Jordan the Homophobe (Part Three)

Story by FootStomp on SoFurry

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"I don't have any pockets, so I guess it's you lucky day." Jordan says as he places half of my body in his pants. He lets go of the waist band and it slams into my body, squeezing me against the lions hard lower abdomen. I watch as Jordan opens the door in front of me then walks into my garage. Straight away the lion makes his way too the corner of my garage where all the jerry cans are stored. He walks over and picks up one in each hand, then walks back into my house.

"Hey um... Jordan, wh-what do you think your doing?" I question, trying to keep my mind from thinking the obvious answer.

"What does it look like dip shit? I'm going to burn your house to the ground, and then I'm going to leave. Your parents will think you died in the flames, like they cared about you anyway." I feel myself filling with anger, and in a fit of rage I begin slamming my elbow into the lions lower abs. I hear a chuckle and my heart drops, and I stop suddenly when Jordan places one of the jerry cans on the ground. The lions paw flies forward, and then pulls the pajamas waist band back, sending me falling into the tight confines of his underwear.

Ignoring the strong smell of my own body wash, I begin pummeling the furs thick sheath. With every hit I take the sheath hardens beneath me, and to my horror I realize that all I'm doing is turning the lion on. I stop and clench my fists to my sides, trying to keep my anger concealed from him. For the next hour all I hear is the sounds of Jordan carrying jerry can after jerry can into my house, and I find myself covering my ears, trying desperately to ignore the low glug glug glug as can after can gets dumped across my home.

I look up as the pajamas waist band is stretched open, a large furry paw stretches in and grasps my naked body. I rise into the air and realize that I'm in my room.

"You get to take one thing, what do you want?" Jordan says as he slowly swings the paw that I'm in around the room. I look around my room in dismay, tears filling my eyes. There is so many things I want to take. I look longingly at the picture I colored with my mom as a kid, the maraca I bought on my trip to Mexico, and the soccer trophies dotting my shelf. It takes me awhile, and I know that Jordan is growing impatient, so with a straggled croak I point to a small photo album on my book shelf.

"That, p-please." I stutter, trying to keep my emotions in check in front of the lion. We walk over and Jordan picks up the photo book from my shelf, opening it to the first page. The picture is torn with age, but it shows my father, my mother, and I, all standing in front of a cheap back drop. For the first time I notice a look of regret spread across Jordan's face, but in a flash it's gone.

"I wonder what your parent's would say if they knew you liked it up the ass." Jordan says as he closes the photo book. I drop my head, ashamed. Jordan stands up and climbs atop my dresser then throws his fist back and punches out the screen with little to no effort. The lion places me on the damp grass above, and I watch in dismay as the lion bends down and flicks a lighter open, holding the open flame against the clearly evident trail of gasoline circling my room. He opens his paw and the lighter falls to the ground.

In a flash Jordan is out of the window. He picks me up and then we're running, his paw blocking my view from the burning wreckage behind me. Jordan stops running when he reaches the back door too his two story house, which in comparison to mine looks like a mansion. He bends down and grabs a small golden key from a vase housing a dead, wilted plant, then lets himself into his house, closing the door quietly behind him. I resist the urge to scream at the top of my lungs in the hopes of waking his parents as Jordan walks through the kitchen and makes his way down into the basement.

Jordan enters his room and closes the door quietly behind him. He locks it then switches on the lights, revealing his all too familiar bed room. The first thing I notice is the new posters dotting the walls. I count eight, and every single one is detailing a half naked, incredibly beautiful female fur. His room layout is the same as always, in one corner there is a single bed, the sheets laying in a tangled heap on the blue carpeted floor below, and opposite of that is a fair sized flat screen TV, connected to a new Xbox system. A few feet away is a large oak desk topped with a fancy Acer laptop, a shelf hanging above that is overflowing with golden trophies.

Jordan immediately heads to the far corner of his room which is dedicated entirely to body building equipment. The lion sets me down on a thin matt then stands back up to his full height. Just before he begins to speak I put up a mental wall, I am not going too let this monster see my true emotions.

"Alright shrimp, I'm pumped." Jordan says as he wipes the sweat from his brow, empathizing his point. My eyes widen slightly as Jordan quickly dumps his pajama pants and boxers on the floor, then slowly begins walking over to his closet. I stare in awe (still amazed at how quickly the lion will strip for me) as the lion takes step after step, his tail held erect, his muscular ass bouncing only ever so slightly. I try to resist my sexual urges, but even though what I've been through today, I can't find the will to be able too. The lion is simply just too hot.

Jordan grabs a pair of white swimming shorts and pulls them over his package. He walks back to me like nothing happened, and I find my eyes drawn to the hard muscle leading from his lower abs to his crotch. The lion places his knees on the matt that I'm on, then stretches forward and grabs two metal rungs, (which are securely bolted to the floor) one in each paw. I fall backwards as Jordan stretches out and begins doing push ups.

"Count me bitch." Jordan says, the muscles in his body hardening as he lowers himself to the ground, his pecks coming only inches from my face. I find myself counting out loud, going from ten to twenty, then to thirty, then to forty. The chest above me is like a cloud, all around me little droplets of sweat are falling, and I'm quickly becoming drenched. I find myself not really caring, I'm much to turned on for that.

I lose count in my sixties, and Jordan goes on for a few minutes after that. His arms are literally shaking in exhaustion when he stops. He picks me up and quickly flips onto his back. Dropping me on his sweat covered, rock hard abs, he pulls his knee's up and lifts his head so he can see me.

"You know the drill." Jordan mutters as he pulls his body up, his abs unbelievably growing harder beneath my bare butt. The growing incline sends me tumbling, and I land just before the waist band leading into the lions shorts. He does sit up after sit up, and I find myself gently rubbing my fingertips deep within his thick fur, feeling the hard muscle beneath, hoping that the lion can not feel my tiny movements.

Jordan does over three times as many reps as he did doing push ups before getting to his feet. I roll off the lion and land on the sweat covered matt below with a thump. I stagger to my feet and watch as Jordan grabs a water bottle from his desk, cracking it open and dumping the contents down his throat in less then 15 seconds.

Jordan pads over to me and picks me off the floor. He reaches up and using his right paw grasps onto a bar bolted to the ceiling of his room. He gently places his paw over his outstretched bicep and slowly begins opening it. Realizing what is about to happen I take the bicep in a bear hug, not daring to look to the ground below. Jordan grasps the bar with his other paw, then slowly pulls himself off the ground.

"Hold on tight." Jordan says as he begins too pull his body up. I tighten my grip as the muscle beneath me slowly compacts into a hard ball. I realize then that I haven't jerked off for more then a week. Unwillingly I begin to drag my rock hard member across the lions bicep, moaning slightly as I wrap my fingers around one of the lions rope like veins. I begin humping Jordan's bicep faster and faster as he continues to do pull ups. I can't see him, my butt facing his face, but I'm almost certain he knows what I'm doing.

Jordan raises himself up again, and I feel the muscle growing and hardening beneath me. Panting, I let out a straggled moan as the pressure explodes from my shaft. I close my eyes tightly as my seed bursts forth, coating my entire lower abdomen and some of the lions bicep.

"You didn't... just do what I think you did." Jordan says as he lets go of the bar above. I scream as I lose my grip and slide off the lions arm, plummeting to the earth below. I get closer and closer, and then seconds before I'm about to splat across the carpet a large hand comes into view and catches me. I look up too the lions face, and realize once again that he is overcome with lust.

"I just saved your life twice within four hours, I think it's about time you repaid me."