Exiled dragon part three

Story by Zelian on SoFurry

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Part 3

The next morning Draakie wakes up with a smile on her face as she slept quite well but now he has a need that she really needs to do something. She looks over at Karel in front of her and gently shakes his shoulder.

"Karel... Please wake up... This is urgent" Karel groans and opens his eyes. His eyes are swollen up and still half asleep. He looks at Draakie and smiles and yawns deeply.

"Hey, Draakie... Good morning. What's wrong?"

"Well... I really need to relieve myself" Draakie looks away as if she is embarrassed. Karel rubs his eyes again and yawns again.

"Oh! You probably want to piss right?" Draakie blushes lightly and tries not to look at the human.

"Don't be embarrassed! It's natural! Can you walk alright?" Karel softly strokes her head he looks into her eyes deeply and smiles. Draakie nods slowly and smiles.

"I think so. I don't feel much pain and I am much stronger today." Draakie and Karel gets up and climbs out of bed, Karel stretches out and rubs his back.

"Ah... What a great rest that was. I can see you can stand at least, that's very good to see!" Draakie nods then smiles. Both of them left the room and went outside, as Karel opens the door and Draakie took a step outside she was overwhelmed by the beauty of the forest with all the trees and birds singing, the sun shining through the tree tops, the deer grazing without a care, the lovely river flowing not too far from here. This is much more beautiful than just staring down onto the forest from my city. I felt so calm and relaxed.

"Draakie you there?" Karel snaps his fingers at her. Draakie shook out of her day dreaming.

"Yes, I'm here. I was just admiring this beautiful forest for a second." Draakie smiles and looks up to the clear blue sky. For a moment she felt sad that she would never be in the sky again. But she swallows the thought. She is one in a beautiful forest and everything seems so peaceful.

"Well that's why I moved here in the first place. *Laughs* Well! You can go behind those bushes there to do your thing. I must confront this damn water pump and make myself a nice bath." Draakie nods and goes behind the bushes to do her thing while Karel goes back into house and gets some clean clothes and some cleaning utilities for a bath. Draakie laughs at Karel as he struggles with the pump then she suddenly hears something in the bushes. She turns her head quickly but she sees noting. Must been the deer she thought.

Karel struggles to pump the water into a wooden tub he had as a bathtub. Draakie finished her business and walks toward Karel.

"Do you need help with that?" Draakie asked as she pushes him away and works like the pump as its noting.

"Damn! You are stronger then me! What did those dragons feed you?" Draakie just smiles at Karel as she pumps the bath tub full. Soon the wooden tub is fills with underground mineral water.

"Thank you Draakie." Karel looks at the tubs and then looks at her. Draakie looks back at him and then at the tub filled with water.

"You are welcome, may I go first? I'm quite dirty. I still have the smell of my city on me." Draakie asked as she's eager to get clean.

"Sure Draakie! This way I can clean your wound in this water without infecting them." Draakie smiles and gets into the tub of cold water. She shivers at the cold water. She relaxes quickly as the water calms her. She never bathed before as dragons always cleaned their scales with a wet towel. She sits up at the back of the tub as Karel unwraps the bandages around her back. Karel soaks a small rag he brought with into the water and rubs it with soap and softly cleans her back. Draakie flinches at some sharp pains.

"So Karel... How did you ever end up in such a beautiful forest?" Draakie asked as she looks back at him as he cleans her wounds.

"Well... I never fitted in with the human village not too far away from here, I always were so alone amongst other humans. They were divided into different types of classes. I was a guard posted at a market and then got demoted for not going after or reported an hungry family that sole food from the market, the family was caught and their heads were cut off. I was always looked down like I was a lower life form. After I got demoted I tried to spread the word of Ssol-Ar that everyone should be treated as equals and have the right to food but the human religion was against everything on what I was trying to say. But damn! I was driven out by an angry religious mob and fled far into this forest. I never looked back at them and always hated for being a human myself for all the wrongs that we do in this world!" Karel looks down and tightly makes his hands into a fist.

"I'm sorry... But you shouldn't hate yourself because you are a great person. But I was almost the same. In my society we are also divided into classes. I was one of the classes that were called the Kleine... That meant no matter we do we don't mean anything... Bad blood... We were divided into the slums of the city. The nobles could kill us or use us as slaves as they pleased with no consequences at all. I was one of the servants to a cruel noble family. Soon I couldn't take it anymore and protested the Ssol-Arian ways onto the streets but nobody joined me as I was dragged off to jail..." Draakie sighs and looks down. Karel finishes up cleaner her wound and puts his hand on his shoulder.

Well I'm sorry that you lost your wings by that but we both are outcasts and we got each other at least. That is something to live for. Living free in a forest, smoking great Ssol-Arian herbs with no laws or being judged." Draakie smiles and grabs his hand and drags Karel with his clothes on and everything into the tub with her. Karel was as surprised as this never happened to him before. Karel blushed a little and smiles.

"You know... You kinda do look like an Ssol-Arian lizard. Just need that extra eye. But you are way more beautiful" Draakie blushes and then suddenly leaps to Karel and kisses him deeply on the lips. This was Karle's first time. He got confused at first then started to like it and kissed back as the two soak into the tub.

But afar was watchful cat slit eyes looking from the bushes. A dragon scout that was sent to make sure Draakie didn't survive her punishment less to enjoy it. He backed off and flew back to the city.

