be a nice little distraction from your uncomfortable position, will it not?" The owner said sarcastically, getting hard and horny from his pet's struggles.

"No it will not... oh gosh at least please, please let me cum!" She begged as she tried to hump her suit, but the cage was too small to allow for that kind of movement. She had been cramped in the same position for over half a day, and she absolutely couldn't change it despite her efforts. All she could do was ever so slightly rub her caged cock against the wall of her suit, which provided just enough stimulation to keep her hard.

She tried to stop, but the arousal spell was way too strong, she simply couldny rest until she came. She forced more and more farts out of her hole, struggling to keep up with her heavy breathing which made her more and more horny from the putrid smells.

"That's a better girl now! I might let you cum when your remaining time is up, but until then you can reflect on your actions, kitten! Remember the language you're supposed to use when you're with me!" The demon said as he sat down in front of the cage and watched Nisha's struggle.

"Are you really just gonna sit there and watch for the remaining twelve hours??" Nisha moaned in frustration, the demon nodding with a smile. "During my time locked here, I've learned to be patient. I mean, when you're forced to be a guard for a dungeon because your soul is locked into a gem and controlled by a dirty rich asshole who probably died a couple of hundreds of years ago, you kind of get used to boredom, you know! Oops, over sharing? Well at least you know my epic backstory now!"

"You're forced to be here by a curse? Doesn't it break once the person who owns the gem dies?" Nisha slowed down with the humping to listen to his story.

"Well, once the owner of the gem dies, anyone is free to take it and become the new owner, except for the one who's cursed, of course... that's why I'm still here, I would have taken that stupid gem by now! Why do you ask though, are you planning something?" He asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.

"N-no, nothing like that! Just you know, it kind of gets boring in here and I want to listen to stories..." she tried to explain herself.

"Boring huh? Didn't you suffer just a while ago? That's no problem, I can make it less boring for you~" he giggled and put another curse on her.

Although Nisha couldn't tell any difference at first, a sudden jolt to her crotch quickly made her realize what was going on. She moaned out in pain, shaking her head with frustration.

"That's right, you know what it is already! And the good part is that it's completely random, you'll never know when the next shock comes. Isn't it so exciting, kitten?" The demon snickered, watching the fear and anticipation for the next shock building in his pet's eyes.

"mmh! Please, no! I don't like this..." the cat girl tried to beg, but her captor looked completely unphased by her efforts.

"I don't like a few things either~" he replied sarcastically, keeping on watching as another shock snapped on the pet's crotch.

Hours and hours had passed, but Nisha didn't get a single minute of sleep or rest because of the constant pressure her cock cage was keeping her under. The suffering only finally came to a rest when the demon pretended to look at a watch on his wrist- while he didn't actually need a device like that since he could keep track of time on his own.

"Oh wowsies, how much time has passed! Looks like I'm gonna have to take you out of there, huh?" He giggled as Nisha shighed up in relief. The demon walked to the cage door and unlocked the lock with his key, then opened the door wide. "You can come out now! Come on, don't keep me waiting!"

The cat girl would have loved to jump out instantly, but being cramped into the same one position really did it's toll on her muscles. She literally felt like she couldn't move an inch, weakly reaching her puffy arm out of the cage.

"Mmng... can you help me? Please?" She asked her owner, who rolled his eyes and reached in with his hand, grabbing Nisha's artificial paw.

"You lazy little kitten... don't expect me to pull you around everywhere!" He said as he pulled her out, taking much more force than he expected. He had to lean against the cage and pull with his entire body until the inflated cat girl managed to pop out of her tight cage.

Nisha was still aroused by the smell, but the feeling of finally being able to stretch her arms and legs after an entire day of being locked up was comparable to the feeling of an orgasm itself. But of course, her arousement hadn't gone away, shortly after getting her strength back, she started humping the floor.

"Will you let me cum now? Hnnngg..." she begged in a lustful voice, looking at her captor with big kitten eyes.

