Code Drop: Fan Service - An Official Heat Teaser

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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#6 of Code Drop

When her golden retriever boyfriend brings home some Road Rovers costumes, Tess decides to test them out... ; )

Code Drop Promo 6 - Fan Service

Tempe O'Kun

Erik reveals a side of his fanboy nature. Have fun!

Warning: If you've never seen Road Rovers, watch this short segment. The rest of the show is basically like this!

The whine of a power drill. The manic giggle of a golden retriever.

Tess knew this combination meant trouble.

Her sandwich untouched, her laptop forgotten, the jackal hurried out of the kitchen. She found her boyfriend seated at the center of an array of hoses and PVC pipes, various adhesives and fasteners scattered among them. "Erik? Why're you using power tools in the living room?"

He smiled up at her, wagging as he swapped in a phillips driver bit. "Because you told me to stop using the bedroom, jackal-pie." Once again, he set to securing a heavy-duty hose to the largest of the tubes.

"What are you doing?"

"Correcting a grave injustice." Erik slid a hand-grip onto the framework at the bottom of the tube, fastening it with wing nuts. "There! Could you open the window, Tessie?"

The jackal took a step toward the window before turning around, paws on her hips. "Wait. What is this thing?"

He dove under the couch, tail still wagging, and emerged only after he located a tennis ball. He prodded it down into the mouth of the tube. Something clicked into place. "Perfect." Standing, he gestured with his contraption at the window. He stifled a mad chuckle. "You're gonna love this!"

His absolute enthusiasm drew her paw to the window before her good sense could pull it back. "Tell me what it does, Erik."

The golden looked a little hurt at her tone. He held out a large paw, palm out. "Trust?"

She crossed her arms under her breasts and gave him her most serious look.

He replied with blue-eyed canine adoration.

Outmatched, she sighed from the very bottom of her soul and placed her paw against his. "Fine. Trust."

His eyes pinched shut with glee, a soft squeak emanating from his throat.

She slid open the window, watching little flecks of paint drift down three stories to the street. Soft wind caressed her fur. She looked back at the device. "This had better not be some kind of bomb."

"Bomb? Pah! That's teenage stuff." He aimed the tube out the window and angled it down.

Only then did Tess see the hose circled around the coffee table, across the room, past their bicycles to the air compressor tank beyond. The gauges read maximum. Her ears shot up in horror. Oh no! "Erik--!"

He pulled the trigger.


Tess watched in dumbstruck fascination as the tennis ball erupted from the homemade cannon, hurtling across the street and into a vacant lot in a green streak. There, it ricocheted in a blur of frenzied percussion. Wooden fence. Concrete wall. Back and forth, drumming like a heart palpation. Then it struck the chain-link fence and escaped, bounding down some back alley, never to be seen again.

People shouted in confusion in the street below. More than one looked up, as if concerned more fuzzy green UFOs would plummet down upon them.

Inside the apartment, the jackal slunk away from the window. Her ears still flicked back at the noise, Tess turned back to her golden.

He bounced on his hind paws, clutching the cannon to his chest. "Wasn't that awesome?"

She bit back an acerbic remark, jaws clacking closed. After a moment's reflection, she spoke with quiet candor. "Yeah..."

* * * * *

"Authentic reproduction, my tail!" Erik called from the next room. "I can't believe our costumes didn't come with a tennis ball launcher!"

"Given what I just saw, I can..." The jackal glanced out the window to make sure the police weren't pulling up.

He tore open a FedEx package, raising the contents in triumph. "Here, try it on!"

Made from cheap, stretchy fabric, the jumpsuit sported a number of metal-looking plastic plates. To an overactive imagination, it might look like armor. A red, stylized R stood out among the kanji lettering. "Where'd you even find these?"

"A friend of a friend ran across them on a Japanese fansite."

"With your friends, I believe it." She turned it over in her paws, wary. The plastic package probably prevents any nerdiness from seeping out. "Wait, why the hell is mine a Large?"

