Pan's Forest

Story by Mnementh on SoFurry

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By Nemmy


A little something for my friend, Pan, whom I've enjoyed getting to know lately =)


The buck somehow avoided his grasp again and the big dragon gave a roar of frustration. He dug his hind claws into the earth to brace himself, his frame twisting about to change direction yet again. Maybe it was just the hunger making him careless, but Nemmy could not remember the last time a simple deer evaded him so.

His hunt on this day took the red dragon into territories that were unfamiliar to him. Perhaps the game around his den was getting a little too wise to his ways, or maybe he had been over hunting, he couldn't say for sure what the cause was. And such thoughts were the least of his concern right now as he bounded after the hapless creature. Dragons aren't the best at running but his sheer size helped him close the distance rather easily, but each time his claws were within striking distance, the buck would suddenly kick off at an impossible angle and dart off again. It was unlike any agility he had ever witnessed in a deer and the exertion was starting to wear on him.

Nemmy was built like your average western dragon, gleaming red scales adorning his body with broad, light brown plates overlapping each other from his neck and all the way down under his tail. Large, white horns jutted back from his head and the entire top of his spine was covered with shorter spikes.

He tried a blast of flame to see if perhaps that would catch the deer but that, too, was effortlessly avoided. With his pride as a dragon at stake, Nemmy refused to let the chase end despite the burn of the muscles in all his legs. They had crossed into the edge of a forest after a bit more running and he was finding it terribly difficult to keep up any sort of speed with the branches and trunks of trees slamming against his flank.

Suddenly, one of his forepaws caught on a root sticking up and the dragon fell rather spectacularly to the earth, skidding fast along all the slick foliage. With a loud thud, Nemmy's slide ended with his crashing into the trunk of a rather large tree and he yowled out in pain for a split second before the wind got knocked out of his lungs, stealing his voice and turning his roar into a mere whisper.

Defeated and humiliated, Nemmy simply laid there even long after he recovered his breath. The buck, of course, was long gone and he would have to go without dinner that night. The dragon heaved himself back to his feet with a huff of effort and scanned his surroundings. Trees surrounded him on all sides, dense enough to make moving about an effort for one of his size.

With a twist of his head, he regarded the canopy of the forest with one golden eye. Well, there's no way I'm flying out here, it's way too thick with branches. Sighing, Nemmy picked a direction and started to simply walk straight. He did not remember which way he had come in from but he figured a straight line would be his best bet to get out of the forest.

A couple hours later, he began doubting his plan. The forest seemed to be endless, it was nothing like he had ever seen before. He was starting to get a little worried, such an environment was so foreign to one who preferred the terrain of mountains, being unable to fly was a terribly vulnerable feeling. The dragon glanced up at the canopy of branches again, another solution forming in his mind. Fire. Fire fixes everything, if I can just burn enough of a hole for me to fit through I could fly out of here. He didn't really want to burn down the forest but he was certainly not going to let himself be trapped in the woods all night. Resolved, Nemmy angled his neck and head upwards and took a deep breath of air.

And then just as he was about to unleash a burning fury upon the trees, a voice cried out, "What do you think you are doing?!" The yell pierced his resolve and he choked back the reaction of starting to breathe fire. A few small licks of flame still escaped but nothing like he had planned, and the effort to hold back wracked the dragons body. He stood there, coughing, eyes glancing about, trying to find out where the voice had come from.

"Unbelievable that you would even consider such a destructive act!" Suddenly the voice was up and above him off to the side, Nemmy sprang back in fear of being attacked from above but only succeeded in tripping over yet another clump of roots.

Cursing, Nemmy righted himself back to his belly and he remained laying there, glancing about, growling at whoever was scolding him, as if any creature had a right scolding a dragon. "What do I care if a few trees burn down, I've been stuck in these blasted woods for hours!"

The mysterious creature sighed vociferously and finally made itself visible, gliding down to a branch of a tree which it alighted upon. "You dragons from the mountains are all the same, all about solving your problems with destruction."