"I absolutely shan't!" Replied the demon in a raised tone. "Not until I've had my fun! You know, watching you struggling about in that cage for half a day really got me in the mood of doing some nasty stuff to ya~" he teased as he started jerking his already erect cock.

"Please! You can do whatever you wish to me just please let me cum!" She begged, almost on the verge of crying. Her cock was the hardest it's ever been, hurting for maintaining an erection for an entire twelve hours.

"Hmm, fine~ but only after I'm done enjoying you!" He offered, to which the pet eagerly nodded.

"Go ahead! I'm all yours, Master!" She said in a seductive tone.

She didn't need to say any more to the demon. He got up close to his pet and laid her on her back, first starting to rub her belly with his hand. "Mhhm, still nice and slippery, huh? You think your belly would feel good for my cock~?" He teased.

"Yes, yes! Please use it, Master!" Nisha said in a desperate tone, and even though she wasn't too keen on having sex with her owner, she wanted the orgasm and this proved to be her only way to get it.

The demon knelt down on the ground in front of his pet, starting to gently rub her penis on Nisha's crotch. It felt warm from all the piss and precum collecting inside, and soft from the farts that blew it up to be round and puffy. His cock slid effortlessly on the surface of the rubber diaper, pushing into it slightly with each thrust.

This of course only made Nisha even hornier, as she could feel the demon's cock through the diaper from time to time, touching against hers in a very stimulating way, although most of the contact was covered by the hard cage.

"Mmh, that cock cage is a bit distracting in there, ruins the soft experience a bit, don't you think?" He complained between two thrusts.

"Well... you can take it off!" Nisha tried getting rid of her cage, but was promptly laughed at by her captor.

"I definitely could, yeah~" he replied, giggling and thrusting ever faster.

They both moaned quietly as they picked up an even faster pace, the thin latex layer brushing between both of their penises, making loud squeaking sounds each time it was pushed into.

"mmHg, master! Please let me cum now! I know you're close too! Oh my god I'm really about to cum, please, please pleasee..." the cat girl's voice got high and weak, squinting her eyes to try to hold back her orgasm until she was allowed.

"Me, close? After just a few mere minutes? Are you trying to mock me here?" Her captor replied in an angry, offended tone.

"N-nonono! I wasn't even trying to suggest that!" Nisha tried to explain herself, but was quickly cut off.

"Not one more word! I'll give you some time to think about what just came out of your mouth~" he stopped with the thrusting for a little while, and upon him snapping his fingers, Nisha could feel the pain in her cock ease a little bit.

Her cock had gotten completely soft, flailing around in the cock cage that felt like it was going to squeeze it to death just a few seconds ago. However her sex drive didn't go away with her erection, in fact it got even worse now that she couldn't rub it anymore.

"N-no! You can't do this to me! I was so close!" Nisha cried out, desperately trying to get hard again to ease herself.

"Oh yes I can! You don't think you can just tell me what I can and can't do? What are you even thinking you disrespectful little nugget? Now you've made me angry~" her captor raised his tone again, sounding more amused than angry in all honesty.

"And do you know what else I can do?" He asked with a smile, and Nisha instantly felt her bladder and bowels wanting to explode from being so full.

"What?? I've barely eaten anything, how can my guts be so full again?" She moaned, desperately trying to hold back her defecation.

"Who says it needs to be yours? As for myself, I feel pretty relieved actually~" the demon giggled, which Nisha didn't know if she had to take seriously. She had never heard of poop transferring magic before, but what mattered were her overwhelmingly full bowels that she needed to empty soon.

"So come on now, why don't you let it out, kitten? I know you really, really need to go to the bathroom now~" The demon teased the squirming cat, who finally couldn't hold it anymore. With a loud moan, she finally released her bowels, which ejected a heavy load of liquid diarrhea with a loud parping sound. She could feel her diaper rumble about as it got filled with piles upon piles of warm shit, her cock also spewing out an unbelievable amount of piss.