After a while Karel took off his clothes, as they bathed each other, after they are done both of them got out. Karel grabbed the towel that was lying close and started to dry Draakie off gently starting with her back.

"Aren't you sad or something with your wings gone?" Asked Karel as he dry's off Draakie.

"I must admit that I am sad to lose them. I'm also so very angry at those who chopped them off. Ever since I've woken up I felt a part of me is missing. When I look up at the sky it makes me sad that I will never again be one with the sky again." Draakie looks down and sighs as Karel puts his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm very sorry about all that. But now at least you are out from there. Out here and free!" Draakie smiles and hugs Karel.

"Thank you Karel, you really have been good to me..." Draakie looks down and tightly hugs Karel.

"Anything for a beautiful person like you, you know nothing will happen to you out here. Now let's go inside and I will make us a tasty breakfast." Just as Karel said that, he turns around and saw two huge male dragons approaching him.

"Uh... Who are you two now?" Karel asked as he stands his ground.

"We are here for Draakie, so shut up human!" The dragon quickly hits Karel in the face with a fist. Karel falls to the ground unconscious. Draakie slowly backs down in fear.

"Why have you come? Didn't I already get my punishment?" Draakie asked in fear, the two dragon's laughs and came closer to her.

"We are here to make sure you are dead. Every exiled dragon met their death, except you. But now it's your time!" The black dragon looks to the green dragon male and laughs.

"Hey, why don't we first have fun with this chick? I haven't mated in a very long time" The green dragon said with a smile on his muzzle.

"Yeah! That's a good idea you have there!" The black dragon smiles and pushes Draakie onto the ground.

"Please no...!" Draakie screams for her life but Karel is knocked out on the ground. The Black dragon kneels down before her and spreads her legs open as the green dragon goes behind her and grabs her by the shoulders.

"I will so enjoy this! Borrack! Hold her tightly." Borrack nods as the black dragon closes in on between Draakie's legs.

"Please don't do this!" Draakie tries to struggle but with no hope as Borrack holds onto her tightly. The black dragon shuts up Draakie by a force tongue kiss onto her.

A while into the kiss the black dragon feels warm fluid dripping onto his head.

"Borrack! Quit drooling on me, you will get your chance!" The black dragon stops the kiss and looks to Borrack only to find his throat slit and gasping for air.

"Borrack... What happened to you?" The black dragon asked in fear as he feels a poke on his shoulder. He turns around only to find the human behind him that he hit in the face.

"You have to hit me harder then that you bastard!" Karel smiles as he grabs the dragon by his throat and squeezes tightly on his wind pipe. The black dragon struggles for air and tries to hit Karel.

"Zheff do it now!" Karel screams out as the dragon keeps hitting him. Zheff quickly jumps over Draakie and stabs the black dragon multiple times in his back with his dual blades. The black dragon screamed and roared in pain as the blades penetrates his flesh; he slowly stopped hitting Karel until his last breath.

Karel dropped the dragon's body onto the ground and kicked it a little to make sure he is dead.

"Thank you for coming when you did Zheff" Said Karel as he turns to Draakie.

"No problem man! When I saw a dragon flying to the mountains I knew there was trouble. So I grabbed my weapons and hid until the time was right. And of course I enjoyed a smoking stick while I waited." Said Zheff as he's laughing and then he licks his blades clean from all of the dragon blood.

"That's the Zheff I know! So Draakie are you alright? I told you noting will happen to you." Said Karel as he grabs Draakie's soft claw and helps her up, she is still in fear and don't know what to make out of everything.

"I'm... Alright I think..." Draakie gets up with Karel's help and spits out all of the black dragons saliva.

"Well we have to get out of here before more comes this way" Said Zheff as he lights up another smoking stick and sits on the dead green dragon.

"Zheff is right. We have to get out of here. Your race will send more dragons here when these two don't return." Said Karel as he softly places his hand on Draakie's shoulder.

"You're right... But where should we go?" Said Draakie as she sighs looking down onto the ground.

"There is only safe one place to go! The great city of Zhiba, here Draakie, you need this." Said Zheff as he gets up and gives the smoking stick to Draakie.

"You mean deep inside of the lands of Ssol-Aria? I always wondered how your people lives" Asked Karel as he strokes his chin.

"But how will we get there? Just from smoking this makes throat is dry but I feel great to do it." Said Draakie as she calms down and passes the smoking stick to Karel. Karel takes a deep drag from the smoking stick.

"Phew... She is right. Where do you get this by the way? But breakfast has to wait! We have to be on our way." Karel passed the smoking stick back to Zheff and hugs Draakie tightly.

"I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I hope you didn't gotten hurt." Said Karel to Draakie as she hugs him back.

"Don't worry. You two did your best. All I got was a mouth full of tongue but that's noting." Draakie smiles a bit and kindly takes the smoking stick from Zheff.

"Well we have to be on our way now man. The longer we wait the more time they will have to catch us." Said Zheff standing up.

"He's right! We have to go right now. But I have to pick up bandages for Draakie along the way." Said Karel as he goes into his house and pick up a few supplies for the way there.

The three of them soon took their way to the city of Zhiba, One of the great cities of the Ssol-Arian lizard nation. It will take them a long time to get there. There they will be free from any fear, free from all the rest of the evil ways of the other races and there they will live happily.