Taken aback, Nemmy stared in fascination at the creature.. no, not a creature, it was certainly a dragon as well. It regarded him with curiosity, there was no anger in the way it casually lay upon the branch, nothing threatening. Nemmy took a cursory sniff of the air and the scent that greeted him was much like the woods itself, though it clearly had some draconic and feminine traces. She was perhaps half of his size, her body a shade of green which meshed perfectly with the plants and trees of the forest. Like him, she had broader plates of scales running down her chest and belly, an off white in color, they angled inwards and, to his surprise, each one ended at a point studded with what looked like a tiny blue gem. The arms of her wings were covered with thick, brown feathers which extended partway behind until the green membranes of the underlying wings continued forth. Her tail was quite long and the entire length was covered in smooth, brown fur. Looking back at her muzzle, Nemmy was again impressed with the beauty of this dragon, her nose started off brown at the tip and then abruptly went to shades of green again, though the stretch of brown scales continued in a line up the middle of her snout and head. The bright yellow of her eyes seemed to glow beneath her scaled eye ridges while she, too, explored his body. Two short, brown horns angled back from her head and then behind them were a much larger set of brown antlers, and beneath them were the frills of her ears which extended almost as far as the antlers. Most stunning at all, however, was the gleaming blue gem which was studded within her forehead, right between the eyes. She was like no dragon Nemmy had ever come across before and, for a moment, he forgot his troubles of the day.

"So, what are you doing here?" she asked, interrupting his reverie.

With a shake of his head and neck to clear his thoughts, Nemmy replied, "Well, I was hunting and didn't keep track of where I was going. And now I'm lost, and I can't fly out of here, it is very unpleasant to feel so trapped on the earth like this."

She laughed at those final words and he couldn't keep himself from growling at the wooded dragon. "Have you considered what this place is that you are trapped in, or was it just a nuisance for you to burn through to go about your life?"

"I..." Nemmy stammered at that, not expecting to be further rebuked. "I am trying to be patient! I can't seem to find the way out, so I was just thinking I'd burn a small hole in the canopy.. I would not want to burn the whole forest.."

"For one who creates fire you do not understand it very well, huh?" Nemmy glared at her while she carried on. "Do you really think your small fire would not instantly spread to all the other trees? Just so you could get home quicker, you would destroy countless homes? And you would destroy my home?"

Nemmy looked down at his paws, shamed by her words, for he knew they were true. Though he had no qualms about hunting and killing, he would never want to destroy things for no reason, let alone something along the magnitude of a whole forest. He sighed, his tail wrapping about his side in a submissive gesture while he remained laying. "You're right, I was not thinking. I was so concerned about my own hide I did not consider anyone else. I'm really sorry, I'm not a terrible beast like that, I'm just.. scared of being lost in here." With a sigh he closed his eyes, resting his head on his forepaws. An admission of fear from a dragon was never given lightly but it was true, and he did not want her to think badly of him.

"Hey, it's alright, no harm done. I had been following for quite a while to make sure you didn't do anything stupid like that."

"You've been following me this whole time?"

"Well, it is not like you're hard to track, your red sticks out like a sore thumb in here. I was curious what one such as yourself wanted in here, I was expecting something more interesting than just a lost dragon."

Nemmy snorted at that and raised his snout to regard her in the branch again. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you then." He grinned despite himself, there was something about her demeanor that was endearing to him. And she didn't seem to think he was being an evil jerk so perhaps they might get along after all. "My name is Nemmy, by the way, might I have yours, oh mysterious guardian dragon of the trees?"

She laughed at that, the feathers of her wings rustling. "Oh I'm no guardian, but you may call me Pan, Nemmy." Pan flashed him a grin full of teeth. "And don't worry, we may have only just met but I know you're not a bad guy, if you were I'm sure you would have just burned me down along with the trees after that admonition."

"Hah! Well met then, Pan!" Nemmy rumbled pleasantly and smiled back up at her. "But uhh... could you show me the way out of the forest, then?"

"You've come quite a long way inside of it, Nemmy, the night would be fully upon us by the time we get you to slink your way through all the trees."

Nemmy pondered that for a moment, sighing. "So what would you suggest then, that I get comfortable where I am for now?"

Shaking her snout, Pan replied, "Well I can take you to a spot with a bit more room, at least, and then we can have you on your way in the morning." She stood up on the branch and then suddenly hopped to the ground before him. Nemmy gave a flutter of his wings at that and looked at her, slowly inching his muzzle closer. Pan didn't flinch and the two spent a moment exchanging sniffs. But when he was about to touch his nose with hers, she interrupted by turning tail to trot off in the opposite direction. "It's a bit of a walk, so we should get going, follow me."

"Oh, ok, coming!," he replied. Nemmy heaved himself back up to his feet and walked as quickly as he could after her. Pan was moving fast and it was hard to keep track of her with how well the dragoness blended in. The darkness was not helping him at all either, soon it became an exercise of tracking by sound and scent. His mind wandered a bit during the walk and he had thoughts that no noble beast would ever ponder. But hey, he was without a mate, and here was a lovely female befriending him and being his guide, imagining such things never hurt anyone and he nodded sagely to himself in firm belief of that.