The big relief from emptying her overfilling guts was suddenly followed by pain however, as her excrement wasn't the regular kind, it was actually really spicy as if she had eaten a ton of chili peppers the day before. The acidic diarrhea stung her sensitive pink asshole like never before, all while she teared up from the toxic smelling fumes that it let into her breathing tube.

As much as she was suffering from the huge load, the spell didn't let her rest for long as she started getting hard again. It was admittedly harder than before, but the constant rubbing of her suit aroused her into getting hard again. The liquid excrement mixed around in her diaper with loud glugging sounds, coating her asscheeks in spicy goo.

The additional texture given by the piss filled diaper made the demon go nuts even more, rapidly humping the cat girl's puffy crotch. It didn't take long until he finally bit down on his lips and with one final thrust, emptied his load on his pet, coating her belly, chest and even face in his thick seed.

"Mmmmrrr, good girl!" He grunted out as his cock pushed out the final strings of cum into the shiny latex crotch of his pet, smearing it around a little bit.

"T-thank you master..." Nisha said through her panting "can I cum now, please, please?" Her cock had already grown to it's full size again and was waiting to finally ejaculate. However, her captor had other plans.

"Get on all fours..." he ordered, helping the struggling cat into the position he wanted her to be. Nisha kept gently humping the inside of her diaper, and the sight of her butt going up and down excited the demon to a whole new level.

Suddenly a hole started forming in the diaper, exactly in line with the cat's asshole. The room was instantly filled with the gut-wrenching stench of her diarrhea, now that the airtight diaper didn't hold all of the fumes inside. The stink hole was soon plugged up by the demon's girthy cock though, who plowed it into her shit stained fuck hole.

Nisha cried out loud from the pain of the thick cock forcibly expanding her stinged-out asshole, a single tear escaping from her eye. The demon fucked roughly from the start, the creamy poop acting as a perfect lube for his cock which was fully erect once again, despite having came just seconds ago. Tiny farts escaped the cat girl's hole as the dick plowed deeper and deeper into it, filling the room with more of her unbearable stink.

All of a sudden, Nisha could feel a warm liquid entering her hole again. Did the demon really just cum so fast? But it didn't stop coming, it was much bigger than a cumshot and not as thick either. It took her a while to realize what was really going on.

"A-are you pissing inside me?" She asked in a horrified voice as the warm piss filled her guts, giving her a heavy, bloated feeling inside. She was absolutely disgusted, but she couldn't do anything about it.

"Hell yeah I am! Hehe, your hole is quite the comfortable pissing compartment~" the demon teased her around, pushing out the last load of piss, then pulling out. As his penis exited her hole he shook it above her butt to get rid of the excess piss still left on it, and the diaper healed the hole that was created on it, growing together by magic.

"You..." Nisha moaned up in a frustrated tone, but felt it best not to finish her sentence. Instead, she steadily pushed the contents of her guts out into the diaper, filling it completely. Now that no air was left inside the diaper, it became much harder to breathe, the fumes coming up from the piss not nearly enough to satisfy her thirst for air, the tiny holes on her masks being her only support.

The lack of air and the heavy diaper filled to the brim made her feel cumbersome and tired, but she hadn't had her orgasm yet, so she had to carry on, still trying to hump the inside of her suit.

Suddenly she felt a couple of slaps from behind as the captor played with her diaper, beating it with his hands as if it was a drum and watching it wiggle. The shockwaves made her butt shake around, and the piss and shit mixed together even more inside, fumes escaping to the surface that she hadn't even smelled before.

"S-stop!" She tried to beg, but as usual, her cries fell on deaf ears. Instead, the demon picked up a vibrator from the floor and turned it on, putting it on her diaper.