"Mine is too, Tessie-chan. We're big in Japan."

"Ha. Ha. There's your comedy." She opened the bag with one blunt claw. "Umm, is it supposed to come with a plastic banana?" She squeezed the synthetic fruit, which emitted a pleasing squeak.

"Sweet! Mine only came with a Frisbee. That's why I had to construct the cannon."

"Had to?" She gave him a wry look.

With a wink and a wag, he tore through the clear plastic, pulling out a shiny silver garment. After an instant of admiration, he began stripping, his clothes scattering across the living room.

Tess turned away out of polite instinct, then peeked out of covetous interest. He has such a cute butt.

"Don't just stand there, jackal-pie. Put yours on too!"

She hurried into the garment, taking care not to let the claws of her hind paws tear through the fabric. A quick toss sent her clothes sailing into the hamper in their bedroom, bra included. She turned back to see him finish changing as well.

Light shone off the metallic plastic armor as he snapped it into place. His tail popped out the opening, wagging to full fluffiness. Turning, he posed, his chest puffed out enough to hide his paunch. The faux-metal body armor accentuated every line of his frame. The logo emblazoned on his chest burned a deep red.

He took her in his arms, his voice dashing, his toothy grin gleaming. "What do you think, babe?"

"You're nuts if you think I'm going out in public in this." She shook her head, a sultry smile on her muzzle. "I look like a psychotic fangirl."

"So you won't wear it?"

"I never said that." Her arms slid around his waist.

"Huh? ...Oh! Heehee."

She laid her muzzle against the soft fluffy of his neck, kissing him under the chin.

His tail wagged under her paws. "I would not have predicted this."

She licked his cheek with unrushed tenderness. "Wanna know a secret, Erik?"

He shuddered. "What?"

She pressed her muzzle to his silky ear. "I used to watch the show too." Hell, I had the walkie-talkies with little bone-shaped microphones.

His breaths came ragged. "Really?"

"Really." She worked to make her voice saucy. "Wanna guess which character I had a crush on?"

Not waiting for a response, he pressed his lips to hers, canine lips sliding together, smoother than silk. His paws snuck under her armor for a moment, playing with the tender, bare tips of her nipples. Tess moaned. Erik growled in reply, guiding her into the bedroom with strong paws. Bodies pressed tight together, fingers in fur, tongues everywhere-- their passion echoed through the quiet apartment in a clatter of plastic armor.

Her legs bumped against the bed's edge. For an instant, she though she'd topple over, but those same powerful paws caught her. She looked up at her boyfriend, her own paws releasing their grip on his arms to trace upward. He squeezed her rump. The jackal yapped in surprise. He laughed, lowering her to the unmade bed.

Tess scooted up to the pillow, savoring how, if she rubbed her thighs together just right, a particular plate of the armor pressed against her lips in a tingling tease of things to come.

A smarmy smile on his muzzle, Erik prowled onto the bed. He crawled forward, over her waiting body, his paws tracing up her calves, her hips, her shoulders. Muzzle to muzzle once more, he gave a bold lick across her nose. "You know, deep inside every dog is a Road Rover..." Armor slid over armor, fabric across fabric, fur through fur.

"Oh...?" A giggle bubbled through her. She scritched along his throat, hoping to draw him closer, longing for him to take her. "That so?"

"Mmm, yeah. So how about we get a dog..." He slid a finger between her armored breasts, lower, lower. "...deep inside this Road Rover?"

"Heehee! I think I might like that." She knew she sounded stupid. She didn't care.

One paw smoothed the fur of her neck, petting down to her shoulder where he lifted the collar of her costume, delivering wet, warm kisses under it. His other paw continued its downward mission, lingering over one vital area in particular. His fingertips teased along the armor's edges, rubbing her mound through the thin fabric.

She lay back, enjoying the attention. "Mmmmm. Blimey, Huntie; I think you've found your mission objective."