The darkness was falling quickly upon them and still they were moving at a brisk pace until Nemmy shouldered rather roughly into yet another tree. "Rwrrrf, oww, sheesh! I'm so tired of trees!" he whined, pitifully. "Pan? Pan, I think I lost you, where'd you go?" He could barely see more than a few feet ahead of him. "Pan!" he bellowed a bit louder.

"I'm right here," she piped up, literally from right above his head. Nemmy gasped and hopped back in surprise, wondering how she could so silently sneak about like that. It did earn another laugh from Pan, he could hear her tail brushing against the leaves as it flicked about. "Don't worry yourself, Nemmy, I've known this forest for so long now, even in the dark it is just like knowing the back of one's paw."

Nemmy heard Pan jump back lightly to the ground with a soft thump. "We are almost there, how about you hold my tail gently in your jaws, and I'll go slowly for you." He felt her bushy tail brushing over his nose and he took it gingerly into his maw. "And I mean gently, you hear? Don't you dare bite down just cause you feel a tiny spider crawling along your hide." He simply mumbled around her tail and then they continued on their way, certainly looking like quite the ridiculous troupe but still able to feel secure with their draconity in the darkness.

It took another ten minutes or so before the dragons reached their destination. Pan stopped and hissed lightly when Nemmy almost trampled her by not reacting in time. "Watch where you're goin... err, nevermind... But we are here. Go ahead, I imagine you can at least stretch your wings." He did so and it felt so good to relieve the muscles which had been starting to cramp up from having to tuck his wings so firmly against his sides. He stretched his body out fully and was rumbled happily from the feel of blood flowing freely again.

"Thank you, Pan, I'm happy to at least be able to lay comfortably for the night. Where will you.. eep?" He stopped mid-sentence at the feel of her forepaws touching his snout, angling it downwards.

"Can you control how much fire you breathe?" she asked, holding his head steady now. "If so, spit out the tiniest amount you can." He did as he was told, the tiniest wisp of a flame flicking out of his maw towards the direction where he was pointed. The flame caught some dry timber in what turned out to be a pit in the ground. The sparks in the timber quickly spread to the thicker branches in the pit and eventually to the thick cuts of log as well. "Ahh... that's better, isn't it?" She smiled up at him, purring at the pleasant warmth building around the fire.

Nemmy growled pleasantly and sat back on his haunches, watching the light of flames lick against Pan's scales. The gleam of her blue gems was of particular interest to him and he couldn't help but feel a bit of hoarding envy. "Did you have this planned all along once you saw me?"

"Oh, it was just a hunch that we might end up here. I have camped here before, actually, on nights where I can't quite make it all the way back to my nest." Pan hopped up into a nearby tree and circled about, finding a comfortable nook to curl her body upon.

Nemmy looked up at her with a kind of wistful expression, his tail fidgeting behind him. "I uhh... Won't you be cold? I mean... you could sleep against me... if that's something you wouldn't mind.." He made a show of grooming his foreleg though it was more of an outlet of nervous energy.

Pan surprised him, though, when she did indeed hop back down to the ground. Without a word, she nosed her way between one of his forelegs and his chest. He laid his bulk softly down around her, keeping her snug against his body, and the two dragons drifted off to the sound of each other's purrs and the crackling of wood on the fire, warm and content.


The next morning came all too soon, as it always does, and Nemmy found himself fidgeting slowly awake. When his eyes opened he was surprised to be surrounded by trees but the events of the previous night quickly came back to him. He craned his head and looked at his chest, he didn't feel Pan anywhere nearby. "Mmm, ah well," he sighed, twisting his head forward again.

Pan was sitting there in front of him actually, and he smiled as their eyes met. "Oh, there you are, I hope I didn't roll over atop you or anything." He yawned cavernously, showing off all his pointed fangs.

The dragoness seemed a little uncomfortable and it took her a moment to find some words, which made Nemmy raise an eye ridge in curiosity. "Uhh, hey Nemmy, no it's fine, you didn't crush me. It's just, well, I know you didn't mean to but it was something else that prodded and nudged me awake.

It was then that Nemmy realized that her gaze wasn't really focused on his own, instead she was looking further down his body. Realization sinking in, he knew what had bothered her, something that most males don't even notice when they wake up in the morning. With a grunt of embarrassment, Nemmy spread out a wing and quickly covered the sight of his partially aroused morning wood. "Pan, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No.. don't worry about it, it happens, I know." She still squirmed a bit in her sitting place and Nemmy noticed that her scent took on a different aspect this morning.