The strong vibrator hummed loudly on the puffy latex surface, mixing up the concoction inside and creating waves in the diaper, much to the cat girl's dislike. But eventually the vibration of the thick waste inside her diaper reached her crotch too, giving her an immense amount of pleasure, to which she could only moan in satisfaction.

"You can cum now you useless pet... you're allowed to! Let it all out before I change my mind, not like you deserve it!" The demon said with a hint of disapproval in his voice, but Nisha couldn't care about that anymore.

Her humping sped up like never before, adding to the waves that the vibrator was giving to the inside of her diaper. With loud squeaks and moans she finally got over the edge, orgasming into her cage with a loud scream, her cock mixing the thick, white liquid into the shit and piss combo.

"Good girl! Who's my good girl~" her owner cooed as she released the contents of her balls, slumping down onto the ground in exhaustion.

"M-meeh..." she whispered out through her heavy panting, putting her head down to catch a little bit of rest.

"I'm pretty exhausted myself, go and have a little nap!" He commanded, picking the cat girl up and carrying her to the bed.

"Am I gonna get a diaper change? P-please?" Nisha begged, as with her orgasm the scat fetish curse disappeared off her and she was getting disgusted by her own smells crawling up from the toxic diaper.

"You needy little slut! I just allowed you to sleep and now you want even more? You're getting a bit too comfortable around here, aren't you?" The demon growled at her, putting her down on the bed so roughly that the diaper almost popped from the pressure. "Nighty night!" He said aggressively, then climbed up on his resting rock to take a nap himself.

The exhausted pet didn't take a lot of time to fall asleep, she peacefully snored on her little bed after the long session. However she didn't sleep for very long either. The spicy diarrhea still mixing up in her diaper started stinging her sensitive skin quite badly, and she woke up with immense pain, as if she had sat in a colony of fire ants.

"I simply can't stay here for any longer!" She thought to herself. "This pervert is never gonna fucking change my diaper... I just need to find a way to escape" she thought, sitting up as quietly as she could, which of course still meant a bunch of quiet squeaking from her puffed up suit.

Then, she suddenly remembered something. "Wait a second... the gem! I must find it!" She carefully made her way out of the cave, her legs spread apart to contain the heavy diaper between them. She went back to the room she explored at first, and pulled the book that led her to the hidden room.

"Where could that gem be... it must be near the corpse, but where is the corpse then?" She wondered out loud, but then she suddenly felt a loose floorboard under her foot. She leaned down despite her limited mobility and opened up the board, to find a narrow hole beneath, from which a skull stared up at her.

"There's no way I missed this when I first came here!" She said in awe, picking up more of the boards until she got to the skeleton's hands, which were indeed holding a tiny red gem. She reached down with her fat arm, but she couldn't grab it. That's right, the paw gloves!

She cursed to herself for a bit, but suddenly heard quick footsteps, which were getting louder and louder. She panicked and jumped down next to the skeleton, and hoping that she would gain its powers by touching it with any body part, she pressed her forehead on it.

Suddenly the gem started glowing with a lovely red hue, illuminating the dimly lit room. A sense of power and accomplishment flowed over Nisha, knowing that she was the one in change from then on. It wasn't long before the demon had arrived, but upon seeing the crystal glowing by the cat girl, he fell on his knees.

"Master!" He cried out, covering his face in fear. "You found the gem! I'm at your mercy now, you're free to do whatever you want with me. I've been the slave of this ruthless man for hundreds of years and he has kept me in this dungeon, but all I want to do is go back to hell where I truly belong... You have the power to keep me here for all eternity, or you can have mercy on my soul and send me away. Please, forgive everything I've done!"

Nisha waited for the demon to finish his monologue, then thought about it for a little while. "Hm, do I really only have these two options?" She asked.

"Well you're... free to do whatever you want..." the demon said with a bit of confusion. What else would she want to do to him?

"Great! Then I want my suit to transfer onto you, and I shall keep you as my pet, just like you did to me!" She said with a naughty smirk, and a mere second later, the suit disappeared from her.