"Copy that, Colleen." He rubbed harder. "Target is well-protected. I'm going in undercover." His paw fumbled with her belt, then unsnapped it and slipped under the fabric. Warm paw pads caressed her softest fur, slowing as they encountered her naked lips. He faltered for a moment and gave her a nervous smile.

The jackal shifted, spreading her legs for him. She smiled back in reassurance.

"Hh-hmm..." He gave a warm chuckle, his fingers pressing inside her. "Infiltrating now."


Two fingers slid into her. They curled upward, beckoning pleasure outward with constant, delicious friction. Her passage rippled, gripping at them. His fur soaked in her juices, sliding in and out with steady determination.

Her toes curled inside the costume boots. She wiggled under the weight of her golden retriever, surrendering precious control. He'd never hurt her, never ignore her needs.

He stroked into her faster, knuckles knocking against the inside of her armor. Each clatter accompanied a wet squish as his fingers dove back into her opening.

"Feels... good..."

"Hmmm..." The pair of fingers withdrew, leaving a hungry ache deep inside her. He soothed her whimpers with a nuzzle and kiss. His blue eyes shone over her, a smile tightening the fur at their corners. "I think we'd better move onto phase two."

She lay back against the pillow, paws spread against the sheets.

He sat up, his gaze and caress running down her body like rolling thunder. "Mmmm... Let's get this LZ cleared." Two golden-furred paws seized the waist of her pants. Slow, steady, powerful movements tugged them down her hips, gathering the fabric and armor in his palms as he slipped it past her legs. Her right boot came off without incident, but her left one resisted. He tugged it off with a grunt of exertion, then cast the bottom half of her uniform aside. As it clattered against the carpet, he looked her over.

Tess dipped her ears, partly out of shyness, partly out of the desire to look more collie-like. Her muzzle lowered, as did her voice as she saw the red tip of his cock peeking from his uniform's waistline. "What's the plan now, love?"

A growly chuckle, then he edged between her legs. "I think a covert insertion is in order." Hooking his thumbs in his waistband, the retriever pushed the fabric down, allowing his plump erection to bob free. He tucked it behind his gold-furred sac.

"Ohhhh." She lifted a hind paw, brushing it under his cock. "I'd say somebody's prepped for this mission."

He winced and whimpered, allowing her paw pads to caress his red, hot length. "You always did have talented feet, Colleen."

The jackal's hind paw rubbed his sheath against his stiffening member, eliciting a squeak. She smirked.

Her retriever growled over her in playful dominance, spreading her thighs with care. He crawled forward, the bedsprings creaking under his weight. With a lick to her cheek, he took hold of his member and began painting her lips with the drooling tip. It bumped against her clit in warm, haphazard motion. Each instant of contact sent shivers of pleasure through her.

Hips tilting back, she offered herself to him. "Ohhh..." She dropped her ears as low as possible, her paws lifted to a begging pose. "Come on, bury your bone in me, won't you Huntie-Wuntie? Please...?"

He penetrated her. In slow, uneven motion, his cock sunk deeper and deeper into her most private recesses, pulsing little spurts of precum all the while. All four of her paws gripped the sheets, savoring this delightful intrusion. Only when his hips pressed to hers, his sheath bunched up against her folds, did she know he'd taken her to the hilt.

With a smile again touching those blue, blue eyes, he kissed her. Tess returned the kiss, guessing it wouldn't be long before she felt his tongue. She wasn't disappointed. The lithe pink flesh danced along her lips, demanding entry. Her mouth opened, her own tongue slipping along his. She felt her every muscle relax, her mind drifting into a world of golden fur and gentle kisses.

The familiar comfort of his fingers interlacing with hers brought her back to reality. Their little signal.

Shifting under him, she broke the kiss and glanced up at him with need.

The golden responded by raising his hips, pulling out halfway before driving his stiff canine cock deep inside her. His motions felt slow at first, but before long he was thrusting into her with body-shaking vigor. The pillow under her head slid back. Her modest breasts echoed each impact, continuing to shiver just an instant afterward.