With a snort of surprise when he figured what the scent must be, the dragon's eyes widened. Tentatively, he crooned to her, a soft but unmistakable query about receptiveness to mating. Pan smiled and emitted her own cheerful, chirping like response. "You sure are the most interesting dragon I've met in a while, Pan," he rumbled.

"You're not bad yourself, for a mountain dragon." They both laughed while Pan sauntered her way closer to Nemmy. He folded his wing back up against his flank, though his penis still lay outside his genital slit it had softened mostly from that initial moment of trepidation. She walked right past his muzzle and stood next to him while he remained lounging upon his flank. "So you don't mind.. right?" She asked this as one of her paws gently caressed the length of his smooth flesh.

"W... why would I mind, you are a beautiful dragon, I'm lucky one such as yourself wishes to oblige me with such feral pleasures."

Pan shifted her stance a bit so that her haunches were right in front of his snout, her tail hiked up to show off the glistening scales of her nethers. "Well you better plan on obliging me too, fair is fair," she growled, her paw continuing to move up and down the male's soft flesh.

Grinning toothily, he replied, "Rwrrr... Yes, of course Pan, I wouldn't even think not to." Nemmy lifted one of his forepaws and placed it atop Pan's rump, his snout moving closer to examine the swollen slit. He took a deep sniff mere inches from her and it was like an intoxicating wave of pheromones overtook his thoughts at that moment. It was all he could do to resist delving his tongue within her body right then and there. Instead, he teased her, played with her, just barely nuzzling his snout along the contours of her warm slit. Pan gasped at the contact, her body responding by pressing back against his head, and he held himself still, letting her grind out some pleasure as she pleased.

It didn't take much more of this before Nemmy grew to his full arousal, his firm piece of flesh throbbing with need against Pan's paws. The head of his penis was flared with a bulbous shape that tapered off to smoother flesh behind, followed by a series of ridges which adorned the base of his shaft. Pan cooed at the sight and feel of it, using one of her talons to gently trace around the various curves and bumps, the drake squirming and groaning in response. "Very nice, Nemmy, I guess for once the size of its owner does make a difference.."

Nemmy hissed softly in a mix of laughter and pleasure but any reply he made would've been muffled by her tailbase so he replied by giving a firm lick over her slit, hard enough that it actually pressed through the outer lips and right up against the sensitive flesh of her vulva without penetrating. Pan seemed to particularly like that and her body shuddered from a surge of pleasure which weakened her stance. Nemmy would not let her recover either, instead he slid his tongue back and forth lengthwise between her slit over and over again. It was difficult for Pan to do much for him in return like this so she let go of his penis for the time being, keeping all four paws firmly planted on the ground so as to not wobble over at the next flare up of pleasure.

"N.. Nemmy! That feels so good.. just like that.." Pan hissed in delight and closed her eyes. Her head tilted up towards the morning sky with little trills and growls resounding loudly from her. He was all too happy to continue, his arousal creating its own sense of urgency. Hungrily he lapped about her vulva and Pan continued to press her haunches back against the dragon's snout, angling herself in such a way that she used the firm bridge of his nose to massage at the point between the vaginal and tail slits. Her hind legs squeezed his head too, fully holding him there, not that he would ever dream of stopping now as Pan was so clearly close to climax.

He growled encouragingly, the vibrations passing throughout Pan's loins which only served to make her yowl once more in pleasure. She rocked back and forth, up and down, rubbing herself in every angle imaginable against the warm snout while his tongue remained between her slit with constant pressure no matter which way she might bounce, her wings and tail were a flurry of shimmering movements. "Almost... ohh... there... yeerrowrrr!" Pan cried out at the peak of ecstasy then, her body shaking and convulsing back against Nemmy's head. He made sure to continue to stroke her flesh while she rocked from the orgasm, her talons digging furrows into the earth.

They carried on like that for about another couple minutes until at last the climax began to fade away and Pan returned to her senses, if only momentarily. Gingerly she hopped away from Nemmy's head and she looked back at him, purring, laughing at how the front half of his muzzle shone in the light with the fresh coat of her sweet fluids. "That was, wow Nemmy.." She continued to croon, wobbling a bit on her legs, so much so that Nemmy was afraid she might topple over at any moment.

He curled his tail around to help steady her and Pan smiled warmly at the gesture, still crooning happily. "I'm always happy to extend some pleasantries in the morning... and in the afternoon or night as well.." Nemmy snickered and eyed Pan curiously. "But we're certainly not done here, are we? I've still got another means to help wake you up..." As if privy to their conversation, Nemmy's penis leaked a bit of pre-seed onto the ground.

Pan eyed his length with a purr, her bushy tail swaying about. "But how are we going to do this, you're quite a larger dragon than what I'm used to..."

"Hmmm..." Nemmy rolled fully onto his back, wings tucked up against his flank to keep from snapping, his spines tearing into the grass and dirt. "How about this? I'm certainly in no rush... take your time..."

"I have to say, I do like how you think." Pan grinned and walked around behind him first, coming up along his opposite side. As she walked by, she stretched her muzzle towards his flesh, nuzzling it from base to tip. Nemmy hissed softly at that but could not say anything more before she hopped up upon his chest.

Nemmy softly wrapped his forepaws about the dragoness, his hips angling forward to angle his penis towards her rump. It took a bit of grinding until the tip penetrated the outer lips of Pan's slit. The warmth of her nethers against him made him tense with anticipation. "Easy Nemmy..." she admonished, and with that she slowly pressed her haunches down, gasping from the initial penetration. Slowly, almost excruciatingly slowly for Nemmy, Pan lowered herself, taking more and more of his length until she rested at his ridges.

The two dragons looked at each other longingly, their growls full of lust and arousal. Nemmy moved one of his forepaws up to softly caress alongside one of Pan's cheeks when she slowly stood back up, huffing and groaning at the effort of being so stretched. Once she felt the tip of his member tugging to escape, she pressed back down, quicker and with more ease. Nemmy grinned when she followed it up by more consistent movements and he enjoyed the sight of her lovely body starting to bounce up and down upon his length.

With the pleasure starting to build, Nemmy laid his head back upon the ground and let his tongue hang out the side of his muzzle, moaning in delight. Each downward thrust Pan made caused his hips to quiver and his penis to flex within her depths. Faster and faster she went, getting to the point where it seemed like no problem at all for Pan though to Nemmy it was still so very tight.. so wonderfully tight.. His tail slapped about at the ground and he started to bounce his hips up to meet her downward thrusts, surprising both of them as some of his ridges began to push their way within as well.

Pan grabbed one of Nemmy's chest plates, tugging at it as a means to keep her balance once her rhythm increased. She rode him like a pro then, losing herself to the moment, her body feeling stretched perfectly about the thick length. And each time the ridges penetrated her they would tug at her external lips and flesh before slipping into her body. It was like no inch of her was left untouched, and they were both enjoying it very much as the time went on.

Nemmy returned both forepaws to Pan's back, gripping her beneath her wings, his claws extending by reflex as his pleasure mounted. One glance from him to her was all it took for her to understand and she somehow quickened her pace even more, making Nemmy squirm to fight back his release as long as possible. But he was so quickly overwhelmed, passing the point of no return, he growled her name and slammed his hips up to meet her rump, the dragons pounding slit to slit, the throes of pleasures overwhelming them. It did not take much more until Nemmy's growls turned into a feral roar of pleasure, his climax hitting hard as he emptied his load into the depths of Pan's body. The heat of his seed along with the throbbing and flexing of his length drove her to her second orgasm that morning and they both writhed together, howling out, showing no shame whatsoever at the unbridled passion.

Neither one wanted that moment to end but they did both let out a contented sigh of relief once it did. Even Nemmy was panting to catch his breath despite the fact that Pan had done pretty much all of the work. The dragons didn't speak for some time, letting their purrs and their growls voice just how they felt. Nemmy moved his paws back for a more proper embrace, holding Pan gently against his chest. His member had softened but was still being held within her body as if she did not want to let him go.

It was Nemmy who spoke first, finally. "Pan, that was wonderful, you have no idea how amazing that felt.."

"Oh Nemmy.. It was mutual, I assure you.." She smiled and they stretched their necks towards one another, giving a fond nuzzling followed by licks to the cheek.

"Maybe the woods aren't so bad after all, I'm torn about going back to my den all alone."

"Well I had you as a guest in my territory, perhaps you could extend the same invitation to me, I would love to see where you live."

Nemmy smiled at that, his paws moving down along Pan's smooth sides. "I would absolutely enjoy having you over some time.

"I guess you want to head back now though, right?"

Rumbling, Nemmy gave Pan another nuzzle up under her chin, and then boldly licked over her lips. "No, I'm in rush, not with such a beautiful dragon to keep me company." She smiled too at that and settled down on his belly, the two dragons laying together peacefully. "Mornings are over rated anyways, at least the waking up part is." Nemmy yawned and Pan followed suit, and then they both dozed off again for a little cat nap.