Erik panted in her ear. "Feeling --uhh!-- good?"

"Ab-abso... --huh!-- bloomin'-lutely fantastic!" She gripped his paw.

He laughed and pumped her harder.

Both panting now, she hunched up to meet his thrusts. The feel of his growing knot bulging between her lips again and again drove her wild. "Oh! Give it to me, Huntie-Wuntie! Mmmm! Yeah!"

"You like that, Colleen?" He lifted her legs, knees over his shoulders. "Huh? You like feeling the power of the pack?"

"Mmm-hh-hmmm..." The jackal clenched harder, reveling in her tight fit around his knot. "Faster..."

Mischief lifted his ears and changed his accent. "Always rushin' me!"

She snickered, delivering a playful swat with her tail. "Stay in character, dear."

"Heehee. Sorry." He panted a laugh, tucking his muzzle against her neck. His breaths got deeper, his thrusts more erratic, desperate. He was close.

Tess gritted her teeth: his knot felt like a tennis ball pounding against her opening. "Give it to me, Huntie! Show me how a real Road Rover ties!"

With a feral grunt, he shoved his canine bulge deep inside her, gripping her paw all the while. The instant her lips closed on the back of his knot, he stiffened. He was coming.

He howled over her in triumph as the first blasts of cum sprayed her vaginal walls. She clenched down around him, startled by the sudden vocalization. An instant later, she joined in, neighbors be damned. His balls jumped against her with every spurt, pumping her full of thick canine cream. The knot swelled with every heartbeat.

When he finished, his breath washed down over her, his head leaning against one of her knees. Feeling a flush of warmth under her fur, she reached up and played with his head fur. "Having fun, oh leader of the pack?"

"Yea...yeah..." His tongue lolled out, released by his words.

After a few seconds, she nipped at it with her lips.


The jackal snickered. "Just making sure you don't nod off."

Having his cock buried to the knot did nothing to diminish his heroic pose. "I'd never leave a teammate in a fix."

"There's my hero-hound."

Tan jackal legs slid to his waist, giving him room to maneuver. His paw reached down between their armored bodies, skimming through the thin fur of her mons, tracing around her stretched folds. Her heart skipped. Eager paw pads found her clit, rubbing in little circles from base to tip. The retriever rolled from side to side, as much as his buried knot allowed, causing his erection to squish through the sticky mess within her. Her juices flowed freely under his paw pads' assault, mixing with his canine seed, trying to seep out around his knot and join the amount already soaking her tail base. He rubbed faster, faster.

She called out, unable to form words. Finally, squirming, frantic, convulsing around his still-stiff member, she cried: "Huntieeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Thrashing under him, she scattered blankets and yanked free the corners of the bedspread. Her passage wrung every ounce of pleasure in the universe from his lovely cock. All the while, Erik's warm body held her steady, tied her earthward even as her mind raced through ecstasy, a heaven of stars dancing across her vision.

At some point, she found herself able to breath again. Her paws roamed up his body, trailing through the fluffy chest fur to stroke his silky ears. "I love you, Erik."

"You too, Tessie."

Her delicate jackal muzzle slipped along his, her fluttery kisses slow and soft as flower petals. Erik moaned at the attention as he rubbed his paws in circles under her armor.

Then he began to giggle.

"What is it?" She lay back, setting in for the luxurious long haul. His knot pulsed and stretched her in that special way that signaled a long sensual wait with nothing to do but cuddle.

"Thought of one more."


"Stick with me, kid--" He wiggled his hips, causing the knot to tug once more. "--and you won't have to worry about a thing again."

See? Even as a grown-up, costumes lead to treats. Happy Halloween, folks! : )

Glad to get another story up here; I've been so busy finishing a certain novel, I haven't had the time lately!

My editing teammates: SillyNeko345 & Vendetta

Road Rovers consultant: Artaith-21

You can read how Tess and Erik first met in Heat #7 from Sofawolf Press, (my very first published piece).

Please comment freely. I'd like to know what you think! :D